i ti iat THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1927 PAGE THREE Trailer Menaced Traffic, Jury Finds at McGlashan Inquest All Municipal Candidates | [En CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | UT THEATRE eonard McGlashan's Death still turned against France as in T B N . | d F {the days of Cerman occupation, Srvessimmes wos CHRISTMAS Pi, AYS X r he J ) fs ow 0 e omina e or a vie wi hs hadi LIT "INTRINNT WATER COMMINSION TRTIRKES | nvestigate ast Ig | { Host a8 QU hu ATORG, AD IAttle Intevest hag heen mani With the slestion of a Publla | Wi | PRESENTED [quate defence for the eastern fron. | fastad so far In the coming munis | Utilities Commission next yoar, the | J JUL J tier (8 pn plank in the Tardieu gove | cipal elections, nominations for (old Board of Water Commission ice hn on ay | EX ernment's program, And when the | whieh take place on Monday next, lers goes out of existence, The y d oroner Ei ur the | AL present time the publie | board has been in existence ever | Large Audience Last Night wrmy committes of chamber the ATT _-- wees | gol Desire Ferry, former minig- | geem apathetic hut this is not uns [sines waterworks and a wewage ter of marine, to inspect the defence [usual as the campaign tor muniels | system was provided for the city, | Also Enjoyed Dickens' | Well-known Dunbarton Man | ated Wim trom {he wreckage Ratepayers Urged To Re! \ works, he returned to report they | pal honors is genevally ghovt, lasts | IL vendered a very important sel | Lomas In his avid f member Time and Place were designed on the most mods | ing little mare than a weak, vies to the munielpality, Christmas Story Had Died in Local Hose| "I" ny an J iiied arn Jdeas, (hat Lhey would be ' nie -- wt Lhe njurer Ni Gf of 1" 'pital From Injuries. Rew that i had ressived sorioun, si of Nominations For Vari equipped with the most up-to-date | KNOW DISAPPIATS NEW TELEPHONE LINK As Wiié of Onl { y ar "nn Ui J f Al we publie 0 BHAWH 14 WWare - | ! ous Public Bodies AN mechanism and with material not Ihe present thaw las made Ihe hullding of the new eh In th Lit) BE hi ari] ceived When Car Crashed!' "116 asked (0 ve (wkei home hitherto used, great inroads upon the blanket of |telaphone system from this elty to 9 produced many plays of the highest nn oad und told us Sri -- The trafler of the Overnight | 10 remoye thy tralley from the Transport Co, of Montreal, into] MEhwey, But dua to the fact that which a car driven hy Leonard Mi I hed heen damaved, It was 1m CHlawhan, of Dunharton crashed, he possihle to do so, he stated a ' t I ' 0, Vare w which eovered the elty and | Budbury, via Norih Bay, will pro) § ' WARD NOMINATION ' In the now works! Ar, Ferry |AHOW WF oh A ¢ y | he ' Fit Naf; w probe | PIOCHGRC HIpnY DIfy of A's ie Into. Trailer Parked On| hove, 1 think I've mat my lust' (Continued from age 1) sald In an luterview, "everyihing Aistriet #0 completely un few days holy Meant "ida | mpor Mig iL fessionals they Wave. succeeded ir High Upon his vequest they had push "Olde ! Shaws oH elaphone centre, In slonile Hy ' eded In { 2 id 4 TO BE HELD LATER | tor evacuation of the Rhine have has heen done to shelter the ovens | REO, Under He tan) A ioe | Io} ih s oh pho The ine fs | Making that long jump ( ghway ed him hdon attacked in France on the |Dants from the mest powerful pros Jaraturs above the reading point bette WA beatin sa Ws, is Md anateur stage. tg semi-professiongl (and ho hag been lotoy removed Lo } ' J 3 f J J ' { same Issne of insecurity, Under the [160U166 and from gan attacks, Re- | 1h SHOT ORS DEON § ren . ' Little Theatre patrons