, p. 5

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fi rp SHAWA D 8, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 Pertonal Portraits H ighly Valued as Christmas Gifts By George Matilard Heaslors To those Who eare for ug per- haps no with bs mors welcoms than hy " | Ton personal photograph, Aid niess the pletuve vecelves how I Wetul trentment--a ven. velaton it to the desops Frit Ad of the home--At woon Fa anes out of elreuiation and spends balanee of its days in the wee: c wetary ov treasure hoax whence It 8 out only on special neces lana 4 is de shared with intimate rs "should naver happen to the aif Jhetonmmph--hor youd it, 1 subject of photogvaphy were HY Iy understood, 8 past there © was Indeed 4 ronson fov the movement that Berio 4 photographs from ou walls or when phatography young, very erude and ugly thi oo ware done in We name, Artists then were painters, Ploneer pho- tographers were mevély men and women who could operate this new maghine-~varely evaftamen who sould sense each subtle change of of the subject, and know ow to Interpret if, yours pasued, however, finer minds, more srtistis hands have entered the field of photography NATIONALLY KNOWN RADIOS MAKE RE. LIABLE GIFTS A -- However bemutitul and alluring the different radio sets may be, a will need one safe rule to Tou You will want to know -- thin gift you deliver will Jus tty your pride In it; that it will stand up under years of nea; prove rolin } in all respects for any ristmases to come, It will avail you little to pry Ine to the teehnieal wecrets of each [Mio; the mind of the average elt Bon 1s riot suliclently in tune with Shane complieated terms really to now what he Id talking about, But of one thing even the least ophisticated fan ean ha certain, f the set selented in hacked hy 8 manufasturer of Intervity, one Bationally known for the excell anes of ita merchandise, a wom pany whose guarantee can he rell od upoen=--that fact 1s the stronges Beomise of long and useful gerviee both giver and reciplent, EE ---------------- many Apparently there ave still a num her of quaint peaple About who lopk round for the mistletoe first of all, A favorite place to hang mist jes toe 18 on the Indoor aerial, Than if the apparatus oscillates, the rev allers can osculate, -- i This Is the season of the year when one learns If one's distant pelatives are any closer than they Were lant year, wild olsed [ts stapdands wnt for Any we hnye cameras Portraits iw oxguinitely Aone, ae pelistically aor. putt fy the ness of the old paint nes, the old masters studied thelr backgrounds and thelr Heht Und shadow effects, so the photog: rapher considers his work today, aiters hig yond ting Je FOAMS Bn study of By daintiness; one rin ay in ehuyng- tery a ¥iimute a oy one Fil i in lend ftpelt to the decorative scheme of nn beautiful home ns Jhongh it-were i paihiing, Ken the photegraph of a child, it handled properly, ean be made to appenr we desovalive ay i Dung ar's masterpiece, This In clearly shown by tha study of the phtle girl in the photo tara above, which, through of' torial fronts ment, iliastrates YAM, di gor. ence hetween a h song Hu ness'! and an art dor ny suitable for the walls of the ame, If these detalls nye ohserved, with the magia vange of posaibiils ties at the photographe's amma, ane should he Awar od with photos grap is that not only hring happls fas to thase who ve nes hig celve them=nut the Weenast onjoy- Tj PORT ment for many years to some, TOTING Ti THE ROBE |. Two leather om with # handle hetween on enl ently carry one's rahe to the faothall game, and make i very pall and congas plese of haginge, Jud rans when folded will fit In a man's } pocket very easily UNIQUE NURSERY FIXTURES Tying in hed, what fanelfu! stories and amusing episodes sch fixtures nh these mirht eonlore unon the mind of