Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN FREI SIL I SA RI SI THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 : EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | CHIMNEY Ha BrochvilieA heavy gust of wind lopped about 10 feet off the # large metal Shiney at the Bas house, / mrmr-- Peterbore AF uy ome men and ot hive been busy drawing snow the rests, but there still seems to be plenty left to make travel heavy B Ney horse or motor vehicles, ------ HELP TO PAY 1s betarboro,=At least one instalment is being paid en the new police calls, Last night beth cages were occupied hy transients who sought supper and night's lodging, -- CONTINUING TRIPS 'w Brockville, == The officials of the Brockville & Morristown Transpors tation Co, are working wider diffieul- ties, occasioned by ice in the Bt, Law: rence river, in keeping a passage be tween the two ports open MANY UNEMPLOYED Peterboro,~There are sull many more men available for employment in the eity than there are situations, The unemployed in this city, as in othe glties of the provinee;, are about 75 per cent unskilled laborers with the remainder of the vanks made up of meehanies, builders, carpenters and maehinists, ORDERED TO PAY $20 AND COURT COSTS Belleville =A CASE under the Mas. ter and Beyvants Act was. heard in palice court Maturday before Magis- trate Mikel, The complainant was waking for $2908 from defendant fos labor given, The magistrate ordered on ant to pay $2000 and the costs of the court, CHRISTMAS AT THE SHELTER Brockville. ~The generous eitizens of the town and distriet, imbued with true Christmas spirit, have an oppor tunity to make the happy season brighter far themselves and others by remembering in their giving the five small boys, ranging in years from four to eleven, wha are spending the Yuletide at the Children's Shelter PLANE FORCED DOWN Broekville=Major G, 5, Abbatt, In spector in the eivil aviation braneh of the Department of National De fence, with three other officials of the same department, was foreed down near Seeley's Hay yesterday in # large Fairchild cabin plane while fying from Kingston ta Ottawa, The landing was wade necessary through Supine trouble QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 . MALLETPS BUS RUNS Tagyon HEAVY Belleville, == Toronto bus arrived hare this af eho whout three ¢'+ clock after being on the Joud from prs this morning, The driver reports striking heavy snow about Cobourg. spr re-- STOLE CHICKENS Port Hope ~Chicken thieves are again setive in this district, Two neighboring farmers on (he Provin- cigl highway have just bean robbed of Bs 3 birds, One man lost 50 and the other 45, PAI Dn ) Fl NES Port Hope ~Orville Pelster of Bowmanville was arraigned on two breaches of the Highway Traffic Act before Magistrate W, A, VV, Camp+ bell and paid $10 and costs for have ing defeetive brakes and $2 and costs for not having the required number of lights on a Motor vehicle, oLb AGE PE PENSIONS Port Hope ~Out of 216 applica: tions for old-age pensions In Vieton county 198 have been granted, This included 30 inmates of the House of Refuge, which after Jan, 1 will be known as the Princes Ldward Home for Old Veaple, Sinee receiving pen slons, three persons have died » L THIEVES AT WORK Port Hopes=Early Friday morning thieves entered two west end resi dences and alter a thorough van sacking of the downstairs quarters, sums of money were stolen from each house, 'The houses which were burg lariged ineluded these owned by W Lawrence, Bramley street and Thos Garnett, Baldwin street POATIES BUSY Broekville Brockville "posties are working hard at this season of the year ta keep up with the flood of mall that is now coming in, Letters, parcels and Christmas editions of pe riodieals, make up the vast bundles of mail wider which the "posties" la hor as they eover thelr routes day by day North America Rich In Fish, Biologist Says Washington, Dee, 233,=The North Amerlean eontinent, says the Nation al Geographie