Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Dec 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE. | f} DOOOOOOOOOO0000000OOOLOO000O000O000000000000O0000O000000C | All the Churches "Get the Habit" ' ¢ ' | fy Bid You a Come to Sunday Worship C Hearty Welcome | ------------ | : | Sunday Services In | Centre St, | King Street United Church | United Church || The Oshawa Churches | Residence Phone 218 Church Phone 1851V | HA, 01, Grace Lutheran St, George's Anglican a } - * Grace Jutheran Chureh will hold Canon €, R, delencier, the recto a { ; MORNING | : , . i ' av services of worshin to- | Will be in charge of the regular se: y / Sunday, Dacember of [fs reg services of worship to- Wil be h Shuts "of © Tepviar sor AF / ANTHEM 10 a.m, Class Service, ad, == "Square Up | ---- lean Church tomorrow, / rN, ; 4 J 2. 30--Sund choc) Pentecostal Assembly Free Methodist Vd | ANY "THE SONG OF THE ( U==Dunday coioch Rey, J. I, Ball, the pastor, will hi rai p ' na Ly 11 a.m,--"LIFE AND ADVENTURE." " in eharge of the regular services of I'he regular services of the' Free ) i i AR we DIESSLER 7.00 pm, = Where Pentecostal Assembly tommorrow, | Me thodin Church will be held on 4 id i 0?" nl Sundiy, : X BOLO we 2,30 p.m.~Sunday School and Bible Classes, | Does the River Go? : nia) on y 4 Wor pity ig 1B 1" Knox Preshyterian Church SIMC OF STREET "The Light of the World" 1 Mon, 8 p.m, == Young pri TRE il ko nw ' " -- MIS, C. M, MUNDY ' mm, n e, regation will be held tomorrow in What is Your Life" will be the o 45 pm So : Servie P le' GW eleh's "Parlors, on subject of the sermon by the pastor, U NIT ED CHURCH eople », ¥ n---- Key, Duncan Munroe at the niorning Cc 'C anda da 3 p.m,~Sunday School, We have 7 p.m.--"ALL THINGS NEW." | Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness " ryvice of Kien Presbyttr am jure 4 Os 1 AWA n splendid Young Men's Class, | Sunda se of " ¢ shaw | tomorrow, n 1e eve '3 16 pa . . fl foci, payin A Wwe piv he [tor will speak on "The End of the » . Young Man «~~ You are Invited, ' charge of Mr, MeHorsey, of Tor. | Road, Ly The House of Friendship EVENING onto, who will preach both mornin Thursday, Jan, 2,~~A very special New Year's Prayer and evening Centre Street United Service, Oshawa m--------r-- vSakare Uo" will be. the sublect of R { H { i Square "ww se the ject of ANTHEM P entecostal [ orth Bimaoe (Jue United the pastor, lev, W, I, Flee her, ut | ev. rnest arston HEM | North Dimeoe Str el : United Church | L MH ITTang Sui oh ! igh LL.B. "Sweetly Through the Night" w MHELLEY HolinessChurch {| on und. rhe pastor, Kev, Ac. | Gied Church, Sunday, in the Em ------ i -------- B11 Collun Street | Tewin will be in charge, the River Go!" 52 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 148 ' : | | " TLC A 'O Holy Night" [ , a Church Office, Bagot St. oPhone 3128 Solo part by hi iy Leo Gray | Mr, G, Leggo In Charge Christian Science St. Andrew' S Presbyterian Church grndoy Setot, [[ quelle Christian Science Lesson fo Vinave. Steet 8 iliel | This is a H P w | 0 am ==sindn * oti Thanksgiving Day" will be the sub Special music will feature the ser is is a Appy ro- "In the Beginni dd" k 11 ame-=Morning Wor- | ject for discussion at the regular sor vig of Simcoe Street United [ gressive, Frien dl y n e SIDS Wan the or Of The I wip, . vice of the First Church of Christ] Chureh on Sunday, The choir under { 7 pm Kvening Wor. ! the direction of Mr, John Kenwic) Church, A Hearty A malé quartette consisting of | Selentist, Bunda Mossrs, W, HM, Scilley, H, Dyas, : | ship rganist and leader, will sing the i : United Church of (Canada Reg Aig '| ot Sergio | Firot Baptist [ih 1 "The Mg ob the Vig "by | Welcome Aweits You. GU, Fleming