Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jan 1930, p. 12

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| Murchison, of Oakwood are leaving EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| | . LEAVE FOR BRANTFORD Lindsay --Mr, and Mrs. M. N. | 10 take up their residence in Brant- i¢ where. Mr. Murchison will re- present the Dom'nion Life Assur- | ance Co. HYDRANT BROKEN BY SLUING CA Belleville~When the ca: which James Sophia, 20 Victoria avenue, was driving, slued atthe, corfier of Front'and Campbell street early this week, it struck a hydrant breaking it off near the base. HELD SPECIAL SERVICE Belleville--Monday night in Bridge Street United Churcli S. S. hall the Young People's organization put on the program and were joined by a large number of the older members of the congregation in licu of the being withdrawn on account of New weekly Wednesday night service Year's Day. PETZRBORO HAS AVERAGE FIRE LOSSES Peterboro.--"The fire situation m Peterborough compared with cities of a similar size can only be regard- ed as very favorable, and 1929 has been as good a year as the average," said Fire Chief George Gimblett this morning, when 'asked by The Exam- iner for a review of the year's fire losses. FACING HOUSE SHORTAGE Peterboro.--With two new factor- ies ready to start into full swing m tite spring, Peterborough faces an «tute house shortage. A check up among the leading real estate a- gents and contractors reveals the startling fact that in the whole city there are not more than fifteen va- cant houses, and of these the ma- jority are of inferior tvpe. FARMERS GRIEVE OVER TAXES Lindsay. '-- The nomination for Reeve and Councillors for Ops "Township, Monda,, drew out a good representation and the principal grievances of the farmers were high taxes, too much money spent on County . roads, curves on county roads "banked" up too high. County Council extravagance, and not enough attention to the concession THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31930 SHEEP KILLED BY DOGS Bellevilleo--IFrom the fidancial statements of the Township of Thur- low for the- present year .as present- ed at the nomination meeting held at Cannifton = appeared the sum of Ve pail out for sheep killed by ogs. SUDDEN DEATH Amcliasburg.--A sudden death oc- curred at the home of Norman Weese, when Mr. Peter Paul Com- po, who has been helping Mr, Weese through the late scason, droppzd| dead while at the chores on Friday morning, Dec. 20. J ROTARIANS ATTEND SERVICE Lindsay.--The monthly then's s vicg held at First United Church, | Lindsay, Sunday night was attended by members of the Rotary Club and their friends, Rev. Dr. Holling deliv- ered a short, excellent sermon on| the work of service clubs. 'A. C. CAMERON Lroprictor of 'the A, C. Cameron Electrical Co., and former Fire Chief, who is secking election as Alderman in the . northwest ward, of Otonabee township, Peterborough | county, this year won the first prize Li SRAINMAN INJURED ak | tor Marquis wheat at the rural Ee he Co R. in Lindsay Rane school championships Tair of the Aa. ndsay, Mac) comty, a number of ribs broken in Toronto $ i on Christmas day. While walking | along the top of a moving train in| the Danforth yards, he slipped, ici) down between two cars and struck | the draw bar. COUNCIL ACCLAIMED Peterboro~The ratepayers of Smith - township, re-elected' their Council by acclamation: Reeve Henry Coons continues the administration for a second year us- sisted by Deputy-. eve Gordon Fitz- gerald and Councillors E. G, Mullen, Herbert McConkey und Vivian Mil- burn FIRE Picton.