Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Dec 1929, p. 7

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PAGE SEVE RONCHITIS At bedtime rub the throat Chest thoroughly with THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1929 ARABS BLAMED FOR | GERMAN FINANCIAL [3:2 PALESTINE TROUBLE SITUATION IS ACUTE. Small Group of J8b Hunters| Banks Are Reported Ready | mits wgulnst nonsdnterest heuring | vould uot puy thelr employees, The { Troasury curtificatos maturing | Behaoht loan, however, it belléved | within 10 mouths ut the latest, the adequate to cover all such obliges syndicate buying the certificates ut | tions, ' i discount of ¥% per cont | Berlin, too, hag been haviug its The Nelehwbauk, Leadod by Dr, | own monetary troubles, and yostor Wislmay sehooht, in turn, was sold | day the governog of the provines to bo willing to grant the holders | of Brundenburg established pial: of coriifientos un vediseount, eredit | control over Berlin finsncey for the | om a providing that half the holdings | fivdt time wince the establishment | vonuos aeeruing from inereased witness-~Lo take the puddiug ups und brivg it In, Suppose it should net he done enough! Buppors it should break in wirning out! Buppose somebody should have got over the wall of the backeyard and stolen {t, while they were merry with the goose==i sups @ tigfino 8 Carol BEGIN HERE TODAY It would be bard to find move bard-bearted, ¢old, lig miser thay EBEND- ER BCROOGH, And JACOB * MARLEY, bis former partner, had been ke Bim, But May ley had been dead seven years, But on Christmas Kvé.ihe Ghost of Marley Foy fierooge a visit, Wrapped fu clanking chalos and rising melapeholy uries, the Ghost mourned for the Gppertities it had wastr od fo lite, apd tried to make #eroo) 800 the error of bis ways in shuttieg munkind out of ni heart, o Spirit then departs, At Foy JHroke bi Ong, ihe #0000 vit appears one alld | If the Ghest ot vistmas Present, We takes +Soroese ahr on Christman morning. Nelly are ringing, People are preparing for din: uel, NOW GO ON WITR THE 8TORY Vill 1s time the Dells cessed, and he ra wore shut up aud yet [hore wis & gonial shadowing forth pf all these dipners and the prov Hy + of thely cooking, in the thaws » bloteh of wet above each baker's pen, where the pavement smoked an if {ts stones wore cooking too, "Is there a peculiar flavor whet u sprinkle from LoveR?" asked Borooge, " are M iH 'ould it apply to an Slaner on this id aske 'To any kindly given, poor one most," "Why to a poor one west?' asks vd Berooge, "Because it neads it mosl," "Bpivitl"" asked Borooge, after a wement's thought, "I wonder you, of all the Deluge in the many worlds about us, should desire to uiamy these phople's opportunities of Innocent enjoyment," "I gried the Bpirit, "You would deprive thelr means of dining every seven h day, often the only day on whieh they can be said to dine at all,' ya!d Berooge; "wouldn't you!" "1," oried the Spirit!" "You seek to close these places ag the Seventh Day," sald Berooge, "And {t comes to the same thing." "L geek," emelaimed the Bplrit, "Forgive me If I am wrong, It Was been done In your name, or at least in that of your family," sald Bureoge, "There are soma upon this earth of yours," vetura®a the Spirit, "who lay claim to know ua, and who do in your kind of Boreoge, Tos thelr deeds of passion, pride, 111will, | hatred; envy, bigotry and selfish: pom io our nme, who are as trange to us, and all our kith and 19, a8 if thoy had never lived, Res member that, and charge thelr do- A on themselves, DOL us," i rooge promised that he would; and they went on, invisible, as they bad been before, into the suburbs of the town, It waa & remarkable nuality of tbe Ghost (which orooge bad cbaerved at the bake ot's), that notwithstanding bis