iid sa a _n ' as in i 7 4 - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 THIRTY-SEVEN TET a $9 i Miss 4 oi hk Hh ] of bro. font dnd Ee rite 0 » 'weblthy Am. ai To Jeers ah Jor, dot father, Panand Rolon Fo 8 liter an on Johns y ht stan, fo be apnoun- ++In the hope of gelling money from Johnson. Raquel he way to 1 York, with the tion of ts marrying Jack Far roll. 8 mining engineer, New York, however, Raauel was. selected by Alphonse Courbet, « mobed fashion expert, as his chisf modal, and secompanied him and another model, Greta Tosak, Paris. There she was acclaimed aveen of beauty, and hed. many |' sultors, Wer heart was not touchs #4 however, until sha met Clerald Parker and became hia wife, Panne! finds Witla rhanee in har home in Wermonn, Wer father still exhihite a saveme temner; her mother, Lauey, stil patiently goes theovgh her vound of drvAwary) and her broth arg, Fmi'lo pnd Jose, and a oleter, Rosita, are almost an whe left them, Chapter 08 Tt had been three days ago that 4, Raquel! and Lucy sat on the bench that #an slong the sun-baked walls outside the 'dobe shack of Pancho Rojos with only the stare to see Whil vat going on between them. Queen of PDeauty holding in higr arms the drab little wisp of & woman, striving to stem the tor rent of tears that had been goth: ering behind feded honeless eyes t' 7 Raquel, oradled in her arms, had taken her first unseeing pee at a turbulent topsy-turvy world, The miracle of her home-soming to Manuel was that time conld shift the seenes of her life with gueh fantastic swiftness, and lay not a0 much as a finger of this grumbling 'dobe heap in the desert. Pancho otil] roared for his black poffes and his steaming piles of tore tillas, We blustored out of the yhaok, and ewagrered up the mean dvsty 1i6t'e street in the direction of Xeno Pete's, Dut he did her the goodness of geturnine in a reason: ably straleht line and to leave off the diabolical tone of his blas phemy. Te was, she sensed, 8 litle a= trald of this hone of his bone, flesh of his flab, who had returned to take account of hm, We had an uncomfortable habit, when alight. iy in his suph of confusing her with the pattfelan mother of hia wih, Only the black eves of this Manvel flashed and burned, When ; ked | the black Live her Raoae: they wes dork ahd | lesding Hike the of tl onna OF o ar in the Chureh of the Blessed A Going Hout her Arudeery of housework, A Fray phantom. ening her faded eyed to make aure this strange hird of paradise who had me fate the orow's nest way her own, fledeting that had flown hack to nestle under her "iti Ris thin Gpma eosin twined aboyt Raouel's , We pront velvety aus ares whitedom od her wiattulty, J Jean ) \ dev hig carpets b the ' une of areola, i ' Rosita bulged wore o ones vod allk op o xl t the store and om fl he ) enoueh to buy prin ow rows walt with of wirhvie | that getting Pancho out of Hermose Ron ad: A " \ ne RL rit tend him endukh to hv anwathing," Ranuel seid oulekly, AME Ahera'a Wh here we could ww 4 on " oh grindtr he mea! for where's onte Been one discs batt \n Wopmoann since you CLA ale sald, HT polonpg of » Jam Johnson," AR oak a Pe onal, wishad the name had Hw eta Rea a Let \ nnd so AT Te "8a RN putit ha ™ Mae 2 hI. Poor av oid, Poor F's mot fet plight. ramething wh fla ening... © WWhat wenld wrong " arneet" atke «* Ma trom 4 eae of Awe no's? Pm wind. ahe caught Bill, thaneh, They Were meant for one Fa NH aie ok ah fg to keen her ho Re The Hae wan holding elats he Pane, apiittng the meal CR | Al maa i gotting cooler, 1 want to talk with ¥ 8he ve to hold! nt roms withn har, She | ahi flared, "You owe It to yourself {vou threw down Toft. | borrowed from BY JANE DIXON IMustested by Armstrong Perry "Yes," she oid, mechanionlly re. Jateity the damage Raquel's lon had wrought, "Me's besu back twice, Beoms he's got somethin to do with the mines down in Oh huahua, Rosita saw him." the quality of a be oonfession, "1 almost maggied Jack Varrell.'" "1 thought you would," sald Lucy, "1 koew that's what you nned, after ho stayed on i. in HW «1 never sald say~ thing about it, though" thers! They knew, Raquel felt al'ghtly giddy agsfn, A kind of a fous weakness that came over her at unewpected moments, "Mother," she said at length, "gome on out on the bench, It's ul It wan there Raquel disclosed her vlan to her mother, Bhe would per sunde Pancho to return with® her to New York, fhe wanted him to mest Jerry. To get Away from Wermosa, From Keno Pete's, From his companions of the 'dobe shack outside which she erouched on & night long amo when she had branded Lily