Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 3

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we -------------- = THE OSHAWA DAI Y TIMES, SATURDAY, DEC FE MBER 21, 1929 PAGE THREE ms AS rm PE gp" | Mayor Host to Public Servants at Fine Banquet Last Night ------ r---- - A ------" EE Ease a | a AB LI A ---------- eA... Ie... TS -'P A -------------------- sr ---- Definitely in the Running for the 1930 Coune il ALDERMAN NH, McDONALD ALDERMAN FH, JAUKMON Wha haw annopnced his eandidne tire for veselection In Cedars election in Cedavdale, dnl "3 ALDERYAY ¥, J, PERRY LOERMAN MG, CARNEL L ALDERMAN 1, A, MACDONALD ; No Tt A ; ALDKIMAN A, H, MeLKKNK ho w he in the ranning In the Chinbrman of Vinsnes in the 1020 i 10 a Chadron of the Industrial Come sonth-onst ward, he nanouneed | Whe witlostand for reseloction nw Connell, who will peel rveselecs iY 1 idan, who Is sgnin running Who will contest (ha nldermanie Inst night, Mlderman In the north-east ward, thom, 7 / ; for alderman ne ---------- HHI. - Bell Telephone Company to i Li X 3 : REV. R.A WHATTAM Aldermen Announce Their Spend $1,000,000 on New "yp £ SCHS gl TE Candidature in Elections, Oshawa Sudbury Trunk Line, = " a | we suit wor, Mayor Delivers An Address ew -------- Accepts Secretarial Work Forty Representatives of "| Frank Jennings, Ida Dyment, id Construction on New Line! ¢ re | and Amy Webb Are | | With Oatuie Prohibition = I) Wi | nion Already Commenced ~ If OBITUARY 3 Hy rg TRI | What Others Say Various Civic Bodies Will Run Through North Ra aa A | SILVER CUP GIVEN VACANCY FILLED Gather to Enjoy Mayor ETHRO WOTTEN [ _r --------r | , \§ A th Bay, Along East Shore of} 1. oui oecured en Al | King Street School Holds the wee: teniiored a a Ebi ag ARTA thar. Rev. S. C. Moore of Belle | FARMERS, AND 3 RITA Mitche I s Hospitality and Lake Scugog | ernoon. o fre ALR w {| Trophy for One City Counell and sembers of the bo returned by acclamation ville, Receives Interim hawa, Ont, D A to Review Year's Work [lived In Oshawa for the | twenty P OSHAWA BECOMES ved ; Year C--_---- : Appointment ¥ wy ! | SMAL L. SURPL Us IN various public bodies last nlght, It your, Cure IMPORTANT CENTRE|, i irk Unt nh an mero S, 1 ht q | Wh ahy, bye tho Mini CITY THIS YEAR [4 member of Alberk sire United [in "w | | v £5 0 1h | | ! f 1 A pire § i All Calls From South One| church, He bs survived by three bro- fy pounce orn JUNC ay €rvices In wd a hn ~ Chas | trhnental 4 wun | Mayor Makes Welcome Ans | the John, of Caliiarnia, Woesle of fario'to Western wa du Pserores und Rober of, Osha, ings, of King eet wiv I'he Oshawa Churches ||!" FONG: ofa for Christmas toes and devon nouncement During Fine or to the Natur X E . I% Brvai, Mes. " R, Tenldn, Mi ont, ul North TR a ---------------------- ---- se-- hup been appointed by the fy) Nah lord of Ah : and. | Address, + During Which Handled Here-- May Ex. \V. g Wort le APS: Lond J | an Bt, George's Anglican \ " [U6 the Takin lands of this pros He Qutlined Accomplish« IY Mervitt and Irvin ten, all of : h, { 1] | A J 1 Offices Oshawa The other daughter Is My ) ' ! Anon HH ! ' 4 m { { i i 4 N i tend Loca Harvey L.vtle of Detroit | ) win chi , I adn iA be ments of the 1929 Council he funeral will he held on Me f wht . \ | ' Wh ( uw the fam Prom a telephon wdpoint, O {day afternoon nt 2.30 fr , ' | fi | fast | 48 v (| { plete of hospitality, olnE Tore and more 1 of his daughter, Mi Ww 2 Lael | y " p i ' Christian Selence ¢ | p py itehell lant night { { ' p why { (an | A der juet to members of Ean ea i ee awn 15 portant, his morning eae wn wh 1 12Y Ritson read south pI | | { fo 0 | | | | nouneement hy H, Metniiard, di Cragh mild Rev, 8, C, Moore will he | will be a h | Fhe I 01 UR hp) i, Finla [ [ y i publie hadles of tha