PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 AWA SIMCOES HOCKEY TEAM HAS INTERESTING HISTORY Oshawa Siimcoes Prepare For Their Second Season In Intermediate O.H.A. ri £ ; 'Are Being Held i Regularly With About Fifteen Players Trying, Out For Positions The following information about the Oshawa Sincoes gives some lie Kresting {ucts goncerning the history { the team, It gives a brief oui fine of thelr career from a Church gugue team up until the present time when they are about to launch upon thelr second season in the Intermed iste OHA, The Bimcoes have gath- ered a smart bunch of "Hickory Wielders" for this campaign and they sro looking for a good year, At pre- sent they have the following tryin put for thelr tem, Garrison, Smith 3 id Melnully, Walton, Johnson, El tt, Bulsom, Delray, Burr, Atkine oy Brenning, Vervy and Davidson, Out of these boys, Manager Found and Coach Constable hope to be able to plek w winning team, and » team that will give the hockey fans of Oshawa some real hockey, Oshawa Simcocs have made some big strides this year, For the past 5 yeurs the Simecoes have gradually been improving until this year the management think that they have tos other the fastest Intermediate OH, ae teams that has ever represented Ta i 2 ¥ this ely, It was only a few years ago that the Simeoes were flaying Sunday School hockey and every person would give Foundie the laugh but In sticking at It he has secured an O11, \, team of high calibre, The Simcoes hold now the Junior und Senior Sun diy School league champlonships and wlso the Senior City league cham plonship, They aro now out after the Intermediate OHA, champlons Ships and the whole city Is hoping that they will fret It, During the long duration of the Simeoes there hus been many men connected with the tewm, The man hat deserves a great deal of credit nd who Is not In the city now ls ack Smith who cached the team n the years 1026:27.28, Jack made U%he statement once that he would Hike to see the Simeoes In OHA, gompany and the management hus 4 now made his wish a fact, The following Is an outline of the personels who are handling the Sime toes this year, Dave Found, Manager, Dave has een with the Simcoes since 1918, Wave at that time played and mans ged the team, Dave hasn't played uo .. RHEUMATISM HAD . HER HOBBLING "ROUND ON CRUTCHES But both Pain and Crutches went out when T-R-C's came in ER Yotmn Mrs, rio, waa, sm tor rd ar on yO One ed et Ba 1) ( po] Jmpleton bos ped an od ma . 80. " husband (Mrs, k ey ink 11 Gym! 1f the hb me." the d A 10 or "le y ; shoul W AWAY (he erutches writes fur them (T-R-C ") or Tou Hola atall" T-R-C's a Rheumatian m fof "Alar dat 1 ve he And from he ni Ry and now or 8 mystery abot the hefostof thet 0 LE SE a you your (LE) I iE, : 03 SE Most Heat for the REGINTERED Anthracite Coke Pocahontas Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Ltd. Phone 8 SrLbsie8TW CONGER'S high grade fuels are each selected jor low ash, long burn. in since 1923 but has has been manager ever since, except | when he was president of the City League. Bert Constable=Conch, Bert has had # very wide experience of couche x und managing hockey, lacrosse pio) bubeball teams, This is his first year with the Simcoes und he seems to have made quite an Impression with the boys. Bert, since he has come to the city, has coached the Ine termedinte Lacrosse teams for the the past two seasons, Previous to coming to Oshawas, he had pienuged and coached teams in Kincardir London, and Hamilton, * Sandie Brodie=Trainer, Sandie Is 4 trainer who Sones to the Simcoes with nothing but the best recommend ation, This Is his first year with Jfalning fiockey players, but he has had le experience with training soccer players Frank Bluck-Secretary-Treusurer, Frank started his hockey with the King St, Sunday School in the Suns day School League, then drifted over to the Simeoes In 1924 and In 1926 |¥ he played for the local Junior OFLA, tenn and since then has been a very strong boguisr for the Bengset, Bert Connmuat That, Say have togeth« er 4 very strong and fast team and should do something this year, Sandle Brodie--" fam doing all 1 can to get the team in the Pr 0 condition before the 27th of this month when wo strut our stuff," Frank Black="Here's hoping the fans like the team as well as I do for we are going to go a long way," Dave Found=="I cannot express my feelings an to the wanderful coopers tion 1 am getting this year in building up one of the strongest teams to ever epresent this city In OJLA, hockey | nh you fans will like the bunch" Now that it is known just "Who Is Whe" and "What's What" in the Simcoe club, the interest of the fans will bel aroused and the Simecoes will be given some of the support that they so Justly deserve, Hack Wilson of Cubs Matched With. Shires for Four-round Bout Chicago, Dec, 14.