Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jan 1930, p. 14

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| { ' PAGE FOURTEEN " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930 AN PROSPECT ROADS IN BAD SHAPE Trafic Being Held Up By $i . impassable Snow , Drifts Prospect, Dee, 27, --Qhite a num. 2t attended the by the To- Mronto in the Temperance Hall ! | outh Myrtle « saber 22nd, qd The ronds in t's district are al r fr 1 this «* ervices whizh was held WF 'Fishers-of-mea-band™ from Sanday, Decem most impes » after the recenm now ctormy, 'ite motorists ang "id up and h-ve 0 be pulled oitt ty tearss on the geoztinually te'r,, SAWAY, * ¢ The symp .. , =the commun ity is extendgcd to Mrs. Chas, Ger- row 'in .the = Yar ee --_ w > 1vth, Mr. wet Who was in | her 76th yea» M »3ery Ellen Dal- gr 'ow, beleved wil otf MY, Thomas Johuson, Sorry to regcrt oot the infant son of Mr, az! Mrs, vhomas Moore died on Decem F 18th, age three vieeke, : The Annual Prospect . School 1'--ting was eld on Dec. 26th, | Mr, Ym, Mazin Neing olected Trustee, taking th» Tlece of Mr, Geo, McCl * =k, ' We are sorry: to. report thal Miss Katheriny Reeves has beecu confined to her bed with a bad cold and sore throef, Mr, Arthur and Miss Kate Or- {ebcrd spast Sunday evealng vith Mr, and Mrs, ¥. Martin, Mr, A, Lee of Oshawa, with Mr, and Mrs, 7. Mogre cn Tuesday. Miss Edith Takey of Toronto is spending her Chrietmas holidays with he. mother :t the home 01 Mr, Tom Lakey's, Mr. Jack Mla-, and. Mr. and Mrs. John Varcoe all of Toronto, spent Christmas at the home of Miss Mary Martin, Miss Irene Barker of PleKering br" 20: {) spent Christmas at the home of W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Have's Vaultless Lenses | her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Bar- | ker. Migs Melba Gray, of Manchester with her parents, Mr, ana Mre. 1 Arthur Gray for Christmas. | Mr, Wm. Parrot of Chalk Lake, visiting with Mrs. Geo, Smith' on I! Friday. Myre, Geo. Smith and family '§ Boys' Aviation Caps, "solid 'leather. 8c Special ; DOMINION CLOTHING LO, ls TIME TABLES & CPAP ll lr le dp Lo : spent Christmas with = Mr, Mrs. Charlie Lakey nt Utlea, Mr, and Mrs, A, Tripp and daughter Mario, of Shirley, with Mr, and Mrs, [Frank Martin on Friday, Mr, Karl Martin and Mrs, A. Chumbley 'visited with Mr,"Wm., 'Martin one day lact week, Miss Delia Martin spent Friday at the home of Mrs, Geo, Smith's, Mr. and Mrs. T.. Moore, Mr. Kar! Martin and Mrs, A, .Chumbley visited Oshawa o~ Monday last. BROUGHAM BRIEFS Brougham. Dec, 30.--Quite a number of children have suffereil from grippe or prevailing cold, the Farley children being confined to the house for several weeks, and Mr. and Mrs, B. Wilson were, with the Gannon family on Batur-| day. i . Home of our young phople took | in the dance at C'eerriver on Fri- | day evening, the Devitt" orchestra being In attendance Bobby Malccim. bas been able to leave hospital but Jfsi still with friends" in the city, . Mr, Mre, A. Lemon spent | Christmas day In Port Perry at the home of It. and Mrs. Middleton. The Raine fanily spent Christ. Thomas Knox as much improved, | mas at the home of R, aud Mrs, Mrs. W, Knox being able to leavt | Raine, her and return to Ler home, | Quite a number of homes had Mr, Holmes Is still in very poor | family reunions on Christmas health, A Mr, and Mrs, A. Grey en- Mr. and Mre! 1. Mathews and] iortainimg the father, mother, Mrs, Gamble spent Christmas witi! brothers ang sisters of Mr, Grey. their pwn people in Toronto, ! The Harvey brothers, Mrs. R, The Shaver fumily spent Christ. mag with Mrs, Shavers mother, Mrs. Rawgon cf Claremont, My. and Mrs, IR. Rawson were with Mrs, Rawson's