nanville ; . / News, advertising TTIANLY Daily' Times and subscriptions will be received st the Bowmanville Uffice of Ihe Times | elephones--~Ofhoe, B87, REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK LOCAL WELFARE The Community mittee In iy appeal for he, Nhe Boo oF people of Wy a. suocesplva winks ] w LE fo a tH oar " own the province rir sei villa had been loyment than has heen he ne ohn ao Othe has nelvhhoring fa & lke orvanfastion whieh fs do ine untold good in the og A and Bowmanville ean wel examnle from that elty and wive to the weltars of the neanla of ony own community, Hoth clothes and money ave werently renuired and it 18 sincerely hoped that eltizang will take this apnortnnity of doin thelr good turn for those less fore tunate than themselves, The Community Welfare Cam: mittee has fssued an apnen! and is hoped that eltizenn of Hawmans ville will ha generons In thely ve. sponse, 'The apnenl 1s as follows: "Fhe winter season (8 {ntenalfve ne the work of tha (ammnntty Weltara Committee, Ta meet the needa both clothing and manev ava panvivad, If you ean give need olothing In sepvianahia aanditian plensa notify po memhay of tha rams mitten whose nama annecra halow, or sand {1 ta At, Tahn'a Raiely Fal) between 11 and 18 a'rlonk anv mornine whan §0me one Is en fntv to rrentve it, "nal donations hon'd ha sant ta the trengnrer, tha Par BI Shiv and will Ba erntafeiiv pele hs We par 8 suman thatin interen ing © Ault anima af thir trom 'all i , So fn \ col a neocesnary work "™, 3, HH vtpver: Mi. AT Niehnils, Oanvanart W, A arhett, Rev, x W. Hunner, "A Fhives" VR 5.5 ht COAL MALLETT'S Members Oshawa Lodge Loys) Ovder of Moose attend the meeting Thursday, Dee, 18, Tor vonte Lodge No, 16000 will cone duct the meeting and a large erowd and good time Is exe pected, All members are vee quested to attend, 0 ann Fone OSHAWA ISSUES GHA AL Set, Hote td Horus Contestants Tiggine of, hl been - Ee A ie x; x a ny! Wo Wi wa ihe OWIManY i eqord ia) nor 0 nna he over, 0 thought here ord Hrd Ss A tr Brien oni, and Blows, a fear ture o the thors nage, os HAYS lodh fom 'he Motor City alleys |ibue ne! Tenge to any one Bowmanville bowls er OF 10 any two mat, and three man or {0 any five or alk man-teany, ah Intestanty to how! three uae 0 wii le and three In Oshaw It then ealls on the local bays to ¢o0 " and de thelr stu thing Ia sure, and that Is that the Bowmanville boys are not going 10 let a challenge of this kind go un answered and the sooner we have the pleanyre of showing the Oshawa lads hat Bowmanville can produce some real bowlers the sooner Oshuwa will renlige that Alan Kolght's 441 was po fluke and that the Bowmanville boys, wlthough they have only had a Bowling Alley for a com MFatively short te ean sure strut thelr sin Any wha Intend to represent Now: manville in this fittle exhibition game which is to shew Oshawa how to do It, are asked to communicate with BH, Mortlogk, the Powmanvilia representative of The Times, who the wing, alleys about toe i toni] hs ) A ig 3 al Hl FUL HOUSE DRAWS LARGE AUDIENCE Amu Farce Presented by 'Guild of St. John's Church FN EN " reality a L] "tall Ouild of Ht, There waa house" when John's ehureh presented theip ane nual vehlele, the fared, "A 'Full House," at ine Opera Heune lant evening, Practioally every seat in the auditorium wan ocoupled, 'The offering. waa one of those shows which one could honestly say was well east and well noted, The orchestra, composed' of Al Fleteher, violin, Arthur Holt, cello, and Mpa, J, BE, Anderson, accoms panin, added. greatly to the evens et entertainment, he story' centred around the robhary of a $30,000 ruby' neck: