Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 10

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS DEER SEEN hse A fine Jes » Was sen Walle fering a bout the fields near here one ay last week, - Apr ---- BHIPS HORSES Consscon--Mr, Lome Alyea, of Consecon, has been canvassing the county in search of worn out horses far shipment to Toronto, - rg ATTACKED BY A PIG Pigton--=Mr, Ernest Terry had a narrow escape recently when he was attacked by u vicious hog, He limb. ed on a wagon and finally beat the animal away, HURT IN FALL Pleton.--Mrs, Hubert Bughell, of Cherry Valley, was unfortunate on' Thursday when on her way to attend the opening of the new Hospital wing she fell on the slippery pavement sustaining severe Injuries ta her hip, GIFTS FOR SHELTER Brockville ~The omens Missions ary Society of Ventior has recently forwarded four bags of apples and vegetables, as well as a box of pres served fruit, to the Children's Shel ter, here, CITY BOOSTS CHINESE GROCERY Belleyille--Belleville now has a Chinese grocery, It opened this week and the proprietor goes hy the name of Tang Sang Lung, Many chop sticks are to k seen, also packages of rice, tea, canned goods, vegetables, all of the Chinese variety, The store is located upstairs and would pass un- noticed by many, APPOINTED DISTRICT MANAGER Kingston ~Mr, H, M, been appointed district Payne has manager ol the Sovereign Life Assurance Co, of Canada for Central Ontario, The ter ritory extends fram Kingston as far us Oshawa, ELECT PRESIDENT Belleville=At the Kastern Ontario Cheesemakers' Convention in Belg ville, President, W, 1, Brennan, whe has occupied the Presidentship for the last two years in a very capable wianner, stepped down from office nd the Viee President for 1929, Mr, W. V, Drewry, was elected as Dress ont, DOG ATTACKS BOY Belleville =George Ling while dg livering papers last week was ate tacked by a dog on Cedar street and slightly bruised, The lad was pro. fected by a heavy cont and sweater, Another boy named Mag¢Donsld droy the dog off, CHRISTMAS EXERGREENS FORM AVENUE Bellevilles=Chrlstmas trees were uj on the market last week and offered for sale in large numbers, in fact, along Pinnacle street off the garney of MeAnnuny street they were plage wd In such quantities as to form an avenue presenting a rather attractive dppeariance, FIRE DAMAGE AT FORT STEWART Belleville=A fire whieh broke out in the roof of Mr, James Douglas general store ut Fort Stewart, Nagth Hastings, did considerable damage he fore it was extinguished, The forms ing of a bucket brigade saved the buildings, ERECT SNOW FENCES Pigton==In several places on the highway to Belleville, snow fences have heen erected, More snow fell BUY JEDDO PREMIUM COAL THE BEST PRODUCED IN AMERICA GREATER IN HEAT HARDER IN STRUCTURE LESS ASH Dixon Coal Co. TELEPHONE 262 FIVE DIRECT LINES NOW j Does She Li'e Fine Perfumes? And what woman wouldn't he thrilled at vecelving # Christmas Box of Perfume or & tollet set of some ex quisite odour?! The Rinsl) Store 1 fs Just the a shop for her GI ore are & few of the host of suggestions now on dlsplay, Yardley Bets BBo to #i5.00 whari Sele $8.00 to BI5.00 Three Viowers Mig Boves $1,850 to 10,00 Biationery Gift Boxes BOO to $4.BO Pen and Penoll Bots $5.75 to $18.50 Desk Bets, all makes wo $6.50 up Have Time, Trouble, and Money by Shopping at THE REXALL WTORK Jury & Lovell King ¥, Blmeod WN, ing the boxers were engaged In the boxing show lett the road twp miles west of Port Hope and was completely wreeke! None of the aceupants were injured in Mr, Marmora when & fire broke but and burned the the Jroperty ef Mr, Vor Post of ¥ (uberculosis resulting from gas inhaled at the front, as a private at Cardinal en March 18, Poultry Supplies $8 Cod Liver Oil ROUP REMEDY 'Black Leaf '"'40" A Quick Easy Way to get Rid of Lice and Mites MASH HOPPERS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, FUL' O' PEP and SUNBEAM MASHES, SCRATCH GRAINS, CRACKED CORN COOPER - Phone 8 SMITH CO. 16 Celina St, Special For To-Day 1927 PONTIAC COACH 1928 ESSEX \COACH SEE THEM ON OUR SHOWROOM FLOOR Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co., Ltd. $5800 $626 HUDSON-ESSEX 138 King St, W Phone 1160 Phone #8 Phone 08 in the western part of the