people fu Stouffville for Christmas, The Duncan family foreégather- ed at the Duncan home on Christ mas day. " Mrs, Mina McMaster (deacongss) of Loronto spent the day at the home of.her brother, Jobu Phil. lips, We are glag to report Mrs, nN Cpr fed +18 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH the h At the Thursday, school My. Freda he. od. Harvey and family were guests the Harvey home, some of our citizens had much home "from the! cre getting snowe in and having to Zel Lome by team difficulty getting eity Christ and slrigh, 1); TORGE 200 t'rivkiz hail to roads open for serapers beinz kept busy fow days. Mr. and Ira Jers atcre spend- missioners tang keep our anin traffic, at ion 10 Hl the office Judge Hurtman at the argument before him o brought by Joseph A. 1 Mayor Wilfred Charbor the 1 last are the seated and leet byw acclam Hartman ruled that s- thelr people 1eeting held on ceeds Mr, W. Bayles on the school Mayor Unseated In Haileybury Haileybury, ay 7. A néw elee- Haileybury for 1930 was ordered by elected after the polling himself Cassie sue- K of mayor of of t conclusion of n the motion ef mn ing crs, ation. Judge | and Mayor Char- iy bis own costs, [27 iat co 'Police Working heavy Police Sherer of New Hamburg has been u: ing «| his police work, . x Recently, in connection with serve for several mile s were not paid, in s clection was therefore hat Mr, Legris was not cal, Each party will J On Snowshoes itchener, Jan, 2.-- Indicative of the conditions existing in some parts county as a result of the snowfalls this year, Chief of he nowshoes to do some of notices of proceedings on farm= he went part of the way by car then struck 'off across the fields on snowshoes. ELLA CINDERS--Too Gentle in Private By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ) AND 1 FIND HIM IN HIS GARDEN PICKING BUTTERQUPS! THAT LETS, HIM QUT « - 08 KING ST. W, C, P, R, TIME TADLE I hone 2141 We Deliver Effective Sept, 29, 1929. (Standard Time) Going West . Daily (Lucep: Sunday), est Sund.y) t Sanday) ast vm Daily am, Daily (Except Sunday), 203 p.m, Daily (Laecent Sunday 10,10 pom, Datly (Except Satuida 12.00 a.m, Dally, -- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS FRC i Cfoctive Sept, 2r, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound AL COAL 8.23 a.m, Daily, eacept Sunday. i 8.24 a.m, Sunday only, hone 193 09 aan, Daily, 1,17 p.m, Daily except Sunday. WwW J SARGCGA 232 p.m. La except unday. Abe tut tilvor GANT { 0.47 pani. Daily," cacent Sunday, 9.42 p.m, Daily. Orders Urowmptly Delivered 1139 p.m. Pally, except Saturday. [12.07 1, PRY POR I p-- ------------ THE LAND THAT GAVE US THE YEAR ONE --~BETHLEHEM ae fff NUMA POMPILILS LAT JY fw HUH! DAGOY DATES LL HIS GOOD TIMES vITH "BEFORE I WAS MARRIED, % NO TOMMY. THE ANCIENT JEWS, EGYPTIANS AND GREEKS DID NOT STAR! 1HE NEV YEAR AT THE SAME PERIOD AS NOW gs IST IT FUNNY BETTY, THE ROMANS DATED TIME FROM THE YEAR ROME $85 BOND ST. WESI be EEE K OID THE YEAR | ALWAYS BEGIN QA JAHUARY iRST, DADDY? ROMULUS ily, except Sunday wi ' ; WITH THE JULIAN CALEMDAR OF CAESAR. JR 40, A110 DOMINI, OR YEAR OF OUR LORD, YAS SUGSESTED BY DIOMYSIUS, WHO DIED A. 0.540. BEFORE THAT PEARS WERE GIVEN AFTER THE ROMAN MANNER FROM THE FOUND- ING OF THE CITY." (ROME, FOUNDED 753 B.C) © 1990. King Feulures RR We have several desirable houses fog rent, CUTLER & PRESTON Leal Estate Insurance Telephone 572-2 except Sunda Jaily, excett Sui [73 POMPIIUS, WHOSE REIGH 15 SET DOW AS ENDING IM 672 BC GENERALLY GETS CREDIT FOR THE FORMATION OF THE ROMAN CALENDAR. JULIUS CAESAR WITH THE AID OF Aft EGYPTIAN MAMED SOSIGENES, PLACED LEAP YEAR ON THE MAP 1% EUROPE, AMD OUR MODERN CALENDAR BEGINS SRE SURCAE UGH RUS RIE RRL , Sunday only, m. Daily, except Sunday. 