Society, has four times as many varieties of fish than Kurepe, In the last five years the Bureau of Fisheries has shipped breeding stoek af 19 varieties to foreign countries, some of them having heen found to thrive even better in thelr new ele: ment than In thelr native waters From Argnting eame word that "Am eriean trout and bass have thrived so well that there are too many of them," Iinstrating his extraordinary powers of memory, Mr, Borah states that the tariff bill as propos. ed is a ° vielatlen of platform pledges, Detroit News, LET REXALL STORE SERVICE GET THAT LAST. MINUTE CHOICE THERE ON TIME shop wheve theve's plenty of variety and presents for all members of the familys at the Rexall Deng Bove, A few of our many speclals Note D'Amour Biationery, a big value for the money 400 LurVe Rainbow Bath Xtals, a huge baveel of perfumed salts for Mhe bath | ay Nickel Viashlights completo with bulh and batteries ONo MacDonald's Beng Clgnrs ottes 100 cigarettes for Boo Ivory Maly Brush, 11 vows of very good bristles , One Theron Ret of Peviume, Vace Powder, Cleansing and Vans ishing Cyeams In gift hox Baye time, trouble Money hy shopping nt THE REXALL §TONES JURY & LOVELL King ¥, Phone U8 LLL anil Mimeoe HM, hone ON GERMANY FAVORS THE YOUNG PLAN Proposal to Reject Fails to Command Requisite Vote Dee, Al "agalnst of the derman would have rejected the Younm plan of reparations payments, fall ed yesterday to obtaln more than one-fourth of the required vole to glve It effect A provisional total return for the entire U6 electoral disiriots showed that with 6,841,000 hallows cast only 6,788,000 voles favored the bill submitted to the people by the German Nationalist party Hines the German electorate numbers 41,680,000 only about 18,8 per cent, voled in support of the bill, instead of the 81,000,000 necessary to pass it, The number In support was slightly greater than that whieh had supported the demand for the referendum last October, The Increases were large ly In the Berlin, Magdeburg, Hres law, Lelpsig and Dresden distyiots, The Relohstag last month by an overwhelming majority had defeat ed a similar blll, Following that The National the enslavement people," whieh Berlin, Ist bill SKINNER COMPANY 10 BE REAL ASSET ---- (Continued from pages §) supply of raw materials and witer in Oshawis were not suitable lor weonomical manutacture of its products, One industry went to Ham Won after dnforming the local gom mittee that it did not Intend to move fram its previous location in Laster Ontario, Four Cons/deved Unsound One wl the firms bought & control ling Interest in a Canadian Lompany with factories In Hanover and "lars onto, Four have not located anywhere bevnusy financlgl support on the tering they demand have not been made & vislluble, These were considered wine sound, Of the seven with which negotin tons ure still under way, one require eh capital one requires uw $150,000 bullding 1 two require bulldings and capital wud three are not yet ready to eommence Chusdian operations, Progress | uring Year Besides (he securing of one majol indugtry, the committee reported that worle during the yeur would provide better fucihties vor the securing ol new industries in the futur These wera (1) "I'he plirehase of an industrial aren of 13.38 aeres ut $10, 035 which 1s avallable to msnutactug wtou reasonable cost, The coun tH hus wpproximuetely $20,000 ol the sun wh by the people for this purpose, which ean be used for the purchiugs of other sites as muy bie required, (2) Assistanes In the pure chase of the elestrig and gas plants which has resulted in a reduetion of the electric rutey by $4 per horse power per annum, (3) Asslstanee procuring the development of harbor for water transportation, (4) \asistance In the formation eof the Oshawa Industrial Foundation Limi ted, to secure the construction of in dustrial bulldings may be required, Keen Competition Bummariging the report, the ehalys man sald Your committee appreciates that the securing of industries