county than it did in the vielnity of Picton, A visitor to Pletem from Cherry Val ley recently reported that nearly sll "the snow was trict but the roads were very slippery, being quite lay, one from that dis MOTOR CAR WAS DITCHED Helleyilles=Last week a car contain from Oshawa whe I'hey hired another car and arrived in Belleville on time, GARAGE AND CARS BURNED Belleville ~Two automobiles stored Harry Camplon's garage ot village, were destroyed One car, & new Lssex, was Camplon and a awned by Mr, Claude 'estwood who was visiting Mr, Campion, (arage i { 1MTH VETERAN DIES Broekyille ~The burial took place t Kemptville a few days ago of Har- y Curtis, formerly a member of the ith Leeds and Grenville Overseas dattalion, whe died in Montreal of poison He enlisted 1916, and was a sen of the late Allan Curtis, of Kemptville, ET ------------ A -- HONORARIUMS AND GRANTS MADE BY RETIRING COUNCIL (Continued from page 8) any appeal to the public for funds and was in good financial condi tion, It provded a public meeting place, publie Information bureau, publie bath and lavatory, dormi- tories, ete, Receipts from dormi- tory rentals had been reduced by $500 this year, whieh meant that, without a grant from the elty, the organisation would face a efloit, it wan stated, The men handling the YMCA, were doing well in not running ine to debt, said Maver hls hell, cons gratuiating them oly work, I am py ttee recom mended that no astion taken én the Y MCAS request for a gant, Aldermen MeLeese and Carnell foved that the clause recommends ne no aetlon on wu grant to the Q.A. be struck out, No Money Alderman Maodonsld sald that the city had no money to glve any rants, The oily was never in much # nancial state thet It could not help worthy organizations, seid Al derman Morris, He moved that $600 be granted the Y.M.C.A, His motion was seconded by Ald. orman Moleesss who declared that the association was doing a fine work in the city fn providing a central clearing house for neweon ors and as a centre for hoy work, Alderman Perry, although he had signed the commitiea's report, sald that he now favored a grant, Moves $300 Grant Supporting a grant to the YM, A, Alderman Carnell sald they werg doing 8 work the council had refused to undertakes in providing public lavatories, He moved an amendment, secondad by Alderman Mason, that the grant be $200, "We had 81,800 for a dog oats cher; we should have money for the YMCA," sald Alderman Dise ney, Alderman Douglas absolutely op. Jored any grants, If the YM. CA oes wera not sufficient, they should be Increased, he declared The finances of the elty did not allow a grant, sald Alderman Bod. Y Mayor Mitehell sald that no Y, M.C. A, gharged fees large enoukh to pay all expenses, as otherwise they would he high, The council granted the YMC, A, $200, Christmas Cheer Fund A BR, Alloway and A, J, Graves, appeared before the council on he: halt of the Christmas Cheer and Weltare fund, which was supple. menting the work done hy Lhe elty's wocinl welfare office, The work was helug done by volunteer workers, sald Mr, Alloway, The need this year was considerable, more claims 'being made than In praviaus years, Already about 60 applications had been made, and doubtless many more were Lo came, Mr, Ciraves sald this was an ex traordinary year aud the need was great No luxuries would be lp» eluded in the Christmas basket but every dollar would be made to Bo aa far as possible, Alderman ¥, A, Macdonald sald that the city was facing & deficit this year, aud that there were no funds lu the treasury to give any Eran, Aldermen Perry and Moleess moved that a grant of $800 be pald the Christmas Cheer and Welfare Fund, "It wan only $300 last year." sald Alderman, ¥, A, Macdonald who moved an amendment to this effect, seconded by Alderman HN, MeDonald, The grant would not ha more than #300, sald Alderman Boddy, "Instead of doing so much sav: Ing now, It should have been done sarlier In the year, commented Alderman H, Jackson, The original motion, of $200 wrant carried, INJURED IN FALL Brookvilles=Joseph Torne, an en ployee of the Sarnia Bridge Co while engeged In preparing to fasten lifting tackle in the gymnasium at the Collegiate Institute Friday, lost his held on the ladder upon which he was working and fell & considerable distance to the floor, sustaining » concussion of the brain, lacerations of the scalp and bruises of the right arm and shoulder, Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets Visions eos o vig STRAW fim fd He J No, i HN 0 Tlie Bet 1 |) ta wr "le Weled NRL TORONTO PRODUCE Torente whelgsals dealers are off produce to retail dealers at the follow tn wiees | ' Eguo~Froah Je, - ri . 