Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 9

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i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 PAGE NINE Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on , THE LOCAL SCREEN Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse- ment World Sherlock Holmes Tops | Regent Entertainment Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the foremost exponent of disguises that fiction has ever known, As the un canny. sleuth who could always guess | at least one step ahead of the other fellow, his ability to wear & wig in such a fashion that even the trusty Watson was unable to identify him stood him in good stead whenever danger threatened, Clive Brook, who plays the title vole 1m Paramount's alltalking screen play "The Return of Sher lock Holmes," at the Regent theatre three days sarting today, made a study of wigs and in the pleture de signed the two disguises that he af ts, In one of the sequences, Holmes disguises himself as a boots" or steward on board a trans-Atlantic liner, With his full make-up on, his identity is completely hidden and in its plage there is a typleal English Whitehall character, Plastered over his own hair is a dark brown wig with slight traces of gray, parted on the left side, On the right side his hatr is gurled up, not unlike ye old time rtender, Hig eyebrows are bushy and also dark brown, To eom~ plete his facial disguise, he wears a light brown flowing mustache, A steward's white jacket puts the fin. ishing touch to the character, According to Clive Brook, the make-up he affects in the exact couns terpart of that worn by a "hoots" on board the liner, Cedric, Holmes' other disguise is that of an Austrian violinist, a member of the ship's orchestra, It is there that hig ability as a musician, so often ¢ited by the efficient Watson, eomes in handy, Not satisfied with the popular accepted belief that all mu, slelans must have long, flowing hair, Brook designed a wig after his own gongeption and transferred the idea to Tom Cameron and Fred Fraff, Paramount's make-up artists, The hair of the wig is light brown and eombed straight back, Light brown, bushy eyebrows and a change of dress complete the disguise which completely fools the master-mind, Morlirty, Octagonal glasses add to the effectiveness of the disguise, Detectives may come and detee: tives may go, but Bherlock Holmel| apparently goes on forever, That ia the deduction te be drawn from the actual statistics obtained from the reference depuriment of the New York Public Library, Despite the tremendous popularity some of Holmes' more recent sue cespory and imitators, the great fig ure from Bir Arthur Conan Doyle's brain continues to hold against all comers in the hearts of the reading public, "Sherlock Holmes has nlways been a favorite," ways Miss Frances M, Knator, of the reference department of the New York Public lbrary, "1 ean truthfully say that. there has been a steady demand for the Kir Arthur Conan Doyle stories that has kept this group of stories in the fore front of library popularity, Now "The Return of Bherlock Holmes" has been made into an all talking Paramount pleture and will show at the Regent theatre, start ing today, Clive Brook ie featured in the role of the master detective and a strong supporting cast has been assembled for the principal roles in this New Show World mys tery play, Manager Osler in also offering a splendid supporting hill of enter tainment which includes Clyde Cook and Harry Gribhon in the funny talkomedy "The Constuble" in addi tion to Van and Schenk on the sing: ing screen and another of the favor ite singsong cartoons entitled "Die," RADIQ COMMISSION'S LIFE IS PROLONGED Washington, Dee, 21--The Federal Radio Commission yesterday found it« self still the high potenate of the radio fagilities of the nation, The signa ture of President Hoover to the Dill