for the ely is 8 very keen, competitive business, owing to the setivity of other eities, and that the eltigens generally only desire to secure those industries thut will become permanently located In the city by reason of economical cost of manufacturing and distribu ton, and further, that the suecesstul operation of existing concerns Is de to whom we should rendu every cooperation possible) and fur ther, that it is the desire to keep out those Industries requiring finanelal support from the eltizens, which have very little prospect of being a suc LERs "It 1s more desirable that the ely should be known as a elty of sue cessful industries than to show the gvidence of fallure of concerns loea ted here because of the advised enthusiasm on the part of those des glrous of securing any industry at any coat," becal thi i. sa defeat the Nationalist party split Into factions wnd several of iis leading representatives In the gov ernment withdrew from the part EATON'S Last MinuteShopping News Extraordinary Specials. in the Eaton Groceteria ORANGES OR RANGES GES Per Dos. 69c¢c Mixed, Brazil, NUTS 1b. 24¢ Walnuts, 1b, ade 1b. 19¢ Almonds, 1b.25¢ Filberts, 1b. 190 Christmas Cake With Aino Icing Rich in Fruit Flavor wae Large - STOCKINGS Extra Large $0.59 Medium 15¢ e Small 10¢ ME-J VA BLEND Extra Special rr 39¢ FIGS, da Pulled . . Pulled . » * pkg 23¢ " pkg. 12¢ Eating Raisins 4 Crown 6 Crown pkg. 37¢ pkg. 47¢ Pud KKOVAH Rich Plum 21b, - 72¢ Eaton's Crackers Filled With Caps 25¢ and isi box Jolly Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets RD ii AND BTRAW fin SLUKA 0 olan OR ALLL [] dalvy yor pound [71 hota Junie TE "Hh : th ie ol hd brlas "i { i § oe M i Joi Lar tnnans 1h A serie WA bor h Nn TORONTO PRODUCE whalesals Faroe produce to veitsil dealers at the lellawin nga wad Hutter § ereumnry, prints, Ali New, Baas stilton, 27s bare 4 Lede wiplsts and sul, 0 wld Me, { triplets, twing, stiltons, heess Foultrg~ Chickens, 8 Hay, | fo 8 18 Ts BT , OVERS a Broilers Pac klings sivnine Turkey wil Cured Jneals I dle LL Land 17 Lise ne TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Faroita wholesales dealers wre quoting the following prices to the tiude) Binaked mest aukied laine abilast hasan 4 ta Me, Ae) do, smoked, 45 hu Mey 18 this FARMERS MARKET Ihe lullowing fect on the BY, Wen NUH y firsta pallet extras gue easly extong, In enrions, 68 1a 706) ERT, seconds, Mei pulled sxtrin, Bk Eating, Aw; Diste, Ade) seconds, Nu, i ihe, io pabobi a | bs ' ' 3 UR Heuyy weight valle, Ag Lighiwelghi 0 ily Pure prints 13 1:8 10 14 Lda tubs 16 1d pris, I Porke=Lalns, J pork butts, #1 I Hutiey i { Artichokes, 6 4 Cirrate, bus, Wing { Pawts, bus, iis Do, boat ih track Toren Crean fi Von 110s mh baled, bon oooh, ig ) in aueisd ai 819 16 Onlone, dry, Vay Gt, Calibaps Connili awe dealers mis ollgr HW hh, meek , Ingek, 651 Niele, loose, Bhs Whoruus onus | Cont lelinee oh Head lettuce I ereamery, vine, Ades Nu Cucumbers, WT Ilurge, Ale) twine, 2 Wg Old, Crew, Celery, dow, Drowned | Balsi re] Civapeliit, Lm Ailes, 641 g) / urns, {i Weim, Aniiles, | eka, iis oul, Fat 1 fol) § above hot fil packing sows, Bulale, steady Humes, medi, 28 to 3 winoked vols, di # WT WH lo bik hauks, 0 8d, wlenr baeon, 50 ta i ow 110 Ds Nht good medium aan mem CHILLER Bows, Heonlpt Lon 0 YO The, A and ful, 1781 pally, Bliortening="l ley £7) ,V mile, MH tierees, 104 I ta 1% Hime ( tw Yo hh Shoulders pork hams, 2 | fod wesieing pe quotations, ratall, In ob 81M Awienes market, Tomute ow 0 per doen Chicago, Dee ad Wrijennla hoyle, 0 Lt, inwket ois eee Kndive, doven 4, Sim in Hifi, ly foihd Seas ea thine 4 1F vine Votuioes, bag him Varsley, pos buneh | threes 108 40004 A] hss ner dangit RRR AW DUNElIes sasveiirnin sah ui Letnons, per dozen Bananas, yer dosen ,,., Lashes resi Yeas, 6 qt Cranberries, 45 siaitiranen LUT basket Dee, 3 haldayers, #0 16) he, me bint and Dh lights, $105 sparingly, 11] 7 Heewiptn of cattle, 75) quality pam sleern wid short sheers and hellers, #M te 00 p