were mide | JURY OUT ONE HOUR [the Gshawu Losplial where hé certain ) / ve | walter, veyed by asroplane, {5 to be evacuated five years hoe |#atisfactory results I am wure pe vi the first performances of the Christ . . Dr, , 1, Bird, who had attends Showing Payment of front) I be defended } APPAR fas bit Many people say they | Also Find That Trailer Was! eo to nim ut the hospital. and Dr treaty of Versailles, our frontier w 8 defended hy a ph i ld travel far tg witness a play hy | Taxes Is Required Under wiih negotiations have | 8 barrage of gun five GAPGDI6 of | Although the highway fs prac Fhousands of Oshawa public, | ohitdren and suitable for ehildren Not Sufficiently Lighted, | mortem examination alse EAVA : tleally lear of snow from Oshawa [separate and collegiate puplle 816 | [je 00 necessary to travel far, {orl Alth h aviden last night Dy Mille v 17 i ir, thoug on J ) 8 Germany for return of the Baar Mr, Vorry estimates the defences J A ) t vitiant . 0 mnnot he considered favorable, | The holidays provided fi the | fund" res / . ' Hy the time the next issue of thi rsugh critiedl vee Suirued, thal a eh t pa Mitiwey Many giretehes slong the road are [school year are always a souvea ol jive Jrasicd a LM | i Claimed He Had Used | ry an deat F/urion: sure | ' y reno ' " , a ! ' ) a pla [Lo oan i paper appears, nominations for all | these agreements leave the French |Hnok---will not ba complete in Jews | ugg synoary and careful driving |joy to the pupils but they oan [lop consists of thirty children ba Lantern A one uuu Ares stated waver, public utilities connnlssion, | @Pen before France has had time (adds; "The evacuation of the line acotdents into they enter business or proline ehitdyen : a uh ! ' y 1 ' y . Me dren's story ak 1 Bord of Kdueation, and ety counes| to complete her proposed new [of tha Rhine which opens our fron m------ fesnlonal world where they find | simple plot 1s the rivalry of "Capt ih ter, un Monday, January 0, the el "or a time, controversy over the | year's sevvice, which reduces the Christm much shorter { Pais Ald ! ections will take place und 'the city's | defences of the eastern frontier [number of our effeetives, compel vets, gestion SE the, ro the wh spree dyvgiion. ' ' Fy tl Va if b Phe | , y 0 Prone vo ) v offor A soa . OIant, tor the position of King . Members of 1he y affalrs will then be placed in the [waged furiously, Wminent French |us to redouble our efforts, As window dlsplayes of several local | INTEIENTED IN HINK Bookland, The present queen, I'| fore I eafeunad | ua {he fio tum y Hi i t ry Whit ves ondising him nn njuriex, hat Hi, " rau \ f the elvie bodies for the year 1930 renounced guarantees for the secs | bligh the harrage of fire which h a | ) ; 4 , a : r h wibly the largest of the year, hut afs [new arena seems to be of great | all the characters play the parts of | Balle John Cow Jo] [8 | Nominations on Monday tor hii hig ot Lig oruony vided Ih Fil protect ' Jom kay vpn ter It 18 over' It leaves a distinct [Interest to a large number of peo | Voters, Peter Pan is voted king | ® position that 1 was dangerous to li J Datan ' I : a Ji mavor, 1oUr nempers « I ow 11 realty of LAL ALL) pecin LLL reassure 18 populations o ull in business pla, particularly hookey lovers, From the very. first ullmpse of the trafmie, In the opinion of a Jury un ' Lhe Influence of tem from (h to Bw home tu Dunbarton Submission of Certificates Hague agreements, the Nhineland | ent trials Lave given the most leaving in its place large pools of [erow flies and Its course wan sur I Lio Viele Tie Aled fore the date provided In the that