Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Dec 1929, p. 4

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i V. vace vom THE OFHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 Bie Oshmwa Bally Tires Suceseding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMEM (Botablished 1971) Br---------- "An independent newspaper published every aftermecy oncopt Sundays and nga) holidevs 80 Oshawe: Conada " Mundy Printing Sema). Limited: Choe M Mundy, President; A R way, fee retary The Oshewa Daily Times is o member of the Gone dian Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers As sosistion The Ontario Provincial Dailies snd the Audit Buresw or Clveulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES wo vod by sarvier 15¢ bo week By mall in . Pered be Oshaws carrier delivery limita) $4.00 » vear) United States $5.00 » your TORONTO OFFICE i d 86 Temperance Btreah, Telephone " Send Bulldog HD Tresidder. veprasentative REPRESENTATIVES INU 8, Povors and Btons, Ine, Now York snd Chioage \ "SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 THE ARENA MANAGER The success of any important andertaking vsually lies in the calibre of wen who are at is head, and who have the agtive direction of ils affairs as theiv responsibility, It is therefore gratifying to note the announcement made today that W, M, Gilbert, the president of the Oshawa Lumber Company, has been appointed as the manager of the new Oshatve arti ficial fee hockey arena, As & business man of a keen aggressive and energetic eitigen, come very well known and apps rival in Oshawa, and in his business dealings he has wou the highest measure of yespeet and confidence from these with whom he has associated, Thees same qualities should 'go far in enabling him to earry on the management of Oshawa's Arena with a high degree of sueaess The task is not a light ene, energy, keen business acumen, and an inexhaustible fund of resource, These qualities ws believe Mr Gilbert to have In sufficient measure to enable him ta bring sugeeds to the project, It is net eften that a man of the business capabilities of Mr, Gilbert is willing to take hold of & eamimunity project such as the new arena ought to be, and devete his time to promoting Its success, Ha The Times wishes him well in his position of responsibility, and hespeaks for him, and for the Arena, the heartiest eo-aperation of all the citizens af Oshawa, THE NEED 18 IMMEDIATE Ee LL minded type, as an Mr, Gilbert has be eolated since his wr It will eall for untiving One of the most pressing features confronting the Associated Weliare immediate nature of the great need for funds to cope with the relief sitnation, Funds have been coming in fairly well for the Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund, but in nothing like a sufficient volume to meet that pressing need. Many people wha have every intention of contributing are holding off, simply posts poning the day of making their donations, when the situation is sueh that help is needed, and in generous measure, at once, This is the evux of the appeal that is now being made by those at the head of the welfare organization, They see a need, an immediate need, far greater than they can hope ta meet even with the funds new avails able. And so they appeal to the ¢itizens not to delay any longer, but ta make their gantribution te the fund immediately, and to make these contributions ad large as possible, So fir, a gomparatively small number of cltlzens have contributed, There are still thousands in a position to do so, and it is to these that this urgent appeal is addressed in the hope that it may bring an immediate respoyse. JUSTICE OR CHARITY Au interesting sidelight on the attitude of eertain officials under the pension board is found on the comments made by the deetaps ef "D Unit" af the department of pensions and wational health in dis cussing the question of amending the peasion ast $0 as to make it more easy for disabled and burats aut exsservite men to seoure justice in their olaims, A report on this question in a Torgnie newspaper closes with the following significant paragraph i= "Doctors af D Unit at Christie Street Hospital were doubtful if the pensions aet could be altered, ut added that private funds could do much 10 righten the lot of the victims of war's afters ht This means, if it means anything, that these pens sion hoard officials would