Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO e DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 Yb oh bd he id bb bi bb Bowmanuille Daily: Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be reesived at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, 1 REPRESENTATIVE --B, H, BRAUND, OSHAWA 18 ACQUITTED ON NEGLIGENCE COUNT rer -- FOUND NOT GUILTY OF CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE AT BOWMANVILLF, Charge Arose Out of Ach dent in Which Arthur Bonnell Was Killed {Harold Braund, of ovlawn, Aviv ar of the -fatad cay in which Are 'thur Bonnell of Toronto was fatal ly injured, was dischavged when found not gullty of evimingl negh- gence haforn Magistrate Ward In Poliea Court In Bowmanville on Haturday afternoon, Hraund, who was represented by J, P', Mangan of Oshawa, asked the court that the trial he (reated as a preliminary hearing, Orown Attorney Kerr, who con- dueted the case for the crown, ealled Clarence MeCullough, ngs 18, of Pontypool in the Qox and questioned him as to what he saw of the aceident en November 11th, Accident Described MeCultlough stated that ha was viding on a wagon hetweean Fontys pool and BaJlyduff ahout 5.80 nm, on the day in question when he aw a oar come aver tha hill from the east, He thought that the oar was travelling ahout 20 to 86 miles an hour, The ear had passed the wagon when he was attracted Wy a noise and on turning he saw the or turning WpHida down in the diteh, Asked If there was a dog running beside the wagon, he sald there was, but he did not know just where the dog was at the tims of the aceident, He got off the wagon and went to the ear, whion ., 587 HERBERT MORTLOCK 0040 J A A found that some of the spoken were 40 moneln to dry vet, Ha paid It Lhe dog Wid not run away ul Lhe seeldent nov was It running 4 T Bl Wagon Driver Testifies Next witness called was Harry Taylor of Ponypool, wha wis driv: ing tha Fagor pi which MeCullough was posted, Telling hin yeralon of the affair, he sald that he was told by MeCullough that the war was coming and he pulled over wo one side to allow It to pass, When It had passed he saw Lhe dog run divectly in front of the ear snd pw tha ear wwerve as If to try to mies it, The next he saw was Lhe iy topple aver, He, too, thought thity they were not dviviug aver 40 miles per hour, He told the caurt that, allowing the aceident, ha.did not pee the dog for the spies of an hour but notleed that It was now lame when he did sen |i 5 Hit He did not examine it to see If IL was bruised, Asked hy defence counsel what he thought was the enuse of the seoident he sald that he atiris buted it to the dog running In front of the ear, The only other witness called was County Constable Thompson, who made an Investigation op the afternoon after the wecident, He showed Lhe court the spoke of the broken wheel and explained how ha thought the aecldent oeeurred, He sald that although the ear was #1014 model it was In good June chanieal shape and he did not (think that It was the fault of the car that the seeldent peourred, The evidense of Dv, Rundia of Oshawa concerning the eause of death was vead hy the Crown, Hon ell "died, It sald, on November 16 from paral seis of the cevahral ver tehrate, whieh was caused from a broken neck No Negligenee Bhaown Mr, Mangan, in reviewing (he cane, stated that the witnesses fo) the Crown had not shown any thing that might have heen negll gent, and It looked as though the oar, In endeavouring to pull onto the road after passing the wagon had broken a wheel and had oap wlged, "This aceldent,' he sald, "must he placed of unavoldahle aceldents,' MANY TRANSIENTS AT THE LOCAT JAI in the eategory | ™ Nine Spent Last Night Hers, Breaking Record of Many Years Reflagtions of the amount of uns smployment. in Ontario ave ween in Bowmanville by the fact that ree: ovds ava helng broken hy the num her of men who each night wre waving tn the local Jalil for hss tar, Last night nine men spent the night theve whieh Is the most thig winter and in fact the high ail numbey for FOme years, Bvery night th the past week there has heen an shinoermal num her but last night capped the week and eonstituted a vecard for the town, When The Times represen tative called at the jail he was nr formed hy the men themselves where some of them had travelled from in the past week in search ol work, Home had coma from Quas hee City and others from Monire ul, whila some