, p. 31

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ee ™ EIR a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 THIRTY-ONE East Whitby Council Helps (Christmas Cheer Fund But ~ +. Will Do Own Relief Work Counclllors Met Yesterday and Decided to Look After Fuel and Gro ceries to Needy Families \ Mercury Sin' s change in the weather considers 4 and the d spell has AER in Township ; J dl Brought back the use of furs an aug conts which have been din FOR A NS carded during the mild spell of the STILL VERY URGENT |. iow dare. The temperature Li ' orning at el ( Splendid Donation of Cloth is py sero, and at ten a'clogk T ing for Boys: Made hy . have hove serene som: Johnston Clothing Store at Ba rare Iafing to A ~Appeal For More Funds vy work of cleaning the Is Continued to do by law, It Is a . pragtide to leave mldewally un: At the request of the townehip ofl M Fs gM i counell of Bast Whithy, the AR whl or agome alippery and In RAR 1 sn pap #7 hdnntcre th" V3 gud will be taken over by thy vn igh hi ro, on Co Welthre and Christmas Ohesr ors | og iH will be found advisable tn SRRAM PadEn, 0 TH du Vtoe 11 oi been authorised and will 'be paid . over to the Associated Welfare Sor oleties, which are alse taking charge of the work, This was deelded at a special Wheting of the Hast Whithy Coun. oll held yesterday afternoon, at whieh It was also decided that the members of the eouncll will look after the relief work in the town. ship mo far as fuel and groceries are concerned, leaving only mats tor of clothing mupplies to come uns der the jurladiotion of the welfare committee in Oshawa, The Maye City News Christmas Cheer l ew SPHAKN AT BANQUUT ¥red J, Bmith, general segretary of the Qentral ¥.M.C.A, In Toronto and & prominent speaker on the work of the YM.0.A,, will ba one of the. main speakers at the men's banguet which is being held In Bim. gon Htreet United Church tomor: row, HELD FOR OTTAWA POLICK Abram Glgging walked inte the police station this morning and gave himeelf up, , Wtating that he bi on Foman ! at Oth "4 arge o QPRreAkIing Wa amined. "he Ottawa ole will be informed and meanwhile he Is being held here, FINED FOR INTOXICATION William Gordon, of Oshawa, was 20 And costs or thirty days hy APusered before Magia: meeting was attended by pr Mitehall and Major George Hamilton, representing the Asser clated Weltave Hooleties, and the situation was thoroughly discussed, The members of the ecounell felt that, Mines they wera vewponsihble to the ratepayers of the township for expenditure of vellef funds, they ghould handle their own eases, | ARIAS rtuation. Apwiigations for | vhon situation, ations | Yalint: by io a ast Whit-| trate in polls court this by. township should therefore he [morning eharged with being intox. made to the Reeve, John Ross, 370 [leated in a publio place, This wa King street west, telephone No, |his first offence and he plende ] Lor te any member of the | guilty, nell, eS 00 to the Christ: | OIHAWA MOORE PLAN BIG Und will be » very web i Thursday night, Dee 12, Oshawa pe donation, and will help the Lagi ro hat ot AD Her \ iE fn tn m a Hons of Knuland Ha h King opie 1iving outside the ality, |2% ' Yo aver Kinloch () nore, ™ {bros Whe mises to be a big night and & large : need for soutribuiions of crowd in expected. Toronto Lodge \onay AM cle th uf No, 1600 1s coming dawn in full fovee work oh AH YY nda [and will take gharke of the meeting sat, and fhe Appeal Bau n ig ie Oshawa Lodge 1s going ahead tan 4 svery sittin > . ..in Wh and promises aon to be one of the bi jo poeaibl Whalavey onsr " bigrest lodges in the rovinee, Na aplendtd rai Ry of olothing was member should fall to be present at made yesterday by D, ¥, Johnston, this. meeting, NAH of Johnston's Clothing Rtore, who | GAUTER 18 "DOING NIOKLY sent boys' elothing, including sults John Gauter; vietim of the ban. kd and oaps, to the value of | dit's bullet In the Olive avenue 106,00 to the headquarters of the | robbery eleven days ako, 18 reports men's Wellare Leagus, fn The | ed by his phylsielans to be olng