Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1929, p. 10

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Jes oun The VFAWA DAILY HIMES, oa MUNDAY, DECEMBLK 10, 1749 I SN FAkak | EN PRINCE OF WALFS BECOMES NOTED AS AN ORATOR Meir To Theone Capable of Origine! and Interesting Speeches ! Langan, Dee, Yin The Prince of Wales who for many years had an wate dislike top speaking fn pub: He, has now become ene of the | West orators in the country hath in the matter of hls discourses and in the manner of his delivering them, His speech on Novembey 10 at the dinner ta members af "Fhe Most Hnviahle Order of the Vie Loria Cross' to nae Kis own phrase, was, in partientar, hatled through aL the eountiy Ag a vemarkably fine performance; wid Englishmen ave. especially happy to think that, unlike many of thelr leading pers aonalities, the Prinea 1s usually the ehief---and often ha poles= author of his own oration, Natupally he seeks information from the seevelpript on #ome of the thousand and one toples on which Jie 18 eontinually ealled wnon to spel, and weleomes sigs gostions as tg how the subject may ha hest appropehed; hub' on & Mis joplty= of oconslons on whieh & Alreet, hinnan utterance on & non technionl subject 1s vequived, 16 1s the Prince himeelt who 18 vespon gible for ane composition of the apeech whieh he delivers yen, ton, where a technieal of toon) issue 18 Involveds==an Ads dress ta the gathering of eleelrig fans, mudieal men, printers oF members of some othey profession, ar at the opening of soma loeal exhibition ov agrleultural show the Prine does not mevely vepeal, mrrol-like, information that has es guppliod him by hig nilviseys, blit makes gure that he himself is Bd ponversant wih at'any vite the elements of whatevey sub Jeet is In question, and never fale to impart somg wholly Indly dual and human tolgh to his dis ablivse that 1s the product of his mind and his alone, A further Hustration of his 1n dividual methods in speash-mak fgg 1s piven hy tha fact that even when ypeading a prepaved niddvoss he will often thraw down his mans useript an the table half-way through an ovation and proeead Lo va the vest of 1 extemporaneaiss bh a practice whieh, Ineidentally, causes a cortadn amount of anguish i newspapevmen, who ava Halle Wh find that some impoviant ad pene, us actually delivered, differs idely trom the advance eoples of he speech that have been sent | GIRL GRAVEDIGGER BUSY Regent reports showing that ¥ag dnd has enly one wird pvavedigner fis brought pretty Miss Maggie Wegman inte the limelight, Maggie ails as pravedigmer, verger, dlerk of records, hell ringer and offeial Tues tatum at the eight=hunddedsyear old parish ehureh at Normanton, Rhe li o one Il a stone Foliage Joining hpehyird, as did five previous HH of ehureh fanitges fn the an family, Bhe has dug many sires whd has attended 500 waeriaye delebrations, livery Sunday the wir! helps! to ring the three hells in the ohureh tower, and also pings the bells for the weddings, Maggie suc eeeded her father ta' the position when he died five yearitago elt Bros. rst hog 12 Simeoe St. South / For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Himeoe Ni, 8 w= We Deliver mr AR OPTOMETRINY 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people weap with utmost comfore Hare's Fanltless Lenses a Hp DIAMONDS MAJOR LOCKIE I, BURWARKH Has Just veturned to civilisation after spending over thves youve in the Avetie, part of whieh time he devoted (a a study of Phe omens ab and around the noth mngneils pole, rrr REGULAR ARMY OF UNITED STATES 18 130.957 STRONG Annual Report Gives Fig ures as Prepared by Late Secretary Good Washington, DG, Des, 14 In the annual report of the War Des partment, prepared hy tha late Becrelary James W, Good, Jus before 1WY4 fatal iliness, the slvensth of the vagular army Was placed at 100,087 men as on June BO last, Theve were 10,800 men In the alr eorps and army plete flew EEN BAE hours AUving the year, an inevense of A0.G48 