¢ conclusions. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930 Ld 0 0 I RRC al CHO GR y PAGE THIRTEEN | | AOMIRALTY ISLAND | -@ CHILDREN FOUND T0 SMOKE HEAVILY Woman Scientist Reports That Even Three-Year- Olds Use Tobacco New York, Jan. 2.---Cigaret smoking by three-year-old chil- dren was one of the customs that Dr, Margaret Mead, ethnologist, says she found among the natives of the Admfralty Islands. Dr. Mead, who is assistant curator of ethnology at the American Mu- seum of Natural History, visitea the islands to make a comparative study of the development of prim- itive and civilized chi'dren. The Admiralty Islands are south- west of the Philippines. They were part of German New Guinea and new are controlled by Austra lia under a League of Nations man« ate. Mead said that the children Wk smoking cigarets, made of Louisiana' twist wrapped in news- paper, at the age of three. She said the practice apparently had no ill effects on their health. They are as bright and more nimble than American children. She said Rectory, is spending a' few duds with Miss Flora Kauffman. ! Miss Alma blight who has beoh in Toronto for some time ha¥ re- turned home, Mr. Philip Ning, of Fort Fran ces and the Misses Joyce and Doris Nind, of Toronto, spent the holi- day With their 7 tats. at t"e Miss Parrish ¢=d Miss Real have goae to Toronto, where they wils spend the winter. Mrs. Pollarq ¢. Bowmanville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Britton. Mr. Jack «ook, of Brandon, Man, is Visiting his grandparents, Mr, and irs. Thos. Cook. Dr. John Brock, of Oshawa, was Home for' Christmas. Mrs. G. A," ds friends in Galt, 3 Miss Grace McVMilian is spending the vacation with her parents. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. M. Stephen- so: and family i ..eir recent be- riavement. Mr. John Mavpy, of Toronto, was home for Christmds, Mr. 8. Sangster, of - Ottawa, spent the holiday with his brother Dr. W. A, Sangster. Mr. W. P, Purdy apd family of Peterboro wern guests of Mr. 'and »rs. R. T. Richards ! 'r Christmas. Mr. Lorne Browne, of Detroit, was home for the holiday, { Mr. Ivan Bo. rman, <I Detroit, | was with his parents for the holl- day. is visiting she had not as yet formulated her One tribe, called the Manus, | numbering about. 2,000, she said, | © lived in huts standing on stilts sot | on low coral reefs. Children learn- | ed to swim as soon as they could | walk and, although all travel 4" out the settlement is by canoe, | drowning was almost unknown. She said the Manus who lived in an absolute democracy without chief or governing body. were | great traders, goods in exchange for fish. PORT PERRY NEWS | ; hibitive cost--may be found at the | Port Perry, Dec. 27.--Miss Edith | Peters, of Uxbridge, is spending | the Christmas vacation with her | parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Peters. Mr. Irvine Coates. of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. .Roy Good and d-ughter, Eva, s:ant Christ: as with Mr. and Free. Chas. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butson spent Chriz'* 2g with friends in| Toronto. | Mr. M. Nasmith, of Hamilton, | spent the holiday with Port Perry friends. Mr. Shortridge, sending the ( with Mr. Robert Wa! ily. Mr. and :s. Goode ang Miss | Marion spent thc holiday with Mr. | and Mrs. Wes. ('rozier, Seagrave. | Miss Annie Farmer of Toronto | is spending the' holidays with her | parents, lr. and Mus, S. Farmer. | Miss Mayricnne Short spent | Christmas with her parents, Mr and Mrs. W. 5. Short, Miss Florer Walker, of Brampton is spending the holidays | with her pi rents, Miss Rhea Walk- | er of Toronto, was home for the | holiday. { Mr. dnd Mrs, R. R. Cockburn | and son, Robert, of Combermere, | an", Miss May Cockburn of Toronto, were with Mr. and Mm. J. C.| Cockburn over Christmas. Miss Elsie Tose, of Potrolea, and Miss Grace Rose, of Toronto, are spending the holidays with their parents, X~. and Mrs. A. £. Rose. Mr. and Mrs. family are moving of Detroit. is das Re cc and fam- Io. Scott and "ortly to To- ronto, where Mr, Scott has secured | + 4 position. Miss Laura Ingram of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Mrs. Mellow and Miss Helen Mellow spent Christmas in Toron- to, with Migs Frances Mellow. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 17th, at the regular meeting of Old Enx- land Lodge, Sons of England, the following officers were installed by Bro. John Noble,. of Whitby, for 1930: President, Bro. Ben Smith; Vice-Pres., Bro. Alf. Wil- kinson; Chaplain, Bro, T. J; Wid- den; Secretary, Bro. Wm, Ettes; Treasurer, Bro. Geo. R. Davey; Committee, Bros. Chas, Stabback, L. Bond, J. Ashton, Jas, Davey; Inside Guard. Bro. P. Lavington; Outside Guard, Bro. A. Farmer; Trustees, Bros. A. W, Allen and T. J. Widden; Auditors, Bros. J. R. Baird and Wm. Davey, Pasi President. On behalf of the' fem- bers of Old Znglard Lodge, Bro. Noble presented Bro. Blight with a Past President's Jewel as a token of Brotherly love for services ren- dered during the past two years as President. Miss B. Rolarts, of Blenheins, nd Ton re two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and 1 was healed. (Signed) S. Worsley. 