Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDA hs... DD Ph Ee BEGIN HERE TODAY On Christmas Bve, seven Be eT riers aan paid [] ] ® call on RORO B, his ol business rn Now, fit would be hard to find a more vold-hasrted, grasping old mise or than Serodge, 4 Mar- hg hile he lived, had been » ihe Groat of Mariey t on y wrapped in olsnkin Miter. and raising melancholy hows, mourued for the opportunities he had wasted in lite, He tolls Barooge that he shall be haunt. od by three pirite shortly. The first of the Spirits calls for Berooge when the elock strikes One, He calls himself the Ghost of Christmas Past, " past?" foquired past," And he takes Merooge back to 8 Christe mas long past, and Berooge ob- serves scenes of his boyhood and even sees himself once more as a little boy, (OW GO ON WITH THE STORY v . The Ghost smiled thoughtfully, and waved its hand, saying as it did so, "Let us see another Christ mas' Sorooge's former self grew lar. gor at the words, And the room be came a litle darker and more dirty, The panels shrunk, the win. dows cracked; tragments of plaster fall out of the ceiling, and the nak: od lathe were shown instead; but how ul) this was brought about Horooge knew no mors than you do, He only knew that it was quite gorrect; that everything had hap- pened so; that there he was, alone again, when all the other boys had gone home for the jolly holidays, He was not reading now, but walking up and dowg despairingly. ferooge looked at the Ghost, and, with a mournful shaking of his head, glanced anxiously towards the door, y It opened; and a little girl, much younger than the boy, came darting In, and, putting her arms about his neck, and often kissing Mm, ad- dressed him as "her "dear, dear brother." "I have come to bring you home, dear brother!" sald the child, elap- ping her tiny hands, and bending down to laugh, 'To bring you home, home, home!" "Home, little Fan " returned the boy. "Yeu!" sald the child, primtul of glee, "Home for good and all, Home for ever and ever, Father ls so much kinder than he used to be, that home's lke heaven! We spoke #0 gently to me tn dear night when I was going to bed, that I war not afraid to ask him once mora If you might come home! and he sald Yes, you should; and sent me in a coach to Sing you, And you're t0'be a man!" sald the child, opening her eves: "and ave Naver Ho come back here; but first we're to be together all the Christmas Jong, and have the merriest time in all the world," "You are quite a woman, Hitle Fan!" exclaimed the boy, he claphed her hands #n laughed, and tried to teueh his Read; but, being too little laughed in, and stood on tiptoe to em- race him, Then she began to drag him, In her ohildish eager ness, tow the door; and MW nothing loath to go, accompanie or A terrible voles in the hall erled, "Bring down Master Serooge's box, there!" and In the hall appeared the schoolmaster himself, whe red on Master Scrooge with a roolous condescension, and threw {nto a dreadful state of mind 'by shaking hands with him, Ne conveyed him and his sister into the veriest old well of a shiv. ng beat parlour that ever was + Where the maps upon the 11, and the celestial and terres trial globes in the windows, were MH with wld ovr aduted : ourious! J] Xgl of curious! heavy cake, and administered instalments book plot 41 the 'shine 'Ime sends out | 4nd flor a glam 8 Moagre servant to o of "something" to the Josthes, whe wered that he thanked the gen tleman, but, If it was the same ta a8 he had tasted before, he ha rather not, Master Scrooge's trunk being by this time tied on to the top of the chaise, the children bade the schoolmanter good-bye ri willingly: and getting Into it, drove gally down the ga sweep: the quick wheels dashin the hoar-frost and snow from ol ih dark leaves of the evergreens ® APTAY, ", a delleate orea m a breath might have - ," sald the Ghost, "But she oart!" a orooge. "You're right, not galnsay 9 ig God forhid!" "She died a woman," said the ost, "and had, aa I think, chile + 1 "One child," Scrooge returned, "True," sald the Ghost, "Your nephew!" Horooge seemed uneasy in his mind, and anawered briefly "Yes, Although they had but that me. ent left the school behind them, wd were now in the busy thor oughfares he of a city, where shadowy n where shadow and