=A promoter, Jim Mullen, sald yesterday he had Ito form a HOCKEY RESULTS The results of hockey games played yeerday were as follows; nternational uve London ,viiiseedd Millionaires 4.01 Cleveland 0002 Windsor siveieei G pro gus Galt oiivenrisnsid Brantford 000002 Kitchener .oii0/2 Guelph oiviine,l is Senior OHA, Chatham + ,,..0.8 atari Ui vsini? *Mariboros .,...3 Parkdale i000, x30 minutes overtime, Varsity veers d T16 enior O, Hamilton soi 8 Galt 4 vivivinnnid n Ac lation Minneapolis .,,.8 St. Paul oii. hibit Aor sanesrnnnid x lon Brantford ,...001 Woodstock sie, 1 Danforths v.0004 Bowmanville ...4 Millionaires Lose By Record Score Toronto, Dee, 14~Millionaires, de. spite thelr improved play, could not stop the London Panthers ut the Rue vine rink last night, dropping their ninth fixture in the International leas gue by a record count for professions ul play 9 to 1, The eight-goal margin represents the difference in play, the greatly strengthened Panthers carry« ing their offensive charges to the Jaws of the local cage und ogly slight slips prevented them from mounting thelr margin even higher, The Mil lHonaires gave their best display on local Ice, showing & new vigor and dash but they lacked the ability and system of Roy Brother's collection from the Forest City, London exhibited a team that should go a good distance in the In ternational race and can be favored | for wu place in the playoffs, Go rd | Brydson, former Muple Leaf, added | the dash and finlsh to the Panthers | front line, collecting four goals while | he was in the thick of every play and broke up many Millionaires attacks with consistent backehecking, Ihe | Panthers have the natural talent breaks more than anything else keey ing them down the table, but with the aditions of Brydson Steve I they had the aggressiveness last night | fast scoring and combination, | Rice played a hard game against his old team mates. and only over lousness ruined a star effort, Strikes, anx closed a match botwoen Mack Wile son, Cub outfielder, Arthur Tho Great' Nhives, | tling White Nox first baseman, for » foursround bout, to be decided | early in January, Mullen pureed to give Wilson $10,000, ALLEGE FAILURE T0 MAKE RETURNS Provincial "Government Is. sues Velled Warning To Firms Montreal, Dec, 4A veiled warn. Ing to a large number of companies in the Proyince who have tailed to make returns to the Provineinl Treas surer's Department as required by the Corporation Tax Act, is contained in proceedings just faunched in. the Superior Court aghinst a local hotel company, The action is for $1,570 and represents the amount of fines claimed to be collectible from the company for failure to forward the reports required under the Tax Act mentioned, According to the Corporation Tax Act, it is explained by €, M. Cotton, who is acting for the Provincial Government in the matter, all coms. panies are obliged to make annual reports to the Tregsury Department before July 1 of each year, As a penalty for failure te supply tha res turn, on which the department bases its tax bills, a fine'of $10 per day is provided for each dav after the ex: siration of the time limit, For some time the Government has found that a large number of com- panies have heen negligent in the matter of forwarding the reports called for and it has been decided to take civil actions in the courts to sollect the amounts of the penalties, tin stated, In line with this deel: sion, one action has already heen taken and a number of others are in course of preparation, Money and high heating iciency. Guha Manager : und Charles | Spares, and Blows | At Loeal Alleys CENTRAL ALLEYS Juck' Purdie, the manager of the Central Alleys, has created a season al atmosphere around his alleys by putting up some very attruetive Christmas decorations, The Alleys sure look nice and the bowlers of Oshawa will aft be up to have a look at the alleys and also to bowl them, on CU Pedlar's Turkey Roll Last Friday was a very interesting night among