Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1929, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 mere important, NEARLY KILLED BY GAS [1c moerion sucht ~DRUGCIST SAVES HER| ,,, No Gomme Xiled | ---- sand bullets werd discharged on fixed "Gag on my stemaeh was so bad Ie |lines and targets In |] newrly killed me, My druggist told (minutes A lung, nurre mo about Adleriku The wns Is gone [than forty yard now and | feel fine s=Mrs, A Ad Lene side of th mek, the four hundred Simple mlyeerin, Luekthorn, saline, | strilght trench tu. bi uppart line, Vy un maclingegun bare ra Wing whieh the development or every A LT package was vecelved! The tev. rible anpouncement that the baby lind been taken in the aol of puts ting un doll's frylug pan inte his mouth, and was mors than suspect od of having swallowsd a (letitious [turkey, glued on nn wooden platter! The Immense relief of finding this the Children's Party ~time for first elght (IT le leit udviiu up i nearly | the thivd | otha hil broad, wi psfiogs Cane f of Hye wi nen and DEGIN ERE TODAY "1 would gladly think otherwise . On Christmas Kye, wasven ars after JACOB MANLEY ind died, Marley's Ghost pajd au osll on ROOGE, his old business partner, Now, ft would be hard to tind a more eolds hearted, grasplog old miser than Morooge, And Marley, while he lived, Lad been a fit partner tor Lim, Put the Ghost of Marley wrapped (u slanking ohaing, and ralsing melancholy howls, mauraed for the epportunities he had wasted fo lite, Te tells Hirdogs that he shall be haunts od by three Spirits shortly, The tirst «f the Spirits calls for Berooge when the elook strikes One, Me onlls himeelt the (theost of Christies Past, long past?" inquired Herooge, "No Your past.' And he tukes Horoome back to & Chrlats mas long past and Borooge ob narves the woenes of hin boys hood, We som bndell, one mare an uppren'ne to genial old My , VEZZIWIG, making merry at a gay Chplstman party, What a chuuge in Eb anoker Horooge the hoy, and #ovooge the man! NOW 00 ON WITH Vi The spirit algned Lo him to ig ten to the twu appreatices, whe ware pourlug out tbolr hearts In praise of Vessiwig: oud when he lind done po, paldi "Why! Is It not? We Las spent but & few pounds of your movial money! thres or tour, perhups, la | thet 50 much thet he deserves thls pralse'" | UIE fen'l that," sald Bevooge, heuted by the remark, and speaking upoonuciously like his former ni | hie latter self, "It fan't that, Spirit, | Ho Las the power to reuder us happy or unhappy! to wake our| aervies light or burdensome; & pleasure or & toll, Nay that his] power les In words and looky, in | things so slight and Inalgnificant that it fa impossible to add and | count 'em upt what then? The huppiness be gives lo quite on great ae If [tL cont a fortune," He i the Spirit's glance, and | ute Rt is the matter?" asked te | |Ghost, thing Horooge Wometbing, think?' the Ghost | fneinted, 'No, " yatd Herooge, "no 1 ahould | like to be able to say a word o the, to'my olork just now. That's all" Mia former wolf turned down hs | lamps as he gave utterance to the | wish and Borooge aud the Ghost side by side fn the) ™w kd] particular," wit in stood Ag My time y iy BpinNt, "Quiek!" This was not sddressed to ($urookse, or any one whom he could | a8e, but it produced an immediate | effect, For again Soroomge saw Lim. walf, Te wae older now: a man fu the nrime of fe. Wis face had mot the harsh and rigid Vines of (ister years, but it had hagun to wear the algnu of eave and avarice, fhore was an eager, mroady, rests {lows mation In the eya, whinh aff. the pesalon that had taken root, and where the shadow of the growing trea would fall, He was not