Times Building, for distribution to | Hieely snd 1s now aliawed to be needy tamilen, OW eontrives | ONL Of M8 aC Gr 8 NC Naen A SHRI pature wilt be perf | on for the removal of the Donations should he seat to T, bullet and it 1a considered unlike- W, Joyce, manager of the Domini | IY that he will be now. He stands \ ad ir urer of the Ange of Fecavery and mm Bhd. o Went ta the office of the | jst bala held nthe houpital in hawa Daily Times, The last of contributions up te case of complications setting in, If Hows! ned LH every thing fa all plight for a few Rady pends : 00 " healt TYR He mere days it Ja Hkely that he will partment Assen, BS aH, v0 Joon be. permitted to return to his 5 0 AK 18 tira firme h L, SEL RRER EER) We SEC EREER RA) VR BIO 0 vivian 0 Ome, Ulster Vans OFFICER TRANAFRRRED The offices of 'the Central Loan te hand } " 14 4 Low Hager (RC ARE RS 1) HORRD tines tad Savings Company have wow ] il 111mm LEER EA EE NEA NR E) temp elely tranaferred to the o Pank of Commeres® bulldin across the atrest, where they wil be situated during the changes to their own building, In the old of v8, AgNER RIhATAS wuss 1 t which fa to be avecte otra go date con ALELEO0 TUT CRY ANd whisk will reat lothing valved 4] 00. {iy Jmptov the appearance of the » wn gimkon hou Btrest east HM Rims street, oS \ WN North 0 Bova Bf beet, everal . 5 3 tron " : Fine Vy offt fice most of the Interior has been fast as possible in preparation for i Ng y 1) + In remembrance of the Ja he olald of the sampany state, he torn out and work Is proceeding an the alterations and the imposin wh or " Fol) oy in men of England are complain: allan garden laid out in the cel he ause they pay the same price logo mroands, fy for oh a Tal ones New Three Manual ~ Pipe Organ 3 the gifs of . MR, F, W, AND MRS, COWAN to St. Geoige's Church ! Will Be Dedicated on WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC, 11TH By) eRishE Rutten domes, Peldlfe ! Kg ve, Provost of Teint by Rew, ¥, A a BRERA fe A Recital will follow by My, H, Matthine Turton a oolobrated organist' [feom Loads, Bulan, to Time from 8 to 10 O'clock Below Zero Mark|* Citirens ave feeling the sudden] Ol t o'clock was |, B they are obliged |g INLOCAL ScHooLs Average of 90 Per Cont, Mainteined in Collegiate and Public Schools b& ---- awplendid ateendance has heen n" ond the Oshawa schools, ase eording to ¢ November reports of ng Principal C, je Cannon i] wh schools and Prineipn J wi of the Collegiate an [| ite 3 ell stated that ap ate 8 per cent had been 6 Collegiate, Lhe pros Was Y0é, whish shows ight ful off, "It t, when times are young people piend en they are dul, anyway beets employment," hy Ing to statisties compiled by Al Cannon, Albert and Cedar hools had the best attendanee 0 oF U6 per sent in Bouth Blmeoe 0" had 08 per cent, attendance, while King and Ritson shools had an average of 94 pyr cent and Mary of 93 por cent, This was very. good, considering that at this time of (the year pupils were of ten absent for a day or two due to colds or other minor liness, the re pore stated, L.0.L, 686 NAMES YEAR'S OFFICERS C. W. Brown Elected Worthy Master, M,T, Dar- lington, Deputy Master TTY No Bury Tues Qfcers were glected hy ender" LQL, No, 686 on af this week, as follows Oalowita, Indl, Dee, 11,8ir Jaundin Chandra Dose, famonw Ine dian physlelst, made a live frog Annes WY | Siediriolt yostorday in an effort te prove his theory thet all plant and animal also has uns Yay / ; selding an elestrln ourrent tom lett to ) Hh through the sel 4 nerve the frog, & nervous "py Wo was ara at' he: Bolu ore the elivreny the nerve, shin the frog's right leg Iilak out, i a By voversing the eurfent the left leit wan made to kigh, + © aversnl sthen were made at yer wiay Intervals, pausing the elee- rionlly exolied frog to keep time in his danes, Previously similar movements under nervous exoltation were mm hibited by twirleaf sip of the highly sensitive mimosa plant, Wy Jaeadis axhinited at Mo ine "titute here, of which he ts profes: aor emeritng, a verord of ap exe ' 'has fnvented ap