Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jan 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1930 Soha BW I BELGIAN PRINGESS JOURNEYS TO ROME: Princa Humbert £5. i i NN "Brussels, Wetginm, Jan. 4--=All Belgium was thrilled today as indess Marie Joee, 23-year-old ughter of the Belgian monarchs ih last-minute preparations for jor journey to Roma where she Il be married to Crown Prince umbert thus joining the Belgian sand Italian royal families. the sumptuous The royal romance will ride on Italian train that ill. carry the Princess and the elgian royal family to Italy, for he princess and her flance 'met 12 years ago when they were jus ' children and from tiie gay to this an affection has lasted that has warmed the hearts of the Belgiaw people, The train aboard which the Bel- glan family will travel left Brussels late last evening and will be guarded carefully all of the way across Europe to forestall any mis- haps, Particular care has been taken because of the recent attempt againgt the life of Prince Humbert inf Brussels and the discovery of « plot among extremists to prevent the marriage, But whatever the political as- pects of the coming festivities, they will have the memories of a meeting 12 years ago for the puiu- cess and the Italian erown prince. They first met during the world war in the autumn of 1917 at Pa- dua when the king and queen of the Belglang visited the Itallan bats tlefront. The young princess, hardly in her teens, at the time, was a pupil at the boarding school of the Reale Institute Della Serissima Annun- ziata In Florence, "Mademoiselle," as Princes Ma- rie Jose was called at the express dark-eyed 'prinee, had become a tall slender officer in his father's army, The happy days of Padug and Venice had left a deep, genuine feeling in both hearts and, with the consent of their parents they became engaged, Those who Lave been worrying about whether a woman membtr of the Senate will be ealled sen- ator or senatrix will be relieved to learn that they are to be -known as senatoritas.--Toronto Star, Scottish girls are reported to be in rebellion against the . longer skirts that fashion decrees. What else would you expect of a race that still cherishes the kilts?-- Brockville Recorder and Times: WIDER TRADE AIDS C. N. STEAMSHIPS General Manager Left Last Night to Study Condi- tions in Antipodes Montreal, Jan, to take the rncasure In b. will Teakle, leave general Montreal 4.--Increasing trade between ( nnaca and Austral- ia and New Zealand has resulted in inereasing traftic for the Canadian Naticnal steamships, and in order of the de- velopment and to study conditions, Continental Limited for Vancouver, from which port he will sail on Wednseday, Jan ary €, to spend two months 'un the Antfpodes. During his visit, he will look into the interests of both the Canadian National Railways and the Cana. dian Natiopal St.amship., and will lik2ly return by wa of the Orient to visit the offices of the com- pany. in the Far = t. "The appointment of Mr. Haynnosg as Australian Trade Commissions er to Canada, and of Mr, Collins as the representative of New Zeca- land, is significant cf the develop- ment of business between thesc two countries and Canada," said Mr. Teakle, 'and the Canadiay National Steams' ips, operating séparate services to Nev Zealand and Australia, are playing an in- creasingly fn portant part." abgenc general general sakle's assistant geting Dur'igz Mr Andrew Allan, manager, will be manager. Baby carriages in Sweden must carry headlights by night, Swedes must' be hard of hearing.