ones the works are finished, HIGHWAY SLIPPERY PUPLLA ENJOY HOLIDAYS Miler who portormod the port Municipal Act bean opened between France and |SLopplung any attaok," to Toronto, motoring conditions | enjoying the Christmas vacation, | ie children's uly "The King Loo Truck Driver| |"! that tha decesssd had Pos civic offices in the "eity including | onstern and north-eastern frontiers | than four or flys years and he must be the rule in order to avold [rarely appreciate them fo the full | ing the parts of different characters in his evidence that He had triad il will have been closed, A week lus | Eystems of frontier. defences, ther and the appligation of the one [renr Ave REMOVED that holidays are fewer and of | Hook," played by Jack Germond and hands of those who shall constitute [soldiers charged (hat Franoe had [quickly as possible we must esti | 5c "rma Christmas trade 18 pos The erection of the elty's fine | tanta condubts the election In which } | Martin, foreman: John Biokle. Rov ween left on the highway In such ! ' der Coroner Dv, 1, R, Hole whieh | Blake, und Ju Harrell, Crown At Public Utilities Commission and four | sorrespondents made tours and [Alsace and Lorraine, always a prey who visit the new bullding tres | stage after the curtain rises, and members of the Board of Kdueation, | found no defences, It was asserts [to painful memories of Invasion." | grips GOON HONRKE anently to witness the progress | Wendy, played by Yvonne Findlay js | 1088 night Inquived Into MoGlash torney J, A, Malihhon pssisted 1 will take place belore City Clerk [ed that while eredits for new de And the sense of Insesurity evi Mr, Wm. D, Peebles, ven! estate [which Is being made, They are |#ttng sewing something, for Peter | An's doth, The jury further found | Hare in the city, hall, aimens Jud! _-- I denced in discussion of land des hroker of this eity, shipped on |proud to think that Oshawa will Pan the hearts of the audience are | from the evidence produced that Jonth, lem W ho slrg to see certain candidates enter foun, wit 20 WO Jin potent In Thursday of this week, one of the [soon have one of the finest rinks Suptivated and remain so during the the Haliey had not heen sufficient! vierious wards will take place an [the field and they are given amp RY a towards bod od Mg host bred colts of its class (trots [In Ontario, a province which ean Mi Parrermane ( ; Bn vordios at th whicl hour later at certain appointed plas [OPPortunity to nomimate then or] go fim ne " ting), of this seation, to his hros | boast an Joe palace In almost lad b Rvennt diay 1s a litle 4 RD stify didi ppoces total abolltion It [yey "ate 8, ©, Peables, Colborne, | every munleipality from an incor ily or about elght years old and in| Was returned after almost an houy [| RMUTH In Joving memory of our her qualnt dress of Wendy with her | Ff deliberation, racd os folloy | deny on ung hrothey A, la | m 12 o'clock | ottiee | reading the cleetion bil : M whieh sully expiain the regulations | Would be willing ta nonsider mis | gp, porated village to the largest city a [ charming little voles she is all an Wea the Jury find from the evi | mith, who died Do #, 1048 - . . child could pleture about the never | denco adduced that the sald Leon | adly missed hb ] rf pr N 3 f{ whieh must be 1ollowed ation 0 ig umploymt mo Kg / . , rane an of the ---- -- -- Lhe returning ofl 3 for the var ere would he nn f ( N vl ( ald, story book Wendy, Genevl ard MeGlaghan, of Dunbarton, died other, sister and brothers, In the Oshawa General Haosplitn Vi I, Major ng even to quail arman war dootring of "ENUFINE | em ---- EE ' Submission or certifentes Varsenki' (Hunk without a trace), [¢™ Conant makes a perfect Peter | In the eounty of Ontario on 0 (1hin) day December 15, 1080 nhout payment of taxes 8 required « J al |Shpaty ut, ivi Me 4 xpos dhe' needs hor submarines and ¢ ve || k Ma rk P ih Her dancing before (he queen is on Apirauts for iinicipal honors, Gi venience of the electorate The Tines | 11ary eraft---nuoh {8 the French toc ar et rices [}{ of the main features uf the play, Jac) Clerk Hare pointed out to Fhe Himes | 1 vin publishing the place whe te alaime=ta protect: her long ooast Germond as Captain Hoole carrie noon from injuries which he re-| today, It is not swtlgient that i | PiRcea the part out In every detall even gelved In a motor erash on thi randidate has paid his taxe threatening all his subjects wh ddl Kingston road about a halt mile | must give proof of this with jp fall H alle wr Otl Wise his | © ieers as follows qualification pape bh TT South-West Ward, Ward No, 1,|seattered over the world Bloble, Vorlong and Co, herta Judd, a fairy does a most de-| County of York or | Tight fl toe dance for the queen di "Wea further find that the tall Wite and Family, nomination must be deelared old | MMW Sool} op No : a ander' the terms of the Municipal | Contre srcet ublic aShawl, Ju Lf Elance,' hid. L. uamer sams ssn sams asi faving Warked lem Act which Is very clear In this re [Ve Returning Ofieer former minister of marine, in his o. M "vy ' | Ly Khel | tilont TH dancer or owned hy the Overnight Tran (161a) rel | South-East Ward, Ward } 2. report on the naval estimates of | NEW YORK NTOUK EXCHANGE | De ne ) (10 0 een tania Ia played b furiel| port Co, of Montreal, and drivén . " New York, Deo, 38 -KExtensive [Falcon B46 b10 B16 | Smith who 1s just ws queen, by W, Price, of Montreal, was loft any story book n should be, Ty NOTICE | . ne sslily | Albert Street Public Sehool, OC, C 11080, "Franca should not In any he it Ing A Jun and possibly | ' | 1H year-end readjustment of speculns | Holl, 405 Dig queen standing In a dangerous position Vome, ol. [ tive pocounts imparted a de idedly | He, Ol ¥20 §l0 s80 [or ehild of the thirty has been Also necording to the evideneco we | stenhouse oase accept the ahalltion of the trend- to prices In to Hy, told #0 0 ih [ven a part Jor which they ure suit | have every reason te belleve that | TO WHOM 1 MAY CONCERN conauering tha ingest In Memoriam es and will be opgn trv noon to 1 pan, AN candidates ars given until 9 o'clock on the ofllow un showing | lous wards have all served In this BMITH In loving memary of my opr hushand apd father who departed this lle December 20, bo| line, to protect the movement of Marke Summary by Canadian ross | eolonlal troops In oase of mohiliza tion, and to prateet her colonies | He the aldermanie nomihations will held he [ { the returnin hia | 1 and the names ¢ eo returnh Toronto and New York stook Quotations Supplied by ff rot vote in his faver, Little Miss Als | east of the Highland Creck In the remembered hy municipality the sige of Oshawa | North-West Ward, Ward MN submarine, Hhe should insist that o ls responsibility sth upon | City Hall, Simeoe Street North, I, | eonslderation be glven to the ole | recationary 7 : so ght ponsibi re IW is bh \ market, Tho welling | Hud Hay 870 LY B15 ed to perfection "he Pictures thera was not sufficient HEht plac Notiee 1s hereby given that all the merchands | Kt, ly " ostumes and the bright sta ed on the traller," | goods not enlled for by Jan, 7. he shoulders of the voter | Hare, Returnin Ulf | Heations Imposed on her hy her | day's Won VARY Gre content 