Arte erie: ming THE DSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 NAME OF PANTAGES , WILL BE DROPPED 1 remy oronter Dee, 31,="The name Pantages will disappear from the by. fan theatrical fleld' shortly the new year, secording to Vid Johan, vacently pleoted fa dent of Hastern 'Theatres fl [) hit Stbuldiary of Yamous Play Canadian Corporation, alexander Vantuges, one-time vaudeville mogul of (he United Bates west coast, his had no eons trok over the houses named in his hanor A Toronte and Hamilton sige th neaption, Hin offen, howsver, did supply the vaudeville bookings, acently he has practically drops [£ out of show husiness In the Inited Biates and those of his for: mer theatres which ware sold or merged with other groups have been venamed, A ohange In polley will he made wt the Pantages Toronto and Hams fiton houses after he new year, a... -- ASHBURN vorrei Ashburn, Der, 11 Ttahert Duff and son ah nad thelr horses from the Rogal Falr. Toronto Jast week to Ottaws Winter ¥aly, and from there they wil gn to hte (Guelph show, Ray, Lindsay, of Whithy, preach. 6d the pulpit vacant here on Suns day morning and supplies will take charge of tha services from now Whill a minister 18 given a eall, fisnas Hilda Topking and Mare Went visited Toronto friends last week, Mrs, Parker, of Myrtle, was the guest sf Mes, Cassidy for a few days during the week Mr, John Milley, dr, of Teron ob spent the weekeend with his pavents Mr, and Ms, John Miller YBlalrgownie arm." Mr, Kenneth stuttaford, of Tor onto, and Miss Huth Niutteford, of th Celareont Continuation Aghool stall spent the week-end with thely father, Mrs, John Btut tiford, For the next three or four Hahs baths the congregation of Hurns Churoh will have the privilepe of hearing students who are preach ing for a eall, The hasnar which was held here Inst week was a splendid sucess and far excedeed Lhe groatest ex pectations of the various commit- tees in charge, In the afternoon tasietully decorated booths earry Ing splendid stosks of miseellan: ous taney work, knitting and other useful articles, hg Soins " splendid vetall business, In the evening Lea was ri cafeteria style and the dainty riereshmeniy ware soon disposed of, To dispose of what was left Mr, Walter Keri got hehiind the auetloneer's ham mer an aauctionsd of two beautl ful' quilts, one being disposed of for five dollars and a half and the || other a beautiful sutoghaph quilt, which the ladies of the congregn ton made was sold to Mr, Bill Bur gos for eight dollars, The whole proceeds amounted to one hundred and fifty dollars, The ladies are very grateful for the generous help they reseived, My, John Miller, Br, was In Chirago last week seting gs judge of sheep at the fat MOOR whow, The g¢hildren of the nelghhor- hood are husy practising for the helng held next week, annual Christmas trea which fs An epidemic of cold and flu have pean making the rounds In the nelghborhood, TS --_------ Fears Danger From Subsidized Wheat London, Dee, Word Beavers brook, speaking in the House of Lovds tonight, declared that expo nents of enipire free trad looked farward to the time when subsidized wheat would be harred trom the Hritish market, There was danger that subsidized exports of wheat from the United States would be dumped an the Hyitish market, he added, and the Canatlan farmer would conse quently appeal to Ms government fog guppart, The Canadian government might then have to establish a hoard similar to that tn the United States, and Britain would thus find herseld in the unenviable position of recely mg dumped wheat not only from the United States, but from her own do minions, Lord Heaverbrook deslared CHRISTMAS CAROLS Christmas earbls originated in the Eleventh gentury, being sung be tween the seenes of the miracle and mystery plays of that period A DAY FOR REVERENCE Christmas essentially 1s a day for reverence, for Jovousness, for thought, FUNERAL DIRECTOR DENIES HAVING PAID DOCTORS FOR TRADE Toronto Des, 1, -- Danial that his firm had ever pald commissions to ostors or surgeons for veferving unerals to his rm was mads yew terday by D, M, Johnston, of D, M, Johnston, Co, IAd, funeral directors, before the provinelal probe into sueh allegations at the Parliament Bulld: nis, "he Inquiry was conducted hefore the funeral directors' Board of Bx aminers, under the direction of I, P, Looks, sonnel for the examiners, ET ENFIELD Enheld, Deo, 10+ Mr, and Mrs, H, James und family, Columbus, visited with Mr, and Mrs, John Hepburn, Mr, and Mrs, Hobbs spent