had came from the West and each had & hopeless (ale 10 tell of tha unemployment In the section from which they eames, When ane family was told of the number of men in the Jail, they immediately made up some sand: wiches and warm tea and had I taken to them, Heldam have men mend In such a short Wine wadd that 1 was the first time that any person had done that In a town where no provision Is made for transients, Bowmanville is willing enough to keep them aver night hut nothing 1s done In the wiy of providing a meal as In Part Hope and other cenives, 01 pourse, the town has 8 big enough problem on Hs hands In keeping Its own townsfolk from slarving and would find It a hard task feed Ing translent vilstors THREE BANQUETS. AT HOTEL FRIDAY put Away # The men re ------ Intarest in the work of the associ tom, ' Ab night the Goedyesy Tire and Rubber Company held a get-togeths or hanguet aud danes, about eighty witing down to a sumptuous din ner, Baveral members of the ex sentive of the head office in To ronte were dawn for the evening nd wll spent a splendid eveniug, Aller the dinner was over howe wha caved adjourned to another atm and danced to the mise of in fivesplece grehestvn while others indulged In enchre tn the dining room, The gathering hroke up shortly after midnight after un fine wholal evening REPEAT CONCFRT FOR WELFARE, FUND Public School Pupils Present Program Again Tomer. row Night The publle gehoal concert, which played to two full houses las woek, ts to ha repsated In the Op era House tomorrow night in ald af the funds of the Community Wellare Committees, An appeal wis mada last week hut the answer fram the genera) public has not heen an geherons as IL might he Funds and clothing are urgently needed to carry on this humaniiny on work and It fe hoped hat"the Opera House will again he filed Los morvaw evening to help those whe wee unfortunate enough to he lnek Ing In thamecessition of Hie at this soason of the year 1920 Council Holds Last Meeting Tonight | he town eouncll meets tonight for the last (hima this year and It In expected thet the meeting will he a prolonged ona as there 1s a great deal of business to he wound Up far tha yea) Along the lems that will he discussed tonight ura the by-law for the purchase of the local Hydge plant and the sppoint ment of 9 third cogptuhle The Balmoral Hotel Was Scene | of Bustling Activity on That Day » loft far the aber 1s expected to he the cause of enn dobate, but from roportg gleaned fram redatle sour Ht understand that 1 1s doubt ful whether thers will an nn potntment made by this eounell and it is aspeected that it will he tn decide fderahl lif new egounetl nenson, and the boyy sve proud of thelr new "monies, The Hnecip of thin team for the your In the strongest in ts hisiory and 1 Iw expected Lo go even fay her tn the league his season than they did last, There 1s to he no slopping nt the second group this year, Ig the general ides of the players and the (rainsr, Bome great games ave sxpecied helween the Oshawn Blmeoss, ony most for midatde vivalg, and the home Inter mediate (or the Oshawa (Bem are wien of tha option that they have the strangest 1ine-up they have had for some years WHITBY FIVE PRISONERS 0°70 KINGSTON Men Sentenced For Serioiis Offenses Have Begun Their Terms i i | i Fide men sentenced to terms In the Portsmouth Penitentiary, Kingaton, for serious offenses have been taken to the Limestone City, On Friday, four men, Luther Vis eo, Pigkering, sentenced wt the Hes slan ta four years "William, Whi caiphe, Boot township, three years and six months 1 Edward Rummer field, Mariposa Townshi yy four year und six months and ihr Harr! son, of Oshawn, three years wid sly wanths, were taken to Kingston ww hein thelr terms, On Baturday John R Parry, ot Whithy, wha will serve seven years, five Jor serious offence against his daughter, and two for attempting to groape from the Caunty macl, was taken to Kingston There are still several sentenced tn Prison ters slaying wl the gaol, They include Frank Buono econvieted al wianisbaughter) Fro Plowes, of Beaverton, sentenced fom robbery and trying to gaol, and Herbert Harrl eed Lo twa years for a COUNCIL. HOLDS PEIRONETR eacape from fhe I -- ed for 1.80 Instead of eight elask inn the evening, It will be ane of the ones sesmions of the entire yenr, Town clerk und (reusirer John I Frost, will present hls annus) hingn einl statement showing the recelpis and