repamsed; carts and coaches ttled for the way, and all the {fe and tumult of a real eity were. It wia made plain enough, by the dressing of the shops, that ere, too, was Christmastime #5 In! but It was evening, and the #' wie were lighted wp, The Ghost atopped at a certain Yee 1 ohouse door, and apked Foronge If he Xnew it, "Know ft!" sald Serooge, "Wan 1 arndenticed a They went In, At sight of an ald 'gentleman iu a Welsh wig. sitting rt came the housemaid, with her cou. sin the bps rden | With her brot mos Corel behind such a bigh desk, that If he had begn two inohes taller, he must have ktlocked his her "gainst the onling, Morooge erie great ox- eltomen to "Why, it's old Vessiwig! Bless bin heart, I's Femsiwig alive spain' Old Yonlwig isid down his pen, and looked up st the elook, which polited to tha hoyr of woven, He rubbed hil Tani adjusted his oapacious walsteoat] laughed all over himself, from his shoes to h organ of benevolence: and called ou, in a comfortable, oily, righ, at, jovial voice "Yo ho, there! Wpeneser! Dick!" Berooge's former self, now grown 2 YOUDE man, cAmMS briskly in, ae companied by his fellow. prentice, dances, and there was cake, and there was negus, and there was & great plees of Cold Noast, and there was & great piece of Codd Boiled, and there were mince ples, and "Riek Wilkins, 10 be sure!" sald Serooge to the Ghost, "Bless me, There he 1s, We was very ched to me, was Dick, Poor Dick! Dear, dear!" "Yo ho, my boys!" sald Yesawis, "No more work tonight, Christmas Eve, Dick, Christmas, Ebeneser! Feaviwig, Let's have the shutters up," erfed old Pesulwlg, with a sharp clap @* n's hands, "before & man can sw Jask Robinson!" You wouldn't helleve how those two fellows went at {i} charged Into the str: . with the shutters--one, two, 'ree-=had 'em up in their places---iour, five, six =barred 'em and pinned 'em seven, eight, nine---and came back before you could have got to twelve, panting like racehorses, "Hilllshe!" oried old Femawip, skipp'ng down from the high deak with wonderful agility, "Clear AWAY, my lads, and let's have lots of room here! Millishe, Dick! Chip rap, Ebenexer!" , Clear away! There was nothing they wouldn't have cleared away, or couldn't have cleared away, wit old Femniwig looking on, It w done ip » minute, Hvery movable was packed off, ne If it were diss missed from publle life for ever more! the floor was swept and wats ered, the lamps were trimmed, fuel was heaped upon the fire; and the warghouse was as snug, and warm, and dry, and bright a ball-room as Jou auld diaire to ase upon 3 tor's night, A In came a fiddler with a musie , and we up to the loft ape made an orchestra of it, and tuned lke fifty stomach-aches, In came Mrs, Fessiwig, one vast sub stantial amile, In oame the three Miss Feasiwig, beaming and lovas ble. In came the alx young fol lowéra whose hearts they broke, In came ®)! the young men and wo- men employed In the business, In In came the cook rs partioular friend the milkman, In came the boy from aver the way, who was suas: ected of not having board enough {rom an master; trying, to hide behind the girl from: next 'but one, who raved ta ve had her ears pulled by her mistress, In they all came, one at ter another; some ahyly, some bold- ly, some gracefully, some awkward: ly, some pushing, some pulling; In they all came, any how and every how, Away they all went, twenty coupla at once: hands half round and back again the other way! down the middle and up awaln; round and reund In various stages of affectionate grouping: old top couple always turning up fn the wrong plate new top couple start. ing off again as soon as they got there: all top conples at last, and not a bottom one to help them! When about, old Fesgiwig, clapping his hands to stop the dands, oried out, "Well done!" and: the: fiddler his hot face luto a pot of orter, especially provided for that OAR) nee, he inatantly be- fi again, though 'there were no neers yet. as {f the other fiddler had been carried home, exhausted, on a shutter, and he were a bran. new man resolved to heat him out of alght or perish, and wore There were more dances, there were torfaita, ang of his wits, this result was brought | Ruth. But, georning rest upon | plenty of besr. But the grest ef: tact of the evening came after the Roast and Dolled, when