lace, the property of Mra, Fem broke of the ultra smart set in Ros ton, 'The story opened in an apart. ment in New York where Ottlly Howell, (Grace Raverin): N ange of a few days ha ) her husband who "alle Out of town on an imaging ry busi ness telp to Cleveland, but in real ity has gone to Poston to recover BASSET 1'S On Ochawa's Main Corner 0 ron give the Oshawa] | Deaf Hear A Through New Aid topic No Br oe Ji Yue TenDay Free Trial Offer fer wouiyedive yon sutl dnvoned ne ive entitle hau "J hh hy he hoa: i Aaountlo son 14d, Papt. A Hy fehmeond Bt, Want, haw Just perfected a new model Aconsticon that represents hte greatest advance yet made In the re-avention of heaving for the deaf, This latest Acotsticop 1s foatured by & tiny earpiece no bigs Fr than a dime, Amy this § i; sounds pe dlearly and dis: otly transmitted to subnormal {ears ih wonderful benefit tn | houpin gh with alike, The Home| mikers offer an Ahptutely free trial for 10 days to ny one pers RON who may be iiorestad and A letter will being one of these res Jiathable alds to your hi for gh and convineing test, your name And address sent by Mra, Pe ys LO an authon who a living from Way An Aunt or ] nnd being an old ma Fh and having evidently ! silted by seme swain in her rly years, is wusplolons of every y wkidionoe efpoainily George owe who had married her rh after two weaks' lHghtnin courtship, Her plispielons are tha he 18 8 crook and her assertions Appegr to be correct when George returns with the stolen jewels in a a " which We had ploked up by Istake atier a train wreck, Proving his Innocence gave George a lot more trouble than he antiolpatad and with the erook turning up and the police doing wo At the same time many funhy coms nlieations arose, The matter was finally retitled among the parties with the exception of the polles who, with the erook In thelr hands during the whole of the last set, falled to vecogning the faot and als lowed him to get Away before they reaMused that he was the man they were after, One amusing part of the presen. tation was the proposal! of Ned (Hernard Mitehell) ta Daphne (Bernice Pagnell), sister of Ottily, And they played a prominent part in the mix-up that constituted the humorous side of the play, Husie from #Bloux City, the mald, perhaps oreated the funniest episodes of the story, and war Easponsible, in her "mx oly £0 Ret her fare hack ta her nat tive olty, for the failure of the ealine to get thelr man, Thin par, fe tekken by Peggy Oliver The committes responsi" le for he presentation, naluded Mra, 'Rev, ) No J, Bhives, Mrs, 1, A, ankler and Mes, Alin Campbell, The cast wie! Paria; an Kaglish servant, 1, M, Cotton] flusle, from Bloux Clty, a Paid. LT Fr Qllver; Outlly owell, a bride, Miss Grace Cavers 191 Mrs, Winneeker, from Yonks ore, the aunt, Mrs, N, 8, Fleher, Daphne Charters, Otilly's sister, Miss Berniee Bagnell; Nicholas King, a stranger, Will Oliver) Ned Fem role "Jr, An only don, Hernard Mitehelly Gears Howell, # brides groom, X, C, C, Houtheyi Deugher- ty, a police rr. ©, Ramin] Jim Mooney, a polioeman, Jack WN, Emmerson; Clancey, another po Hoaman, Leon Gunn] Mw, Fem. oy who owns the apartment, Mis Edith Miller; Vera Vernon, a showgirl, Mra, Alan Campbell; a. are from Noston, Mre, larke rs PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS' CONCERT, ft 2% | Annual Presentation Being Held Thursday and Fri day Evenings plant and Friday night he pupil imi eo . publie sehople of lowmanville are Jy tients ne,» on the supervision of Miss Helen A FEN My supervisor o le, hy ARuAl concer e Opera, House at olght o'clock, "he reer this year la more amb (lous than