Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1930, p. 6

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PACE SEVEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930 'Women's Interests in the Home ... and the Community SOCIAL and PERSONAL Miss Vera Caldwell of Bond Street E. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, D. A, Dryland, Peterborough this week. Mrs. A. W. Harding, Simcoe street is visiting her mother in Flint, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross are en- tertaining the "East End Card Club" at their home King street east this evening. Mrs. R. S. McLasghlin, Parkwood, Oshawa, entertained at luncheon and bridge for 12 guests on Tuesday. Mrs. McLaughlin wore a becomingly dra- ed frock of eggshell velvet. The Be was gay with flowers, and the orchids in the conservatories, which the guests admired, were a mass of bloom. On the blue brocade walls of the dining-room hung the famous pic- ture of Paul Peel's, "After the Bath," lately purchased by Mr. McLaughlin, The table with its Venetian lace cloth was most effective with its masses of mauve orchids and mauve glass. Each guest received a cor- sage of violets and roses. The guests included: Mrs. Herbert Bruce, Mrs. George Deeks, Mrs. A. L. Ellsworth, Mrs. Wallace Barrett, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. J. P. Owens, Mrs. Horace Hun- ter, Mrs. R. C. Matthews, Mrs. H. Love, Mrs. J. Vaughan and Mrs. G. B. Shaw. The Chosen Friends held a progres- sive euchre party in the lodge room last evening. There were twelve ta- bles in play. The ladies' first prize was won by Mrs. Marshall and the second by Miss Daisy Ripley. The entlemen winning prizes were Chas, Merils, and Chas. Holder. The con- solation prize was awarded to Mrs. Witerick. Mr. Norrish and his r chestra supplied music for dancing after the cards. During the evening William Smith was presented with the prize for selling the most tickets for the Flower Fund. Glaspell. kins. ing proceded in the usual way. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. George White, told an interesting reading was given by Miss May Win- ter. Refreshments were served by the group and a vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Fursey for the use of her home. holding civil service positions but ail will possibly not be ejected, as in- vestiy.tion has no. yet been made in to their individual cases, Those ou whom falls the responsibility of sup- porting their famil 8 will b. retain- ed, it was officially stated. "There 1s no intention of creating any hard- ship on anyone" Mr. McCann said, "but under this policy there will no longer be an opening for this criti- cism so often levclled of employing married women who do not need to work." Youn; Pecple's ¢ ee'ings ALICE JACKSON Y. W. A, The reguar meeting of the Alice Juckson Y.W.A. was held at the wome of Mrs. W, bursey, 163 Athol street east on 'luesday evenung. In the absence of the President, Miss rlelen Branton took chasge of the meeting. Delegates for Presbyterial Conven- tion were appointed, Lhey are Miss May Wsmter i... Miss Vivian Mc Ritchie with M :. M. Winters as an alternative. The installation of officers was con- ducted by Mrs. C. KR. Crozier. President--Mrs. S. Myers. Ist vice--Muiss Vivian McRitchie. 2nd vice--Miss Helen Branton. Rec. Sec.--Miss Velma Blewett, Cor. Sec.--Mrs. M. Winters, Treas.--~Miss May Winter, Systematic Giving--Miss Norma Strangers Sec.--Mrs. Bert Martin, Calendar Sec.--Mrs. Petre, Press Reporter--Miss Flora Haw Following this ceremony the mee: Miss Velma Harris 4 story entitled 'Pulling Together," A New Year's NO MARRIED "OWEN IN BUSINESS No Ma-ried Women Whose Husbands are Wage Earn- ers Will Be Employed By Manitoba Gov't. Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 15--(By The Canadian Press)--Acting on instruc- tions of the provincial government, C. M. McCann, civil service com- missioner, has issued an order; ef- fective the first day of the New Year, that no married women, whose hus- bands are wage-earners, will be em- ployed by the Government. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as where it is found that a mar- ried woman secking a position in the government service is responsible for the support of her denendents, will the rule not alway: apply. 