--Fire broke out in th basement<of Mr. J. H. Hodgins' home on St. Clair Avenue, Toronto. Sunday, and did a great deal of da- mage. They have taken a furnished apartment until their house is again | ready for occupancy CAUGHT BY HOIST Belleviile--~Hirdm Hutchinson, employee; with the Frontenac Dr 10 are erecting an 1 PLANS TO SELL HORSES Si Bee oi ny, w stee 1 bay bridge was badly REGRET DEATH OF JOHN BARTLETT] . . . Lived Nearly All His Life At Thornton's Corners a All the neighbors were sorry to hear of the 'eath of John Bartlett, lifclong resident of the. Township of East Whitby, who died sudden- ly on Monday vhile walking into town. He was cighty-four years old, Mr, Bartlett lived and farmed all his life on the farm east of the Union cemetery, ,art of which was obt ined by hig grandfather from the Crown in 1849. and on which the first large tannery of this districts was situated, It was ohe of the chief places of industry of the district f+ a period of fifty years. , One of Mr. Bartlett's forefathers Chairman of the spective homes couple of weeks Wisiting at the GEOR ire Protection and City Property Committee of the 1929 council, seeking re-clecs tion as alderman in the north. west ward, signed the Am rn Declaration of Independence, : Mr. Bartlétt's father, the late William Bartlett, was born and brought up in the old clap-boari hove on t'e tout: side of the highwry known "as the "Haunted House" for a nvr of years, His mather hvas 2 "":n, born rnd | brought/up on tle ol, v. ton place \'hich is now the n:w Mount Lawn | Cemetery, , Surviving are t , plt Maude and Pamelia of Vie*~ria, B.C., and three wnieces and a r iew. A brothe, George, dled a number of years i-o. Mr. Bartlett was a member of the Simcoe Sirec. United Chiireh, and had been"a lifeiong Liberal in polities, The fuheral was leld on Thure- day afternoon from the Luke's Burigl Parlors, Intérment was iu the Union Cemetery, rs, Alice Picton.--Mr. C. A. Smith is leav- ing Calgary on January Oth with a car-load of high-class general pur pose horses, including®4 matche teams. He expects to arrive in Pic ton about a week later, and will dis i pose of the horses by auction which] HAMPTON HAPPENINGS -- - | will be advertised in due course, carly Tuesday morning, - He in the drum of a stean ustained a Ider and a badly | injured was caught disloc dl ti H yruised body. | WINS $RrRIZE FOR WHLAT | Hampton, Dee ) Misses Lil- Peterboro~--~On the same farm and | !iet and Mildred Phillips, Toronto, almost the ical plot of ground] enjoyed ( hristmas at the home of where his great grandfather, David] 1. 1r sister, Murs, Wilbert Craig. Fife, nurtured nearly ninety years| Mr. and Mrs, arn had Mr ago the three heads of Red ic Mi E. "ory their guests wheat whose seed cventually {| Christmas. Day, the economic destiny of Mrs, H Cole as uffering ian northwest, Donald | Fife,] from a lame ar.., as a result of twelve-year-old f 1 ider and a on been* son | ster were returning At Sunday £ ac last Sunday Miss Myrtle Glover san~ a solo. She was accompanied by Miss Louise Luke, both of Oshawa, The attendance was 72. Mr, and Mrs, I'crman Buss, Wal- ter Buss ang Bessic Christmas a the home of Roy Lick wherg a :a:_e lamily re-union OLD MANCHESTER | Aaron Mashers Dies At The death occurred of ters morning the home of i Harold' Devney, in Toronto, whom weeks, four known districts, a He the the brothers. Morin, prede Speck spent | 1 three Jack and James of Manchester and | was held, { The two teachers, Misses Taylor and Holliday, are spending the vacation at their romes. Met With Accident When Mr, and Mrs, George Web- | home ° after spending Christmas {n Guelph with Mrs. Webster's parents, they met | =I last week. Mr Salter unable to | GENERAL HARD JEDDO PREMIUM COAL SEMET-SOLVAY COKE TWENTY -20- DELIVERY VEHICLES | OUR SERVICE IS UNBEATABLE DIXON COAL CO. |= Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines Theo. was ake his place as Superintendent at | Sunday School on Sunday owing | | to a severe cold large attendance, | istant supe took in Mr, Sal- tor's absence, It was Missionar) Sunday and there were splendid se- | given of the work of the] classes, the amount year wegt over the top being | $127.00 Wom Institute which | have beeu held atwhe home | on Thurs. | 2 Fif | falling on the icy pavement on en- | tering church on Sungday night of ' ports many this about en's of Mrs, no. Cowling day, Jan y 2nd, Zags been post- | poned until Thurzaa) January | | 6th, | | The *Bu ay School class will entertain Mission | Band in the Sunday School room { of the Church on Friday after- noon, Miss spent Grace Mr, Enniskillen, with Miss Muriel Moore, the week-end Hasting Roland V Oshawa, and irs, Dr. Sle: visited their father, J. J. Virtue, who ig still confined to lils bed through illness { on Sunday. fild weather with snow flurries prevailed on Sund the thermo- dropping a few degrees to- | The predicted January thaw | ooner than expected. 