, p. 22

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i ¥ PAGE TWENTY. TWO SPAIN PLANNING TO REGAIN ITS NAVAL PRESTIGE Program Under Way To Place Country Sixth As Naval Power Madrid, Dee, 10,~Hpaln Is plan ing to recuperate some of her ost prestige of other centuries on the seas by pursuing a naval con: struction polley, whieh offielals of the Ministry of Marine say will rank her sixth among the greai world powers, Tha vessels, somo of which were begun about' two GArS AR0, re to he bullt fn Hpan HY shipyards at Cartagonn, Cadiz and Perrol ang will all ha under construction by June, 1084, Com pletion of the program is expecied within three years AL present the Bpanish navy Is made up of 68 ships of all classes, mostly smaller eraft, The largest are the Alonso XIII and the Jaime I, ench of 15,700 metre tons displacement, Naval experts clalm that In trials some of the hosts have exceeded HB knots, Of fielals said that in Its new cons struction program, Hpain would continue to eling to the idea of building small evaft an it way fall that it would he useless to try to compete In extravagant expend! utre with the larger powers In Isunching dreadnoughts, Among the hoats planned for the new program troyers pf 1.800 tens, 15 sub marines of 1,000 tong and various , auxiliary ovaft, The recent navy maneuvers in the Mediterranean at whieh tha Dictator General Primo de Rivera, King Alfonso XIII and naval offielals were pros ent, served to ludleate the present strength and efficiency of the navy, While officials, after the oxxerolses, declared thamaelves fully satisfied with results, it In ex- pected In the naval ministry that the projectid additions will hring Spain to & more logleal place in sen power, One of the divisions in whieh hte country will he hest for titled will be submarines, whieh will veseh a tofal of 45 under the bullding programme, , NEW YORK HAS SURPLUS OF CLUBS Stock Market Failures Have Had Bad Effect On Patronage New York, Dee, 11.~For the first time since prohibition, New York in faced with a surplus of night clubs, The pecent market decline, whieh took so mueh water out of stocks, has left little except water In the elubs, The en shorn In Wall Bireet have made the champagne palaces the goal and now vefuse to purchase Any thing except waler in the places whieh only a few weeks ago were doing a roaring husiness in the roaring Forties and Fifties, Not only have several night elubs are elght dogg | closed, hut the pinch has heen felt by woelety hoolleggers, entering tv vieh patvons, 'who tind themselves with a lot of good Hywer they are Uneble to dispose of, Lmpuried champagne, which was wolling tow days hiek for $100 wu cise, ts listed on the whologee market al from $70 ta 816 a case, while Lhe Bune slash In pros | applies 1 Canadian rye and Beoteh, Rye, | was reporied, is now wholesaling at BOB-R060 where IL brought as much gs $80 helore the hears be gan to hammer the murkel, Vist grade Beoteh which sold st $60 to BUG un cake Is now offered AL tom B48 Lo #60, All this is five glass, unsut stuff and there are few Lakers, Bo serious Iu Lhe wholesale Myuor situation thet big hootlegeere expressed Lhe opinion hat the rum kings would ba toves ed tg look for another market, What prohibition never siceesd ed in doing the stock market des | aling, with one or (wo strokes, geamingly has accomplished, ""Fhey can't hold out Jrich long er," sald one proprietor, "A great | many of the midtown cabarets and higher class wpenkensies are lonk ing forward to New Year's as a way oup, Bul if New Year's falls to bring results in the way of diy» idends the night slubs will he def: inltely out of the pleture," ZION WOMEN WILL COLLECT SUPPLIES FOR OSHAWA POOR Women's Association of this Village to Donate Cloth. ing and Food Zion, Des, 10,.«Tha Women's As poofution held a regular meeting at the home of Mrs, Arthur Btalnton on Wednesday lusl After the usual | business the following oMgers were | eleoted President, Mrs, Wm, Files; vice-president, Mw, ¥, HB Glnspel; | negretary, Mra, A, 1, Langmaid] | treastiver Mrs, Elmer Wilbur; plan Ia, Mra Russel Biainton naslatant | pianist, Mrs, Thos, Trull; flower con venor, Mrs, J, W, Balson One new | member was added | any ons having elothing, fruit vege tables, apples, or money to be sent to the Christmas Chear eommittes In | Oshawa, may leave same at the home | of Mrs, J, W, Bulson by December | eluspes of *THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I", 1929 My and Mrs, Russel Stainton en tartained thely families at a birth duy supper for their litle five yenr ald won, Cameron, on Buturday even