Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Dec 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1929 {EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS| rs ki A Produce Prices in the |" po cial For ToDay ry BATH TO RECEIVE MEDAL Alex Wi hu! | \ ex Hie, we youthiu employes, SALTS NZ STRAW Vormto wholesale dealers are quoting the Vatbroke News hus heen receive when he ip eared in Folie Cotirt | Wholease deniers 10 oH siraw are | 10 i pri o 1 ihe trades . . « 1 1927 PONTIAC COACH $500 that "Bud" Allen, student ut the | here yesterday mogning, White der This was such an astonish tne 1a shimmers she Aollewing. prices fos | Smaked abn Hany, digg # to geil]! worn ------ | parton delivered on (rack, Torumio y= '"e pooled kia, 44 Fadia ig or A Vols, eke} Vembroke Colleghite bustitwie and | elared that he lsd been employed by ing velus that our frst | seumanl Nu 4 Timothy, baled to $15 4 on Key, and. Mis, J, Wo Allen, | Kinnear tg do odd Jobs wut ten cents shipmént Just lasted four Edifice Saved After Gi No § Aimy. talads ton os bi80 HH ol ta i dg, smoked, 4 to he we 1928 ESSEX COACH .. peratford township, Is to redslve the | per our and had et regelved the nowrs, We have more 11 [ Onin" straw, Dar R00 ooeoren 1000 E10 es 10 0 90 hee 2061 4 ol Hume PDlislety's id ul Jor the ad, remuneration ag lstrate slook and gan NH phone or ous Efforts On Part Of Wiest sh fo. Valnd, ton RN ot if ii el fous Haan om! | wrivery displayed Jase tall In vesemloyg | J, Co Milligan ordered nnear (o 4 , p Ne, Fitiois hay (Harber Dohion of Vembroke frou | pny White $15 and court costs wn oall orders; once more, Volunteers [M2 wh on, delivered: Cire iure, secon, tes subs tei gain, SEE THEM ON OUR drowning In Lake Dore, ounting te $560 TWO POUND BARRE! . ves, 14 05d 40 14 1s i 4 w : 4 Pickering, Dee, 23.The villug TORONTO PRODUCE wh in 10 Vad 163, Min, Mas balls, 14 (1 SHOWROOM FLOOR ring Vorlkslolns, 26 1.201 New York shoulders, : wih thrown Into & stnte of alarm on | "Tonio wholesals dealers hte offs hid LOCKED ROADS bots | V ai ARREARS pan, I Rainbow Salts Friday afternoon about four-thirty prodiieh ww retail "denlers at the falowing | 1761 pork butte, 21 1+2¢i pork hams, 226s Y g eimbroke Stafford township ts in a whet idl fr op of what had already fallen carl unlgue and somewhat enviable pole Crystal Darvel fled with Wh } icles yi Son sinavg on {ho dpe i i ras, - 0 ih FARMERS" MARKET Ross Ames & Gartshore Co Ltd oF In the week, effectually blocked thon, At the closing meeting of the delightfully perfumed sails Church, A general BIAT was Hf! ca frash emits P11 Ae A hp us | Ae following wre auotations, tetall, In ef. 4 * ™ il roads in this district to motor tras | own shin council for the VeRr, it wis of brilliant colors, A very od and the men of thd village in Entrus, A0e| Wits, Ades seconds, We oon ihe bt, Lawrence market, Torowos fie and Gornwhlt is Drastienily SL penorted that ull arrears of taxes, oxs neoepiable gift for Christ edirely Tor anded: Tan Th LU] Ri , Wutter=No, 1 creamery, Orne, A0y No, [drole en ii » HUDSON-ESSEX olf from the rel disiric uduy cept i Jortlen oa those Jo the eur mas, Cood value at 81.00, the first arrivals got to the bullding, A yd Cd WRAP twins, 9 1.265] 1 REMD Gass isiostnsssasinins 07 | rent yeur have been pec It was so filled with smoke, that it triplet, siilionsy, 2%, Old, large, 29 pe Pegi TR : 9 | TENE r-- XT Je JIN he 6) iriplets and cuts, de) oh 0 ' HOUSE THREATENED EXTRA SPECIAL PRICK wis difficult to find the location of |Win ss, "70 and cule Jai Gd io do, fires 'om 8 Morrishurg ~The residenes of Juhin siitionsl Me, Wo ) ; ! , Wamon wis endangered Vriday al BIRTHDAY Sn ian | the blace, but finally, uiter 4 window | Poultry Draped | Der nar pad] fo | Ls lernoon about three o'clock when | SUmwall Duncan Monroe, Late had been broken, to allow the smoke chen of ' } Fruita and, Vegetables shimpey chnght on. fre, Owing 19 i of edir Brae, celebrated his 88th to pass out, It was found that