--Wood- stecok Sentinel-Review, When you chserve the size ol the stork's bill, it ig easy to 2 derstand why a new infant yells.-- Kingston Whig-Standard, Aw, gallons of liquor, Present Year S crease With Jan, 7, 928 Quebee, automobiles, aud s.. of the RIO. during 1928 D the r,"" it was stated, STATISTICS 1SSUFD ONLIGDUR SEIZURES Amount Confiscated During ows De- Fifty thousand two schooners. 30 al arrests "1 the 1929 record of activities on the |; part, of offic ors Seizures Quebec were present "but not be- cause our vigilance wag relaxed fa any way. In fact, the dc rease in the amount of liqu.r seized by the authorities is ¢ simply to the [act that there | w less contra- b.nd liquor being made or import- ed." Principal raids during the year wer 10,0 gallons, seized in July at Tadouussac, 45,000 gallons, seized on a schooner in the City of Quebec, t safis. one at the Quebec Arena and the other af Notre Dame du Lac, where bottling plants * ere seized and several thousand gallone ccnfiscated, and the assault on the cache at Lake { Beauport, where hundreds of gale ions of cho lignor was seized. Nothing is really work unless you work! rather be doing something else." . --Sir 1. M. Barrie, ELLA CINDERS--OId Man aN 087 Bowe © Menace As 1 Live AND BREATHE! TTS OWATTERS NEEK, THE By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Loge DO THAT! DID, D HAVE TO FIRE You! wish of her mother, went, in com- pany of her English governess, Miss Hammersley, to. Padua- where, in absence of their parents, Marie Jose and Young Humbert 'spent several days together in close assu- ciation. For six years she was unable to meet Humbert again. * When they next met, Marie Jose was a sweet ! young girl of 17, end Humbert the DIRECT A PICTURE WITHOUT AVILLAING THE CAST 1S PLETE TO CAUSE ME SO MUCH TROUBLE! JUST THE MAN FOR THE PART | YOURSELF} "| FURNITURE REPAIRED Dias sain nsing L "1" Refinished or made to order '3 TIME TABLES honor A : / PA |} Fy g 7 { *. P. R, TIME TABLE 4 Phone Whitby 12, Oshawa 324 c |] Effective Sept, 29, 1829, (Standard Time) Going West m. Daily (Except Sunday). aw, Daily, : . Daily (Except Sund.y) , Daily, . Daily (Except Sunday). East 10.05 a.m. Daily wv Zh AM W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 nd Street East 2.04 p.m, Dail Except Sunday). 3 A] dq Hundreds of people wear 3.00 m, Daily (Except Sunday), with utmost comfort 11.10 nom. Daily (Except Saturdar), Hare's Faaltless Lenses a.m. Daily ' ILL BET ITS A i) SCHEME TO MAKE US i GO 10 SCHOOL AMOTHER MONTH [VERY YEAR} CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1929 (Standard Time) MEY! CALENDAR THAT PEOPLE ARE: F TALKING ABOUT. PROPOSED THAT ald CHANGE TO A THIR- § TEEN MONTH CALENDAR OF 28 DAYS ACH. | Eastbound 8.23 a.m, Daily, except Sunday. 8.58 a.m. Sun lay only 10.00 a.m, Daily. 1.17 nomi, Daily excent Sundav, 2.32 p.m, Daily, except Sunday, 0.47 pak Daly. except Sundav. .m. Daily, . Daily, except Saturday. . Daily, . Daily, Boys' Aviation Caps, solid leather. 98¢c Special . I RUN CLOTHING (0, 4 68 KING ST. W. f hone 2141 We Deliver A SUMDAY. THE EXTRA DAY IH THE YEAR YHOULD BE DEC.29 OR YEAR DAY IN LEAP YEAR AN EXTRA DAY JUNE 29 HOULD BE KNOWN AS LEAP DAY. EASTER WOULD BF A FIXED DAY, APRIL 8. THE SAD PART OF IT ALL I5,THAT THERE OULD BEA FRIDAY THE 132 EVERY MONTH. ne, Great Britain A Daily v. except Sunday, . Daily Dai 4g except Sunday, COAL COAL | . Daily, excent Sunday. g Phone 193 3 1m, Daily. ' 7.1%:p. Sundav only. W. J. SARGANT 2 Ty sacl Sada Orders 'romptly Delivered HONTH 15 SOL. WHICH 15 HIGHBROW FOR SUM. IT WOULD BE SANDY/ICHED BETHEEN JUNE AND JULY. EACH MONTH WOULD HAVE EXACTLY FOUR WEEKS AND BEGIN OM Whitby, Othawa, Bowmanville US LINE wits DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Sept. 29, est Arrive Whitby ---- -- ------ 1220) rights reserves We have scveral Gestrable houses fin cont, CUTLER & PRESTON ~~ lical Estate Insurance Telephone 573223 Night calls B10=15060 64 King St. West BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus 10.90 a. pein 024 om [THERE 1SNTAOME.! (LLTRY SOIR | | (Tay cour: vou) | THIS 15. a tend is 3 . 