Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1929, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" + mua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City The Osh P OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES VOL. 5--NO. 147 i News in Brief i 4 (By Cansdien Press) Dies of Injuries Toronto.~-John Mowat, of Bear. boro, died in hospital here today. Mowat was burned following an explosion fn a tar tank at the Tor- onto Iron Works in November, Critically Injured Belleville,--When an ofl burner in a local garage exploded today, John Harcourt, watchman, was eritically burned and his condition is serious. ad yore v * Taking Rest Cure Paris.--Former Premier Poln- care, who is convalescing from his recent operation, today completed his preparations for taking a holl- day and rest eure on the Riviera. Floods in Portugnl Lisbon, Portugal.--Ifeavy gales followed by a terrific downpour of rain today flooded houses and fields in the district of Villanova de Rodawn, " L] Byrd Promoted Washington,~Richard Evolyn Byrd became a rear-admiral yester- day, and word of President Hoover signing the congressional act rals- ing his rank went out last night to the explorer's headquarters in the Antaretic. | OP.R., Oficial Retires Winnipeg.-- Retirement of Col. J. 8, Dennis, O.M.G,, for 29 years chief commissioner of colonization and development for the Canadian Pacitic railway, is announced from Montreal ac affective January 1. Shot in Hold-Up New York. Patrolman Andrew Bornkesel, was shot and probably mortally wounded resisting a hold- up by six men in a speakeasy at 308 West 44th street. A bullet striek him in the Fizht temple, LR J Saved Twelve Lives Oporto, Portugal--Plunging in- to rough seas at Leixoes, the port of Oporto, today, a sailor swam with a line to the sinking trawler Santa Maria, and was credited with saving the lives of 12 men on board. LE Christmas Trees Orillia. ~~For the first time in a decade, Orillia district did a big business in Christmas trecs this season. shipping 3,000 or more to markets in the southern part of the province. i Von ted Fiery the wind blew 'canal at Port Col Cygne "desth and scra 0 by the ald of firemen, As still at the bottom of en To Order Wheat Lisbon, Postual ~The faves authorized flonr m 0 rt 100.000 ons at tore ken because of th Exnlosion losion occurs ure denartment | New York, 1 | HAS FATAL RESULT qh d, or with a murderous taste : in experiments--police believed fand stuffed the chimney with wadded into * Litines ni ' rom. shock caused by her husband's FINAL APPEAL FOR CHRISTMAS FUND Distribution BOMB PLACED Explosion Occurred Under Coach Ahead of That Which Carried Lord Irwin and His Party ONE MAN INJURED IN THE EXPLOSION Narrow Escape of Vice-Regal Train Being Wrecked, As Part of the Track Was Blown Out (By Canadian Press Leased Wire New Delhi, India, Dec, 23--An at- tempt today to assassinate Lord Ir- win, viceroy for India, failed when a bomb placed on the railroad tracks ten niles from here exploded before a coach containing the viceroy and his party passed over, One man was injured in the ex- plosion of the infernal machine, which the vice-regal party had left only a few minutes before, The coach occupied by Lord Irwin was about three to the rear of the one under which the explosion occurred, The train did not even halt, but continued to Delhi where Lord trwin had important appointments with leadi Indian Nationalists, among them Mahatma Ghandi. After speak- ing to the injured man he left imme- diately for his official residence where he was to meet them, The bomb was placed on the arils, and carefully concealed. It was set oft by electricity conveyed through the cables about 300 yards in Jeng y so long as to insure perfect safety for the perpetrators of the deed. No arrests have been made. Examination of the track excited wonder the train was not wholly wrecked as the explosion blew out a fragment of rail two feet long, The cars behind jumped the damaged part of the rail however, and the train did not even have to stop. A strong force of police hurried to the spot and vigorous inquiries were set on foot, MURDEROUS JOKE Plugged Chimney Causes Coal Gas to Kill 'Woman | (By Canadien Press Lossed Wire Dec, 23.