Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN ' LAL LE 000 Balto doh, {EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS DERE WEE RERRTW CREWE) Seeded ode ds Bled BAe 222, bh ee Ae bd Tver FPP CREW RRR Slide PETTITT IOTIYE « NO TRACE OF. STOLEN FURS Lindsay. --Cluet of Police R. H, Lawler's nivestigations into the thert Ol 144 valuable furs from the home of Mr, Jack Diyon, Durham street late New Year's ve or early New Yeur's morning, lave not netted much up to date. © EYE INJURED BY SPLINTER Lindsay.--Mr. Dan Hennessy of the ~ull River Lumber Company is in the Ross Memorial Hospital, as a re- sult of a serious accidenit which oc- curred while at work. It scems that Mr. Hennessy drove a nail against another one hidden in the wood, ! causing a splinter to fly up, striking the right eye and gashing it quite badly, BIG SCOUT EVENT Peterboro.--The first St, John's Troop Boy Scouts Father and Son Banquet, held in the Parish Hall re- cently, can be well described as an unqualified success--a ° happy out- ETeTTTeeY come of the unstinting and enthus- jastic work accomplished by the oi- ficers and the troop committee--and | a 'promising augury for the future. | WOULD ABOLISH SALARIES | Peterboro--A petition is being rais- ed by ratepayers in the city to in- duce Alderman John 1. Fitzpatr k to. second Alderman I'red Tuggey's proposed motion to set the alder manic salary by-law aside. READY FOR HYDRO Lyndhurst.--The Hydro line is about completed and it is expected that the lights will be turned on in ew days. The strects are also to be lighted soon. HAD GOOD YEAR Spencerville.--~--At the annuel meet- ing of the Spenceryille and East Ox- ford Presbyterian Churches, reports showed that this pastoral charge en- Joyed a most successful year, ending 1929 with a balance at credit of $1,- 0, POULTRY SHOW WAS GOOD Picton--The seventeenth annual Poultry Show was not as well at- tended as it should have been. It was one of the best shows ever he and the poultry res declared 1 to be one of the Ros balanced shoy in the whole province. th Rall IRS | Y 19) UDNE | Field. i from TVTTTTTYYTIOYIIY ' WELL-KNOWN MAN DIES Prescott.--Austin Mills, a well known resident of Prescott, passed away at his home, Centre street, af- ter an illness of only a few days of pheumonia; LONG SERVICE RECORD Picton--Mr. William Moore of Cherry Valley, Ont, has just entered on the forty-ninth consecutive year as Clerk of Athol township, Prince Edward County. + FORMING BUGLE BAND + Lindsay.--Efforts are now being made to organize a bugle band in { connection with the Victoria and Hal- iburton Regiment. Some 20 young men are needed to complete the band, DIED AFTER FALL Brockville.~Secized with a faiting spell' while ascending a stairway at the residence of Mrs, Francis Arm- strong, where he made his home, Mr, Wiliam J. McCready, a lirelong re- sident of Brockville, fell to the bot- tom of the stairs late Saturday af- ternoon and died almost instantly a fracture of the skull, LIBERALS ELECT OFFICERS Picton.--At an oyster supper held Milford town hall, South Marys- burg Liberals elected Eugene Hicks, President and Roy Dulmage Scere- tary. Wilfred Lane, President of the County Liberal Club and Dr. S. H. Roblin gave addresses. LINDSAY POLICE REPORT Lindsay.--Chief of Police R. H. Lawler's annual report for the Lind- say Police Department for the year 1929 shows that there were 195 offen- ces known to have been eommittyd here. There were 175 prosecutions and 164 convictions, at Would Form "Chamber Gananoque---Mayor Lott, of Gan- anoque, has summoned a public meeting in that town for the pur- pose of considering the advisability of forming a Chamber of Com- merce or Board of Trade to serve the community. Highways Becoming Filled {to Kingston--The highway fom | Belleville to IFoxboro and the sur- rounding districts, aro rapidly be- | | coming filled with snow which is} being blown around and is forming | _ | drifts. | The \ SNOW crossroads especially -bound condition, 21st Battalion Club Be rlleville--A club to be as "The 21st Battalion Club" of Belleville, was organized at a well ¢ttended meeting at the Armour- fes by ex-members of the 21st Bat- talion overseas unis are in known | Municipal Rinks Cornwall--Municipal rinks have