Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jan 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EICHT A ARS gb BEBO - pr arn a Aa AA HT Np Ap Aig 4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1930 OSHAWA JUNIORS WIN FIRST HOME GAME OF SEASON 13 TO 1 Oshawa Juniors Win Decisive Victory From Peterboro Junior Team Oshawa Team Displays Good Teamwork---Lortie, Drinkle and Authors Show Up Well -- Tuck, Best for Peterboro The Oshawa Juniors won the first scheduled game to be played in the new Arena last night when they handed Joe Dwyer's Colts a 13 to 1 setback. As the score clearly indicates, the locals had a decided edge on their eastern rivals and after the first five minutes of play the Pet- erboro team never looked like coming close and they didn't, Although it was evident that the Oshawa team were the winners soon after play had started, the Petérboro team did not let up and the locals kept trying. for more goals in that true junior fashion that makes the "Kids'" games so popular ; with the hockey fans. About seven hundred people wit- nessed the game and all went home satisfied that Oshawa has a smart junior team. Plenty of Teamplay The outstanding feature of the game was the clever teamplay that the locals (isplayed. The entire team worked together and all the players passed often. "Rainy" Lor- tie and '"Dad" Drinkle were par- ticularly generovg with the passes. It is the passing game that scores goals and last night the juniors showed that they can play it. Every member of the team, excepting Burr, took a hand in the scoring. Drinkle got four, Lortie got three, Robinson and Authors got two apiece and Little got one. Peter- son, Bradd and Jackson all get credit for one . or more assists. Burr in the nets played his usual good game. Tuck, 'was the only Peterboro man who could keep up with the scarlet shirted clan. He scorea their only goal, on a nice solo rush. He left Lortie flat-footed and beat Burr with a smart shot. Foley, the netminder for Peterboro, gave a very creditable showing and he saved what looked like im- possible shots when he was the pnly one left to beat. The Peter- boro team are a young squad id are fairly light. Althouzh tI will not likely do much this 3 with a year's experience, they v make a smart team for next year. | The Oshawa Juniors visit Wiit- | »y on "Mhursday night and they | will meet sterner opposition there. Ic The Game | Oshawa opened with a rush on the | Peterboro net and Peterson knocked a puck out of the air into the net hut the play was offside. Jackson took the puck to the defence and Drinkle beat Foley for a nice goal uthors gave the crowd a thrill whe: be got a nice clean shot away but oley made a great save. Cyril Tuck kored a smart goal when he stepped fown the ice and after going around .ortie beat Burr with a nice shot to jie it up. Little banged the puck 3 times at Foley before he finally put it past. way up and Drinkle scored the re- bound. Peterson took it up again| and Drinkel scored on a lovely shot] tor the fourth. The play roughened ip and two men irom cach team were sent to the bench. Bradd got chased, then there were J left. Lortie and Bradd took the puck through iollowed by taking the puck right to the net. He shot and Foley saved Rene banged the rebound at him and 18 Foley got up he put the puck in nimseli. Peterboro began to check 'better and Oshawa had trouble yetting away. The period ended wit! he score still 5 to 1. Second Period The second period opened with (Oshawa taking the aggressive. Lortie made a 'beautiful end to end rush, baeting the defence and back hand- ing a smart shot into the net. Peter- boro kept trying hard but after fail- ing to beat the defence they resorted to long. shots. Jeff Authors gave Foley some work to do and he did it. well. Play was kept back by the consistent bell ringing. Bradd mise- sed several good chances in failing to pass the puck, Lortie took the puck down and shot hard. Before Foley could clear Authors shovelled it in for the seventh goal. Referee Rowden was chasing 'em often, With | Tailor-made | Suits $25 00 ! | Scotland Woollen Mills : S. RUTISH, Manager Erion Talks in "THE GHOST TALKS" a .20dy has a Jolce in t.p making of .peroaving i.vce comedy, - 2 of is kind. LAT EU Lortic took the puck all the W.