, p. 4

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we de fr another he y g making you gan he J phy af TAN seh 1 fag th fs of the worlier t early life, Hs may pr ay of lor thanks for the foresight which natrumentst 0 correcting an nes ol rian wh leh had it hee heen eg th would have heen ne less than # severe handieap to his v ure health and prosperity, No trouble, however wall will rt without first AA warning of fi on i sounded in spite this, | an of us do not heed the warning until much harm is done, and alse we seek relief only to find that we fo wilted too ott h avery Sa of life where eye|o better, r Slearer vie 0 18 essen: ney o> a 8 easier Jo i good than to ir f, | ph, aulty hi ¢ moye dir i x eney : on't on ae th | Man Retiales [ seFvige 1 ot astiste his problems th ski i spe peed and wa 1 ¥ he resp os of a pont nd. There power; Ill healt efective eyesight, is better to have many eye ex» os too late, when something could ve been done il the atten: " Hon hat ' or business fo pe w a, . tion is deform ned: pi tes nd fatigue or as Ady at of examin ry The correction Thi § fioed. 8 J) & examination fg her: 5 ol Men in any sp "hi and clear of mind and eye, ma ih poor v on col could A) ocd 1] eration by inereasing his visual seus ity, Mite for them as J te wil ow Ww ho, Neh without ouracy of the correction depands yp Jon the accuracy of the exa "eorrection hh ¢ Iehted t Shanging ond ow Riga e wise ine y ohne to ses and Your eye nami ined go Haste hb : at of poor on. i an eye ts him to eat gis try. alert keen percep: i competency are often signs ol TH wif a Yo ar on given earlier, y the eo many features operation mur he gesiipi, 2 an Id enlarge his sphere of op: When Slasga 8 a" # necessity there om temporarily, Hane! The demand for a dena i may be due to the you su yom ones | fe Nerves Tram Te oi sein 4 LR) a sid opi nd LAAT y be defee: wld be observed av Bre © Avie fynps nition of which will erinine in somes dur sondition, Yeon wi hh defegs ints or frowns to which irritates his Sid 1 fity of he Xo 1 i 4 of vite [A A hav Pia piometr hen, ine He arr py, oh fue or yond 4) i 2 vOusness, FH troub 8 ong on of [] Tid + ar ner § gi {Ay f 4orrece | we This ol dots not ra Ci. ms i fi | s Are poh " held 100 too oh dol wi wot py bata in. ans np 00! god Many. ohildean wih efect s eyes #18 Poo 1 3 lal unable to sense the 5 raph n oor fetant Vision == This en- rn Headache, V cates, that ae Fri 4 raper correc usual) wilt o [|] fen erossed U 4 danger ing oye to become permanent! even wise 10 have periodic aAnmina: ying necessary in some cases to take A to develop vision In the weak: fie has come to scientific examina of the Sha it hie 8 proper cor: yection of its de be fitted at a rey sopnier or by health, in realize Jrhat eaith means, Tissue of the bod efclent depe health; when worn out the Ihuat be of | Fiblaged, proper rest are be remedied so that energy will not he. waded throukh improper lune tion! Ity wasted energy lays the body ww ht A to infection and disease, degree in which our health ls measured depends upon our observ: course, acclion Rib, good health, poor health, herefore depends nt ment, fol opie exerclas, proper care In di sightedness, b elon get a view AH mon} readers have de eetly nd whie of fou itself in that the eyes are out he praet wh tw | out, of focus, i worst In tims the ous and may cause the eviating eye tions after the first gorrection, it be al Authorities agree "ud the the Ah absolutely neces yes cannot mall, In the interets of preservation apd ney, we shoul é upon the Addy of the laws ol therefore essential, De nod "should or straln, Lowered vit threog ance of health excepting of upon my proper ng the laws of nat "0 re to observe the AL lowers "heey nd inerease handicaps, are linked that eur f re In n he von wil dower the o. oot lp os of L] the eyes of < he" bo od fu to See that a 0 @ A nat naibility, rests upon a | ndiiduato He in the cain An conservation of the slon of exact Be oer © iy oh 1 ny Sxnftions of clyilization and } wh trial evolution, Is an ex = (ueting strain more int. neely proper) a tation we o means of ri fiat a a rel aor EE ei moar nds oo ine o | Messing, CEPT GIFT New Models Con Come In Feb tive Colors--Always