1e, 'MISSIONARY DOES NOT | FEAR CANNIBALS re 3--(By the| Sydney, { Canadian Press)--Although some of his predecessors had been caten by cannibals, Rev. J. C. Rae, did not in Business training. . The Peerless Business College Office 'Will open Tuesday Evening, December 31, Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, Jan. 2, 3, 4, afternoon and evening for the convenience of those interested hesitate to take on the job of mis-| ionary on the island of Lrromanga | mn the Hebrides, The island was formerly kuown as the "Island | of Martyrs." John Williams and his friend Har- | r ris were eaten on Erromanga.. Mr. [ihe Mrs. James Gordon were killed | New there by natives and Dr. Robertson, | predecessor of Mr. Rae, had some | | narrow escapes. | | Mr. Rae reached Sydney from the | island recently, accompanied by his | wife and family, Witcheraft was invoked to have] | him removed when he first went fo] the island, said Mr, Rae. Water was | | poured over dead grass, and the ma- | | gic men made signs over it. Today | is { Mr. Rae believes. Sheep have been introduced and the natives have changed their taste in meat. | : rroimanga safer than Sydney, -- PANACEA TONIC ~ 1001b. HOGG BEEF MEAL OYSTER SHELL BEEF SCRAP SPECIAL >» GRIT EGG PRODUCER 50¢c LYTLE Limited We Deliver 54 Church St. * Phone 203 | guests and Billy spent Sunday in Toronto. | hy 1alling out of ene that's sitting on wthi an accident on the highway when they were hit by a truck which completely smashed their car, Fortunately neither Mr, nor | Mrs, Webster were hurt, Sorry to repert that Mrs. James | Luke is {ll. Her many friends wish | her a speedy recovery. Walter Buss, of Toronto, is home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powell had as Christmas guests, Mrs, Powell's | North Oshawa. | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Preston and | family and Mis Ruby Preston | spent Christraas in Oshawa with | Mrs. Preston's parcnts, Mr, and] ° Mrs, H., Manning, | Mr. Alex. Fisher is home from St. Catharines, Mr, Thos. fhepher¢ was home | from Sudbury for the Christmas | season, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gilbert spent Christmas in Ashburn at the home of Mrs.°Gilbert's parents, Jim Lewington, of Toronto, home for a fow weeks, Mrs. 8. Luke had all her fam ily home for Christmas also a few | friends. There was a gathering of | nearly forty and all had a very | jolly day, | School Meeting ee The annual school meeting was | held in the school room on Thurs- day afternoon. Mr, Willlam Hoag | retired as trustee (his year ang | Mr, Arthur Jackson was elected | in his place. | Miss Dorothy Baker, of Saint- field, is a guest this week of Miss | Pearl Scott, ' Mr, and Mrs. W, L. Pierson and two sons, Mrs, Dies and Donald, | is | of Shannonville, and E}i Pascoe, of | Detroit, all spent CMWristmas with | Mr.-and Mrs, Edgar Pascoe. Harold Pascoe has been {ll with quinsey this week, His many friends wish him a speedy recovery, Mr. Wm. Stonehouse, Miss Susie and Mr. Bill" were Christmas of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Dennis. Eugene Irwin spent end in Hamilton "attending Campbell--Dandy wedding. Myr, and Mrs, Lewimgton, Sr. have not been wcll the last couple of weeks, Their many friends hope to see them out again soon, Kugene Irwin, of St. John, New Brunswick, is home for a two weeks' vacation, Gordon Irwin, of home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. , Stanley Bagg and family spent Christmas in Brampton at the home of Mrs. Baggs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Robinson and family spent Christmas in Oshawa with Mrs, Robinson's sis- ter, Mrs. H. S, Smith. pr Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Perryman the week- the Toronto, was Mrs. W, L. Pierson and baby are home from the hospital, Mr. and Mrs. George Webster spent Christmas in Guolph with Mrs. Webster's pareits, Mr, and Mrs. George Southwell, Mrs, Collins, -'on Collins, Mr. and Mrs. McDermaid and Glad- ys, all of Toronto, were Christma: guests at the heme ¢. Mr, and Mrs. James Luke. A happy New readers. to all our Hh. Experience is about the only thing | in this world you. can not buy on the casy-payment_plan.