as a #9Y. | "Jerry wants to know Pancho." she said to Tuey, "but my husband Me very rich! ' Laugy seemed not even to hesr r "He wants to help us all, as he has helped me. Jose must have teacher for his violin, We lovey It 10, Ha will make much of it, Rosita and Emilio, 1 don't know, ., but Jerry will find a way, As be will find a way with Pancho." "Your hnsband plane to live in New York?" "We don't know, We want to trave! a while, I lke strange places vo ootoging things, reeine peonle, We thought of poling to Ohina this winter, and Javan, Just Arifting' "That's a lonx way," The Mednle ing wes taving wing again, Lucy's chin anivered, "Just for a Mitte tein * Paquel hastened to exnlain, "We'll he back in no time. Meanwhile, It vou'll he'n ma wet Pancho nettled, mother, I'l leave von a'l comfart. Able and hrwnv, Think what that will mean to us!" Laey vome and wa'ked Tiwtlesslv toward the doer, "I moat get the menl readv for gun er," she sald, Her mother! fhe wee not avre even that Lucv had heard what she had been saying. Except about China, 4 The future. Tts promise! Its path ading away from the dust, the ener, Through green flelda, "Mother," Raquel's voles had |" Fd - 'generous? Rolling in wealtl, 8d letting your own flea ue make the best of & bed bar gain? Maybe you think J'm wl quit AI 7, like "some I eention."" 't put om your airs with me, y. 1 got py friends Ju this and U'm poling to etick by 8 Oe little ride and Pepoho |! Rojos won't bave to worry, He'll be able to 'buy this dirty town and burn it up for a ponfire," Bo that was It, Pancho and bls gang were on the eve of another one of those mysterious rides a oross the border. Thare would be coarse oaths, shouts, the bark of guns, red hands, the pounding hoofs of the ruraies in pursuit, This time, she was sure, they would get Pancho, Her, woman's intuition 'told her as much, she "way, she knew, prescient feng things, Her tather a common bandit, No, not "sr father, The man who had been her father, The man the ter aula and the knawing hatred of those he belleved responsible for his fall from high estate had made into a beast, 'The heast was the night-rider, the plunderer, the ave enger of a fancied wrong against his youth, Jorry, too, would suffer, The shame of It! And Jerry so wanted to help, She must find some way, Pancho must pot cross the border on that shameful adventure. Oaptube, the oud of the road, awaited him there. 'Was it possible that not longer than a week aro aha had been Mra, Gerald Parker? Living in the fault. less appointed apartment of a luxurious hotel In a great elty? Her | slightest wish a command? Going ahout with Jerry and his friends, whe hed received her xiadly, ad. mired her extravagantly? Mrs, Gora'd Perrier, hrautiful and Jame pered pnd adored, No, Bhe was Raquel Rojos,,.. Pancho's girl, Unlers she could snateh this great bel'awing toro of A Purho from the pit dug of his nd |" o cate," Raquel's Jag LT ng +H res) cold, or | bosrens, If only" Jetry And | Whereupon Anns set up "ns Ulubbering and wailing that Joho Tiger Flew, Chioago, wan Laxed to capacity as the world sories open' ing same took place between Chi. Cube y A BOOTY ond iat latter wi oy he katt, Wit, "Yristey, Jan, ner of the Cubs, ig, he fry | of game, hy ing oul Bishop ot ainietion in oF sama." Phoid A game, raphe are and are © t, 1090, apd Atlante hetos, Ino. 86 An the room above came clumping hastily down the stalre. CHAPIEN 67 Tt was i, of uel that she made BO nous to the bond that had brought about her last meet: {ug with Johnson~=nor to the ruth. osaness with which she had broken that bond, The t was past, It wae done! gor, Only fools and weaklings deslt nit, "You've nt to help me, BIL" she ssid, hut up, Anne, Bill, shut her up, will you?" He acoomplished the miracle with s eingle wave of his buge bunk of a hand, "It's Pancho," Raquel sald, We's bye got to got him out of town and on thet train to Phoenix tonight He Jron't go. unless you do as I Y. Quickly, without waste of words, she told Johnson her plan, One false move and Pancho's foot would Ibe in ft, He would be caught, And there could be no way of getting him out once the trap was sprung Johnson was to offer to drive hin across the desert that night, ge! him on a train for Phoenix, pro vided Pancho paid him the mone) he owed him, y oughtn't to do It," fohneor demurred, ,, 'Conslderin' ever) thin "No, you shouldn't" agreed. "But you will." "1 revkon #0," sald Johuson, bh! heavy features lumpiag Inte guilty smile, He was putty | Raquel's hand, He always hi been, Even about that 144 trip to 'Frisco Ne never