hours ayer the previous year, The National Guard, with a strength of 176,088 was In a "most gratifying' eandition, he pald, Theva were 118,707 names on the Offipars Hesarve Corps 1st while the Heserva Officers Train ing earns had heen aecaplted hy the eountry as a desivable eon tribution to good eltigenship A section of the veport dealt with the work of rescue and Bs slatanve performed hy the #rmy Auring the » which Ineluded lavea expenditures fram Army altaves for tornado victims anid sufferers from other disasters In mang paves of the world, Hupplies valued at BREA, 766 were furniahed ta the Porta Hlean hurricane sul fevers alone 1) Wea alwaye Heht our elgarelie with one of the new hills, prefer ahly the one for the radio, Life TIME TABLES Ehdddrinkirbd did dbdd ddd, ¢ FR TIME TABLE Effective Bept, MW, 1805, (Brandard Time) IME TABLES Going Went £45 am, Dally (Except Bunday) 6.48 5. Daily BAU won Dally (Exeent Bunduy) Pb DAY (eaeger Sunday) 1} al hal BOER RURERRN Goi Ean 10.08 a.m Pally a ) wy Daly (Bsespt Bunday) 8.04 pom. Dally (ESeept Sunday) ih 1 mom, Dally (Basent Batusday), 03 am Dally ere -- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Efestive Sept, 30, 1030 TEaviard vise) Easthann ", Bally Sacer Bunday, Wy Sunday esly, Yajlvy n daily sree Sunday, iy, sxpept whiny qui, eacept Bunday, Wily, ad wily, sneapt Batuiday, thewnd oe Dally, Mityy Helly, eaeept y Div, 1 Hh Hi : ¥ Vatly, Sunday, fut Wada yy W saoept sean ¥y DRY enesnt Bunda, Daily, excent Bunda, Whithy, Oshaw p---- dl RT eee FEFFEEFF PEP¥F Sxmizmiey PPI PPPeeSs £2 375357535580 LINDSAY POPULAR 1S AMBASS 10 10 UNITED STATES Washington Regards Him As a "Big, Good-Natured Scotsman' Washington, D.C, December 14 wefily Hopald Lindsay, new Britheh Ambassndor to the Untied Minton, 16 remembered fn Washing ton a8 mn "hig, gootsnatired. Beoly man'! with a marked Hiking for Ameriean peaple ani American (lnm, Velarmns of the Blate |e partinent, who knew him when hs WAH Undep-seersiary here uring Ihe Roosevelt administration snd wenn ne counnellor of the embassy, why thal wo other envoy of Great Hettain, with (he possible, exe: tion of Viscount Bryee, has had so great nn Amira ion for our oles toms and ehnvaoterigtiog, With friendships wivendy ostah Haped with old-timers' In the glite depariment und among (hs diplomats of othey nations station wl hare, 10 will he mara ov less Hike coming homa for Bly Honsld when he wevives in Pehruary to sieosed od Bly Weme Howard, Biv Honald's prepaid wile 18 the former Kies beth Bheviman Hoyt, datighter of of the late Colgate Hoyl, of New Bates 1H BIMCOY WY, BOUTH York, "fhe fret Lady Linduny wis Murtha, duughter of former Ben way 4, Donald Cameron, of Vennys wivanin and & great soplel tevors fe, Hho dind in 1918, Praduet of the worlds greatest "Hulahing sehool"' in statecrafl, the Woitish mplomatio services, ha houry un impressive Hist of honorary tition and In nt the crest of & ors aay of extraordinary distinetion nnd variety, vf bo 18 4 membay of # family of the gid Heeliish nobility Iie brother fe (he twenty-seven ih Burl of Cyawford-=he Is den vibed ax 4 man wlliar tn type tu the grant commoner, Ttamany Mie 1onsld, und hin appointment is be CHoved Lo ha the premiers own se leotion, Biv Hondld sniered the diplomatic warviea ul the wags. of #1 and wpent four years of his young manhood nl Bt, Petershirg in the degeling court duys of the agariviie dynasty There followed twa yes Al Peheran, the exotls ety of the whahs of Varsln, He then game Lo Washington When the wrenious Nuady wus the Whit House 0 eupant wand sxponent af shit leave' diplomney Wines then ha ward wstundily / han moved up wut he bocame wiute, the highest post for uw ear our man' In the British diplomatio warvies, And now he 1s coming to Washington, CANADIAN M.P, GIVEN WELCOME IN BERMUDA Hamilbon, Bermuda, Ded 4 Catone) "Thomas Cantley, representing the constituency of Vietow In the Canndinn Varkigment, was welcomed it the Begmuda House of Assembly during WY short