has on the ease Ly previous years and a two an chorus one hundred volee Il be the feature, The rg program consists of 23 nume bers ko ity Orchestra, the chorus and w 8 an dle 1} Rum, hers, on the HLS Ad second SAMA - night there will Pe a pres: entation o fies, on the first ¢ nw the o special | prlees and on Friday the a he prof eleney, 's prizes for general a annual affair NE ay one © th @ most sucoeastul of Joe REAION da year played houses \ night, There has a this n very ratifying sale of tiokets an Fy o staff have pent many long oa the avent, AN event are aed to Sp. Ahir etio requirements for wae in © school gymnasium and . grounds, WANTS MONEY BACK Pathor--"Young ma RE man, 1 understand' you made advances io wy danghten® Butters" | 't intend aay: ing anything about it, but since yon or eo ft I wish Jou could get her to pay me back, ours in pres The pros y IN wi ata ie been con 14 times of 'hia offence=-are MY Ashamed 4a. 1) ah to hab Rap buta: your 1 don't think ene ou to be --bamed of hin convietiona {'Rovaunds Now Bat 'Senor Americano' An Epic virB Keon Maynard Fide vidos into the vos mantle setting of old California In "Menor Amerionne" Universal's thrilling ob ioh ploture whieh comen Lo the se " Hi the New Martin A, Ursday, Marhard, n hin constant' search for orlginal ity apd novelty in his niin Jloturey ", ihe ] ont, has 8 new Ly Ameria, fn rall fn "Honor Aring are present, and In Ads lon there 1s a new wid glam: orous historical atmosphere, "yp HArd appears as a youn ashing American cavalry of Wh on 8 seeret mission to Mouths orn California In the troubled dayn that preceded annexation hy | the United Mtates, He falls in love with the daughter of an old and Mriftooratle Npanigh family, the R being portra od by charming ) ig Orawford, loture is erammed with the pol on and romance, There Is Rding and fighting and plotting |" "lo One of the most stirring ontures 1d a sword duel between aynard And his hot-blooded Wpan. | * Ish rival in love, One of the most Interesting se quences deploy un festival the eplorful type peenliar to cuftornta In the days of Bpanish ocoupation, It {8 at this celebration that the hero, by his superb trick riding, wine a molden ridly which gives much of the plot to the story, The ploture In with dialogue and color. ful songs by Maynard and Miss Crawford, "Menor Americano" was di rected by Harry J, Brown, whe han directed Maynard In many of his most auocensful and thrilling plotures, The cant Corrado, J, I, Moflowan, Frank Yaconelll and Frank Deals, "Tar san," Maynard's famous horse, has hia usual important part In the netlon, Helmer Nergman and Menry Me Carty wrote the story, the contine uity helng the work of Nennett Cohen, KEDRON WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION HAS ANNUAL MEETING Officers Elected--Mrs, Les lie Hancock Is New President 0 ua---- fnoluden Oine Kedron, Dee, 10,«~Mps, Clarence Werry, Wm, and Robert visited 3. A Ly, Pancoe, Bolina, on Tues. ¥, ne annual meeting and election of officers of the Women's Assos ation was held at the home of Mya, Allan Lavin on Wednesday, Deo, 4, with a good attendance, The offleers elebied for the coms ing year are as followsi~Prea, Mra, Lealle Haneook] viee-pres, Mra, RJ, Luke) wee, Mrs, Marvey Pascoe] assistant secretary, Mra, Kverett Mountjoy: treasurer, Mr, Harvey Crossman) planist, Mrs, Haveld Mountjoy: auditors; Mrs, Wm, Hepburn, Mra, W, N, Hoskin; committe for Christmas oheer, Mra, Harvey Pascoe, Mra, Harvey Crossman, Mr, and Wr A, Gully, Oshawa, ited My, W, N, Hoskins on Mon- Mr. and Mrs, James Hoskin, Har. mony, were recent visitors at the home of Mr, Harold Mountjoy, The