{ 4 erin 167 §imeos St, N,, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 PAE NINE n 7; ; THE C vv ih" where SS uyger REL EDS ~~ meets . Seller CTION 4 \ NANI Lege! LONANL & ANNI. BARIIST | 1S Shieftars, Notuties Public, ie, Con. vevaneing and general practice of Law, Offiees 74% Mimove 5t Nouth, Oshawa, Phone 4 OG, D, Conant WA, LLL: A VF, Adnts, B.A, VIWANR WOE WANRYE Solieitor, Notary Public, Convey wieer. Money to loan, Third Nom new Alger Building, wits Po ae ii mg Dypes 8 Pon Ag | # SIRCLATIL RC IANR : f Comperce lding Wl Tor Sr ¥ Y oF i L b tister, Rolieltor, Notary ihe, Cons veyaneer. Money to lonn, Office 14/4 King St Fast, Oshmwn, Phone 415 Jlesiden one BA? cifwidoN. CHETOWTON "AND Vrdnor, Darristars, Conveyanoers, Notaries Publie, ots, Offices over fitandard Dank. Kutrance Himaeoe #. Phone 18, J. ¥, Orierson, K.C.. T. K. Creighton, DA, N CO Vrasar, DA LOUIS 8 [IYMAN, BARRISTER Solieltar, Notary, over Dewland's tore, Money to loan, 16 Bimeoe street north, Phone 67, Residence AHAB, PARRHTCL AND ITETD." TAR: risters, ete, Money to loan, Alger Bide, Opposite © st Office, Phone 1014, A 1. Parkhill, AC. 1 Fisid BAR GREER AND HUMPHRICYS risters, Solleltors, ote, 24% Sirieon St N, Phone 3160. Money to loan ALEX OQ, NALL, Bb.A, DARRIP ter, ote, Conveyaneing and general praction, 28% King t. Hast, "hone LEEK -- (wr) WATT & WATT, AY tars, Molieitors, ote, 41 Alger Didg, Orvhawa and Port Perry, "hones 760 Oshawa, Port Perry 20 an) 1p B, (Dao, 2<1 month) - Medics! a ------------_-- tt rp ---------- DR, MeKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR peon, Accoucher, OMae and resis dence, King 8t, Lrat, corner Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 4 IR, HAROLD 'W, TRICK, PH / clan, Surgeon, Obs'ctrlelan, Speeln! references to maternity work and di senses of woeunen, Two vears' post radiate experienc, Office and ros (cor, Brock) pn al hone 302 DR, GRANT WARRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obseetriclan, diseases of infantn = end = ehildeen, Office and qh fs Phas 1185, " ), P'IYSI: raslden DR clar and Surgeon, special attention piven ta Xorav work and Electro theopy, Of ce, Disn v Block, Phone 2080, OMe, open 9 am, 0 pm Realdanes 161 King last Phang PA VR. DAVID ARCHER, MD, CM, Le RCP and 8 Edinburgh Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician ee 142 Simcoe St, N. Phone 3020 nee 161 St. I. Phone 3158 a fa K Physlelan CHER RO) f CP & 8 Ddinburgh, Surgeon, Obatetrician, special at tention to maternity work and dis cases of children, OMee und res dence, 188 Simcoe St, North, Phone A) HH BW TAN PHYSTOTAN, gurgeon, Obstetrician, Oftlce and residence, 113 Himooe street north, Phone 24150, (Oct, 9-1 mo) RAS RT Ear, Nose, tr JRF, 1; BRYANS OF 160 FLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office ever Jury & Lovells Dwi Store each Saturday, from 1 tilt pm, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose ahd throat only, Appointments mav be made at dy store Phine 07 _-- e, Ear, Nose und Throat PREF RICITANBEON, OF FTCT over Mitchell's Drug Stére. Hows | 2 am, 2 to 5 Evenings by -Y Oflica phone 2600 ' ) over Mours 10 to 12 am, 2 to 8, Kvenings hy appoints ment, Office phone 1400, Reslds once BB4R Dental PR S 7. PHILLIPS, OVER IAs, Special attantion te ray ) pith G th N In at 3 AB extraction, rae . Hanae 1312, ) Ce DY 3 i te over Mitchell's hts Store a » fon " \ RR. LB Sushil, DUN ST itrous oxid oxveen wan for extia. tions, Office Roval Bank Bide Ta tsk CL Si 81 N. over Dewlhnd's None 1987 Res, 202\W. Evenings by FA ROW y BR CL Ragent Theatre Bld, Phone 1780 WW a atists, 37 King St. B Special mt ten gras extraction and Xerav urse in attendance. Phones Ad Architects " Si STENHOUNE = GENERAL arc J work, Sebond floor, Rove! k Building. Phone 1496 TT JONNSONTAY ie architects, Simcoe TE Ov Bio ead a « Sispographer * HIDTOR, Yi RINTUR aireet BOL. Phone 16400, Hpeulwl vaton for maillyg lets and clveular work, Nov, 24:1 wo) PUBEIE I RROUIRATIY AND bookkeeping, Moderate prices, Phone 