winy hers In the course of We tour through the West Indies on the stegmer Lady Hawking, which also eurried Thely Vaueellenche the GovernorLienersl of Canad and Viscountess Willingdon, Wey, W, 1, Hurlow, Termerly © New Clusgow, Nova Beotin, home permanant Undorpsaretinry uf tawn of Col, Cantley, welecimed the s Checkec oy A visns A BT latter when he disembarked here, Col, Cantley wig then escorted to the House of Assembly and welcomed by Hom, J, 1, Hand, OBE The Canndian Member af Parliament {ols lowed the proceedings with keen ine ferant from u sent next to the speaker, No Amariean over fHily Is ever comfortable anywhers in Wurope Greapt In normal summer weather, William Lyon Phelps, ELLA CINDERS Wanted: » Hero fA JW rue / | Fag V d ne PRODUCTION SAFE 5 WOsY | Temi TEAL BY THE WA TWEE ESTING | MY JOB WENT How I ll by Mevopaiiion hy rR) LP " | | 7) A : / AY Vv f Wee [a ib / 5 Far OF Cappright 195 pel Berviee » By Bill Conselman snd 1110 A A gta pf 7 C FELLING TOMMY ls te ana TELL ME ABOUT THE FLAG Of THE ARGENTINE | me Pn THEIR NATIONAL BANNER YAS DEVISED IN REPUBLIC DADDY, Ril 1812 | , TOMMY, ft a bl, As GENERAL BELGRANO IT HELPED TO FREE tn -- ECUADOR, CHILE BOLIVIA AMD PERU, THE FLAG HAS THREE STRIPES, SiCY-BLUE AT THE TOP AMD BOTTOM AND WHITE If THI CENTER, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELD 15 A GOLDEN REPRESEN MAB HE FLAG OF ARGENTINA 15 SOMETHING MORE THAN MERELY THE MATIONAL FLAG OF THE REPUBLIC UNDER THE LEADER SHIP OF GEMERAL DE SAM MARTIN AND TATION OF THE SUN wow L"] - IF ARGENTINA £31812, tHE CONGRESS OF TUCUMAN FOR MALLY RECOGHAZED 11 AS THE STAMOARD OF THE HEY ARGENTINE REPUBLIC THEN CALLED, "INE UNITED PROVINCES OF THE RIO DE LA PLATA, 00, King Features Ayndieats, Ine, Great Briain tights mesrved 0 -- -- RE. DADDY 1 ARGENT) BETTY, *yrgmmes a I) \ GME MI TWESE, Places CAF ABADING WEM Bee NHWEH TD CHOOSE A SANSA, Tp! AT LD PUT IM CHARA ME ALL ABOUT THE FLAG OF Charlie Plumb CARTING OPFMES, THERL'S HOT ON OF A FART OM A Mill POND | HUH! YOU AN DADDY HAD BETTER QUIT CHEVIING THE RAG 50 MUCH Arf GET YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DONE! WS La A T---------- OLD NA, BRINGING UP FATHER influ ¥ 1216 le | @ READ My Paper i A | WOLILDM Y A bo DARE Da Tis BIW at) Poniume Bervien, bag Grant Brnam rahi reserved I -- ------ Th NICE YO Be ALONE FOR A CHANGE LL GO INTHE PARLOR YO \ xg" MAS YY NWT HOME So - A Jf fini By Geo, McManus DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE of » i Wing PRATER Binion, to rent Io sighs aired --- a Bi WH GAM Tia RESCUE Dally MN ato ll A IT MUST Be Tee VINRET Dod Even ro -- a sy NN ~ ay) Lal Ae «By Grace G, Drayton LISTEN THE Doda» (LITO | INGORE 1% SAYING, Wool | woop | rw a iam Polly AND CoMpy DD NOT KNeow = THEY ThoUaWT "ThE AAD FAIRY HAD HMGOEN Dally IN MER CASTLE RURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sis, A WICKED FAIRY HAD GNANGED Bolly) INT AN UG FROG: BECAUSE SHE Adie THE BAD FARY'S CHERR\ES BACR= THE WIRKED BARRY SAD Meine MB THE SMALLEST, DOG IN THE WORLD FORAY AND CoMpy WENT BAD ™ THE POND AND AN UGLY BP od AND WE Wik SER" Y CHAVE "THEM A WALNUT = AND GAVE IT TO THE FAIRY PFZF a Pp gut = 2 RR 1206] 8pm 830 pow, py \Whithy Hoa ah " SUNDAY ARRAY SCHEDULE © " ive } i He aw - -- a Boys' All Wool Wind: Al $1.95 [} L480 hf SOMINION CLOTHING CQ on KING TW, 1 hone R141 We Bellver TILLIE THE TOILER WO UEERE™ WAVE WOU [atm 7 MES Wi | ORNINAS PARER For bd ANY TH # ag V We( R WRAL) - FEIT ET IIE Tsese FEEFEF9977 THERE MURY BE BOMETHING CHOICE (Ml THERE 'TLATY WOU WANT ME REAR THI, TILL AR "THR LONE DRESS PUTS A GIRL 2A A DIS ADVAN TAS 1 IN HATH = SPEED BUSINESS ToDay AW IY IMPEDES HER ACTIVITY AW THR EXCA\TEMENT MISTER whippLe § sy WATCHES UR SPRCIALYY it ~~ ah not mivlng satisfaction we OAR vepalv and make 11 te) the eprreet tHe D. J, BROWN THE JEWELER Otielanl Wateh Tuspectar for Candiian Matianal and Osh away TOR 10 King =8 VW. Phone 180 Li) Ll L PPSTES 23EFPEEF Ed 2

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