prefer to see disabled and wori-out ex-serviee wen the ahjests of charity, ras ther and endeavor to: change the regulations so as provide for types of vases which are net now govered by them, This is exactly the attitude against which General Sir Arthur. Currie and the Canadian Legion have voiced the protest that has aroused the people of Canada to a knowledge of the conditions now existing. And with these gfficials taking the attitude that an appeal to charity is batter than an effort to d the pensions act, dt is not hard 10 understand why it is that these protests have been made, The crux of the whole situation, so far as many cases are concerned, is found fn the attitude of the pensions board that the onus of proof that disability is due to War service rests an the man. In appearing before the pensions board, he is in & worse positon than a eriminal appearing before the bav of justice, for a criminal is deemed imneeent until proven guilty, the onus of proof is vn the proseoution, and the ac cused is given the beuelit of the doubt, Tu the case of the applicant for pension, however, the benefit of the doubt iy inclined in favor of the board, and where there fs even the slightest shadow of a doubt of the man's ability 10 prove his elaim, then there is no pension This has been vesponsible for many of the tragic cases which are now being geported from alt parts of the country of men and ul the situatian Societies is the dependents whe have been vefused pension begaues of some little doubt which they have been unable ty yemeve in making thelr laine, M4 de ne nesesgiry to go any further afield than Oshawa to find many cases of this type, There wre on fle in the oMce of The Times the resgrds of several cases in whieh pension has been refused simply besause the oih af pgeof Yes on the appll- "cant, and In which the reports of reputable private physlelans have 'been' set aside 'as worthless' by the pensions board, It is on behalf of cases such ns thess that the Canadign Leglon has been fAghting since fs inception, aid 16 'sti fighting, And it 14 be: campe of these cases (hit there has sprung up so general a demand for the amendment of the pension net that even Premier King has admitted that aetion in this divestion will be necessary wf the nest session of parliament, . LABOR AND THE.LORDS While the Labor government in Great Britain seems to he daing very well in the House of Come mone, its legislption is nat being taken very kindly by the House of Lords, and within the last waek or 80 twa of its important measures have heen defeated in the upper chamber, This is a situation whieh is hound to eeeur, of course, where the Hause of Lords has a great prependerante of Conservative members, and where the government is & Labor government, Thig Is not the first thme that a British geyern met has found its plans balked by the House of Lords, In 1910, when Lloyd George was Chanesllos of the Exchequer, the House of Lords persistently blocked his plans for taxation, Then it was that the government of the day threatened te have a suffieis ent number of Liberal peers created to force ily measures through the House of Lords, and the king had actually agreed to earry out thie desives of the Rt, Hong H, H, Asquith, premier of that time, to wards this end, The threat, however, was sufficient, and the Lords finally capitulated Now what a parallel situation has been ereated, it may be necessary for the Labor government ta taki some action to secure the passage of important bills through the upper chamber, There are so fow Haber supporters in the House of Lopds that the will of the House of Commons ean at any time be overthrown by the Lords, whieh would be the antithesis of demo eratie government, Wouldn't it be interesting if Ramsay MagDenald took a sue from the Libera! pre mier of 1910 and threatened to create 4 sufficient number af Labor peers to ensure him a Majority in both houses ? WARD ELECTIONN Opinions expressed of late, verbally or in letters to the press, upon the subject of the ward system versus the genergl vate for municipal eandidates, are whelly in faver of the latter plan, No doubt the ward method has many supporters alse, but they have not been articulate, so far tioned in previous discussions seems ta have been that embodied in a theory that eutlying section of the ¢it were not likely ta be directly represented unless it were provided that each ward