1osremain ay North-East Ward, Ward No Lown eoastiine, by the extent .and | centered largely in Lk. Bh. 108 ( 190 with { . { ) b ) Hing Ith & background I colored ) ) | §, \ ram the polls on election day, Yor { Mu Street School, M, I, Hartley, | digtanoe of her eolonis! empire and | Ising, baking and publh utile | Nrode 180 1a 1 to a A he col lth ugh both Wm, Price, drive | 1080, which have been In our pos otting that the franghise hus be Returning Offices [the freedom nt her lines of coms | sues, many of which were ham- | Co HICH 1 h "aos desired by veung. hoo Wa he oF of the truck, and Thos, Prieo, | wession for the past year will he 0 ant rth exerelss | Cedardale Ward d |} 5 | munieation, all things of which | mered down 1 to § points A Hy i 14 «Wu wis dah AG hg hovel I= Ws brother, who was accompanying | sold without further notioe | | |B | i hi h of | | Cedardale Mablic ho h [she, In her full soverelgnty, must | though several blocks of 5,000 to] 'ly , 3 i he ond ¢ WH J ' hit im from Montreal to l'eronto | WILBON & LEK, MUR | ' \ ay ' Hd, H { ) ) oaiiand" as | I ' would de | pleton, Returnnig Office [ha the judge | 10,000 shares changed hands, the | ot i Bou 4: vi Sada I iy .) for ¢hild lentified that they had placed 71 Bimeoe Nt ! | volume of trading was relatively X A 444 44 hot ; oe . lantern on tha raer of the trailes Oshawa, Ontario | Hight | wen 4 fH ] '0 140 A Shrissmas Carol naveral witnesses who had passed (151h) i" | ) { i ( } oes from Dicken immortal | the vehicle prey | In the absence of any NeW Wd | : a . i ¢ en lous to hte time verse business developments, Wall Wainwell 131 LA 19% [stu \ A he tig Carol" folk that MeGlashan orashed into ft , LAldAren s play \ i special trea Have evider | Shdvedeelvedoadvadyidondoadie Hireet was inolined to blame be | ence that there was no | 1% Predredoeoed NEW YORK ta Little "I heatre ors It 1g) elling ag tha reason for | Hoe iowas i ght vislhle h " . lated tad pelling i ts also | Nook High Loy Close [runged to have W, A, Atkinson a When reeall { | y @ 4 E '¢ ] the slump in prices, Reports alu } §e tinged and | n reealled to (the witness box | oming Events Am Rh 14 i A Arvin Wood of the 1icken oo] the truck driver re-affirmed oh -- ! were current that banks wer \ ' MW | | [ LIMITED | ' Way Am, rv, M 0h Sh mell mp Players, Toronto, eon Alatement that there was a lantern | #4 Cents per word each ine I" ' foreing the lguidation of collate) of which had heen | Anfoonda i id | Ihawa and take the important parte | on the rear of the trailer and sints | 2 sortion, Mintmum charge "" ' | LF ; 0 Ane lob Q \ y | "Whe Quality Counts 1] y 4 | wonkened, but this se Hing appar a} ae, 180 184 | der o and Hob Cratehe Mr 4 that he had 1 ! near Helleville, |» for each insertion, Bde, re ) U HI \ oe di Neos #8 was convineed that he ' | ently was of an lsolatodh charac when ' deedeedordeddiridindvededoednde dedrednded ode BRAESIDE WE RICHMELLO JJ |i "© Ce GL NY. Bi BE SON the Tad ati Nk huh ener boon | and bin Brochr 1r the tration | Hebb [ 3 I the sida af the road | MADAME NROWN, PALMIRT, | | Inasmuch as Friday's eall money A | week-end Dupont ,,, 114 114 | theatre stage fr, Wood in h ofthe lantern wa tH In the same Phone 24201, #0 Loulsa street v | | { y BUTTER COFFEE rte abries over ihe Brio Hall ho) \ I b J 1 oredit conditions were not a di i ¢ ' i |} hi ) 0 od 4 [a na ! good I'he 1 position and that If no Hght wa (1800) ™ a market, in, 8, +4 { diy | of 10 thee soenes whieh in « i discovered at the time o at { Then Shianery U Nlended by Experts rot faptor a Fine : ha the tn, Mot Wi 40 | programme was aritten | AY! oldent