Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Dec 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 | Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community "SOCIAL and PERSONAL | EMPTY HANDS How qulet is the house, no jarring kn 1h h the plaeld - ho #4 Lhrough the plaeld urs pv to a : Brook : from uy "After long yenrs of erowding front, thake I shall have ime for time tor play, Yet wamanlike I long for vanighed thisge Vor oluttored rooms and small un- tidy beds, knees to bandage and work and Yor dimpled aroun The drowsy cuddling pf sleepy head 1 have known toll and pain and anxious hours, Glad should 1 be that now my task In o'er, Aud yet, oh God! how much | long to hear The rush of eumer footsteps at my door, =Mdith B, Henderson, Miss Maudie Cornwall Is spends ing the weelk-and at her home In Oshawa, Miss Klsle Toss of the Art Cols lege of Tovonto--ls In town for the week-end, Harry Deyman of Toronto Unis versity Is In town visiting his pare ents, Mr, and Mra, H, Deyman of Masson street, over the week-end, Last ovening an Informal dange was given In (he Masonla Temple by the auditorium committes of the Temple, About wixty couples nitended Miss Frankish has veslgned from Ler position as organist of Mt George's Angllean Chureh, the resignation Is to take effect early in the New Year, Ellgabeth Hood, Richmond Street Lust, attended the annual Christmas Party of the Preparatory School, Ups per Uanada College, Toronte last night, The Chosen Friends Bowling team eomposed the guests of Mrs, C Powell on Friday night, Excellent Ea | | at ean aut ita i SE Beautiful hair ! Modern haly range the hatr so beautifully that it's bound te attract attention, That's why it's se portant 1o guard (ts color and Juss treet keep it in perfect condition, There 1s ng, surer, simpler way to do this than with Danderine, ach thme you use your brush, just melsten it with thin delicately fragranced Hauid, Then as you draw it through your hale, It removes the excess oil; brings out the natural colori makes the hale falely sparkle with new Hie and lustre, How much easier it In to arrange the halr afterwards, How it ah place, And try "setting" the waves with Danderine, I'hey stay in so mwah longer, Danderine quickly dissolves the crust of dandeuff: puta the sealp in the pink of condition; helps the hale to grow long, silky and abundant! Danderine The One Mingle Hair Beowts ALAIN Drag teres « Thiny atifior dressers materials == finest works ronnie In fae appears hee, Morthermors, In Hurlbune you are anured of comfort and proper fting="Room to grow for every {amon Sold and Recommended by alg vs provided for the dancing en well on the plano au- Sone vy eh played by Cyril and Murray at the drums, A novelty fenture of the evening wis the "Olde Tyme" Paul Jones ane square dante, Mr, Vorrest called the figures an everybody danced 10 the music of "Burns" old song "My Love Is but & Lassie Yet," played on the in by Will Dennison and Dalsy fifotey at the plano, {ter refreshments were served by the ladles, the hostess expressed the wish that the memherswould again be Her guests, WOMEN'S MEETINGS | Thomas A very enjoyable JAhatin of Number tive, group of North Him. ens United Churelk Women's As sociation ax held on Friday evens ing at the home of Mrs, I, Keel, Buckingham avenue, This In the Inst meeting of the year, A Eally decorated basket contained u wift for ench member, After a hum- orous recitation Mra, H, M, Amith presented Mrs, Keel with a hand: some dish, a token of esteam, on her retirement as a group leader, A dainty luncheon was served hy the hostess, Among the Indies resent were Mrs, Whittington, re, 0, Jex, Mrs, 10, Vox, Mrs, (hi Npinks, Mrs, M, Emith and Mrs, OQ, White, @ mmr Ontario, Temple No, 1, Pythian Hiuters held thelr regular meeting on Thursday evening In the TNH, Hall, with Mister Iva OHff, MB, ¢, fn the chalr, During the course of the meeting the following of flears were elected for 1900) B,C, Nistor Emma Larke; KE, MN Blister Marah Logeman; KN, J, Sister Ante Leer Manager, Blister Mthel Northey: M, of I, & C,, Nister Bets ty Hyman; M, of ¥,, Nister Mabel Cunningham; Protector, Mis, Mare Northey; Cuard, Mister Marie Logeman Trustee, Hister Grace Nuseell; Installing Officer, Nister Nellle Oraham; Orand Temple Representatives, Misters Craham and Kihel Northey; Press Corress pondent, Nister Ada Olllard, At this meoting each member brought a parcel of groceries, eto, whieh was afterwards tAken care of by the Altrulstie Committee and distributed among the needy of the olty, After the close of the meeting suche wan played and prises won by Mister Cunningham, lady's first) Mister