should fined number of *aldermen I'he relter ates its belief that men for council are almost always sufficiently well known throughout a eity of this sise to receive the support due, having regard to the merits of others running The Sentinel:Review thoroughly with th statement "Interested Kleotar, letter pubs lished yesterday, that the vate for a candidate in his own ward is not necessarily a just estimate of his standing in the eommunity, known through aetivities through the mere faet of residence in a certain ward It has been argued already in thes Chief practical reason men have a Hentinel- Review whe are (ualined the wgrees at ma He may be much betters business or othes than oalumng that selection of & business man of recognized ability 10 serve his municipality ought net 10 depend upon per sonal canvass, There is some when ne public meetings are to he held, but even in that case the neweomer is at a disadvantage, because any eritieisms he may feel inclined to make in pri vate conversation are likely to be regarded as "knoek PeAsOn OF 4 canvass ing" Upon the matter of canvassing, in relation to the ward system, the Sentinel:Roview adheres ta the view, it the people were about to upon the general vote plan, "Why it is that under the proposed system gitizens mare capable of rendering wselul ser vice will affer themselves far the seunell it is net hard to understand, It is a well known feet that few men, however prominent and however well qualified to aot as members of the council ean be elected fn a ward withaut making @ personal canvass, To the majority of business men this 15 repellant, To serve the eity usually means & loss to them, Why, then, they argue, should they ga about seek ing votes as if the elegtors (nu choosing them were doing them a aver? On the ether haw, if the henor comes to them unsalivited, they have usually "enough interest in the progress of the elty net to deeling it, This elass af citizens it has heen found possible ta elect ta the council by the general vate, The larger the hody of electors, it stands 10 reason, the higher type of representative" will be obs tained." = Woodsioek SentinelsReview EDITORIAL NOTES expressed twenty-five when be Years asked to Hwyo pronounce There isn't mueh time new to do Christmas she ping early, This is thie time of the year when everyone shoukl realise the truth af the old saving, "It is more blessed 10 give than to receive" E-- Hats off 10 the Momreal police: force. They have regavered 183 stolen automobiles this year, although only 167 were reported as stelen It seems this week as if the eald wave has taken the place of the Oshawa erime wave in the Tarenta Newspapers, Tea growers are planning to rvestriet the wearld's output of ted, Those who enjoy the cup that cheers will be hoping that these plans go to pot Canada is considered a weadern, up-to-date county, But it ds surely having eng of the eld-fashioned win tors this yeas Isn't it strange that wan has never yet heen substitute for pockets with ahiliry suitable all his ereative able 10 fnvent a RARE The fate of the Little Theatre movement in Qsh awa is hanging Wn the balance that every subsoviber shoukl a paint of avtending the meeting of the organization neat Tuesday, and fou FOREN Wake Other Editor's Comments AR GOOD AR THE RICH (Mall and Kmplye) Man's humanity to mm, dpspils ull Lo the contrary, 1s proved hy the spending of $1,100 to remove # pin trom the throst of a Hille negra child, 8 charity patient tn the Presbytevian Hospital at New: Ar hha viehest ehlld in the Un- ited Btates could not have vacelys ed more eaveful attention, HOQNOMY, ALWAYH, HOONOMY (Tovante Telegram ) Lake frelghters sre bullt full and bluff to carey a maximum ea pacity thea eansl locks, Vvom thely design and model they are only eapahle of Hmited speed In smooth water, That limited speed han to he veduced In vough water, They ave engined with class ves gard to sconamy of fuel, Inquiry lilght well be divected to the point an to whether they are engined with close yegard to economy of sullops' lives, ---------- THE NORTH (Bt, Cathavines Standard) The observant; ambitious young Canadian, pavtioularly the young Wan with the planeey spirit, is overlooking a great opportunity It lie does not ved up and study (he wonderful field whieh les hetove Mm In the years immediately to came In the great Canndinn Novih The eyes of the Anancial world are upon