ing, Desember 7th, Cameron vecely od some ules gifts, | Ray Cameron spent the week-end in Port Hope, We are having a beautiful bit of winter but i 1s on litle hard for Oars gelling around, Miss Annte, and Alex, MeMasio and thelr parents entertained the minstesl boys to a hot supper on Friday svening ut thelr home Mr, and Min, J, W, Balson were in Bowmanville on Thursday and onlled Lo wea My and Mrs, Wm, Bichinrds, Duka street, Mr, Richards 1s Mrs, Balson's only Wving uncle on her fa thevis side, Mr, and Mew, John Hardwick and Heihle have moved (o the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Herb, lin toff, tor the winter, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Pentound, Osh nwa, und Messrs, Chas, and Will Wade, Eheneser, visited Jos, Bulley und family om Thursday, An aluminum demonstration Wiis | held veaently dn this distriet when an good erowd attended, Mr, and Mrs, West and family, Mrs, Maud Mattland and Kelth, Osh Uwe, were Munday guests of Anson Balson, DISCUSS UNION OF FARM HANDS New Labor Organization Would Demand Wage | Standard London, Ont, Dee, 11 he for mation of a4 new labov unlon whi Is belleved to be the Tiree of His kind in Canada was digoussed {n the elty yesterday It would |e nown as the Varm Iahorvers' Un won, embracing all hives help on Canadian farms, partieularly brit sh Immigrants | The new unten, if It materializes will demand a standard for | farm laborers, to eombat the pron | ont pltuation under whioh 1 Is de olaved that fmmigrants are being anked to work during the winter months for thelr hoard anly or at the outside for wages which aver | Win Arrangements were made whereby | #0 from 81g to 816 a month Home move may alse be taken | to stabilise the conditions of furm hands during the winte Al progent Immigrants and nErloulturl gous! glthay | employees | | IK, helping others in need, @ [Are sald to he weloome during the Rafreshments were perved hy the WE OUD My, and Mrs, J, W. Balson, In com pany' with My, and Mrs Harvey | Hugerman, Oshawa, attended the fun eral of thelr eousin, Mrs lust and then had supper with My, | and Mra, Thos, Marrow, 8 Clady |! Ave, formerly of Port Hop | Miss Norma (Haspell aeted as plan 181 at Bunday Behool last Sunday The annual Christmas Tree and | publie sehool scholars and thelr teas | char, will be held on Friday, Decam | ¢ ber 20th, at the ehureh, . The annual business meeting of | the Munday Behool will he held at the ehureh on Thuvaday evening, De cember 12th, at § o'clook, lon minstrel hove ave presenting a program at Gondella' hall, Courtlee, on Fylday evening, December 18th Anson Halson had a shooting mateh on Baturday and gave geese ns prises Philip the Richards, in Toronte, on Wednesday | ployment 18 no more plantiful than | brightness af smmen Or harvest season, hut with the arvival of winter many wrmers find themselves able to et nlong without this extra help he result is a general Influx to elty, where In some ghses em the farm, with the result he number of publie norepsed thn vharges | A FINE CHRISTMAS PLANT I'he Solanos' Capsetarum or what | onndert under the ausplees of the | is hetter known by its old-fashioned | me of Jerusalem eherry has hoo | ome a very popular Christmas plant and nearly all greenhouses grow ou | antity of these fof thelr Chelstma trade, CHRISTMAS AND COLOR ew of us realize how much onloy has to do with out happiness, What would Christmas he without the holly, ved Christmas bells, and evergreens? POOE RRC OCC 00 F, woman who le w= QA COOK ~ a Adlaerim e progr' n will fin od 3 pelish. 0 hit a -- SPECIAL F Christmas Dinner Special attractions inating opt var most | Honferenes mora Hkely, which will make your Christmas Dinner a Mervy one at this Cafe, .«. WALDORF CAFE "The Home of Wholesome Foods" 11 SIMCOE PHONES 1331.2248 Special Dinners Served Daily TRIPLE WEDDING HELD AT MIDNIGHT | Rochester, Dee, 10 to have heen a double wedding st thel ast minute hecams 8 ripls caremony, pevtormed at miduight, when three sisters decided couldn't stand separation after ly ing togeiher In & cory wpariment | hare for seversl years, The hrides, betore thelr marrl age last night, were the Misses (indys, Mildred and Barbara Hance, daughiers of Mr, and Mrs, Alesandes Hanes of Gouvensur, NY, Whelr hughands ave Russel) Panara, William Lawson and Wil Ham Lolston, respectively, It had heen previously agreed that Mil dred und Bavhara were to he may vied, Gladys, however, preferred to walt until spring, But after the guests had assem led for the double seremony the pluters decided they souldu't ha se pavated Gladys flanes, fortun palely was among