Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 1

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An the News While It Is News" The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in & Growing City VOL, 5--NO, 142 "or "Wheors Bodors SEE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 15 Cents a, Week; 3 Cents & Copy TEN PACES News in Br Fight in ( * Lemberg, Poland map wolity of sons were wou yesterday in A fight inside a Greek Catholle Shire between Ukrainian irriden- # and another Ukrainian group, wet, Ratitied sabing ny D,C="The sense e Vropch war debt set- provid for the funding tam t 4098, 000,000 over a 62- year period, Norious Vire Sault Sault Ste Marlo, ie ire of unknown origin caused damage estimated at about $60,000 to sev oral stores in the B, A, Mark's block here yosterday, Orew Mx Kitchener, ~The crew of tne Grand Niver radial car which struck and killed Albert Marks on the Albert street crossing last rte was exonerated of all respons br at the Inquest under Corons er Dy, Kalbtiels, LJ ' Routenced for Robbe Chatham, Pleading gullty be- fore Magistrate ¥, 5, Arnold to three charges of armed rohbery, Nelson Bteeles, 20, and David Gals loway, 21, both of London, receiv. od wentences of two yours leas a day, LE Admits ¥mbeszslement Los Angeles, Callf,==Juan 0, Ramon yesterday pleaded guilty , to embesslement of approximately $60,000 from (he United Hiatey Natfonal Bank of Los Angeles, He , Will be sentenced Junuary 6 in feds eral gourt, . Join In Ktrike Mexico City ~The union of maintenance of way employees of the Mexican Railway, a British concern operating between Mexico City and Vera Crus, today voted to olin the strike declared last week y other employees of the road, LJ] ¥ Vv in Eruption Port-de-France, artinique,---- Two strong eruptions burst from Mont Pelee, famous West Indian voleano, Inst night, They sent a rain of ashes all over the {sland and were followed hy strong unders ground rumblings, LJ J Leviathan's Hull Cracked Southampton, Kng.-~The giant liner Leviathan did not mail from | port for New York yesterday 0 to the Slsgorety o n orack in her hull, prasiital y amidships 'on the starboard side, Hor depart. has been deferred while re- Ts Bre being made, Death Brantiod unting hawh, Jury investigations here today fate death of Charles Lynch, WAF yoteran nid father of five Guaoret who died In Brantford Gen I hospital last night while fi the Influence of an anaes 2 0,0 ' Insurance Bill Passed ==The government bill ynemployment Insure its third | House of Commons y & vote of 878 to 100, ti ated | ® attacks pf the and of Labor left wing he 8 1d dover! times 'Ontario Government Ready To Make Tests of Coal Ben, 1 sAnncuntament ant of by the Ontario Des ines and Fisheries of of a winter road through miles of w h which separs rd scovered lignite ebauiin hs Ri from the Northern Ontario Jo ivy a Is i wl a of the d Er Buty i i ne the utils war war lo dt weed by the estimate of the cost of 9 roa HE A we EXPLOSION IN Rescue Crews Rushed to Scene and Immediate Efforts Started to Rescue Entombed Miners RESCUERS FORCED TO START NEW SHAFT Imprisoned Men Are Believ- od To Be Located in Tun- nel Underground ~~ None Left Mine Before Ex plosion Ocldester, O Okla, Deo, 17--8ix ty miners were reported entomb- ed in the Old Town Coul Com. pany 's mine at North MeAlester by an explosion which occurred shortly before 11 am, today, Resoua orews were rushed to the mine and Immediate efforts begun to free the Imprisoned miners, Ofelals of the mining company gid sixty men went to work in the mine this morning, and none had left before the explosion, Unable to enter the mine through the opening, the rescue erews started sinking a shaft near hte Old Town depot of the Miss souri-Kansas-Texas rallroad, The tmprisoner miners were belleved in a tunnel almost under the depot, The Pureau of Mines rescue station here reoruited first ald erews from mines throughout this region and rushed them to the soene, Temperatures Far Below Zero Prince Albert, Sask.,, Sets the Record With Forty Below (By _y fev Lisad Wire) Winnipeg, Dee, 17,=The west shi vered In seli-sympathy and futile pros test today against the scarcity of as bhoveszero temperatures, Not a sets tlement across the prairies but saw the mercury sink below the ¢hill els pher and only few points recorded temperatures above zero, them just for a few moments, The coldest place in Canada overs night, Prince Albert, Sask, tot the crackling cold of "forty below," Bat. tleford, another northern Saskatches