the bowlers from the Sheet Metal Plant, They were bow! ing for a Turkey and other prizes and the opposition was keen, Jack George seemed to be the shining Tight of the battle as he grabbed off prac tically all the prizes, * » tl Challenge The Central Alleys have got togeth er a real first-class five pin team and théy now declare themselves open to challenges, either from Oshawa teams or from outside, Come on the Motor City, what are you going to do about it? * LJ Business Men's League The Service Cleahers are bringing business into their recreation, What I mean is, they are "cleaning up" the Business Men's League. They have won all thelr games but Canada Broad are right on their heels us they have 'only lost one game, The prize winners for last week are as follows, 1st J. Huxtable, Bell Telephone, 2nd, Forrester, Kiwanis, and 3rd Otto, al 10 of the Kiwanis, L w * Red Cardinal is high for the week with 38. 1. Goodall fs high for the menth with a score of only one pin better, 330, " Mi " Ten High The ten high men for the month are ax follows: Red Cardinal syoviannes 836 Chuck Mason vovviineee 808 Fred Kunkel «vivvviiine 7 S. Hubbell | 779 Chuck Vasey sovvisnens 773 I. Cardinal ,,. 764 Milt, Morris 761 I Dunstall ... 7 J. Huxtable .....\. 720 You still have plenty of time to qet on this list, wi it a go, Ouava Dairy At last! Ho lost his cigars, Harry Ashton's score of 710 for three games vas shattered by Ed, Henderson, Id Yopped right on past to the tune of 783 to win the Amokes, » PARRA ERAS "Even Steven" The Central Alleys' team got thelr own back last night when they took three out of four points from the Relleville team, Louie Rossettl, Belleville, was high with T11 tor three games, The Oshawa Bowlers ware next, all of them be fing ahead of the next Belleville man, These same two teams are golug to stage more battles after the New Year, I ------ MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Parts and Serviec Teague Dale Trotter, usually a howler grabbed off all the Bonar on Thurs: day night in the Parts and Service League, Dale rolled the high single ¢ Arthur (the Great) Shires, slugging first baseman of the Chicago "White Socks," who "got | in bad last season" by having ey fist fights with his manager knocked out Mywtervious Dan Daly after 21 seconds of fighting In his debut In the "squared circle" in Chlengo, Were Daly is shown on the floor after the knockout with Shires on tho way to his corner, PORT SNAPSHOT By Gro, Campa XL, Sports Edilor Oshawa Bimcoes I'he in"Bow Oshawa Heo Intermed manville plternoon from have been well Pn of the workout attended rend game ne team, in Oro Base ball | | th 4 box instea and then it will be curtains to Parkdale and Canoe Club she "Hash in the way tl The Parkdale series was not just a with, The will not even win thet Parkdale un tl be reckoned Marlboros from '1.C.( mil held th Duk a four § his ¢ ved that hold a practic Th on be ALES are 1.30 till going ou ) (lee permitting), will we their and the ma ement are scheduled to play firm hen they meet the new Orono Players ball players are ing to he pre futur It wus announced in the be 1 next opponent luy Mr, Shires is going to mect a baschall player fighter | ol who boxes Arecr ns A prix 1 Marlhoros thelr but that they ht n [] wl "Big 1 < 8.P.A W team to efforts in the pan' ure w it dooks wa il n last night Parkdale ure going r ip, Varsit rw pick of 1 u last night Red Aces Elect Manager The Red (Juveniles) had with Givens Act ubout & dozer Wis Hane noth \ in wil h cates will be given « " * I'h hould make good as he 1 last night Walt knows the th "a1 sappy meeling ¢ team manager was elected, Id next week, hen certin W + \ ¥ 0.C.ILA.A. Meeting Monday The ular week! Associa shar re n will be held on Mt pan All teams are that AIL teams ked 1 tives present | letic date thi ' Maple Leafs will win te Ihe ed the question is, wht wh Act Canadiens a real pastin Loronto sly result in a tie as anything I'll call the Millionaires Canadiens right in but I io should win fairly ¢ one tein Will aga meeting of the Qshawa City led that the ording I think Industrial Ath Y.M.CA, at 800 fees are due on wight at the nday entry to have their representa be sure * ¥ or Rangers? might's game the The falled to score the as lable Rangers hand Leals on the ile Rangers to any more than four goals to "dope" that the game-is just 1nowin JOS, Heo went right on t hgh-total for three