been established at three local parks this winter are being ex- tensively used by residents of the city. The rink at Memorial Park is being used again this year and new ice surfaces have been flood- ed at Mattice Park, Arthur and Dunean streets and at Miller's There i Youthful Loveliness of SKIN and HAIR RETAINED by using Cuticura Soap regu- larly every day and Cuticura Ointment as required . Cuticura for the toilet, bath .an fresh and clear, and the hair live and glossy. Soap 25¢. Sample cach free. Address Canadian Depot: J.T. Wait Company, Limited, Montreal. ar use of shampoo. is nothing better for keeping the skin . Begin today the re; Ointment 25¢. end 50¢. Talcum 25¢. Resigns from' Board Cornwall--At a meeting of Corn- wall Publie Library Board presid- ed over by Alex Caldwell, acting president, a letter of resignation from W. Gibbens, presi.ent, was read. A resolution was 'drawn up expressing regret at Mr, Gibben's resignation. Charged With Forgery Cornwall--Frank Rombough, a farmer residing: ncar Newington, appeared in Police Court here on a charge of forging an endorsement and cashing a check for $13 at a Cornwall store, The caso was ad- journed for one week, Rombough being freed on his own' recogniz- ance, Will Be Busy Man Kingston----Marmori. is advertis- ing for a village treasurer, a clerk, a constable, a caretaker of fire equipment, a carctaker of fire pump, a caretaker of the memorial hall, a carctaker of the town hall, a sanitary inspeetor, a manager of hall and a truant officer. The man who gets the job will be busy. Seriously Injured Belleville--Mr. Samuel Moffat sufferod a very serious accident when he went up a ladder on the outside of his stable to get into his hay loft. In stepping from the ladder to the door of the loft he slipped in some way and fell to the ice below with the result he frac- tured his right leg above tk> knee. | Will Give Employment Cornwall--One form of Winter employment is that of ice-cutting which work is now to commence for the season of 1930, and with its advent will give employment to at least thirty-five to forty men, who will be on the pay-roll of. The Cornwall and People's Ice Com- pany for a month and prehaps longer. Good Horse Sold Belleville--Dr, Benson, who for- merly trained a string of harness horses in this city, rceently dispos- ed of his good pacer, Bud Grattan, P. T. Payette. of Penetangui- shene, for a reported price of $3000, part of the purchase price being the wiggler Grattan Loyal. toads Affect Markets Belleville--The majority of ven- dors upon the market were com- pelled to come to the city with horse drawn vehicles owing to a number of roads being impassable to motor vehicles. PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers ut the following orces: Eggs=VYresh extras, in cartons, 72c; fresh extras, loose, 70c; firsts, olose, 65c: seconds, pullet extras, 60c, Storage ecggs--Firsts 2c; seconds, 47c, Butter=No. 1 creamery, prints, 43¢; No, 2 prints, 4lc. Cheese--~New, large, 2lc; twins, 21 1.2; triplets, 22c: stiltons, 27c. Old, large, ec: twins, 29 1.2c; triplets and cuts, 30c¢; cid stiltons, 3lc, Poultry-- Chickens e 5 lbs. «4 to 5 Ib 31.2% 4 3 to 3 1.2 Bon 3 lbs. creamery up TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat=No, 1 north em, 1-4; No. 2 do., $1.40 3-4; No. 3, $1.37; 1 $1.24 1.4; "No. 6, $1.04 1.4; feed, 98¢c (c. Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats--No, feed, 63 1.2¢; ..0 2 a@ Ametican corn=No, 2 yellow, $1.02 1.2; 3 yellow. 9 1.2¢c: No. 1 yellow, 97 1.2¢; (United States funds), all rail delivered To- ronto freight. Millfeed, delivered Motreal freight, included --Bran, per ton, 35 25; shorts, per ton, $37.25; middlings, $44.25, Ontarol grain=Wheat, $1.20 to $1.25; oats 53 to 55c* barley, 70c; rye, 90 to ©5¢c; buck: wheat, & to 8c, r-1 FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in ef- fect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Produc o-- Eggs, extras, 0% Do., firsts , Q75 Violet Sunshine Health Lamp. Health and Sunshine IN YOUR HOME With a BRANSUN Health Lamp - Sunshine is nature's great healer and health-giver. soothing rays are brought to your home with the BranSun Ultra Thousands of people are now in- stalling them to keep the whole family in summer health the year To-day and All This Week, from Jan. 27th to February 1st. Special And the same Do,, storage extras Gr8t8 vavene x Brussels Soropite, Onions, dry, 11 he ket 0., 6-qt. basket Cabbage ...» Cauliflower... Endive, dozen Spinach, peck . Mushrooms, per pound Leat lettuce, three for Head lettuce 2 for .. Potatoes, bag ... . Cucumbers, cacn ... Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for Celery, + as Uranges, per doz Salsify, two bunches urapefruit, each ... Lemons, per dozen ISananas, per dozen , Apples, 6-qt. basket Green beans, 6 qt; Cranberries, qt. . furnips, bus, . Turnips, bag Apples, bus, .... .e . Leeks, 6-qt. basket souvenirs PARAGUAY CHARGE DENIED BY BOLIVIA South' American Country Declares Its Stand for Peace &s3 cco co oo tieg On Cm co~oocCOe~O azsuneErgasnsys Geneva, Jan. 28.--Sir Eric Drum- mond, secretary-general of the Lea- gue of Nations has received a tele gram from the Bolivian foreign min- ister again denying the Paraguayan government's version of the recent happenings in the Gran Chaco, on the frontier between the two.coun- tries. The Bolivian message said the gov- crnment was glad of the opportunity to affirm that the peace of South America will never be disturbed by the fault of Bolivia. The message was communicated to the members of the League council, A copy was also sub- mitted to the Paraguayan govern- ment, Paraguayan government have announced that Bolivian troops had attacked a Paraguayan detachment, and that one Paraguayan had been killed. The clash resulted from a fron- tier dispute in the Chaco Boreal re- gion, The Girl Sealded When a small coal stove upset in a fish and chip restaurant at 238 Christie street at 5.30 Sunday evening, a kettle of boiling water was spilled over Hazel Insley, aged 16, the daugh- ter of the proprietor, severely scalding the left side of her body. Roads Blocked Brampton.-- Residents town and surrounding districts were unable to venture far from their homes on Saturday, a steady snowfall and a strong wind caus- ing the county and concession roads to become almost impassable, Toronto of this To Educate Illiterates Washington.--An active pro- gram will be inaugurated within the next two weeks to reduce the number of people in the United States who cannot read or write before the census takers come in the spring. Medal Stockholm, Sweden. -- ish geographical society has pre- sented Its medal! to General Um- berto Nobile, Italian commander of the disastrous Italian polar expedi- tion of two years ago. WISHES EVERYONE For Nobile The Swed "Although I'd heard some wonder- ful reports about this new Sargon medicine, I'll have to admit that | was surprised at just how much it did do for me, Only a few minutes a day will keep you in _ radiant health the year round. Results of the PBransun treatments are astonishing. They clear ap colds, fmprove the blood condition and aid J in the prevention of many disorders. Demonstration All this week the BranSun will be on display. You will be sur- prised when you see how easily it operates and what marvellous ef- fects its radiant beams will have on your bodily vigor. IF you cannot conveniently call, phone for a demonstration in your home. BOWRA ELECTRIC (0. 70 Simcoe Street North J. A. POGSON "I'd gotten in such a rundown con- dition I could hardly muster up en- ough strength to get myself out of bed mornings and always felt fag- ged out before the day was half over, The trouble was I had indigestion So much, my food wouldn't do me any good--just soured on my stomach and caused gas and heart palpitation-- and constipation helped pull me down too. "Sargon made a new man out of me! I've got the strength and en- durance to get through the day's work now and never have the slight- cst trouble with indigestion, The Sargon pills, that go with the tonic, are without a doubt the best laxative I ever used and regulated me. pers fectly. My appetite is so good that I've already picked up five pounds, and I'd go out of my way to .tell others about this remarkable treat- ment."--J. A. Pogson, 190 Snowden Ave., Toronto. Sargon may be obtained in Oshawa KNEW OF SARGON: Boy Scout Activities News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contrib contributed by the scout lead- ers. Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent to the Times office not later than Tuesday morning each week, SCOUT EDITORIAL In a recent edition of the Scout Leader, the Chief Scout made some very interesting and pointed remarks on the subject of "Good Turns," He stated that somebody had ask- ed him if it was still the principle of the Scout to do a good turn every day. While there are many other sides to Scout Training, the good turn is the background of our work, and un- less the principle is in every Scout, his training counts but little, It has been suggested several times in the Leader, that Scoutmasters should not forget this important item and should mention the matter every week, It also suggests the use of a good turn box, into which each Scout drops a record of his week's good turns, when he comes to the weekly meet- ing. These records could then be read, and a few remarks regarding some of the best, made at the following meeting, without specific reference to the boy who has performed them. This principle is a very, good one and it serves to keep to the fore- front that section of the Scout train- ing which is most easily overlooked. Of course, no good Scout stops at one good turn a day, but he pledges himself to do at least one a day even if he has to go out of his way to do it. ' | Bite ed SCOUT NOTES Ushering at the Arena has provided quite a large item for the local Scouts, The funds received from this source are to be made payable to the local association, and in this way the stronger troops will be able to help the weaker troops by co-opera- tive effort. The Third Troop joined with the Fifth Troop to spend their meeting on Friday last. The 'Fifth Troop was under the di- rection of the assistant scoutmasters, R. Way and H. Hutcheson, The evening was spent in' games | mostly, as the numbers of the Troop were greatly depleted by ushering at the Arena and at the final per- formance of the Mikado, Next week a full attendance is ex- pected at the meeting. With the exception of the Sixth Troop, which meets on Monday nights, all Troops are now meeting on Friday nights, Members of the Fifth Troop sup- lied fifteen ushers on. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights for the performance of the Mikado by the General Motors Music and Dramatic Society. civia The Examination Board For the purpose of passing boys for proficiency badges has notified the local Scoutmasters that they will be prepared to arrange for proficiency badge examinations directly, They have 'been notified which badges are wanted, If you are preparing for a badge, notify your Scoutmaster so that he may arrange for your examination. . SCOUT NOTICES STH TROOP -- The Firth Troop will meet on Friday next in the Y. M.CA. Court of Honour at 7.00 p.m, Meeting for. Troop at 7.30 p.m. Running shoes oF rubbers must be worn on the gy 2ND OSHAWA TROOP--A con- siderable amount of work was done last week, due to the fact that the boys are getting a hold of the real spirit of Scouting. The Knotty contest the Owl Patrol. Scouts B. Perkins and ish are now even in poinf®, these two boys. look as if they arc going to have a competition all their own, Boys of the 2nd Troop @re to have a sleighing party on Friday night. All boys are to come prepared for was won by . McTav- ; the drive and at 7 p.m, sharp. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Jan. 25--- The regular meeting of the Home and School Club was held on Friday afternoon, January 19th at 3.30 p.m, The meeting was cpened by sing- ing God Save the King. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and signed. The treasurer's report was read and accepted. It was moved by Mrs, Sykes, seconded by Mrs. Scott that a box social be held in Feb- ruary. Mr. Arnott's class render- ed a very pleasing musical number, This was followed by a reading "The Cattle Thief" by Mr. Arnott, Then came the. important item of the programme--the presentation of the prizes to the pupils in the various classes for highest stand- ing, best writing, and regular at- tendance. After the close of the meeting refreshments were served. Miss Ethel Skinner, of Toronto, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Geo, Scott, Mrs, John Alexander visited her