10) fresh extras, x seppnds, 3% p "Hut, HY Neate, lutter=No, ig Samer) "hy dle, wine | a and oul, AVEAEAAEANAS a, ARARARARAAY ELT LL LER IT EERE) ------ TORONTO PROVISION PRICES hte wht alesale gh are Quoting the bl hy YF adh i un My Re hy alls 8 Soeth a a) 04100 - X ih 2 \ fhe Sy woiuh i LM) LN) he [® HS Pure, tieroes, Ney Ry A A hn Mi CT ow ho ahouldera, vi ane, RE) idee 4 16 Lie in Rohm Tine, Mu i 176; pork butts, al Ae FAR The following the Bt, Lawrences market, Tormnie) TAS, Por dean yyy AEE LAL AA AAA CELE CLTEEN +. pallet ps 0 LTH oy Da, 8 Beets, bua, | Shue ar doasn MAM a \ wa bunshes oy a ee wh, gn) wo seconds, IAMS print, 4%; Ne. iH hv Aba pro , kt) 54) food, (dl BRE MAR 4 MERA MAR! A Nope "e Wotton. wt il, in oh AE TA oii ILLLLTY Patt i IR pres = Te oe 4% Lg Pg wR Artichokes, nd ue. Aivava ! 1] Carpts, bus, | 8 sels wprouls, ' SE One, ar Loa, hy PE "i TT " Ty ogen mal, vio iad Tottucs 4 Tor ators, BAN iin | Bey 4 TAR wre ¥ N ad, hte hres THT [LRELLY) rapelr uit, each Tia Ne doen hi 48 bleh, CLLRLLLLT J th NE 1 LLL LLLLL RRL] oo) Pd bak Hy \ CLLR LLELELEY QUOTATIONS Toronta hand of quotations a, 1 narth, TORONTO GRAIN Grain dealers on the trade are making the follewd aw ear lata Manitoba wheat mw A No, 2 do, 81% 1.21 No, § 0.8 NY w 4 310 &4 Ne & 830 Ne 5 Goderieh and ay 8) Nanda oata=No, 1 feed, FY Ne, 8 da, ¢ EN earn No, 2 yellow, PE | Ne. 3 Ttew, HA he \ Yellow, ; io ¥ deliver nronta freight VHT pl Montrea help bas na Ran, per ten, Wl » shorts, per ou Ll "mol ny he a ¥ Wo heat, AE) |B 1) ity ol a der, ive M1 buckwheat CHICAGO WN CR Jun Chichan, Aso \NORUCR market hold wieady and wha ) aid jens ng eal, The ww wee at tha epening a Se Wane af saab Ry ie 4 fontinue voral arrivals caused #10 "ath A of wo! i at " o ion J with Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Toronto and New York woek Quotations Supplied by Soble, Vorlong and Co, TORONTO WIOUK WXCHANGY Toronte, Dee, V1,VPrides wero nixed on the Toronto Bleck Wi- dhapge at noon today with fracs tional losses and galug being ve worded, Internationhl Nickel, after opens Ing at a decline, firmed during the early session snd at midday was stronger at B1, Maksey-Harris nl wo regained ite opening loss and wis marked on the hoard at 4104 up %. Vord Motors "A" was un changed al noon, Brazillian was quoted st 80% while Walkers suffered a similar gmount at 12, With the exception of Interna- tonal Pete which was down % at 28%, the Olls were firm, Imperi al regained iin early loss of % and nt midday was § to the good ul 8, WA, wan up % al 44%, Hamilton Bridge In the unlisted wpeetion of the market recorded a gain of 1% at 45 TORONTO LIVENTOOK Toronto, Dee, 17, Prices were sendy on the Dominion Livestock Exchange today, on the fed oatile offered, Waly to good steers and helfors wold at 85,00 to 80,60, Calves were sieady at #15,00 to $16.00 for choles Hogs were strong al $10.76 fo bh, for hacon or $18.00 off-enr, Lambs were easler at $18.60 for with rough lambs. at pheep wera steady, holes, $18.00 TORONTO High lose Oi 44% ii 1% no's i no Can, nd #0 go 20 Can, Hrd, 30 Ask Coekshutt 22 Bid Cty, Dry, #1 Dm, Mires, 28 Bid Gypsum 8 LER Hr, Wal, 18% 14 Hm, Hrd, #8 1) It, UL, "A" 40 Ask It, Nk, 1} 80% It, Pet, 1) a 1d, Alehl, 14 ATLANTIC FLIGHT 15 COMPLETED (Continued from page 1) of the States of Rio Grande Do Norte and Parahyba, The landing wus some time before 9,00 pm, and mid night (between 7.00 pan, and 10,00 pny, Bastern standard time), This would mean that the fiyers were in the air between 06 and 30 hourse The plane was reported to have turned over In making the landing, injuring both men, Rio Janeiro, Brasil, Deo, 17,+The transAtlantie flyers, Major = Tadeo Larre-Borges and Lieutenant Leon Challe, who left Neville, Bpain, Bun day on, a nop-stop flight ta Monte video, Urugnay, made a feresd land ing last night