teacher and pupils of Pere: man's school are holding a conecery and Christmas tree on Thursday evening, Dee, 15, A nllver collec tion will ha taken Miss Mary Rundle and Mr, Perey Cann of Hampton, Mr, Vernon Roath of Teronto, and Mish Allee Amyth were guests of Miss enw Hoskin on Hunday, Mr, and Mra, 0, W. Hoskin wen, Rlossnily Wurprised on Wedneas- day evening when about thirty " their relatives arrived to aspen socal evening with them in thelr new homs, Mr, and Mra, John Naylor, Mr, and Mra, Ceoll Pascoe and Gordon, Hollna, visited Mr, Harvey Cross: man, wiih J Mra, Clarence Werry, Wm, Robert spent Thursday ih Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Datty, Osh. AWA, Mp and Mra, Arthur Nesbitt, of Nrookiin, Mr, Frank Kerr, Mea. ford, were recent guests of Mn and Mra, B, Davis cook and Mr, and Mrs, L. fami! cently hive "Ne Kine and Mes, Barmer, of Whithy, e Hoya' Volunteer and Qlple' Golden Links olasies and a few of the young people enjoyed a moclal event A at the home of Mise Ma: rion Allin, Newoastle, Friday even: iy The election of officers for the following year were held with the following resulta: The Kedvon Yolunisere-Totshan, arold Wen 123) nt, Ralph Davin} vices president, Howard Hosking treas avery feorge James! secretary, Torne Noakin, The Girla' Golden Linke Teacher. dent, Darothy Cluestoni vieespresh dent, Florence Rahme: "Flore Wilma Werry: treasurer, Plo Love: planist, Rida Mountjoy: commitiea-=Joan Love, Murjorts Parker, Lorraine Love, ------------ woe Goop THING The doctor had | received BN Urgent | oll from the home of a young Arrivi Hostor ound the Toone husban the doorstep, wate han dos "What's the trouble™ Ma the o0ton "Nothing this time, dooton, Ny wife just Waited to 300 hoy how oad you could get here in taken 3 hh You pry Ww H oar minutes this time" PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS hy (oN rad 148, Ai 5 to valled LA Er 2 Fan, "All hin tighting snd f Ruth Cole; preal- | han td AND tis, ur Rs i ag "0 w Toronto dr Phe el roh entra 2 ak oy dd prints, ddes Ne, Tite, 58 renin 'se |, oF drjoe, oh ' PROVO BION PRIC " quoting the x Eig lr HH i i tot hele i he Mrid=Pure, tieroes, 10a) ube, 170 ils IRE] atl A | be, BhorienmaeT Wer: he ) { Ho 4 pulls, joi fl hl ne, 8 )ide ol Now Ta shouders, ei pork butts, 4 el pork hams, Be ¥ AMERY M, MARKE EY re quotations, ull In els awrense market, Toren ge fol wil I on th Ln ph in PT 1] ib 8 dati, fer donen id Morn pe avin hy il I dreamarys ar find TIT] hl Hiche "Hon [TH Carrots, bus, +, Onions, dry, Than, bask a 4 LAN beaker Yu Lah i LK ule jive dosan ¥ MeN, peck whrnoms, ner Mu Tol tun thre Head letipen # Potatoes, Bag iii, SUOUMbOrS, Sarw arsley, per bunch + Loh three for "ie 0 ok ory, HES, ef Ma ¥ (wh ul "ivanefruit, me anime, per doen ) JAnpAnAR, ney nies, Boat has (roan beans, 6 " ranbereien ot, {ania Pe ." furnine, haw Apnles, bus, Losks, Grate bask thy MICAGO PROD RE FUTURES eno A%0 Iti Ae Apel enn market eontinusd for WT, day steady and wn changed on fresh, Refvlgorators were easy and lower, It would appear at a wood he of the nervousness notiesab) LL olders of storage ein van he Mhelhated [1 the break in futures, These seemed to strike battom Ab today's anening, The marke) wave every | of heing y sold owl HER CROSS LITTLE BOY WOULDN'T LAT OR SLEEP "My little son had poor appes tite couldn't sleep and was crows I gave him Vino! and it ended these troubles lke magle,' «Mrs, Ly. DuCprenat, Vinol supplies the body imports ant mineral elements of iron, oal olum with cod liver peptone, This Is Just what thin, nervous ehildren or adults need, and the QUICK re. Aults are surprising. The