318). « (Nov, 2l=1 wo.) C oats ENOTIER WOME WAR PORR ples, stedlk and kidoney nies, hot or oold, Drawn, cakes and pastries, eto, ote, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 23728, © (77) pra Engineering and Surveying LONEVAN ANT SMTTH, ONTAR io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. cers, subdivisions, town planning, munielpnl engineers, 05 or 411 Kine St 1 Phone, | or rtaking LUKE BURTAL CO, 67 Rm vr Mast, Ambulanee, Residence 2 Bim: toe street north, Phones 210) ard UW DISNEY: FUNERAL HOM). Oshawa, Cornet #7 Celina street, Bruce street. Ambulance, Phone i Insurance AVIS A 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. ost Wire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re nigtable Plre Companies, WHEN VLACING INBURANCE gonsnlt RB, N. Johes, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurasce 'vants At tonded to and your interests pro- tected, Transportation CARTAGE AND RTORAUR, COLK: man's, 86 Bond West, Hpecialiste In furniture moving, storage ware: houses and moving van equipment "hone K2, CANTAGK, MOVING, GRAVEL sind and cinders, Loesl and long dintuns hauling, Phone 3048 and 20087, Pmith and Cox, 387 King Ww, Ww OSHAWA'S OLDEST bashed furniture movers, eur ame, Local and long distane Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park I) Mouth, Phone 216, (Deo, 10-1 mo) ad Boauty Parlors BETTY LOL PERMAWENI wave, Special $5 and $7.50, Finger wave and shampoo $1, Facial 75¢ Hair cutth g 256, Phone 2908 or 86 Stmeoe North, EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Permans ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham: poo $1, Phone 2968, WATSONS BARBER Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, cinliee in Indies' halr cutting celling, shampooing, facials, 8) cents, For appointments phone PLLED ( Deo, 1 4-1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL Se, EYE brow arching, 28¢, Mrs, Everetie Bell, apartment 9, Ldward Apartments, Quebec Street, For appointments phone 32001, (Dye, 3:1 Mo) MARCEL AND OURL 28 MRA, Clark, 147 Agnes Bt, Phone 3040J, (Deo, 11:1 mo) "Building Supplies WAR INA 01 ne To insure Jrompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date W, BDorrowdale, phone 1018, ESTAD Park Rond sas AND We spe. mar Marcel of this nature, ond collect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, | STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone eall will bring a messenger who will recelve the advertisement J"Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real E Estate for Sale FOR SALESTEN ROOM BRICK house on King Street, large dining room, kitchen with pantry and dumb walter, large living rooni and hall, four bedrooms and three plece bath on second floor, three rooms with stool and sink, hot and cold water In nithe, two ear garage, Lot about 61 ft, x 200, Five hundred dollars was taken in from tourists in two months last year, Owner leaving town must sell, Apply Box 355 Times, (1424) LOVELY § ROOMED RUNGALO at sacrifice prion, Hardwood floors Newly decorated, Double garage, Only $3600, Ben Holden, 02 Bime abe N, Phone 871W (1420) | Articles For Sale MIXED TIARD AND SOFTWOOD slubs, $4.50 br load. Also bone dry body woud aterous Meck Limiied hone 1248 ". (Apr, got) WOR EA Li--HBINTZNAN C0. Ltd, planos, new and used plapos, Alo radios, latest wodels; ters arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 16604, os (1110) FOR SALE « ORDERS TAKEN for Christmas geese and chickens alive or dead, delivered, Phone 105) r:14, w won ----" (13 : WE CARRY A VULL LINE OF CCM skates und boots, Your ola paly taken In exchange, Open evenings, 13 Richmond street ous! Phone 27174, (1401) Ll i Work Wanted RE UPHOLSTERING, CHESTLI. fields made to order, Wo save you money, Estimates free, G. A. Cons stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 508), (5011) BATIERIFS CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, If ren: tal supplied $1. Batteries repaired San lidgon, 20 I'l 8. Phove 1880W, Dee, 