at the village of Margeuin in the state of Ria Grande Do Norte, near Natal on the north east tip of Brasil, From the Information received here it appeared that both the flyers were Injured, one of them more ser fously than the other, This morning the director of the Natlonal Tele grb of Brasil vecelved adviops from racuja that hath flyers were res oA ving medical care, The governor of the state of Rie Granda Do Norte rushed a special physlelan from the quarantine sta tion to aMraoulae and several of: fleers to find out exactly what hap pened to the trans-Atlantie alrmen, Although the fiyers falled of thelr purpose to make a nonstop 6,0000ulle hop to the capital of Uruguay, they achieved the alxth. successful eross ing of the Houth Atlante and cow ered a distance of approximately 8, 000 miles That they made the 2,000-mlile ocean hep hy Just a narrow mar gin was Indloated hy the fact that they were foreed to land near Na tal which is on the extreme tip of the Howth Awmerioan continent nearest to Afriea, It wan along this art of the Brasillan coast that aptain Frantesce Tulesing and his companion, Captain Ignacio Jimi. nes, landed in Ootaber of this year on a similar flight from Heville to Bouth Awmeriea, Major Larre-RHorges, who fa an Uruguayan, made an attempt to fly from Kurope to Houth America in 1027 hut made a forced landing on dhe North African coast and for peveral weeks disappeared from view, Eventually he turned up, under escort of a Moorish cavavan whieh held him for ransom, Hlook Low Hr, A, Hing, Starts Tomorrow CLARA BOW "The Sctwrdas Night Kid" The SOPHOMORE Canndian Press HAN ' : Bd TRY : Pwr, 19 yA 4 '6, Her, 04% Bld platlon 45 r TRA Teh 74h Hud Bay B76 Bho B70 1066 LEN an, 11K Bult & Ohlo 116% NY WT Oil NJ, (J, 068 04% ie U8 n v Nie res Ly RS ad oh . wis evi 2 od MN sentiment ying the Jnl Nat |, Heme had Wal Kh near the ¢ SUPPOTt way eR any Mt hn oh " : pit RN ay ra --_-- A Wy extras, Voy standards, 3 LA tens stewdy, Eggs, oun Wit eats, 10 18 4%, Now York spat Mirkete Butter extra, WN Ludo tale aleqdy Faas Nita, 00 ip LO ue sleady, 7] 41 1% 11% 4114 il T% 6% my i it Mandurd Mines 100 87 100 166 102 1h 166 160 160 Hho 660 G60 ho Loh Bio 131] bio Lib ih Bib RN] LL 7h LL] " LU] | 1016 1016 aon HEN] £80 Bh ah ih 14 ih Hoh Bah Hah hah 21] 2] ann HEH "in 1638 127 183 16% 10% 184% | M Low Clos 114% 118 NEW YORK High TK W 77 5% hl 11634 1167 104 108% 1087 Hos EM LL) 0a nr 188 10% 180% 114 114 114 Hh 61 (FET 15% 4514 45 M% don 41%] ha % UL) iY | 10% 115 11% | yr 17 4 11 18410 1590 184 any 160% 4014 I 1h go in BA hig | Hos Wh % nang 77% 70 77% d4% i) 44% e UY 0a LER | Pr, OBY BBY DEM | Hlanl Woolworth 20 TY 86% 16% 1784 Truek 47 46 4 70% ! ) [ vale 414 "The NEW The Set with the "Punch"® STEWART-WARNER RADIO NT one=-not Just a fowe=but EVERY modern feature known to red! is incorporated in the design and construction of the new Stewar Warner Series 000 Radio, Even a lug-in for Television is included! Two pew UX.248 power tubes w= ra at t and ost wonderful tube t! And the remarkable n Grid Ciroult" that brings distant stations booming in Mh the dle ay of a "local"! With these Warns vege advantages = and MORE «=the new Stewarts ge darty into step with modern demands, snd with the -- See this amazing new set, NOW! pr New Stewart-Warner Radios Include These Super-Features Saran Gry Sis Lh Plug+In for Aolevialon, | iy selectivity Lis! equips set for Televial ception whenever these Gold Plated Connections 22-carat a plate, surest nd rin 4 become popular in the Win finest w connect on cast range, 'Visible Angle" Dial Tuning Ga HA . Eo ERE luminated, ho keep exactly Aidan wave lengths, Two UX+245 Tub radio's newest - Ftd be rE py nda ah RrongeRacutcheon Matey carries all set controls coms etly grouped for easy uning, Dynamic and Raeproducera) separate connections for use with either speaker without additonal attachments, Rlegtrie Phon Qannection hodrach perfect elec trical op duction of a in conjunction with any standard Ws raph plok-up ache Aa wire on al eons necessary. na See the New Srewart- Warner Radio A Demonstration will Convince You! Oshawa Battery Service A, G, BROOMFIELD | 37 King Stroet West, Oshawa N Ll Phone 1184 % pear pent

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