, p. 24

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 arugm, Other accessories in the neighbor's homes, The methods of | varying five to fifteen feet in length | this stage of forest management in At Christmas time heaven looks down to earth and , Costume Jewels Set New group ares The handspun handker | handling Christiias trees varies, Some | wich an export value of $20 to $380, | Canad, wea earth looks up to heaven ~ William : | 3 : Wo reason whatever, chief of linen with narrow double | buyers arrange to have trees cut by per eariond, 'Yhere Is then Wy Le Gaston, ' ' border peeping out from the wrap. | the farmers or hy men vw» m they | why every family should not have a Ti ------------ Record jor Yuletide Gifts around evening bag of black antelo i, miy employ, Contracts are made for In United States the Christ | Christmas tree to gladden the hearts ime eaven black ahiffon handkerchief with Ins | the trees either on &. stumpage basis | Indust demands are more and more | of the little ones, Vor those who SPORT JEWELLERY 18 serte of alencons lace, ane a small] par piece or bunch or hy purchases | belng met by plantations, The first [would be more conservative, the prac M E 7 : . ' rsh hint hy 8 on oll ii Yee of using 4 live tres Is recom- eets art POPULAR AND NOVEL Time was when = for the aver. (gift-giving than has ever been the [rectangular vanity case with green |of an area Sipparii Christmag tree | plantations started nineteen years i) -- le'at' Chriss | custom: before, stone ornament outlined hy rhine | stock outright, after being cut By the i mended, After the festival season the er Bie person ~ 10 give deweis ut Chris Die to the prominence of black this stones and bordered with baguettes | buyer, fl fiat gig has Jain pla pir tree can adorn the garden and mny Sport wwolery is encesdinuly por mis time was to squander almost the season, a rent deal of attention has of jet, The top is of cloudy erysial, The buyer looks only for trees of ary a Ne past ht years, for | if desired by used for sévernl suc: The heavens bend low above the ular and more Intricate in design entire budget on one purchase alone, the hase of silver composition, (Phos | perfect form and forsthat reason | "F* Pie the Nvw Fu tate CUNERE | cosive seasons, han for many seasons, Acroplanes, been pisld to designs that will relieve of Vovest tarted 11 enty-si J ' earth at Christmas time, It Is thew For only platinum or "solid" gold tograph courtesy of Saks, Vifth Avs land I ; WENTY BtAFIe( ENLYy-BIX SUCH | "I'here wre, however, some persons, i y Orsi ding erons and stirrups, do, ' mhbre scheme, Sem trees grown on pasture lands are hast ' [} y ] horses, riding 14 ¥ anil pecent this sombre schem he | plantations In 1026, Thess contain a= | oil with us, who practice wanton [that the things above Join and blend of wll breeds and. emblems of th mountings k * mostly precious stones | precious stones such as ehrysophyise, | €01e) 4 sulted for the purpose, Vir trees and RS jostly p wm 0 p celous an ¢ A " qt v 1, A -------- black. spruce are preferred, . White bout 2700 trees to the mere, After waste and even depredations at | with the things below, It is then that] hunt are fashioned of 14-karat gold were considered in the best of taste, | lapis, carnelian and onyx set in mor J eight to twelve years, shout 1200 gan | (fy ch | Today # bewildering . collection of quests are quite elaborately designed spruce is not desirable because of ah |e" serioved for the Christmas mor: Shrines thme, and to such & word {angels and archangels erowd above | and enamel and fronted nh hat ore costume Jewels exploiting . seri-pres to enhance the black ensemble, U.S WILL BUY unpleasant odor, ket, bringing ® price on stump of 25 Zl Bias 1A won of iprieitly wood the Judean hills and the refrain of ap id bar, puns, gtiek ping charms, tious ot d metals find 4} A Tracelets ave extremely wide = the We There Is no fixed rate for trees |to 30 cents each, With the expenses |iiber tree and leave the budy to|®ielie choirs tulle upon the ears vl i { I in ook Sh vo dltiie us stones and metals find themsel: §yijoy (he better, One model, very This yarles considernbly according to lof planting, interest and maintenance [coe (nthe bush is & eriminal waste [men It is Christmas vime when the | ow sm ve ra iahf trim your ves not only accepted by the "best | like the old fashioned ruff and most the sige, Usually they sre cut and] this