wan point, recorded 38 below and Qu' Appelle in the central portion of the provine © A below, TEACH RELIGION IN ENGLISH ONLY Saskatchewan Makes A Definite Ruling for Its Schools Regina, Dec, 17~Religious instrues tion in the public schools of Sas katehewan must be fen in English only, This is the ruling of the pro: vinelal department of the attorneys neral following request from the epartment of education for a defin te, decision, A H. Ball, deputy minister of edu: cation, Indicated that the department of education had received a request {rom a German school distriet asking whether regilious instruction could b diven in German, Under the i w of Saskatchewan, boards of trus. tees are permitted at their discretion to provide for religious instruction for one-half hour prior to the closing of school in the afternoon, Bomb As Birthday Present For King oslavin, Dee, 1m Pv ILS Rien hin prepara: cathed Jor the bias Sy Dahli Saitbiaion Ko " 1 scavered 1) od and gs ihe hedral by t same persons who laid another bomb on the railway track from Belgrade in dare) yosterduy morning. Many ve boen made, OKLAHOMA MINE IMPRISONS ENTIRE DAY SHIFT UNDERGROUND Engineer of Imperial Oil Co. Dies (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Dee, 17 =8tephen Wil. Hams, ehiel engineer of ih Inperial Oil Company, died here yesterday fol lowing # brief Hiness, Mr, Willlams wis an asosciate member of the En gineering Institute of Canady He was born In Toronto, son of the late Roland Williams, he attended Ridley College, Ht, Catharines, the Royal Military: College, Kingston and F'oronta University, Mr, Williams bes gin his earcer with the Imperial Company In Sarnla and had been In Montreal for last three years, He lea ves besides his wife, Evelyn MagDon nell, his mather, Mrs, Roland Wil liams, of Toronto, HE'S 58 TODAY PREMIER'S BIRTHDAY TODAY Premier Mackenzie King, who © celebrating his 65th birthday today, He ls attending to state duties as usual today, but tonight plans te entertain a few intimate friends at the Chateau Laurier, ' y Among some Indian tribes It is impropey for a mother-ln-law to speak to her daughter's husband Muskoka Farmers Make Protest Against Christmas Tree Raids Barrie, Dec, 17, =Wholesale slaugh ter of young pines and spruce by those In search of Christmas trees In causing much worry these days to owners of bushland In Muskoka district and Simeoe county, For vears it has been the custom at this time for the younger element to go out afer the family Christmas tree res gardless of whose land Is invaded, Thousands of fine trees have been destroyed hy the ruthless praciie known as "topping." It consists of outting down a full grown pine or om------ spruce to make 4 Christmas tree out of Hs top Fruck+loads of avergrecps gone out of this country in & stream lately tor the Toronto market and the assumption is they were cut on erown lands or on private property owned. by people who didn't know their bushland was being stripped Some irate farmers in Muskoka, Gray and Simeoe have appealed 10 the pro vinelal police to stop the vandals, Owners ol threatened property are themselves keeping watch in certaln Instances have Ey Hon. Peter Heenan Says Not Necessary to Hold Parley On Employment (By Canadian Frese Losssd Wire Ottawa, Deg, 17 ==Canadian ors ganlged labor Is quite capable of managing its own affales In its own way, thank you, without any oon ference such as followed the stook market orash in the United Rtates sugEesting that labor should not seek higher wages, This 1s one of the high-lighta ot A statement issued last night hy Hon, Peter Heenan, minister of la bor, following a conference with the executive of the employment service of Canada, h ""Porsonally, 1 do not think that present olroumatances warrant aos tion In asking workers of this douns try (0 agree not to seek whatever wages and conditions they may consider they are entitled to, or to Interfere In nny way with thelr nors mal method of procedure as to how they should handle thelr af faire," {8 one tart passage of his blunt response to suggestions in recent correspondence that a cons ference should he called here simi. lar to that called hy President Hoos ver in the United Btates, Here are, in substance, the rea. sons he advances for not oalling such a conference (1) Tt lan' necessary, (2) Tt might produce an unfavs (Continued on page 9) COMPLAINS OVER LACK OF EFFORT Father of Youth Who Help- ed Save MacAlpine Makes Caustic Comment SHIRAI Toronto, Deo, 17-«Officlals of the Northern Aerial Mineral