gis tie glee, he could secommodate imeell to any plave with ease; and that he stood beneath a low root Quite as gracefully and lke a sup sruatural creature as it was possi Dt apuld have done iu any lofty sll, ' And perhaps it was the pleasure the good Spirit bad iu showing off wer of bis, or else It was his ind, generous, hearty natuve, and bis sympathy with all peor men that led him straight to Borooge's clarks; for there he went, and took Sorooge with him, holding to hls . Tobe; and on the threshold of the door the Bpirt smiled and Mp d to bless Bob Cratohit's 4d Afi with the sprinklings of his torah, Think of that! Bob had bul fifteen 'Hob' & week himaell; he pocketed an sat rdays but fifteen coples ot lila Obristian name; and yet the Ghost of Christmas Present blessed ff r-roomed house! The up rose Mrs, Cratohit, tobit's wite, dressed out but rly dn a twice-turned gown, but brave a vibbogs, "whieh are cheap, d wake ly show for ale nee; and she lald the eloth, ase wisted by Belinda Uratoblt, second of her daughters, aleo brave in lbs bonus; while Master Peter Cratobit plunged & fork (nto the saucepan of Fp nd getting the corners of hey + Mahitn LM (Bob's 5 red upon la Jonkid heir in hooor of the day), ia mouth. ol w find b a0 gallantly attired, ned to show his linen in onable Parks And now smaller Cpitehets, boy and givl, wame Jearing fo, screaming that outalde the baker's they bad smelt the goose, and know it for thelp own and basking in luxurous thoughts of sage and onlons, these young Cratohita danced about the Aable, and exalted Master Pater Cratehit n the akles, while he (not proud; although his collars nearly v d kim) blew the fire, until he slow potatoes, bubbling up, Bgehed Joudly at the saugepaun-lid 10 he let out and peeled, "What haa ever got your ¥ reclous father, then!" sald Mrs, Cratebit, S'And your brother ki Tim? And Martha wasn't as Yate la { t an hour" n on R artba, Bute sald a 0g a0 abe apoke, ts TA NATtbe, mother," orled two ag Cratehita, "Murrah! i. a suoh a goose, Marthal" © "Why bleas your heart alive, my , how late you are!" sald Mrs, hit, kissing her a dosen times, taking off her sbaw! and bou. iva a 36a] of work 'vo. bated " 0 rk to Bula) last aight," replied | had 10 elear away this mora* never wind so as 00m, ol Mra, po My VSI yo dowd before the fire, my Jon and bave a warm, Lord bless 1 "Ne, ne! There's foloer comlag," 'Coled the (wo young Cretedita, who were averywhers at once, "'Ilide, Marthe, hide!" Bo Martha Wd herself, apd in eame little Bob, the tather, with al lenst Lbhree feet of comtoriey, ox- olusive of (he fringe, hanging down before biw, and "Lis threadbars elothes dovned up and brughed fu look seasonable, gud Tiny Tiwi vipon his shoulder, Jus for Tiny Tim, be bove a little cruteh, aud had hig limbs supported by su trou frame, "Why, where's our Martha?" "Not coming," suid Mrs, Cralehit, "Not comiug!" sald Bob, with a sudden declension In hig high spl ite; tor LH had bey Tim's blond horse all the way from church, and had come Lome rampant, Nol goming upon Christmes Day!" Marthe didn't Mike to seo him disappointed, if it were only & Joke, 80 she came out prematurely from bebind the ¢loset door, apd van into bis avme, while the two youu Cratobits rustied Tioy Tim, and bore him off uty the wash-house, position gt which the twee youug Crgtobits became livid! All sorts | of horrors were supposed, Mullo! A grost desl of steam! The pudding wes out of the copper, A smell lke A washing day! net | wag Lhe eloth, A smell Hike ap ents ing house and a pastiy-cook's next door to each other, with a lnuns dyess next doo to that! That was the pudding! In half a minute Mig, Uratehit enlered-=tushed, but | smiling proudly=-with the pudding Iie un speckled cannonball, go line sud frm, blaging in half of