Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jan 1930, p. 5

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Pee ME TW las a, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1930 POOOCOOO00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000WWO0000000000000 ervices in the City Churches 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP OFFICE 3128 DOOOO00000000O000000000 "Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship io ve rie = 10 a.m.--Class Service, Organist and Choirmaster-- 11 a il | REV. DR. RUSSELL OF INDIA ~~ [flfi "ster Gosiavur Dr. Russell is a very interesting speaker -- Hear Him! i . en 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes, amie oly 845 p.m.--Song Service. Hi 11 li Prayer. "The Lord is My Shep | herd", duet by R. Terrett and N. Merrick, Sunday School 2.30 p.m. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer. "The Lord is My Shep- | herd" by the choir, All the arches Bid You a Hoarty Welcome... DOOOOOOOOO0O0000200000000000000000¢ Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches next week, excepting Saturday. To- morrow night 'he will preach on "Crossing the Red Sea" at the Gos- pel Hall, 40 Nassau street. "St. Change 8 ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C. B. dePENCIER, North Simcoe Street United Church Rev. A, M. {(rwin, the pastor, will conduct both services at North Sim- coe street United church on Sunday, The annual congregational mecting wiil be held on Luesday night, Jan. 28th. PHONE 148 : Minister -- Rev. E. Harston, LL.B, Holy Trinity Services at Holy Trinity Anglican church tomorrow will be conducted by Rev, S. C. Jarrett, the rector, Services -- 11 am. and 7 p.m. THE MINISTER WILL PREACH Sunday School -- 3.00 p.m. Song Service -- 6.45 p.m. w A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here Simcoe Stieot Unhod Good Singing -- Fine Fellowship -- Helpful Service Rev. E. Harston, the pastor, will preach at both services of Smicoe -- - ---- street United church, Sunday, Centre Street United Church Rev, S. C, Moore, of Albert street United church, will preach at the morning service of Centre street Uni- ted Chuch tomorrow, On' the even- ing the pastor will preach on "Prove and Hold," Pentecostal Assembly Rev. J. I. Ball, the rector, will be in charge of the services of Pente- costal Assembly tomorrow, am, ~-- Mersins § 7 p.m. "The Second Commandment" Does this Commandment Prohibit Art, Pictures, Architecture, etc. St. Andrew's Unite Knox Presbyterian "Reflectors" will be the subject of Services at Knox Presbyterian | the pastor, Rev. F. J. Maxwell, at church tomorrow will be in charge | the morning service of St. Ands rew's of Rev. Duncan Munroe, the pastor. | United church tomorrow. In the eve ning the pastor will preach on "Over- omers." Monday, 8 p.m. -- Union Young Peoples' Meeting in Albert Street United Church. Come Once and You Will Come Pun Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Mr. George Legge will preach at both services of the Oshawa Pente- costal Holiness church Sunday, First Baptist Church "Individual Religion" will be the subject by the pastor Rev. Aubrey Unity Truth Centre W. Small, at the morning service of St om Church OTe Conve Arto TR El Of T he King St. W. the evening the pastor Ww ne pre ach ! on "Taking Sides." United Church of Canada ly ok ol Free Methodist The regular services of the Methodist Church will be morrow with the pastor, Rey Casement, in charge, MASONIC TEMFLE Centre & Metcalf Sts. SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 8.00 P.M. 11 am, tor, will i Grace Rev. Centre You are cordially invited to hear Evangelist W. C. MOFFETT Subject -- "WORLD WAR OR WORLD PEACE --WHICH?" The London Parley in the Light of a Remarkable Prophecy Special Music by College Octette 7.30 p.m. Miss Violet Morgan, Dramatic Reader as his Sec- cussing! Gospel Hall Commandment" { W. Gillespie, D.V., will gospel service zt 8 o'clock | Lge ghidiaicisn) | Christian Testimony WILL SHOW RELATION Frem Tennis Courts. OF BIBLE PROPHESIES | TO MODERN LIFE, In connecti iw th the we rid rid don Naval Conference Erangeis A «Varsity and Dukes| "worl |Win Junior Games conunue Subjects: 11 am-- Life" 7 pm--"The Most | Important Question." | (1 'When ( Sunday School 3 p.m. tof France's players, holders of t} ) Davis Cup which is the sign of worid Monday, 8 p. m.--Young || i \ 8 , td} supremacy in tennis, visited Japan People's Joie; | recently they came into competition | Wednesday and Saturday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Praise, ! "A Successful ochet, Brugnon and others HAD NONE Here is an instance of the diffi- culty the uneducated colored man | has in saying what he means di- rectly: A man ordered eggs for break- fast in a hotel in the States, "Boss," said the colored waiter, '"'mebhe you better tak' somethin' else, I would not care to recker- mend de aigs dig mornin'."' "Why not?" asked the white man. "Aren't they fresh?" "I don't know ef they is or ef they ain't 'cause, to tell you de Christian Science First Church of Christ, Seclentist, 64 Colborne Street East x Toronto, Jan. 26.