development which Is now proceeding, and mueh money In helng expended toward dissavery Fhe great rallway systems have 6 large program of extension, and Ovary year witnesses production helng carried still farther North That theve ave havdships still to he endured In opening up new eaun ry goes without saying, hut the reward will he great for the plon REP who ean persevere CONBULTING THR (Hering Leader) Avcarding tha Hritlsh Amariea Act the Daminton Cavern ment pontral ff tmmigvalton And the Pravinees have no powers La prevent the free movement of eitigens fram one part of the Dam lon another Tmmirpatian, however, has & hearing on eduns tHonal mutters, an employment and woe'sl gonditians, and Are matiers that came weape of Pravinelal Gavernments It would he a stranee state of af fates In Canada If each Provines Wola to run an himmisration show af te awn, solie'ting ar Imm ranis as It saw Nt and sel URE up harriers against the Fras movement of people In Canada fram ale Province to another ta has to the Doam'nion Government, but fren consultation between the Doaminlon wud the Provinees should Prove | hanes Il tn the national Interest If a Pravines does net want im Migrants or ls appeased types of immigration Can he vespaeted 11] | Bits of Humor PLENTY | Friend (at sorority house) | How Many contrals are there on that radia set? Tamale of 8, MN Hiaven Erle and the house mathey Hoy Pen LOTS OF VARIETY Ovehestin leader: What key are You playing in? Hoohi Hkeleton key OL Bkelelon key? Hoobi Yeh, fits anything Viek="1F you spend so wna tine AL gol you wour't have anything lak aslide for a rainy day? dlieke="Wan't, el My Ioaded dawn with wark aslde for A Talny ALL WILLED vp he following announcement an Pei ed reoanlty tn & Dublin parish | Magasin : "The annual ehotr din {her wil he held tn the Vicarage On Weenesday evening at 6.80. tn | he fallowed Ly a serviee in the | Churel at § pow, with fal) ehaty I've fall day I" | VEN, CAN'T WH | Mp, NioKlepineh=You'll have ta | BOL mlong with your last | elothes Wo must save something {for & alny day, | His Wile=~0h, dear! Can't we | HO an Ivvigated faray in some dos | BFL Where wo won't have to fret | Ahout rain? AUARICIOUN Phe angry-lonking waman foun ood Into the postal and threw # letter down on the oaunter. "You people are getting more cunlens every day," she sald. "Phis lottop I for Myre, Heawn, It was [ ott AL my house this morning he lvl an the other side the counter thanked he Mistakes wil happen, she marked: "hat I don't think Wake them quite so alien wa Fimply YO, don't youl" snapped the other, "Wall, | da. 'h A M hi soon time tn ane week that I'v found the post workers at fault. Undead!" sal dthe #ivl, "And | When Was the Hest timed" Yesterday," Was the withering SRAWOR, YFhgt letter | receives | a am my hushand, He's on a Risinsss tip 10 Blifmingham, and | @ alvelape wa \ | ke » 8 postmarked of ie We You a wd eh mh dy da 0 The Will af Qod=Aud this is the PW af him that sent wie, that every | fone whieh seeth the Son, and heliey oth an hw, way have everkasting life and 1 will wise him up at the Kast | dy Fohn G40 Prayewn: "Thy Kingdom some, Thy will he done on eaith, as it is in heaven" PROVINCIA | Narth | these | within the valeting | General | holleles will have to he settled hy | a serial | wishes | desk is} Yours | | Bits of Verse WILLIAM H, HODGE, VION: PRESIDENY OF PHY BY LLESIHY HNGINKEBRING AND MANAG: MENE CORPORATION, BAYH; THAR IF pnyone Is interest od in developing 8 bond mips kot for almost any praduot in this day and uge, neglect of wiveridsinng ts nothing show af folly, The notion that advertising adds Lo the pies of a product Is sill » povslatent one, The sophistyy thst Willy companies advertise in Lhe newspapers to tnsidiouely Influence aditovial option 1s still sdvenesd hy those anslous to tedr down these Industvies, Both are allie alan wand an fallgeles should he al taoked wl avery opportunity, The demagognes doyoling themselvew (0 the wiilities wonld ike to have every edis tow feel that his veaders hes Hoved Wim honght if his paper earriod gas ov eleetvle coms pany advertising, They would choevfully deprive these Ine dustvies of the vight to adyvers Hag at all, IF they dared to propose such pn (thing: Means While they sow what susplelon they van in the hopes that the willitles will he disenur ued fram advertising, and th publishers will he afraid to sollelt such business I ts