Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1929, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 "Ace FOUR Be Oshawa Bally Bimes ' Boceseding | TRE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Ratablished 1971) Aw independent newspaper published every afterncer onsept Bundaye and legal holidays, st Oshawe Canada by Mundy Printing Company, Limited) Chas M Mundy, President; A R hig Boo rotary, The Oshows Dally Times ls » member of the Cons dine Prose, the Canadian Dally Newspapers As sosistion, The Ontario Provincial Dollies and the Audit Buresy of Clrenlations BSUBSCPIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvier, 106 0 wook By wall in Connde It Oshawe sarviey delivery Wmits), $400 » veari United States $500 » your : TORONTO OFFICE 407 Bond Bullding, 80 Temperance Breet, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Tresldder, representative REPRESENTATIVES INV. 8, Pevers and Blons, Ins, New York and Chisago MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 LOOKING AHEAD The year 1929 Is drawing to a close, and thers are thousands of peopls who are looking forward to tha new year with the hope that it will give them a fresh start, and that it will bring to Oshawa a mueh more orderly measure of emplosment than has been the ohne In the year that Is almost gone, After a good start in the early part of the year, conditions in the last few months have admittedly been far from good, und have oreatad an sitwation whieh it Is to be hoped will dob by repeated In the future, Yet i Is part of himan nature that there should be # looking forward, that the approach of u New Year shoul'yavive hopes that things are going to be better, And the coming of the new year, It can be expected, will being. better times In Oshawa, Thera ls every reason 10 belleve that the month of January will pes the plant of the General Motors of Canada, Limited, hack to prddietive aetlvity, and employing a very large proportion wi, iw ald employees, This In dtselt will mean « brightening of the situation, snd it is to be hoped that werk on the lines will be started earip enough in tha New, Year to provide wages for thous sands of Obhawa homes during those hard winter months of January, February mith March, It ip well known, tog, that with the re-opgning of the Qeneral 'Motors of Canada, Limited, on u large sonle, things 'generally will dmprave In the oly, for there 'ara other industries wileh' are, to seme extent, dependent on that plant, and whigh will ba made busy when the moter Hoek are running at full swing Therg id 1 new hope for the coming year, toe, in the Skinner Cotgpuny, Limited, "he factory of that companys on Simeow. Birger South, la rapidly nearing completion, und there Is every Yeason to believe that It wit ben operation, and employing a large number of men, betwie the your 1930 has gone very fur, This will 'aipeally, provide & new source eboamployment, and will "add te the prosperity ef the gity by paying out lise tamits of mouey in wages So, with al these factors loping tn the near future, the people of 8ehuwn, are Jpoking forward to the new year, knowltg that it will being reel from the pres sent condiden of temporary' depression, and hoping that, iy will be one of the best yours the clty has ever khown, BRIGHTEN Those eitigens whe had a part in the schema of decoiation which is attracting so much attention in the business seetlon of Oshawa are ta be eomplis mented on the enterprise they have shown in thelr desire ta give the eity a real Christmas atmosphere, There 1s something about the eolored lights and the Christmas trees which gives a feeling of warmth, and adds a seasonablo toueh to the otherwise drab busis ness streets of the elty, and makes the people on the streets cast thelr eves upwards to the bright and vars colored lights which are beekoning them to the buss ness section, It muy be thought that here is an ex ample of spending money oF no purpose, and yet, it In but a recognition of the sentiment whieh opens all hearts at the Christmas seagon, Tt brings the spirit of Chelstinas eheer mito full evidence, and helps to make the citigens of Oshawa realise that thiv a we time 10 be dull and morose, but that itis a time when they should look upward, to think of the blessings and the bounties of Ne, and