the child, And what a very un usual Cheictmag gift they would make a contr'hition to the ehild's han niness and on artistie addition to the home as well rp -------- UNUSUAL RADIO RESEMP' 8 CHEST OF DRAWERS At first Mance you may think this radin eabhinet 1s nothing more than a chest of drawers providing storage space for Hnens and sliver or other household equipment, Hut Into the upper comnartment the radio and loud speaker go and below there ls additional drawer space for whatever one may wish ta usa It, A most eon venient pleee this, for the small apartment which must utilize ov ery Inoh of slarage space Where It 18 not desired to have the vadin in the lying room, such a oahinet would make a very i tractive hall plece, 1 18 narrow enough to At Into the average foy or, 10 low enough to allow for a charming miveap on the wall ahove and an effective grouplig of brie #n hrao may be used upon the eab Inet Hi NORWAY PATRO (1th AB VAR Groat Christian o celebrations are planned fov next year in two Bean. dinavian wounteles, On July #v, 1080, the Church of Norway will calahrate the D00Lh anniversary of the death of Bt, Olaf, the king who 16 the legendary patron of the tend, Jiving We velgn and up to the par 1100 Norwh Was 1 power in All Kurony. 8 . ANDREAE, "Apo the of the orth, eama tn Bwe- den 1,100 years sgo and fuirodus. ad christianity, The Chureh of Bwaden proposes Lo celebrate this wimgua Jubilee next year with wide. i" pend festivities, Among other things, 11 18 planned te erect on Bjorke island in Maluren lnke & hesutiful new Bt, Ansgar chaveh, (In 1686 King Chelstian 111 of Denmark and Narway introduced the Satheran Reformation in his eountrian, He sent a little priny of 1,400 men Lo Norway Lo seeurs the work, But not a shot was fied, not a man nov a horse, noy even a dog, was killed on that oe- onslon In Norway, After this peace: ful veformation the centre of Noy: way's elvilisation was tha Luther: an parsonage, for the country had practi ally no nabiiny and only ome oity, Bergen, The Lutheran pas: tors of Norway have played a most important part in the history of their gonntry, Almost all the lead: ing men of the nation np to 1840 ware either pastbrs ov pastors' BONN, Be er A PLAYER PIANO IN DESK FORM The living voom ef many an aparimont home 19 ton small to bes gommonate un full-sised player plano=--even If one were tn Jesent Iteslf on the doorstep at Christmas time, For such apavimenis a oepiain manufacturer of player pianos has devised the desk-planos--a neere tary-Aask enne which holds the full pauinment of a rerulatinn player plano, In smaller wlke, of aourse, Kxeollent tone values 1s obtained hy means of an Insenlous serous! arepngement provided for the Ins pirament, "The case 1s almost an exnet voproduetion of a finely de plandd secretary, The keyhoard 1s pontain®d in what 8 normally the onli maetion) above, Klass doors neptect shalves which may he used for hooks and bhele-ashene, or as A storage space for the radio UNIQUE BRUSH STAND A handeearved elephant of gleam ing black wood earvies In is trunk wn hathrushe=annd in a little eomgiart mend at its hack, a clothing hrush his would make a very effective wii for the man's wardrobe or chest of drawers XMAH ORAC r-- The hest resolve for the eaming New Year 1s go at a smile 4 min Whe, What the Xmas X means to far ther! X representa Xpense, Xperis ones, Xpedients, Xtras, Xorbitant, Xi, ok | CHRISTMAS STORY BOOKS Then come he "Christmas Booksy and oh, whit tiles could be 101d whol them The stor "The Runaway Bare dine! fy #4 rock, for Mi fod How the ed yar 4 olds wil Hh ah ot 4 at fhe i antics of 1 a slim Ma thi K.. they will love Misia Petersham's ehidhood in from 7eto-10 Tynan or boys and gine there Is # wenlth of historica} detail tald In most interesting fashion in "Little Blacknose," hy wilt «| Mile