13-1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DE- livered 78e, rental #ho, and the entire electrical system of oar re mired, 204 Oshawa Diva, Phoue 118W, (Dee, 12-1 mo) Lau --- "Nursing Music AWITIOR LYNDE, VOGAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conservatory, 'Tos vonto) pupils prepared for ull exanms Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simeoe SI North one 2781, (120.10) FRANK CONVERS i of Toronto's leadin " ia tn Oshawa on Thursday afternoons } tgin St, I. Phone 79M Studio 86 Elgin Bog VIA] ' g violin teacher PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER nity, Invalid or general nursing, Ver formation phone 1808, (Nov, 27-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE DIBKEN- gaged, maternity, invalid or general nursing, Doctor's references, For information phone T43M, (Dee, Hematitching f-1 mo "Radic Service fADIO REPAIRE ON ALL MOD: ols at a reasonable price by an ex- port Nadio-Triclan, All work guar anteed, Rattery oharg.ag 700, Date tories for sale, Geo, Burroughs & fon, Phone 383-11, Graduate Na tional adi Institute, (Deo, 23-1 mo) CEMAWATADIO RERVICH AT: cesnories for sale, repairs on elec: trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re oharged. rental supplied, $1, Phone 1040J, Charles Wales, 148 Eigin Kant, (Deo, b+1 mo) Painting ond Decorating {OUTSOLE FIRST CLASS T'A foihanger painting and Sralniog, riees right, work ranteed, Pine Ave, phous w or 007w, . AG ry P Paperhanger, Only first class work guaranteed | oars experience Prices reasonabis, p one 2400W, (Dec, 18:1 mo) Nal NINE CENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, ote, All kinds of beautiful fancy work on sale, Mrs. Dell, §6% Sim: 208 South, Phone 1606, (Deo, 10-1 mo) a i lO _ Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired, No job too small or too large, George A, Lemee, Phone 1430M, _(Deo, 4-1 mo) Tailoring PAUL VERLAND, BEST AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh. awa for men who care, Prices fair and reasonable, 1214 Simcoe Street south Phone 1583, (Nov, 29:1 mo) Contracting lastel in, a i. x NR b one t for estimates iy Storm Window Money to Loan CITY AND FARM TOANS PRU. gross loans arranged. Parkhill & field. Barristers, ete, Alger Bla Phone 14, AWOOND WAND DEALER. FUR. piture bought and sold. 188 Bloor St. Kast. Phone 1611M, (Af) AEST PLACE 10 HAVE YOUR shoen fixed (x at Menkd's earner Sim. coe and Willlam west, Expert skate sharpening and shoeshine, (Now, 21:1 mn.) Watch Repairing . A D) Swiss watchmaker, repalr shop ot Hi King Street West, Your pate ron in solicited Caulking HAVE ALL CREVIQES ARUUND your windows and doors tiled with plastic cement and shut out the ould dealt, saves fuel, the cull Is small, ree estimates, J, Hy Law woi, RL, Noo 2, Oshawa, Phone [£1 et Doo, 441 mo) a ™ ar a raat Business Opportunities p---- NVRAT ---- A GOOD INVEST $5000 CAN BE INVESTED IN AN old established and rellable manu. facturing concern that will. pay the Investor seven per eont, inter ext, For full particulars apply Box $61 Times Office, (142) STORM WINDOWS CUT FUEL bills one quarter Make cold houses warm and comfortable, Phone 2830w and we will measure your windows free and quote low prices on Ready Glazed Storm Windows, fitted and abblisd if yor (Dee 2) mo.) uctioneer PRONE HI GW. 1, SULLY. auctioneer, MO Simcoe Si, S, ° can sell vour odd picces of furniture and other articles at our vards, 4! Kine Sp \V Oshawa Ontarin \ Wh, ARK AUCTIONDER, 530 Blmeoo Nt, 8, Phone 3093M, (Deo, 14:1 mo) y 3] re BOATDERY ~ WANTRD, APPLY 392 Halg st, (1410) . and Live St FON -- A pedigreed. Apply Archie Black, 'ort Perry, (141d) HORSE FOR SALRE--GOOD FOR heavy work, Apply cornor Wilson Rd, and Bloor Ht, B, 837, (1410) ' NUTRI ILO0n. hounds, year old, running nicely, will make wonderful "ox dog, 69 Buckingham avenue, Oshawa, (INT\8) FOR RATE T CHEVROLET delivery truek, 1985 model, $200 cash, Apply to John Poulskae, 787 Slmeoe #t, South at evening, (141h) HLIGHTLY UBED BKATES AND boots