Appling, Noted Physicist Makes Live Frog Dance By Electricity periment hy Vienne medical ex: ports, who stopped the heart beat of» kg and then restored the heat by song un few drops 0 hight otent Indian drug, he Indisn physiolst, whe han heen & member of many Amerioan and British selentitin Adputations & ovepograph, which magnifies tiny movements as much as 10,000,000 times, thu sillustrating the Erowih || to and vesetions of plants, Ho holds that plant is not a mera mass M vegetable growth, aut avery eall 1a tul lof sensibility, hrobhings of Ife pulsating thro # plant have been found to way bt wane under apeoifio nection of rugs, oonding Lo an end at death of the organism, In these and many other ways, Riv Japadis has found the reaction of men and plants te be similar, and he hopes, hy experimenting on plants, bo tind mens of alleviating the wuftorings of man, Mer" New York, Deo, 11-~Although it's mother who gels the ehildren te #ehool on time, she does not know as much as father does shout the netua!l oveanisation of the schools they attend And, as a matter of fact, hoth are distressingly lgnorant concern ng processes of education and unk miserably when asked ques: tions that an elghth grade sts dent eonld answer with ease, hig Information comes from Or, William Hall Tedd of Tench ers' College, Columbia University, who sponsored a questionnaire CHEESE MAKERS ay evening JM, Wiliam Thompson; W.M,, CW, Brewni D, My, M, T, Dar Unmton i ehaplain, WV, J; Pritehar! recording secretary, W, 1D, Pan hurst | Bnancial secretary, A, RN Bmith 1 treasurer, G, A, Younk; mar shal, W, T, Geant; first leeturer, J Turner | second lecturer, A, I, How ard; first committeeman, 1, Hrisiol seeoml committeemn William | Thempson ; third sommitteeman, Wil: | Ham \chmstone foueth committee man, W : fifth somites nan, BM, Thompson) auditors, | { Thompson and G, A, Moore Suicide Pact Believed Made New York, Dee, 11.=Henry Grew Crosby, 88, and Mps, Jose: phine Roteh Bigelow, #8, a bride, socially prominent in Boston, were found shot to death In an artists studio In West 47th Bireet last night In what police sald was a sul olde pact, New York and HRoston poclety has been 'stirred by the dent ha, The bodies, fully clothed, were found facing each other on a hed, Crosby's left arm was about the woman's neck and In his right hand & 08 calibre plato), Mrs, Rigelow was shot In the left tem: ple and Crosby in the right, There were no notes, and while the police were convinced they dled In a sulelde pact, they were wt A loss to ascribe a motive, I'erey | Coming Event® # Conta por worl each In sertlon, Mintmum charge for each insertion, Boe, IN CONVENTION Av BELLEVILLE Falling-Off in Quality of Product (By Canadian Preble Leased Wins) Hellaville, Deo 11, Uhesns makers from Central Ontarle, meeting In convention hers, dis ouseed whether quantity or quality in dalry products Is more Import wnt GUaorge H, Bare, Ottawa, diveatar of dairying for Ontario, sald It 1a admitted Ontario has dropped haok somewhat hn quality this yeay and suggested It would be wise to an pertain why, The largest number of second grade chess wege pro duced In Kingston and Hrookville distriets, he sald, "1 would satl mate oheosemakers were Fespon: sible for BO per cent, of the de feotive cheese for 1000," sald My Hare, W. A, Wilson, Axrleultural pro duets representative for Canada in Ureat Britain, sald the tmporis of oheess to the United Kingdom in 1608 amounted to BA6,T00,000 pounds, Canada contributed #0 per cent, of the total, he sald, hut warned the delegates that Cane ada's ohieene exports ta the Mother Country had avopped 168,000,000 pounfa since 1910, NEW POSITION OF CANADA OUTLINED BY HON. MARLER LAA RAS LALLA LL LL LADIER' RIBLE OLARE CENTR ft, United OChureh will hold sale of work and afternoon tea, Thureday, December 12th a 2.80, (1460) RUMMAGR BALR ALBERT Hireet Unlted Ohuroh, Thuraday, December 12, at 2.80 pom, i (14T%a) THE MILK PRODUORRE BAN: quet has heen postponed and will he held on Saturday, Dee, 14th, A, TT. Stainton, Seeres ary, (1ata) "A