Useful A nl i appears In gay colors and gy BS Protty ap by 0 A ts neces ouse wehold conve always been, oper gl fon eauty and 4 ene A, ashi arth hs to schemes, "he smaller, slwes to slip inte A han inl appeal to had in a specia en pe and come in delicate shades of old rose, light ott and gr mode ades, se and g ovel construction a lengere § rin ne rom felling ou unit ls unsere tension sh i" the lamp In fact, there. " model in the earl Mother one which throws Is especially part dark corners aroun ter will find much use for one of the models which she can earry bag and for Junler Seout model in a khaki case to mate his uniform, NEW CIGAR A most convenient elgar or elgar- ette lighter operates b socket an to the lamp electric light bulb, work when thy ligh should you wish colors to mateh t the room, wie fh. tod fa i ih wg LLL e modern trend an eases In a variety of colors, all chosen harmonise with many ( a rich nies sep blue and a single spring vob that protects wvery a Fug wi hy fy {oot range N and it comes In THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 pon believe | tha he rin compar] ny compared to ut Slots w bil } f a dion i] h und prove ift)' this hes Ppistiated y ka adh ok mable "ve hv all ashe wre bined In whi follow eolor compact enough ba, ake + soe arl Tustre Wie blue, Lay 4 darker features Include that keeps the when the head afl Sian for and for the sturdy oe fore ppreciate » broad ad Tore and or Nihiing up the house Sia In her there Is the Roy LIGHTER sorewing ne replacing the This lighter will t ls on or off furnishings of Pameny er epeed he been esta shined Be side resort 13 months a." ave |) Sivies has ports and sep and in the last Aa INSIDE FR Brilliancy Without Glare OSTED Hydro Lamps are the lteter of the Eluericn A. _e INSIDE FROSTING reduces afigh, Te gh hut om able Ton I Are not only atron eo oo fed al _-- Ha more light, INSIDE FROSTING INSIDE FROSTED HYDRO LAMPS of all standard sizes--28 watt, 40 watt, 60 watt and 100 watt, for sale by THE HYDRO SHO 36 King ves the lamp that which blooda.ang ends,and harmonizes Phone 333 Sibi Fn a Ww, the North Inland fishing waters avd to land either In a ost of nerve und whill, The siriped marlin is the edu monest, if 6 of swordfish encount ered A 6 Lishermon, One taken last March weighed 460 pounds, No make shark quite so big us this was taken lest lesson, the largest weolghing 444 pounds, But the angler may sso ite that he for the purpose, The best loold models coms In suede Joathars of difs ferent eolor, stitehe ather In fur thristic natterns, or in y ferent types of naturel leather, such ss pig skin, ell, shark skin, alligator I weil, stitched of fashion to form " modern eslun, Christmas - Fishing - How would you You Vike to celebrate Yile hy landing a thoussnd-pound fish? That fs the Mew Zenlsnd sn~ glar's dream Just, now, Christinas falls ut midsummer in the Avil podes snd the festival is an out-of. doors one, Tu the sporisman, its grontont attzaction will probably be deep-sen (ishing, un sport which has heen making greel progress in recent years, | Vor some time, of course, ow Zenland has been famous for | trout, nd more Jesontly 17] ata have offered salmon as an A 6 Honal RLPRGtION 10 the wnkler, BUL' ue' of "isd ta Maruion 56 Groat: It now looks an If sew TISHINE 18 houyiont fish taken wes a black Koimg Yo put the river apart i th marlin welkhing 070. pounds, Thin whuas, record a A Now Toul a0 hing on Hh TROT $34 oh hie wht won heging ahout Christman te lh bp wanted Lo make a iE a continves until April or May, Thin | gudi go "every sportsman who year It in expected fo attract fie! rion the North Island waters this armen from all over the world (or oh ristmustide will set out with the It han hoon found (hel few walers gesting that maybe he is going to oan offer wueh sport to the experis | mais angling Wy landing a enced pon angler as those off rth 'y thousund-pounder, Island, Indeed, it is predicted bh, COMFORTABLE RADIO #| When In Doubt - Wh Send an Umbrella - of natural wood, represents s moderns istie animal, Charming Christmas gift wmbrellis ean he found among those lusurious types whose handles mre adorned with Jewels, Ons smart, conservative mods el fur example, has