complete outfits from $2 uy, also a large assoriment of sleigh from Ofc up, Open eveulngs, 1: Richmond Mt, Kast, Phong 2774 (ido) FOR BALK--CHRISTMAS TRRIKH Phone 1662 r b, (1400) FOR HALE--CLIMAX HTOVE burns conl and wood with about 25 feet pipe, First class condi tion, very cheap, must be sold at once, Apply 1568 William Ht, ¥ (1410) FOR SALE~AT GREATLY RE. duced prices a number of Hpirella Jorsets, Girdles and Drassier Gir dies, nlso of Brassiers and a quan tity of lingerie and hosiery at 240 Dearborne Avenue, Mrs, Pentland Is retiring from the Spirella busi ness and wishes to dispose of her sock, (1410) FOR BALE-~COLUMBIA GRAM onola with eabinet and 36 records, Price $12, Phones 1001J, (1410) FOR SALE«CHRISTMAS TREES delivered anywhere in eity, 3c snl 50¢, Phone Essery Bros, Jirll, (1420) FOR SALE-ONE 5.-FOOT TOROG- gan, nearly new, cheap, One Utah Junior Radio, loud speaker, cheap, Phone 190M (1420) FOR SALE-OAK D G ROOM suite also bedstead and springs, Call 03 Division St, Phone 1014), (142b) FOR ~~ BALR--ONK™ KITOHEN cabinet, dining room multe, bed couch, oabinet gramaphone and 80 records, Phone 1008W, (1430) TWO NEW HEAVY "DOTY 48 volt B Batteries cost $0.50, yours for five, 69 Duckingham avenue, ('T-T-H) oe 4 WR Help--Wanted Male RADIO SALEAMAN WANTED, Apply Box 363 Times, (1400) Help Wanted--F emale WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN for general housework, Apply 637 Simooe St, Houth, Ione 4251, (14%) WANTRS, "AP: reet nort bh, AL NAD ply 412 Bimooe st ua VOURNG UIE WANTA housework or position as cook general, Phone K14J, (1430) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENTTHRER roomed apartment, furnished, b young married couple, Central, Phone 708. y -- [(141b) WANTED TWO BED SITING rooms, with light housekeeping privis legen, by 2 business ladies, must be central, Box 301, (142) RENTED couple with no children wants two or three furnished houngkecping rooms, Phone 814), (1424) CERT, ST ET For Sale or Exchange GOOD COUNTRY STORE, BRICK dwelling, gas pump, over fifteen thous sand yearly turnover, Consider Osh awa property, Horton & re eh Times Nide, A For Sale or Rent FORT EATE TORT RENT=FIVR room bungalow, newly decorated, All convenlences, double garage, 847 Christie St. Apply 238 Ri road south or 64 Greta St, Phone 18382 (1400) A R ) roomed house vith extra lot, 88 fontrave Avenue, Apply 188 Vas 8 road or phone 83M, (1400) For Rent VOUR™AND vive noun NOD orn suites, tuciudivg electra reirig eration, stove, Isundry, conven enves, oto.) continuous Bot wales supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 3671, ur The Trusts and Guarantees Co, ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, $741) T0 RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- urnished rooms also bed sitting roon with light housekeeping privileges, al- Jo arage, Apply 165 Ritson Hound ¥ 1 imr=rv woo moe conveniences, hardwood floors, vlectrio fixtures, newly decorated, Also garage, Immeriate possession, Apply 81 Elgin St, East, Phone 1086) (141e) TWO ROOKIE FURNISHED Every convenience for light house keosping, Light and heat, Phone 1474J, (1880) ] ' bath, fixtures complete, Klectrie stove, steam heat, luen and clothes closets, Central, Owner, lox 468 Times, (1861) TO HENT=="MODERN" THRER rooms and bath apartment, electric stove, refrigeration and hot water heuting, Apply 161 King East, Apartment 2, (1404) NEARLY NEW BRICK HOUSE TO rent, 61 Arlington Avenus, Apply 17 Colborne Ht, West, Phones 906J, (1410) ATANTMENT, CERTRAL, NEW building, four rooms, steam heat, hot water, electric stova, Newly decorated, "hone 1400, (1408) TO RENT-IWO FURNISHED rooms, bathroom, ilght, heat and gan, 20 Muple Bt, Phone 700W, (141¢) FOR RENT--TWO NICELY FUR nished rooms for light housekeep- ing, Every convenience, Also gar age, Apply 21 Warren Ave, (141¢) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, buth flat, Apply 78 Ritson Rd, B, (1410) TWO VFURNIEHED or unfurnished rooms, Apply 160 Alma Btroet (1420) ONT TRONT TIRDROON