It Bo He Ny J hk ' ROUND AND QUARRY DANCH ' The Year just closed has heen a Hrokers do nol believe Hud, Mot 4 by i G4 | kinson and ix the same that I¥ stolen | At, Geovme's Hall, 600 Albert 3 ie y hove the | able cenfirmation of our Sealed to Nave the onll rate well go much hoy It. Com 0% bo 68 [used in the production of thi The fatal. crash ocenrred ear) treet tonight Admission R260, | remar slogan Flaver 4 per cent, level asx a result of . M 4 a : \ nk \ iy Ib 44. " " ' Ars demands for It, Tele, +, T04 0 matigation at the Fellowsh) Wel an the morning of Thursde Der | Load orchestra {i01n) . "Where Quality Counts 20, | the heavy year-end N Jung, Man 11% ers In foronte I'he i oember 18, when MoGIashan wa WHITRY IFIREMAN ANNUAL (} P rene ot th the Anh jd ian A Are extended to our 14h, Tin gurrency, despite the faet that 11 l bnll and supper will he held in p ther nymer, Tienda and ot y supply at that rate Was Ta | | BAYLIS ANN ihr ast patronage, Ph mm RR | Hmited Inst week Mt, Ward 4 [nest refusing 1a dine at his nephew " Los iy ™ ae y 40 \ Ay we has a continuance of our Lib, Tin De e Ward Baking Preferred sustain I ' M \ y wm Cl | 8} ) | dy, Sf previous to this time a taxi driven | | ( Cem ) lat, pleasant at A [ad the largest Individual loss In P'oore Co, { on hrstmag ay and then scold by Louis Clarke, of Oshawa, and plendid program dood sup RE y ' today's market, dropping § points Phil, Pet ues 14 | [ng ha poor clerk, Hob Lrachit vor | belonging to the Mallett Taxi Co per, Tiokets §1, per counts, FRESH 31S | Allled Cheloal fell Ti, 0 MH, | Ib Hr, NJ, TH (Uy [ daring to think of asking tor the | of this efty, had figured (1310) Radio ',,,, 418 | privilege of beg given a wolaay ou | aldent with the truck and trailer Macy 7, and Sears Roobuak slipe f Lr | 41 8 [ whristinas DD Lhe old umn anally | whiel sd hack 43% to 84, which eom- |' Ho ' 4 | hr a Wohi ol' bh Which ave owned by the Overnight Nn' TS Ibs. 23 ly with the low of 80 estahs | Bin, OI ,, 34 i }3 4 [allows him to take the day but leave | Pransport Ca, of Montreal, The TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY | lished 'in the break of last month, | #t. OH NJ, 448 diy 41g [08 Da gifice in a 'vi URPIORSUnt | houvy tranaport vehiloles wera pros | Kxireme declines of 3 to 4 Utd, Ah 40% A Wh" 0d A cooding west -on the highway while [ TWO ROOME FOR RENT NEAR U8, HNteel 108%; 108% | dhe next seene ia wher TOONS | the taxi was approaching in the | Iv furnished, Newly decorated ) nie alee were regtaterod hy \ | ] | | FANCY QUALITY NO, 8 TIN (LARGE, SWEET, SANTA CLARA | Jolnia arbon. National Disoult W aolworth 710 8 70 { [a visited by the ghost of his wid opnonlte direction! hey knaned u | Eh, Walor And use ob ory lec) . D P 21 h | (old atoek) May Department Yel, Truck 14% 184% 114 hartnel n dines Jacob Marley short distance east of Highland | minutes walk from Motors, $18 a O08 . SYS . ' A s Halon 10.80 a.m, 200.000 Lhe part of the ghost 18 adinirabay | \ Nan asl or month, Mone 1304W v ¢ I 1h 15 ( Nlores, MN ¢ Ntores, Magna ¢ Creek and the tealler is sala to | I omg eas - 1 unes : v ores, Falavey . UH, Steel | Bales 11.00 am 1,081,300 taken by Mr, George Walsh have HW HH ont steiking the taxi | (181¢) Copper and J, 1, Case Hg : Following the visit of the ghost ol and causing IL to erash into the Ee 3 rst o-307 fas " f " , L | ( Od \ q0, Wh ERM | i Bh the aifiee Qf acrooge, ¢ niserty returning from lorento to his | Mex, dhrd, 18% 4 narrow minded, stingy Uoamerchant home In Dunbarton Heveral hours man Common sold down 2 points before REFRESHING AND HAveRy 3 PURE ~ " ww - it mat effective