72228 Daily. excenmt 8 'Night calls 510--=13560 64 King St, West LJ Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE - WEEK DAY SCHEDULE | (Effective on and alter Sept, 29, 1929) Go West ( Awive Hoop | JULIUS CAESAR --y ndicate, Inc, Great Britam rights r served ----_ a ------------n-- AR Leove & is 14 By Geo. McManus LY [19 TH1% YOU NGGD? wii DIDNT _ 11 YOU ANSWER THE DOOR BELL? | | | 1 DENT OUGAN UR ATH A DISH OF CORNED BEEF aN CABBAGE. , X | Ae A BOUT HE COVLDNT GIT IN: SORRY: ] { 5 > h } l | Aen 1 : ion PAP) Oo-U! gr Wha 2% at 10.50 am 1245 pm SOOWo rah LO OWN, . a -~ maBooms BIE §c Fomupamn="wm ue Ba=gazke TTHERE GOES THE PHONE E22 o8Y OINTY VIg NG ES hd Fel NEVER Hii BELL DIX TIMES WOZL BORE OF | il i Il + GUESS | HAD BETTER MES NOT HOME ANY THING IN WHI ANSWER THAT 1 T SURE OF THAT: | YOUR LIFE" | MIGHT BE MAGGIE: ~ : J) | can imoe | | Neo HE COULDNT || | f ; EE GIT OUT WITH | THAT BAD ! HT | 4.35 pan 64 pm i { MAGGIE ISNT HOME | AN THERE GOES || L'M THE DOOR 'BELL: | WELL YM NOT ! GONNA GIT UR ON ME SORE FOOT | TO JABBER Wi | ANY OF HER J mn FRIEND | pm ---- oma SEEmepnngntl TECpPeTEpess BEFERIEIEPR this: Consider: Then act; Wonderful opportunity: We have some good houses where good lots will be accept. ed as first payment, Apply _ DISNEY REAL ESTATE Phone 1350 Read W585 pam | POF POPTESERS B23@83323835288 [ ® # : zr i He Nona oS Gomme BRESSERRBBE PANES ge=--0 | LO a.m, I / TES A (MHD Li ~By Grace G. Drayton 4.35 p.m. PHONE 22 "- { 1.00 p.m, A PP ! ¥ A ' Hi For Your Drug Needs | whine marked Al 1 y : ni i | THOMPSON'S | Rotes Wout : fr : : HR. NE Jc (@ tsave Leave L] 3 (1 \ | 10 Simcoe St. 8. -- We Peliver Bownianville Ushawa ~~ Waith i \ -2 9.00 u.m, 11% am, 1.45 om, 3.45 p.m, 5.45 pm, 745 p.m, "10.00 p.m, Seave fh al 10.00 a m, 2X pou, { { i | BRE: sIpptovrpue 31 gPaeRaRrse? . hd 1930, Int) Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain ¢ ghia reserved ot | LUMBER | F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood | Yard Phone Oshawa 32¢ |] Whitby 12 i En id DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE QUCH! | ] [Por PiNeH| ME= 5.45 p.m, 1.00 i oa L U0 0. . Yime. ML 7 Whitby Hoppital Special Busses For Oecasions Reasonable Rates oly bo Drivers 1 A N Frdariates : Biv mani Pas o Me raswe Waking, 10 Prince Ste DIAMONDS BURNS | JEWELRY : STORE King & Prince Sts. | © (000. Rog Fearn 8) muna Loa Croat Britas Fights rms R ~~ - - - PTT, TUT! SAID DOLLY EVERYONE KNOWS {LEPRECHAWNS HAVE ALL THE GOLD. AND GHE GAVE HM A BI& PINCH = AE i afl : SAID THE LEPRECHAWN = LOOSEN ME AND TL WiLL GET You MY PURSE OF GOLD : / - oy ---- "v v ( w ALL OF A SUDDEN THERE WAS a Back. OF Dolly-' THERE, ARE YOUR BEES SWARMING' SAID THE LEPRECHANN | Machinery Repairing g sofHinG LOU LARGE : Mtiisy 100 SMALL : . | Alanac Machine She i 0A ras wing St, W. Vhone 1314 | ------ THEN DoLLY FOOLISHLY LET GO OF THE LEPRECHAWN: AND RAN To Look AFTER HER BEES ---- By Russ Westover WANT LL S00 YEH, | SEE HIM , HE guy \ MAY BE AN AWFUL| | SURE GETING DISAPPOINTMENT A CCTHRILL Now TILLIE THE TOILER-- Thrilling Words OU'RE NOT A Larue IN A VENETIAN GARDEN , YOURE A STENOG SED To SHow EN SOME ACTION AROUND HE REPAIRING WATCI oun SPECIALTY {t your watch is not giving tisfaction we can repal' pr) make It tell the correct timo PH JBWELE : official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe 1 awa Railroads j 10 King 6¢t. W. Phone 180 | Fell Bros. 3 The LEADING JEWELE ished _12 Simcoe St South "ARE TASS RUNKER WAS (NA TRANCE PE WHEN | LEFT "THE OFFICE || NROTE AND, SHE'S STILL Tar JJ4 LET) WAY = WHAT'S UR?

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