i huge pearl the sigs of uw plum for its handle, and the tip Is a simuller pearl, quite heavily welghted, Bport handles featuring symbols of the bridges game come fn different eolors of the bridge pagh, One of have makes an Aaliractive bridge gift as well as sw Cliristmas present, The giembyella 1s, of course, of exnuisiiely fine henvy sill, und eames In a wide range of lus butte Ciliary ved; blue, wreen, purple, brown and bluek, often trimmed with an inside band of harmonizing shade, Paraphrasing someons whe coined this very good phrase for himself and applied It to other merehandise, we may well say=""When In doubt, send an umbrellas) Vor What man or woman, old. or young, wits, ever known to possess too many beautiful up-to-date togs for a ralny day! All manner of Interesting things ean be sald of this season's crop of in stighs, Perhaps not so many Chanpes, are obvious In men's yime brellas, 'One smart note is the ene "{oemble-set including a sleek mance cane and heavy sill umbrells with mnlacen handle and ferrule, Bat in the has hooked a broadbilliswordtish, or Its relative the bistk marlin, Then a Homeris contliet will be- #in, tov elthey of these great fish is & "bonny tester," But the angler whe manages to aome out_on Lop may have the sats (Iufaction * of landing a thousand | pounder, That, anyway, 16 what sll the Notebooks and a y type writer, & map stationery, pens, pencils, rulers and mechanical drawing tools, un rubber dating stamp, a dictionary « Dad's own secretary has not more Somplate ce equipment than 1s tucked inte this handsoms suitcase, Everything Is In miniature size, of conrse, Bug with It to help you think how very efficient you boys ig girls can become. Lessons can typed on the typewriter, & record spending money kept in the books} letters written to chums, and days and days of fun had in the play -liks office this clever little outfit makes possible, BELT BUCKLES IN MODERN / DESIGNS -------------- Very conservative, but extremely efeetive ure the new belt-hueldes of werling silver with copper inlays tn modernistic patterns, Or, if one wishes to be more exclusive, these may be had In white gold with de« signs Inlaid In shades In Homan, wreen and rose. gold CHRISTMAS GREENS Christmas trees, as & family, are the oldest of all trees, Bclentists say that thelr direct ancestors were the frst flowering plants on earth, They wre belleved to have originated dure Ing a period of very severe climate, thelr needle<like leaves preesnting less surface to cold and exposure than the broad-leaved trees that evolved in later periods of the earth's hiss tary, uxperls that it will not be long bee | fora they hasonie ihe most, famous fishing waters in the world, Certainly, there Is no lack of SEAT, N NOVEL GIFT thrills In sea fishing as the New : Zenlander kpows It, Think of When operating the adlo one must Althaugh the number af factories In | landing a swordfish with vod and fave com orghle oni before the India Is Increasing, fewer men are bes | Hine! The swordfish and make | nstrument, The new modernisths whark wre the prineipal priges In | Ar cushions **ove e llent pleens Ing employed, sasements [group devoted to the ladies many ond | ese s observed, are shorter and §tubbies Cy if) pnd. JL) Aint. ne to i eslghers have Jone to § to Inks atiraetly ve pune As wa nee ie / g Midi AC by coneny ol ne composition handle of white Or Ary Quad In he sm 1 dog's heady snoth od BJ lly the white bene eM - with a time ming of brown) the third handle turns itself Inte m question mark of natural wood, while the fourth, alse -- mat or -- a ---- ea eS ESE ALP * rep sr et A AAA, FEIT Just in time for Christmas oo er dio announces new Powe, prises ! [Ask your dealer for details] and a NEW CABINET of richer distinction "THE ARISTOCRAT" IVIR [Radio Distributed in Ontario by R. C, F. Limited Toronto, (Elgin 8394) and Wood, Alexander & James, Ltd, Hamilton ome tst avn ROGER SERVICE row wen YR GARAGE RESIDENCE 1643w 12 BOND ST, W, PHONE 007 "Silver on Radio Is Like Sterling on Silver" THE WORKRITE R DIO LIMITED SILVERADIO MERCHANTS, once Hi \ \) I 7 er Boo TARA. <Q pi mr, e---- a_i. = A BA ERR OT Re Se DP me

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