--Someone with a demented «| a grudge, it was the first~~went to the roof of a five-storey apsrtment house the Bronx yesterday morning a most people were still asleep, newspapers, wil y" in the chimney backed ups }d ventilators and poured to the apartments of 60 families. e woman was killed, six others Were overcome, all the tenants out and police were Yictor Hariu, superintendent of the building, had attended g to the ; putting seve of 1 into it. hod t away," he sald, 'the Hi) #0 bad I couldn't help Atter inspecting the 'and finding them all ¢ . Of paper the chimney three feet below the level of the roof, her small, tight package ne tied up with ng, was found {n the chim- ney near the furnace. ®y aTaroutc, Bee. BCs E Hero. n otel owner, a Wi rei Tag Saturda; hn 10 hours of each other J r., Herrmann at night | when ON RAILWAY TRACKS EXPLODES UNDER TRAIN CARRYING VICEROY No Doubt That Christmas Will Be White One (By Canadian Press Leased Wire tually no question about its being A white Christmas in the middle west this year. Karly today it was getting whiter and whiter, Railroads, bus lines, street car companies in 'many cities had hardly gotten their heads above the snowdrifts resulting from last week's blizzard when the Chicago weather bureau warned of more snow, It began falling here late last night, sifting at first then heavily, but it was only of a few hours' duration, At Bt. Paul, Minn, it was four below zero, but In the middle west temperatures ranged higher, from 12 above at Omaha to 30 at Mil. waukee, Chicago readings were in the middle twenties early today. The general forecast is for less frigid weather in the middle west, but not warm enough to remove the white rug laid for the holiday, GOV'T. FRIENDLY TO BRITAIN IS ELECTED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Cairo, Dec. 23 ~Returns from the national elections uf yesterday show- ed late last night that 152 candidates of the Wafd party had been elect. ed' out of a total of 160, Seven Inde- pendent gained seats in the new par. lament and the only other man elee- ted was one of the Watan party, The Wafd party, which has appar- ently gained such overwhelming con trol of parliament, has as its aim com- plete independence with the cultiva- tion of friendly relations with for. eign powers in general and Great Britain in particular, Chicago, Dec, 28.~~There 18 vir- Attempt Made to Assassinate Indian Viceroy RESULTS OF RECE NT BRITISH STORM 5 Here are photographs showing graphic scene from storm.swept areas along the coast of England, when shipping was temporarily disrupted a many deeds of heroic rescue work by crews and lifessavers mark. ed the path of the gale. (1) Angry waters surge rove the abandoned four-mast schooner, "Morgen Koch," wrecked in tempestuous seas that swept England's coast. This re markable picture shows the vessel being driven ashore at Burling Gap. Seaford, Sussex, All of the thrillin rescues that were effected throug the medium of rocket apparatus. This hotograph shows the crew of the Vermont drifter, waiting to be res- cued when the craft was driven ashore at Gorleston, England. Byng Continues 0 Make Progress (By Canadian Press Leased Wire London, Dec. 23--Viscount Byng of Vimy, former Governor-General of Canada, continued to make progress in recovery from a lung ailment, over the week-end, He has not been ale lowed to see any visitors, however nor to attend to any correspondence, Steamer Sinks: With All Hands Crew and 250 Passengers of Chinese Vessel Believed Lost (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Hong Kong, China, Dec, 23-The Chinese steamer Lee Cheong, with her Chinese officers and crew and 250 / Chinese passengers including many women and children, sank late Saturday night with practically all on_board The vessel was caught in a violent storm shortly after leaving Swabub Saturday afternoon for Hong Kong and went down at midnight swamp- ed by huge waves, Two seamen clinging to wreckage were picked up yesterday and brought here, SMALL NAIL CAUSES - DEATH OF INFANT / -------- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Toronto, Dee. 23--A small nail which fell into Ler mouth from a small toy caused the death here yes- e reen Gilroy, 14 monthss old. The child was lying on the floor with the toy held uw over her face the nail worked loose and dropped down her throat choking ber to death in a few minutes, x fd United States Ownership of Schooner "I'm Alone" Has No Bearing on Status of Case (Ken Clark, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, Dec, 23.