the fiddler (an artful dog, mind!" The sort of men who knew his business better than you or I could have told it Mm!) struck up "Bir Roger de Coverly," Then old Fessiwlg stood out to dance with Mrs, Fessiwlg, Top couple, Loo; with a good stiff oe of work cut out for them hres or four and twenty pair of pevinens people who were not 0 tritled with; people who woul ance, and hpd no notion of walk ne But Jt they had been twice a many==ah! four times..old Fess! wig would have been a mateh for them, and so would Mrs, Fessiwlg, As 10 her, she was worthy to he his partner In evéry sense of the term, If that's not high praise, tell me Meher, and I'11 ure It, A positive light appeared to tssue from Fens! wig's ealves, They shone In every part of the dance like moons, You couldn't have predicted, at any given time, vhat would become of them next, And when old Pessl: wig and Mrs, Pesslwig had gone all thrbugh the dance; advance and re Then old Fesziwig stood out to dance: with Mre, tire, both hands to your partner, how and anrtav, aerki-sorew, thread the-needle, and back again to you place! Foraiwig "out"==out a0 deftly, that he appeared to wink with his legs, and eame upon hip feet again without a stagger, | When the clock struck eleven, | this domeatie ball broke up, Mr, and Mra, Fosriwig took thelr sta tons, one on either side of the (door, and shaking hands with every person iadividially as he or she went out, wished him or her a Merry Chr'stmas, When everybody had retired but the two 'prentices, they did the same te them; and thus the cheerful voloes dled away, and the lads wers left to thelr beda; which were under a counter In the back-shop, During the whale of this time Berooge had acted like & man out His heart and soul were In the scene, and with his former elf, He corroborated everys thing, remembered everything, ens 10red everything, and underwent he strangest agitation, It was not until now, when the bright faces of hia former self and Dick were turned from them, that he remem- bered the Ghost, and hecame con sclous that it was looking full upon him, while the light upon its head burnt Vers olear, "A sm I matter," sald the Ghost "to make these sllly folke so full of gratitude" "Smalll" echoed Horooge, To be Continued) SEAMEN PRAISED BY SHIP OWNERS Furness Bermuda Lines Re- port on S88. Fort Victoria Sinking at New York ---------- The following announcement with regard to the sinking of the 8.8, Fort Victoria of the Furness. Bermuda Line in the New York harbor recent: ly, has been given out by the local authoritien of the company: "In reference to the loss of the S88, Fort Victoria, we beg to inform vou that all passengers were saved, wid there were no caswalities, and the officers and crew were highly prais- od by the passengers for their seas manship, The SS. Fort St. George will operate on regular schedule to ves place the Fort Victoria, All passeng- era wha were boaked' to sail on the 88, Fort Victoria have sailed today on the 8.8, Fort George," Old Mose Parker, was pretty sick, and the darky deefor Pro pat im to bed ynd laid down all sorts { rules and regulations as to sleep nd diet, After he had gone, Mose ned to his wife and complained Mandy, how does dat dere foal tor reckon ah's gwine to eat breast pol chicken chery day ii ah ain't got mah ebenin's treel® . , MINS Mi §, LATHY Daughter of Frank K, Lathe of the national research council Owawa, second year student In classics honors at Victoria Cole lego, University of Toronto, whe has been awarded the Robert Bruce scholavship for 'superior answering' st the first year exe amination, Until 1048 this schol. arship shall be awarded only to students of Heottish extraction, PREMIER KING SAYS PENSION ACT 10 BE AMENDED (Continued from page 1) the pensions board whould inter pret the act in "A broad and Hb. oral way," It should be Inter preted In the light of Lhe ATR tation clause of the aol iwaelf, L] government felt that parliameg!, in enacting the legislation, wis of for falr and lberal Areatment of the men who went out, without bargaining, to serve thelr country, The prime minixter sketohed very briefly what hed been done for the ex-servies mon in the way of anpointin® the federal appeal hoard und soldiers' advisers, He empharized thet the pensions board wis a Indiatnl body