~--Teams of the | '1O.H.A. Big Four Halos group play- | 'l ed out their schedule last night at | Arena gardens, In the opening 1 | contest, Marlboros defeated Toron- '1 to Canoe club by 4 to 3 and in the | second game Varsity overcame | Parkdale C.C. by 11 to 0. Neither n game had any bearing on the group | standing and both were virtually Japane Sunday, * January 26 "TRUTH "» -- Morning Service + Albert Street United Special services will mark the first : Grace Luchs bran i. - . anniversary of the new Albert street 1 Rev. A. C. Hah Ie pa Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister, Miss P. Fletcher, Assistant United church on Sunday. Pr. | be In charge of the 11 am. SUBJECT: €¢ "» Gospel Centre the gvening service. Appropriate mu- | Cussion at the worship of the First a? Athol St. West--North Side f c 1s to be rendered by the choir, | Church of CHrist Scientist, S mnday. ssisted by Mrs. C. M. Mundy, so- = - Rev. Alort Hughes, B.A. rano sc lo ist, in the morie:g and ex- King Street United pecial rally | of the (Evening the pastor, Rev. C. KE. Cragg i will take ubjeet "The 0 McMaster Uni. |}! ond S 1andbement" dis 7 p.m. Formerly of I " 9 versity, i dom COME AND WORSHIP Japanese Christianity in thet Mc ffett will speak ! | person of Mr. Sato, recent graduate |at the Masonic Temp " Which? . . f hich J ncluded such noted rid and the fat 11 a.m. -- Special Preacher Rev. W, P. Fletcher, B.A. stars as Kumagai and Harada, as well | Civilization. He will Oshawa. id | as the visitors, the singles were w propheci ; writ Mrs. Charles Mundy will Sing J! by Mr. Sato. He will be remembered | YS 380 that ; f!as the g ate who, hvaing been 2.30 Pan, Sunday School, Hin, and Royal Oaks Bibled | converted to Christianity, returned to D.D. W. P. Fletcher, pastor of Lutherafi church tor == = wn | strect United churzh, will 'preach at Wry CALVARY BAPIIST | the morning service while the min Christian Science | ister, Rey S C. Moore, will co ing] "Truth" will be the subject for dis- 3 pm, | ay . S. Holgate, of Bowman- Rev. Dr. Russell, of Lidia, will be , bari soloist, at evening On | the speaker at the morn servi SUNDAY SCHOOL PROF. P. Ss. I of the {of King street United church. In the ol . church youn people 1etic Bible Class -- Mr. C. M. Ewing, M.A. CAMPBELL {| city will be held : { relationship to art, pictures an REV. S. C. MOORE, BA., BD,, Minister the Masonic * / i | of Kwansei Gal iin, the mission col Br of World lea FIRST ANNIVERSARY SERVICE OF NEW CHURCH { of he United Church of Can. | Mr. Moffett believes op Sermons and. Music ada. In an invitation tournament, [Hes atl Stake Involve world conditions, ah 1 their Evangelist Moffett h lds Jlasses. "40 Nassau Street | Kwansei Gakuin to make confession | Bible is the most of his faith Japised in the and was 7.00 p.m. -- The Minister will preath. Special Soloist, Mr. T. S. Holgate, ex-mayor of Bowmanville (Baritone) Mr. W. Gillespie, D.V., will i fas intercolles gate tennis to his carlier laure! champion of | courts, adding two s Violet Morg L present ne | 7.30 pan. Mi dramatic reader, wil Srvice DERIN- | workouts for the teams. The opening game between Marlboros and T.C.C, was the truff, we aint got none, astonishing reply. was the Morning Service at 11 an. Wednesday Meeting; 8 p.m. { Japan, has vividly reminded the thousand young men of Kwansei Ga- | kuin that athletic ability and high i-} | deals of life go well together, Another student from Kwansei Ga- | kuin has succeeded Mr. Sato as hoid {er of the Intercollegiate tennis title, | and, as ii honors were not "CROSSING THE RED | enough, the mission college has won . SEA" |a remarkable scries of athletic vic tories in Tokyo at the first inter- All Are Welcome | the collegiate athletic mect attended by No Collections continue Gospel Services at 8 p.m. during next week ex- cept Saturday, on the chart from Egypt to Canaan, Subject for Sunday, 7 p.m. will be -- "Dream of Pilate's W | interesting of the two and, while | there was little in the line of abil- | | lity there was plenty of action. wants te {rary al lthe players bore marks beauty | ot their recent engagements and $500 a those who were not patched up at the start of the contest were nick= ed before the game ended, Ellis [}i Pringle, defenceman for the Dukes, received a gash on his chin previ- ous to the start of the game and Fy 72 I 0] in the second sesison was struck {} | under the eye.. The latter injury required several stitches to close. McNeill, wingman for T.C.C. car- ried a stri pof tape on his upper || lip after being hit in the first per- |}! fod. more j= Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all g Christian Sclence literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subseribed for, Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m, CHRISTADELPHIAN "WHAT 1S YOUR LIFE." It is even a vapour, that appesreth CRRTE y ternal prom to obedient believers, legion 2197 James 2.22; Job 21: 5 Matthew 7-21; Paaim om. J ' us Tuesday, Jan. 28--Anniversary Supper, 5.30 to 8 p.m, Short Select program at 8 o'clock. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU J ------ Free Methodist : CHURCH in Canada (Over Arcade) 19 SIMCOE ST. N. CONDITIONAL "The girl over ther sign a contract for my chorus but she wants week." "Are you going to hire her?" "Not until she reduces thes her | Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hillcroft and Mary Sts. Rev. R. B. Patterson, M.A. incumbeut, 50% Masson St. Sunday, January 26 Com- Presbytcrian Church Simcoe . Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan .Munroe 84 Brock St. W, . hone 2554 Emperor in person. In the wrestling, with over fifty schools and colleges participating, 'they took third place. In archery--that splen- did survival of mediaeval Japan they were second. A graduate of the { school was first in fencing--another | picturesque survival, But the crown- | iig victory was, when, in the pres- ence of royalty, the soccer football | | team of the mission college won all! J 4 the championship of all Japan, The map reproduced here shows "As a result of these and other [the route the Canadian National a unrecounted victories our school 35 ship Prince Henry, just launched | gee at the Chicago Stadium. filled with cups and banners and oth- | at Liverpool, England, will take in bout is a non-title affair. er plunder," writes one of the Can-[the trip to Victoria, B.C, where adian teachers, It enters Pacific service. Sunday, January 26 2 p.m, ~Sunday School. 3 pm. -- Preaching Ser- vice. Rev. R. L. Cavemen, Pastor 8 am. -- Holy + munion. 11 am. -- Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer. | 1 Hear Rev. W, J. Walton on Thursday at 8 p.m. "The Reindeer Mission- Chicago, Jan, 24.--Jackie Fields ruler of the world's welterweights, tonight will renew his feud with the Dundee family of Baltimore, in 10-round bont with Vince Dun- The First Baptist Church King St., East REV. AUBREY W. SMALL 18 Aberdeen Street 11 a.m. "INDIVIDUAL Sunday, January 26° "Paradise a.m. Regained" | 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m. -- "Reformation" 4 -- Second Address of RELIGION ? p.m. a Series. ' Mon. 8 p.m. -- Young " Sunday School People's. | 7 pam. Pentecostal Wed 8 pm Mid- "THE STAFF OF LIFE" Holiness Church week Service. 0 B.Y.P.U. at close of Ev- 811 Celina Street - ' Mr. G. Legge in Charge 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Wor- ship. 7 p.m, -- Evening Wor- ship. Mr. George Legge will speak at both services. Tuesday--8 p.m. Prayer service, ; Wednesday, 8 pm-- Young People's Meeting. Friday, & vp.m.--Rible Study. Come and enjoy these bright Services With Us. "The Salvation Army Ensign and Mrs. A. Dixon in charge HOLY TRIN ITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets REV, S. C. JARRETT, Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. Centre St. United Church REV. W. P. FLETCHER, B.A, D.D. Sunday, January 26 11 a.ni, --Rev. S. C, Moore of Albert Street United Church. 2.30 « Sunday School. ih i 6.45 p.m, -- Song Service. : GRACE : : : 3 7.00 pm. -- "Prove and : {th astor Lutheran Church ; ay phe pastor) Peo- MASONIC BUILDING ple uniting in General Rev. A. C. Hahn Rally at Albert Street, .132 Alice Street Speaker --- Rev. Archer Wallace. Sunday, January 26 Wed. 7.30 p.m. -- Annual 9.30 a.m. Sunday School Sunday School Meeting. 10.30 a.m. Morning Wor ship. h ALL ARB CORDIALLY WELCOMB . TR TREE 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. Subject, "Music, The Handmaid of Religion" Non. Se ES RE TS Soh BRR Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG., Centre St. Rev. J. T. Ball Sunday, January 26 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Moring Wor- ship. ~~Evening. Worship Fey United Church | 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Rev. A. MANSELL B.A, B.D, 39 Greta St, 11 am. and 7 pam, The Pastor will Preach IRWIN, I | i Pastor fl | "Phone 3263W I I 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Following the installation of the organ special musical Sunday School -- 2 rendering will feature the morning and evening service and 3 p.m, p.m. 3.15 p.m.--Special Programs by children of Sunday y ool. 7 p.m.--*Vital Things" Bring the children in the evening. They will be well cared for in the Primary and you can enjoy the service, Sunday Schoo'--10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday, 7.30 p.m.--Y.P. Annual at Holy Trinity Church. = An organ recital will be given. Mon, 8 p.m, -- League pros ' | gram in charge of visiting department. 7pm twenty minutes before the 11 and 7 o'clock Services. Sir Robert A. Falconer, K.O.M. G., D, Litt., LL.D., D.D.S.,, D.C.L. O., president of the University of Toronto, whose report for 1929, Just i d, is the last annual. re- port he will issue of the university of which he has been president for 205 years.~Photo by Leatherdale Studios. Anthems will be sung at morning and evening services. Good Singing Theerector &" preach at both services. The Message for You. Annual Meeting--Tuesday, January 28th, 8,15 p.m.

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