took, the stane house he never bulit, Raque! was hurrying Johueon | to his boots, He had been slosh! around in an old pair of carpet 4! pers, He must got to the Ro shack before she did. Call Pan out, Give him the warning, £ would slip in and finish packing, "I want to pay you the mon Pancho owes you, Bill" she sa "How much is it?" He was beot-red--hesitant, "0 forget about that" "How much fs 117" she out In one who must not be denied, Ho told her, "I'll have it ready for you," sh Raqut blind folly and hate, "There's no use reasoning with him when he's like this, she tnd herself, "And he'll be woree, Ne a'wavs fn fust before one of these 'deals,' We whine himee!f Into a fury, I ean't give him un, It 1 cou'd waky him suspect, though,.,."" She turned and welked rapidly Touoy's feet In broken shoes did not quicken to the path, Wad she, Ranly found the path too late? The naxt day brousht a brief 'etter from Dr, Logan, the Jerry. It advised her to return ae s00n a8 rhe conveniently could, and appended a little kindness about there beirk no necemity for worry, THe specialint wished to consult with her, That was all, Ohe was outside the shack on the bench when she rend the letter, © apal minutes elanced hetore she gould compose herself, find the ana to rise and po to lLuey, 'giddiness had retorned.... and the weakness, Wyery nerve fn her body was hvmming, crackling ae if charmed with an electrio oun tf 'too strong for it to earry, "Nother," she sald, her af ained and Rizh, "wend Jose to ky J must token the first | tran ar. w York, Tonight, I a D foward the shack MAnd. mother" Raquel added, stronmer now thet a way had ener. od out before thee me, He must, going alone," Chapter 00 Raquel soon * found, 'however, torether, He must go with 1 don's teel equal to ii ) waa not 10 be af Ary ag she plan: a : od, Ej "1 can't do 14" De growled when \ittle Jose's message had dragged him, reluctantly, from Keno Pete's, "But, father, I need you," Raquel Invteted, "Yeu, he anavied, the hot quits stiveing the smoldering qe n [rd Bry 3 ne dq iy need you your mother oe me, We could rot here, for all you onved." to temper Wf adhd Many ways, ahe i asehter, $ "1 came an soon as T was In A nositton to do something real" 10 All of us, to got away from this." "You're a fine one to te!l me what 1 awe thin family." he roared, "A peatty plokle you left us in when Johnaon, I've wot patd Him back yet. .the money Never R oan say him Jesu thin deal T have - now verre out'the way I think 5) 40 "Deal? Rague! asked, She knew Pamcho's "deals They ware made in the dark of the night in that shack with the barred windows and closed dlinds, They were senledl by words from lose ltpe over castes of tequila. with venepeden, pens, men who were "wanted" Dv the authoritier. ex 8 A Ponchos I nn Pathe! aarx ly, 1 see you pet t LL] ron Ar, agnor or. "Get Pancho's | fre foto the small pot of & room that Was pnoe hers, A thousht had oe ocurred to her She must restate It, try to form it Into a working plan "It YT could de'fver a warnine to he was being watched, That his) slightest move would bring the end | for all of them, It would have to come from a source he could not question, though, MWe would laugh at rumors," She naced back and forth fin the eramped room like a trapped orea- ture, her black eyes wide, aflame. Wer soariet Vips, .a little pale now | ves drawn back from her blue white teeth, One of the gang? They could be reached with money,.any one of them, Rut they could not be trust- od, even when bought, They wovid fant her, The warning must come from someones who had nothing to do with their stupid and dangerous "deals"... someones sha eould trust, someones Pancho knew and | had reason to bBelleve wou'd be ine terested In keeping him allve and 8. Suddenly she otonned her pacing ard listened, Pancho was at the table, gusling great ouns of hot coffee, From a nex on the wall she took a cloak of her mother's, a sront black xarment of cheap cloth. Making certa'n Pancho's back wes 'award her, she ntole stealthily out of the shack, find BIN Johnaon, Running rather than walking. . Musk had settled and she would not be observed. ...she reached the ond of the dusty little lane, She wlackened her pace onlv lowe oush to ask a man souffline three wh the dust the direction of NM Jolineon's house, then tellowed the Hine of his pointing figure, She would know that house when ahe oama ta ft, The lire fed tn a direction one woslte to that where Johnson had wlanned to bul'd the stone home hy the viver, Bill had ehanved We We, Those honevmoon acres for Lily and then for