of the things which make the Christmas senson © mean po mueh to the whole "hristlan world, BUY AND MAIL EARLY ® Chelstimas 1s coming nearer, and is now little more Ahan & week away, 1 nay 36em 100 late now 10 ask the people to do thelr Cheisunas shopping dnrly, but there 5 still time 10 perform that moat neeessmy duty before the last minute rush of nest week aot in, Every year, of course, there are those who walt until Christmas ve before they realise that it his not been doné, and hen comes the rash whieh is disastrous to tempers, and which often results in dis appointments, 80 this woek should be & busy eae mado #0 by those people whe are determined not to walt until the fast twd or three days, but to do thelr Christmas shopping at ones, There is another word, tao, which should be said at thig time, very year the post olives are foaded with 'pargels and Christman camly en the tant Jay or two betare Chidstinis, This plages a strain on the post offige' vinplerees which wakes posse for them 10 give the service they desiie to give, and which often results fn wail tended for Christmas delivery arriving too lat Thiz brings up the necessity of nat only shopping early for Chrivtmay, but alo Watling early, 30 that when Christinas comes around, there Will by no frayed TOMPOrS, NO Wornout shop assistants and postal ols ficlaly, and no disappointed friends and relatives, STAMPING OUT RELIGION § I The leaders of fiovist Russlu are determined to do everything they possibly can to stamp out sll the re liglous Instincts of their people, The Christian Sune diy hus been wholished, churehes and cathedrals razed the ground 10 make way for bulldings of a now eliglous chiracter, and now rules and regulations Mave heen promulgated by the Moscow government forbidding the observance of the Christmas peavon throughout the Union of Soclulistie Soviet Wepublics which Is Russia, There must be no Clirlstmas garols, no Christmas cards, ne Christmus giith, Lyverything whigh shows any of the significance of the season us w Christian anniversary Is to be completely blotied out, In this way, the Boviet lenders hope to stamp out Christmas and, at the same time, to stamp ont rells glon In thelr country, This Is a vielent resetion for the Russian people, for, through wll their history they have been of & vielently religlous nature, responding wholeheartedly to the appeals of religion, and ah- serving thelr rites gnd ceremonies to the point of being morbid, The simple peasantry of Russin of the old days found In thelr religlon thelr great eons fort amidst the oppression of Cearlstle tyranny, and through all the literature of these days thers runs the strain of a mystic falth In an all-seeing und all understanding God, Such religlous bellefs and religious faith are too deeply rooted to be stamped out merely by a governs mental order, Religlon has been bred into these peos ple from generation to generation, und, us has been the ease in centuries long gone, and In other couns tries, efforts to suppress rellglon may yet bring shout a wlorlous and Irresistible revival of the expression of thelr faith, Meanwhile, If they but knew It, the Soviet rulers of Russia are paving the way for thelr own downfall, It has been truly sald, "Where there Is no vision the people perish" It is possible to amplify that te hit the Russian situation, and to say, "Where there Is no religion the people perish" The religion of & people 1s the foundation on which Is bullt a healthy national life, 8 national life that can stand the test of time and elreumstances, and by removing religion from the life of the people of Russia, the Soviet leaders ure taking from them the one thing to which they eould hold fast In the hepe of evolving order out of ehaby, ee ---------------- HUMIDITY IN HOUSE HEATING The alr In Canadian houses during » large portion of the artifielnl heating season Is, with few exceptions, drier than that of the driest desert, This Is & fact which Canadians either do not know or do not ap preciate, House heating Is more than the simple process of maintaining the Indoor temperature at that point where one does not feel cold, sent day heating apparatus have done exellent work considered from that standpoint) but, as a rule, they have neglected to take Into weeount the natural law