buying support, | aero (Joba J leep and A [ ditoh, This happened shortly afte RICHMELLO TEA | RASPBERRY JAM iii Bey dream hein awed 16 ituew 1h | bine" look Wadnosday evening 4 analog approximated 1,080,000 Christmas dinner" of the poor but and according to the evidence sul - shales { hap ) Cratohit win Phy differs mitted last night the tratley had | n er . A ont eharaciers In the family are al) heen damaged and was left stand t 1b. 50 40.02, Jar 3506 CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING DIED YESTERDAY | extremely well done, Mrs, Crachit] tug on the aldo of the road | Mo Dec, 28 Wheat: Deo Ww played by kdith Smith, he 1 th Louls Clarke, driver of the tax! NEW COOKING HEINZ TOMATO 1 w NS tA 1801 May, 104, wr-- [mother of the large tamily trying 16 | and Johit MoBrien and his duughs | R medies > ? S48; Mareh, 1801; May, 134, » y A tar | h ' a ' ne 2 ms. 25 K it | 1 Bottle 253 Corni Dee, 0041 March 83% | Welldenown Local Resident |!4\¢ the bert of \hit sho Ghv fof | tor, Miss Martha Molivien, pass | C re ' L] ¢ arge Boltle Qe 3 May, 001%, Oats: Deo, 408} 0 gabe Gt Lal CITE, ATEL0 ATe | angers, gave. vvidence concerning SE ------ - \d -) ¢ C mp Arg ") " Al . } ' Had Reached Advanced | MN children, Poter, Martha, Hennug, | the fivgt acoldent hut knew noth 4: ' 0) March, 48; May, 40h, the twine and 'Tay. Fim, Abert | {ng poncerning the crash whieh fol CHOICE \ \ Go» ON Age Walker makes a very handsome Pos lowed sevaral heurs late We have a large and Vas CHICAGO PRODUCK n-- tor, and does his part well, Martha Nigh way Trafic pA John | vied stock of tried and CANMPRELL'S H Chicago, Deo, B28 Butter easy! TY . Lentils 2 Ibs, vovelnts 8,824 tubs} creamery ex The death ooourred on Friday [18 played by Mane Valea, hh | Kay, Sorgeant Dpaye.tt, of the |}! proven remedies for wins . y . [looks very pretty, indeed, in her | Roarhan - | | teas A814 Ntandards 881; oxtra morning of Stephon George Hay Wd Soarhora police, George Lomas, (1 ter allments, such asi w= SOUP 1 le FOR SOUPS USE firete 86 to 87; firsts 813 to well, well-known resident of this | Witt Jubned ut Wh of purple eal | gurageman and Art TakRieuy, gar | C h Colds Sore 04: seconds J0sto 8015, Kgge [01 at his home 46 Fairbanks Si, 109 hhh Bike ol La Valea | age mechants, who had visited the [|| sONENS, * plays Belinda, her mother's tte | soona of the avoldent stated that | Throat, Tonailitis, Influe Bisto Large Tin } onslor: reoslpth' 5,410 oases; ons |The late Mr Haywell was fn his eh AR (vn fivats 48 to 467 graded firsts | elehtisth year, The deceased cons helper, Wlag hrave 1h ribbons U9 1 the tratler had been loft fn suoh [| cama, Grippe, Pleuriay, SHIRRIFF'S MACHINE WRAPPED 4 A twins are Edmund Dramontel and | FRESH 44} ourrent firsts 48 to 41; refrigs dicted a harness business on Bond |} \ # position that {ts rear wheels weve ||| Wi and was very well-known tiloen Hurke, Jimmy Callaghan | op the pavemnet while the front | Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Y " 3 . ® or { 8t, West \ Jelly Salted Heri MY reigem in this distriet, He was born in hing Liv, the Suutest bf the fais | guy projected across the highway | Rheumatism, Solatica, ete, » 4p kgs, 230 am Birmingham, BEugland, and came |" an a delicate erinhie The scene for almost elght feet, They had With the best and most I owders Peanuts Ih, TORONTO to this country 81 years ago, Ha a he Tals W bat a Wy DOTIARES, | nog ween a lantern, [|| dependable remedies to MADE IN OUR OWN BAKERY ftook High Low © first conducted a harness business A Al Of the whole herfurmange, Three drivers of TorontosOsh \ fe ith CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S ne, A, Ol 44% i" fn Toronto for many years, and fu | he sudience is very reactive 10 the | gy TT, buses, inetuding Gordon delect from == with cour Ay . song which they all sing when the | hetere Kverett Pipher and 1, Mow} teous service and a alne 0 A wm " Fy Q » Rrag, .. A&8) as as 1004 he came to Oshawa, Jams 12.0x Jar 250 Tasty 10¢ Loat LUX SOAI Can, 8nd 19 19 Renldes hin wife, he 1 survived | inner he {D lah olatmed that they had passed (11 cere desire to help yous SEA KING : IDEAL FOR LUNCHES 8 Cakes 230 Can, Prd, 19 19 by two sons, Frank of Oshawa, and a Maser of Dreann the traller several times during the we believe you will find | ] N Cookahutt 28% wy LR Arthur, of Toronto, and three on W lo ove NES | nlght on thele teips and £8 no tne | Dm, Str, 81 208 2 daughters, Mra, Garrison, and Mys, [Performan "the Maker Wi had they notloed a ght, it a veal pleasure to trade Gypsum 28 2 Simpson, of Toronto, and Mpa, | Dreams' was well chosen, This play John MoGlashan, of Phe boon | | with us, | N Eggweat Hr, Wal, 10% 10 { | Dale, of Onhawa, Twelve grands [Wd written by an Maglishman, Ole | brother of the decoased, had been phant Down, Besides being a very | called to the spot shortly ap » 10¢ Loat , rd, \ hildven also survive, n Ivory White Noodles Pkt, 100 Hm, Bid, 12 Be 4 The late MP, Saywell was a Mas | Drotly and dainty thing it containg | Leonard had received hin fatal tn | PRESCRIPTIONS S Med, Cake 8e¢ LONGER AND SWEETER It, Nkl, #1 808 gon, The funeral will be held on |® ®ood deal of logie, there are threo | juntos, Thera was no Mght when FILLED PROMPTLY Soap Eo I, Pot, #3 214 Monday afternoon at 2 pm, from yeh Rievral, played hy ROM. Mes he arrived and he then placed a | CAREFULLY ' : ) }! . BD Rivest, | lyre Bierrette, Marjorie aprental { lantor the vehiele for the sates | \ ROYAL A REAL TASTY CEREAL Diamond I. Aleh, 13% 13h the restdence 44 Fairbanks Street. | (GF PAGAN TIE, FIO EN | tutari bi the nehicle for the sate 1 piping, Ti 200 Imp, Ol 397 ELA Rev, 8 OC, Moore will have oharge Cluthe. Flerrette ia. in Te will y od thes traftio, ACCURATELY 9 n Lob, "A" 111} 114 of the service, Tuterment will ha | "85 eR NA i George Lomas, Soearbore gars | - Baking Wheatena 29¢ Cleanser i Me, HE ABN E \ mado at the Union Cemetery A A ras I this} ageman, and his mechanto, Avt La LET US SERVE YOU, uve Bb a 0% to RY Tar out § \ ny 3 iy 0:02, Tin 280 Mo, Wr, 23% Bid rene een A Flour, were busy repairing the Powder A i 28 [Mt Pwr, 100% 194 oa CAROL WERVICR hit reach Abel the wilt of the | Qverntght Transport Co, teuek on | shaw, T8% HY T64 There will he a speolal oapal | NUTREtUTEr GF dredms Hierro 15 (4 aide road not tar from where | Ka D St NAVY LIBRY'S OR ATLMER NO. 8 TIN f, Station 433 Bid gorvice In Si John's Anglioan left with a note describing his dreamt | the trallor was parked, when the | arn' S rug ore | lady, Pierrot fy slow to discover | ops ocourved, They rushed (o \ The Family Drag Store with mm \ h Standard Mines Chureh tomorrow night at seven a i Colle PORK +=«BEANS 10¢ |} i trite ou [15 dhe a SU it 07 Sd ERI RAS |] ve amt ron y 3 Rolls 25¢ Ajax ., 181 141 R. J. Shives, will nreach hig New [han his pancing partner dtierrette | Qlaghan's oar had travellagd abot (Ff ; a aper foot east of the traller and Phone ATS Next BO Amulet 18% 148 Year's sermon, The vegular sen The orchestra at this performance | titty Nig Mts, 60 a0 ) vices will take place In all other [is under the direstion of Mrs | upset in the ditoh They found | Ch, Res, 050 aio ochurohes In the town, George Fleming MoGlashan in the car and extrie- |