White Bill prolonging its life inder- inltely now gives the commission free rein to continue the work It has heen doing, Man wants ttle here below, but he'd like to have enough to keep oh with the Joneses ~~Philadel- Ia Inquirer, When Shakespeare wrote * 'Aweet are the uses of adversity," he pro- bably had no money to lose In the stock market, ~~Chicago Hvening Post, his place | REGENT MANAGER PRESENTED WITH CHRISTMAS UlFT ------r Members of Theatre io Show Appreciation of Leon Osler Leon Osler, manager of the Re- gent Theatre, was made the recipl« ent of a handsomq comb and brush pet, which was sented to him last night as & Christmas gift by members of the staff, The pres. entation was made by My, Edgar Thomas, following which the start sang "For He's A Jolly Good Fel low," Although completely taken by surprise, Mr, Osler made a brief but fitting reply in which he thanked the staff for thelr. kind- ness and In turn wished them u Merry Christmas while he hopea that thelr relations would be as happy In the coming year, as they had always heen in the past, EDUCATION FOR HOPEI PROVINCE Peiping, Dee, 81,+/Threa million | Chinese children in Hopel province alone are unable to read or write In thelr own or any other language, the Department of Education of the pro vinea reports, The Department urges institution of compulsory education for all chil dren as moon an possible, but esti: mates that sueh a program would re quire $30,000,000 at the start, and as the province has been barely able to meet ordinary administrative ex penses, it is not'belleved a real be. ginning toward the proposal can be made in the near future, AS 0 temporary measure, the Der partment suggests that compulsory education be started frst in large olties, where the people may he able to afford it, It suggests also that compulsory education among the children of welltodo people may be enforoed, and that later the children of poor familfes may receive educa tion, "1 be red will Y And | won't be fretting and stew- ing at the last minute to just get in under the wire with gifts for every: one to be remembered.' Let's make it a real happy Christ- mas this year for everyone, includ- ing the salespeople. delivery men, mail and express workers who ue- ually are so jaded and exhausted through the thoughtl dilatoriness of last-minute shop- pera that Christmas is a dread ra- ther than a delight. _. "The _-- Daily Times ou?" ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS PLICKERS FROM PVILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE BCREBN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVIVING George Arliss' second Vitaphone talking pleture, "The Green God: dons," was mcreensd for Wuropean exhibitors last week at a trade show held by Warner Bros, at the Plooadtily Theatre' In London, Production of "A Royal Fourfiush, ad seventh chapter of Universul's talking "Sporting Youth, wesles, directed by Hen Holmes, has heen completed at Universal City, Ann Christy Is featured in the wer low, supported by Alles Doll, Sumner Getchell, Bob Foster, Tom Carr, dward Morgan, Joan McAvoy, and Kay MeCoy, Production of the olghth chapter, "Arabian Dage,' will start shortly, Murtha Ball, playing the modiste in the Moullere fur salon sequence in "Love, Honor and Oh, Baby," George LeMaire's new ploture our rently contributes mirth to another Pathe comedy, "A Night In a Dormitory," produced by Harry Delmar, Frangiin Ardell, Broadway comedian, in "Love, Honor and Oh, Baby" Pathe talking comedy produced by George LeMalre, has written his own vaudeville vehicles for years, One of his biggest hits was "Kipg Wolomon, Jr" Currently he Is in RKO vaudeville in Greater New York In his sketch, "The Man from Miami, " John Boles has become a Vietor yecord artist, Mis first recordings are the songs by Charles Wakefield Cadman, written especially foi his use In the Universal production, "La Marselllaise" They