those present and i tank hut Hite urging to induce the souple to make It "threa and out," Ho the preacher walled while a lHoense clerk was routed oul of had, "The threa couples will oooupy apartments herve upon thelr raturn from a triple honsymooh in ha Adirondnokn UREAT BRITAIN PREPARING FOR BIG CONFERENCE 10 Active pre tarted for thy big nt eonferanne non In January will with tha Parl the 1041, the London 1000 In expected to 0 down In history as the prent patherin nt the powers (toy the World War, The Hague Linenrnn Olt hay Names of oonferanoe hold during the last detade are looked upon us lesser milestones on the to world und dl \nolent London Ialy l dl LIT hold Iu 1a Aking an I and Contarent of Conferene enol ong wm | pono will he host to Inpan and the Bach participating | Will he vesponaibile for the | Nous nl i delegation, in four of the fines | hotels In the West Hud have heen mude, Ching delonnton fl 0 elorl und will have In addition to rooms, war Fran Unlted ounti own reservation ax eres, popretaries thely piltes Tor conference office ment of the WRIONE Yeomans but of the twa prob the Forelgn Offion Bireet op histories old Palnes, tha Intter the will ha chosen The uid le ohiamber there where royal levees are held Is the only room of {ts kind In London sititabla for the plenary sessions Hall the space al these colorful athevings will he anorved for | HOWEDAROP mon Un finl faellition will be afforded news writers for plotupgng proceedings for renders throughout the world, " Offielal announos suet tod lo hae While plaoos ton of » made in Dawning HE, James's rent non RAG SR ULL COURSE $1.25 STREET NORTH What wes || they | Washington ||F third | Genoa and half a dogen | [ ) | armament [ [ | | With five principal doloiaton | taxed to the utmost, Starting the oxpeotad to represent each of the five partioipating around the groat A Boor of experts from each coun [ UNITED STATES TAKES ry In the brekground, a hundred ar more noeoredite and members of will hava suffielent obtain entrance nolty of any avallable room will be | ins succeeded In taking the sal | froed salmon A aa, HH i. Ee See Our DISPLAY of CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS BURNS JEWELLERY STORE KING AND PRINCE STREETS _... Ea. - Ee . migration the proper in partioulnr Aran hy aren, stream hy stream, the check has continne will last from two to four weeks, led, In the advancement of the wooording ta plans bolng made Bureau of Fisheries' most Import ant Job--adequate protection of the [ sasomplishing the Kvent Alaskan salmon Industry, {hy the tag system [through the White Law, providing |i £LENSUS OF SALMON that but fifty per cent of any one pyoar's run' may ba killed, Washington, Deo, 11 With tin The Bureau found It necessary the ap: | ny tags for tinny tribes, Unale Sam [to attach metal tags to the tails of to determine thelr mon o0ensus, | third week In" Janusry the sessions sontad table powers conference the publie whe influenen tn tiekets il news reparters | tahles the fish now habits and peitls proportion te he killed places, Bevan years have will go on and on, word finls never written poss has arrived with the salmon tapping expeimrants BE ----. upon heen spent In census It 16 a process with the But suo and Intricate tell of the travels of v's OCONEE OES ORRDDDONROOO0E | CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Yes, a lumber yard has suggestions for Christmas gifts, which are 'beautiful, reasonably priced, and of extreme utility, For instance -- IRONING BOARD CABINETS This is so constructed that the board is absolutely rigid, $ 7 50 and the whole thing can be built into the wall out of the . $15.00 BREAKFASTNOOK FURNITURE $1 0 00 SIMPLE. DESIGNS dh We way, CARPET LINING ' 3 %2¢. KITCHEN CABINETS These can be built to your own specifications or we will submit designs and incorporate practical fixtures, in keep- ing with your kitchen, An insulating, noise deadening, carpet preserving pro. duct, made for this purpose only, Special Christmas price FOR DAD per aq, MN The famous STAY.-PUT GARAGE DOOR HARD- WARE, Made in Oshawa by Oshawa mechanics, per set (This article positively guaranteed by the manufacturers), $9.75 FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ATTIC INSULATION --- This makes your indoor Win. ter evenings 'and living conditions much more enjoyable. SATIN FINISH HARDWOOD FLOORING - Needs no coment The above and many others ave available now but remember, order quickly OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED 28 Ritson Rd, North Telephones 2821.2820

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