NICRLY FOR RENT furnished to rent, Phone 800M, (141¢) [IQUE DOWNATAIRE ROOMS TO | rout, weparate entrance, heat, | water and Might, Phone S800M (141) | FENTTA TARO FRONT HOOKS | with eonvenlences for housekeop ing, unfurnished axcept stove Very central, 06 Centre Bt, (1420) A ---- ------------------ Sr ---- ---- Room and Boar ROOM AND BOARD BY YOUNG business man at ones, Must be private family, Dox 309 Times, REECE aa] (1420) WARN RINOLE NOON, BOARD It desired, Apply 68 Gibbs street, (1420) TR AR WR Room and Board Wanted WANTED=RED SITTING ROOM with board by business girl, central or near Gen, Motors, Apply Box JO8 (1420) BOY & GIRL ATTENDING HIGH School would like rooms and board rom Monday noon till Friday noon North end, Apply Box 363, Times (1422) Public Notice TAKE NOTICE that the follow ing Is a true synopsis of the pro- posed by<law of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa to be submitt. od to the vote of the electors quals ified to vote on money by-laws, at the same time and at the same place an the aunual election for the Munlelpal Council and the De puty Returning Ofoers appointed to hold the sald election shall take the vote, namely: The proposed by-law is for the purpose of authorising the bulld- ing of a Polloe Station In the sald Clty at the South East Corner of Prince and Richmond streets at the cost of $50,000.00 and for such purpose to borrow on the Debens tures of the City the sum of $50, 000,00, with interest at five per cent, The debt ia to be pald In twenty equal, successive, annual lostals ments inoluding principal and in. terest, The amount to he raised an. nually being the sum of $4012.13, And that the 4th day of Janu. ary AD, 1030 at the hour of ten o'oldbk in the forenoon at the City OfMoen In the sald Munioipality has boen fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and that If the assent of the electors ia obtained to the sald proposed hy-law It will be taken Into consideration Ly the Munieipal Counoll of the sald Con poration at a meeting thereof \w be held after the expiration of one month after the date of the firm publication of this notice, And that such tirat publication waa made on the 10th day of Decembar AD, 1929, Take notice further that a tens ant who desires to vote upon sald proposed Bylaw must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking tho vote a declaration wun. dor The Canada Fvidence Act, that he in a tenant whose loass ex. tends for tha time for which the debt or Habliity ts to he created, of In which the money to he rateed hy the proposed Dyslaw 18 payable, orf for at least twenty-one years, and that ha has by the lease cow enanted to pay all munlolpal taxes In respect of the property of which he in tenant other than local lm. provement rates, FE. HARE, Clerk, ak (138-143-148) Rates for Classified Ads, | Pirst fnsertion-~11 aents per word, Minimum charge 806, Each subsequent consecn. tive lusertion 1¢ per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first tnsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge fur three insertions, 60 cevts, Box number 100 additional Professional' or Rusiness Cards, $3.60) per month for 20 wordy or less; 11) cents a word per month for each additions) word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADE CONT LITTIN; AC. COMPLIAH MUCH TELEPHONE 85 Ask for Clasuified Ad Department Public Notice NOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN that at the Municipal Election to be held on the 6th day of January | AD, 1080, the following question will be submitted to the vote of the Electors, namely: "Are you In favor of paying the Counclimen of the City of Oshawa for thelr ats tendance at regular meetings of the Council the sum of Five Dol lurs per meeting." [ DATED at Oshawa, this day of December AD, 1020 VF, E, HARE, | of the Corporation of the (100-142-148) 10th) Clerk City of Oshawa, HEENAN SAYS PARLEY IS NEEDED ntinued from pa ) { orable resction psychologloeally (4) The situations fn the two