game Luck Came Buck) Harry Turnbull was sceond high man with a three game total of 64, 'th Buicks won the first series und. in doing it they only lost three I'he Catalacts have promised orse, which was make the with 693 (And the points iorey » ® far this rolled a is high so AA Inu Goold to take the lead. for Lhe score was ® + | 0x 128 Floren e \ week with real game monthly prize FIN A Ten High (And How) | The ten high men for the month | up at the Motor City Alleys for thi | week shows as high a list as has ever | been made in Oshawa, and the month is not over yet, Some of thes re will be standing for a long while, | 15, Higgins 095 C, Rowden 894 B, Ross SERRE AR REE REE) GU, Creamer soos Fo Kunkel sovenvneninne Roats [Hendrie avait NOt ERLE) BANANA IRNS 8 812 81 800 « DWAHLLE sunavinns Po Mackio svsvsvgisinns ® - » Bowmanville Accepts The Bowmanville bowlers accepted the Oshawa challenge with a veg. geance, They have two teams ready to bow! two Oshawa teams next Phursday and Friday, The added iy. terest has not been satisfactorily des cided upon yet, All Oshawa will be out to see this battle on Friday next, | + LJ . The following are the two Oshawa teams who ave going to bowl two teams from Toronto, This is the Cans adian Order of Chosen Friends, Jack Archer is bringing the teams down to Oshawa, A reception will be giv: en the visiting teams alter the bowl ing I Oshawa' wins Jack is going to bring Hamilton down next, Oshawa, Team No, I=Manning Swarta, Art Greenfield, Harold Box, Hk Tosland, Harry Sager, Roy uncliffe, 5 Oshawa, Team No, 2-T, Gillard, L, Gardiner, G. Bobbing, C, Tamblyn, \V, Dennison, G. Lowes, * » * Mixed Major League In the Mixed Leagne the hig battle was between the leading Pirates and the second place Strollers, The Pls | the | | utey took the Strollers yor a stroll to {the tune of three points the Con | sols took four points from the Orig the Tornadoes start like a brocee and finish like their to score a 820 game and take pots from the Honey Bugs, High Rollers did not live up tw just breaking even with two points each, The Dew Drops postpons finaly | pentle | name thre | he | their name | the plus fours, Suarklers and ed their game, A " Echoes From the Mixed League Matt Sutten, a Pirate, made a score that will lHpger in his garden of mem: orics for a long time, J08, pi Milt Morris helped his Plus Fours with a nice 091, LJ LJ » Chuck Mason blew in with a 084, » » RY Jack Brady and Walt Phillips stag- ed a battle for high single, John won with u JO1 against 300 for Walt, and 081 to 680, © Some close battle, Chuck Rowden kicked in with a nice 0M ® * Lrnie Fraser started like a gentle Zephyr, 137, and finished like a oy» C lone, 73 » RT What under the sun 8 the matter with Harold Hainer? He blows up like a toy balloon, 89, TEE Inn Goold, a pirate, showed them all how to doit with a 21 single and 039 for three, . Aniile Reese, a Stroller, walked ins to 4 204 game and a total of 591 for three, * . \ Bentley helped her team ol 195, 199562 for three. Bhi shot a 248 und §W ¥ Erline with single Mabel for three, cpper pot of the Hoa, 103-thiree Lea Holmes, the p league, hit 221 and | 8 N. Wannamaker 480, V.. Moorchouse had 480, NE V. Bechard a nice single of 216, . . - Rosie Reese Kept up the honom of the family with a single of 19% and three of 408, \ ¥ w "The Fall of the Your Pins," by | | | | AYMC. ACTIVITES VARSITY WINS WHILE "DUKEY' AND P.G.C. TIE Opening Games of "Big Four" Produce Some Good Hockey Toronto, Dee, 14,~Varsity de- feasted Toronto Canoe club by 28 to 1 In the first game of the open- ing double-header of the OHA, junior Big Four group at the Ar- ons Gardens last night, but Marl. poros and Parkdale Canoe club were unable to decide an winner in their shinny fest, and the game ended in a 3 to 3 tie after 30 min- utes of overtime had been played In the first game Varsity display- ed a greater ability to take ad- vantage of their scoring chances, and while the Red Ringers were in close many more times than their opponents and had a decided edge in the play in the 4ast half of the game, thelr lack of finish around the nets and Inaccurate shooting cost them the contest, The Marlbhoro-P.C.C, game, that showed the fans little in the line of hockey, more thun made up for its lack of ability by providing much over which to enthuse, cheer and boo, The vigor with which the game was played and the reck- less abandon of the