the ul " : Wa ' drag 4 Artiehokes, 6% p "th df) | wm i heavy Saver birthday op Thursday, On that oc flues were creeping wlong the floor So 3 1d the vo okt, bliss vii 0" 25 : sirong wind and a heavy layer off oie "ease were no Invited guests ' / Wig 6 ahs 41s ' i | Mushrooms, per pound 5 | Grapefruit, each ..ivisn anne soot 1 the chimney, the five was Halon hare " A Nave Money by Nhoppin of the vestry, and inside the ehan- by 8 Iba ' oe # ) os '"e 26 | Loaf lettuce, L1re8 (0F essere 0 | Lemons, per dozen ... stubborn, but wis soon extinguished ht wi jrieiide werd Weleomy to vis ¥. Py Ysopping vel, Hand extinguishers, as well as [0% v4 5 fe iy is 0 lly sareviniins 34 | Head lettuce 2 for "" 25 | Tiananay, per dozens, / the in ighland host, hi adil ! ' "Al ¢ ; 25 | Polat bi Apples, Goat. basket ANGER WITH THIRTY | | ot rt 0 dior dba Wg lot bt ity ak | On dL "i hg Rl bid 830 | Artaem bn Bones » Jf He service, anc kl ' sessrenrne, AE bo, Betty basket 40000 5 | Parsley, ver buncl ) | Cranberries, gt, .. CHAR p | ROADS BLOCKED THE REXALL NTORKS wlter u two hour's fight the blaze w furkeys Adah bia wa | Glia ne ' 'eo Cress, thres for ,, Turnips, bus, g 0 (1) Cuan low ( 1 k ' ' he ALL Alo di uniliflower ee TILT] ' 2 slery, dor, "" 75 urnips, bag .. Pembroke =Vour boys appeared Geos Lindsay, =Little or no relief has extinguished, As there had not been ---- EAlive, GOREN + rss s ss dp 80 | Oranges, ner dozens 4 3 | Apples, bus, ( MueGregar Friel, ttfore Maulatinie racks Theft of | bean felt flo oo fram the pow | JURY & LOVELL i fire in the bullding since Sunday, TORONTO PROVISION PRICES | Spinach, peck / : 15 1 Buby, AWO DUUCHES sareseerirss {fas Gat nooks oy wt $10 from the fei ul iy nde | A ning Wb eA IL Ahought that the ph bi wit a ~, Ey _--.,,_, # Jocul store, nd iu handslolgh from (C0 TE vay of travel Is by train / nl] Wing ¥, Nimcoe W. the bla . under The floor and 1 fol tor, art aul rd | mee mens fp MANE EEN EIEN EEN ENEEEEEEEEEEE STOLE BUTTER er wis In use ugaln this morning thon of the floor, While the wxact Cornwall=Fleading guilty to th clenving the Show Way irom the wd | damage has not yet been estimated, ft curbs oh Went Street, and the most of It was eaused by smoke, i (hett of more than 40 putnds of but y ter trom the plant of the Cornwall wail uhout elght shovellers were # chemieuls and water, The musk, Dalry Products Company, where he | WOrs tuliing the snow awa) owned by the cholr, was destroyed, and the organ splattered with cheml« wits employed, Albert Dow was sel YX ionged to one year at the Ontario A RUNAWAY cule, A number of the drapes and Reformatory when he came before | Lindsay =A horse owned by Johu vestments, belonging to the church Brown, of Fenelon Township, wired whieh were In the vestry, as well us istrate J, C, Milligan In Poller tour | \ ut u plece of paper that was blown | H gown Delaaging to the present regs Lourt Thursday, Dow was employed 18 i checker at the plant, from the town dump, while coming tor, Rev, Mr, Robinson, were de -- inte town yesterday on the Venelon | stroyed, I'he communion plate ENTERTAINS PATRONS Road, and van away, It freed Itself which was In the vestry In a wall Cornwall =8am Lee, proprietor of | from the cutter ut the corner af Col --- cupborrd was saved by a voluntess "e . d street and the FVenelon' Road firefighter, who broke the lock { the Palace Cafe, was the host at a|borné s Lar ) ock and dinper for mors than 40 patrons ol and searchers spent hours looking ge January Bookings threw the pleces out Into the snow the restaurant Wednesday night, The | tor It Placed by Automobile One of the stained windows aver the tar which was placed there when meal with an eleven course menu 1 coe FY (rom soup to nuts, wis the cafe own WATER SHORTAGE Manufacturers the chureh was bullt about 1840, was er's annual treat to his customers Lindsay, On Monday the Douglas broken, and will not easily be repluc EW Pectin Co, had to shut down for the Now York, Deo, 20 Boel mars | cd, The