common knowledge that the lowest priced avileles in ve BPBOLIVE classed Are Lhe ones moa! largely ndveriised, Whether It la TTR BUtumobiies ar Eas his Ia generally true, Mass pro duotion of gales must use advertis WE eB eantrast halween {papuing and elousg appeal, Compare the Chevrolet aud the Holle=Royes IW THERE 18 ANYTHING WHONG, MORALLY OR COM MERCIALLY ABOUT UTIL PIES COMPANY ADVERT INGE TODAY, IF 18 HIMPLY ITH INADEQUACY IN OTHER WORDS, THERE 18 NOT ENOUGH OF 1'F BEING PONY, THE INDUSTRY CAN EMPLOY TO ADVANTAGE ADVERTISING IN I"d VAN OUR FORME TO A MUCH GREATER HXTENT THAN In THE CARN AT PRESENT, 1) THIA WERE DONE, THE PACH OF DEVELOPMENT WOULD HE ACCHLERATED, THE MAXIMUM BENEFITS OF GAR AND BLEOTHICITY BROUGHT TO MANY ADDI 1 L PEOPLE IN QUICK, NH CTIME, AND VOLUME O) [OUTPUT BUILT UP BO THAT [THE PRICK PER UNIT OF | WERVICH COULD BE MORE HAPIDLY HEDUOED Bho " That Body | of Pours fy lamas W Bain MD ALLERGY ==A NEW WORD A ward that you ave seeing ahout Lavery day now 1a allergy, protein [aenitisation, human hypersensitive | Hoan, IL simply gome phomionl [OEES, pollen Tram hale, Teathevs | neem 10 Bel amnel as & Individuals In same they seem to oauss Just fa Mite voduoss tn the skin, whilst ue fond, that thes substan ees, planta animal forth that Polson In means wil Bo | some {ty author sthey produce asthma, hay | 1s ver, hives, vomiting spells, indi gestion and ather symptoms | AR LONE #8 Your hody 1a able to | handle thess substanees you have | trouble, It would seem that | taaues manulaoture Hite bos {antibodies they ave ealled) able to avereame these ua You os | Whieh ava substpnoes | Howeve in some dividuals different paris tissues af the body are sensitised to different substinees) vagweed will produce flammation in the eyes and nose, haytever: other plants will induee asthmai covtaln shyubs belug on inflammation of the skin like pal [aan tvyl eortaln foods will bhving on the hives and considerable swell wg of the skin Now what ean this sensigiveness alanoest The method | frst 10 loam Wouhle-- agi, pollen, Pladts, vases oF other How ors, Weads dome deotars Wake teste With over & hundred diffevent IEVLLIC TE \ vaceing 1s then Was ad and the records show that pew | [Ws an high a 40 per cent wie | {eured of greatly tmproved { A slow method Wut one that has given good vesulis ds to ty and favald the partivular food causing [the trouble, for a long perlad of ime, and then take exoeedingly famatl amounts which the tsswes Paeem alle to handle, and gradually Linereasing these amounts nome [idea of the patience vequired ow [he gathered fram DY Chas, J, Die loek's suggestion which tw, "he Tainning with one-thousandih of an [ogg or ane drap of milk, continue [eeveral wonths until ane-hall glass al will Ww hall of an ose 8 taken Ww Ahout Buh done these {HE 1) COMMoen use 1a 1 vRusing the WAL, BYAINS, mn What WHE WY HAT Y hen thelr od Kitohener Re I Many young wen As S000 as they leave valless weation really bagins ard Hollywood is 10 make a talking pie aig about Gue Fawkes: At last! A Alm with a seal plot! «==The Passing shew [ithe mere when our experience tells {HLO0O000 Tn a lamp sa IN A BCRAPBOOK Here, gathered trom afl places and all te, The walls of wisdom and of folly Heel, 3 High thoughts that saws and Hiting words that chime Like Bubbath bells heard in fur villeys sweet) ' Cualmt faneles, musieal with dainty rhyme Like the soft patter of an infant's feet And Jaughter pkies, : The genial sunshine of the happy hearty And giant hopes looking out from human eyes With thrilling hymns that the quick tears start, Are here, in garlands of strange fan tasy Wa catch the careless passers eas: wil look, And show, within the limits of a hook, Unto him his lifes' awn large spitoiny weftichard Weall Fadiant as Bun ner make PAY BY DAY I pray that I may never fill Inia A SUE content, I'd rather walle the roughest roads Vith eager footsteps bent Give me a mind with vision elear, I'he will to dare and da, Combined with splendid discontent Ta make my dreams come rue I'd rather strugile day hy day My little dreams to fy, Phan be content to settle down Fa ent, and sleep and die Laura JUST A LITTLE Just a little tase is needed (0 aveld mueh strife, Just a little love required to make a heaven of life, a litle kind attention to make wld same heart, Just a litle word of comfort to allay Einar Hedell Just Bulie Just a little smile of welsame sheers + lonely