ot suwerintendont, thitt, & HOW [in charkc 'of th orviad Interment | sohal \ Ln { i" ol A 1) charge { . ¥ pon, A a tha | { men, including the nls Line will be eonstrusted by the Bell [will he made at the Union cemeter coed 1 . Fog | | [ TR] tendent : push of : Wel rm avernl ex-mayors, and res Welephone Company. from Oshawa do | it, whieh w . | Churel | \ lH ! tree bandits of wna fgnors | PF : he Board of Kdu | i A \ | ( { the sieht. ¢ A Win to 4A oatiom ) Hoenlth, the Publ | y oard, the Police | Sudoury, via North Bay, 'the sui we tl fom de of B1S0000 will be spent in this yg sub ut ' | i | {1 Contre Street Unitgl enced | ' thoy. 'slonsed with | NRT gark and the ling will bg complet the. ( Ie 1 i bh J ile ' i 0 land provide . Commission, and ne well § | : y | : | } thant | | | | | not PTY tod | t arious elvie ofliclals, ats and ready for wee by Marchyit | b { the tonded the funetim which wan expected dh I | qe, 0 tl [ | I \ : ee | 1 Construction on the new ling north PARTY f w | final weed Y petition I In th iin i \ \ nest. penny" by sale of [Bed fn Welsh's Pastors hi already been comment conduct y n ane t ol 1 y vil " \ | | | ti f from their father far Parl the gathering, several als nae the | term n need thelr eandidas ward \ | \ \ ? | ' matters now stand H, M. Black, disirienmuanager of Whe | {0 hi ar dl Heaton Hell Telephone Lo, fnvormed Th I'h i 5 " rend \ | { wis steal the tre ' 8 ea | ¢ fortheoming munifeipal Limes today, He stated that it woud | \ | | Knox Preshytorign is ' \ Ww { FL and Yurther when the bos va | oll yon fine address, the yun more or less directly as (he grow | and M I, Jon | | | iawn | rth | land ta) his trees to town ther mayor veviewed the work done hy thes and would skirt the east shore | ! | the clty council) fn 1020, and ans of Lake Sgugog, h pounced that, the elty would probe Mr, Black explalned thst Oshawa | and dance was given last evening Frank Jenning who wen 1 was chosen as the southern terminus | fap the employees of the Willams prize, was a pupll of Mi | \ of the ling heeause of the Jacl thal | plane Company, Over three huns | Holy prineipnl of King \ [tree for tencher=and there are man W, I. Triel rian of the gaths« first repeater station est! grad people Including the employs sehoel, 1 second prlee win ' wi ( und { [who do=and then "help themselves" | OVINE, exprossed (lie hope that De, 7, \ io 1 a fa 0 o trie. the teachers are either noos | We G0 McKay, medical offieer of hoath, would soon be recovered from hin ness, and expressed regret at (he death during the year of R, MH, | lis I i wren Simeoe Street United neoe st ! \ art [no marl for then Ye ministe i WwW an i \ The RRbAAT Chilst maa nim Colleglate dnd Yoeatlonu!l Institut pny ' y n | ited 18 i! f and teachers, | | 114 h ol wi imday to « Hon W | henefited | etree bandits spoils? [ably have a wmall surplus to close If tl words of those who Lig to hooks for the year, it was the of Toronto and because I was closer | peg and thelr families, friends and Dyment, 8 0 pupll of Miss A in Ari ( \ to North Bay than Toronto, He also | gama visitors from out of town Ate Garrow, prinetpal of Nerth Sh y | | | told } Irn Re \ Whattam's pas | in pride or pure ar both, Fifty cen pointed out that It wis vusier to 86 | yanded, The programma which schoolp and Amy Webby, third pri X i | yh { eaent new und ple to give to one's class should not gure a right-ofsway trom this €y | took place the first part of the whiner, a pupll of Miss ' Al ' rad ! | | i jij \Mbert street church |oooh 1a am worth becuse there are few large! gvonlne was heartily enjoyed hy I¥ ALIN, Ma wy street sehool, | ' ' WHI he \ lursi vill \ cted and dedicated, The eon [Oshawi, but oh, what & treas Jumes, elty assessor towns along the route which his