Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jan 1930, p. 10

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eg PAGE TEN / THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Be ese st gts Ss St rb cu en a INN SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1930 AGNES MACPHAILS FATHER PASSES AT OWEN SOUND -~ & # : Nas Member of Pioneer Scottish Family of That District 3 - Ottawa, Jan, 18.--An army of £?hail, father of Miss Agnes Mac- %Phail, MP. died carly today, after m illness of seven weeks, He was 3 years of age, and was for 20 years se of the best known auctioneers n South Grey. eubborn in Proton Township, Mr. MacPhail had resided all his life in hat neighborhood, coming to Ceylon illage jour years ago. He married Henrictta Campbdll," 41 vears' dgo, Both he and his wifé descended from che oldest pioneers in' the Proton district, the families coniing origin- illy from Scotland. He is survived by his widow and three daughters, Miss Agnes, who is the eldest: Mrs, W, M, Reany, of Wiarton, and Mrs. Hugh Dailey, Dundalk. a of Children's Goloshes All sizes. Special .... DOMINION 68 KING _thone 2141 CLOTHING CO ST. W We Deliver H SARGON We are. sole authorized agents 'or Sargon in OSHAWA KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office, Phone 378. Diamonds Bas:ett's * W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Vaultiess Lenses COAL COAL | Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT| Yard- 88 Bloor 'tpeetl K. | Orders Praowptly Delivered § | | We have several desirable houses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON tical Estate tnsurance Felephone 572-220 Night calls 5310-1560 G4 King St, West 273 | . C.. YOUNG | RW 4' Prince St) > OshnawasOnt.. | | eight room || | Wante 1 in exchar: louse central, ail conv ciences, in exchange (or six room brick, 1 all modern conveniences and | garage. Apply DISNEY REAL ESTATE | } Phone 15350 Opposite Post Office | DIAMONDS BURNS . JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts. WB Sb WORKERS WAIT FOR POWER DEVELOPMENT ON OTTAWA RIVER Ottawa, Jan, 200 itinerant 17.~An army of laborers, on the 'ground in advance of commence- ment of operations, {ig mobilized on the banks of the Ottawa river in mid-winter, living in improvised shacks and waiting for a chance to sign on > for big pewer develop- ments mooted in the vieihity of Fitzroy Harbor, Ont.. according to chief Charles McCarthy of Carelton county police. CLYNES RECFIVES NATIONAL COUNCIL Status of Women Marrying Foreigners Discussed With Home Secretary London, Jan. 17.--~A deputaticn from the National Council of Wom- en of Great Britain Tuesday worged upon Right Hon, J. R. Clynes, Home ~~ foreign women should not by merely | marrying British subjects automat cally acquire B. sh citizenship, The Government, the Minister re plied, must move with caution when sidering reve actice wl 4 had existed so long and which could not he abandoned without full con currence of the Dominions, Discus- sions in the Imperial Conference had disclosed considerable divergence of views and the matter,' he remarked was further complicated by the fact that the whole question would be discussed by an internatic .al confer ence at the" Hague, . A majority of states still adhere to the principle that nationality of -_--m™_ur"t an"s point of view, he dey atation, A _ bill is now JEWEL THIEVES MISS HAUL OF $500,000 New York, Jan. 18.--~Diamond thieves evidently looking for big- ger loot, bound a young woman employe in her office on Fifth Av- enue yesterday and escaped with a few hundred dollars' worth of emeralds. They missed $500,000 worth of diamonds which a jewel- 'ured dic .aodying the requ before Parliament. 8 Mr, and KEDRON CHRONICLES | Kedron, Jan, 14.--Rev, J. F. Clug ston has commenced 'a series of ser mons on thy "Life and Teachings ot Jesus," Last Sunday his subject was "The Baptism of Jesus," Next Sun lay it will be the "Temptation lesus." Mr. Mr. and mily with Mr, a man, i - and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and Irene spent Sunday at Mr, J. | BLINDED BY MISTAKE Naylor's, Solina. Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee were te cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, A Athona T. Stainton, Zion, Athens, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Werry ot tertained about thirty of their mar-a statement that "10 children have been klinded at the state clinic ried friends on Friday cvening, Pro Kaisabiane and hostess agai ng to a voung pevple's party. lgin Mountjoy Haydon We Mrs, Werry Mrs. FE spent nd Mrs, Har "| TEN CHILDREN ARE (By Canadian Precs Leased Wire) Grecce, Jan, ministry of health yesterday issued | apparently Tuesday even- | Secretary the importance of the Gov- {a wife au matically follows her hus ernment adopting the principle, that | band's, Mr. Clynes pointed 'out, It British women marrying aliens should | would be difficult to foresee all the not be deprived of their Britisli ci-| ultimate consequences. The Govern- tizenship, without consent, and that! ment, however, appreciated the woni- HOPES TO HAVE ALL THEATRES FIREPROOF er In an adjoining office had In his safe. While still bound, the young woman managed to push her way with her chair to the door and cry for help. wis. play winning gressive Lost Heir d, Ms, Harvey Crossman the La dies' prize, a box of handkerchicis,| instead of a: mild and T. Scott the gent's prize, a mot- | was denied that there to, | cases as was reported in eye the uge-of an injurious preparation | | were host | an | dnesduy i rose- } Rated ' 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH [= [ | 18,~-The y jo Simcoe St. 8. -- We n HONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S through | R= wash, of forty London. saw, More to be Poles ion. Toronto, aJn, 17.--"Fires start the panic, and the panics take the lives. If we can eliminate fires in our thea-- tres we will have no cause to fear a Paisley disaster in this province," sgd Hon. Dr. J. D. Monteith, On- tario provincial trea. urer, amnlifying an annotacement that within 12 months he exnects to have Ontarjo's | 428 theatres fireproof. ELLA CINDERS--Gale to Leeward | ported today at Holhow, chief port ! ; anti-Nanking troeps i city and the Canten | there, =" || gmtotoepioiontnrioioonooo nts one Vighting in China Hong Kong.--Fighting was re- of the island fo Hainan, between | holding the | Navy. The | Magnolia left here | protect foreigners British for Hoihow sloop to Tailor-made | Scotland Woollen Mills S. ROTISH, Manager By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb N WHAT ocx! FOR. THE PICTURE! HEAD RIGHT INTO THE STORM, CAPTAIN, AND TLL Have REALISTIC. SCENES > Ave, Miss CINDERS! FoR. YOUR, SAKE, L HoPE YOUR REALISTIC SCENES Ca dookere How wily N Tom Ln J Didi nbliind, Imagine a skip Ror a storms Ut Core eet? Jaermade $25.00 | | COLEMAN [oY 7 Ve] LOCAL AND LONGAOISTANCE THE GREAT SPHINX OF GIZA 1S CHISELED FROM SOLID ROCK, Mf TOMMY. + AAT 15 THE BIG SPHINX IN EGYPT MADE OF, 83 BOND ST. WEN TIME TABLES C. PR, TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 29, 1929. (Standard Time) Going West aily (bxcent Sunda Gown East 1 5 a.m Daily 2.04 p.m. Daily pan Daily 1. Daly 12.05 a.m. Day CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS [ve FROM SOLID ROCK (EXCEPT THE PAWS WHICH ARE BUILT OF MASONRY) 3000 YEARS BEFORE THE BIRTH OF CHRIST, THE GREAT SPHINX GUARDS THE CEMETARY OF GIZA AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE NILE VALLEY, -JccoROING TO SCRIPTIONS Fou: 0 BETHEEN THE PAY{S PLACED THERE DURING THE XVIII DYNASTY, N THE SPHINX REPRESENTED THE SUN GOD HARMACHIS . IT 15 189 FEET LONG, WHILE THE HEIGHT FROM THE GROUND TO THE TOP OF THE HEAD IS 65 FEET. THE HEAD MEASURES 19 FEET FROM TOP OF FOREHEAD T0 BOTTOM OF CHIN. 10 re ose cymes 1. , Great Britain rights ressried. Nl THAT'S EASY! DER WH THEY BUILY THE THEY