soul, fust a little admonition strengthens selt-eantral Just a Hitle ray the dullest day, Fust # little happy laughter smooths the roughest wa) of gladness elieers a little shard of musie makes the feet to dunes, Tust a Mitte eharm of manner, heauty can enhance, a Hittle sweet forgiveness deles full many & (ea) . ust & Huila sup of water brings Gad ust VERY Net A,B EE ES OS Strain © 8 IVCK, Sev0 VISUAL IMPERFECTIONS Part 4 Without the eorreetion for his visual error he returns home mentally tired and without appreciation for his evening meal, hs dally paper or his friends, Hyestrain causes poor vis lon, saps the energy and makes a person nervous and irritable Nu financial estimate of the value of our vidlon 10 us ean be made, The vile of our eves sannet he measured in dollars and vents, Like many other things the value fs only begun to be realized when we feel (0 some extent fia loss, wade manifest hy diss pominrs, miner accidents, 10 say noth mg of the loss of time alsa experi enced Phin loss of time is regrettable all wa that 14 really was preventable, An other angle of the ease 18 evidenced hy the Ioan of effielency al our work, he loss of efeleney wl the ehild in ita sohool lite necessitating alse & greater expense in education and may alsa be a deawback to other ehildren i the same class Money expended in the interest of visual wellare (8 returned many tpjes over nn the saving of finanelal lass 1 the individual ahd the public, the prevention of a great worry and the greatest satisfaction of all fn this vonnection 18 the prevention of many a dread od 1 ALBERTA DEMANDS $4,000,000 BOUNTY Ottawa, Dee 1H=There 18 a differ poe of SLN00 hetween " atest proposals put forth hay the Peemier of Alberta and the offer whieh the Damion Government has wade in connestion with the seta to the pavinee of 118 natural Fesouroes Vhether this RN will be bridged or whether it will he MER, & un ther conference here will likely des oie, The Federal and Proypeiat Pres miers eonterved ARAN ednesday evening and a taller meeting Was oN fridays. In the settlement with Manitoba, that provines, i addition 10 soon ing the roturn of fs uations ated domain and a subsidy, graduated TEI Lhe DESSERT One 10 & IaNimwm of $1230.00 4 year, i to Re a Ald, § Manitaba 15 10 got this SLO the submaaion of the Atherta Prewier | that Alberta fy Just as mveh ied 10 & like amount, bette wore fands and more valuable lands Albert hay heen Alienpied Ales Fes AL fin nistration, while the Qinadian WOE Was given mineral and petro: ROTARY HALL OSHAWA WED.,, DEC, 18th AT 8 O'CLOCK PM, IN A SENSATIONAL PERVORMANCE OF THE ESMERALDA TROUPE BROIL DANCES COME AND Bll THE VHA ESTRELLA AND GRAZIELA THE CHILD UNTEWIAINEI WONDERFUL MINGING AND OPHIR ADMISRIONSH 1,00 including tux Advanes Rules sl MITORNLL'S DRUG WEOKY 0B Bless BE, N When seconds count, ,, wear a Lechni-Quadron! Doctors, technicians and professional mei need a wateh that tells time in seconds! Sueh a wateh 1s the new Gruen Techni Quadron with its large and easily rea seconds dial that males (or higher aceuracy in every professional duty this latest Cirven in ita smart Crown-Cuar case 1s an attractive wateh for all oceasion Let us show you ILE Many practi al feature Comes in today! FELT BROS. The Leading Jewellers ' SEREFTIFSFT 2 rays TN OEVYYONH NT, 8, ' Jhenidle j URL WEWINKING ACTH « EN NC NN aN SroBiEFOrLONG 8 TOONS BUNLN GRAIN 8, F, EVERSON, Loeal Manager Private Wire Hystem 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 -_ | FORT Whether vou stay & month of a day GENE oF 8 fortnight you will be supremely somboriahle at the new Royal York, Over a thaw wi Feome AF deine nies, Five restaurants 10 sult every pose Row Pareles dinner ore hine Li] woyour mall delivered direst POUR Foam aid, hat nemate, helpful service whivh has wade Canadian Pavitie hotels the chides oF travellers (rom all aver the warkd, Fantlent sample room Lah IE yer Ad AY FARIS BER UE AT SRRTALTIRRIHAN RHR Van "a Fred Culley 's danse aro hearin L YOR R ONTO Hotel in the British Tow Nh along Hy Khe and the Hine aell eniovs munity fram pros Vine taxation wheat 9.00 pom BT, dally Arrive Winn 848 am, OT, 2nd day Connections at Winnipeg for all Western Panta EQUIPMENT hi need VaR Hinder Seon plag Car and Dining Can Information and a Me from any At of A National Katways. adian ational y- anadian La 3 od -»,

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