countries are not analoxous (4) Pmployment in Canada Is at the highest peak for this time ww. the year, since 1050, (6) Employment In parallel in. (ce N | { dustries In Canada god the United | Htaten, shows an Index figure of 110.8 in Canada and only 00,8 In the United States. difference ol 20.6 In Canada's favor, Ntock Market Crash (6) The stock market crash had | not the same alarming effect in Cannda as in the United State, (7) The government has em barked upon a program of publie expenditure, and so has the Cana dian National and the Canadian Pacitie railways, (8) Bueh unemployment an has developed aside from the seasonal slackening, is due to abnormal erop depression, (9) Canadian workers know best how to handle their own eco nomio affairs with regard to the best interests of the country, TORONTO MAN IS MURDER VICTIM (Continued from pawe 1) electricity wan off in his rooms over the store, When police were oalled, they hroke down the front door of the shop, opening on to the south sidewalk on Gerrard Street, be tween Bumach and River Streets, The door was barred from the inside and locked, According to the police recon: strugtion of the orime, Freeland left his boarding house on Win. ohester street about eight o'clock yesterday morning, He opened the store a few min. utes thereafter and before more than an hour had passed went to the cellar where the slayer had Iain in walt for him, perhaps all night, He evidently dled with little more than a perfunctory struggle, The murderer, who had taken the precaution of cutting the tele: phone wires and who presumably had unscrewed the eleotrlo light fuses in the dingy cellar, then Ia bellaved to have covered the body with sacks, locked and barred the front door and to have fled out the back, Family Survives Freeland, who had lived in To: ronto for several years, is sur vived by his wife and six ohild: ren, all pesiding on a farm at Vie toria Square, Ontario, Three of the ohildren were sald last night to be with thelr mother on the farm onat of Aurora, One daughter, Ines, was reports od to be employed as a mald on St, Clair avenues west , A son, Will, 19, who had been working as a truok deliver 'in the Niagara dis triot, left for the farm near Aus rora Jate last night to hreak the news to his mother, The other ohlldven, all over 15 years of age, are named Qerald, Hatty, Nvelyn and Muriel, Reports from Aurora last night Indloated that Freeland and his wife had been eatranged for three years, The family lived at Vandorf, near Aurora, until 1934, when they moved to Victoria Square, The plot of land there on which the mother and her children eke out a Mving la sald to be leas than an nore, Coroner's Statement Chler Coroner Crawford, after en examination of Freeland's said early today: "Phe man hed been dead about 10 to 12 hours when I viewed the body last night, I would imagine the killing took place about 8,80 in the morning, "It, Is unquestionably a murder, although no instrument was found which could definitely be sald to have been used to accomplish the brutal deed, in my opinion," The first Investigations showed that the trap door heitween the store and the basement Was open, A 1%+-nch gelvanized pips, 15 inches long, was on the floor of the cellar, us was the blade of a knife, police state, The weapons were covered with blood and had evidently been used for the crime, The hody of the deand man appeared to have been dragged from the centre of the floor over to a corner where It lay, Head and shoulders were on the ground and the feet high up agaist the wall, Covered by Racks When found the hody was cov- sred by two wicks, A large quan- tity of blood had been shed from the wounds, according Lo the police and the murderer had taken the time to cover this with gawdust from the barrel kept in the hase ment to a thickness of nearly two Inches, Other clues found by the officers included & cut telephone wire, which wah severed in the office In the store, and lying heside it & morning paper of Dec, 186, TAGGART'S