members of the church are HAD TO PAY EMPLOYEE fourth time within ten days, due to] kets are encouraged by extended | very grateful to the men of the vil Cornwall =Aaron Kinnear pleaded | the absolute Inability of the plant to] Inoreases in speoifiontions from | age who worked so vallantly for so lity of non-payment of wages (o|got water automobile manufacturers, large | ong to save the building, Much | AWArdS for fabricated steel, addi. | Jomment has been made on the ef van : tional stréngth in the serap indus. | orts of Mr, Sam Minnls, who donned | try and a sharp reduction of cons [4 fas mask, and went Into the depth sumers' slooks, according to the [91 the smoke 10 find the seat of the Iron Age, in its review of the |trouble, The ehureh Is the oldest In week the village and its destruction would The review saye, In part have been keenly felt by the whole "Phe automobile industry, which | Village, The congregation held Las largely passed its Inventary | services on Sunday in the AY.PA neriod, Is continuing to Inorease | Club room te drafts on the mills, Pirst-quars | A beautiful pageant, "The Prophes ar contracts for alloy steel bars [tie Child," was presented by the ave been placed by the largest | Young people of St, Paul's congrega uyers in the nutomotive field, and [Hon at the evening services on Sun ne - | alr January hookings from both day night to a largd audience, I'he { | motor oar builders and parts | theme embraced the entire Christmas | makers have heen entered for |Mory und the verbal story was told heetn, strip steel and oarbon steel [0 song and seripture I'he young WE ARE SOLE AGENTS | hare Ford Motor Company has | people are making such a presenta made large purchases of automo: | ton an annual event, and ure to be tive accessories, and now ts under | commended for thely efforts ALSO | stood to be aiming at an output I'he largest mall in the history of of 120.000 ears next month, the local post office was received on Outlook for Mill Operations Monday morning when twenty-seven ites] Interests with a diversls | baws of parcels, and one of letters, | Hed (rade, and not primarily de. | Wert distributed, Owing to the heavy Poca ontas " anne pendent on business from motor | mall, the office remained elosed un oar makers, look for a substantial | tl nearly noon, to give the postings | 2ain fn mill operations, & number |ter, and hig assistants an opportunity ' hd | of them estimating that thelr ingot | to sort it, The rural vinil deliveries and All Bituminous Coa aE lk acs oo ro overage close to 76 per cent until after dinner, and the sleigh [ "Confidence of the industry | Wed 20 loaded down that they wor vests partly on a downward revi. [not able to get along quickly fon of production estimates for W, G, Ham spent w few days i . 1040, It is now clear that total |the village during the past week CHA (0) tee! ingot output for the year Misa Myra Cronk ot Toronto and LJ will exceed the previous record, | Mr Lyndon Cronk of Plekering Col | | made in 1088, by not much more | lege, Newmarket are spending the than & per cent, Pig fron produc [Christmas holidays at the home of TELEPHONE 202 FIVE DIRECT LINES tion, which felt the stimulus of [their parents, It, FH, und Mra, Cronk | | steal needs more than last year \Wo Ry Crammer of the Ottawa will exceed the previous. high | Public Sehools staf is holidaying a mark, reached in 1083, by 6 per | his home her cent HJ. Clark and C, M, Murquis of "Phe very severity of the fourths | Lvronto spent Sunday with WV, J, and quarter decline in production is ves | Mra, Clark, garded as the best promise of an | I'he past week has been attended oarly recovery, December's reeces- | by a round of Christmas concerts, On slon In ingot output from Novem | Wednesday evening the Anglican 8.5 ber may approximate November's | pupils were entertained in the Town 10 per cent. drop from the October | Hall by a supper, which was follow rate, The greatest decline in any | od by a concert