Harmer, consolation; Heo, Boyne, gent's first; Dro, Thomas Novthey, consolation, A beautls ful birthday cake made by M.E.0, His, Cliff decorated the table, Nis. Kthel Northey, M, of R, & ©, it the candles and Kis, Nehwarts, Hupreme Representative waa given the honor to out it, alter which she spoke a few words wishing the Temple every success in the fut ure, Five Charter members were present on this oconslon, Nisters, Gillard, Larke, Northey, Hehwaria and "Daddy" of the Temple, Bro, Novthey, Retreshments were then served, the committee belug Histers Kthel Northey, Hy man, Atking, Coyne, Giffard, Mos Unbe and Marie 'Northey:y This brought very plossant evening to a close n MARVEL (New York Telegram) Wireless waves ean leap through 120 tet of solid rock almost as swift ly an through free ain A wide Belection of Christmas Gift Awalt you at FASHION SHOPPE #4 Wlmeoe St Routh pea Wing rome LEY we" i the Huelbuy watehword in the Qreation Wo Taw and wtyles of thew | CHRISTAS PLAY AT KINDERGARTEN A Program Morning And Afternoon by the Children of Centre St, Kinder. 4 garten ------ It any people have any doubt about young children deriving benefit trom attendance at a kind ergarten, lot them visit the one at Contra Bt, Nohool on such oacaslons as the snnusl Christmas enter tainment which was held yester- day morning and afternoon, and #00 for themselves the wonderful work that fs heioy done there hy Miss Kills and Miss Latimer, the teachers in charge, This is the enly kindergarten in the oily, The at- tendanes Is over sixty, The olass Is divided Into two groups, one KOIng In the morning and 'one 14 the afternoon, The same program WAN onrried out by euch group, yesterday, when friends and par ents were Invited to attend, "Te large bright room Is itself AN attraction to any child, but With Its fascinating furnishing of tiny chairs and tables, plano, sands tables, and other lovely things Is Almost what might be termed u kiddies' paradise', Yeastordny, however, It was. even something more than that, Kver since Novem ber, says Miss Wills, they have heen making preparations for the Christmas Concert, Home of the decorations which consisted of colored chalk drawings on the blaek-bonrds, one tiny Hants Claus with his sleigh and paek and rein deer on the sund-tuble, and the plotures of the three wise men and the eastern star, on the wall with Christmas things, were made by the children, Prettiest of all, of course, was the glant' Christman tree In one corner of the room, This wag most beautifully decor ated with tinsel, snow, and bright sparkling things, There were prea | ents on the tree too The program entirely hy tho kiddies was Just an pxample of What goes on every day In this Interesting department of the sohool, There were games, nearly all accompanied by musle, and recitations, Miss Kills had all the children witting In thelr chairs, around a olrele, which is the usual formations of the class, Bhe sat at one side and In a pleasing but stern manner, whieh the kiddies have well learned to obey, told them what to do, In the morning two of the most applauded num bers were the Indian Lullaby, sung by Miriam Hwarte and Christmas Lullaby sung by Kathleen Wiston The whole class Joined In the choruses of these two numbers The games were all very pretty, and the fact that there was an nudience did not seem Lo lessen the Inter out of the ohildren in them, After the program, there was the long talker of Christmas tree What a lovely tree, It was, and a present for every hoy and girl! Thin was a most exolting time, papers and wrappings strewn ever) where and the most wonderful gifts emerging from homes and paper, But the ehlldren were not the only ones to receive presents No, there was something on the trea for avery mother and father of the Hitle girls and boys present The mothers' pift were litle donk oalenders pnd the fathers' were matohsholders made of red and green cardboard, The boys and #irls wera certainly proud of those Hitle gifts that they had made themgalves and ro were the moths ors and fathers, ET ------ The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the House keeper v Christmas! Do you realise Just how close it la now! What a really jobs ly time of the year it is, with fis homecomings, {18 mystio secrets, its fun and feasting, The days ure now filled with preparations for the bigs eat event of all the year, In the houses 1s the lovely smell of spicy things, mineemeat, puddings, cakes and swoetmeats in the making, And what member of the family {8 net interested and anxions to do his part towards helping make something for the Christmas I celebration? Kven the smallest