the week-end - hd Miss Helen Vasoos, Wick, spent the weekend at home, Congrautlations to Mr, and Mrs, Kdgar Praseott on the arrival of a gon, Mrs, George Cochrane who haw heen under the doctor's care, In improving, The ladies of the Ald Boclety held thelr meeting for December At the home of Mrs, Leslie Pascoe, The following oflcers were aleot: od fo rthe coming year: President, Mrs, Leslla Pagooe; Vics LL Mra, J, Btark] Necretary, Miss Dor. othy Pascoe; Assistant Heo, Miss Verna Ormiston) Treasurer, Mrs, HB, Ormiston; rensurer, Mrs, WN, Ormiston; planist, Mrs, [} R, Or miston, Flower committee, Myy, T, R, Bowman and Mra, J, Ormise ton The ohildven are practising for the Christmas concert to he held on Monday night, Deo, 88rd The young folks are Am putting on a short play entitled, "Husan Oregr's Ohristmas," Very little more snow would stop motoy traffle altogether In this dlstriet, However, we have wll signs of a white Christmas, Roop 10 YOUNG NORWAY CHRISTMAS LEGEND In Norway they have A pretty le wend that on every Christmas eve the little Chelsteehild. wanders all ove the world hearing on His shoulders a hundle of evergreens, . OXFORD U. DEFEATS CAMBRIDGE IN RUGBY ---------- London, Deg, 11,-Oxford Univers ity detested Cambridge in thelr bith annual rughy jutarvarsity game wut Twickenham # to 0, It was Oxtord's first vietory wince 1024, Of the 68 previous games Ox ford wen #8, Cambridge #1 and were drawn, A crowd of 80,000 which witnessed the game gave the Prince of Wales an ovation as he shook hands with the Playery betore (he an, -- CHINESE COINAGE 18 SOL® IN TON LOTS Dalren, Manchuria, Dee, 10,=Mons ey hag been bought and sold In ton lots of recent weeks in this Japanese controlled port of Manchuria, I he buying power of the Chiness "ensh," coins normally worth one-twentieth of sn American cent, has fallen so low that it has becoma profitable to buy them for their metal value, Junks from Tsing-tao, Chefoo and phanghal brign hundreds of tons « month inte Dalren, where enters prisin Japanese melt them TR A ton of "eash" oan be delivered In Dalren for Just under $150, kt shows au profit of $0, THE WORD "ICAROL" The word "carol" was originally applied to ring dances of children, accompanied by singing, In time the word eame to denote lively tung suggestive of danelng, Christmas wis universally recopnleed as ua time for merry as well as religious songs and 80 In the carols sung at this season religious facts were alluded to in simple phrases and sung to merry dancing tunes, BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY In Ireland It Is helleved that the hahy boys born on Christmas day are thereby destined to become priests Hevend that, those horn on Christ mas day were believed to have the power of "healing" by the laying en of hands, and to be gifted with "sec ond sight," CHRISTMAS RENEWS OUR YOUTH We come nearer renewing ow youth at Christmas than at any oth er time of the year, Alas for us, I we miss Its ehance for thisl _ = Also Desk | LRU HER FAVOURITE PEARL TONE TOILET WARE Give her a piece of her set, Five shades to choose from, sega eee STATIONERY BROTHER His Favourite Cigarette His Shaving His Fountain Pen & Pencil ARMBLIIMMS OUR DISPLA GIFTS or 4 HIM SHO REED Fountain Pens and Pencils WATERMAN Po to #7 PARKER $2,786 to $10,00 SHEAFFER $3.00 to # 2.00 SIMON, Net His Smokes : BENSON & HEDGES, BACHELOR 45¢ Packages to $10 GIFTS HER % eas ees eae Her Favourite ' Toiletries by: ELIZABETH ARDEN HELENA RUBENSTEIN HOUBIGANT YARDLEY HUDNUT Perfumes, Compacts, Bath Salts and Powders PUNCH, ALL MAKES OF CIGARETTES aaa ll aa COMPACTS ALL MAKES AT ALL YARDLEY'S ENGLISH LAVENDER Men's Sets Ladies' Sets Individual pieces == all Attractively boxe Always Acceptable, We have it At prices to wilt hath young or old 30¢, 60c, 78¢, Kodaks & Brownies In Vivaclons cols oure NE uw Very Daintily Package Bots, and T. DENIS BATH REQUISITES 80c to $1.50 $100 & wp BS INS BUI © BUNS DNS WE CAN'T LIST EVERYTHING SO VISIT THE STORE AND SEE OUR VARIOUS DISPLAYS, GET YOUR FOR IRIS TMA CARL CARDS NOW--YOU MAY ORDER YOUR "PERSONAL CA ISTMAS CARDS AT 8c--ONE PRICE ONLY KARN'S DRUG STORE NEXT THE POST OFFICE Her Favourite Toiletry SISTER £ Her Favourite Candy | Her Pet Statlonery if AA aS RDS," OR PHONE 378 'Real Gifts! MES ED OE IOS IES IS Folks! There Is No Better Gift -- than a subscription to The OSHAWA DAILY TIMES ' It's a Choice Christmas Gift that will be Appreciated All the Year Through p---- EN a a TS a 3 Se) a [KR _Ea-E Saas =x = o> rE a Lt , HI... eR