and IN, A, Holden will | will speak at both wor aon, At First Baptist Church one Sune | Dresseler at the Inurnin ervies GING sing the wslection Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister, Miss P. Fletcher, Assistant I. desday--8 pi, PRYCE (day moming the pastor, Rev, Au | While Mts, Co Ms: pbundy will con | GOOD SIN " hfud?? : vor ntrs 28 poms {2507 We Baal will seine! a apes rite' the. papriine wl. "Th FINE FELLOWSHIP "Come all Ye Vaitifl 11 am, i Young Veopla's Meeting, Foombnsmiiius 00 bi WTI Ags bi mol ind HELPFUL SERVICE The Minister Will Preach at SUB KCY: Friday 8 vian,=-=Bihle Phe will discuss tht { r | y, we will discuss the attitude of God ou f elley; "0 Both Services 6 Rtudy, toward wrongdoer | He 1" | lo part hy My 'ARE WE NEARING ||| Come and enjoy these bright 51. Andrew's United Jee Gry wd ihe begin | J Us, " A . ( Services With Ar We Nearing World Peace" 1 or y Allan, mal | | WORLD PEACE" ||. ---- hh HR SE = 1 Song Service 6.45 p.m, NI a a \ { A, Holden will sh the cect | | ey 1 Ri i ein ve | MANY ATTENDED cpuyagy BAPTIST | Pentecostal EE ea ~| NY TRNTY ON 1... comer, Bf Assembly MASONIC BUILDING ROTARY CLUB BLDG., "Drifting Along" | Bandas, Docomber #0 Fan Induction Dispute api CHRISTMAS DAY Sunday, December 29 |1I} Rom Brought to Ciuimax by Trustees . Rev. Albert Hughes "Better is the End of a thing than the Beginning | shi p-------------- Lot Le | 15te {1 only i lerk, ' Services of Worghip Much ' will preach at both services thereof." Hev, A, QC, Hahn hi : k | | } t VDI nut 1 ( h . el | YO | 8 om, 14% Alice Breet he Ira as | ' the: Yastory: if the: Bisho da' kien) Enjoyed on Great Re- 3 Lime 'How Christ Cally Birmingham « | ALL ARE CORDIALLY [the Bishop of T'ruro ve notified | luc non ww tl | 2 ord 11 am.==Mornin ye WELCOME [ Dr, Barnes, Bish hii, | od, « ligious Festal Day 7 pm, =-- "The Hour That hi n.~Morning Wo | Changed the World's ship. ! | through a lay ( defi } iri | | | ' | It may Le sincerely sald there History." RT T NITED ! [+ o Yn n Hshop Bury | Bishop Dar | Mia ny | 18 no wanwon go. truly joyful and so | 7 p.m.~--Evening Service a w---- - - - [ duet Ri Gearde Di A . halen th ris the no-| beautiful ax Is Cnristmastide to 8 pm, == Sunday School, | \ ' sl Hine advance | the Christian nndor the grey skies [|] v Good Singing that chureh, Ht clin of early. Christma morn many | Wednesday and saturday at REV. R, A. WHATTAM, Minister, - Bishop Burnes previously oe unwilling ollow Lhe bishop a ( tere soon wending' thelr way to 8 pan, == Prayer and ||| The Message lor You. REV, 8, C, MOORE, Associate Minister | | 1rst Baptist [ el) ) be Hie. M Si ) directio br ; § sondue [ Hin nppointed house while through Pralve Meeting, 11 am,~"The Kind of Preacher Albert Street Needs." | Ch h vould not practie FOYORV i 0 t of nt, and. deve Shale hurts wn " oil Hing : Han 2.30 p-m.--Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class, urc | ig & " 5 W d H \ | the ¥ ord. " al day commenced nt] Cou Fi " | King St, East he Wi bi ' 4 ih | Mid :! 2 of 1 M , | Holy Trinity Angliean Churen |} {ds dg i' hi " 7 pm, Fidaly MY Biothar ¥orewall 3 REV. AUBREY W. SMALL i | ew of the' fact' that the hist antical 3 p o p| with a choral eucharist with pro F M h di i North Simcoe St. \ LJ me | 18 Aberde ne ne ch a lemul one ut moral and » fuse tute tl in | cosplon being the main service of t | | ; ' er oy. i ual ie Jol of [! not in u ubt, | ( ( t ( Lhe diy nt s am, whon a large ree ¢ 0 IS . United Church 11 am ' L y \ y 1 Ww 0 I'he contention of the trustees will ch is being awaited with the § percentage of the paritioners mad CHURCH Rev. A, MANSELL IRWIN, "Looking Forward" A {hat thy bish y . J oy -- -- - - = -- ---- hl ho mag Ping ks in Canada y y B.A AX B.D, Pastor : 0 = : [ t PROTESTANTS was woll attended, musle appropri (Over Artade) 38 Greta St, Phone 5263W J) : " ATTITUDE OF PROTEST ! of, the qvan | f Of | ate for the feast of hymns and "OM N ( Christ Church The Salvation Army Sunday School 18 CHANGED BY CONTACTS | lurof pin gle Prost Mi Jer be 10 SIMCOE NT. N. NEW YEAR'S SERVICE (ANGLICAN Simcoe and Qak Streets ; Twill . 