been | gyaryone, Mr, Powell of the otto | 10 sith ul i N n vl [ hought to be in good Pine a mint of money to the little] "Wo used te have real counclls, ist Church condition finaneiall nd AC \ hoy on the Yarm, be his people rich of when members were not afreald to ops taken, Due to the fat of Foronion| iigel Co, of To,onto meted Ax \ { \" { ped | OA i 1 ¢ magnitude and the distance which 1 eheirman, Doris Mountenay a wall | ' | he ind bhrelght and useful future, The church poor for the treo giver, 1f Ns rights | Dose i ies ho sald, amid eriea of stretches to the morn, the work ofl known litle dancer in this elty ne \ ! wid | tenwie regrets the departure of Mr, What Ly ore respected apd guarded wany | "ON ohiY by some of the present \ r \ A 4 h uldermen, a | il featur tain bit wishes him success In 0G aan dite baby trees now trans | bubiding a new ling north from the one number, Boh Wilson, a come n y | 0 A \"t " provincial eapital would be rendered | dian from Torobte afforded many | Free Methodist \ | HL be hel ( f endeavor, Mr, atti "planted Into the carth by vandal feet | y City of Oshawa" 4 " unieasible {laughs with his songs and Jokes, 4 i "» |! \ rahi \ ha greatly missed | would be a wladsome sight even tol: The toast to "The Clty of Oshawa* \ Fie Lothodint AAROCI L the Ministerial Assoekas [ie Hom Mr Finlayson. ave, | ay | Wo8 proposed by Col, J, ¥, Grierson, Lxtend Looal OMees sud 7 Clnnamon and his pal of | ; Wd will Appropriat Holy Trinity Anglican 0 Oshawa Mission Board beautiful as his 'wire fenced planta olty nolleito Hd commented upon The compietion of the Oshagwassuds | ghis elty played banjo selections, '* \ al " : bury hme way mean the extension [ Other numbers were given by 8 Ab mon, Rev, R, 1 tl pale services of H : Moore, who has been | Gans now. ire the harmony that had prevailed in of the Oshawa offices, Mr, Black at: | Grand Bonnlok, Melville and John " J uur lod. off | : : Ey 1s A Enh | hry \ Fy bo 0 over the pastorate los A Woman on the Farm, the 1839 council, Oshawa was on a mitted, Je had fecuved na fieiity Haerd, Jackie Mountenay, Henry J | yu Yi wie th £810 hot Apt the y manta, was | rmerh ; Hound Bhai ha bald, suggenting eats d on the sunjeet but expegted that 1 N,Q Simpson Dan . » . » Hi CHAT n IIRL Gay | past { the Kin treet nites " lon In expenditures, howevel '1am ward on i ivi to Make a ARnoun Hawa he % Hallowed rit Bah: Oshawa Ex-Service Men oi Sune 1 hgh yal Nobis thy be wht be i uo 1) sol vie . wih VV ehureh of : i repition th | fimg CARD OF THANKS nls od , vg) that the present AS fv the near future, oa Progr whieh 2 | by ful Ren Bde dad WH bh "oat 8 eel V0 worshipped in the ols etenlfe street My, and Mme, Davia Orawford | Wil enter the eontest again, and he BO en Ee will handle ail Nal tore fin oa Will Benefit Greatly, Says 4 wh hi i } h Wh Pentogn tal | erviee hy iting ht ermon starts Mothodists chureh, eighteen vehes | and family of 287 Verdun road should be given an acclamation, Telephone business to northern On« | the muslo, Tho guests enjoyed the M. M. Hood Juhl Ji duiiho hi Ty re od Q\ Wo i ha qh aio, Durlng hie term in Oshawa the | wish to thank all pelghbours and | sald Col Qriel on, ario and will Wniantely provide # [dancing to the fullest extent, Hup . Criss: Lutter I Jie Sacred Seaton W to sonerenation secured its present pr trionds for kind expressions of Alderman R b, Preston, speaking nk in the line to span the dominion Foe wie served about midnight, Yin will bal Lomchy HR ys Daal, chinia and canticles, i Alperty on King street east and the | sympathy, also beautiful floral | In veply, stated that Oshawa had no from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Hali Over 600 persons Ineluding | ey Br Tiga] : h A a Jr Chel Aw A WA new