'There are at present about 18 married women « f 1 100 New Dresses just ar- rived. New shades and |i styles. The Fashion Shoppe t 84 Simcoe St. S. "itn SINK and one In tae bathroum, conwaing a few drops of pure giy- cerine, also a few diops or carbonic acid and rosewater, 18 a great cou- vei..ace. By .impiy dropping a tide on the hands every time they are washed the .hands will be kept in them sticky, as the moisture from recent washing prevents that, on heavy brown paper, always be ready for use, under the molding to protect the wall paper. i an excellent rack on which to cool |}and bottom. washing one has sufficient material | !Yalifax waitress, HeLPFUL HINTS HAND LOT.ON A liquid soap coutamer at ihe kit- perfect condition, This does not make DOME FASTENERS Clip dome fasteners together or They will A piece of heavy cardboard is han- ly for the amateur painter to hold | The broiler from ."'e oven makes ies, cakes, ctc., when they come pip- ng hot from the oven. When making kitchen curtains 1t OYSTER CROQUETTES (By Mrs. Aylmer Macpherson) Wash well 20 oysters, and chop very fine. Mix together the oysters, I cup fine bread crumbs, 1-2 pound chopped sausage meat, salt, pepper, a pinch of paprika and 1-4 teas- poon each of nutmeg and mace, 2 tablespoons finely chopped kidney suet and 2 egg yolks, Put in a cool place for a few hours, then form them into croquettes. Flour the hands well to do this. Fry in hot fat, and serve at once for lunch- eon with graham muffins, MACAROON ICE BOX BOX CAKE Eighteen. almond macaroons, one- third cup butter, one cup confection. er's sugar, two egg yolks, two cgg whites, stiffly beaten; one teaspoun vanilla, one-half cup red cherries, one-half cup blanched almonds, two cups stiffly whipped cream, Line a vuttered mold with the macaroons, reserving enough to cover. Cream the butter and add the sugar, Beat for one minute. Add the egg yolks and beat for two minutes, Fold in the vanilla, cherries, almonds and egg whites. Pour into the mold -and cover the top with the remaining macaroons. Let chill for 24 hours. Unmold and cover with the whipped cream. Chill for one hour and serve. Speeches at public dinners' in Japan are made before the din- ner. This enables the fellow on the program to go home and tell what he had to eat.--Port Arthur News-Chronicle. s wise to put three-inch hem at top If they rink after o let them down. They can be also be reversed if the hems. are even, which means even wear, LAURA WHITE who, with Ray Cortland, was arrested in Mont- real on a charge of murdering Mark Ward, Richelieu farmer. RECIPES | MUSIC STUDY GLB | they will present the music Gladys Moon Jones, Washington iblicity agent for the United tates Sugar Association, who' tes tified before the senate investi a- tion com' uestions were richt, 17°30, § *hotos, Inc. AT BOWNANVILL. Ostawa Cl b S pplics Pio- gram, OV aan. vile tue Bowmanvill mei By request ol Music Club, a number of the bers of the Oshawa Music Stu Club and M.s. Andisun, the pres: dent, went to Bowia le last ev ing and renceied the pro wile follow ug "Barcarolle;" Mesdames Grey, rrow, Holden, Lee, and M Lea rs, C. M. Mundy. Marcu Leah Garrow. (a) Jeckoning Hare, F: {ailitt ict A. Hare, Miss Jaritone 80.0, Rose;" (b) "Ihe Mr. Geo. Fleming. Sourano solo, (a), "One Fine Day," (b), "Linden Lea," Mrs, J. L. Bea- Lovely Road," "Go ton. Reading--Mrs, C. M. Mundy, Octette--"Spanish Student Song.' Baritone svio-- Honor and Aims," Mr. Geo. Fleming. Mrs. Geo. Fleming and Mrs, J.] McGibbon acted the evening. The Bowmanville Club will retusn this visit sometime in February when as mpanists lor opera "Marit AT TEA canis in a cosy drone, wife looks in her hus The kettle And the y han d 1a And the in her own sensc that Her she fills an 1 WEEK END SPECIAL Ladies' Coats LOW PRICES Ladies' Dresses All Styles - SPECIAL PRICED FOR WEEK END Only a Few to be Di Disposed Come in and Take Your Choice HE FAIR Newest Shades To Be } Cleared This Week of place; And the visiting lady is all abloom And says there was never so sweet a room, And the happy does not know That the woman beside her was first his choice, 'il the fates ofdained it could not! beso... it traying nothing in look or voice, » guest sits smiling and sips her young houscwife tea 1 he throws her a stray glance .yearningly. ~--Thomas Hardy. F elt Tited, and Miserable "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for mis- hin and tired feelings and it gave me strength to do my work. My nerves are better und I feel oy ands gttong and have a appetite. I sleep we and am in pretty good spirits and able to 'work every day now. I recommend the Vege- table Compound and you may use this letter as a testi- monial."