players in get- ting penalties, 22 In all, brought about many spills and thrils, Sehill, who started on the for. ward line for Marlboros and who wan playing his first game with the Dukes, was retired, in all kell hood for the rest of the season when he twisted his leg in a fall in the first few minutes of play and broke a bone In his right ankle, Regular meeting of fhe club was | held last night A short minstrel show practice was held, after which the meeting took place, Bad. minton and eards were enjoyed by the members after the meeting, There will be a meeting next woek, Dec, 20th, but no practice The next practice will take place on Jan, #4, 1080, when everybody {s expected to be present AMERICAN COTTON GROWERS ORGANIZE Darlington : Council Makes This Decision at Regular Meeting Memphis, Tenn, Dec, 14- «Fors mation of a $30,000,000 cotton coO~ operative marketing association, to be known as the American Col ton Growers' Exchange, was an nounced hers hy Alexander Legge, chairman of the Federal Farm Board, Tentative plans for a contralie od marketing corporation, owned and controlled by 10 state co-0p- oratives, were completed at a meets ing of Farm Board members and representatives of the state organ: Izations, A committes to work out details of the organization was appointed with instructions to employ "the biggest man you oan find" as sales manager of the new assoclation, C, O, Moser, Dallas, was proms fnently mentioned for the post, The purpose of the exchange will be to market the cotton of the member co-operatives, which will commence their local relations with thelr own members, The Farm Board will ask the Government for a loan of $30, 000,000 which members may sub. soribe to at $100 a share until ownership of the organization Ia entirely fa the hands of the cot ton farmers, Three hundred thousand shares of $100 par value will be issued and each share will have one Voto in the affairs of the organization under plans adopted Wednesday, Incorporation will be made under the laws of one ttate, it was sald Carl Willlams, Oklahoma City, cotton representative on the Farm Board, issued the following state ment hearing on the significance of the announcement by Legge: "If cotton farmers do thelr part fn co-operative marketing phils means the beginning of & program whioh has limitless possibilities for the benefit of the man Who grows cotton and for everyone with whom he deals, "If cotton farmers assume that this plan is a matter which oan function perfectly without thelr help, they are mistaken and the plan will fall," Every time the bottom falls out of the Stock Market it means a lot of graduates in the School of Kxperience, "Yes, Dad, 1 hate a chance to embrace a good opportunity," "Well, be sure she's the kind that won't keep knocking after you've married her," Mrs, Vi Norris, can not be played, The Cast's "Off on Strike" ==106, ' Ww . . Walt, says, "Hit 'em right and they'll nl The mixed' Major League will hold' thelr Turkey Trot this Weds neaday night, * » | nginative | ewe] | Jimmy's head Jimmy McLarnin Defeats Rudy Goldstein By Kayo In Second Rood of Nt Loser Is Floored Twice For Count of Nine Before Be- ing Finally Put Out Madison Square Garden, New York, Dec, 14, ~Glue-eyed Jimmy Melarnin, that flaming kid from British Columbia with the dyna mite-laden hands and deceptively smiling baby face, crushed tem- peramental Ruby Goldstein, pride of the Jewish race, last night, with i searing two-round knockout that turned 19,000 of the faithful into a howling, raving mob of worship pers, In a battle that lived up to all the fullsome promises of the rau cous ballyhoo, the socking Celt from Vancouver packed into the short-lived struggle three minutes and 62 seconds of swift, stunning action that went the customers reel Ing from the arena, Three times in that short time, McLarnin, the cold killer, smash od the hero of the Ghetto to the floor, first for a count of nine in the opening round, ege'n for a nine count at the start of the pec ond session, and finally for a toll that could have been a hunared without giving Ruby any oppor tunity to carry on the hopeless mruggle It wax as brilliant as this battle scarred arens hau ever seen, | Ruby To Do Or Dle Last night wag the night Gola- stein had set for his great come back, his final effort to prove to his countrymen that their faith in | hoxing ability and great punching power had not been dis