4hyoty of thi n tice heh in | Sunday, Decors 29 tH Music by reinforced choir i fn view of the friendly relations | MORE RELIGIOUS BOOKS cluded « the anthem 2 ! Sunday School == 2 p.m. 3 pm, i! Sunday Scheel and Bibsle Clase GRACE 7 pm, Lutheran Church 10,30 a.m, Morning Wo Sunday, December 29 10 a.m.~=Sunday School Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts, Ensign Dixon and Mrs, A v Awako Salute the Happy Morn, | ) Mercy Pronounces being established by the Eastern | WANTRD IN UNITED STATES| Ayako Salute tho Manby Mor. 2 p.m,~Sunday School, and 3 p.m. Rov, R. B, Patterson, M.A, A. Dixon in Charge Sentence" churches. it seems clear that the Prot | , f ducumbeut, bU3 Masson Ht. 11 ami==Holiness Meet. || ut estant churches can no Jongerproges blis) ak susceitvlly by the hole gle: In 3 p.m, = Preaching Ser- |||]! The Pastor will preach at | . \ \ rican pubhishe ute that | able direction o 1% Organi p if ng. Tuesday -= B.Y.P.U, en- With A progrim of prossiyting ! 1 Walter Jackson which merited a vice i 11 am. and 7 p.m. -- 8 --nPeai H y ' Orthodox lands but must pass on tay! continous demand or y oy . ld |] : | 11 am~~Morning Prayer | 3.15 pm~~Praise Meet: || tertain Whitby Union || of co-operation and myty- | eliztous: boo) he {high note of tribute, At the clos tev. It. L, Casement, taster ||] CORDIAL WELCOME | 3 IA PrOgriin . ¥ = : A " 2.30 pm, -- Sunday ine. a8 pm. 1130 pm. || ulin amd somhdene, The Compara Tiros parece i vent spuie [f 7 P m Salvation Meet- ~-Simecoe St United A wal heeds. 0) the peo] k ik AM tL year |i ew | Vv ens Brecintion of thankfulness and joy [}i Cordial Welcome : i ing. Church joint Y.P. | fn Europe are so tremendous that | nder * on' i ose un-| conveying most hearty wishes to |} 7.00 .m, == Lvening 5 | Christian forces cannot afford to e I | ying ------_--_--_---- P i Sunday School=10 a.m, Watchnight Service, (pend energy in mutual suspions and] des ' " n the gen- | those present Prayer. Rinne ori. eras y which should be devoted | eral 1 aligion" 'was: accond A The Christmas orld erected In a and 2 p.m, . yA yealousie q -- WELCOME TO ALL | BORCAMORE + : | ' ! ' | corner of tho church especially Christmas Anthems by || : te, the juest ol si | decade ago, law books, general and | por the enfiaren will remain for | CHRISTADELPHIAN ; | "As Orthodox and Protestant lead: | N G y the choir. [ers In crease their contacts with one [Juvenile literature, textbooks, ete, | visitors until the Epiphany, "WHEN CHRIST WHO IS OUR LIFL ol. eqrge s Tueaday Evening = | another, their differences are mini-yhad a greater sale, but today there is SHALL APPEAR then shall yo (His peo. ANGLICAN A evi 11.4 | . MANY NATIONS HONORED | mized and thelr rese mblan ex made to] a definite change, The modern world, | ple) also appear with Him in glory." Are Watchuighe Service 1.40 KNOX BY CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION | ttand out, and they make the happy | however, is not interested inthe re | you "Looking---for the glorious (second) ap. Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts. to 3 A | | discovery that there is no real reason | ligious publicatior of the past gen | pearing of the great God and our Saviour Sabet p | VR : d a Jesus Christ?" Read Col, 3, 4; Thess, 1, CANON C. R. dePENCIER, Presbyterian Church | The Young Men's Christian asso why they should not live together | | h the worl f t Simeoe Htreet Nurth and [ elation of Montreal, founded in 1851, harmony und work A gether in the | eration, though the works : presen ' 10) 2/19; Acta 1, 11; Tis 2, 13.18, MA. Brock Street is one of the two oldest centres of | Most co-operation," says n bulletin 40 authorities are cagerly 'looked -- 39 Atho) Street West Wy oe . ' | fasued by the central bureau for re ot Rev. Duncan Munroe XY" work in North America, Today X [ > 0 POASERS § atio ------ Of course, the Americans on the 84 Brack NM. Wy Ltda Doud i Jontaui bo mtrniions ' Di ors Engaged in Widen- Chinese boat 'held up by pirates § am, -- Holy Communion, ; 8 would have felt more at home it 11 a.m, ~=Morning Prager hia . ing from JO different countries, Every ' would bi jo 9 \ i 00 ¢ ho ) h " ; | : ® 10 holdup ha \-- Christian Science Sunday alison hey ini u prave ing Road Approach Une {the hoidus had been on un First Church of Christ, Sclentist, is given in honor of one of the JO Buffalo Courler-Express, Sunday School { pleasant Task ; 64 Colborne Street East different affiliated nations, Most of \ | Tun PR " - Sund Centre St. 2.30 p.m. | | the churches in Montreal are actively ! | urkey is to make Sunday a day > Sunday, December 29 | co-operating with this YMCA, # Londoa atvies h denied 3 Wy of fon NeW te un Po Ney York 7 pm, -- Evensong { H road round the ovis unch Bowl [to select a day ==New orig Lvening Baptism 2 8 ™ SUBJECT: CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION bl at Hindhead, Surrey, aro approach- | Post, Bria Jud Sunday wash CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | Sunday, December 29 OF POLISH YOUTH GROWS a ing an unpleasant ark with some | aml p-- y { epidation, wid LESSON FOR 11 "Wh | The Catholi Association of the » * ge Beside the road stands an ancient | At Benton, Tinos, h sherif and THANKSGIVING DAY am, = at L] Polish Youth was founded shortly Ph stone, like a tombstone in appedrs [& deputy routed a strike mob with Your Life" alter the war and in ten years' time \ ' ance, which commemorates the murs blind cues, lee, pocketing the lead. Morning Service at |] a.m. | it has made a remarkable progress 4 der of a ailor ner the spot while | fs ranttord Expositor, 3 pm --Sunday School There are already 57,508 members all : tramping to Portsmouth on Septen pay Oh ------------------------------ " ' } Tl be over the country, The activities of ber 24, 17806, On the crest of the hill \i§ country may be modern in Y Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. «from the stone is the cross |every other respect, but this surely \ | hool, and Bible Class, this association are manifold, Ques 4 not far p Tncluding testimonies of Healing , tions dealing with religion, sociology, ) : marking the site of the gibbet where | looks like one of those old-fashioned wthrough Christian Selence, 7 "Th . economies, hygiene, agriculture, liter X \ the three maletactors were hung in| winters~Peterboro Examiner, TRINITY You are cordlally iuvited to | pm, = e End of ature, history, rural economics, ete, 4 Al chaning after thelr eyecution, -- m-- ---- | ond the services and to make the Road." are studied In its various branches, ' The stone bears in old-fashioned With fower and fewer people on CHURCH of the while in rural districts agrienltural | NS lettering an account of the erime, (the farms, the voice of rural Ons \ " : a . and on its back is the ominous in-|tario in provincial affairs gets less Corner Court and Barrio Sts, Public Reading Reem! competitions and exhibitions are often | N : ' organized, | 5 x scription: "Curseth be the man who! and less. Meaford