har, Raguel, had brought him {11 fortune, By and by she paused before square frame structure with a plasea running along three sides of t, An oil lamp, the ornate globe okened with amoke, shone through an upcurtaiped window, sdW Anna bending over a thiok white bundle she was holding in hor arms. Anna's ohild, that wag not quite right in tte poor little head. She Aid not walt fer the woman with the bundle tn her arms 10 answer her soft but imperative knock, The woman, ateing this shoat from out her past, this blindingly beautiful woman with the gemmed hands that reached for her and the blasing, sevking ayes, clutehed the bundle to her breast and stagged backward against the table. "You've come. for WI" whimpered. "Yes, Anna, yea" oried Renyel, she "ok you will. DONS" Pancha "gince when did vou § a tury oot "Where fhe was going to |p sald, "He sure you have goo horsss, The best you ean ge' We'll have to pide, My trunks on come later, If we're going to mak that train, we bave to go at to; speed every mile of the way," | * Johnson was awallowed up b the shedows In the street. | "Anna," Raquel sald, waiting fo he footsteps to die out before sh followed, "you've got to do some (thing about the baby, Me ought ( | have A specialist, You and BI must bring him to New York, I'l #ee that Bill does it." (} York ganciotiat who had examined him," she figured rapidly, "That| She tied down the steps, A gh' ary, replacing Anna's whimper, V her ears, Some hours later, when darn had settled down in earnest, thr figures might have been seen rid ing fleetly along the desert tral in the direction of the equalid hud dle of 'dobe huts and bleached weather-board sheds that 'war Signing on detalled maps as @ wh on ' snorting iron horaes on two-rdlled paths, bao come even to this lsolated and God-forsaken spot, in an avaricious determination to effect the ood: Knterprise, voles ake the money and use It to des quest of civilisation. "Some (lithy dog ' squealed,' mumbled Pancho, digglog the pur: savagely into the flanks of his horse, He swore greal oaths that sent the stars sourrylng to cover under flylng Clouds that seemed only too glad to hide the hatred and the black rege of the man from the pure light of heaven, "It I ever find out who it Waswe' Pancho was spared the stretoh of imagination required to mete out punishment for the "squesler." "We're ' almost there," Raquel called" to him over her shoulder, Whereupon Pancho took to pray. ing ea eloquently that they would be t and not too late, as In a re he had been bles: pheming, a hg! A time to dl» 0! ® horses, say & a Johnson, and had the rackety conch behind yg fron horse, that trip to New York uel remembered very little, Except that It waa a torture of tremulous antiol- Jition-éhe waa 20 anxious to be k wiih Jerry, It wag a severe test of"8llal duty, Panche sullen, snarling, vevenge-bl There was av ny of fear tu which she a eat Astaire" Who. Suh the thread of 's fate, The giddy eeling in het was {ne n Neduemer, also the weakness at the back of her knees. When she thought endurance must surely give way and leave her with her purpose for Pancho {noom- ontion, she found the train pulled into Grand Central Sta A smile was loft in her it 90,0 od, when ehe thought of how au. bad commandes "the bom's" car and & stupid chauffeur bad taken her for a ride through Cem tral Park, She fused and heckled, wes fo het wake, Neo walked ap one 0 # trance, tha! memory whis vie fon away trom him before he could [var 11, he had known places ver) ke this. Long, long ago. In ab other lite, maybe, uel Bad not lat Jerry kno + He must be burp w POD, WI Pr not hear from Rew he! ue ! of purporatul deal, 18 he, ADRRY™ iii, date think about that. Lucy would Jet him know she hv ted, & were smoking ruin of iv. | y | gone trom Hermosa, Luoy, Wwoved of her apathy at last by the. swit! urn of life's wheel that night she 1d belped P4ntng "got svar yr n upg to Fs AR 5 Af 0. It was as much as Ra uel gould do to drag away Luoy'y tiinging Bands, The wonder of it wis heavy on Raguevs heart, A woman could eling to her man, oven after Le ha become a Pancho now was, #1 dou't 'want Jerry to meet us' we told herself, 'There will be veople, staring 'eyes, whispering lips, 1 want to take Pancho (0 Jorty---ag ho is, 1 want him 10 seq the pleture clearly, Then he ean io a4 he thinke best" Aud oo 1t was Gerald Parker, met he men who, he felt, was the one iboye all Others who had Infused ites], fee, into the soul of Raquel, he woman he loved beyond al) nings priceless on earth or in 1oaven~~and the father who had Aalled her, of & long time Jerry held Pa- quel close, covering her ps, bor oyes, her hair, with his hungry caress, 'Then he turned to Pancho, "You are welcome in my house, Yenor RMojon" he sald gravely. The great sfnewy man with the bristling mustachios and the flerce black eyes bowed stiffly from the walat, "Gracious, Senor," He sald, "You do me honor," Raquel' stifled a little ery. Had the heard aright? Was this Pancho she looked upon? A voles modus fated, silken; a manner gracious, raooful, with just a touch of eon esconsion in it, The voloe, the, manner of Alphonse, The touch of the Latin, | She buried her faced on Jerry's shoulder, There she could stem the torrent of hysteria that threats ened to sweep her out to some pathless ocean of unreason, (Continued To-morrow) i FRANK BUONO TESTIFIES IN DWN DEFENCE (Continued from page 1) by Mrs, Flalka and her two children had left for Whitby harbor, She said that they had all gathered at the home of Mrs. jos Demersky, and that they had had something to drink. Mrs, Kobernick, she sald, had been quite jovial and had been dancing around with Buono, "Goodbye Frank' she said to me and then phe jumped out of the bofit into the water" with these words Frank Buono, described the drowning of Mrs, Kohernick, when he took the witness box on his own behall, Witness under examination of his caunse! told the court that he had been rowing in the harbor with Mrs, Kobernick, They were in a flat-bot tomed bout. Mrs. Flalka and her two children who had been with them previously had been landed on' the shore because the children had cried Mrs, Kobernick had asked him to go out on the water again, "She started to ery and said thal her husband told her that if she had not paid her debts when he got out of Jail then he would leave Oshawa, She said 'My husband bad man'," the prisoner added, In spite of the fact that the exam- ination bad to be conducted through the medium of an Italian interpreter, Buono remained cool in giving his evidence and showed little emotion, Denies Threats "Did you eyer make a against Mra. Kobernick's life," Stillwell asked, Accused denied he had ever made any threats Under cross-examination of the Crown, Buono related what had hap. pengd on the Saturday previous to the drowning, Mrs, Demeresky and Mrs, Kober: nick had been released from jail at Whitby that day and he had met them there with a car, He took them down to the lake and later, to Osh awa. On the following Sunday he had seen Mrs, Kobernick, He drove her to Port Perry accompanied by her boy and three other lads, On the way out he said thdt something had stung him bohind the car, He turn« ed around and the car ran into the ditch, Mrs, Kobernick had been slightly injured, he said, Alter the drive to Port Petry, he said, he had not seen Mrs, Kboernlek until Tues- dav night, On that occasion Mrs, Kobernick had suggested that he drive her to Mimico to ase her son who was in the industrial school On Wednesday he came home {rom work early, He saw Mes, Kobernick sitting on her verandah, Sho asked him to get some liquor for her, Ho did so and took it to his own room at later Mrs, Kobernick came over, Mrs, later Mrs, Kobernick ame oyer, Mrs, Demeresky, Mrs. Filalka and a Mr, § were algo present had had something to eat and deink he sald. He recalled that a man named Phil Duncan was also present, R te Story Almost wors for word the accused repeated his story of what had hap. pened at the harbor just prior to the drowning of Mrs, Kobernick, When threat Mr, The Hd she fell inlic said that he threw out ihe anchor and pr in after her, Au cave her by the arm and teied ov tow her to the boat but they both went under the water, He could not uve hér and was half drowned him- elf he elaimed, He managed (o swim u the barge and cling to a spike aft- rv which he cried for help, Buono sald that when he wap urought from the barge to the dock in Campbell's boat he told the men in the boat that there was a woman in the water, He also sald that up- on his arrival ot the dock he told Chiet H., Gunson, of W thy, and Provincial Constable T, Mitchell, of Oshawa, that Mrs, Kobernick was still In the water, This was denied by both officers who were called in rebuttal, Phil Duncan, of awa, told about being present at Mrs, Demeresky's place on the afternoon of the drown+ Ing, He had seen Mr, Buono and Mrs, Kobernick but did not know where they had gone. "Why not?" Mr, Willlams queried, "1 guess 1 was too full" witness stated. The audience laughed and Mr. Justice Weight threatened to glear the court, donsy, Kobernick, twelve-year-old son of Frank