expenditures of the year up un til Degember Lith, The statement, i is learned, will he very favoralie, Consideration of the statement wil aby eaunells wtiention lor song Hie, I'he gomnell will pass i bylaw Sets ting up the machinery for the ane nual munielpal elections he name inabions wil take place on Monday, December 3th, and the elections & week Inter, Conmiderstion will he given ta seve eral hvluows, including one having te da with the fee system now, in fores in the Paliee Department, This ays tem, 1 In sald, miny be permanently ailished this year, The counetl will be guests of May ar and Mrs, Dudley #6 supper after the council session, UNITED MAKES PROGRESS i,, SAYS DR. BRYCE A well Alled auditorium greeted Wey, Lr, Peter Bryee, general begs rotary of the Missignary and Main tenines Fund, at the United Chureh, ult Bunday morning 203828 Wending from Matthe Pir, Bryee took far his hel the weds "Whasaever will he BPE! minong you, let him be your minister," The speak er brought a cheering message of progress, ta the peaple, wot oply in the Home Mission work of the ehureh but alsa in the foreign Aelds Dir, Bryee deelaped that the spirit al fellowship, whieh had heen such an important factor In the progress of the ehureh as a whole, must be eon tinued if the programme for the yeas wits (0 ho carried to a wsueeessiul culmination An anthem, with tenor soloist, was chal Huy Ay} Wiehurds, WD, the minister, tack the morning serviee in street Untted ehproh, Osh Hey, | Harston, LL, he Arthur Lynde as rendered hy the NGET wi ng 1 TOKYO BEING AMERICANIZED In Ha resonstruetion following the carthaguake Tokyo, Japan, 18 bosom HE an Anieriean dity, Amerioan buss ens Ideas are being sarried out hildings and in methods Wide treets are replacing the old narrow LARGE SURPLUS 15 ANNOUNCED (Continued from page 1) Vosues during the pust year, The tren surer declared that this excellent h nancial condition would simplify greatly the fingneing of the 193) debit retlvement payment and new obliga ton undertaken with the adoption of ARE pensions, The procsesmionnl statement, whigh wis ingugurated by Hon, W, H, Price when he was trensurer, 1a an advance sumniary of the budget that Lrought down during the legislnture's season and is shorn of the hydget's detall, It presents the departmental totals of revenue and expenditure with eomment by the (rensuier, asoline Tax Largest among the revenue ners ses shown by the various departments wis that of the py Myhways department, $8,20812050, "his 1h arensg was largely due to the added revenue galned from metorists hy the twascent rise in the gasoline tax, The otal revenue of this department was 17,016,125,24, Next largest was the Increase In re venue shawn by the provincial trea surer's department which colleets the sueeension duties, An Inerease of §4, AAR200 85 win ween here, Third highest among the Inereasvs in revenue wis that marked by the attorney-peneral's depart ment thyouph which the liguer cantrel hoprd's revenue cones Ino the ernment, This department Mowe Ineredse of BIORK000, It was slated that this was due mainly to lguor gantral profits whieh however, were not disclosed, only the department tatal helng shown Incrapsed axpendiinres were show by the department of education where school grants rose, Lh hore win BEE0000, There wus an in prose of $450.000 Fn lands wind tor ests expenditure, dae (to Yhe heaviv gant of Bre ranging In the New On aria forests, where the five hasard last season was the worst for many years, Public highways, through ad dittenal repalr expenditure dug to al ditional roall mileage, showed an Mh grease of $277.000, while mothers' ul lawanees rose BHIG000 and there wus a prant of $0000 to the research foundation Chief Points in Biatement Chief points of the V8 pre-ses donal Ananeli! statement lasued oy or the week end by Mon, br, J, D Monteith, provinelal treasurer, are as follows i Surplus for 1989, $2,507 000 fy mn I ST | Married Womay Fears Gas «Eats Only Baby Food "Vor & years | ate only baby food, wverything eles formed gis, Now thinks te Jl Fibs, | eit guything and enjoy Iie «Mes, M, Cun Just ONY, spogniul = Adleriks ye Neves all GAB so yon ean eid ind sleep better, Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel removing palsons yo never kiew sere thers and which eased your stomagh treubile Na wigtier whit yuu have tried fo mach and bowels, Adlerikas will sure prise youl Jury & Lovell, Lid, drug