which governs the relation between alr temperature and ald moisture, The vesult Is that, generally spesks lng, Canadian indoor alr during the winter Is excos sively dry, This excessive alr dryness Is injurious to health, affecting more partieularly the respiratory organs and the akin, Iv ls destructive to woodwork and Tyre witare, and to clothing wad Mienlshing fabrics, Tt also necosaltates the maintenance of higher tempers tures for eamfort than with alr containing adequate mglsture, {any. people bolleve that extensively dry air cons ditions are 10 he found only in hones heated by cord tain types of eating equipment alse that such ui desirable conditions muy be remedied by opening the windows and admitting large quantities of cold outs door alr, SHumbdity in House Heating, published by the Dominlon Fuel Hoard ln vosoperas ton with the Natura! Resources Intelligence Service of the Depirtment of the Interior, points, out that cold alr saturated with moisture becomes gry on heats Ing=not hocause moisture has heen remgved, hut be cause of {ty greatly fiereased moisture capacity at the higher temperatures The provision Is made in the heating equipment; or hy other means, to satisly ads quately this Ineremsed' malsture capacity Moreover the admission of fhrge quantities of outdoor alr In creases 10 a corresponding extent the molsture which nist be supplied for this purpose The purpose fn fsswng "Humidity in House Heat ng" 1s not only to further the cause of good health, but to promote the more eMolent employment of the the fuel used 10 N] The designers of pre & bulletin recently fuel used for house heating} sine maintain the hgh temperatures of 73 degrees to ¢ degrees for comiort under dry alr conditions may hie used to advantage In "evaporating the water fur healthful humidification of alr at the mers moderate comfort temperatures so required, Copies of "Humidity in House Heating" may be obtained free on request from the Director, Natural Resources Intelligence Serviee, Popartinent of the Tue terlor, Ottawa, or from the Dominion Fuel Board, also of Ottawa, EDITORIAL NOTES A soolety woman says she Bought 108 hats in five months, Mer money must have gone to her head, wh---- Hamilton people are perturbed over the ehlerina thon of the water, That seems ta provide proof that they still drink some water there, : ea A controversy has arisen over the lack of wvens tilation in the Woedstook Jail, Possibly the prisoners would Hike more ample apportunities te "take the ain" Whert a man says he is overworked nowadays he means that he ds Jooking after his own tarnace and doing Me own snew-shovelling, ---------- The tral of wreoked automobiles in the ditehes these days In @ warhing that extra caution is needed onthe slippery highways, Stmap-- You oan ab least give the people of Toronto eredit for becoming excited ever their municipal election 148004, Qucosupon a time, battles between China and Rus sla would have provided big headlines on the front pages of newspaperdi but they are nat in the pletui at all compared with hattles in United States prisons, Caesar made history when he crossed the Rhine But it would be a better test of his ability if he had tried to cross the average downtown street in Tos ronto during a rush hour, Other Editor's Comments ------ MODERN WAR (Veom the London Star) I wader wir it bs not armies that wre mobilized, bur natlons, and it mw uf mgortapt now military sense to starve or bombard the women who ire making shells in the fagtory us to kill the soldiers who are firing the shells, Jt Is ns Important to cut off the feed supplies from the pegs who make the munitions us, i is to cut alt the munition supphes fram the firing line, War by the future will not be, and eannot be, more humane thin In the past; it must be lmmes surably more humane, for not only has the "ehulllan' ceased to exist in the wir sense, but the modern wear pons of war, the airplane and the submarine, wre especially adapted to enrry destruction beyond the theatre of war inte the homes of the peopls, THE PREACHER'S PROBLEM (Stratford Beacon-Herald) The Chatham News does not want the ehilcken supper to disappear from the ehurel susplees, It sees strung benefits from this very old institu thon, and says: "In Inet, In some churches, It is about the only time