- three Oshawa men on the bench, Drinkle came on and with the aid of Jackson they kept them out. Lortie came on and took the puck to the defence and then shot wide. Play was fast and the pace was beginning to tell. Lortie made a nice pass to Authors who made no mistake. The period ended with Burr saving a weak shot. Oshawa 8, Peterboro 1. Final. Period Peterboro came out: and showed new life. Lortie made a couple of excursions up the ice but his hard a shot by Foley from the Blue Line to shine the red light again. Authors took the puck from Robinson and scored and Robinson tollowed wilh another goal himself. Burr got save by batting the puck with his stick. Jackson was working nicely on defence but he was not passing as often as he might, Austin, "the bad man" of the evening was con- tinually getting chased for knee trip- ping. Lortie stepped high and wide for a few minutes and gave the crowd a thrill when he outskated the whole team and passed to "Dad" Drinkle who tallied. Robinson tallied again when the penalty box was full- The game ended with the score 13-1 for Oshawa. The teams: Peterboro Foley Austin Woods Epps Madsley Houlihan Tuck Jones Scollard | Doxisee | © Referce | | Oshawa Burr Lortie Jackson Bradd Drinkle Peterson Robinson Authors * Little Solmels ~ Port Hope. Position Goal Defence Defence R. Wing Centre L. Wing Alternates Alternates Alternates Alternates -J. Rowden, HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games resulted as follows: O.H.A Souter Hil Queen's Va O.H.A. Than 9 xDunnville Port Dover . xTwenty minutes overtime, Coldwater Grimsby Walkerton. Burlington Listowel .. Havelock Whitby Orono Brampton Fucloh Aggies: Bowmanville. Port Hope. . Acton. . Hespel 0 G slencoe utes overtime. ..4 Durham ..3 Creemore . ..2 Waterford '0. H. A. Junior Oshawa....... 13 Peterbor ) Markham. 4 Stouff Bolton Orange vill e xWest Toronto.6 Yc oung Ranger x30 Minutes overtime. 3 ..6 Upper Canada .. ..6 Grimsby ol) Stratford. . i Hagersville London Brantford Lyons 35 xKitchener © Galt SPR . x30 minutes overtime 1 1 ; Brantf'd Hanleys C SHingwood " .Tech....11 Amherstburg ... International League 3 Toronto 1 Paris London Windsor shot was a little off, Lortie rifled caught to the net and was forced to! BOUCHER LEADS AS POINT-MAKER Montreal, Jan, 14.--Despite the fact that New York Rangers have been in a losing streak, and were displaced over the week-end from second position in the American Section of the National Hockey League, one of their players has forged to the front as the leading point-maker in the entire league, according to averages issued last night from the offices of President Frank Calder, and including games up to Sunday night. I'rankie Boucher, elusive centre- ice star of the New York Club 13 the player. He has scored 15 goals and annexed the remarkable total of 20 assists for a total of 35 points, orc mere than that compil- ed by Ralph "Cooney" Weiland, centre-ice player of the champion Boston Bruins. O.H.A. Bulletin The senior B game, Kitchener at Galt, scheduled for tonight, will be played tomogrow night with Charlie Talbot of Preston as referee. The Milton at Brampton interme- diate game, postponed from Jan. 3, will be played tomorrow night, Tonight's Referee Changes Referce changes for games to be | played tonight follow: Intermediate Series Kingston at Gananoque Kingston, Goderich Stratford. at Clinton--Reg Junior Series Fenelon Talls at Bobcayg ackson, Pettrboro. ronto at : Marlboro: (Arena Gar , 9 p.m.)--Ernic Parkes, Toron eon at , Georgetown--2MNac Mc Carthy, Toronto. Wednesday's Games Games and referees day, Jan. 15, follow: Senior B Series at Queen's -- VW. Wednes Oshawa Green Belleville. Kitchener at Galt Preston. Charlie Weod, ..0'early as possible hill, Waterloo. Serie hawa -- Charlie Intermediat owmanville at at Bradiord -- Lou Miltc n Br | low, Toronto. Cayuga at Sumi Brantford, Alvinst m at viliston at C b Stayner. Coldwater Cooke, Orillia. Junior Bowmanville at Peterboro--J. K den, Port Hope. Markham at *Willowdale- Albert, Tcronto. i Danforths at = Victorias (Arena ( )--Jim Loftn: , Toronto. St. Andrew's Celle at. St. Mich 2¢l's (U. of T. Arena, 4 pm.)