WONDRRFUL PARTY A Credit to Wales" at King Btreet CQhureh Fplday 4.18 pm, and 8.15, Btlver collection, ' (1ata) ORGAN RRQITAL AT ay George's Church Wednesday evening, December 11th, at § PW, My, H, Matthiaa Tun ton celebrated organist, formerly of Leeds, England, now of To onto, (1380) WE PLAY VRECRIVING TRE Parson" will be repeated under the auspices af he Auditorium Committe pe Bldg, nd Helhitn d Class, 81 reel United Chureh, in the Masonite Towmple Thursday by ing, December 12 at 8 a'olook, 0) 8 to be given to the Oshawa Wellare Commities, * SARGON ro het, yo RARN'S DRUG NTORE | Palataa } | Marler went on. Empire Is Going Ahead Canadian Press Correspondent ) Tokyo, Japan, Noy, 26=The de velopment of Canada as a nation controlling her relations with othe oF great nations of the world, and her continued loyally to the Brits {sh Commonwealth of Nations, were outlined hy Hon, Herbert Marler, new Canadian minister to Japan, in a speech at Kobe tonight, fle wae guest of honor at a bane auet tendered hy leading Canis dan and Britlah residents, and Jap: anede ofMolals, ol aa prinoipal wentary asapart of Japan, Nr, Marler declared the appoints ment of Oanadian ministers at Washington and Parla, and hla own Appointment, marked another ated In the development of Canada, "The old empire haa not gone baok," he sald, "Tt has advanced and hy the meat natural, DROAves sive ARG POAGeAhla WOARE ArAnm formed itself to the far superiar of a great QOMMARWORILY somposed of Many nations" Ministers from Canada were al Ww Wminlators of the EFSRL common: wealth, and the same Wight be a of ne Winistets fap any of ARAda's slater nations, \ \ Canada, the ples weer of ampire, now the fifth wa tion tn the world tn tovrelen trade, wished every of her slater na tons equal prosperity, mh -- po A WRY=-AL the dahawa General Hospital, December 7, 198%, to Nest Peat Offiee, Phone 318, Mr and Mrs, FG, Bry, § son, A $Y 1 YY Says Parents' Knowledge of School Affairs Limited sont to mora than 0,000 parents In 17 widely soattered oltien throughs out the United Biates, The plitles ranged in sive from a few thous and to several hundred thousand Inhabitants, Out of 88/ questions fathers unewered 14.04 correctly, Mothers made 4 seore of 1HAT, According: ly, Dr, Todd explained, oitisens "Know Just about B0 per obit, of what 1s most desirable, aven neces sary for them to knnw about their gohools to enable them to give redsonably Intelligent considera: tions to publle school affairs," MOSCOW SOVIET By wall from Perey Whithng, | | '(Warning Given Regarding Drastic Order Minister To Japan Says OM | BANS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS Tesued As Party of Anti-Religlous Policy Moscow, Dee HoCelebrating Christmas in the Hoviet union will be mueh more diffioult this year than it tyes have decreed that there shall he nw observange of the festival in fw therious program Orders issued today hy the gow Daviet prohibit stores selling Christmas trees or Christmas toys, and tram displaying Yuletide artieles i thelr show windows, The orders state that persons cutting Christine trees or selling them will be liable to prosecution, The police have been or dered 10 arrest anyone found brin ing the trees Into the eity from AA suburbs or offering them for sale here, Artists and singers who participate In Christmas programs will he expel! od front their uglons, Workers will have to work the usual hours on that day, Russian ehildren, if the authoriifes have their way, will he taken on Christmas 10 antisreliglons movies nd to concerts, Melly have already een removed from many churehes an part of the campaign, They are being melted down and their metal will be wned for fndusteial purposes, Despite the wovernment's declara ton amainat Yuletide festivities the religlous element in Moscow, prepass ing Tor the festival, distributed among the populace today handbills ealling upon the heaple 10 observe Christe was by attending ehureh services, ------ dh CONVICTED, HS APPEAL GRANTED Negro Found Guilty of Rob: bing Courtice Garage Is Freed (Ry Canadian