halt-a~ quartery of fgnited brandy, and be dight with Christmas holly stuck into the Lop, Qh, a wonpdeviul pudding! Bob Cratobit sald, aud calmly too, that he regarded it an the greatest suce oops wehieved by Mra, Cratehil pines thelr marriage, Mrs, Cratghit guid that, now the welght wap off mind, she would confess she bad hey doubts about the quantity of flour, Everybody had some thing Er -- at Christe | the girl |e them of my dears, God bless ual" ---------- that he might [alvgIng in the capper "And how did Hrtle Tim behay asked Mrs, Uratohit when aghe rallied Hob on his eredulit Bob had hugged his daughter tu hig hearts content, "As good as gold," sald Dob, "and bettey, Somehow, he ze! thoughtful, altting by himsell mach, and thinks the stranges things you ever heard, Me told m coming home, (hat he hoped the goplée saw him fu churveh, beoau ® Was a oripple, and It might be pleasant to them La remember up on Christmas Day who made lame beggars walk and bliud men pee, hear (he pudding he told him this, and trembled more when be sald that Tiny "im was growing alrong aud healthy, Mis aotive little epntoh was heard upon the floor, and back came Tiny Tim before another word was gpoks en, egoorted by his hrother and | slater to his stool beside the five} | sud while Bob, turniog up his culls! weed, (f, poor (ellow, (hey wore oape able of hong made worse shabby compounded gome hol mixture in a Jug with gin and lemons, and sth red it round and put it on the heb 10 slimmer, Maatar Veter and (he two ublguitions young Crate in| weut tg feteh the goose, with whieh | they avon retuived in high posses | slon, | Huoh a bustle ensued (hat you might Lave thought « goose the rarest of all birds; a teathored phenomenon, to whieh a bluok gwen WAR a matter of course ==aund, In truth, It waa something very like ft In that howse, Mpy, Cratghil made the gravy (ready beforehand fo a little saucepan) hissing hot) Master Peter washed tha polatves with ineredible vigor; Miss Nelly da awoetened up the apple saucu; ! Martha dusted 'the *hot plates; Non took Tiny Tig bealdo him fn a ti) Cratohits set ohalra tor every! not forgetting themaelves, and mounting guavd Upon Lhele posts, orammed spoons {nto their mouths, Jest they should shriek lor goose before thelr turn camg tu be helped At last the disheg were gel on and grace was sald, It was sues ceeded by a breathless nause, Mra, Cratehit, looking slowly all slong the oarving knife, prepared addy, she did, and when the long expo od gush of stuffing fssued forth, 0ue mumrue of delight arese all round the hoard, ~aud even Tiny Tim, excited by the twa young Crats thud ry Fis te table with the adie o § kuile and teably EE Theale never was auch a goose, Hob paid didw't belleve (hers oyor Was augh a goosa covked, lis Ll} depness and flavor, slime and oheaphess; wore the (hiewes of unl ran! admiration, BRed: out hy APDIG sauce ARd washed potatoes, 1 uttielent diner for (he wh rally: indeed, as Mua, Ouats Bit anid with great delight (pups veyin anall atom of a bone up. opt a hey hadu't ate it oll at tt Yet everyome had had enough, and the youngest Cratehits, in foular, were wtebped in says an 108 to the eyebrows! Nut now, the plates being changed W Miss Belinda, Mrs, Orltohet lett the room aloges~toy . And | (Hob Cratehit ealled a clrele, Hob'y vole was tremulous when [OF Elasd gustard cup without a handle m corner at the table; the two young | 40 plunge it fu the breast, but whey nervous (0 bear | Then Bob proposed: *'A merry Christmas to ua all, to say about it hit nobody sald oF HOWERNE IL Waa at 8) dipg tor a large fami! have been flat hoveay Gratohit we hint at puch a tl AL leat the dinney was all he eloth was cleared, the swept, and the fire made up, The compound in the jug beng tasted und considered perfect, apples