Blacknose" being the first De Wint Clinton engine telling his own story delightfully, "he Chinese Ink Stick)" hy Kut Weiss, is the story of (he MoM rigls and tribulations of & Chinese nk Beigk, beautifully Mustrated, And Just as nferesting 16 "Kasperlied Ade ventures," by Josephine Bebe, whieh revenls the pranks of a legendary wooden boy the Germans know #8 Finnesles. nk ew Valry Tales aredegion, Among them, "The Long Hpk Land," hy Howes, tells tales of New Zeala YY they are told ta the ehildren ol thit country, "Prinee Baptum," by Mer Weer and Ward, relates the udyens tures of a prince in Japan Among the whimsieal wind humors ous books is "Iane's Vather) by Dorothy Aldis, Delightful nonsense ahout a little gird and her mother who try to eure her father of some of Wis habita=and in the end become enredd of trying to eye Father! Another is "Christopher Robin's Bory Book" hy Milne containing the best of Wie poems and stories, with Bhepherd Wlustrations, Books of adventure for hoys and glrls up to twelve include "Binjo and Pistols," hy Rosa Aubrey, an Interests ing story of two mentin hays MAGIC MIRRORN HAs mirror on the wall" big mirror, long or oval mirror euoh one, with all its mivht, ve flaats hack whatever beauty, and intayest, and motion eomes ia way, A mirror 18 a sort of maple pleture, changing aosording to the Hght and objects ween In it, &t dit ferent anples It alan wives an impression of ad ded ppaclousness to & room, he eanas of the vistas ereated hy Iw veflaotinnm, A smell mirror makes a gay Vis tle, 'good Mitle pitt for one who unites Ha red vithons and white wrappings, A larger one, destined ta he placed on an Important willapace, will he a Christmas nresent to the whole family, in the Joy It will bring, oy The only way we know to make good vesolutions last is to let" the vest of the family maka their firat, The trouble with the Bpivit bf Christmas these days Ts that mont people got ft from a gasoline pump, A plump principal hoy makes one understand the pant in panto mime Bome oraoker moltoes are In varse and others ave in prose, Thin One, you nee, though very Lares, wa pt " THAT THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS will do well to do their Shopping Here = HEADQUAR' TERS IN OSHAWA FOR MIN AND BOYS WEARING APPAREL SIMCOE ST., N. OSHAWA " ba somes but onve EET i in both and each of those | Ie stil true that Ghylst mas a A Your these days It arvives In November fav a six weska' slay, Hat visiting them for aix HA . --_. Wite (whose mother has heen monthe) | "What shall I give mother for a Xmas present, dear!" Fad-up Huss band: _"Buppose you mive her a travelling bag!" | ops Mae ii a ike Tawi tan | in our ow ! tory In Oshawa, Li d HOW, hone H Bloture a wiles lite 00 aeatitude "dn vooslving an Nh ing to the most RE hs Sin "Bhar Perbameo A180 to elivoo Towler $1.0 4 Ahavt Hhart hart Talowm 00 and von0 EAE ERER) 00 th Ralls fot Water KODAKS $5.00 (0) AYH,00 Useful and Instraotive Po your Christmas Shopping town, tring yourself out, ma and the Hitle dJone's boy across the way, Here's Thy Way To Make lt a Real Merry Christmas any time at your Mesall Drug Ntove, Your Hexall Nore has "just the thing" for Tom, Hetty, Dad and Mother, Grands All these gifts are arsanged where you can see them quickly wetollot requisites, shaving needs, howsehold applinn ces, stationery, clocks, desk sots, greeting cards, candy Then you wont have to search all over wetOren of useful and hoautitul gifts for everyone, rowile Cameras #00 to #00 Hawkeyes 81.858 Vest Pocket Kodak #8.00 1A Autographie Kodak SLLBE and #1880 Other models up to Thr 0 Albis for Photos a Bi Ivory, Ebony and Pearltone These pleces ave #0 acceptable to» woman who takes pride in her deemsing table, Ivory manieure pleces Bo and Hw Pearitone manieure pleces in tints of pink, blue, hire) ¥y Wnlee And JOR b fo 