~--Atlanta 'Consti- tution. § They are building airplanes so big now' that you can break your neck he ground.--Kay Features, - 2 tie I | ard Dobson. The m | the I | took fociety splendid and we greatly thank the raised | Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert, and | pan ie he articles, | her brother, Walter Gilbert, all of | closed with after and ' i | brothers RESIDENT PASSES Age of Eighty-Four Manchester, Dec, 28.,--The Mr, Aaron Mas- Manchester on. Thursday December 19th, 1929, at his daughter, Mrs. with past few eighty- was well surrounding death was caused by due to his old Quaker stree and of seven | Mary | of he hhd spent the Mr, Master: "of age this, yea { in "i Hi weak heart was born Township second H on of oldest married to Ireland, on January lst, Mr. Master of Port Reach, wit of Dublin, eased him surviving red 921 ms, Rose, Jennie, Lot and Mary, who are all mar- and living in Toronto. Four also surviy Jack, indolth and Tom, all of The plalbearers were Flewell, V/1 Munro, Walter Jos. Baird, John Johnson son Crosicr, In'erment took | Pine (Grove Cemetery ixillary of the Woman's issfonar) on. Friday, | , 20, at the home of Mrs, How- | «ting opened in hymn and minutes of our daughters fed Michi Messrs. met ry Society with a the usual way yrayer, reading of | the last meeting and the roll call, | after which t} » election of officers | | place The profits of tp | from the bazaar fund were The meeting | a hymn and prayer | lunch was served. Windrim of Lindsay, Martin of Fenelon which Miss Rilla Mrs. Robt adjoining his property from W, IF, |: lather, the late Mr. Masters. who |" Henry, | _ Falls, have returned to their re- «fer spending a home of Mr. C, Lamb, Mr. Fred Lamb spent Tuesday Toronto, . Mr. Franklin La! of Lindsay is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lamb. Mr. Joshua Dobscn has chased the twently acres of in pur- land Walker, 2 Mr, and Nk... and Mrs, Glen of present at the funeral flarold Devnny Toronto, were of their Mr. and Mrs, "Innes, cf Green- ank, were visitors at the home cf Wir, and Mrs, Jack Masters, Mr, James Hit hins visited with ir, Horace Esgrrington, of Utica, on Sunday, Mrs. W. D. Munro and daugh- i , Reta, are spending the Christ- mas holidays 5 "1 relatives in Picton, Miss Blanche Reesor has gone to her home 'n Stouffville for the holidays, Mr, Vyrtle Crosier, of Toronto, is at the home ~f his parents for the holidays u..a Vv... his parents and brother Archie spent Christ- mas day at the home of Mr. and Mre. Chas. Sapells of Seugog Island, Mr, Howard Dobson took a sleigh load of young people to the Christmas concert - at Utiea on Saturday night, The evening was enjoyed by all who went, There will be no more meetings tid January 16th, club PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw ar quoting to shippers the following prices on delivered on track Toronto: ton carload N 2 timothy, baled, ton baled, t ton loose, No. 3 .timothy, Wheat straw, aw, baled, timothy, per ton, delivered, Carrots, bus, o., 6 at. Beets, bus, 3 Onions, dry, 1l-gt Do., 6-qt, basket Cabbage +.veseses Cauliflower Endive, dozen , Spinach, peck ..... Mushrooms, cer pound Leaf lettuce. three for Head lettuce 2 for Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, eacn ., Parsley, per bunch .... Cress, three for ... ry, doz. .... Oranges, per 0 Salsily, two bunches Grapefruit, each ...., vrrseepns ceo So com SB] BY &=3 Apples, 6-qt. basket Green beans, 6 at. Cranberries, qt. Turnips, bus. Turnips, bag Apples, bus, Leeks, 6-gt. basket ! TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 3 'cooked Joins, 48 to 42¢c; smoked rolls, breakfast bacon, 26 to 7c; backs, pea-meal- ed, 36 to 40¢; do,, smoked, 45 to 53c, Cured meats--Long clear bacon, s., 24c; 70 to 90 Ibs, H 25¢, . Heavyweight rolls, 40c; Lard--Pure( tierces, 15 pails, 17¢; prints, 17 1.2 to 18 1-2 Shortening--Tierces, 12 1.2; tubs, cents; pails, lic, Pork loins, 3c; 27 1-2¢; hams, 2c, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Fast Duffalo, aJn. 2.