some church members have an oppor tunity to see their fellow-members in these days of lax churehogoing There must be something in thes speciut turnouts oy plow OECASIUNG that Is enough to break the heart of the minister, He works well through the week | tries to apportion his tne 50 thet he will be fitted to appear before his people on Sunday morning and evening and then Hinds a good many rows ob empty seats nein in, THE MAN WHO WORKS (From The Hamilton Herald) Punishment is not sueh a detep rent as some sophiscated people poem to think, The heavier the punishments In former times the worke heoame the oerime Theva never was so much sheep stealing ne when men were hanged for the offense, The way to slop orimse Is Lo got people to work, "Hatan nds some mischiaf still for idle handy to do, This Is a quotation very frequently made hy people who do not stir a hand to get work for the fdle, Wa remarked the other day that a Hoclety for providing every man with & Joh was the kreates! organization that olvilisation re quired If there were work fo all and every man had a Joh there would be less orime, The men out of work would he the obvious oriminals and could be looked aft er the purpose of gain Is one of oul modern delusions Work Ws a necessity and the proatest hoon MAL POsKRORRGYE ----_ rr -- | Bits of Humor NOW IT CAN BE TOLD ' " and not 'Awomen,' Hobby UHecatine they sing hymns and not hers," PARIIAL Banka="How do you lke new cook?" Bhanks-'"Fing, only she gives the milkman the ohleken and gorves us the dressing," NO LET UP YI suppose now you are married your time of billing and cooing haa oeaned "Wall, the eooing but the billing ts as brisk as ever WHAT HE CAME FOR « Walter (hurrying to ocustomar who has heokoned him)e=1 have onlves' llver, plus' feat, oxtall Customer (leeitably) 1 don't ante. # darn for your physioal shorteomings! 1 oame here to eal youwy has cedsed i" THE NAME "What does your thesa days? What she Hkes," CARA what about youy YOh, he does what mother [an well" mother. do futhey liken ------ HELPFUL He And we will plope al mid night, HhosYeon, doar He-=And will you have all your things packed? Bho ure, My husband is pack Ing them for me now " UREMY Not long amo oman lying in this community saw an article inn mallsorder catalogue that he deold od ta buy, This wan ponsensed quite a stack of shekels and why body would he glad to sell him and oharge it He wrote the matloy der house thin: "Hand artiole, good, will send oheolk," In due time he recelved the fol lowing! "Send oheek, It good, will send artiole,"" -- nosy He wan spending his first tere at on hoarding pohiool and his pay ants anxiously awatted the arrival of hin fleet letter, It wan not vecelved far move thal & weak, sand It was short and to the point! shear Peaple~-1 don't think 1 shall ho able to send you many lat tors while, I'm herve, You neo, when things are happening 1 have W'totime to write and when they aren't happening, 1 haven't anys thing to tell you,==With love to all, Havey" A A ud tl soe 1 ig wk gh | The Living Breads=1 an tho living hie ad which came down fram heaven any man eat of this heead, he shall live for ever: and the bread that 1 will give 1s my flesh, which will give for the Nie of the workl==John G:31 Prayer "My spirit pants for Thee, O Live Wend" The Idea that work is enly tor | Jf wonder why they say 'Amen' | Bits of Verse A J. MALONEY, PRES. DENT OF THE PHILADEL. PHIA AND READING COAL AND IRON COMPANY, BAYH THAT when any shtustion has ronshed its "worst" stage, some thing good Is hound to happen, The explorer who has reached the South: Pole finds that he ean go nu inther Bouth, Any direction in which We travels on Yand or water must bi North, Bo It 1s when men say that affairs have reached thelr "worst, vherve can be no change but for the better! It Is doubtful whether any phils osophy can save the man whe throws up his hands st the first sign of trouble~who lays down his tools and quits the moment things begin to look black, Bush men are no credit to themselves or to business, and can only be classed as chron quitters," Yet 'there are other men, hard working and conscientious, wha en dure u long suceession of disappoint ments and reverses, seemingly die to no mult of thelr own, and whe do not quit until matters a PEAY Lo he at thelr "worst, To such men I would say, "Hang on-=there ean be ne 'worse' than 'worst,"" THE MAN WHO ACHIEVES SUCCESS, EITHER IN LIFE OR IN BUSINESS, I§ THE MAN WHO KNOWS THAT THERE I8 NO "WORSE" 'THAN "WORST That Body of Pours Oy James W_ Darion, M.D LIVER DIET FOR DROPARY When Banting and was while tu cure diabetes in thw Brest 118 Progress slim ated researan discovered insulin yullg and to ple, Iie er the wi ner pe {nen wl Pid Lg vestigate tne properties of insulin and is al et upon the vigans and tissues ol | youd And» we are learning almost f some other condition. in which ins | Toulin has be of service, Bunuany, | when Di jot and Murphy were lable to ol that a diet of Hyer a increase the mumber of red in the blood that the dread anaemia could be properties ol | would peorpusel Hhment pernicion | enred, Integest in the VEr Was aloused And from this dis Iq \ Wri that hver Is of use In a number of other eopditions 1 the hod Warkmn nthe dea that a dropsy (reenmulation of water in the [ tissues) while due (0 the kidneys not | | petting rid of this water, is reall eased | the faet that the liver 1a rid ol i researeh physician used the (0 bo doing ts work of getting Whale hiver diet in w severe case ol dropsy 1 he patient had a condition wm which the abdomen and lower limbs were greatly distended by water, Kx anination showed that. the Kidneys were anly getting rid of about one third of the normal amount of water Diva tests showed the liver to he at fault \linost alter the ad mintsteation of liver, the kidneys be and inerveased th Jha very Immediately Cae very active, output of urine by six times Next day, In ten days the amount of ver in the wis ureatly reduced, and in Hiftegn [days 10 was entively disappeared, | When the liver diet was discontin fwed the amount of urine thrown oft with Tiver treatments, insure | Hatweon the dead stars dropped below normal again, showing [ih it owas Hyer diet that removed the water from the Hssues Po those affected with dropsy, dui to wn defeative Hyver, this Hyver dict offers wreat possibilities, QUESTION OF RADIO CONTROL PENDING Government Makes no Move to Determine Broad Pol. icy Recommend:d Ottawa, Dee, 100=Other logislation has been considered by the Gaverns ment for the coming session but there {3 nothing yet about the radio ques Won, The eommnbssion's elaborate re port has heen stidied hy experts of the department and tts technical end {ts wholly approved but the broad pos Hoy must be determined hy the Gos ernment and it has not yet been done Meanwhile, the Haures show an Aas werense in radio apparently Nundreds being added weekly ta the Aal of usd Hetore long, the Government will he gettivg a half wilipn a year in license vovenua even tHough the fee 1 nominal It seems that mest of tha Proving ell Governments and other important hodies sangtion the nationalizing of hroadeasting hy the Daminion in oo aperation With the provinees, hut the opposition of private owners. and of vadio advertisers 1 not to he wind mized, When a comission witinately takes over the management of hrowl casting, there will be a greater regu lation than now and one which will he proposed will seek to. bar from operation fron Canadian ehannels the programs from records used hy firing ho at times represent that it noan actual fnsttumental or yoeal performance while really' it is only "eanned" musio projected on the ale HIENTA My sword js on the Upto) The ppanish malig is quiet; Mamma is on the davenport And Grandma's on a dist, Aunt Howe bridge Where wil our foes ean bes, And thers, in spite of cannon halls, Fhe drinks hey tiresome Les, The other grown-ips sit around With hooks upen thelr laps, And some wre taking chareos) pills And some are taking naps, And all you hear, throughout the ship, Are cups and sliver spoons , I wish | knew what pirates do On Bunday afternoons, «Weare Holbrook In the New York Herald/Tribuns, AN ODE T0 THY, SPHINX A red gold moon in a cloudless why, Bhed's o'er the plain » mystic Hight, A quiet, desp as the hush of desth, Nolan with unsceptred might, Remote from the world's vain clamor and stirfe, By the shore of u tideless sen of sand, I kneel st thy shrine-==0 conqueror of Times, Chungeless, of thy land, ' Mnjestic Sphinx! mysterious, ~prido of ages untold, to thee the dusk of yester Twilight