~1he report ed admission by Assistant ~ United States Attorney Robert J, Watts that that arrest of Daniel Hogan, indicted in New York for liquor smuggling in a conspiracy naming the schooner "I'm Alone" was regarded as of the utmost importance to the outcome of the "I'm Alone" case, occasioned some surprise in Washington, Hogan, a United States citizen, is reported to be the owner of the schooner sunk by the coastguard two hundred miles at sea while ying the Canadian flag, The Canadian Press understands both governments which have placed the international incident in the hands of their arbitrators, consider the ma- jor point at issue is the right of the coastguard to pursue a vessel regist- ered in Canada and carrying British colors, from a point outside the ter- ritorial waters of the United States and sink by her gunfire, It is suggested while proof of Am- erican ownership of the "I'm Alone" might have some moral weight, and might in the public mind place Can- ada in the anomalous position of ask- ing damages for injury done to the property of an American, Iggally the matter of ownership is of very slight account, ' KING AND QUEEN ~ AT SANDRINGHAM Sandringham, England, Dec, 23. King George and Queen Mary have arrived here to spend Christmas. am- ong their Norfolk tenants in the old English fashion, The royal party in- cludes the king's children and grand- children, At the king's request, Queen Mary has selected ag extra large Christmas tree. Midday dinner will be served instead of the usual evening meal, for the benefit of Princess Elizabeth, small daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York, and her cousins, Princess Mary's children, Gerald and George Ladies. A sedond Christmas tree has been chosen for the children of King George's tenants on the Sandring- han estate. HARD TASKS FACE NAVAL CONFERENCE Washington Officials Are Hopeful, But Do Not Overlook Difficulties (By Ken, Clark, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) .... Washington, Dec, 23--Six wveeks before the opening of the naval dis- armament conference in London, officials here remain hopeful of the outcome, Yet there is not attempt to minimize the difficulties which must be overcome if Great Britain, the United States, Japan, France and Italy are to arrive at an agreement for reduction of their naval forces. As the time of actual negotiations approaches an atmosphere of anxious care is felt at the state department, As the programs of the powers are partially exposed to the public at this stage of the proceedings, the difficulties of agreement are thrown into a high light, Major divergencies so far aparent may be summarized as follows: Great Britain and "the United States have declared themselves for parity category by Cateory where- as France favors limitation of total tonnage, The Japanese attitude is not clear but when here last week, Reijiro Wakatsuki, head of the dele- gation of Japan, suggested limitation auxiliary craft by total tonnage, Inforpfed circles © here see in the demand of Italy for parity with France, a difficulty for Great Britain in the Mediterranean where lies the British route to the Fagtern Empire, To Build Ships St. Catharines ~Announcement has been made that ships will be built at Port Dalhousie. Comparatively lit tle work is on hand at the drydock there so the Muir Drydock Comps any has turned to shipbuilding. While bulls and bears upon the run Their vigils kee The Wall Street fun In buying cheap. Permits have lots of HOLDUP OF CNR, ¥ le W) PA {ing room for some time, TICKET OFFICE AT NIAGARA FALLY Lone Armed Bandit Steals Over $900 and "The Canadian National ticket of- [tice here was held up and robbed (of #911 this morning by a man {who had been sitting in the walt- He walk= |ed into the ticket office and order- led the clerk, Fred Groat, to hand over the roll, Groat refused and the robber pulled a gun and back- ed Groat against the wall and took the money, The police were notified and are investigating, The robber Is described as a man about thirty, wearing overalls, Eight years ago today the ticket office was held up under somewhat simi. lar efrcumstances, FIVE INJURED IN TRAIN COLLISION Gorham, Kans, Dec, 23-Five persons were injured, several of them seriouss ly, when two Union Pacific passef- ger trains collided a mile east of here. this morning, All of the injured were reported to be trainmen, no passengers being hurt, The injured were removed to Hays, Kans, to Needy Families on Tomorrow ROTARY CLUB AND COUNCIL CONTRIBUTIONS SEND FUND HIGHER BUT MORE REQUIRED Talked From Plane to Ship By Telephone (By Canadian Press Lassed Wire New York, Dee, 23.