--Dili Pell, Toron'o Brantfo.d Harry King Nornian Hanley E London-- | , Wee cek Brastiord 1.» Ee odstock {Ernie Doyle, Paris, | Guelph at Fergus--George Karges, Kitchener nfirm Referees cc appointments as | today. i Bowmanville Wins from Whitby in Good Game! Whitby Misses Hall, Who Is Still Out of Game From Injuries Received Last Week -- Moise and Piper Play Good Hockey For Winners (By the Bowmanville Staff Reporter) Bowmanville intermediates con- tinued their winning streak when they won their fifth consecutive game against Whitby by a score of 6 to 3 at Taylor's Arena last even- ing. They have now beat every team in the group and this makes the second win against their hard- est competitors Whitby in the past week. Manager Osborne again donned the club colors and played on the defence and the absence of Candler was noticed with Turner playing in his place. The ice was fairly good but cut up rather badly and towards the end of each period the heavy coating of snow mada the handling of the puck difficult." A good crowd saw the game and witnessed somo nice hockey with enough excitement and little dirty play to satisfy the most 'particular fan, It could be easily: seen that the boys from Whitby missed their stellar defences man Dick Hall who was injured in the Bowmanville-Whithy game last week but fn his place was playing one of the finest goal tenders in Car#da, Deshane of Port Perry and if this man had played in his right place the result might have been different for Barton was the weak link in the chain last night al- though at times he made some brilliant saves worthy of any goal tender. Bowmanville took the lead early in the game and held it throughout although at one time Whitby came dangerously near equalising. First Period Play opened fast and the home boys held the puck for the first few minutes in Whitby defence area. The latter team made many breaks and spirited attacks on the cessfull, Bowmanville goal but without any | --T success. Following. .a face off Piper | getting the puck made a neat pass to Moise who from center ice slam- | med the puck past the Whithy | custodian for the first counter, Within a minute Moise getting the puck at his own blue line cleared the visiting forwards and the de- fence and registered the second for the home-towners and the town roared their appreciation. The next few minutes Whithy found themselves and made several attacks on the Bowmanville net none of which however were suc- After two of these Whitby attacks Osborne raced the rubber down the jce and passing to Piper who beat the Whitby goal tender for the third time, Chartran missed a dandy when he shot wide in front of an empty net. Shortly after he was penalised for tripping and spent the next two minutes in the box. With only a minute to go Bert Smith scored for the visitors on a close shot when Colwell fell and left the goal almost undefended. Score at end of 1st Bowmanville 3, Whitby 1. Second Period This twenty minutes opened with Bowmanville playing one man down Chartran being still in the bez and the Whithy crew took every advantage of this opportun ity and peppered Colwell but coula not pass L'm, In one of theso rushes Osborne broke away and scored but the goal was not allow- ed as he was offside. when he shot, Smith went off for two minutes for tripping and with one man short Bowmanville rushed the W! itby Aes"- Barton was called upon to save four in quick succession. He was playing a lot be'ior game than n the first per- fod. J. Sleightholm breaking away from a scramble and hugging the boards went the length of the ice and, passed to Smith who planted a nice shot In thé corner of the net making the visitors' second. Whit- by fans of whom there was a large representation 'went wild with tha hopes of equalising and the team fostering the same hopes played u faster gam.. The puck raced from one end of the ice to the other ang both goalies had =everal difficult Joe Smith, | Reid, W. i Talbot Stratford at Preston--Jack Hamp- | | x ) | Shamrock | sive manner in the initial round. | | fectively. shots to save, which they did of-' PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo. Camrsmry, Sports Editor The Juniors The Oshawa juniors played their first scheduled home game last night