Frese Leased Wine) Toronte, Deo, 11,Walter Grits tith, eolored, suecesutully appealed to rat Divisional Court at Ose goode Hall today against a Judy ment of Judge Huyeke, of tha unis ted eountion $ prthum wd and Durham, who found him guilt with two others on a Shirke 0 Shiering [) JR In Darlington township and stealing a radio and Quehee lloense plates, The soods were found in Toren. to, W, 0, Conner for the Urown had to admit, There was no evh dence to support the charge, The robbery referred to wan {hat of Roy Nichola' Garage at Courtive, Card of Thanks Mr, and Mva, W, J Kirkbride, a Lonisa sree Wah 10 hank all friends and nelghbors for their lovely floral tributes and kindness alae employees of Westone and nurees of the Oshawa General Hoss fal and partlonlarly Dn A, B Wart for his untiving attenilon and kindness during the slokness ANd after tha death of thelr little danghter Joan, (13%) TUTTE rr TT WA CANARY PINCIAY ° M #98 the dlaplay of Canaries at the Poultry Show held In the Armouries Thuraday after ROOR And evening, December 13th A Reine, FT alreet, his even been belore, The authori: | | Mos FORMAL OPENING OF COLLEGIATE Arrangements "Are Being Made for Function Early in New Year Arvangements wre helng made for a formal opening of the new additions ta the Collepinte and Voeational Ins stitute, for techinlen! school ymrposs en, sometime early In the new year, + was reported wt the Bowrd of Vdu eutlon meeting Monday nt hy Chalrman of the Board A, W, Bell, Trustes Bell stated that eonsiders able equipment had still to he res celved hy the Board for the sehool, and that It was not desired to hive the formal opening and inspection hy the publie until this equipment had heen placed, This 'might take even until the first of February, he intime wled, A humorous suggestion eed hy Trustee Noss MelKinnon, "Have Premiar Ferguson give the feature address, introduced by W, ¥, N, Binelalr, the local member and Lis ber) leader," Mr, MeKinnen sug wasted, WELSH SINGERS HERE ON FRIDAY Present Concert Under Aus pices of King Street Church Cholr The world-renowned Welsh Tim perial singers have heen soewred hy the eholy of King street United church for a concert In the ehureh on Friday evening of this week A special eoncert for the sehool ghildren of the eity Is helng given In the afternoon at 418 o'clock, with the regular concert In the evening Muni ol eritles of leading olties have spoken very highly of RK, Festyn Davies, the conductor, and ehold, whieh 18 now en 4 most sue eensiul Newfoundland and Canada, Ihe eholr Ty « wak advan four of ne of the flinest ag pregations of male voloes in the world, Bach member 1s # noted soloist, and the eholy in ensemble Is one of the best know of the male choruses, DIAMONDS OFF, WORKERS GO ON SHORT TINE 32,800 Employees In Indus try Will Work Only Two Weeks Per Month Brussels, Deg, 1HeThe 32.000 works ers in the diamond industry in Ant werp and nelghboring localities have accepted a decision uf the dismend gutters syndicate to cease work oom pletely for two weeks of every month until the diamond market eomplotes eavery, AN diamond plants have conie te a standstill since yesterday whieh means A loss of $30000 salary monthly to the employees of whom only 15,000 receive a regular relief payment fram thelr unions, An emergency tind was instituted, however, to pay special allowances to the most needy among the non-union workers, I'he diamond ewtting Industry In Belglum han heen heavily hit by a falling off In the purchase of dia mands, 42 BELOW AT HORNEPAYNE North Hay, Ont, Deo, 11eAl though several northern Ontario centres today made a determined bd tor the rght to be known as the coldest spot In the provinee Hornepayna arose in ith frig) might and easily outdistanced all {ta rivals, reporting a temperature of 48 degrees below sero, Means while White Riven, usually Hornes payne'a foremost rival in this 're apeot and frequently the ohamplon, could do no better than a mere 24 degrees helaw, hile White River wan Taking such a Wmentable showing seve! other aspirants for the