free from eons trol of any kind In making ita, de. alslans Tha fe'eral appeal hoard was in evartly the same position al far as Interference of any kind was congermaed Cu Ottawa, D 2 rie, Comma Corns In the | nleht that tha eontld have gp adie vo Cheirtmas would be mere aceentahle than the announcement of Rieht Hon Macks enzle King that soldiers' pensions le aislation will be revised gat the ap: pronching session of Parliament and that the Board of Pensions Commis sioners in the meant me will be asks ad Mo interpret the Pensions Act in a broad and liberal manner, giving ex-service men th henefit of the doubt when the question arises as to whether thelr present condition of Yealth 1s attributable to war service A newspaper representative spoke to Sir Arthur on the long-distance telephone, telling him of the Prime Minister's manouncement and asking hn for a message, The Corps Com mander was delighted with the good news and immediately dictated the following statement "Pioasure and Relief" "Ihe news you have given me is something for witien 1 am personally very thaukiul, and will be received with the greatest possible pleasure and relief, not only by a large body of soldiers, but by all' who have wn interest in the soldiers, and that means the whole country, It is trae we have got eleven years away from the war, but 1 have always thought that the Canadians were not a tors getful people, We are not so maters walistie as all that, The finer things of life still appeal to our people, "I'he matter of pensions for ex-sers vice men who are now suffering as a result of the ordeals they experiens ced in France has only to be brought to the attention of the people to see that sympathetic Justice is done, There 18 ne Christmas message 'the Government could give which would be more acceptable to the people vi Canada," Pp -- Pleased in Torento lovonto, Ont, December 21.The announcement that amendments to the Pensions Act would be tutroduced at the next session of Pare Hament with a view to giving mere liberal treatment to ex-sorvice men came Ax good news to Melville BP, White, who, although asserting that he was not qualified to express an opinion, said that he was interested on agcount of his connection with the Poppy Fund, "I think it is a good thing," Me White said "that the Government is feeling it should make an effort to be more liberal wigh these men, bes cange what happens is that they draw the Hne at a certain point where a man is no longer eligible, That means he turns tg some other charitable ors ganization which already has a full load to take y Pleased Q Arthur Cur of the Canadian t War, dee'nred las! Daminlen oa nt n the pernle of Can message which HAVE DAYN OF ENDLESS FUN JIN OUR NEAR NORTH Do you lke to hear the swish of skin through untracked snow? Op the sound of a orvackling log tire alter sundown}? Or the aroma of bubbling eoffee after a brisk snows shoe tramp? Those are experiences you enjoy every day in the wins ter sports resorts of the Highlands of Ontario, The lodges in Muskoka and Lake of Bays ave open now, | los are going up for week-ende a wWoek== or a fortnight, You oan enjoy wins ter aporta in ideal surroundings, accommodation fs as comfortable as at home, Wide variety of resorts from which to choose, You'll come back with a sparkle in your eyea and an appetite almost entbars rassing, An flustrated folder has been prepared telling you where to go, the cost ete, and copy may be had upon request to any agent ¢f Canadian National Rallways, a fi CITIZEN' BAND OF OSHAWA PLAY AT NEWCASTLE BL Fine Varied Program Presented in Community Hall a h M is | Noweastle, Deo, 19. ~Owhawn CiLl- Band Master Fountain, visited New: castle Munday evening after chureh and rendered a program of averiutes, marches, waltges, oto, opening with "0 Canada," und closing with o sae red number, "Abide With Me" Quite a number were present in the Come munity Hall, and registered thelr np: preciation of the music by thelr ap plause and their contribution to the offering, George Mitchell; ® band member, sang a baritone solo, and A, J. Knox, Orono, was among the clarinet pection, The postoMoee department Is cer tainly metting an example of speed, a8 evidenced by the fact that a latte: ontmarked Los Angeles, Cal, I'v day, was delivered to a patron of Newcastle