at the new Arena and they defeated the Peterboro Colts in an impressive style, Thirteen to one is a nice victory. The Petes arc not a strong tcam but, nevetheless, the Oshawa Kids showed that they are a team worth following. The locals displayed clever combination work last night and the efforts of Lortie, Drinkle, Authors. and the rest met with the approval of the fans, The juniors had about seven hundred people out and it is a cinch that they have enlisted about seven hundred supporters. Those who saw the game liked the juniors and they will be out supporting them, Referee Rowden drew the ire of the crowd last night by his persistent bell ringing. \He allowed nothing to get by and the penalties were as thick as thaws in Janu- vary, At one time there were six men in the box, Oshawa scored a goal during this time, * * * * A Grudge Game Tomorrow Tomorrow night the Oshawa Simcoes will entertain the Bowman- ville Sheiks at the new Oshawa Arena and it will be some game. These two teams have been noted for the games they put up and the only league game the Simcoes havé lost so far this year has been to Bowmanville, . The Simcoes are out to even up the series and though our worthy Bowmanville representative states that Whitby are "hardest competitors" it is likely that he will change his Jow- manville's tune after tomorrow night. * Out With the Simcoes Arter the junior game last night, the Oshawa Simcoes stepped on faces were Dick S$ three * * * and three new mith, "Kip" seen. Th Simeoc for a practice "Stevie" give just the Rowden and the rest had almost decided to put the stich will certainly make their the ice goaltender; she "Kip" but they Rowden. new that the Stevens and 5¢ men uld added cxperience s seem to lack. away pr are out again now and they esence fe Bowmanville Defeats Whitby \ nville won their by last night down at the fifth straight win for also have * * om Whit kes use Ire This ma he However intermediate econd game game was 6-3. They going not lost a g this season. Taylor's rink. The Bowmanville, are like a Their juniors of these teams have * afire. ' | neither played in Oshawa yct A Real Game Have you heard it? What? "There is a rumor going that the Motors Senior Lacrosse tcam have ct | General "Blue Devils" Rugby team to a hockey prospects for a real game and then dec which team you we * lenged game. it General Be a lew Motors The thought ¢ team challenge, the Blue Devi . are smart, Just uld back. oh boy! give minutes ide | lacro Is will 1 Skating Tonight the Arc na purchased son kating in new that they ended tor skating. pecially recomm Purvis Loses By Decision| I After | became work, and he exchanges in the half-way mark the loser more enthusiastic about hi had the better of the the clozing rounds. , WINDSOR AND NIAGARA FALLS FAIL TO SCORE Niagara Falls, Ont, Jan. 14 sor Bt Dogs and Niagara Cataracts battled to. a scorcles it's LH.L. game, whi fought heavy checkin Jan. 14.--~There's ing to the effect that "He hesitates is lost," and this ad something to do with losing 'the decision in main bout of the show at the Coll- to Andy Divodi of New York The latter was given the official award, and clearly de- served it, but Purvis staged a strong comeback in+the last three rounds that cut into his opponents early laid considerably and left many of the spectators wondering what the outcome would have been had Purvis started off in an aggres Toronto, old say who may have 9 Jack Purvis the teu-round club's seum last night an Wind Some 2,000 fans w in attendance Grandfather Jones (to aged wife a-tellin' the minister ister day, my dear, that you'll be two years old tomorrow." Grandmother Jones (ind Well, ye had right to sech thing, John Jones; I'll only be ninety -one Ye ought be more keer{ul when you talk a lady's '1 was 10 about Purvis seemed to have some respect for the New orker, aud as the latter is clever, th on the attack and in his de- he steadily piled up points. it whole was, . The curate was preac ermon in his new chur not altogether flattered that one or two of the became sleepy. Later in the wee call upon one of the Wel), s sir," said the parishior suppose u'll have made a | friends since coming here ?" "Oh, yes, thanks," replic ed the young clergyman. "Also