and be Bo were put upon the table 'and & shovel ful] of cestnutls ou the fire, Then all the Cratobit family drew round the hearth In what NeAR» ing halt a one; and at Bob Uratelis ptobd the family dlapiay f'wo tumblers and a 0 EMall pu» It would lo do 80, Any uld have blushed to i qona, hearth 4 elbow Theae hold the hot stuff from the g howeve?, aga well as golden goblets wowld have done; aud Hoh orved It out with hpaming looks, while the chestnuts Fon (he five sputtered and cracked polslly, Then Hob proposed 'A merry Christmas to us all, dears, God bless us!" Which all the family ree God ble Ul every one! iny Tim, the last of al He sal vary clos Dia father's glde upon his Ji aloo! Hob held hia withered Httle hand fa Mis as iF he loved the ehitld, and wished and dread» taken from my heed sald to te to keep him by ile ed that he would be iim HEpint, sald Boereoge, with ap interest he had never felt herore "tell me If Tiny Thm will live," "I pee a4 vaounk # replied the Ghost, in the poor chimney earner, aud a orutoh without an Owner, « carefully preserved 1] these abadows remalu unaltered by the Future, the ehild will die," (To he continued) Fr (Jun Vat YA diplomat can vake eat," a diplomat my hay, 14 up nn brea | ALS His. father a man who {surprised ven df his bedroom." and look nto Irene -------------- LARGE. PINPLES IN" BLOTCHES On Face. Itched<Temi- bly. Cuticura Healed "Large pimples broke out on my face and were vary sore. They were in blotches and were bard and red, The pimples fostered and sealed over and disfigured my face, They (\ched terribly causing ne 10 seratch, which made them hun, "used other remedies but without sucoeas, | sent for a free sample of Cutieura Sap and Ointment and found that it helped me. I purchased mare, and afer using one box of Cutleura Ointment and three cakes 1] of Cutleura Soap I wan healed," (Signed) Misa goret Joudrey, Rlockhouase, N, 8,, Aug, 31, 1924, Une Cuticura Soap, Qintment and Paloum for daily t purposes, , da m 3 PR ye ny Hours uo Sieh 28, | country, | | Montrealer Returned From | | he would be Responsible, Declares H. Wolofsky POLITICAL ISSUE N -------- Holy Land Outlines ' Situation Berlin, Dee, 26.~=Hurrvied fluans ell Johlogs In various glties served yons torduy to emphasize Germany's fins unciel and industrial crisis, ready yesterday to extend the Gov. [ernment wu loan of 860,000,000 To Grant Government | might he Loan Lat 81% The rendjustments sud riots hy oerisin share German banks were reported | raa------ Montreal, Dec, 200-Qne hundred | | and fifty Aralr Job-hupters were te. | | sponsible largely dor ie bloodshed | and riots which teek place in Vales tine last summer, sald Harry Welols sky, owner of the Jewish Lngle, upon his return to Montreal yesterday trony the Moly Land, These men, he affirmed, desire to establish a nations | sl parliament and govern the whole When the {rouble broke out li | Palestine, Mr, Wololsky was in Bwits | gerland where he hud been witends | ing the Zionist Congress, lle pros | ceeded Immedistely to the Moly | Land and by the time he arrived the disturbance had abated, Now, In| common with Jews the world ove ha Is awaiting the report of the cons | mission of investigation appointed by | Britain to study on the spot th { causes and effects of the vivting '1 he | findings, he said, will be completed U Christinas, and will be printed ln tiny | for copies to be In the hands of each | member of the Houses of Common early In the New Yeu Strong Polley Needed Satlefied that the commission lia been taking adequate steps to slit the | trouble to the bottom, he hopes thut when the report [4 made the British | Government will be convinged of the | need for taking a stronger uttitude, For Britain to promise merely that | the Balteur declaration stands, will | not be enough declared Mr, Wolol shy He urged that certaln of th English minor officials who are in clined, to be antlSemetic should be | changed while he desires to the ! appointment of mor English snd | Jewish police and the creation of u Jewlsh battalion under the supervis on of British officers, But, while recommendifg the adops | tion wf stronger measures, Mr, Wo lofaky lald the fact that the Jews in Palestine wish only to work In perfect harmony with the | Arabs and so fur as he ls concerned, willing to walve th right to pray at the Walling Wall for | the sake of peace, Ilo realizes how ever, that to thousands of Jews this 5 & solemn and important matter Whatever happens, he sald, the | Bee tress oll | recorded still, however, and searce!y wa day passes witheut & report of an | | done evervthing we could A $400,000 000 of 150,000 Jews in Palestine will stay "We went to Palestine because Lng» | land offered us a mandate and for | this reason wo have sent our greats | est idealists, Our leurved and most cultured professors have labored cut ting stones to make reads; we have pum of Jewish mone Palestine, and the enefit of of have schools and hy Jovtiah university Aral vested in reaped the b ing too, They pitals, In the an Arable section I'he to work us slaves, We have raved thelr wages by 600 per cent)" he « clared Bright Commerelal Future Given the pecurity of British mi tection, there 1s a wonderiul commen clal future for Palestine prophesied Mr, Wolofsky, The Jews, he | will have no tear of investing a cor siderably greater amount ef money than hay been the case even to dat have Arabs used wild, { Already a new port {5 being bullt and overseas markets « J being establisl ed, Socks and fanoy leather goods of excellent quality, he said, are being exported and while at the present | time 4.500000 boxes of oranges are | being sent out of the country a year | are | | | | | the first "they hata the Taglish eyen | thin they do the Jews, | sent men to the Jews waking them 1 | burg! | "wi W "What? in five years this figure will have in created to 100,000,000 boxes num New gardens are being planted and in this connection, he suid, the Arabs nrofiting fram the Jewish occu pation learning Upset methods of cultivation, Heo spoke of Telia-Viy, years ago was only sand, and now is a beautiful city administered by the Jews, with lovely boulevards and gardens, Eight years is the gap since his last visit 0 We Holy Land and he described as almost incredible the changes which have been nade in the interval, ritish Justices in Courts The courts which are trying thes i with 'rioting are acting, sald per an in more peli whieh Mr, AVolofgky, with traditional Bri tish justice, Isolated cases of at tacks on Jews, he added, are belny assault and even murder, Quite recently, ho stated, a Jewish phystelan, Dr, Tuchin, whe had eured many of the Araby of eve (rouble, wan treacherously stabbed. in the back, Reports received by the Nuit ish Inveplagating chmnssion trom dav of the mquiry showet!, he continued, that the Arabs were the amgressory, and furthermore that more Svidence proved, asserted Mp, WW. lofsky, that the Arabs had actually they would make againgt the British, ah Lommon Cause} n "Whey 3 the next train out ul Ms | elve o'clock, sir," Isn't there une beige | fihat "No, sir we neved run one before | {the next." Ee at oh WILLIAMS' Taxi Service PHONE Corner Bond and | Our policy Is to start the well balanced stocks. Just the lines you require. CHRISTMAS CAKES FINEST QUALITY Baked in our own Pure Food Kitchens Made from a very fine Old English recipe, It containe the very cholosst of Mupor od Fruits, Valencia Almonds, Selected Sploes, High Park Butper, New Laid s and vovered with a delivious Almond Paste, AER Le. SB Loblaw's Fruit Cake