463 Quoen St, {3 Js acquiring all thelr ; b | the convert: |] ronto Saturday on business, He ' Bay Shore has been purchased for ROAD BUILDERS TO STUDY SUBWAY ~ CONSTRUGTION Convention Hopes To Find| Means of Reducing Costs Atlantic City, Jain. 2.--Ways to surmount: the major obstacle to el- imination of grade crossings--pro- twenty-seventh annual! convention of the American Road Builders' Association here. New studies af low cost structures, which would enable railroads to run ahove er under highways, will be reviewed before the nation's largest gather: | ing of road builders. | For a year a select committer | has investigated practical solution At crossing problems, centering th~ #ludy on means of reducing the cogt Of crossing elimination, The burden of such elimination. if included by tbe raliroads in «cneral betlerment programs, sur- veys have shown in the past, | would bo go great in many instan- {ces that the cost' of ramoval would ex koa tae value of the railway [ s¥si Wa taa sInding en 8, nlomats, leaders in degislative and [edera « Artments and road warkers are expec'ed to attend n, whie's will be Jan- HATY J1-13%, 'COURTICE NEWS Courtice, Dec. 30,--Mr, Jas | dancock attended Boys' Parlia- ment in Toronto Saturday and spent: Sunday with relatives there Mr. Frank Walter was. in To quite busy radios. Miss. Joyce Waghington, Fenelon Falls, is visiting Miss Ada Annis. Mr. Gordo: Brent, Tyrome, way also Sunday guest at Mr. G. . Annis Mrs, Jas. Shortt spent the week. | end iv Torontn with her sister, Mrs, Jack Hicks, 3 Barshai 'Soules and family, and Miss Ethel Brooks, - Toronto Miss Aura Brooks, Whitby Ladies' College, and Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Fitsimmons and son Harry, De- troit, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs, S. 8. Brooks, "Mr, Ronald V. Courtice, Toron- to, spent Christmas at home, Mr. Walter § Brantford, is | visiting at Mr, W, I. Nichols, | Mrs, A. F. Rundle entertainec some of her relatives to a party Saturday evening in homor of Mr Harry Osborne, who is home from Detroit for the holi.ays. The services on Sunday were good. In the morni1Z our pastor Rev. J. H. 'tainton preached a fine sermon ¢ "The Gods that men carry compared with the God that carries men." During the ser- vice Mrs. Stainton sang a solo in splendid voice, In the afternoon the Sunday Schoo! held un open session and a program was presented by mem: bers of thc dit.e: . ..".sses. The session .was opcaeg with Miss Louir Oibotne, ' Bowmanyille. playing the caimes" beautifully. Readings were given by Miss Flor. ence Wilkins. Miss Annie °. ilkins and Mrs. L. J. Courtice. ~ Choruses were sung «y the Primary Cs and Mr. Clay. ence Penfound's class. A solo by Master Sidney Worden and men': q ~rtette by Messrs. A. E, Rundi: G, F. Annis, ¥, W. Rundle and W. R. Courtice. A epec.al offering was taken for the w..¢ Children's Ho: pital amounting to over $20. Sunday evening our pastor preached on *'A Dreamer and His Dreams". ; Young People's Meeting will "be 1d on Thurcloy wvenipe when tha program 2 a debate 'Re solved . that ..e vorld Is getting better", conducted by four meém bers of the League. "1 Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Penberthy entertained som» of their friend: Saturday evening to a dinner. SUCCEEDS TO FATHER'S Post Picton--Ralph Hubbs has beep appionted Superintendent of the Children's Aid Soclety for Prince Edward County, succeeding his fa- ther, George Hubbs, who died re- cently. The Mounce property on the these days selling | a children's shelter. DAYS r 2 SWEEPING |; LEFT OVER SALE of Be Most S DAYS atty Electric Washers | ensational Offer Ever Made Here No Value in Years to Come Will Equal This 20 MONTHS TO PAY WITHOUT INTEREST $ ONLY 20 MONTHS TO PAY WITHOUT INTEREST DOWN LOOK AT THESE GREAT BIG BARGAINS $1 Down $1 Weekly 20 Water Motor Washers to Clear at Unheard-of Prices '9 '10 *19 29 30 | BALANCE ONLY $1 WEEKLY, WITHOUT INTEREST, AND ONE FREE PREMIUM $ $1 Weekly: We are Going to Clear Every Washer Regardless of Profit--The Selling Will be Fast and Furious 25 Slightly Used Electric Washers allFully Guaranteed to g0 at These Prices While They Last m200 a a] $149 Zz mI0Nn er NY . Q wI~S20 willow = gh< > m There will Be a-Rush; You Will Need to Hurry; Never Such an Offer Givenin Oshawa Just $1 Down Sends Any Electric Washer to Your Home--20 Months to Pay the Balance, Without Interest $1 Down $1.50 Weekly Lo 1 Down 20 Months to Pay Electric Iron and Cord PREMIUMS NITHEVERY ELECTRIC WASHER Folding 89 OR OVER Clothes Rack Stepladder FREE Your Choice of 4 Premiums FREE $119.00 $1 Down Wash Tub 20 Months to Pay PREMIUMS WITHEVERY ELECTRIC WASHER UNDER $89 Tub Drainer and Hose $139.00 $1 Down ; 20 Months to Pay