very FIRET bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite, Vinol tastes don, tas TEB2ITS Em zz T= delleloun! "After shopping --time for REFRESHING & INVIGORATING liveries as" hy Eo mid shorts Drow ------ opus, Wy ka Irae. ye bn " Mig Jo 1her, (he utter AnAAY, ht ha he war ous, 1odny, (1 8 eh rare Hy 'marketesTutier, ontras, Hei siandar | doi bone wer ol HAS, Burren! Mit V] het vt an fii gr, exirap, A ma , nin) no bone] SKS, firsts, 80 to B36) tone siandy, PU TORONTO GRAIN OIOTATIONS Crain debors on the Toranta Toned of inde "ne mil In the fellawlne guotatione ny oar In Man Itoha whest=N Ta rn 4 ( 1 Nn nd HN RA No. 6 81.08 341 feed, 00 1ide (b h Clodarieh ng, UA nore), Not tol #0 ules No, 3 ha orth 2 vellow, 8103 Ly do, M " be, Nn " afi" hy Kg delivered Toronin funds) all rll res dellversd Mantres! fralaht, hans ineludadeNean, vor ton, RYAN shorts, ner ten, SATA01 middtingg, $44 94 Maria genie Whent, 81.30 to S11 ota, Gy harley, 7001 pve, B15 buckwheat, M0 in oe EVENING 1 1GHT his In the hour of evening when we oome RNotweon the sunshine and the pols emn plars, When flowérs are closed and birds are fiylng home And like ou golden Illy In a vase '| Duy drops on the Jadge edges of the Bley ee The hour of sleep In night, A quiet wind ia stirring in the trees Moon to be siibut, and the birds are still, And silence comes upon the and wean, And In the valley and along the shore hi) And, Hike a ohild upon a loving breast Pagth nestles down to reat, Thin Is the hour of evening, when the toll of day Jn done with the weary BONK Of labours ended, and the stubborn poll That we have striven with the whole day long Yields now, and takes ug In a woft ORress, And gives un quietness, =D, P, MoQuire in the Byduey Bulletin, "Boots!" "oalled the ry In the country hotel, thrusting his head out of his bedroom door, "Boots!" There was no reply to his oall, just as there had been none to his furious ringing of the bell, He oalled again and again, end at last a small boy in a much bebuttoned uniform ap peared, The guest looked him and down, "1 want the hoot, boots, surely!" "No, air," sald the boy, pooka," "Hooks!" orled the guest, "You im: pudent young rascal! What do you mean by that!" "You see, sir," answered the boy, "I'm under the boota™ up You're not the "I'm the h i tA wave of ving " hr The Spanish Room welcomes you with ¢'fts from every corner of the globe--Quaint gifts from far off China and India==Gifts from the Old World==Gifts from the New~Cifts from the Motherland==Gifts dian manufacturers, Pract'cal==Bizarre = Distinctive, from our own Cana~ New==Novel==)sefu lw Gifts all moderately priced, Use the staircase from the iain store, Notei~-Store Open Evenings FELT BROS. Oshawa's Leading 12 Simcoe Eastablivhed 1886 ewellers St. South Phone 188 INSULATING BUILDING BOAPD WARM IN WINTER » COOL IN SUMMAR DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. Do You Own Your Oun Home! List Your Firm in the "Times" . Business Directory! Machinery Repairing AUTHING DOU LAhub NOTHING 200 SMALL Adanac Macha: Sh 100 Ring 58, W. thons A J Ah -- i re---- We have rig desirable houses 101 rend & PRESTON | Roal" Wstate ~ Inanrance Night hi then R St West ogttionaliom in Fruiand has recon by po! Ww, dae al Sl. re Wi man of the Union a haa ative froin 4 the Fa twenty-seven intial \ Central Mis farewell Jennies from the ares . Wo 3 He hy who said, "You yo eviubinnd th A loving & 0 of th ao [ Hl ho © other fowler Tefetred to le R fribwe Jungle, wh ho ¥ ) w few mil ll © church Hi Ra, See his minist W, ng io) w * uw rp orarium Wy the _-- into Church work, As , che characterised bd wi evanael £8 wk gd. to