building was started, Rev, Mr | tributes from Oshawa Salvation | Yea) need to worry about conditions, relief for soorel of suffering ex fie tho regula CrVIee heistmng day will be properly ob Moare 1s now residing in Bellevill Army Corps, the nelghbours, N but had mueh to be thankful fore as this pity was In no worse standing fax will be able to talk tp Vancous | wempers of the company, employ : \ ' Rr oy erin OC) h tOmG sroved servic men In Oshawa, sald M + Lhureh tomorroy ! (', O, Mess, 84th Ontario Regiment, than other eommunition, speaking in reply to the ver over an all=Canadian wire WIth foes thelr wives and friends were | \ 0 hh ) 0 North Simeoe Unites perfect andibility, AIL calls from 'To. Proneh} al the affalr, Santa Claus deiygre dioog, of i) a g he Bulvakion Rims Clirigar feu %, ied +| Lucky Number Balloons Lohanon Lodgo, AF, and AM, the a ronto or other southoan Ontario eis personified by Mr, (Geo, Themilt, Branch of the Catindian Leglen, Ih Ruan' Dixon: and Min. A: Dion be: tha FAS a i RY re ij Noya of the ( hey rolet and Ponting Ph "a he eltv. Ald b toy to the north country or 10 the | wu sixa on hand and distributed | gy il LOMOUL 1h bo" chatiza: of tha Sal AL ShnB iia Na Dropped From Plane | Assembly Line, G, My €, Also those 1r080 to the oily, Alderman George west will be routed via the repeater bags of candy and gifts mueh to og doo 1 a of AW wn chatge of the alvation | § 'wi at hath services of North, [who se Kindly loaned thelr cara In Hare sald that he had always found station here which is connected with the delight of the boys and girl ho Wu ah the Ari ho . = n" . ul Iv nN i ow Be hit, nr J Oahawi Waa bombod this morn: | the recent sad and audden horoave Sad h Dinan Plage in Which ta Toronto hy hea cable, the -Arstfmpe "goporations weve In keoplug MARKOE. at tho ROXL BoRRION of np held dn memory uf the late Capt} dered by the sholr, fing tn an werlal rald mado by a fmont of a loving son and brother faith in the 0lty to h invatideal ol link eastward in a, eably fron Tor with the Ghelstmas season, in Hament Hubert Crawford single plane, Hut the bombs hap (148) | 0 climinatin the "row ------ tonto to Montreal ! cluding a great cedar trea which In the last few months, 1 hive St. Andrew's United {pened to be balloons while the pile ¥ upaneting ( WOrka of Canadianize System H fa beautiful with eelored : King Street U "I'he New Horn King" will b in charge of the plane was (Gy No } tia sounelis, Ware huainess wud At the present time if a firm in Haht WL Investigated and handled dogens of ing Street United | Ha \ N HEN Aly man Irwin, of Stonehaven Farm trananetod fn 1029, he commented, { ep EN AHO. 3 y Vil The Che " CRAG . stihject the pastor, Rey ax ' bi wp a : " Oshawa wished to speak with 4 coin "Short but Interesting addressed a a which dh with ; heotul ek vel I ' It 1s doubtlul it a bombing raid "1 Moa, Tulle Budits, Cour any In Winnipeg, the conversallon | wep made by the Superintendent, fave Lasved by rldioulous vorulis | King Street United Chureh, Sunday, [ Andrew's United Chureh, tomorrow could have ereated more exclies of Revision "proposed the ont i etween the representatives of the fn ne "gall and Mr, Powell, of the tons, but whieh, by all the Jaws |The pastor, Kev, C. 1 Cragg will bo | I the evening the children of the [ent Than the dropping of the bal "The Publio Nodies of Oshawa," The two respactive companies, would bel aig "fiigel Co., Toronte, Me. Hal of oommon sense, would be entitle] 0 ohare aud fn (he niorntmg. his] Sanday School will take part in the [loons did this morning among hun ofty waa to be congratulated o ia sattied over lines A gt 8 Hiruan had a special menage for the hy od Lo penslon, If the, Bat wont of | sermon will he "Gites Fo th Kin heii Nite fit