Mirror, injuret y REV. 8. C. JARRETT the Dible and all authorized ---------- . | W injureth or removeth this stone, Sia ------------------ 4 Now this stone is in the way of There is no one finding fault Incumbent Fo cience Hitgrature may ba dc. iidag 1s Foleo NATIVE STUDENTS JOINING aprowed or purchased and A Chicago judge has ruled a sax & SNA h ; , > A ; CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION { : the footpath which is being built bes | with Premier King's announces oY eeciavad for, Shen on ro a me ne i ) b side the widened road, and it hus to] ment that the sales tax will be 30 Fairbanks St. ¥ y wople 1 ¥ > . $ tr p.m ' i pi uy res Oudbed Bl For the last few months the mem be set back a foot or two, The navsfout in two next year,--Kitchenor 8 am. = Holy Come ! : T hg bership of the native department of vies have read the inscription, and | Record, : icle=Telegraph, A h o! hd if Fook \ . munion, X ol the Stutdents' Chelstian adsociation they feel rather uncomfortable, -- s-- . --~ . - . in Sotith Africa has been continuous A 4 ™ "Of course, it's all nonsense," they Montreal police are so smart Il am, == Matina and , { J oo "There's nothing in it, But that they recovered 1805 oars this Sermon. The fear la expressed that folk | ly rising. It is not far short of 3,000 y ! 2 ay, It's just that "But" After all, it] year, although there = wera only 3 p.m~--Sunday School, % . hy / songs will soon dle out, hut bath | at the present, und the secretary, \ Unity Truth Centre pongs soem to be as vigorous as | Max Yergan, says that everywhere 24 is the Devil's Punch Bowl, In fine] 167 reported stolen, -- Stratford Y 7 pm, = Evensong and WELCH PARLORS, Kling St. WV, || avers=Drantford Lxpositor in South Africa he has found the na weather the spot is a very desolate | Beacon-Herald, I 10 a.m, = Sunday Schocl tive student body most responsible one. Now, in this stormy "Becember on ------------------- Sermon, 11 am Morning Sor | a ---------- ---------- and wager for guidanee He believes weather, it is wild and fantastic, os Solontlst says there is a fish in ' mtu » "The Mls of Cbleago are as | that nqw is the time for a big push pecially at night, with the clouds | Aslatio waters which erawls over vice, smartly dressed as any I have | for the "YY" idea among the Bantus racing across the moon and the gibs [the ground for, miles for no aps seen," declares a writer, They put |The new YMCA, building at Fort bet-cross black on the hilltop, parent purpose, Sounds rather like the chic In Chicago,~The Humor | Hare is going to be a training centre . The stone has got to be moved, : : ie | : a golfor,=Ottawa Journal, ot, or picked pative students, t is] . -- "= however, and so they are: going to ------------ With more That painting which Wath second | : ._- | Noped that before long My, Yorgan | . d draw lots to decide whose hand must Girls of to-day are not what they | Ru for pb Lg prize while Wankiag on iy ide might | a "5 Be ab IN ol bic upsiaterd by a capable Bantu | M, Sokomikoff, the first Russinn | tion, photographed «with his wite [do the deed, 1 anybody is absent | were twenty vears ago, says a nove: 1 looks as if there is'a campaign on have taken first p ate | ho ups ) Bes 0 you want 3 TL lone dl |e cage ort Hare is the seat of [ambassador accredited to Great on their areival In London recently, | On dick leave that day he can hardly | lst, Some of them are quite ten |for bettersdressed widows=Miani side downe=Chicago Evening Post, ute: "No, we want to be together." | the greatssgllege for the natives, britain since the Soviet revolus | "he blamed, {years older=The Passing Show (News, CN ----

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