15 { \ |_ |UsE TO CARRY | | Eade: LIKE = TOUGHER ar 4 j | WELL: i'm | fa am, : finn cone) A] .. | SORRW: | TO = TURAN) Y rl JARVIS y TTT Ls \ il honcho isd SO Soo kr { Vv ) i SIR! -- XK I : 7 nr - 7) " tts : 7 bi CE? | : 0 ba & - Arrive oo Saige i { { a8 - El 44 i FE] Ld 4 ~SPXownanniSoms Top 8 Topas 43 pam | hs | HOWL 23: i GOTTA GIT TO DUGANS SWEDE id N GRAND CPRENIN' } . - CANT WALK WIN | You HELD ME. JARVIO? . THO N 4 YOU 2 Prince. Oshawa¥On A nina arom ps aRaalgisiy - £2 LET . 53 SERBaupiNignsl PpPPer 23838273 Bai SBCA; RSE ENES: H SPPEPPEEe. sopoesye IN) THE =OUDE AN OPENING MACOE 1S OUT PG IRON IN | | H wou maD A L JOB Tran POSTPONED REBBRE Bi Hi: on || TOMORROW | blk +) ff 2 EH] Sovvap » 3 sR=e PPPuUOSass byes gpag CNA pam C ea 01.00 a.m, 1.00 pou. = - S&S: Sa 4.3 p.m. 6.50 p.m. vtoPpprtasse F p@rmsnnlben ES33uEa0NN Sevopapes 333238838 a Read this: Consider: Then act; + Wonderful opportunity: We have some good houses where good lots will be accept 11.00 pa. 11. ed as first payment, {Time RL Apply { \Whitly Hospital DISNEY REAL ESTATE SUNDAY AND. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Phone 1350 &a i 3-3 bh See P223p8 9.40 p.m | 10.45 p.m | 12.00 ! sb Pe FH & E3FR333aRR5: 1.5 pom. are through a busses MK Leave Bowmanville (shawa '900 am 7% asm 11.3% am. 2.0m pm L45pm. 215 om, 345 p.m, H 1Som. 5.45 pm, 6.15 pam, 745 p.m, 8.15 p.m. "10.00 om. 10.3 p.m | Going East Leave | Whitby ~~ Oshaws Bowmanville Wiew YX sm ULem Bom LA ~~ 1.5 pon 245 pw, SWom A¥ am 4pm 500 pm x bd om 7X om Rpm VX om 1Libom UVpm, are through --By Grace G. Draytox | Trex - TACK - 3 ai : | WHERE 1S Your x TieK- Tack | ] ; ow HE cp PURSE OF GoLo P|! For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 1) Simcoe St. 8. -- We' Deliver DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts. 'eave Hespital 10.00 a m. RX pau. 11.00 p aL fime marked Whitby Hospital Special Busses For AD Uscasions Reasonable Rates ane Carel) Urivars {. A GARIUN Frepristor ville Phone $12 or M8 2289 sranswe Wallleg Rosm 10 Prince SL © 1930, fig fon ee -- AND THERE SAT THE WITTLE LEPRECHAWN FIXING MIS SHOES - # " - . Machinery Repairing © AUTHINU LOU LANGE Srv Ba eee hs Bar NOTHING 200 SMALL , Acanac Machine Shop a jo King 5. W. Vhone 1214 gE Samm 3 OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is uot giving tisfaction we can repair pr make it tell the correct UN {ONE DAY "BoBBY WAS WALKING ALL BY AHIMBELF - HE HEARD, * "TICK - TACK, TICK - TACK, TICK - "TACK" TILLIE THE TOILER--Boss vs. Boss '® TIS TEN, TILL = VM GONNA FIRE MIAS RO ON'T a OVER JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOLS : I i ] J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 wa : BoBBY POUNCED ON HIM AND HELD HIM TiagHT -- = ai) HE LOOKED "THROUGH THE BUSHES * l By Russ Westoves OH, TILLIE - 1 WENT YO SEE | A FORTUNE ~TELLER, AND HE TOLGH ME | WAS @oING ToL i ) | | Lo. IF YoU HAVEN'T THE BUSINESS ABILITY|(S0 SYSTE To RUN "THIS ORGANIZATION ON A SYSTEMATIC BASIS, VM THE BOSS ,T00 AND \ SAY DHE ISN'T I'M "THE BOSS, AND \ SAY: SHE'S FIRED Bassett's Ay t: South J On Oshawa's Mam Corner

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