--Miss Delvena Wal lace, Union Street, North Devon, PHONE 1173 New Brunswick. Lydia E." Pinkham's Yeoetahle Compound from the | envied | coin carefully. | Si Toles ANNETTE Paris --New York. | ¢ % To ¥C \ Sa | | | I | IT'S YOUTHFUL! gashistication' will fastidious miss. bodice with bertha collar Its dom delight the most The quzint basque youthful flattering high wdistline, snug hips and gracefully flaring skirt, make It utterly 'chic and distinctive. It is Java brown faille silk crepe with yellow-beige silk crepe collar and cuffs. The buttons down cen- ter-{ront are in the yellow shade. It is designed in sizes. 14, 186, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust, Style No. 134 in the 16-year size takes but 3 yards of 39-inch material with 3% yard of 27-inch contrasting and 2% yards of lace. Orange-red flat silk erepe is stunning with the edge of collar and cuffs trimmed with narrow black Galyak fur, Midnight blue wool crepe with collar and cuffs piped around edge in emerald green grosgrain ribbon which appears again in pert tie at center neckline with small 'bow and long ends reaching below waistline, is lovely for classroom. Bottle green tones in novelty printed rayon crepe is effective with collar and cuffs of plain crepe in blending tone. Crepe de chine, sheer velvet, canton crepe, satin crepe and crepe marocain appropriate, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is proferred). Wrap We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our new Fashion Magazine. PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fo The Oshawa Oaily [imes Patter artment Oshawa Ont Enclosed find ....... ssases ou ose CoBtS Please send patterns listed Selow: wes size vere WIZE ofl Pe Namp ... Add Fown serenen PrOVINGS ,iusuiiiecuonsonsencscannnssonsinss Price 20 cents each Send stamps w ittee and told them their silly. '--Copy= | ot "biuss, 01 woud, oi pulte.y, "acific and Atlantic | The Nomen': Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker ana the House of keeper | ALONE IN THE HOUSE shee su a sensation in the worl. that 1 hke more, Than 10 turn my lonely latch key in my very own iront door-- Mo cluse it rast behind me, and to leave the world outside, With its worry, work and hubbub and the folks 1 can't alide. I love my quet fireside; 1 love my 10ws oi books, My pieusaat rooms, my pictures witu thew well-rememoercd looks; If 1m ured, or cross, or hungry 1 only loug tue more To get behinu the shelter of my very own tront. door, im glad to think that nobody can rob me oi the peace lL fina wuen once tae door is closed and outs.de noises cease; Believe me, O my sisters, nor waste tine making moan, there are many compensations if you have to live alone. 1) | S| I Cur increase T 710,000 more in sales in 1929 over 1928 shows that there were over seven hundred and ten thousand additional SALADA users last year, "SALADA" EA Fresh from the gardens' T {those to wnom the nightly rite of | canule ughting 1s an unknown art, | w0s¢ many an hour of homely pleas- | ure and miss many an hour of quict | THE CHARM OF CANDLE-LIGHT In many homes there are cauules; soin. Wrap coin caretully. Callus In lovely, lustrous-colored cauiesticks; canwies in candlesticks , Or old wicug.t 1ron, Lanu.esticks or ail Kifius aad au colours, expensive aud othe, wise wiuse candies, never iguted, are kept for ornamentation | only. | 1here is sumething wonderfully restite and "adciug avout canule LRgul, ceupeaanly at the hour when Wiig tL blenus nwo tne last gather mg uarkness and drawn curiams shut out tue switiy-1aling wintry night, that picasant intimate hou WaCil uaexpoecied guests dropping in, calid..s were ligated, chairs diawn uy about the open nrepace and soit VOCUS