Exploration Limited, and the Dominion Explorera Limited, commenting on the states ment issued by Ralph Rlasdale, fas ther of the 21 year old mechanic who with 1. ID, Vance is on his way out from Baker Lake alter thelr mache ine had been disabled there in an attempt to rescue the party of Col Co Dy Ho MaeAlping, sald that it was impossible to send a plane in at the present thine owing to bad flylg cons Shions Ralph Blasdale, whose son {a treks kin his way te Churchill, said this morning "The whole country was as roused over the report of the loss of the MacAlpine party, No effort was spared, no risk considered ton great to locate theny, but nothing seems to be contemplated for the rescue of Vance and my boy The oun that cheers in never a paper ane swLife, British Fliers On Long Flight RAF, Monoplane Starts Non-Stop Trip To South Africa (By Canadien Press Leased Wire COramwell Aerodrome, Lincoln shire, Bug, Deo, 17,+=A Royal Aly ¥orce monoplane piloted hy Squad: ron Leader A, O, Jones-\Willlams and Flight Lieutenant N, MH, Jens kins loft herve at am, (3 am, WHT) In an attempt to establish a long distance nonsstop flight reo- ord to Mouth Afriea Weather conditions were diss tinotly favorable, The plane 1s ex pected to refloh Routh Afriea before nightfall Thuraday, Thelr routp was across the Chane ned, and rance to Marsollles, thence to Havdinia, Tunis, Ghat, Freneh Sahara, Duala, Cameroons, Renjuella, Portuguese West Afrioa, Waltish Hay, and on toward Capes Town, STRONG EARTHQUAKE SHOCK RECORDED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Toronto, Doo, 17,-0na of the atrongest earthquakes ever reoords od at the Toronto Observatory oes ourred this morning at 4300180 Hastern Btandard Time, The maxis mum intensity was at G18 am, and the vibration was still going on when the paper was removed from the selemograph at 191108 am, One of woman's worst enomies Ia flattery. ~=Chioago Dally News, Four Women Died in Fire Baltimore, Dee, Fen in the upper floors while near ) tons ol paper burned, four "Women lost their lives, another 1a missing and believerl to have lost her hide, and od olhete were injured yesterday swept the feur-storay Building of of the Moma H, O'Connor Paper company in the downtown railroad distrier of Baltimore Last night four separate investigas tons were sjarted into the case of the five, which has yet puasled offs clals as to lis origin Sixty Miners Buried By Explosion Fire Sweeps Village Near Brockville Broekville, "Doo, | 17 A ell for nsintance from the Brockville de. partment was dispatched today from the village of Toledo; in Kitley Township, where it was reported fire had destroyed the post office, a general store and the telephone offes and was men acing the remainder of the vil lage, Nationalists Win Victory Over Rebels General Chang, Leader of |" Rebellious "Ironsides" Is Reported To Have Committed Suicide (By Canndion | Presa Lossed Wire Bhangha!, Dee, 17,-The battle. worn Nationalist government aps peared to be on the offensive in China again today after following up ite triple victory over three res bolllous factions which almost caused Its downiell Nationalist soldiers ave enteMug rebellious ters ritory, with hostile forces appars ently erumbling In the face of the advance At Cunton, where the Natiosals ists won a bloody battle Dee, #9, the rebellious "Ironsides" division of Goneral Chang Fak-Wel and the Kwangsl rebels, who co-operated In an advance upon the southern met ropolls, ware reported erushaa, General Chang, who with his divi slon withdrew from the Nationalist government, wan reported to have committed sulolde as the result of his defeat, but the report remains od unverified and uncredited, Collapse of the insurgents north of Hankow under command of Gen oral Tang Yun-Sheng was expected in Nationalist quarters as the res wilt of government vietories in that area, Tang's recent advance cause od the evacuation of many foreign ers from Hankow, Important cous tral Chinn olty Nautlonalist foroes also olaimed to have the rebels In a precarious condition north of Pukow Missionaries Slain in China News Received of Murder of Three Priests by Bandits (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Han Francisco, Deo, 16,-=The Rav, Jamea J, Keller, superior of Maryknoll Junior Heminary at Loa Angeles, Calif, told the Associated Prose today that he had received hy mall detalls of the murder in China recently of three Franciscan missionaries, Bishop Jang, and Fa thera Oruno and Rupert! Father Kellar sald the missions aries were