cousin, Mrs, Levi Tordiff at Myrtle a day last week. Mrs. Stanley Moffatt continues to be quite ill. Her friends and neighbors are much concerned about her and all hope she will TELEPHONE 262 COKE} Semet - Solvay WE ARE SOLE AGENTS also POCAHONTAS - CANNEL And All Bituminous Coal ¢ DIXON .COAL CO. FIVE DIRECT LINES improve soon. Born to Mr. and Mrs, Rouston at their home here on Thursday. Jan. 23, a girl, Best wishes, Also to 'Mr. and Mrs, McClean the gift of a son recently, Young people's league was held last Thursday. It was social ev- ening, Vice-president, Mrs, Scott, being unable to attend, Mrs. Solo- man took the chair. Games were played and lunch served, Next Friday Mrs. Knox will be in charge. A good number of members are expected so plans can be made for a St, Valentine's party. This means all over twelve years of age. We were glad to have with us for Sunday Mr. Painter, a bosom friend of our regular minister, Mr. Ferguson. He chose for his sub- ject, "The Music of Redemption." His message was much enjoyed and we hope he will accompany Mr. Ferguson and give us some music on his cornet. The superintendent of the Sunday School is very glad of the increase in attendance, There were 130 on Sunday. Everyone 1s welcome. Prizes will be given for attendance at the end of the year. 850 Fishermen Missing iLsbon, Portugal.--~Considerable anxiety is felt at Cezembra, the fishing centre opposite Lisbon, re- garding the fate of 350 fishermen who in 20 trawlers put to sea sev- eral weeks ago and have not been heard from since, "The new baby hygiene," says a physician, 'is producing a race of giant babies." Pretty soon, no doubt they'll be using tires for teething rings and flivvers for tin rattles, Labor Organ Takes Rap at Lloyd George London, Jan. 27.--~The labor organ, the Daily Herald, goes ou! of its way today to bitterly attack Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George, fo causing thé posgponment of a num- ber of government measures, in- cluding ratification of the Wash- ington working hours convention, Postponement of these is necessi- tated, the paper efPlains, by the Liberal party's obstruction to the government's coal mines bill, which has not yet passed the House of Commons. Violent Earthquake Athens.---Reports from the is- lands of Psare and Anti-Psara, in the Aegean sea, sald many houses had collapsed in a violent earth- quake, Other buildings showed big cracks. Vessel Believed Lost Tokio.-- The coastal freighter Miyo Maru and her crew of 30 men are believed to have been lost off the coast of Akjta Prefecture, The 1,450-ton ship sent out distress calls at midnight, Friday night. Rink Destroyed Fenelon Falls.--Activities at the Fenelon Falls culling club came to an abrupt end midnight Satur- day when the rink was totally de- stroyed by fire, The work of the firemen was hampered by 18-below zero weather conditions. If you desire to be known as a good conversationalist just let the Vother fellow do most of the talking. EE ---- Linen Towelling " v Towelling Extra heavy striped Tiny Towelling. Just what you have been waiting 25 P for. Yd. .. Special Saving On Brown and White Striped All | 11¢c yd. grows. ERC eR WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Wednesday SPECIALS The good word spreads and the Arcade Mid-Winter Sale People are getting their facts first hand. They are shopping around, but realize they cannot resist the temptation of the wonderful values offered in every de- partment during our Mid-Winter Sale. VYELLA FLANNEL Here you have one of the season's est Flannels for men's Pyjamas or fine Shirts in fancy striped pate terns in 83 in. width, Wednesday Special 795. . oi Specially Priced For Wednesday, elette 27 in. wide Only 11¢c yd: Striped Flan. Clearance Dress Flannel in Brown, Sand, Lilac 59 c and Grey. yd. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL One of the best values we have ever offered in Broadcloth. Pink, tity omly). Blue, Sand only. (Limited quan- Ee ANA DEL CHENE Silk and cotton mixtures of very fine tex- ture, woven from the finest yarns. Comes in ten different shades, Lilac, Pink, Sand, Powder, Green, Grey, Canary, Peach, Buff, Blue and White. from Karn's Drug Store, (adv.)

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