title fo od thei 1nte the new reports, Troquols Falla being the more ser ous contender with a batting aver Age of 48 below mere, Tha tems peratures reported at other ocean tren thin morning are an follows! North Bay, 10 below; Tomiko, 20 below; Hallebury, 32 Delow) ols telth, 21 below, Rouyh, 28 below: Engslhean, 21 below: Cochrane, 21 below, Cheminta, 30 below, EE we Bom FARLRY=-On Haturday, Deceme ber ¥, 1929, at the Oshawa Gans oral Honpital, to Mp and Mra, 1, B. Farley, M1 Rowena 8, (nes Mary A, Calms), & son, (14%) of the | Many Recommendations Are Made as to Improvement of Fire Fighting Equipment And Toronto Als 0 New Fire Engine and Ladder Truck; Extension to Filter Has Its Troubles Plant and Water Mains; While Oshawa cltisens were ilo al Incrense in Strength of somplaining during the big storm ant week, about the chlorine taste Fire Department Urged in the elty water, it In Intevabting { Lo note that Toronto cltigens were FINE SHOWING MADE IN FIRE ALARM TEST having even mors trouble, and that the water wan undrinkable In some paris of the olty, / City Bngineer W, NH, Smith of Oshiwa told The Times that Tor | Department Answered Ine spector's Alarm In 90 Seconds and Hed Two Hose Lines Running Within Two Minutes onto has one eof the finest and mont. expensive supsr-chlorinnting plants In the world, with elabor- ata provislon for removing the ahlorine taste from the waler, yet, under the conditions which prayail od lant weak, when the lake walters wera lashed hy storm, Toronto wa tar did not have ae good n Lasle as that supplied In Oshawn Under sborm conditions, It In necessary to Inoresns the chlorine dossgo to pros pearly proteet Lhe water supply, whieh sometimes results in a p44 Ine taste Many recommendations as Lo tha Improvement of this eliy's tire fighting equipment wre made in # report of the Canadian ire Une aerwriters' Association, ax a Pes Bilt of an tnspection made hy the Association on August 26 of this yor Havomméndations hy the O00, OBITUARY | A Inspector Include the provision Loaf an additional motoy tire pump . and ladder truck for the fire des partment; the inereass of the . RICHARD HAMLYN strength ef the fire department to The death occurred on Monday, approximately 44 mon; the instal December 9, of Richard Hamlyn, 8 | lation of a number nf additional resident of Bowmanville fur a great | five alarm boxes and tire hydrants; many years, Mr, Hamlyn was In his {the extension of the 18-tnoh suxili hth yony and had Hved dn the same | apy water main from Bloor street house on Duke Street during the | te the business section; extensions whole of his residence In the town to the filter plang, ®nd the pros Vor the better part of his le hel vision of several" other smaller had worked In the iy of the | items of sguipment, ws well Bs Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company | amendments to the aity fire hy« here and was pensloned about two | laws Yours ago that time he has Better re Department ved quietly, spending his last day iL The inspector noted with sates norest fo which a fe of hard work | faction that the fire brigade had hud entitled him been Inevensed, from 1 permanent Phe foneral took place from the | man and 18 volunteers. as n family residences on Duke stroot this [ 1086, when the lost inspection afternoon at 2.30 o'eloel and a great | was made, to 21 tally pald men, many of his friends and relatives ate | He stated, however, "as the de tended to pay thelr last respects to partment operates on the wes 8 worthy citron, Interment was | platoon system, the number Te made In Bowmanville Cemetery Iv on duty Is 81 those off duty are . raquired to respond to alarms, The nrength of the depaviment is Just ahout wufflelent to form uw sihgle platoon for the Apparatus now in nervice, to do which requires 10 men to ba on duty hy day and 26 by night, an Increase In the ptranpth of the department should be minde,' Hatletaotion 18 also expressed that two motor fire engines have been added to the sguipmant sings the last report, The Association recommends, however, that