method nets approximately $300, | and unworthy of a self-respeetin shy startles alike sleeping flocks of fon pins y pi fog Bah people," but often sought more eager~ | flattering to the hand, is made of thin ' tied In bundles of 1 to 5, taken to|per aera and leaves a well-stocked | fizen, To take 8 Christmas tree Jd witehiul shepherds, At Christmas | | "i HA if lila & Witeh Iy for their ehic and novelty than | pieces of galalith that flare out from FRO CA ADA the station after trimming for a) forest plantation behind which In ane private property is plain theft and a |the stars of heaven find the paths of Ne, Vi re y ! many of thelr more elegant iF hy the wrist, In the photegraph you will monetary consideration of between | other fifty years will be ready for question of public morals that shoutd [men and lead the kings of the Kast 4 Cimuretts and vanity cases are mars One explanation for this popularity | #e€ this bracelet in a setting that ine 25 and 35 cents per bunch retalling ulpwood, If elear cut the same stand not he tolerated by any community, [12 the shrine of the newhom Prince, vels of modernistie art most: fres undoubtedly lies in the fact that cose cludes a number of interesting trin- The Christmas tree business grows In the States for fifty cents to $200 | would yield about $750 per acre in Why not select your tree from pas It is then that the star of Bethlehem quently designed in shiny, sleek ens tume jewels have been sponsored not | kets which complement the modern ' : each, From this it would appear that, eight or 1, ve ars ture Jind or i selecting in the bush, |#hines with the lanterns of weary el with int tog corner motile only by the great craftsmen of the | costume, annually, Last year UpPrOXImately se- | ag usual, the people pay the piper for| Vrom the foremoini It would. p<] choole cedar or balsam fir which are | travelers (0 greet the Light of the fm i t stating enamel and diy == but by the world's grand cours The double strand necklace of hea [ven million trees were used in North | the handling of the trees from forest | pear that the forest does not suffer prolific repraducers, the utilization of | World, It is then that angels ad lib on Th Now designs show ~ turlers, whose word Is law in Vashe vily carved green beads interspersed America, about a fifth of which were [to the consumer In spite of low pric | greatly from Christmas tree business, which would do fiitle harm, men Jon in praise to God in the | rounded corners d sper to be "1 ons, with little teeth" of coral Is a most | in Canada and this year the|ces however, the New Brunswicker | Further, that this business pays snd a ---------- highest and peace and good will | wafer thin dt is smart to be Jeweled In striet | effective piece, The octagonal ring basing omises 10 be larger than |9ensiders Christmas tree business | pays rather well for the planter whe mantle the earth : He erutmetiustmi iti harmony with each gown | to vary the is of chrysophrase, bordered with a husiness pr mis do 6 larger th good business as it glves him a mare | got in on the ground floor, More than one-third of the Im All these are hut small symbols of costume with several different jewel | double vow of marquesite, ever, Buyers from Inited States have ket for a farm product that would| Forest fires this yedr destroyed | ports into Chile In the last 12 months | that finer blending, that righer com Limévick, Ireland, is being wired designs, each of which changes the| The small flat object that appears | been bitsy in Canada sings early Seps |otherwise be un aleable, I left tolenough Christmas trees to keep | were from the United Hates, bination of divine love, and human | for electricity, whic hh will be sipplied entire appearance of the gown or ens | to be a paper weight 1s really a bows | tember and from New Hrunswiek [1 grow to maturity, those trees would | North Americans supplied with trees re------ frallity which brought the splrit-horn | by the Shannon River project, semble, And so it happens that this [dole hell of rose quartz will small | lone about halt a million trees will not produce commercial trees for any for centuries to come, With this in Venesuela's eoHet erop this season | Son of God to live in the fleshsborn . wear the forecast indicates more semi- | lade frags perched on its edge and u|eross the border to bring Canada's |other industry, A earload of trees | mind, why should we deprive the| will