of calves, 175) and lower satly In week) «los Wood be eholos, B60 ta B17) lew, ll Hooalpts of sheep, S00; shove last week) good to choles natives and AN strong weights, $1078 10 B13) common, 1 to CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES 0 | FEN, 170 Jan, rely, eggs 197, Jan, sus, 3) AENEAN NENEEENENEED BUY NOW! Body Hard Wood Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 and Dry Some General Motors Wood May Be Mixed with the Body Wood and Slabs if Desired. Dixon Coal Co. TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES ENENNEEEEEEENEEEEEN week 8 aHPPY Yory | sag - a . ------------ . tendy to 56 higher yearlings, 813 to 14.75, Feb, onus, 20) 1 ode, BULA ta BIB75 018%) Veli, butter, 144 Vow ML all] Chicago spot market sandard Wl ourrent Neste, MM 10 New York spot market (RF Exin, livsty, rm Movement af Jour marketssButter, net om $00.100) last year, net oul, 537,32 nat out, ART last year, nist oul, Two market regelpta=Butier today, lant your 1A%, Fggs today, 10,713 your, 13,08) CT busker 510 ua Wr sre en noua ANSE EEEEEEEEN ny Recolptn of hogs, fairly wotive, weight tly 25% lower) others 0 ta IM the, $0 | [LO 5 to #4 butter for grain In earlotst Manitaha wheat =N I northern, $1.87) Ni northern, $1.85 1.23 Nao, 3 we arthem, #50 1A) No, 4 northern, 1, 1:2; No, 5 nortl en, LIK 0, bh northem, "ok eda) leed wheat, 0h per bushel (edd, Goderich and Hay ports) Fries on tracks, lo higher than above bitter | Jan following prices Butter, extras, Mesa J bone stemdy 4 Vu ealers trade dull ing 81 over low Hutiad, extras, 40 tone hrm 4 to Bhuj tone Tombs eloplng 2% Amerigsn Corn 0, 3 yellow, kin dried, $1.04 1:41 No, 8 yellow, 81,00 1.4; Na, 4 ysl low, Mei Toronte freight, Millleed (Delivered Mantreal, frelghts, bags ineludad)~Hran, por ton, $35.25; shorts per ton, $37,451 middiings, per ton, $44.25, Manitoba = Mour=First patents, In Jute, $0.60; Toronta seconds, patents In Jute $4.00, to BIA medium and 13,1044 last Dae TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crain dewlers In Toronto are quoting the Open commitments Lovely Gifts And furniture Is by far the moat welcome gift of all, Make this a practical Christ mas by giving presents to please all the family Buy Now- Pay Later! TONIGHT - AND - Yes! Just a little while to choose that gift that will be the lasting gift. Decide now to give a plece of furniture, Store open toe night and tomorrow night. Deliveries will be made on all pun "chases, a ES ERA La SPINET DESK Walnut Spinet Desk that would please the most exacting, made from selected walnut with nicely thaped front and fitted with writing bed and pidgeon holes vvvivivviis OHNE NEED NN CHINA CABINET Very handsome China Cabinet in two tone walnut, 19 in, wide, 66 in. high, with pretty fretwork door and drawer at "$39 50 bottom « vvivv wn we eee Rees DROP-LEAF TABLES Solid Walnut Drop Leal Table would make a good Here in one in large size that is priced very reasonable at viunmasaseyes NEST OF TABLES Very charming nest of 4 Walnut Tables, These are well made and Special EERIE EEL present, afternoon tea, nicely finished, JUNIOR LAMPS Useful Junior Floor Lamps in walnut finish with silk and georgette shades finished with ' $11 95 silk fringe, Rog. $18.95, Special h gtd do MEE RES RES BOOKCASE Solid Walnut Bookcase hae ends built in one piece with front in sections, A very useful $59 piece of furniture wis $21.50 | TABLE LAMPS | Another shipment of these beautiful | Table Lamps are here for late shop- | | pers, They come in yellow, blue, green and Chinese red vases with parchment shades to match, Specially priced as follows; $5.95, $6.95, $8.95, $12. 98 VENEER DE SMOKERS Smoker Stands in walnut finish make acceptable gifts at a moderate coat, $2 50 LJ Special, each vis sates Eases ' WALNUT FERNERY $19 75 $29.50 $34.95 Walnut Fernery that will hold 3 plants, finished in two tone effect, Special +44 van LUKE FURNITURE Co. 63 King Street East Phone 78-79

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