Delicious Cherry Cake 1b, 3G¢ Rich Fruit & Nut Cake 1b, 323¢ Fresh Valencia Cake. . lb, 21¢ For a Real Happy New Year | welcome it in by a Toast with ALPINE CLUB T'he Peer af Pale Dry GINGER ALE Serve this sparkling drink to all your friends, Note the delight on thelr faces as they catch the delicious flavor, and don't forget, it's the lowest | priced, highest grade Ginger Ale on the market today, Sold exoluaively through Loblaw Groceterias, SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS Fruit Dro) Trae It Pla Lode Bos, Holiday Mixture Essallent Value Gum Drops Assorted Flavor, iii insiniiiging Jelly Beans The Children Like Thom | Mincemeat i AMITTON'S ol |} TERT ARARARARIRRANNY Mincemeat RLLAS Finest Quality on rel Jor oo PARAARRRARARE EA Natural Figs Finest Quality Cooking 11. "(olden Hallowi Dates J MM a Table Figs SMYRNA=3 Glace Cherries Fanay Qualitp==Fronch Tmparied (1, Box 19¢ Lb, 14¢ Lb, 16¢ Lh. 19¢ CARRERAS PRARRALARRAR ANY Lb, 16e~ lar 29¢ 2 Lbs, 200 ARRAY 2.Lbs, 2%¢ Lb, 23¢ '{ Lb, lde RED RIVER CEREAL PKG, 24 discounted | osut, und the remuinder mortgaged | CGormany, por sent Welch Government, baving a financiel deficit of ils own was rYeporied uoable Lo fulfil ie obligation to pay federal stotes no of publle ut 7% port | The hesidoy governor' exire raven ralinf for New Year with For this reason we put on at this time our regular STOCK ADJUSTMENT SALE of lines In which stores are overstocked. WATCH FOR YELLOW PRICE TICKETS denoting reduc- tions Which will save you real money on WATCH FOR YELLOW PRICE TICKETS : Store Hours SHELLED NUTS This Week V Tuesday, Dec. 31st Open until 10 p.m. i Closed Wednesday January 1st, 1930 municipal polf-governmont -------- v In # decrees forbade | od aw Vellowing persons, | aitempled march linrest dt Shelled Walnuts BORDEAUX Walvay Shelled Walnuts Beight, clean soak, , Shelled Almonds Aolooted Valonsias, , Shelled Filberts Finest Quality Ground Alrfpnds FATRICO Brand Brasil Nuts Faney, Lavge, Washodo= Now flack Almonds TARRAGONA =Fanuy, Large, , Nestle's Condensed Tin MILK. Walnuts CALIFORNIA ==Dismond Budded Mixed Nuts Walnuts, Almonds, Vilberis and Beant No boii LOBLAW'S Fry's Breakfast COCOA ib. Tin TEA 1{ lb, ONCE YOU TRY IT KEILLER'S LITTLE CHIP Marmalade 1203, Jar 21° 24¢|.| 24 25° EATMOR H. A. Pure LARD: 16° Club House Clubhouse Mason Jar, Lunch FUULIALIARRAR RRA RAR Queen ubhouse, No By ininnhaansannnng Clubhouse Planente, Noo Booovinninnionsnannnn, Fluid Beef 0X0 ia 39° 20x, Boule Choose Your Robin Hood OATS 2 od Lge. Pkg. grow hero It also ordered that surplus re-| parts of Germany, a_i puy the city's debis ninry of dl 0 We extend to Our Many Customers Our Best Wishes for A HAPPY NEW YEAR Your liberal patronage during 1929 has made possible our Low Prices on Quality Merchandise enabling us to truthfully say WE SELL FOR LESS YEAR-END STOCK ADJUSTMENT SALE Lb, 89¢ Lb, 48¢ Lb, B6¢ Lb, 44¢ Tin 22¢ NUTS IN SHELL Lb, 22¢ Lb. 27¢ Lb, 34¢ Lb, e EGYPTIAN BLEND : Finest Quality Procurable ORANGE PEKOE i 1b. YOU'LL ALWAYS BUY 17! CRANBERRIES They give color and tasterto the New Year's dinner OLIVES Jar 38¢ Bottle 180 Bottle 140 For the Successful NEW YEAR'S PARTY REQUIREMENTS at LOBLAW'S 1b, tin 24 HORNE'S DOUBLE CREAM CUSTARD rates on munlelpully-owned publie uthition, trams wid subways bg use part of uw sinking fund of af the city government to make sny | least, 000,000 marks monthly to wpproprintions in Decomhbur thug eancelling payment of 4,000 000 marks of additions! Christmas | munlsis when polie unemployed two Com A ] of unemployed Only 60 por cent, of the Novewber | which the eity counell voted Thurs | moar the city hall Thursasy uisst, payments hove been made, sud 1] day was fonred the stale governments und In other |

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