Kohernick and the late Mrs. Kobernick, testified that Buono had ealled at their place on two oc- caslons when his father was absent, Witness Rejected Isaac Levine, of Whitby, was sum- moned as a defense witness but he refused to take an oui claiming that he was an orthodox Jew and that it was contrary to his religion, Mr, Justice Wright would not allow him to testify unless he would comply with the Jewish form of oath as pro- vided by the court, All evidence was concluded at ten o'clock last night, The addresses to the Jury were presented by counsel for the Crown and the defence this morning followed by the address of the judge to the fury, and the case went before the jury early this af- thenoon, Sr ------ HISTORIC POINTS THREATENED BY THAMES RIVER (Continued from page 1) they have refused steadily to re- move thelr maintaining it Is necessary to cope fine the floodwaters to the pres: ont area and that nothing would be gained from allowing the town also to be swamped, There have been several at. tempts by the villagers to damage the town's tlood defenses, 184 Died London, Dec, 11==Shipping, wreck- ed and scattered by A gales, was warned by the air minlstry last night to prepare for a new outburst of wild weather, The ministry said that a new gale would probably strike Ireland tonight and move mpldiy over the British Isles. ixperts had scarcely had time to comoute the loss of human life and of property by the storms which have lashed the coasts of Great Bri tain and the continent when this fresh threat developed, Revised figures show that at least 184 persons perished, Most of them died at sea, more than 09 ships hav. ing been sunk, wrecked or badly damaged |, In complete figures in Parls show ed that 52 lives have been lost on the French coast or in the interior The stormy waters of the chan nel and the ocean lost some of thelr fury this afternoon, but still another ship sent an S.0.8. This was the British steamer Londonderry, in dan- ou 10 miles northeast of Calais, 'rance, Fear of. Floods England's principal worry for the moment was over the floods on the I'ames and other rivers, which were flooded far beyond ordinary marks, I'he pilots of big liners were given unexpected free tr Pe to foreign lands by the violence of the storm. The Holland-American liner Statendam, en route for New York, was preven. ted by rough weather from droppi her Southampton pilot at the Isle of Wight, The pilot will make the trip to New York, Four other pilots are gettin f trips to Madeira, Bremen, Cher ne urg sandbag protections, | MRT ell ore | oo 904. WILSON BACHELOR 1929 LVER ANNIVERSARY REASONS WHY THE BACHELOR CIGAR, IS cigar against © | and frayed wrappers and ends, f The foil wrapper makes KK the Bachelor a better and better value for the money than ever before. Smoke one after lunch or dinnér today . . . and see for yourself how your favourite 10c has been by g wrapped foil, 106. and in pocket packs of five / and London for the same reason, | foot of the level during the dlsas- Crippled vessels are still creeping| trous floods in 1928, . 4 slowly into port. The British liner v \ KX. Aba was one that' limped into Cork What good did it do to be grouchy today? today with a make-shift steering ar- rangement, * Thames Rising Did your surliness drive any trou- bles away? Floods in the valley of the Thames have caused a sericus situation, The | Did you cover more ground than you usually do, river is still rising with its flow ale ready twice the normal rate, 'The |Because of the grouch that you ear vied with * discharging capacity of the Thames If not, what's the use of a grouch or when flowing bank full {s 4,500,000,000 allons daily, whereas today at Ted- ® If it 'won't a path or a grim dington the flow was 9,000,000,000 gl ons, In some places the Thames 8 two miles wide where in normal days the river resembles only a good sized creek in Canada, At high tide: tonight the waters of the Thames were within half a h » Your work may be hard, bu do {t---and smile. h Just AR-------------- You Are Saving PEA ... NUT .. EGG .. STOVE 18.50 Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? $12.00 15.00 15.00 "OTTO" FURNACE COKE A First Clase Product at the Price -- $12.80 No. 1 Body Hardwood $16.00 per Cod. \ A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING Price - Quality - Quantity - Service W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED Cail US on the Telephone -- Nos. 230, 231. 25 Albert St. it by Buying Coal at the Following Prices Terms -- Net Cash | GENUINE SCRANTON ANTHRACITE 00 per % Cord 00 per Y4 per