Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jan 1930, p. 12

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TRAE. § 8 . 5 5 . 5 # = 3 8 - " > a # . - ~ " * a » 2 Ho & # # * wl THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1930 a mn Port Er che was struck along the Pr Morrish on F! was taken £0. pial, suff from | uries as : Mrs, Bebgo- er : 2h Hmong Pons ght in a approach car thou with ini ci 'coming. He zig- zagged his course but: Struck Mrs. Bebee. hy ---- COMPLETED SEASON hig iid lors of Quality 'al Je} - cluded its 's run on Jan- uary 4th' 'aifer'setoral months of activity. DEDICATED. ORGAN Trenton.--The service' at Grace Church om Sunday morning last, was well attended when the new pipe orgdn was dedicated by Rev. J. U. Robins, President of the Conference, . ASTHMA TT You will bless RAZ MAH Neo Datial what you've tried, don't despair, ro Mr. James Fatest, New Hamburg t., writes: "I much affected with' Asthma for a end Sour rll Phy a (4 | yacHNs = 'SOLD » AIM ui 'W, B.' Agnew. rer ports that in the neighborhood of 260 auto' licenses*have heen sold already 'and that they are still na going out at the rate of 20 or 30 a day. NEW PUMPER PURCHASED | ~ Lindedy.--Lindsay's 'new. motor fire pumper, will probably be here next. Monday and will be here by Tuesday, the 29th, at the latest, Fire. Chief H. McCullum sald yes- terday, BAPTIST CHURCH PROGRESSES Athens.--The annual business meeting of the Athens church was on Wednesday last. The various reports gave evidence of hard work and progress. Balances on the year's work were reported in ali the treasuries. LEG BADLY SPRAINED Brockville.--Thomas F. Lynch, wéll known travelling inspector for a brewing company, is confined to his home, 81 Bartholomew street, with a severe sprain of the left leg, sustained Monday evening when he slipped and fell on some ice, MOTORCAR STOLEN Brockville--On Saturday even- ing between nine and 11 o'clock a Willys-Knight sedan, 1927 model, owned' by Ira Mallory, was stolen rom in front of Beacock & Com- pany's showroom, King street west. WAS UNABLE TO APPEAR IN COURT Bellevillle.--John Way, who was wounded in the leg by Railway Constable George Foster, when he refused to stop, when ordered by a police officer, and who is lying in the Belleville General Hospital was unable to appear in court tu answer a charge of theft today. when his name was called. WENT INTO DITCH Brockville.--A Graham-Palge car, driven by Elmer Giroux, 69 Garden street, went into the ditch east of Maitland yesterday morn- ing, damaging the car consider ably and injuring the driver sight | 32 : ly, HURT PLAYING HOCKEY Brockville.--George Law, Wall street, was injured on Saturday afternoon in playing hockey at the arena with a group of Collegiate Institute students. In colliding with another playér, he was knocked unconscious and was removed to his home, where he is under the care of Dr, W. J, Gibson. APPLY FOR NATURALIZATION Kingston.--Application for nat- uralization has been made at the court house by Benjamin Palmer, a native of Russia, who has been residing in Canada for the past twenty-seven years, DRAWING HAY Kingston.--The cold weather has made the ice in the harbor quite strong, and on Monday morn- ing teams from Wolfe Island were drawing loads of hay to Kingston. | AUTO STOLEN Kingston.--An auto belonging to Dr. C. C. Nash was gtolen from in front of Queen Street Church on Sunday, but was recovered early on Monday morning on Maitland street, by "joy riders', SQUIRRELS BAD ACTORS Kingston.--Commenting in re- gard to rabbits becoming' throughout the county, a farmer, now resident stated that squirrels were also a pest, retired in the city, where it had Been ar a pest | PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers g produce to retail, a niers at the prices: Eggs~ Fresh extras, in cartons, 72e3 fresh logse, 70¢; firsts, olose, Ges lle eitras, Oc, Storage eggs 2c; seconds, 47c. Buitter--No. 1 creamery, prints, 43¢. No, 2 creamery. prints, 4le, .Cheese--New, large, 2ic; twi 21 2c; triplets, 22; stiltons, 27e. OM, We twins, 1-2c; triplets and cuts, old stil 5, lc, to" Dou; 3.108 odeinsssanes TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain _ dealers 'on. the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat-- 9 } north. ern, §1.43:1-4; No, 2 do., $1.40 3 $1.37; No. 5, $1.24 1.4; No, 6, $04 1-4; feed, 98¢ (cif Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, 63 1.2¢c; ..0. 2, 62 1.2. American corn~No, 2 yellow, $1.02 3 No, 3 yéllow, 9 1.2¢; No. 1 yellow, 97 1.2¢; (United States funds), all rail celivered To. ronto frei; Millfeed, A livered Motreal freight, bags included Bran, per ton, $35.25; shorts, per ton, $37.25; middlings, $44.25, Ontaroi grain--Wheat, SL. 53 to 55¢+ barley, 70c; rye, 90 to £5 wheat, 8 to 85¢, FARMERS' MARKET | The following ate quotations, retail, | fect on the St. Lawrence market, _Produce---~ 4 . extras, sv brst 0., puliet ext . storage hrsts in af. Toronto: per ., do, . 