steel wi NEG gt the Juvenile Mollution of eflolont aapessment Pati dhyy 4s nltod States territory A the nev weed and referred to the steady x a i while in the evenin ral W socak | persed with story rectal, illustra | O¥hawa, th keen young eyes A } ales . , ate telephane sammuniealion le {8 belng. made hy Ju atumett nite wiztnlag al ol on YM ay the! Me Ha Wy Jotul tong and speelal singing by the choir [they watched the balloons float ridden ide alg Visi a eh pi fram the Atlantie coast to the the firm, Much of this he oons|ihpawn out, and many oases now | SPPropeate musio will ho rendered [ And childs away (rom the plane ahd TON | gegiynony COME 0 THE | took time to seoure results from the gifie seaboard may he WAINRINGG | gidened was due to the BRI of | yapused penston on teehniontities | DY the thot fueluding carols, qui Alb u oarched for them na they fall, Ko Chosen Friends all ovenlnd | functioning of this body, "I hope through Canadian territory | co-operation and loyalty which ex Lai he admitted, Sines there ave | 100 duets and sol bo hort Street Unltd how of the halloonk contained Cheistmas dance, Monday, Dee. | the citizens Will not expect too mueh The right-of-way {or the Os i tuted between tho comPANY And | many such ohsod Now being taken . } oclal Christina Bika Ald ng (ky numbers given by the Luke 28, § pany, Rotary Hall, Centre [from this body in too short a time Sudbury alr line has hee Apeure y the' men. ate of hy local rellef funds. aud bh Chelat Churely Arh Will feature the servie urntture Co, which NM presented Street, round and square' danos Wm choosing publio Works to be largely over private any Jett rent An important feature of the fpuwiioularly by the Poppy fund of | Fes BIL Patterson, the reetor WARN rect Lal Lurch tomo [at the Sompany a store on or Boe fog, Sea Mr, and Mrs, Santa done in 1930, the employment that property und will travel in the HERS [ovoning wan the annual prise draw, | (he Cunndlnn Leglon hore, thi will | at Bt Rk Will preach | Hore. 8 6.80 pany, Ded, 24, will bef Ggue, You oan put something on could he miven should be taken inte dirger route, following da for oily fay "peo Powers wi fortunate in moan a great deal, not only to the Christ Anglican Church tomorrow Hi) sy oi Be "No 0 ncrisiug hig) worth thiee valuable prizes {the trea for the Chelatmas | consideration, "1 consider that a Short fistanees, soouring the ftirat prize, conslating Individual pensioners, but alo to everrng hi uhiect will he alice) wl " a Noam In Hain The neareh la now on and by | Cheer. Admission R8e, new olty hall should be serious of un tine Albion battenyless vaio | ine oliy," ho declared Call of Taadah cerviees will atl 4 \ 1A N A WAH bx Gace [next Tuesday the names of the | (1480) | considered this next year," he sab : » held an Chelstmas Day with holy | 8 Sib : MELFORD a We meky number holdepa shonld be | MADAME NROW PALMIST, | amid applause i The second prise, a large Chyiat Whtle appreciative of the assist \ T00 LATE T0 CLASSIFY mas stooking was won by Mr, Tho . " communion at ® wm, and 10.30 wa, f ERNE Known, Why A k -------- b : ance given by eevtaln newspapers | while ) ' Pentecost | Phone 20301, 98 Louisa Street, | Baek of Chamber of Commerce ------ a A hil hird while at thy cond ieee the roc entecostal Assembly . \ A mad Nallsbury, while the third ny pressing home (he sane, My | \ { ' ~ MR (1480) GD Conant; responding to the LORT--PAIR OF CHILD'S WOR: [priae, a box of chocolates, went to Hood asserted that this Rl He Will preneh on "Even Unto Botha | Rov, 10 T0 Bally the pastor, will be | CHRISTMAS CONCERT | tons, said that, While the olty coun tolde shell rimmed klamxen bos | Med, John DuQuette, Mr DoW fant fn entively due 40 the work | dered Bp Bpecial wale. will