DEATH RECALLS STORIES, Former Aberdeen Lord Pro- vost Told 1,000 Stories Yearly London, Dee, 17+8ir James Tag: a former Lord Provost of Aber: who was a famous story teller, against his own townsmen, in Aberdeen recent» ni deer died at hiz home ly It was sald of him that he told 1,000 stories 0 year, and four years ome of them were printed in book form, He rivalled Lord Aberdeen as a story teller, and they held more than one story telling eontest, Here ! some of the wis fond of telling When the war broke out the King took the pledge and, as Lord Provost of Aberdeen, | did Hkewise I never thought the war would last so long, An Aberdonian went away for a month's holiday, taking with him a dark green shirt and a pound note He changed neither of them, A traveller at Huston Station was booking a third single to Inverness WEN stories he ( vodr, | CITY OF MICE TO BE USED IN CANCER STUDY Bur Harbor, Me, Dee, 100A city of mice=20000 to 40,000 of them = will ultimately be under the eyes of scientists at the Jackson Memorial Laboratory for the study wl cancer here, Clarence C, Little, director of the laboratory and former president of the University of Maine and the University of Michigan, has ans nounced, A complete record of the life his tory of each of the small rodents will be kept and although no starthn or sensglional results are expecte Mr, Litfle and members of the staff hope to learn some thing thas will aid In the fight against the disease, A London magistrate says he cannot understand how a girl could marry a man she had only known two weeks, Others ean- not understand how she could marry & man she had known long- or, "Tha English law doesn't allow noman as much rope as the Ameris ean law," a senator of the United Ftates onoce remarked, "An Amer fean, 8 very. wealthy man, once said to an Englishman, 'Oh, yes, you have & good trade here in Eng land, perhaps, but as far as Na~ poleons of finance go, why, I have never once met a Napoleon of fi- nanes in all my visits to London!' 'No, probably not,' the Englishman replied, 'You mee, we keep our Napoleons of finance in gaoll'" en EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optametry Fontuie Borvice Disney Block p75: | Author oft I'he Eyes to Modern Lile Your Eves apd Health Eve Care Eve Strain . | 1516 Phono 1610 Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANS AND DIS COUNTS LTD, and was informed "Change at Aber: | "Na, na," sald the traveller, I've been deen" "I'll take my change now, in Aberdeen before," Twa farmers were discussing weather, One of them said, "Man this weather is awfu' good, It will bring everything oot of the grun' "God forbid," said his neighbor, I have three wives there" Onee, when addressing a meeting, Sir James Taggart had a slight cold, of, as it is known in the Scottish dia. lect, a "hoast," Sir James convulsed his audience with the remark, "If 1 had only the Red Sea here the cure would be complete, for as everyone knows, it stopped Pharoal's hoast" Tames started life as a stone: He was created KDE, in Sir cutter, 1018, For a heavy smoker to stop sud. denly the use of tobacco is liable to have an adverse effect on the heart as the effect of smoking Is to steady down the action of that organ, The sound of a*bhell which can be heard 45200 feet through the water can be heard through the air only 456 feet, : Felt Block Hoom 0 Phone §V90 DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Colina St, "hone 1088 Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Scies "IMITED 00 Simcoe St A, Phone #0 wn faces, The satisfaction of knowing your home to be soundly built, lastingly beautiful, and a monu- ment for generations to the care you exercised in its construction, brings a real pride in ownership that should not be measured in dollars and cents, but which actus ally proves te be economical, Lumber (wood) is the original and atill the best building material for both exterior and interior sure 'Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820