children, must have some art, and although mother ix very suy, at this time of all the year she cannot refuse to let the kiddies have the fun of working around the busy Kitchen, You say what oun the lite tle ones do to helo? Well, there are some very simple candy recipes whieh 'hey could follow without much trous ble, and if you let them they will be 0 proud to think they hac ome hand in the festive preparations. Here are reelpes Jor two simple Kinds of candy, Uncooked Fudge Uncooked fudge is another candy for the youngsters, To make it mix the white of 'one egg, unbeaten, with two tdbleapoonfuls, of evaporated ream and stir into it half a enplul of sifted confectioner's sugar, When "1 smooth paste has been formed add we square of melted chocolate and enough more of the sugar to make it the right consistency, Spread on a buttered platter, Let it harden and | In SS I SS SS -- Defying her doctor's orders, Mme, Mario Jevitsn, star of the | Metropolitan Opera Co, who suf. fored an Injury In the lynching seone In "The Girl of the Golden Wost," declared she would sing In RED CROSS SOCIETY PRESENTS REPORT Annual Report of Red Cros, Shows Admirable Work Being Done \ resume of the work of theo onl Red Cross throughout the wal pregented at the meeting ie ladies' exeontlye held at hbme of Mrs, 1°, W Cowan, 18, 1030 The maintenance of the Fresh Afr Cottage ut the lake has heen the most outstanding undertaking of the Noelety where 160 ehildren were given a two weeks' outing These ohildren were chosen he cause of 'underweight and those who were recovering from lines How The henelit derived has heen | highly satisfactory as the Average | gain was found to ho 25 Ihe, Thin work was undertaken hy the Red Cross because of the need whieh hae developed with a growing pop uintion Malnutrition is a serious matter for the ehild, It geema to lay the foundation, not alone for tuber oflonis, but for all the {linessens of ohildhood, To all who have cone tributed to thin needy eause and helped to make It possible The Hoclety In deeply grateful, Providing of milk In the sohools to those who atherwise ennld not pracure {t and lunches to the auxl Hary olass have heen aotivition dur Ing the cold months of the venr Ausintanoe Health Dept Hnena for canes of contagious (diseases, phnenmonia Jaokets for emergency, bablew layettes and medical supplies have been provid. od whenever the demand arose Hospital care for needy tonsil cas os han heen glven and assistance In needs of war veterans In these activities the Hoolety is endeavor Ing to carry out the peacetime poliey of promotion of health, pres vention of disease and 'relief of suffering, The tresuurer, Mra, M, Hexnel wood, presented the following fine aneclal report Receipts Cash on hand Cash received, Cottage Cash " Tons! Canen Your ol the Deg ta the ° $3,004.01 200.00 48.00 Total $3,700.11 Raponditures Sent Has, far outposts War Velerans ' Matntenunee of Cottage | $500,00 18,00 K80.08 NE LIAL Milk In Nohools Junior Red Oross Auxiliary Class Looal supplies ome Tonall oare uw ' ! 9.00 15.07 * na 48.00 $1830.00 $1,071.10 BRIANOD sans t $1msis 4s out In squares, Chopped nuts or candied traits may be added, Raloin-and: Peanut Balle Ratsinsandsneanut balls ave dellels ous and very easily made, Put af, eupful of shelled peanuts and a cups ful of gaeded raising. through the meat chopper and moisten slightly with molasses or honey so as to hans dle the mixture easily, Then let the children make ft wp nto litle balls |, and roll them in finely chapped peas nuts, What matter if the balls are not exactly the same sige? Vhen Puecint's MTurandot," graph here shows her in her New Y flowers from admirers, Copyright 1080, Pacifio and Atlantle Photos, Ine, outstandingly smart WeArer appear so gracefully slend. silk orepe panel at front to lengthen the sil houette, flat, Neckline most becoming with noft nten in a soart tle, tad helow elbows and slightly tlar od toward wrist with sao 10, and loge miss, and just the thing for noe, oooarions, tones with soarf tie of fallle allk oreps In blending tone is sportive, lar of white crepe satin in flatter Ing combination, with collar of self-fabric services able, velvet dahlia shade solves lovely to this Paris madel, or ooln eavefully, additional for a copy of our new Fall and Winter Magazine, - pe -- CC ES CcCccaccacacca nr DODO IO TIT SSS | le Mo yi IAT} The photos ork hotel witly her nurse md sri ER EA les TI arls NEW York. ¢ THE NuW PEPLUM A low placed peplus flare that Is that makes ry In HHusteated in midsnight blue The yoked bodice emerges into The hips are extremely collar that termine Rleeves are fits turnsover The akirt {a