are "Slhoustte" and "Love Time," The subject, "Tall Timber," Ir" been replaced on the Universal pro gram by Bennett Cohen's story, "The Wighting Legion," This is & Ken Maynard production which will be directed hy Harry J, Brown and Includes in its cast Dorothy Dwan, Frank Rice and Bob Walker, Al Jolson, who abandoned his black face makeup in his last War ner Bros, ploture, "The Singing Fool," will don {t again In his next Vitaphone production, "Mammy," "Hunkissed," starring Vilma Banky, will be made in English and German versions at the MGM studio, and a number of other 1680 productions will be prepared in bi-lingual versions, according to Mans announced by studio exeoutives two weeks ago, John Hrakine's new book, "Rinoerity, " has Just been purchased foi pleture purposes by Universal Plotures Corporation, "Sincerity" f(s Professor ¥irskine's first dramatic novel, unrelated to higtorieal ehar noters, "Nincerity" is one of the big sellers in the Hobbs-Merrill Hat Woy Among "war" plotures in that not even one battle scene will on the screen, "The Case of Hergeant Grischa," Radio Pie tures' special all-talking drama, began production under Herbert Hren on's direction, James Flood, who directed Tiffany's alltalking production, "Mini Antonie," with Leo Carrillo and Virginia Valll, has returned from a tour of Burope with William Beaudine Stock Market Prices Marke, Summary by Canadian ross Horonto and New York stogk Quotations Supplied by Stable, Forlong apd Co, - & TORONTO High Oll 43% TORONTO NTOUK EXCHANGE Toronto, Dec, §1,~The Toronto Htock Low Ulose Br, A, essness and "selling broadened out on the ex» Mook Xxchange olosed firm fol lowing today's short session, The majority of Issues were up, Nraz Jan advanced 1% points to clove it 87%, International Nickel and ord Motors "A" both scored galns of % to 40 and 30% respectively Valkers was up 4 at 11 and uge Hersey firmed " at 01%. Hmelters led the downward alde if the market with a net loss of three points to' 365, Rell Tales phone was down 114 at B80 and Ind, Alehl, 13 Bid Mansey-Harrls closed at 30% off { rmp, ON 20% W. Lob, "A" 10 Big The ofls all closed higher on n= | My, Hr, © 804 creased aotivity in trading, B, A | Mo, Fri; 914 Bid soored the greatest advance with & | My, Pwr, 184% net gain of 1% to 43%, Interna | py Hr, #1 tional Pete firmed % at 30N | ghaw, TAN 4 and Imperial was up at 20M. | 5 Station 42 i Super Petroleum on light trading ---- gained one point to 30, Standard Mines 1) 03 168 166 Amulet 160 144 Big Mis, a2 LH] De, Mns, 728 188 Faloon, 430 416 Holl, 408 Ria He, Ol) 190 Hy, Gold #0 MmM% Hd, By, #860 LLY Kt, Fir, 8 8 Lk, 8h, 1030 1936 Nroda, 3338 a0 #h, Gr, 2805 280 Mlacoe a 48 Bd, Bes, 300 00 Th, Hg. B00 800 Ventures 264 i600 Wr, Hr, 130 180 Walnwell 12 13 IT 10% 20 Ark 1 i Hrae, Can, nd Can, Hrd Cookshutt Cty, Dry, Din, Bgrm, 132 Dom, Mtr, 31 Gypsum 25 Rid Hr, Wal, 11 It, Utll, 34% nid It, Nk, $0 It, Pet, 20% 18 } 108% 40 204 20% LRM 108% LR Abana WINNIPEG GRAIN Alax Winnipeg, Man, Deo, Wheat values bounded upward at the opening of the Winnipeg Mar ket today, scoring gains of 3% cents to 6% cents, The action of the United Htates Farmers Na tional Grain Corporation in bid- ding #1,18 for No, 1 bard wheat at Chicago placed the bullk in con- trol of the loeal trade, Htrengih at Liverpool! and Hullish reports from the Argentine also alded In shoving pitees higher, December wheat olimbed 4% cents ter 8% cents at $1,884 to $1.38; Mar, 0% cents to 4% cents a 3138 to $1.40 and July, marking up the largest gain, ad- vanced three and one half cents to five cents at 81.40 to $1.48, Around ten o'clock wheat vale wen were holding thelr gains with indications of another upward part, Coarse grains also ascended to yigher levels in sympathy with heat, 21, veo sera-- NEW YORK High Low 113 100 Btook Amer, Can, Am, Fr, Pr, 83 Anaconda 4% Balt & Ohio 114% Chrysler ,, 23 Oa, Gs, NY, 03% Col, Gra, .. 