on Monday morning be tore 10 o'clock, Miss Milde Rowland, of Toronto Normal school, spent the weekend at home and attended commencement exercines, Congratulations ate belng extend ed to Miss Nettle Caswell und Harry Heaslip on thelr recent mar riage, Miss Nina Heviker, who has heen in Oshawa Hospital for some time, In| ¥ at home again, with her mother, In| # Mra, I, M, Gibson's house, + Hhe ox pects to resume her work ut the high pchool after New Year's Mr, and Mra. "A. Lyoett, of OshaWa ' attended the high school commences. | ment exercises on Friday evening' and visited friends and relatives over | * the week-end Mrs, W, P, Rogers has been quite | 1, Miss Eleanor Anderson spent the | weelcend with her parents, My, and | Mrs, W, H, Anderson, having come | a i h a h W b ( " y Ll n b a LL LJ y i \ ! von VOD anp $810 pen {Ei Be sure Y, DECEMBER 21, 1929 in eharge of the program, votional tople was taken b Ha "North Amerioan Indians," by Mrs, Vie rendings by George Rainey and Mrs, Pord on "Martin Luther," and Win. nile Itickard by Pauline were sung by Misses Minnie Bates and Alle Bragg, 0erH, will be the speaker, Ww, ten last Wednesday at the home of Mra, R, W, Walton, who, assisted by in a contest, M, af tendunce, AN A ave 2 nN \ nd 44 uf \ WILSO 91 SIMCOE STREET NORTH PAGE SEVEN the high Arthur Bragg returned home trop strip west last Tuesday, The Young People's League met on om Windsor to attend pehiool commensement, Monday evening with the president, Clavence Allin, in the chair, and Ins Minnie felby, nd vice-president, The de Minn 141 the n Clemence, and tople on Pearce, Other numbers were ave "The Cattle Thief," ohnston, Voeal dusts The Young Veo e's Woclety ure holding un banquet ' ar the leadership of | for members next Monday eveping in gens, Bund, und connection with the election ot off Rav, Roy Rickard, Plokering, Mrs, J, W, Glédnney's group of the A, held an enjoyable afternoon er mother, Mrs, J, Abar, serve! ainty refreshments and also engaged wif of the hundred Indies present The winners, Mrs, 1, Pisher and Mra, John Douglas, ore presented respectively with a ox of hon bons and a bouquet of hrysanthemuins, Mrs, P, Le Gresley spent the week nd in Toronto, visiting friends and elutlves, Miss Rosa Cowan spent the week nd with Miss Winnifred Rickard Migs Ruth Symons, of Welooms, wus a weekend guest of her uncle nd aunt, Mr, und Mrs, 1, ¥, Han wk My, and Mra, A, 1, Hpencer al tended the funeral of Calvin Hurl ort of Oshawa last week, Negular meeting of the Wamen's Misslonary Moolety took place Thurs ay afternoon with wu fairly good at Owing to illness, the pre: ident, Mrs, W, I, Rogers was un ble to attend and Mrs, N, L, Nick rd presided, After the opening ex rolwes, reports were given hy the arlous secretaries, minutes read and pproved and business discussed, I'he ollowing program was given: Bible ending, Mrs, MeLaughlin; deyotion I tople, Miss Panton] paper, Mrs Mellow; reading, Mrs, George Hin, A man Very ue dom marries his st sweetheart, says 4 Woman nov list, He only does it once, as a rule 13 OO MINOLS ELS Ones res Simpson's Oshawa Store will r Remain Open Saturday, Dec, 21 and Monday, Dec. 23 Tuesday, Dec, 24 UNTIL 10 p.m, : Lb OR PRIME IIMS II) BT GIVE A WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE CLEVE FOX HARDWARE PHONE 28 OSHAWA a ce SS 'CBrings you face to ') ihe Row ara ® 3 Re fon 1 rt ow ul i -- Mu o ry y Panel, fo Acar the new tinghouse MAY \ face «5. 7 iY X RT HN & / «oo tha finest of all Giftr nsolaire nest of all Radios No other gift can flood your home with such wealth of entertainment as a radio, . . No other radio can offer as keen enjoyment as the Consclaire-- "It brings you face to face," The Consolaire has been painstakingly engineered to give you the finest ormance in EVERY way. 'Tt employs the most sensitive circuit in existence and many other features (listed on the left) which have resulted in exceptional power, hairbreadth selectivity and an amazing new realism of tone, Today . . See and hear this ificent radio « « + Let it speak for itself, , . It tell you that here is a gift that will delight EVERY member of the family on Christmas day and throughout the years to come, . « You be the judge! N & LEE (onsolair ior Pleasure Graft™.

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