alone, but sat by the alde of a falr young girl In a mourning dress, {n whose eyca there were tears, which wpark!ad In the Tight that shone out of the Ghost Christmas Past, It matters little, 1. "To you, very little, Another fol has Qleplaced me; and, It It oan cheer and comfort you in time to come an I would hava tried to dO, I have no Just causes ta grieve" "What ido! has displased you lie rejoined, "A golden one,' "Phin 19 the evenshanded dealing of the world!" he sald, "They la nothing on whieh it {a so poverty; and there iy nothing professes to eondemu with waverity aa tha purauit of weal WA "You fear the ward 120 mu sho answered gently, other hopes have merged Int 0 the | hope of being beyond tha ehanee of fta sord!d reproach, 1 Nave meen your nobler aspirations fal} off one hy one, until the maste® pansion, Galn, engroases you, Iava I not" "What then!" he retarted. "Xven | it 1 have grown so muoh wiser, | what then? I am not changed to: Wards you," Sho shook her Lead, Yam 19" "Our contract ia an old ans It was made when we wera both poor, wad content to be #0, util, in good soason, we could tmprove our | worldly fortune by our patient fu | ustry, You are changed, When | t wea made you Were another man," { "I waa a boy," he sald impatient! in ! "Your own fealing tells you that] FOU were not what you ara" whe | returned, "I am, That whin promised happiness when we were bne in heart la fraught with m Mry now that we are two, Now ah| top ahd how keenly I have thought sfthis I will mot say, Tt fa] pough that I have thought of Ni ind oan release you." "Rave 1 aver sought release' "In words, No, never" "In what, then?" na a ohanged nature: on a al} apirit in another atmosphere | sl } another Hope an its areat mm rows short," observed " she sald molt it ' In everything that made wy {ove of any worth or value in your ight, If this had never been hes tween us,' sald the girl, looking mildly, but with steadiness, upon Aim; "tell ma, would you seek me eX and try 10 win me now? Ab, "w with hep, 'weigh everylar Wf thin supposition in spits of hime aif, But he said, with a struggle, Wan thia® wai ™ : Lard oa | gueh | | aoull did, | pockets, hy | arava, It 1 could," she answered, "Meuys on knows! When I huve learned Truth like this, 1 know how strong and irreaistible (L must be, Dut if you were free Lodny, tomorrow, yes terdny, oan avon [ helleve that you would choose 4 doweriess girlie you who, ln your very confidence with her, welgh everything by Galu, or, ghooslng hey, if for a mos ment you were false enough to your one gulding pyinglple te do wo, do I not know that your vepeontiues! and regret would rurely follow? 1 do; and 1 release you, With a full heart, for the love of Blu you once were,' He was about to spas but, with her Nead turned from Lim eho ree sumed; "You may-=the memory of what fa pust half mekes me hops you wille=have pain in thie A vary, vory brief time, and vou will dae vies the recelleotion of It gladly, as an unprofitable dream, from whieh It happened well that vou awoke, Jite you have chosen! Bhe left him, and thay pared, YEpleit!!t endd Hoveuge 'ehow me no mere! Conduct me home (1 un false alnrm! itude, 6nd eactany! describable that, thelr emotions got out of the pars lour, and, hy ong stair at & time, up to the top of the house, where they went to bed, jand wo subsided, And now Beroogs looked on mors attentively master daughter leaulng fondly on Yin, gat down with her and her mothep hig thought that such apother grestuy quite as graceful and os full of promise, father, and bhoen a pring time in the haggard wintey of 116s his sight grew vary dim indeed | ing to hin wife with a smile, "I saw un