placed, Tt was tp be the trial of fire for the soft-mannered, hand some ttle Jew, who looks, acts and thinks more like a poet than glnAintor Many times in the past the im- Ruby, aptly termed the of the Ghetto, haa Sometimes his vivid bane of a fighting man, went into hiding on the nights he should have heen answering the clang of the hattle gong Twloee fonrful kngokouts at tha hands of Ace Hudkins and Sid Terris fore ed him to auit the ring, his cour ake questioned even by his strongest supportegs But last night, though ponseless, Ruby finally won faithful with his bravery ameness under fire He lost one of the greatest of modern day nunchers, but in defeat, the worst he has ever suffered, he found his highest praise, Boxing beautifuls ly, the rejuvenated jewel, brown eves gleaming with hope, spend ot MeLarnin in the first round, shooting straleht hin wpeed, beaten the and Lo some he smothered with his gloves, and some he dodged with a graces ful, almost {mnerceptible moves ment that took his Jaw a fraction of an Inch out of range, The First Knockdown Dut always McLarnon, 8 panth- or on deafnece, came erowding back, walting his chance to spring, Hall. way through the round, Jimmy saw hin opening, In "ed in with a left hook to the head, and drove his right to Ruby's temple, The Jewel fought back desperately, heginning to totter, but another right to the jaw dropped him for a count of nine, Goldstein came up fighting, but was taking a bad body beats ing at the bell, With his gameness about to be put to the final test, Ruby did not fall, He dashed out for the second round, sopping wet from the minis- tration of his seconds, fighting mad, carrying the fight to a lad who loves to lle back and battle that way, He ripped and tore, smashed his own powerful right to Jimmy's head, belted the Celt with left hooks, and went down a true fighting gman, Jimmy cornered his man near the ropes inh is own corner, and the stunning right that finished Terris, Sammy Baker, Phil Mo. Graw, and a half-doren other stars, flaghed full on Goldstein's jaw, Ruby crumbled, fell through the ropes and hung there, his head in the press row and his body held up by the lower strand of the ring "Opes, It looked then as though the bats lefts to | Some Jimmy took, | like | | Ing nhount v. Bolt ayes staring va cantly, Ruby reached up, caught the upper strand, and pulled him~ self to hig feet, He Jifted his hands and walked in for a final effort but he never had a chance, Mes Larnin was upon him lke a wolf, tearing with both hands at Ruby's gleek head, bursting bomb after bomb the weaving, beaten noy ws chin, The last combination, a left and right full to the jaw, stretched (Goldstein senseless on the floor, Referee Lon Mongolia counted over the lustreless Jewel as he lay there flat, on his back, but the toll was only o matter of form, Ruby's great effort was over, The voungsiers were matched in welght, Goldstein weighing 144% to 144 for Mes Larnin, The erowd of 9,000, & oa pacity houge, paid $100,000 for the entertainment and for the. first time this season went away satis- fied that the money had heen well gpent, The referee was Lou Magnolia, the judges George Patrick and Are thur Donovan, tle wag over, equally Hold Annual Mocking For O.H.A. Referees Next Wednesds, Toronto, Dee, 14.~The annual meeting of the OHA, referees will be held at the Prince George hotel, Toronto, Wednesday, Dec, 18, at 2 pm, All veferces, team coaches and managers ave invited to attend this conclave, which is held every year as an ald to brings a uniform interpretas tion of the playing code by the of« ficlals In all OHA, ghmes, has no heart!" broker, has,' Just "Wall Btreet exclpimed the "Oh, yes, wife, "I was his that it replied reading fatena, | bonds dropped in sympathy with fmagination, | stocks," him | par mde $2500 Scotland Woollen 8, lotish, Mgr, 11 Blmeoe 8, [i his soft | | | YARDLEY'S "Old English Lavender" A Gilt Always Appreciated MEN'S SETH $1.00, $2.00, $2.50 $3.00 & $4.50 LADIES' BETS 85¢, $1.50, $2.25 $3.25 to $10.00 ALSO INDIVIDUAL PIRCER 100 UP KARN'S DRUG STORE Next I, O, Phone onlin hot we | onlin hot we | | . Phone 8 Enough! Poultry Supplie Cod Liver Oil ROUP REMEDY Black Leat " 40" A Quick Easy Way to get Rid of Lice and Miles MASH HOPPERS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, FUL' O' PEP and SUNBEAM MASHES, SCRATCH GRAINS, CRACKED CORN ETC, COOPER - SMITH CO 16 Celina St,