Hint lm Investments in Hydro, roads, ele, live Ineremsed ba 11k HECEERRIY §%» pansion of public services and there hy oeeusigned mors expenditures, Buoyancy of existing revenue sous ues will greatly pi Po the inane ing of 1980 debt retirement quai and the new ald age pension ohligation Increased vavenus aver 1928; Fram public services and natural resaurees From interest on Invest ment " $46,000 Inerensed expenditure over 1928 On publie services $1,081,000 On debt charges | 832,000 Obligations of leh retiremenk scheme fully discharged, DUNBARTON MAN DIES OF INJURIES 1) $5,776,000) (Continued from pau the Arviver had taken the truek an ta Torento to secures ald to vepaly the teallar, which had heen had lv damaged In an seceldent with Mallets tax! of Oshawa that njght, he foree of the impact threw Me (Hashan aut onto the highway, He pustained severe Internal injuries, and there was litle hepa held ons far hin vecovery from the fivet, An amergency operation performed at the 1oeal hosptial, although suas ponful In Heelf, falled to save his ie MoCiashan was as on of Thomas Metiiashan of Dunharton, The fas thar as well as his sons, John and Allan, oneprate MoCinshan's Trans port of Dunbarton and Oshawa, in whieh Leonard MoGHiashan was alee interested, Ha was one of the heat known men in the Dunbarton diss friet Keeord year in the history ef On taria's Ananees, Baluneed hudget plus in ite history High prices obtained for hond la sues during tight money perind ry fleet an enviable eredit and eve row ing sonfidence mm Ontario's Aingnee Payment for. serviees is the prin giple upon which revenues are hase Less than 4 per cent, of the entire revenues derived fram general taxa Hon, : No additional tax except twq cents inerease on gasoling for 19 Auto markers' out will reduce re venue in 1930 hy about $2,000,000, was' a Ford, and he saw the des fendant and a man named Balter and another named CGihson, Mr, Bonnell was still underneath thie ear at the time, ie helped the latter out and asked him how he talt and was (old by Bonnell that he had no feeling, He helped to put him on & truck and he wag Laks en to a farm nearhy, Under oross: examination he stated that the speed of the ear was reduced on aps prosching the wagon and thew was room for it to pass, There was a shallow dite on elther slde of the gravel read, only ten Ineher deep, He notlead that ene wheel was hroken and on examining It Mr, Kerr, In summing up for the Crown, said: "Unless | felt that a committal would bring » gonvietion, T would not press for a gommittment, and I think that the evidence shows plainly that there wid no negligence, 1 therefore leave It to your worship te de olde," The aceused was then discharged by the magistrate, nes, and modern practienl bhutldings wre of Ameriean design he new Last Priday was a busy day for AJ, Wadhams, the proprietor af | the Balmoral Hotel in Bowmanville | far, during she course of the day, | ha entertained about 170 people at | three different hanqguets, AL noon forty members of the Rotary Club held thelr regulary weekly luncheon and simultaneously the Durham Holsteln-Frestan Association held fta annual banaue with an attend ance of 45, The report of the so ploty, given during the course of the dinner, showed the orgies Prof, Ropers of Boston claims that bridge 18 the lawest depth to whieh & man can sink, When playing oards wa do not care for thane shallow davepnaris, either, Bring the Professor 8 higher ohalr, Detroit News and largest sur Howmanvitle intermediate hooks | ay team has taken on 8 new dignity { sinea the new sweaters and socks | have arrived fhe new waemonts | are & brelght rod with hiue steipes and the stoekings will mateh ihn most notieeabla thing 18 the legend an the breast of sach sweater Om tion ta be In a vary flourishing eons | a Mamond 18 Inseribed the dition, with an Inevease In mem ward YBHEIKHE'" the name hy barship and a greater showing of [| which the team will he known (his A machine has heen Invented to test the 'noresity of parachutes," That sounds about as Necessary As a devies to test the ohorousity of phorus girls, or the peanuttiness of palition, ==New Orleans Times Ploas yunes A man In Atehison, Kansas, ean play a ukulele with his toes, Thin Is an advantage, leaving the hands free for palf-defence,--Datralt Times, Whithy 1 for ia fNnak session of the year ing ta the many matters to be posed af, the session hus been val