'crear ery, per. its and Veget \! es, 6 qt \SURA IN FORCE (ARECORD GROWTH) New Insurance Issued The largest Forging Sq volume of business in the Company's history. ' Insurance in Force A gain of $55,285,554. Total - Assets Include no speculative securities. Rate of Interest earned on Invested Assets 6.45%. Reserves for Policy Liabilities greater by $2,980,624 than required by Surplus---After meeting all Government requirements and providing in addition for all profits due $110,387,372 $407,327,631 \ $57,808,154 Dominion Insurance Act. General includ 721 shoulders io Mushrooms, cer pound Leaf lettuce. three for Head lettuce 2 Potatoes, Cucumbers, e: Parsley, per bunch Cress, tires for .. Oran es, fr dozen Salsily, two bunches Grapefruit, each vesase. Lemons, , per Bananas, per Apples, bus, Leeks, Pots basket +. DATE OF DRAWING ROOM ANNOUNCED Brilliant Vice-Regal Func- tion at Ottawa On February 21 CMCC 000000 ROOO=000 ECs uSYIZNRNES Ottawa, Jan. 21.--(CP)~The most brilliant function of Ottawa's social season, the drawing room of the Governor General and Viscountess Willingdon, will be held in the ate Chamber beginning at nine o'clock Friday evening, Feb. 21, the lay after the opening of Parliament. The drawing room brings together prominent Canadians, their wives and daughters, particularly #chutantc daughters. from all parts minton, Man Sen- nada 5 | also attend, The day issued vester ffice of the Governor the : announcement from the "Dress. { The wearing « {and trai Excellencies should be worn the wrounc not exceed tw ! extend more than § from the heel of the white tulle veil atta ers should not be than 45 inches, "Dress for gentlemen: cning dress. "In the case of ladies intending to be presented for the first time it is requested that application be made in writing to the aide-de-camp wait- ing at Government House, Ottawa, before the 12th February, after which no further applications can be enter- tained," MYSTERY AUTO IS INTERESTING Montreal, Jan, 21.~Shrouded in an atmosphere of secrecy, a mystery car threaded its way through the streets of Montreal in the small hours of yesterday morning. Inquiry revealed that it was destined for the Motor Show which opens today. It is said to represent what might hap- pen if motor enthusiasts demanded a conservative space of at least 100 miles 'per hour, and speed became the sole objective of designers. Although little has been revealed concerning the actual construction of the "silver Flash," as this car is known, newspapermen who were pri- vileged to pre-view a film made of the projectile-like car's initial tests on the General Motors Proving Grounds are of the unanir nous opin- ion that show visitors are in for a rarc thrill the "Silver make its longer Full or ev- The movie, together with Flash" "in person, will public debut yesterday in the. Do- | Show. from outsid nada | | the pre- -|Ing { flashed on the scre | cess sie nt, | Flas ied to the feath-1 the General Motors Exhibit at the Accordi to those who witnessed v, scene after scene show- the speed marvels cyclonic runs n in rapic ic ute the ! burning One "was rey vi the straightaway special lometer registering appre | les a minut In the nex gic pin, turns speedil 1 I niagic tant, ; straig under 1} «| of the ace i being tested at hand cars hi t th u t the same me were passe t as if they were standing still. | with flight. General Motors HARD WOOD Bone Dry and Stove Length DIXON COAL CO. Tele. 262 Five Direct Lines BUY Truck and Wagon Loads a changing hues of 4 sun twin} kli ng stass. ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD . Enoch o did | And it{ Upon a | [ H. h | Such 1s thes rhythm the s Pe wi kv te 1 with God hill, which y call one © wement, 1 went > years ago, n in yit" New business for 1929 breaks all former records. Remarkable progress was achieved by the London Life in 1929, the Company's 55th year of Public Service. 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE Fine quality, 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, uphol- stered in Damask. Very well constructed, the seats take out, and enables you to thoroughly Canadian homes and businesses are clean the difficult places. Reg. $139.50. now protected by more than 500,000 Special -- London Life Policies. Guaranteed ia low premiums and low net cost have = - "om em ps i contributed ia large part to the | Se REAREA Com 8s ra growth. ay oi quard & $16. 95 6-piece Breakfast Room Suite || Copy of the Fifty-fifth Annual Report mohair «-- in Blue with stone shade trim- 5 . i request. i mings, comprising : New Style wile sluig mailed on | Table, Large Buffet, and set of | | / } ; high + back Shaisy. Regular | we : 2) SH ||| $69.50. Special -- and accruing to policyholders, the accumulated Surplus amounts to over $6,225,000. $125.00 OCCASIONAL CHAIR A Vanity of clever style, one as pietased, Upholstered in Jac BED OUTFIT Simmons' Walnut finished Bed," fitted with Simmons* Link: Spring and Mattress. Reg, $24.10. Special : $18.95 6-PCE. BREAKFAST ROOM SUITE Smart Design Breakfast Room Suite finished in Ivory shade. Comprising Drop LeafVTable, Buffet and set of 4 chalrs,. Reg. $36,560: Spec. $32.75 3PCE. "FIBRE SUITE A useful Living Room suite in shaded Brown Fibre compris- ing Settee, Chair and Rocker. The auto spring seats are up- holstered in Chintz, Reg. $39.75. Spec. $35.50 OCCASION, AL TABLE Octagonal shape, with + walnut «veneered top. A new striking style, I onty --- 319.43 'Insurance Gompany "Canada' nidels Industrial Ordinary Company" at only -- iE C. HORTON, J. R. McGERRIGLE, District Representatives 5 uke Fu rniture Co. 143 King Street East, Oshawa

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