24 Dupont 4 111 Brie Rail 60% Gen, Ids, 44% Gen, Mot, 40 Hud, Mot, &3 Int, Com, 0% It, Tele, «\ 0% Jne, Man, 1174 Lae, Wis, 48 Mex, Shed, 174 Mt, Ward TN Poore Co, 18 Phil, Pet, 80% Radio ,..« 40% Simmons ,, 83% Sin, O1! .,\ 23% St, Of] NJ, 68% Wid, Alr, 0 43% U8, Steel 184% Woolworth 80% Yel, Trok, 18% OHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Dec, 31, Wheat jump- (d 430 a bushel here early today, hiefly in response to systematic bidding on behalf of representas tives of the Federal Farm Roard, A general rush to buy wheat fut. ure, deliverien accompanied the upward shoot of the market, hut treme gaina, and something of a reaction followed, Opening 1%o to 40 up, wheat values quickly rose a little more, and later fluctuated in brisk fashion at around an avers age net advance of 80, Corn and Oats were also stronger, oop starting ¥o te two cents higher, and afterward showing additional gains, Provisions declined, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Deo, 21.Wheat, Dee, 1A8% 0° March, 1.96; May 1.80; oorn, Dee, 93; Maroh 83%: May 88%: Oats, Deo, 48%: Mareh, {T% May, 48% We read In a big dally that the Japanese want tha submarine res warfare," We wonder why, when Weston Leader, THE BROADWAY HOOPER' AT THE. NEW MARTIN On Monday The New Murtin Thea | Ler in offering un most smbitious pro gram speslally polected to please wu hollday erowd and containing all the Ingredients which go Ww make up a frst class show, The feature 1s entitled "Broadway Hooter," uw muslenl comedy revue with ontehy songs, peppy dancing, beautiful wage pletures, gorgeous costumes, There Is un story conting ing throughout the pletures and com ody of a high olass order In eonjunetion with the "Broad way Hoefer," The New Martin is of fering a most attvactive program of short reels, "The Collegiang" will be Included together with ox News and an extra comedy, Do not fall tol soa this bright and entertaining pre sentation whieh we fesl sure will meet your approval; starting Mon day, Peo, 2rd tained "am an instrument of naval they oan still commit har karl == FURTHER EFFORTS 10 FREE FREIGHTER : Dee, 3=A being nade 1 free Lord Downshire, af her not being extrieated by Mikula t 8 probable that she be left in the St, Lawre winter, the leehreaker to Oueli for 4h voying ether ships ter I'he Mikula has made degpe forts to frog the position, and worked in the of Sorel returning t Rivers last night, She left for el at daybreak this morning | Despite the fact that the lee ut a path for the Lord | ) the imprisoned freighter is still] hard and fast in the lee, unable 1 [turn over her engines, The Mikul tried to pull her out of her position | ly few ago, but hroke two or | | three hawsers in the attempt | In the meantime three or four ves | | | final effort Is the frelghte and In the event nee will proec purpose of eor wt to clear rate freighter 1y esterday, r ha \ shire days [sels are walting for the arrival « the Mikula to he convoved out to sen, while the Concordia | {aged her rudder and propeller Gaspe a few weeks ag I | dock at FHOINK Yepairs which until the midd {next month, whi dam- | Olt) n dr Lauran, unde will take NOW PLAYING TODA? MONDAY TURSDAY thrilling than you imagined him, Me greatest dotective of them nll leads yon on u balling man-hunt for thé flend, Moriavity, In "THE RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES wiTH Clive Brook, « CArramount (Meture Mystery! Romance! All the nervestingling, heart-gripe ping surprises you read about im A, Conan Doyle's famous hook nd me vou SKI ind HEAR Holmes vividly alivel Adore hayg ovey wroh CLIVE BROOK at IS HOLMES AS Av pct an of YOU HAVE Al Y joes . wl Es oe INED HIM! yh & \f ST TR vo" No Maran Mr jo Add erty SL Mo ) wy TOY ead TY \Napitam ' . nv ritaan no onl U el Prices | YOU'LL | A ATTRACTIONS E-- Fox News Collegians PEER Fo

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