Heoms hut night, Kings and dynasties, temples and thrones Pass as a fleeting light, As I kneel, | pray to Yahweh, my God, As millions have prayed to the gods of old} With a stony smile thou hast heard them all, Bilent, unmoved--as a tale that in told, Kternal Sphinx! Mary WHrookfield-Lowthian, RAINBOW Out of the grayness Hhone this lovely thing + + ++ Ho on dead houghs Do the nightingales sing, And from a drab earth Hweolest roses spring , + + « » Suddenly It came, Hut I could not nes Where It had begun Or where its end could be; Huddenly it shone there Heautitul for me, , Corb Homeone stole the yellow Of the daffodils, And the misty hlue ' From the far fading hills, And caught up the green The vipening apple spills; Homeone snatohed the red Of a sunsel's glow, The blushes from the thyift And the sun-warmed sloe, And robbed the woods Where the violets grow, And spun of them A dream, And hung It high And the clouds that swung by, Hung It In the gray And sullen sky, ARI in The Texan, Hnterprise ---- me Eye Care and Eye Strain by ©. N. TUCK, Opt. B \ (Copyright wh y NTHABINMUN, (MQUINT OR CHONNRYES) Part (7) The methods and vesults of treatment vary with the duration of the negleot and with the age, When not taken In (ta early stages more vigorous methods must be res sorted to and there Is less hope OF wuocess, It 1s not already wood vice to "walt and grow eut eof IL" There are some adults well Advanced In life who have not Frown out of it yet, What could Al one time have heen remedied In a shart time has grown intu perhaps w permanent deformity Had Byron heen living under the strain of the present day aotiys tes in every line 1 wonder would he have sald, "An eve's an eyw And whether black or blue It no mreat matter," Certain, 16 18 that with healthy Oyes we oan 100k. UpOR the world more happy and confident than if we are conselous. of seme error, This seitseonsolonaness of ours fa conveyed to our assoolates through the eyes and the title ia Justly earned, "The eyes are the windows of the soul" To Ne Continued Next Ween Hesumont, SEEK SUPERVISION OF al ELECTION IN HAITI Port Au Prince, Haitl, Deo, 16, A petition asking United States Haltlan presidential elections 1s helng drawn up ang' will he fore warded shortly, it was announced of the United States department of state at Washington, Andre Chevalier, resigned posts master-general fn the cabinet of Presldent Rorno, ana hia politigal Supporters are the moving factors behind the petition, dui of Which probably will be made public soon Noted Manufacturer Dies Hamilton ~Cyras A, Rirge, noted manufacturer and capitalist, died at whelf, is on the Captain's | | 00 Sropie-ForLong & @ BOMLS GRAIN 2 ot i sdf §. F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 Distinction alra -- . , terling allosy luminoys dial, time-hesper, Voguish wristlel with smart flex thls bracelel com plete for $35.00, The new Degueille De. sign in Community Plate; 26 piece sel in antique finish, Colonial Cabinet (Including De wns Slainless Knives) 17.75, Cabinel empiy may §¢ weed for sewing wae, glove box, ele BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner rR _ 7 | 4 - NOM Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA ~ TORONTO FARE~8§¢ LEAVE OSHAWA (Standard Time) LEAVE TORONTO he home here Saturday, He owas from a gramaphone, 82 years of age, AM, d7.00 d7,30 830 9.30 10,30 11,30 PM, 12.30 1,30 2.30 de=Dilly except Buniday, PM, 3.30 4.30 5,30 6.30 730 8.30 #.30 1030 el11,18 AM, d7.30 8,30 9,30 10,30 11.30 mM, 13.30 1.30 2.30 evNiniday PM, 3.30 4.30 8.30 630 7.30 8.30 9.30 10,30 11.30 only, Coach connections at Toronte for Barvie, Orillia, Midland, Schomberg, Orangeville, Brantford, Hams ilton, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Coach connections at Buffa'e for all U.S.A, paints, Tiekats and Intormat on at GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA Phone 2828 On ay be the uct of skilled eraftamen 4 o prod Don't be fooled in her, Use only Edison Manda Lamps, famous for thelr superior quality, a EDISON MAZDA LUNN IDE FROSTED J the other a chea buying lamps, imitation, LAMPS + A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT BOWRA ELEC IRIC SHOP 70 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 1078

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