beautifully fared, ippling funess at hem, # No 811 In dealgned In IR, 20 yours, 34, U8, 40 42 fnehes hust It 1a the cholen of the smart cols Hiyle travel or general daytime Feather welght woolen In plum Mack wool crepa with soart cols Tobacco hrown canton orepe Nlack sheer velvet, printed sheer In dark wine tones, darks orepe Elisabeth ats raotive ideas that adapt thems Patten price 20 conta In stampa coin (ooln In preferred) wrap Wao suggest that when you send or pattern, you enclose 10 cents they are packed in boxes aid the gard, "To Grandina with a Merry Christmas and Love from Robbie ov Mary Alice," tucked inside, sonies thing of the joy of giving has sprang up in brother's or sister's little He that will not soon be forgotten, The little white and colored paper bon bon frills that so many confeos toners use in their fancy boxes are very good things to have on hand fo the Christmas eandy-making, for they will give the simplest candies a fess tive air, The older children will enjoy des PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fe The Dement, avai tte woloaed find |, lease send pat CURLTTTTITEITEITTRTTICITNN || EET TIO SU ETTTTT TUT ITT TCC | Jey CLLTUTTTTRTTON 11] NL Sree a AIRLIAAERE AR RAR RAR ARRAN AR AY NATE 41h nh EA Aaa aaa SAAS AION (iin LLL JE TTT TTT TERT ' Proving soins AARARRARR RAY "w " wamps on New Wrappings Dress Up FASHION SAYS BEDECKED GIFTS Modest Christmas Gifts New York, Dee, 18,~~Costuming Ohvistman gifts In the new mode In quite an tmportant and selective u matter ns choosing the gift In the first place, this year, Vor style has crept into the outs or garments in which Yuletide gifts fare forth to delight wirange shapes, Wrapping papers are glam orous and of Infinite variety, ro- mantis or humorous ribhons grow to hows of Gargantusn proportions, The big Idea of Christmas 1020 lite orally 18 to pend surprise packages! Vollowing the new fashions in Christmas wrappings, containers of« ten are of permanent use, Pads ded round boxes may hold delleate cordial glasses, lustre plates or fru glle ornaments that can be kept in these containers when not in use, Mundane things lke tmports od hath soap may come in moderns. Istie wooded A that later emerge every time guests want olg arets, Noxes that look Uke first aditions many contain flasks of perfume, an entire sewing kit or six patrs of silk stookings Aus 11 Chyistmas Came on April Ist! Bimple candles, Christmas cook foes and preserves oan arrive looks Ing\ike potted plants, cornueoping or new editions of books And hooks themselves may wear cloth covers that remind gne of sofa py, lows, onlleo eats or the new mods arnistio lamp shades In addition to the endless shapes and Intriguing novelty of tha new gontniners for Christman gifts, the wrapping papers that confront one coufound one ed and green are by no means the predominating Christmas cel ors today! Chinese hiue, and alls vor stars, confetti patterns in pas tel shades, nky-soraper effects In black and white, gold hackgrounds with nimble modeenistie reindeers In orchid prancing thereon and royal purple backgrounds fous turing demure nuns with molded hapds all compete for favor | Old-Fashioned Weappings Aven't Fovgotten The conventional holly wroatn Manta Claus, Yuletide log and Christman stoekinga-hy-the-fires side wrapping paper designs can still he found, for Christmas would not he Christmas without them, to many forks, But slgeag stripes, dis gy checks, akyseraper set-hack de signs In at leant 10 colors, dinmond and polka dotted patterns, fine printed papers that look ke Kn lsh prints and ohildish ones with un conglomeration of skates, sleds, horns, aleplanes, little Mother Goose folk and things to eat all mixed up in a alngle design are the new and fascinating papers Ribbons, strings, and fancy gum- med strips of paper are designed to complement these papers, often repeating thelr design, Doubiw ribbons, with different eolors on the two sides make merry bows Mut these ribbons sound the new flair for colors other thgn red and green, too Greeting Cards Are Nivikingly Now Along with the fashion trend of containers, papers and ribbons, greeting oards keep in the van guard of new things, Individuality in Ohrlstmas oards han fairly reached the point of saturation! Many who designed thelr own last Houpon Are going back to thows on the market and floding satisfaction in the original designs created, They range from the simplest and cutest of little figures that one's own children might have drawn, Lo the colorfully tinted and highly romantic ones that deplet old Kng- Huh soenes with nll the richness of London Christmas pudding, Bome ners