WANTED IT 50 BIG THAT TOURISTS 18 COUIDHT BRAG ABOUTA BIGGER OME AT --y Cflective Sept. 2¥, 1929 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, excert Sub Sunday only vail; BRINGING UP FATHER g 1 B.2% a.m S54 a.m By Geo. McManu: Lily, TWELL: VVE GOT MAGGIE ALLSET ON |, | [00ST STAT {| GOIN TO EDROPE TO STUDY SINGING HSE MAN 19 IN THERE NOW FIYXIN H UP HER PASSPORT: MOTHIN' WIN | || WEEP HER FROM | COIN' NOW: 1 | ery Sundavw, ! excer | excent | | IF ANY. PLACE OF . except Saturday. estbound uly, v. except Sunday. excent Sunday. hawa., Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK LAY SCHEDULE (Effective on an) after Sept. 29, 1929) Going West Lesve Leave Arrive Cowmanville Oshaws Whitby 4.15 am. 719 wan 7.25 a.m, 15 atu 2 0.35 a m wm 12% pm A Tive Hospita | 10.50 am | 12.45 p.m =32F 4.5 pan E58EEs 6.45 pam | tH BUSINESS YOUR VOCATION - THE OATE AND ( | AND "YOUR AGE ~ YES-IT ID MOST ESSENTIAL TO POT DOWN YOUR |! MRS JGGD- A E YOUR HUSBANDS | MY ) AGE? | --y prin? AGE YOUR BIRTH f oo' L pt LISTEN: | MAGGIE= 1 SAID 'LLNOT GOTO EUROPE THE VERY IDEA OF ASKING ANY: | ONE TO WRITE DOWN "Hl THEIR AGE - BB asm 2 CEN NA tbo 2 Shek DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE -- m. C pa 11.55 p.m » 45 pan 10.00 pw { 0.55 o.» { ! Arrive Bowmanville l2 am Leave Arrive Hespita) = = as 833 11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m. eg 4.35 p.m, 6.50 p.m. On i td bod 8 8 833 Sw 2 SaRI2IRESEN BNR Se ERs wi 18] og ® : PUPODPP IDEs 3338855 x 10.10 p.m 3 m pm 120 are through otusses on © & v 3 11.1C pn 11.00 p.m. Fine marked Whithe Hospital ' SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West 3 tenve Leave Acrive ,. eo i Machinery Repairing | AUTHING TUL Lalbuk : NOTHING (00 SMANL { Adanac Mach'ne Shop F151 sing "6 W. hone 1214 rem------------ b 'REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY it your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repalr and make it tell the correct time . D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspeztor for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 10 King St. W. Phone 189 "Felt Bros. [} Whitby 45 am 1215 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. * 90 a.m '11.30 a.n 145 pin / - / § 3.45 p.m a) Wl La 5 @ 1990, King Fontan Byndieats, Le, Grent Briain righ IMso SORRY- Dolly AnD BoBBY wiLL BE SC ANGRY WITH 5.45 p.m 7.45 pan "10.00 p.m. . 5% ng pun. {WHEN THE PRINCESS AND COMFY GoT our |OF THIE FOREST THE CAT, THE ROOSTER [AND THE PARRCT HAD DISAPPEARED | Tera WOULD AND IT ave 'OH, COMFY= SAID THE PR 'LE You HAD NOT RUN AWAY, WE INCESS, STOPPED BCOLDING HIM AND KISSED BE 2ArB IN Twp COYTAGE HIM + THEN DRIED WIS TEARS. WOULD NOT FEAR THE GANT" THE PRINCESS WAS $0 T1 WENT TO. SLEEP AND COMpy SAT | ON GUARD - THAT OLD GIANT BETTER STAY AWA OR I'LL BITE HIM- Efe aaleny CANE SHE RED, Hespita) 10.00 & m. 12.30 pou TILLIE THE TOILER--Two of a Kind m 11.3 p.m #45 10,00 pas, ILLS . are through ime wmarkeu By Russ Westover LISTEN, SALLY - HELLO, THIS S JONES, WHIPPLE AND CO. WHO? OH, THIS 1S MISS KLINKER. WELL, WHAT Nhitty Hospital ; a). Busses For Al Uggasions Seasnatle Refs ang Carefy) Drivers tL Preprietor Bowmanville Phone (17 or 46 28 Tasaws Waitiog Roam, 10 Prince St THAT Goon LOOKING STENOG WHO S$ en TA OUT' OF A JOB 1S STILL WAITING IN THE : RECEPTION GL ©, |RoOM JURY & LOVELL'S TO SEE OPTICAL PARLORS MR. J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. WHIPPLE \ Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 DG YOU WANT] "1.18 2 5 1050, King Peatorss Syndisate, lag, Great THAT 'PHONE - 1 DIDN'T "THINK 1] ALL RB SHE HAD "THE NERVE TO RING UP AFTER "THE TRICK SHE PLAYED HOLD THE LINE, MISS LK TO HER [| SONES HAS SOMETHING \ Si OF FIRING HER = GO TO WE SUST DECIDED 0 GINE YOU ANOTHER CHANCE + BE ON THE Jor EARLY MONMDA Tv -- MORNING i Divorces and inereasing in War. ind more couples want apart.--London Opin-

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