Wali quiet aug, (ler nungie aw the shadows with hissiug of the tea kettle, and the meow bgat from the caiiu.es twinkle on the table, fine c.ina and ol! silver. Aml then, when ihe blazing logs on the hearth have bur.ed down to gowng em vers and the fiickering lght of the can.i.s tuintly iliumina.es the other- wise dusky ruoin, there comes a mag ¢ into the candles' orange flame which turns a somcwhat shabby room into a thing of beauty. A meog'c which chases shadows up the walls, giints on the old furniture the old books and da.kencd floor and makes an ideal background for the finer things of life; gracious con- versation; good music; treasured me- mories and old folks dozing, lost in on in the drawing-room, as you." enchantment, FASHION TIPS Necklaces composed of ition beads are much seen, quo.s¢ slung on tiny gold chains and coral acorns cepecial lavorites, you this season, Dress accessories arc increasingly .mportant. The ensemble idea is the prevalent note. and harmonizing accessories arc ex- tremely fashionable, and many var- icties of corsage flowers, dainty hand- ke:chiefs, belts, slipper buckles scarfs, etc, are shown. A striking sports outfit consisted of a belted suit in beige-brown tweed, with hat scarf and handbag to match. jaunty hat was in tricorne effect with sectional crown, two of the sections being of beige suede and two of tweed to which little gold pastilles were riveted in all over pattern. On the upturned brim was a little bow- knot of pasted plumage. "Sarah," called the mistress from upstairs, "I hope you turned the gas I told "Yes, ma'am," answered the new happy dreams of bygone days. And servant; "can't you smell it." beads of | iark brown wool, used alternatively | with green enamel or corral compos- | Ear-ungs wach are reproductions of old fashioned pieces are much mf | uemand, very long, slim, carved ruby drops, hali-moons composed of tor-| golden arrows with cameos attached, | set in gold, being | If you have a dress that might be revived by some white frilling at the | ueck the fashion designers are with| Costume, jewelery, The | Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned | HOSIERY | At | | | ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP | | An educator says that youthful revolt' begins at the | That man has never tried to get a lusty three-year-old to eat hi ration of spinach.--St. Catharines Standard. Bagpipes are really of French origin, says an historian, You can't blame the Scotch for ever) | thing.--Kingston Whit-Standard. As a snow-remover a January thaw still can producz better re- | sults than the most up-to-date municipal machinery.--Peterbor: | Examiner, This speed-mad - America now out-runs the world, except in air- planes, locomotives, : steamships, sailing The most tiresome man in the world is the onc who tclls the 'new Scotch story that yott were all set to tell yoursell.--Cincinnati State Journal Chicago isn't reforming itself by discharging 500 policeren, Looks like 'an invitation to the bandits to make themselves more at home than ever belore.-- Gielph Mer- cury, A young journalist was asked why he attended chur:h so regu- larly. "Well, to tell you ths truth," he answered, "it's the one place where my contributions are invariably ac- celfied." D a Tk FRUITS Ds OMINION They're Nev A Delightfully New Confection, Economy Fresh, Crisp and Tasty. and CHRISTIE'S Personal Buttercrisp Service COOKIES ne D Ye it & only phrase, but it true symbol of It stands for th finest in foodstuffs. f of this | statement is in advertisement, in // which fs listed & range of n: 'omally advertised foods that are recognized from coast to coast for their undoubted quality. The pricin of Pineapple No. 2 Tin imple LIBBY'S TENDER ASPARAGUS TIPS =: 2le AYLMER BRAND, YOUNG TENDER CARROTS LIMA BEANS' SEALED TO SAVE THE FLAYOR s#Richmello"' Coffee 2 533 NEW EVAPORATED PEACHES CLARK'S Pork and Beans wy 2c CHEESE «1b. Package 17 2 wm! 15c¢ i. 19c It Spreads The or Slices Finest in VELVEETA | viciens sucen Braeside Brand BUTTER ib. £4 MACHINE WRAPPED BREAD "TASTY" Brown or White = OR ~ " Kreamy White" i 10 Ib. 27¢ PURE ORANGE Marmalade = 2% SALADA TEA i §Fe w JG PEKOE *™ oH 4l2:» 8c

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