tiny, with modern block print. lng 61 the Yuletide greeting, oth ers ornimtely worded, with stiff phrasing, formal messages and n goneral tone of old-time convens tionality, There Is something rather satis fying about the tremendous vari oty and change in these wrappings of the Christmas gifts snd the onrds that take the place of gifts, It is us though the world sotually appreciated that it is not just the kift that counts but the thought that prompts it and the loving care with which seasonal remembrances are done up for sending, More. over, these naw wrappings dress up modest gifts In a most pleasing manner, And that, too, is a bless Ing, For anything that puts a pre« minum on the spirit of the day ra. ther than the cost of the gift is a blessing, Therefore, In the last analysis, these new costumes for gifts are, after all, quite as old In spirit as the Christmas gift-den itnelf, They are a boon to the willing but sim ple glyer, FINAL SHOWING OF 1929 REVUE Lhe final presentation of Christ Church AX PA 189 Review held last evening at the Rotary Hall, Contre street, 'Lhe Keview has now presented four times in Osh nwa, The frst twice It was held in Christ Chureh, corner Mary and Hills eroft streets, 'The last two nights were Thursday and Friday of this week, The Review was excellent in overy detail, All the wetors and acts resses who took part are to be come plimented on thelr excellent acting and those who In any way helped 10 minke this Review a success are heart ily thanked, The players, are as fol heen lows, eseh ast being sinounced by Miss Dorothy Rigg I, Opening chorus Plerret Troupe, Misses Gy Pennell, G, Pawson, 1, Bik ton, B, Hobbs, Mrs, Metealle, Messrs, I Flutter, A Derumanux, MH, Rigg, hbalson Plano solo, Plettette, Mrs, J, Lac Jo oketeh, Fast Friends, Mesdamos Moody and Corben, 4, Brass duet, Just a Song at Twi light, Sweet Genevieve, Mensrs, |) Lee and J, Broadbent, 5, Toyland, Parade of the Wooden Soldiers, Mr, H, Riggs and Company, Misses L, McDowell, B, Hobbs, M, Fisher, A, Twilley, M, Twilley, F, Robertson, 1, Sweet, Mrs, Metcalfe, 6, Banjo Kids, "Ole South, I'in Pan Parade, Vagabond Lover, Am | Blue," Messrs, F, Lee and T, Cinna mon, 7, Sketch, Beans, Songs, Beans and If I Give Up the Saxophone, Miss G, Pennell and N, Ibbotson 8, The Open Road, City, Mr, ! Broadbent Intermission, 9, Recitation, Biddy Malone, Pap« a's Letter, Miss L, McDowell, 10, Tony the Street Musiglan, Fraumere, I Passed by Your Window, Mr, J. Lee 11, That Old Gang of Mine, Songs, Old Gang of Mi ¢, Chinatown, Selo- man Levi, O Sole Mio, Mr, R, Flut ter, N, Ibbotsen, A, Derumanux, H, Rigg, 13, Minuet, My Garden, Minuet, Song, Holy PiNumnaMm 5 PHENRIN LR bros £ Priam Meine Co wis | "Yes soft water in winter time!" Toronto water, coming into our plant, is softens od by a special process, and every single drop used In doing your fam- ily wash is also heated to a fixed point and kept there==no more, no less by a thermostatic cons trol, This assures proper cleansing nection hy the purest of soaps, Many rineings complete our simple process and pro« duce resulting whiteness and freshness utterly im- possible under home con~ ditiens, We have five different kinds of "fame ily wash" service, all moderately priced. Phone us, or ask any one of our courteous drivers Phone 788 did RIMCOK NT, Mrs, Matealfo, 13, In the Moonlight, If You Were the Only Girl, Miss LI Pawson, Mr, N. Ibbotson 14, Step dance, Mr, C, Rateliffe 15 Closing chorus, Plerrot T'roupe, Stage managers--=Messrs G, Terrett and H, Copeland, Wife (studying paper): "The horse I backed in marked with a star, darling, What does that meant" Husband (studying time-table): "Only runs on Saturdays, dear!" Ww "Lew V, Disney" S---- IY | w This Is one of a ser Ip vt dived by) AN 4 ' \ of ® waters a WL Fash tomb this statue a We i ) of oar) dhs Burial Service Accompanied by Price Moderation E OFFER a very elegant funeral service in which economy most appreciative consideration never apparent in the Impressiveness and completeness of details or direction, A commodious chapel at your disposal, DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOME Corner Bruce & Celina Streets, Oshawa "Stan Cott" Price, SIN Sach corating the candy boxes with snaps in Fuh lw lh shots of themselves, pasting them on the cover and finishing the edges stripe of passes thin line of gilt BURNS CO, LTD, Av ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP | We would hate to he a detective, Nour Conv King & Simcoe St, Imagine coming home from work avery night, baftled.--Life, with very narrow partout paper op paint,

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