a few nod ding acquaintances 10 congregation : fence, k he happened t Osborne went off on = offenders. penalty and shortly after Moise fishing the puck from a scramble in the middle of the ice shot from there and beat Barton for counter number four, Almost immediately Whitby carried the puck to the Bowmanville cefence and Sleignt- \ 5 he [ser up a terrific pace and shoved wing, and the rest of the Tricolar LONDO! { "DEFE x | i | | { found that | | at combination. With Reist playing {ind the net {who | muster SHAUGHNESSY, MGR,, OF THE CHI-HAWKS, RESIGNS POSITION Chicago, Jan. 14 -- Thomas J. Shaughnessy, the only. American-born manager in Major League hockey, resigned last night as manager of the Chicago Black Hawks. Shaughnessy caid he no longer could spare time from his law practice and his resig- nation will become effective after the Black Hawk-Boston Bruin game at Chicago on Thursday night. Leather | ~ Pushes LOOK -- LISTEN * xk STOP -- Our match makers have been busy over the week-end and it looks like they've got the real stuff this time. = * - Bellingham who was a flyweight for the past wo years has grown considerably and so steps up into the Bantam division. . -~ . boxing much better and sting in every punch, but he sure has a hard nut to crack when he swaps 'em with Johnny Chriss of the Classic A. C. * * * i the Cockney Kid will io | he's strolling down Victoria when he stops one or two | Harold Crawford the boy | who fought thie Hamilton Champ | | to an extra round and also Mathewson a hard time here year. He carries is a Blake agine docks from last | The Band will | O-s0le-mio when { the fighting Its no doubt play | Johnie Martini, | in steps into the rigg. He = s he's going to make | Ratenby eat spag het] before h | through. Try and do it. says po- | | pular Harold. | * there We to show haven't seen Repley will be us what he can do. him for a long time, but he cer- tainly showed them how both | Belleville and London recently. comes in act with | I Classics who well a feather, best lig ol at He | Geor © | did eo He cont of the last year wv one of the htweights | ronto and is ing forward trip Philadelphia when | will represent Ontario on Jan, L 8 as Is 4 to locals get your name 4L once, | Don't think I'in to BI Only a yOoiul1 for You can Dox, MeNeill limited number tickets now Mike's or vet you of seats at the Mio} 50 get usual chell's Queens Win places From U. of T. 5 14 In a hockey | and hectic! handed Uni- sir first de- | ior race last | by 1 to 0, only the game | after minutes of play. Brilliam ! | goaltending hy Art Quinn, which | {at times bordered on the spectac-, ular, thwarted the attempts of the visiting team to tie the count in lagt seven minutes when they | eitin Queen's Toronto the O.H.A. sé they wen goal of that the way, hattle |all | ver feat night scori of in the when the to the but va five a attacking in attempt men on furious line | to | The Blue and White were minus one their stars, Harley, and while they missed "him, Marghall. took his place, turned in a performance jut the visitors all the speed they could matched by the Tri- the clogs» and hard of the locals played the U. of T. attempts of fine was color, while back-checking havoe with an improved game on. the holm on a 'pass from the other gave IN rt | Albert |derful work in the until the third period was well un- der way. ed from after a series of short passes, wormed his way fense, while Ames made a desperate at- tempt to stop him. the puck over the prone® body of the goaler won Oshawa Public School Hockey Schedules SENIOR Northern Mon, Referce--Mr. Referce--Mr, Referee--Mr. Ke ferec--Mr. ree-Mr. 'ree--Mr. feree--Mr. ferec--Mr. teferec--Mr. leferec--Mr, ree--Mr Mr Knight Cannon Robinson Cannon Jacklin Knight Cannon Knight Nichol Knight Cannon . Knight North Simcoe at Mary. King at Centre Mary at King Centre at North Simcoe North Simcoe at King Centre at Mary Mary at North Simcoe Centre at King King at Mary North Simcoe at Centre King at North Simcoe Mary at Centre Mon. Wed, Mon. Wed. Southern Mon. Ja Wed. Jan. 15 Mon. Jan. Wed. J: Le Referee- Lycett Warder Lycett . Warder . Robinson Jacklin Lycett . Warder Lycett r. Warder 3 Lycett Mr. Jacklin at King street. Cedardale at South Simcoe Albert at Ritson South Simcoe at Albert Ritson at Cedardale Cedardale at Albert Ritson at South Simcoe South Simcoe at Cedardale Ritson at Albert Albert at South Simcoe Cedardale at Ritson Albert .at Cedardale Mon. South Simcoe at Ritson Wed. N.B.