old friend of yours this after noan,' May you be Lappy fn the she added Iauphing Beroogs, hig nftios window; TT The joy, and grat They are sll in alike, It Is enougl by degrees, the ¢hildren and on stomach in 10 minutes! Moat re Adlerian aets oi BOTH upper and lower bowel, temoving polsonous waste you never knew wis deg Kye Heves constipation In 2 hours It will wurprise you, Jury and Lovell Tad rugs, QL SSD GEN. SEELY TELLS whan the having his than ever, of the house, ul own fireside; and when he might have cal'sd Lim "Belle," sald the hushand, turn: "Who was 117" YGuasst' "How can 17 Tut, do's J in the samy lie lanwhad knowt" breath LL] "My Out Shells and Machine Gunes | All T passed | ne il Was A My, Borooge It wan ng --e-- Ihe fpllowing (nteresting reminise cence of the Great War fs an Sutras | from "Adventure" by General J. | I), Seeley, DSO, shortly te be p Hlghed by Willlam Heinemann Lid (London) as reproduced in the Lon Iden Dally Telegraph of recent date "Just before the f | fensive of March, 1918, I had had long consultation with Gough, on manding the Fifth Army He had shown me all the alr photographs, and we were pugeled by what the enlled 'liee'wlittle dark dots in long Ilines about & mile behind the front line I'herg were thousands ef these, and nobody could be quite sure about them. They were probably a Immense number of little dumps oi shells, covered with camouflage ay far as posible Uy degrees wa began to le the magnitude of 1h ations, which we now know a far vaster scale than any dreamt of arn German I was told when I was in German that when the plans were complet Ludendorff showed them to the Kal per, Ho sald "1 see that on the da O80,000 men at the same moment will start to move to the west, Add un other 14,000, and that will make | 000,000" And accordingly this was (done, | do not voueh for this story, | but Ludendorff speaks in his book of forty or fifty added divisions Plan of Attack One thing was clear, namely, that the Germans were keeping our front #0 quiet as they could, Just as we hal {done ourselves Cambral, with a view to Inecreasl the element of surprise ut ng Then the Shouting and the P lock Why do you delight to terture m [ "One ahadew mo 'oexelalined the Ghent | "Ng mora!" orled Heroome." 1 don't wish to seg it No | more! Blow me no more But the relentless Ghost pinloy od him in both his arma, and foread him to obaerve what Lhuappoenea poxt, They were In another sooue and 18001 a room, not very large or) \andgome, but full of comfop, Near (0 the winter tires sal a boaus titul young girl, so lie thay last | that Beraoge believed It was the same, until ha saw her, now gomely matron, sitting opposite hs ! daughter, Tho noise in this room | wan perfectly tuniultuous, for thisre were more ohlldren there than sorooge in his agitated state of mind could count; and, unlike the | { celebrated herd fn (he poem, they | were not forty children eonduoting | Fthemaelvea Hike one, but avery ehild | was conducting {taelt like fort) The Yan cQUIRotY were uproarious beyond bellef! but no one seemed to eared on the contrary, the moths for and daughter laughed heartily, | and enjoyed 1t very much; and the "All your | [Intter, soon beginning to mingle tn (#Nd by & audden action pres the sports, got pillaged by the! young bhrigands most ruthlessly, What would T not have given to be | one of them! ™houxh I never could | have been #0 rude, no, no! 1 wouldn't for the wealth of all the world have orushed that braided hate, and torn it dowd; and for the precious little shoe, I wouldn't have plucked it off, God blesa my 10 pave my Ife, As to meas uring her walat {in aport, as they | bold young brood, 1 