be wou [In charge of the services of Peres] A most slecssstul Chilatmia | QQUARR AND ROUND DANCE IN| oll wai the nivel, the Progress of tween King Streot Behool and Riohs [ Caviyle, vieespreatdent, wis In |ot the Canadian Loglon ax & nation red hy the ell costal Asseinbly Church tomorrow, Proo and Concert was held by the Ni George's Hall, 550 Albert | the ofty largely depended on 'the mond Bt, Mast, Phone POA, charge of the ballot box from |g) oswanlgation. "At (he CORVORS | mmm - . pn AANA AAA ------------ Gibbons 8 sunday School laat | treet tonight, Featuving J, | other publio bodies, He wentioned NCH4AN) [which the draw was made, asst) ton in Winnipes tn January, 1987 | farther vemedinl loglalation wore laotion © of the © { N Hight Tau songsttswns utionded Spencer and his Bean Puller | particularly the Chamber of Come EAR od hy Mr, HM, A, Saunders, and MW [ihe Canadian Legton set forth Its pl ( atlon we aoe of the Canadian Legion, | by a capaolty audience, and gifts | Oprehestra S(1480) | meres, "which he sald, "doserves LOHT ~WHITR AOLD WRIST H. Looky. of General MOIOM an iy a oy . ng Bi Siplaced before the goverament, but fooupled with the steering message | were presented to enol ohild pres | wateh with hracelet, Decombey £40, Those present provlatmed this | taken dow ty 0 10h aa DOIN FO further notion win taken at the [of General Kir Arthur Gurele, des fent, old Santa Claus himself boing | PHOENIX LODGE CHRISTALAS (Continued on page 11) Plense phone 144284, (144b) [the best party ever given In the Wh oo 0 ie SOTari mat! Gers [last dosston of partiament At the | manding that the entire pension fon the fob \ fine concert waa Trea Monday, Dee, 28rd, ¥ pm eves | DCCA 08 UNO COMBA oa ow waiohy Fed ailvweq hy [eonvention fn Regina last ménth, [vegulations he resdiaftod. hag now preson ted the children. taking $ Members and Wives don't torget : Vv { \ 0 y y \ » . ® N to n 3 N } A 3 \ LOT NU REK'S SONOOL PIN, ed AI a ve kl Re hurtin Hots this question wan the most tmport had ft effect sald Mr, Hood, {thelr parts nw manner evoditable to heing the ohiideen Bor between ]imeoe and Chureh Qonsldering the clove prosinmity |nesston af she | 3 ofl 5 438 a Wha used hy the delegates, and [and the Canadian Leglon oan take [to tholy tenohers (ldga) MO Ri Hou ML 0 houge ' 8 oon 10 shin ) \ \ " A . A x ; dtreets, Has name of hospital year fof Canada to that part of the Uns |venilon af the Lotion at Rt aR the Shana ar right Adopted hy foredit' for having won w wonderful . ¥ we . - - CANNON y Oshawi Gensval 1928 enkraved on back, Reward if | ied States, It oould bho referred [New Dranswiok, | wi Rd ohn, the convention, sets forth the very | viotory for the disabled and burnt! NOT THE SAME MAN [appeared fn police court on Thuis | Hespital on Taetday, Docemben A i: hy X , A i ( i y \ J \ ' ' Te left at 66 Mound styeer west to ns the Great Laken. Reston. HAR ats oh hE 48, the Opis bion Fidel My, King pros | out ex-aorvice men of Canada, and Togaph Cooper, Mebaughiin Dous [day on 4 ohavge of forgery, the at LTE 1020, to "Nr and Nw. ©, § \ PEARTEATION Was ve poses 10 have introduced at the [the dependents of those whe have | lavard wishes ft to he known that {oused in thiz onse betuy another Fo Cannon, 83 Hillerotts street IN (140a) Leesburg 3 *Q pela! \ \ n urg (Fg) * Commerel erated, and recommondatlon for icoming wossion of partlament, The [dled since the Wwar® - he 18 not the Jogenh Cooper wha fman of The same nam \ (ladda \ I teacher in the city ol Lu rade addadrdrdgrd raiding' \ 3 "y \ Coming Events 0 Conta per word each ins sortion, Minlmum charge for each insertion, 8d, Ca? wt the morning servig I MN IS ---- ip Ge aR will he in ehavge of the services in

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