-Hogs--Receipt B00; holdovers, 400; rather slow; weight 4 S. : Receipts, 100; mostly cows; ¢ cutter grades, 94.25 up, Lalves--Receipts, 200; vealers, dy: good to choice, $17.25 to $18; and medium, $1 Eheep--Seceipts, J 0c higher; sparingly te § 5, $12 to $13, Ic 5 to $13.60; TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Garin dealers on the Toronto Boar y } {| making the Manitoba wheat--N¢ ), 2, do., $1.44 3.4 3.4: No, if, Goderich rade are lr TORONTO PRODU wholesale dealers to retail dealers at Fresh extras, in cartons, 72c; 7 firsts, olose, 65¢; seconds, , fo. Storage eggs-- Firsts ds, 47¢. : No. 1 creamery, prints, 43¢c; No, ! rints, dle. New, large, 2lc; 1-2¢; 2c; stiltons, 2c triplets cid twins, 21 c.. ON, large, and cuts, J0c; Dressed "iil 31-210 4 lbs, . , 3 to 3 1:2 Ibs, 3b 'enn over 1) 4 10 § Broilers Ducklings furkeys Geese FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, tetail, in ef- fect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Produce-- : Eegs, Do. , Storage ex Do., do. firsts .. Butter, dairy per pound . Do., creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables-- Artichokes, 6 qt. y J feed, 64 7 N corn--No , 3 yellow, 98 1.4¢ ENE EN EREARERS RAINES 8a ett tat LTTE EE PE de LRERYR ~ESUR tw © 50 to 90 9 to 110 1bs,, lightweight 1-2c; tubs, 16 1-2; "1812 shoulders, 24 1.4c; butts, be- following quota JANUARY BARGAIN NNN GORI ARRAN noo Ao Company HALLIDAY {mpan 311 Halliday Bldg., HAMILTON ED (United States funds), all rail delivered To ronto freight). Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freight, bag: included --Bran, per ton, $35.25; shorts, pe ton, $37.25; mddlings, $44.25, Ontario graing-Wheat, $1.20 to $1.25; oat: 55 to barley, 70c; rye, $1; buckwheat, 8 to 8c, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, alan, 2.--All quotations on thr pot egg market were unchanged today, Re. [rigerators, remained steady and fresh bare ly steady, The Januarys opened 'easy and lower; but recovered quickly and for a tim« ed to be heaedd for much highe The close was off 1-4, howeve lit deliveries, Withdrawals continu good and in excess of those & year ago Additional and ¢ declines were regist ered on ades except second which today butter apepar ground object sessure, This had re- wead of 1 cent between ar which normally ot line. Withdrawals continue gener- an unfavorable light, but the incen- » buy what js 15 cents cheaper than r year is enough to give fair mar- t. commitment eggs, Jo; ; Feb, butter, 226, ot market--DButter, extras, 36c; « weak, Eggs, graded tone steady, Open Jan, fre Lutter, 206 3 an, Jan. storage eggs, ¥ J eb. eggs, 29, almost despair of vorle then we re- old Literary Digest's 1 still kaps above the mil Laf: vette (Ind ) Jour- we | | | Hot water heat- 27 WARREN AVE. ed, excellent loca. tion for tourists and cabins, 132' by 300 deep. Owner desires to sell at this reduced price. Vacant--Ready to Occupy Now, $9000 Murdoch Adjacent to Oshawa City limits, 10 rooms, solid brick house, barn 20x30, all city conven- iences. Country taxes and fruit trees. - - OSHAWA weave that will wear and Special -- Flannelette - Blankets Large Stze English Flannelette Blankets, Jinishy ; with Blue Border. or in plain white. These are a wonderful quality and will give great satisfac tiog. Special Pair. ., 0,0 $2.59 Good Quality Filet Net at a savings. Mostly in conventional Designs, very strong, square 36-in., wide and finished with lace edging. launder well. Comes 39¢ yd uke Furniture Company FILET CURTAIN NET time. INLAID LINOLEUM 2-yards wide Inlaid Linoleum in smart Dutch Tile effects that will give splendid These have the new Domolac makes-it so easy to keep clean. service. that surface Special, 1 $1.35 Sq. yd. Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St. E, Phones 78.79 Now is your opportunity to pro- cure new curtains at a big savings, It will pay you to buy now even if you cannot use at the present ine Quality Comforters in the COMFORTERS large 72x72 size, filled with pure cotton and covering in smart. chintz with Satin panels Special Each (...ii0000000n $5.95 TAT72 Comf riers in Silkoline Special Each +.vevivvevnenm $2.49 -™

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