killed in a most revolts Ing manner, Bishop Jans belug its erally hacked to pleces, The ele gymen were captured by bandits, The death of these misslonaries, Father Keller sald, brings the to. tal number of Cathollo te killed in China recently to 8 Unemployment Up in Britain (Dy George Hambleton, Shia Press dtaft Correspondent Londen, Deo, fd TT ment in England still raw, Pg» ures isaned by the Labor depart. ment today show that of 13,000, 000 insured against unemployment 11 per gent, were unemploy November 20, as compare tS 10,4 per cent, on Ooteber ¥1, There was an improvement, how ever au against November, 1938, when hie percentage of unemploy- ment was 13.1, The percentages include those temporarily laid off an well as those wholly unemployed, PARTIES of most of the schedules MURDER VICTIM FOUND MURDERED IN CELLAR John Freeland, 52, butcher of 463 Gerrard Bt, E, Torote, whose mur: dered body was found last night in sollar of his store, Edward Stewart of Gerrard Bt, E,, Toronto, Is being held by police in connection with the ld "Ron, you' va "all wel " admon ished the displeased father, "Yen, but 'm politionlly dry," chirped the youngster us he skip ped out Indianapolis Nowy AVIATORS COMPLETE OCEAN FLIGHT FLIERS WERE INJURED IN MAKING LANDING AFTER TRANS-ATLANTIC FLIGHT Argentine Shots Win Fight Buenos Alves, Dee, 17 =8tudents wt the National University law school apparently have won their fight for designation of a new dean of the school after a strike and demonstras tions which reached the stage of rioting and vielence, The superior council of the univers sity in, a session last night agreed with the law faculty te place Ricardo Haojas in charge of the school, Dr, Juan Hamaos, opposition te whom as dean prompted the students conflict, pres sented his resignation The students, when they learned they had won their voint, surrenders ed the law school building, which they had captured and taken possession of earlier, to the new dean, and went ta thelr _homes, Julla~ Do you think it's (] "unlucky to postpone a wedding? Frank--=Not if you fAoing it, keep on United States Senate Resumes Consideration of Tariff Bill (By Ken Olark, Canadian Press Biaff Corvespondent) Washington, Deo, 17 Leaders plan a vesumption of work upon the HawleyBmoot tariff bill today, Conslderation of that time worn but of legislation has heen held up by Presidont Hoover's tax reduction project spd the rench debt, Now the senators hegin again, this time pn Hehedule K, the wool tariff Trouble, whieh has Henale marked the hangs over the fleece of the sheep, The Progressives are sald to be determined to demand lowering of the rates on wool manufactures, Leaders of the old Mine Republicans are, annoyed hy a speech made by one of the Progressives or Inde. pendent Insurgent Hepublicans, Robert M, Lafollette of Wiscon- sin, He intimated President Hooys or's wishes with respect to the tariff were helug carried out hy the Independents rathep than hy the roRular Republicans, Toronto Man Is Victim Of Brutal Murder, And Employee Is Arrested Mine Re-Opens In Australia Volunteer "Workers Man Mine Where Fatal Riots Occurred (By Canadian "Pris Leased Wire) fydney, NH W, Deo, 17.=The Rothbury Mine, scene of yesters day's rioting when a section of the 4,000 wiriking miners attempted to occupy the mine Was resapens od today hy the New South Wales government, with the ald of vols unteer workers, Unlike yesterday when one miner was killed and soores of others and pollea wounds od when the mine was rushed hy the strikers, the resumption of work at the mine today was oars ried out without any outward n= oldent, A huge trade unionist demons stration will ba held in Hyde Park this evening to protest against the shooting at the mine yesterday, ---------------------------------- STEAMER WRECKED ON NEW ZEALAND COAST (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Wellington, N.