INTERMFDIAYES am SHINING IN THEIR FINAL MI FTING Marinounieht bullding, with ad ) 4 + : cades, In mueh like. many In New NEW RED UNIFORMS Vork, Chicago and other American [ities Mosler elevators, operated hy Heavy Docket of Business digpatehers in uniform, earry Japan a a0 business men ta up-to late aMees Will Be Transacted vere vpew mire operated hy Hap " pers, in short skirts, rattle out 4 new This Afternoon tome in Japanese eammercial life p Autannatie telephones are helng In talled and subway and street ear sere wit eounell meets today {vices dre rapidly heing extended, The Ow: | oleotrie train service between Tokyo dine Land Yokohama is & revelation in Ja pan's snlele of resonstruetion White rr ----__,n, I _,, - wn - i" . EO ODO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO ROR RONO OOOO LRQOOORE Dewland's Gift News! " WITH MANY ITEMS OF NOTEWORTHY SAVINGS --. -- LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, 30 PAIR Children's Silk Lingeri STE BLE 30 and Bie qualities, Reduced to pale |, GREETING CARDS TO CLEAR AT HALF PRICE * * At Outstanding Prices Beautifully made from very fine Silk Rayon BO boxes with 18 In a box, Regular 81,00 fog 00 '49¢ hoy Silk Vests and Bloomers, 2-6 years » Silk Vesta and Bloomers, 8-14 vears Silk Combinations, 2410 yrs, Silk Slips, 2-14 yrs, Night Gowns, 8-14 yrs, ... . Pyjamas, 2 to 6 yra,. $149 8to 14 | - x to Shipment of NEW PURSES mple range of Hand Wags and Purses in novelty styles, Values that would sell at 88.00 to 88.50 ordinarily, Very Npecial 99c¢ SILK BEDSPREADS, $6.98 Kytra lavge sive SUK Hpreads, | n colors Rosa, Green, Blue, Gold, Apreads that have heen selling at 88,78 ta 810.00 $6 98 Grouped at one price ooo . CHILDREN'S CASHMERE HOSE, 49¢ and 69¢ Pair Light and dark sand tones and black, In sises & to 10, Made of pure Cashmere yarns with just enough cotton added 49 10 give extra wear, Niges up to Tia at PARAL AY 9c SERRE ERED 6 c Nios 8 to 10, ' WATSON'S SUPERFINE LINGERIE REDUCED The finest quality they make with a de lustered finish, 98 Vosts regular $1.85 for th Cc $1.49 Bloomers Regular $1.75 tor MEN'S HAND INITIAL HANDKERCHIJEFS MEN'S FANCY SILK HANDKERCHIEFS REDUCED Faney Silk Handkerchiefs divided into two selling 49 EVOWDS AR TORIAY TIO And THO TOR 3 vias Cc Rog de and $1.88 toy AALAAALIARARAMAARILALAAAAARNY i I "MEN'S SILK SCARF, 81,79 88 only to sell, Fancy Silk and SUK and Wool Bears in white and colors, Regular 81,08 to B08, Ong, price at 1 $1 79 . 49¢ 89¢ 98¢ INFANTS' COATS, $3.78 Rose, Blue and White Tah Hear Conta, Bison 1 3 0 8 Regwiar $4,008, Speci PAYA EA A 3 MISSES' KID GLOVES, $1.80 Pai Fine French Kid Gloves in Band and Tan hades, Wises 0 ft 18 to 16 years, Bxceptional value, Pale |, LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE, 79 A splendid wearing Hose With added warmth ter oold winter days, Make an ideal Ohvistinas wife, Colors, Gunmetal, Toway, Nude, loss, Grey, Champagne, Sand, AN sles 813 10 40, 79¢ PME ananassae LEE GIRLS' SPORT HOSE, 79 PAIR Fine Ohook Patterns dn an exceptional quality, A BO 8k and Wool Sport Hose for gol, Blass Tig to Oh, 79 PY A regular BADD quality. Special Chalstwmes number ¢ wn 80 «31,98 $3.78 PANNE SERRE $1.80 Aa IRISH LINEN LUNCH SETS Something different in des sign and in sizes that are $1.18 Garment useful. Made from Pure Irish Linen in damask de: | | PENMAN'S PREFERRED 4 : EN signe With deep horder of : LEAT Nii MEY hive, wold, rose, green, | RITA | | i Natural wool vest with long Homatitehod all around, sleeves and drawers to || © Cloth 34 x 34 with 6 nap: Tuesday Sale 79¢ box mateh, Siges 36 10 42 kine. PENMAN'S HOSE FOR CHILDREN Novelty hoxed handkerchiefs, 3 in ahox, Regular $1.50 and $1.75, | $3.50 and $3.95 The. Hueah aid hy Aga Jit poaitie up Comes sither | Selling Christmas $1 18 Clot $4 = 70 wih 4 Na \ nw Pare or Slik A \ In " 80¢ v $1.15 wm il Regular 8% ta $1.00 values, $4.00 | Tuesday, box 1.4 an | Week ht, garment 79 Clo AM to 10 Prod Ab iii -- Cl N WATSON'S FINE WINTER UNDERWEAR REDUCED Vest looters ARM Dravers, Watson's ftnost winter olath Made from fine Count Pure Trish Linen with hand embroids DEWLAN Li A. t Women's Natural Wool Vests and Drawers reduced to | AAR AAAANA LARA AY TAA AL LAAN Ll} "wa AANA ARE RER RY nw oo LR 1) hh qeity A RC WO ean we 0 Rive entive ered initials, | REE 35¢ or 3 $1.00 WwW. Juaidtut " Regie WA te "hae, w weed to 98¢

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