81.80 Bota of @ 6, 0 and 18 pleces In many tints 88.00 to 00 GIFT wet, ¥ quantities, Fa Packages of five (A000 \ hig Packages of H0's Wl Packages of ton Lovano Packages of B'S yyy, 8000 te 800 NES CIGARS Olgara of American and Ruropean brands, Tueros, Partigas, RB & H, Mmons, Punch, Bachelors and Tuokets, AH slses andl varatnny gE te Te JB to RLM AT vie BALBO te BRO dP JI, § SY v [| ey CIGARETTES Turrets, phase, of BO oii Turvets, phage, of 100 0000000 8L00 Rox, BO (700, pha of 100 ,, #140 1 Buokinghame pha of BO (vey 000 Melachveing, pha of 80 vou B00 Parliament, phy of 100 ovo BULBS Guinea Golde, pha of BO vv (HR And almost every other brand in any quantity, v1 Be alk Deliolons, pounds 00 LR) Our awn Codar Chests | | Snowballs 000 Cracker boxes Amborted Nut Cua each Eankiep Sets 00 BN, taney Jaw tA Y RBA dverything that's made of HandRolled In Christman boxes, one to five homemade in taney gift containers, N\ Milverite Baskets « Bie te y Table and * Tree Novels ~~ 3a Vena te BLOGG Favors, Lugky Pies antl fweky Wits ia ean ie 0 Boe olates eked i ate per pound ohoaalates HERE ta BR.0D In pack | Wyte, Ae to Ate : 00 0 kM Ae and Bla Duska Bath © Dusk Dustin Duska Tollet Candy will bo ages dressed In haliday Russian Rod in onlonr Duska will be a great favorite Sold separately or in gif sets, Duska Perfume THe to 8.00 Bary Powder ater 0 TK Ounka Face Powder |, 81,00 wh have every Bhe would bo thrilled Poms from EE ERE Pon and Penoll Boga ova ovo WTS to Je te R1000 17.80 AER REALLLY WHAT COULD BE MORE PRACTICAL THAN A PEN SET? model of pen and ll by Ameriea's host manufacturers, W roERARRER, You cannot find Fly wage to choose from anywhere, ATHRMAN=aPARKRI-= WARE VANER AY va B00 te BON Ponells fom \ vert aaney se BOBO te RIOD Doak Bote fom » \ \ with » Gi or "DUSKA" | has Lan 100 Dovilblgs Npvays "Portumes vie Be Atomizers and Perfumes n and attractive { MR LUN TY _-- to $45.00 novel colons LIGHTERS AND PIPES Thorens Lightews |, 81.80 to $a,00 Hunton Hog EERE LEER \(h Adwmi EERE RITE LER) hee hp ! ot 030A hh AALIARN AR RAY | 3 SAVE TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY RY SHO PING AT THE REXALL JURY & LOVELL | | , tovable land | nd 1a Rngiand for old op young entleman or i Indy, Made wp nto seta tov everybody and to sult every pekethook, fees from Me to R16.00 A compliment to the reédiplent na box of gol Tinted and plat white | kid Tish or Hine he suck complete At dary & Lavell's and the prices are very mods ate fon Twwoh Wh good quality Nea tionery Boxes | B00 te HOH Correspondence Cals 80 wp COMPACTS New dostgns tn sliver and gold, futkristie models, loose powder vanities, Neatly boved oil Cara Nome + HHLO0 and 88.0% NEAR 0 BE0 and = Deonnvitle |, SLT and Yapdioy's (100 a an Houbigants (8100 & Ty | Three Towers BLOB to PEE OES CTC TE Oe PER EEOES OT EEE TEES RODE ETS I TT Tr \ i a : Xd Ry table " 4 oy Maal, A fi NY a ¢ y, AE poi Dn Flashlight And batters "\ " : AT AN Ut a C \r= \ [a f L{ < AL A nlekle to A most LN Npecial AN aay DR dents up to LTE Shaving Sete and Brasher Yediey Howl, Lotion awd Tals (NERA E 28 RR) BAO I Ta, Nlek AN a '4 Rt § eal Mennen's Dalerose Rilkashave Howls | Cream Lidtle Pod ai de Heal Paden shams Badger, set p-N th LAL 86,00 a0 Ahaving Hota 4. R008 4 { FOR GOLFERS The De June Sheatter GF Powell Hinek, Green or Pearl ~~ © Rex Golf Balls, one X | a hd Aly The RL LT EEE EER RA SN Wn 1 Wiaek BO and 800 tn ait box, The - ball, of 0m fw 0) EN Goll Seoves, nicely hound tn hive REL LY \ Te Deby hat adh Who ached with pencil AAC +1 \ 81,00 Wika Croame |, Pasha Compas REN aa wn at Jury & Fovell's Confectionery u thw, Phowe KING STREET EAST--PHONE 28 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH--PHONE 68 SRB TN SRBANS YT MINS BONDS DNS IRIS BANS RANG SRRNOMRRNON SBMS RAR RR nt

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