-~High over Manhattan in a 100-mile-an-hour fly- ing telephone booth reporters yester~ day talked to the liner Leviathan 700 miles at sea. As casually as though sitting in their own homes, two reporters and three engineers of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, soared 3,000 feet over the city in a big tri-motored plane, asked for and got the Leviathan as though they were Calling a number just around the corner, They passed the time of day and heard the gos- sip of the ship, Si This new step in communication was effected by a radioland wire-ra- dio hookup that brought those aboard the speeding plane and those on the liner as close togeher as though they were sitting in opposite ends of Alex- ander Graham Bell's old attic work. shop where the human voice first was carried over a strand of metal, The conversation lasted half hour, an ------ | Toronto, Dec, 23.---With the name of Louls M, Singer, K.C., heading the list, 140 individuals and firms are declared "parties or privies to, or knowingly assisting In the operation of" a combine within the meaning of the Com- bines Investigation act, in the re- port whieh Gordon Waldron, K.C,, has sent to Hon, Peter Heenan, minister of labor, on the findings of his commission to investigate | the operations of the Amalgamated Builders' council and affiliated trade organizations under Louls Singer's direction. The commissioner's 100-page re- port, based on the voluminous evi- dence taken at hearings at Lon- don, Windsor, Toronto and Fon Willlam, deals with trade opera- tions since the formation of the Canadian Plumbing and Heating guild in June, 1927, It covers the activities of the gulld, the Domin- fon Chamber of Credits, the Amal. gamated Builders' council and the Toronto Plumbing and Heating Contractors' union, and finds each of these organizations units in a combine declared to have function. ed against the act and in detri- ment to the public, Mr, Waldron finds that the com. bine, in which he has reported of- ficers, employes, manufacturers, jobbers, operators and labor union officers, is still in existence, Af- ter relating the connection of the A.B,C, wih the Toronto bullding (Continued on page 9) Russians And China at Peace Protocol Signed Bringing Manchurian Hostilities to an End Moscow, Dec, 28.--Moscow and Mukden have made their place and have signed a protocol fixe ing future relationship between the Soviet Russian government and the Manchurian Chinese provincial government, A foreign ocommissaria ans nouncement sald the Soviet pleni- potentiary, M. Simonovsky, and Teal Yun-Shen, the Chinese rep resentative of the Mukden provin- clal government, signed at Hhab- arovsk, Siberia, a protocol which restores the status quo ante on the disputed Chinese Eastern Railway and mutually immediately restores consular and commercial organiza- tions in the two countries, Formal resumption relations will not he arranged until a fur- ther conference is held January 25, but meanwhile all troops will be withdrawn from the Russian and Manchurian borders, All per sons arrested in connection with the rallway dispute will be re. lensed, and White Guard Russiana will be disarvied and deported by the Chinese, Waldron Report Includes Names of 140 Individuals And Firms Involved in A.B.C. E.G. Porter, Ex-M.P Dies in Belleville Delleville, Dec, 23, ~~Edward Guss Porter, K.C., who was a Con- servative member of the Dominion parliament for almost a quarter of a century, until his defeat five years ago, died at his home today at the age of 70 years. He had been {11 for the last three years, Italian Reply * Of Little Help Italy Seeks to Bring Political Questions Into Naval Issue (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Paris, Dec, 23-It was learned in official circles today that Italy's most recent rejoinder to the French mem- orandum on naval disarmament is felt to have left the situation about where it was before, So far as could be learned the Italian reply again sought to link the limitation of naval armaments with what official circles described as "political" questions which is under- stood to mean further concessions of territory by France in North Africa adjoining Italy's Tripolitan colony, PENSION APPEAL 70 BE DECIDED Exchequer Court to Rule on Jurisdiction of the Ap. peal Board Ottawa, Dec, 23--Relative jurisdic tion of the pension commissioners and of the federal appeal board and the power of the latter to take up certain