--All Mary Street games will be played JUNIOR Northern North Simcoe at Mar; Tues. Jan. 1 Refer Mi: King at Centre 1 K A Mary at King Centre at North Simcoe North Simcoe at' King Centre at Mary Mary at North Simcce Centre King King / Referce--Mr. Refer - 1 1 FE | i Cannon Nichol Jacklin m y North Simcoe Centre Cedardale at South Sim Alb at Sm Ritson at Ritsc Cedarda | Cedardale at Albert | Ritson at South S South Simcoe at Cedardale Ritson at Albert Albert at South Simcoe Cedardale at Ritson at Cedardale uth Simcoe at Ritson N.B.--All Mary Street home games will be play: od O.P.S.AA. Hockey League Rules ur series (1) Junior, (2) Third class, (4) Fourth class. cups to presented to Abert 1C0¢ n at Thurs. pues. Fe Thurs coe Jacki at King Street. Sen 1.--Fo ior, (3) 'trophy be th | finalists mn cach group. Every vl ayer must attend who | {rz nay play senior. unuer l< years of age, whose 12th birthday g dept. + 102 Lux Ist, 1929, may' play boy has | the r juni or. than one t eligible for i a junior plays morc game of senior, he is nc | jumor, | | this time. 7.~Senior 20-minute periods; J % sist of two 15-minute periods, 8+The captain of each team shall A--Hand in to the Princij fore the first game, a all players on their tea: ages and birthdays certified i their cin teacher. -Add any further names of ified players to this list. C--Be responsible ; 1 For having ganies , CON Feb. than qual- ucation, his team on hand | Treas TS players battling for all they were | MILLIONAIRES worth, being backed by the won- | the net of Quinn, | locals fought on even terms 14--T.onden's the Toronta the score of 3 to nal Hockey League here iast night before a erowd 2800 sectat Johnny Sorrell scored two goals for the winners, while Gordon Brydson registered the other. For the Millionaires Harry Meeking and Laroche netted coun- ters. defeated Reid and Lee then start- their own blue line and |: Lee at nati de- fast s by the in through then skated game and of Lee crashed for the counter that the game. side of the ice planted another past Colwell, making the score th2 same as the game finished in Whit- by last Thursday. Within another minute Piper scorel again for the home team and although the goal was dispute it was allowed and the game proceeded. As the pericd neared its end Bowmanville made a concerted attack nd rained shot after shot at the visitors' goal but Barton working hard kept them out. Score end of second. Bowman- ville 5, Whitby 3. Third Period This period was the most inter- osting to watch as far as hockey was concerned and also proved the most excitihg. Whitby determined to overcome the Bowmanville lead played some nice hcekey and but for the clever back checking of the home team might have attained their goal. One minute after the first face off Osborne took a long shot from center ice and passed Barton easily, The latter did not seem to see it coming for he made little attempt to save it, This was the last goal scored and the rest of the game was fast and exciting. Whitby never lost hope of pulling up and they fought hard all the time buf were not in luck, The game finished up «. the back of the Bowmanville net. The line up: Whitby--Goal, Barton; defence, L. Desnane, Atkinson; centre, C. Sleighholm; wings, Bert Smith, J. Sleightholm; cubs, € .Rice, Mac- Gregor, C. Ross; G. Forrester, sub. genlie, Bowmanville--Goal, Colwell; d. fence, Osborne, ..asem; cente-, dofence, Osbor.e, Dew.sem; Chart- Chartran; wings, Moise, Piper; subs., Turner, 'on, Hooper; sub. goalie, Stewart Ronald James, 'Referee--H. come Saris 3 Times Daily --- WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Jaceobi,- Toronto. \ oO" Pe) or C os ove nd Eclipsing in dramatic grandeur the mightiest spectacles of Screen or Stage! wn nd ot ro ® a ore pl nertainment SCENES NO STAGE COULD HOLD -- MANY IN TECHNICOLOR T GLORIOUS SONG HITS Zeigtield's All-Talking-Singing Super Screen Spectacle at our REGULAR PRICES

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