of the usual recita single previous month was 34 per [tons songs, and dialogues, and a cent, in December, 1007, Christinas tree, On Friday evening, Deflated Inventories the children of St, Paul's 8.5. pre "Thoroughness with which both [sented @ program in the basement of manufacturing consimenry and | the churgh, after which Santa ap- warehouses have deflated thelr | peared and dispensed gilts from the steel inventories definitely oalls [tree for an improvement in tonnage res W. W, Monney of Flinton public leases next month, Thin expeotas | school is spending the holiday at his tion is borne out by developments | home, | at Chicago, where the blocking of Mr, Maurice Lawson of the Belle shipments by one of the worst |Ville Public School teaching staff is bligwardn in years wan immediately | at his home here for the holiday, reflected in increased speoiticas | Owing to the stormy weather It tions from ateel uses, was found necessary to postpone St, "A rush of new business in Jans | Andrew's 8.8, Concert from Monday uary in not looked for, since it in | evening until Thursday evening, | vealived that many huyers Aare S------------------ | awaiting further price tests, hut | betterment in expected in propor Lion to the damming up of require. ments in recent weeks ' WOMAN TRAPPED SONG AND DANCE IN BURNING HOME| sms Ses in, Now Milkman Killed When Sleigh New Turns Over on Top of New York, Dee, 26.-(U.P) | Something new in the way of secs Him \ mons will be offered by Dr, Charles Francis Porter, founder of the First Humanist Society of New York, at the soclety's service in Chalif Hall next Sunday, he hay announe ed, The sermon of the day 'is to be preached, sung and danced, Dr, Pots ter will do the preaching on the sub- EA ove rom Phone 1160 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 nes 238 ET KROBRRIT att 1 ca 17 BB 0) ) Wii, oF AVIMER, BRAND Buf: fel size choice canned fruils Packed expressly forthis Groceteria Fruits of orchard STRAWBERRIES in heavy Syrup PEACE 17 in heavy Syrup froshness and flavor RASPBERRIES in heavy Syrup PEARS, Bartlett, in heavy Syrup oacked with exact: cLERRIES ved pitted in heavy Syrup PINEAPPLE, tithits, lu heavy Syrup , a wheel yg FRUITS for Salads in heavy Syrup PLUMS, Greengage, in heavy Syrup '22> 13¢ TIN 1I1I¢C TIN NEW YEAR'S SPECIALS AYL! ER AYLMER Green Label Raspberry Jam Beans -« Pork 2 vias send tr ir 'ur FYE |. tami i "2 19e rt tin ~ A Tickler's Imported Orange | For All Fine La Laundering oa IAB Ry wilh hits 1 Cc Will not injure the wd Pkgs. I Cc the bitter sweet flavor, ... fabrics «niin SY for FEATURING &alonia Feit 2 tins for FOOD PRODUCTS iz. ZX€ SUNGLO Creamery Butter "The Cream of The Creamery" | welvetta Cheese wa fr AE Package 16C : EXTRA LARGE ORANGES 69c¢ DOZEN EATON'S QUALITY MEATS Blade (Roast 1 Jo STEAK LAMB PORK oulder Roast . .22¢ Ib. Round Steak ... 29¢ lb. Thick Rib Roast .27c Ib. Sirloin Steak . .. .33¢ Ib, Whole Fronts ...20c Ib. Butt Roast ,....28c lb. Brisket Stew .. 16¢c lb. T. Bone Steak ..40c Ib. Half Fronts ....24c lb, Loin Roast ....35¢ Ib. Toronto, Dee, 26. A woman trapped in her hurning home near Port Hope and a milkman fatally orushed under an overturned uleigh were numbered among the vietima of fatalities which marred the festivities of Christmas fn Ons | fect "Is Personality Immortal?" The tarig yesterday, same theme will be developed by Mra, W, M. Myles, 70;: made a [Walter Mills, lyric baritone, aceom- futile attempt to ercape 'when tive | panied hy Bernard Gabriel, aceording | A broke out fn her small: frame [10 the announcement, VITONE house in the early hours of the \ : hi The Health: ERLE quay AT | "ho br Bn A ware badly burane n the I Ib. mo -- COAL Per | E = 1b 3 ec When a man loses hie ¥ reason he ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, LIMITED [1a i had! Jie Mii Joba : Oshawa Whitby Bowmanville | chicago Daly News, MALLETT'S Day Phone, 2400 Night Phone, 84F,

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