be only half of that of a year |son of Mary, to bie the Christ of God | Aleahal "is being aed extensively precious jewelry will be chosen for db) Inde button to sound the als | Christmas cheer to #8 many of our ]contalns from 2000 to 2500 trees, child to feed the fire monster, at) ugo, wind the Saviour of men, At Christmas! as & motor fuel in the Philippines, - i RR EE 4 Men's Hosiery \, af uo ? nd colors grey or dark fawn, Also The smartest Fall patterns a black wool, full lgngth stocks colorings in wool hose, Bpos " Rc NG ings made for hard wear, All wa T5c «$1.00 | BR 2 As bh SE SHEETS RCCL INES INRNE SIRES AOE REEL OE OE NORE EEE 0 Tope BN Christmas Goloshes large variety of new styles in suede and call, Just received, v : ~~ 'riced from Heh NNR A Rl Pe» A SMART GIFT Ladies' Low Goloshes in finest of wool jersey, Beautiful . in appearalice and wonderful to the touch, Colors. black / « and the new cocoa brown, Far ahead of the ordinary : lias, : | FOR McN : i P SECIAL golosh, : Fine Brown Kid Romeos,,,, .... $2.28 a : NM Christmas Slippers See our displays of English N Impeértations and Canadian specialties, We list here only a few outstanding PREERLIETeLE Popular hew pals . R A : teron. dn | Bink : \ All Wool English Everetts and collar style slippers in various coloss $1.80 Blue and Nrown \ 0 G 1 f ) Black, | red Blue "ud q, | £ 0% es or Men, Women Imitation Brown Alligator Leather, Everetts, Special vivir $1.60 All Wool English Everetts Grey, Leather Trimmed Felt Cozies ,,, . BBe Finest Brown Kid Everetts and FRRNOOS o1ierittrirerisess. sie IIIISE » w Hunter green call and combinations Sh "S308 OiveLussege and Children 95 A wide assortment of the kind you i would like to have yourself EEE 1: hoi nis in coor $2099 EEE OOO SIRE NRL With all the wanted lines from lowest to highest : price range. We serve every demand, The Zipper RUBBERS type slide fasteners are shown for men, women and OF ALL KINDS children, and are exceedingly popular this year, Wea can bell eee i wiv Make USEFUL Gifts GIFTS THAT our customers 245% Goloshes, Rubbers, WIN APPRECIATION Knee Rubber Boots House Slippers Footwear Ladies' Purses Hosiery Luggage Goloshes Laced Rubber Boots Men's Spats SHEE IONE RENN INNES IROL yh bh C.C.M. SKATES have the newest colors in chiffons, semi chiffons and service weights, Choose from these famous lines, RA Da gruyons knawely kinds of Skates and Boots and at- "You Just Know She MAMAN wears them," DEXDALE~="The hose that does not spot,' > 1 POINTED SLIPPER HEELS-Th French Slen« WW d ry do heels, three point heels and blngh heel € Hea In $3 5 Special outfit for boys Priced from viiitiniiininin $1.80 to $4.50 ' CCM Blade Skates and | * Tre = Slippers For ' Genuine Fur Trimmed ¥ elt Julieta, All Panter 8 39 colors, Pair severe ninnninnimsnistsinnam woogie Liners the Ladies = tibbon Trimmed Felt Cozies in all popular colors, 85 Cc AIF sn ARAARRR ARAN RR NANNY NTI] PARANA A ARRAY SULIT IT IT ITIL E0alish \ Wool Collar Slippers in various smart colors, $ Pair. 1. 25 9 IRR nen Leather Boudoir Slippers with covered heel and steel arch sups port, Fancy Pom Poms, Patent, Blue, Red and $1 75 & BIagR: PRI soartrrnnssssivnsststisatelesttsamharsssstaiissusttsss susie es hint EE a at oe And a Host of Other Lines Too Numerous to Mention a eat © a Christmas Shippers for Children Finest English Woo! and Velvet Strap Slippers, Colors, sax blue, fawn, rose and combinations, A wonderful value, Sizes 4 to 7 vvsivers 786 Sizes 8 to 10 vas vases B80 Sizea 11 to 2 vv vvvv 98c ANCIENT BLUE FELT CAVALIER Slipper with genuine Fur tops Sizes 4 to 7 «vivian T8e Sizes 8 to 10 PPR Sizes 1 10 2 (inva 980 Fancy One-Strap English Cloth Slippers Sizes 4 to 7 UDR | Churen's En lish Spats ngs Pp ANEKED $4.59 Boye CCM Tubes and ans Sizes 8 to 10 ser van 300 Fawn or grey in JF or loth iii $3:00 kle supporting Hockey Also picture slippers, monkey slippers, bunny slippers Plain felt in fawn or Grey ......svemmnninon $1.28 Boots, Sizes | to S14. and many others specially priced for Christmas giving, SIMIM CIID UBB FRM LRMIN EG EY RN wo... THE BURNS COMPANY, Limited ...::... - i Rd ne a bo We show a wide variety of all tach same free, Vk SPECIAL~Kayser Pure Silk in chiff i ht * * . Si 13 with the new ¥ Ho Slendo ho Thar $1.50 Skating Outfits ik Neder Rov in 191 . Colors: \ PAIL suv y's vi vee vie nunssinns lakers MDL POC VERRNVITRRNVOR eosiroe

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