an» other pombination hose truck with A00-gallon pump should be added, ae well an an additional Indder truek, About 30 more waterproof covers for salvage purposes should wlio be provided, {CL Is stated, It Ia Also recommended that more swits abla accommodation should he pros vided for the firemen, ire Alarm Nystem The fire alum system has been Inerensed from 28 hoxes to 84, of which 18 are of the non-nlerfers Ing wncossslon type, Hoxes are digs" tributed so ghat, to send In an alarm, It 16 necessar to travel about 600 feet In the Business aren and up te 1,400 feet in the resis dential area, It In recommended that further hoxes he installed ae that ft will not be neveasary to travel more than 400 feet In the business area, 500 feet In bulltsup residential sections, and 1,000 fest in outlying areas, All of the alarm hoxes should he of the non-inters fering type, and thelr location should be marked by red bands palnted around the poles or by red ights, the report niates, Hydrants {if the business section are up to 410 feet apart, whereas they ahould not he more than 280 feel apart In thin area, Hydrants Are apaoed up to 1,200 feet in the penldentinl aren, | Whereas they should uot he mord than 600 fest apart, 1t in veported Ahonld Extend Main ey The 18:neh supply main, which now extends from the pumping atation to Hloor street, shou extended northward at least to the high values part of the eity. auoh a ropte that it will tor a with the old 13:noh and 10+in AUIBLY mat op Rlmeon street, the ¢-inoh mains In the Wind wh comprise 21 per vont, of the ion atom, should be res placed by @ineh maine, it fa Pets ommended, The installation of the new East. line engine and pump at the Pumps ing station has brourht the pumps ing oRpAOIty practically up te (Continued on page 46 : Binge TROUPN AT ROTARY HALL The Kemeralda Troupe, directed hy Cedriclo-Roland Hehofield, will mive & spectacular perform anee of exotle dances and other in terepting soins In the Rotary Mall on Wednesday evening at 8 pm, December 18th, The troupa con plating of six versatile artists In touring Ontario, The Famous Tango and Lovers soene will be shown displaying all the elunivenass and frrestibility o, the Argentina Tango, Norse and his partner, Carmen, will take Park in this aot, Novee alnglng the Hpanlah love songs, while Carmen danoes, One of the most Intersting and sensational tems on the program in the Katt Indian dance hy the charming Estrella, who dances te) the wierd Indian muslo and In avs) entunlly drawn under the hypnotie power of a Hindu Fakip, The dances ls highly emotional and give the audience a good 1dea av to the mos tions and rythmns of the Kast Ins dian dances, The Apache dance will be represented with Da Alvas rex and his partner, Carmen, Othe or Interesting tems on the pros gram will be vooal melon hy Norse and Da Alvares, The captivating ohild entertainer, Graciela, will aie an aot In sons and dances, The ntele on the program Mh practioally all composed hy Ceds rlele who comes from Havana, Cuba, where he han had great wipes oes, not only as a planist and composer, but also as a director of revues, So ------e SONS OF ULSTER BAND OFFICERS OMoers have been elected by the Sons ol Ulster flute band, aa follows: President, H, A Hatemani vices nrealdent, T Allent seeretary, GM, Cy Thompson | treasurer, J. Andrews, ant nang committee, J. Bingham, | Bnenren D, Stieritt and R, Parky handmaster, J. Bingham, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SEHGAL wows: si Wea, ELAM Vor THROWN VELOUR 'ortlers, § uaed window blinds, 80 tnoh coal oll heater, Phone HH 1 HRT ANT FOUR GAR. REARTHER. Aly 27 Colborne pirast east, (1470) TONIGHT Rev. D. N. C MERON Of North Toronto Tabernacle AT Calvary Baptist Church ( Centre ATHOL 81, WEST «= NGRTH siDR EWURADAY «= Rov, dames Boyd of Dovercourt Road Chureh FRIDAY == Rev, John Linton of High Park Chureh ' SPRCIAL MUBIC BVERY RVENING All WeeksNight Meetings at T.80 Prayer Meetings in Homes Every Aftennoon RVERYRODY WELOOMR

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