&,, Deo, 17,=Two hundred passengers and crew were landed safely when the streamahl Manuka, 1,604 tons, was wreoke today at Long Point, hetween Rift and Dunedin, The cargo Including a collection of Hpitieh plotuves val ued at £25,000 appavently was lost, Torontow=Right Ohinene NArrOW ly escaped death today when they ware trapped in the top storey of their home, The elght ware reso. od by firemen who quenched the flames in short orden Faithful Dog Saves Family Parkhill, De, | Fe W, English id his family owe their lives 10 the faithful house dog, Farly yesterday tie broke out in tho grocery store at Sylvan, six miles fram here, Mr Rnutsh owns the store and lives with his family in the same building About 1 o'clock he was awakened hy the persistent barking of his dog and digoovered the building was burnin fiercely, Ho awakened his family and just had time to see them all espape safely when the building fell in, Toronto, Des, 17 on Edward Stewart, 33, who was arvested hy the police early today and charg: od with the wurder of John Freeland, appeared in, JHilise court, He was vemanded without plea until December 27, (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Toronto, Deo, 17.Fiendishly battered and hacked about the head until his face was beyond recognition, John J, Freeland, 63, buteher, was murdered yesterday In the dark cellar of his shop at 468 Gerrard Hiraph Hast, His body, covgred with burlap saoke, was found early last might, nearly 18 hours after the aupposed time of the orime, Hdward Htewart, §8¢ Gerrard Street Hast, wan arrested at his home early today, He was employs ed by Freeland, Ho is sald by police to have confessed that, finding himself hard up, with Christmas approach: Ing, and many debts to pay, he had decided to vob hia employer of hills which the latter was known to carry on his person, "I didn't mean to kill him," Jollee quoted him as saying, 1 ust meant to knook him out,' The body was found about 6,80 o'olook last evening by Samuel A, Harper, taximan and auto livery proprietor, who lives in the flat above the butcher shop, He entered the shop and went down inte the cellar with two others to look at the electrio light fuse hox, after he found that the (Continued on page #) ITALY HAS NAMEN ITS DELEGATES; » Imposing Party to Attend Naval Conference at London (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire Rome, Deo; 17»=The Itaitan government as sent to London th ofolal lag of it tonthooming } navel oon Rear Ad minister Senator Admit al Ruvsasil "ive. rand, we "ns Rp . Aeroplane Landed on The Northeast Tip of Brasil After Successful Trip From Seville, Spain DISTANCE COVERED WAS 3,600 MILES Fliers' Landing Place Was at Small Village, and Physician And Officers Were Rushed to Their Ase sistance (By Canadian Frese Lensed Wire) Rio Janeiro, Yrazll, Dee, 17, == Major Tadeo LarreBorges, Uruguay an flyer, and his French eompanion, Lieutenant. Leon Challe, wera pers fously injured in a forced landi last night on the North-lastern soush of Brazil after a 8,600 mile Night from Beville, Bpain, across the Bouth Atlantie The Uruguayan legation in Rie Janeiro issued a statement this morning describing the two pilots as having been injured when thelr plane overturned in a wild spot fu the stats of Rip Grande Do Norte Rear the village of Maracujs, A third man in the plane, the mechanic, appa ently was not hurt, Physicians and others left Natal for the scene of (he disaster at 0.80 o'eloak this morning to vender ald to the fiyers and to transport them to a hospital if possible, Sixth Crossing Lieutenant Challie 1s a distinguishes ed Freneh fiyer who has made many long distances Alghts in 1006 estab Hehing a world's nonstop record up to that time for a fight to Persia from ¥Vranoce, The two alrmen took off from Hes ville, Hpain, at 12.40 pw, Sunday, Hpantgh time or 740 sm, Hastern plandard time, They wera last heard from In the alr at elght o'eloek lass night when they were believed somes where off the Hrasllian coast, From the meagre advices whieh trickled over the telegraph line 1g appeared that the alvmen lest thelp way after striking the coast and landed at a point about sixty miles from the coast near the harder ling (0 ontinued On ld nm Policeman Shot In Pool Parlor Condition of Constable AS Sault Ste. Marie Is | Serious 4 Sauls Ste, Marie, Ont, Dee, 11a Police Constable John Rowswell, 38 veceived threa hillet wounds today when he discovered an unknown man in a local poolroom early today, ™ officer was shot twice in the lunge and ence in the left elbow, He aged to orawl ta the street follow the shooting and was rushed te hoss ital where his condition is sald to e serlons, Following the shooting G, Gintyo, an Ttalian, was placed uns Her arrest hy the police by questions ing MOTHER AND CHILD FROZEN TO DEATH Rancher Returning Home With Christmas Tree Makes Tragic vegic Discovery Wa oh Mant, Deo, Deo, 17-~Returns home with a Christmas tree supplies for the holiday seas ory Guy Pratt, Hil Wi ranchs er, found hia ho NY anal fi daushter Halen or he HEE a mile and & 0 gi When a man ia fault it i Suny he la generous tb

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