cases rejected by the pension board will be the subject of an early decision by the exchequer court and its ruling will be of interest to ex- service men throughout the dominion, The reference to the court was made quietly a few months ago, but it is now coming to a head. The cases chiefly affected are those in which decisions adverse to pens sions have been given by the pen- sions board on the ground that dis ability or death as the case may have | o been, was due to improper conduct on the part of the soldier, This was challenged by the appeal board and a deadlock has existed, Registrar Dies Lindsays~C, D, Barr, county reg- 'strar, of Victoria and Haliburton for 38 years died yesterday. He was at gone time on the staff of the Mon- treal Gazette and Toronto Globe. Proceeds of Rotary Club Christmas Party, Amounts ing to $800, Handed Over to Fund at Today's Luncheon CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR 400 FAMILIES Appeal Made for Great List of Contributions to be Made Before Christrhas Bells Ring Only one more day rema the Christmas bells ring + befare one more day in which to exemplify the true spirit of Christmas by mak Ig sacrifices for those who are in distress, By tomorrow night, the workers of the Associated Welfare Charities and the Christmas Cheer Fund will have made the rounds of about four hundred needy homes in the city, expending thousands of dol lars in providing Christmas Cheer to those families which, without the aid of the Fund, would face a hopeless ge gerlcss day on this occasion y shoul iva j aI people, ¢ & festival of joy for ith only Christmas Eve lef the glory of Christmas | ivi ot officials of the Welrare and Wi mas Cheer Fund are expecting a Kreat flood of contributions tomor row, those last minute contributions which will provide the mongy neces sary" to carry of the urgent work of relief far beyond the Christmas sea son and throughout the winter, This appeal has been made so often that notcitizens should be in doubt as to the need, and therefore, to those wha have been hutting off making their Christmas #ft for the relier of the needy, The Times makes this final appeal before Christmas Day, and asks that contributions be made as Kenerous as circumstances will allow Today, the Fund was given a splens did boost by two large cheques, one of $800 from the Oshawa Rotar Club, this being the proceeds of tin Christmas Cheer Frolic held a week &go, when many of the citizens, other than members of the club, joined in a laudable effort to raise findg for the Fund, This cheque was handed aver to the Fund today by President George Hart, who at the Rotary Club luncheon, formally presented it to A, R. Alloway, president of the Associated Welfare §ocictice of Oshe awa, who handed it over to TI, W. Joyce, Treasurer of the Fund. Ther second cheque was one for 00 from the City of Oshawa, this being the contribution of the city council to the Fund, These two che- ques, along with the other contribu« tions Feparted today, brings the tota) of the Fund to date up over the $7,- 00 mark, so that there is still about $2,500 to be raised before the sum of $10,000 i reached, ontributions should be sent a once to T. W, Joyce, manager of the Dominion Bank and Treasurer of tha Fund, or to the office of The Osh awa Daily Times: Following is the list of contribu tions reported up to noon today; Amount already ack: nowledged Oshawa Rotary Club, proceeds of frolic ,,, City of Oshawa .., Central Canada Loan and Savings Co, Staff Ontario Gov't, fees to Juzymen, donated to MAG "Lada aretnanane Anonymous sssessesses ANONYmous seveenvenns nae rend wiinn ania siinee Total to date ow $A St, Paul's United church Mission Band, Pickering, 24 stockings filled with toys, candies, nuts, etc, ---------------------------- Pop: "I heard something about you today." Billie: "It's not true, 'pop, © never did such a thing in my We. t Believed Dead, Husband Returns (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Springhill, N.S, Dec. 23.~Ernest ustin, reported drowned on Dog 12, when he was swept overboard from the Great Lakes steamer Selkirk, has arrived at his home here alive and well, He wasn't missed until somes time after he fell overboard, In the water about two hours, he was pick= ed up by a tug and landed at King= ston, Ont. Through a Tisunderstanie ing, word of his satety did not reach his family, who believed him dead un til his arrival, -

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