couldn't have done {1} IT should have ex» | pected my arm to have grown round 30 for « punishment, and never come stralght agaln, And yet 1 sliould have dearly liked, I own, to have touched her lips: to have questioned her, that she might have opened them: to have looked upon ! the laahes of her downeaat eyes, and never raised a blush: to have lot loose waves of hale, an inoh of ln which would be a eepsake beyond price: {n ahort, I should have lik ed, I. do confess, to hava had the Hghtest loense of a ohlld, and wet | to have been mun enough to know ta value, But now a kunooking at the doar | was heard, and such a rush imme {diately ensued that she, with laugh: {IRE face and plundered dress, was horne towards it the centre of a flushed and boisterous group, Just In time to greet the father, whe came home attended by a man lads | on With Christmas toys and press ents, Then the shouting and the struggling, and the onslaughtey that waa made on the defenceless porter! The soaling him, with chairs for ladders to dive inte hia despoil him of browns paper parcels, hold on tight by hip hug him round his neck umme! his back, and kiek hh nO irrepressible affection! shanty af wandav taliaht Ww | led with It | broken flood upon {whieh hia band an ustrated foldey Discussing thi vith MacAndrew he sald "Would it not be a g {plan to choose this moment to attack them?" | quite agreed, and we play ned an attack on almost exactly sin wot shut up, and he hud wn candle |llar lines to what was termed the inalde, T could soaroely help seeing | "Model Raid" 1 will describe this him, Mis partner 'ies upon tue |because it was first conceived by th polut of death, I hear; and there he | Joint Imagination of Colonel Patter nlone Quite alogw in the | sen, commanding the Fort Garry, I do helleve," while he was in command of the Url sald Boroongo fu a |gade during my absehce, and Geof "remove me from t | frew Brookei the method employed | Was vo peculiar, indeed unique, and the results were so surprisingly sues | cosatul, above all the losses of the at | tacker were unbeliavahly small, The attacking troops, Just over 4 in number, erept has caver of the darkness to a slight fold in the ground about sixty yards from the German front line, It was so dark that I rede with them part of the WAY On my pony, and sald un whispers ed goodsbye and good luck to them {from halfway across "No man's land." Then the super ray: in this ease, Captain Price, of Royal Canadian Dragoons, 1 | Bangalor torpedo, which was a thine struggling to dive into his ols Hat world, Ylpirit!" ken volee, plage," "I told you these wi of the things that have been, the Ghost, "That they are they are do not blame me!" a Namovy mel" Sn oepe axolaim. "I cannot bear it!" a' turned upon tha Ghost, and {wooing that it looked upou him with a face, In whieh In vyme stranga way there were fragme) of all the faces It had shown him, wrest Uroe 4] ] AhAagowe "aid hat 4 "Leave me! Take me b Haunt me no longer! Tu tho struggle, I? called A srugkle whieh the Ghost with no visible realstancs on its otvn part wag undighurbed hy [any effort of {ta adversary, Jorouge observed that {ts Hght was burp. ing hah and bright; and dimly eons nooting that with lta influency aver him, he selaed the oxtiagulsher cap, ed It 0) the At that can he ™ |craw!l forward with t largest very high explosive, It was manhan dled through the grass by six men [and pushed under tho whole elaborate | wire entanglement system in front oy [the German parapet, consisting of Ines © . down upon its head, {three lines of interlaced barbed wire, The spirit droppal peneath it, so that the extingulshar covered its whole form: but thous Borooge prossed ft down with uit Lis fures, he eould not hide the li ght, which streamed from under 1, In an um the ground, He was oconsclous of being ex Nausted, and overcowms by an frye. slatible drowalneas; and further of being in hs own bedreom, Ne Fave the oad a pariiue squsese, in relaned: and hag barely time (0 eel to Nal Ualule he sank into a heavy alaen, (To Le Continued) EN NE WON Everybody in our family is some kind of an animal" remarked Toms my "What nothes "yy hy, mother, know "Yes, er's labs "Well, I'm the kid; sister is a ohio | Kony aunt is a caty cousin Kate is 4 bird, and Uncle Jim is a jackass, and other shells of various kinds on dif Brother aii fo.8 faties ou, | ferent parts of the line during th " same period, for in this strange at al : "That's enough, vou can | ek it made no difference whether BO out and play," the Germans were asleep or awake -- | ut one could not mistake this pars cular howitzer shell, hecause its { crawl back twenty yards and fire the torpedo, The attacking troops coms prised the whole of the reginent of Ihe Royal Canadian Dragoons, not {only the colonel and other officers land men, but orderlies, cooks, and [ev ery human being belonging to the [to take the whole lot, leaving ne single man behind, The one principle {have no zero hour or synchronised watches; the signal for the artillery barrage and the really the explosion of the great torpeda Price had complete treedom of ehoice ) do you mean asked hia | Fhe difficulty of getting it inte exs actly the right place in piteh darks ness - solved hy accurately regis f . atlis | 1EFNE the spot with 4 fn. howitzer le my, and the baby is meth shell during the daytime then firing at it at twenty minutes' intervals {during the night, OF course we you're a dear, you Thomas; | top, OF CANADIAN RAID : la third of | hy reat German of | ow nan, | had to] exactly like a large cobra, filled with | | Firing the To | | When all was Ie Torande Was to regiment, Tt wan a jolly idea of thelys | of this nove! form of attack was 1 tremendous | burst of machinesgun fire was to bo | firen | ute, ue nixed In Adlerike, Lielps GAS | Guy nia tie stpport lin wil of medles wet on lower bowel only, but | three bullets, I'he sprend support | home, sec, to hire bimibs, whale apnin of trenehe lines i ever where thing an | Wonderful Story of Royal | viol of the sector sek Canadian Dragoons Now Told NOBODY KILLED tured, Lmanding nian losses aqurately and three I'he «i two | ent) With Torpedo, | No. [wa { { ad to the moment to get the Bangalor | torpedo into position and when to fire B RY THE NORTH. FOR WINTER [burs was different in sound frgm any { athey northern winter resorty ad freedom, Crisp air, [his torpedo right under the wire, with Nights of fun around {ts nose up against the German para. fires, What a tonde for pet, His six men erept awa) Go nowsfor a week, alhe crawled back with his eloctn or even 4 weeksond, Vards (wire, pressed the button, and off | wiges tn Muskoka and Lake went to a tremendous roar and offer first class, comfortable (blinding flash, On the instant un Ask any agent of jumped the var hundred men a Nationa! Railways for dashed over tha breach, which was describing the (complete, At the same time the ar and their 1 (tillery bafrage tell what wa Untarvios tor port Laciting ¢ roanng log city folk! I rinight Ay Of \ o Bays pmodation Canadian Ay lace § IS and All went well that night, Price sot | then | hembing but nevi 4 in nt He German fy Witie king rua "re { ott behind the line, murgh | Ciernan | und fuel fowl trish hu aver thie hie IT MAKES MORE cours To Thr POUNI Cierinans where ept the purt with phosphoru in the trenghe | had Tee Hi on nu four tile 7] RED Label No 43° IND BLUE Label 38° 7 Uo 'o the dugout Ketting CONV nil pruet and n J, Lyons & Co, Ltd,, Toronte din AR, pn Jem exuetiy what tu do, | / joi tl necurding taff Is clever 8 heen hard, but 1 learnt the les than yours, " th id were ] Ko wid err | Lhe | ihded : nian front line | jor worked ver ued wn | hole aperation fr anid thither the off J He wah # | dan A | Vel ar | a shall win noone af the 4¢f | ruble «¢ Prussian Guard | he ( | | al | { success of our . Corman Confidence ed to write a full ne lle was quit 10 | | | | | {lend nb | coulint | PRETTY eld In doing ffl hid e (nearly all th ' { eit attack fell, und it trace ol amis German in | ted, of abot killed or cay ulficer cul What the Ge net ne i i $01 i nile, wi I'h Including the the sector in killed were | known, probabl betwed hundred brought ni ol LILI Gngratu rildy mandin PrARNENs Wer the extraordh brat cones POMC A A NE GB A LN an J NM . \ Again This Year We Offer Finest | wien i Quality Prime Fresh Killed Only One a 11700 A AC AL LARC SAE A In addition to the careful selecting and grading by our experts, we also wish te add our endorsement and guarantee that our Turkeys are the pick of the Northwestern and Ontario Turkey crops and have been cares fully selected for quality by our own experts, With these endorsements of quality, we recommend that you purchase vour Turkeys for your Christmas dinner at your nearest A&P Market, FINEST QUALITY FRESHLY KILLED FRESHCKILLED YOUNG ROASTING GEESE " 28- CLICKENS mn 3§¢ ABOUT HLM, AVERAGE EXCELLENT FOR TURKEY STUFFING FULL-DREASTED AND MEATY w= 10 TO 1% LI, AVERAGE Sausage Meat ib. 20¢ J A 0 0 RP LAE JR PM A WL 0 0 0 A 0 01 0 0 0 J RA J Our Store Will Remain Open Until HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS BRAZIL NUTS sine une JO 33a 1 1 o'Clock MIED NUTS «oso oven sons commen 10 330 WALNUTS (caurornia sooown) 0 16, Se Monday and Tuesday WALNUT MEATS NROKEN wesess 1B. 48¢ Nights RAISINS sunraNas vomias spans sv aad Lbs 39 FINEST QUALITY. LATE HOWELL RAISINS Tomi 1) FRUIT CAKES CRANBERRIES"».25- NEW SHIPMENT JUICY CALIFORNIA NAVEL 53 Baked in Our Own Ovens and Packed in a Very Aldrackye Lithographed TineChuck Fall of Fruit ORANGES "5o.o' Dosen CRISP AND TENDER Celery Heartssuner 1 9c aan y rl \ UG STAR 1AHED ALL BIZEN FROM 0 TO 13 LDN, BOA CEN ON NTN as PIEaSEEy W a 2b. Cake $1.29 srensl 2 lbs. 27 12-02. Tin 34¢ uve suns soa Ji B86 wens se vente JJ 880 Sc WA" Dox. 88c alles 1b, 28¢ vor 1b 10e aria vanes lin 38a vores 20 "Roem 39c vores 20 RO 21c CURRANTS AUSTRALIAN MARSHMALLOWS camer PEEL LEMON OR ORANGE TURNEDSDOWN pra ALMONDS TANRAGONAS XMAS CRACKERS "M3" Doz, 49¢ TABLE FIGS -- lc COOKING FIGS . SMYRNA CITRON PEEL ... "Si STUFFED OLIVES VICTORY QUEEN OLIVES .. "si\W XMAS CHOCOLATES GONDOLA ti Ib. Box §e TWO-POUND BOX 89¢ THREE-POUND BOX 99¢ PLUM PUDDING ... "WW ... lb, Tin 988c DATES Pkg. 18¢ Cu... DROMEDARY CHERRIES ...... 2 Bot, 28c¢c A&P BREAD BAKED FRESH HOURLY IN OUR OWN OVENS LARGE WHITE LOAF 10e¢ RAISIN LOAF 'ay 10¢ WHOLE WHEAT LOAF . Te RL NEW PACKED SMELTS FRESHLY SMOKD FILLETS FANCY BLUEPOINY OYSTERS CALIFORNIACGROWN CARROTS NO, 1 GRADE ONTARN POTATOES TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT NO, 1 GRADE NATIVE:GROWN ONIONS Ib. 28¢ ib. 18¢ 35¢ 2 Bunches 1%7e¢ ye a NRAND Glass Jar PFT MW TP WM TN NT We RW ME TA MW = -- 3 15-1b, Peck 3 5c - 2s = C2 3 for 21e 10 lbs. 2§¢ ONTARIO YELLOW TURNIPS 10 Ibs. 15¢ MAKE CHRISTMAS DINNER COMPLETE WrTn BOKAR COFFEE | | THE GREAT ATLANTIC & Pacwwie Tra Cao, OE AN INR RI TN IR LUM 1 01 CANADY BINOMIAL M1 Bk GH A MARASCHINOG JOR, yy ser VA

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