, p. 20

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Cor mprovement (] ood lanis, Ho if pA po Bn than he wy of " with thousands of the genlus of Luther "nN 1} t bi lower, flatter hyanches, Tt haa ainee head true, (hak ta veproduond maintaining the alterations caused hy tha vadium, Tha male key which the vadium touched was part of the repradice tion cell containing chromosomes, minutia, ved-shaped bodies that fs hereditary characteristics, Dr, Hiakeles exhibited models of the difference In these ehromosnmey hetove and after the radium alteya- tans, He sald these changed produced the new species, Cheamosomes fx not only the haveditary ohavagteristic of plants hut prabably of all Hving plants, Hoveral othey selentifle American institutions have similar work Hie dey way, heth with plants and insects, hut ne humen experk: ments have heen veparted, A CANNED CHRISTMAS All ia wot Jost though the times have shane , Biven the smallest households, with the mast mae uf kitcheneties, may eat hoar s head, Krouse, of duck, and even the chars acteristic green turtle soup, aided hy the canner, Many of these unusual specialties are delightful suyprises picked in the Christmas basket of these who must celebrate the haliday far from home and friends, provid: ing the traditional dinner in quite # merry fashion==Delineator Magazine, CHRISTMAS RINTLY ORSERV: Na Christmas is rightly seleb nen in it a sting a bs CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING The Rustam of € fist Hilt gv i a Wh of Christmas giving, . | PHONE 1160 * | Yous, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMYS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 In the fields Ths BE On Earth Goodwill and Peace lh din 6 y oh 1 y nibh tins The i ad WP ha IN hie aa ned oot thew, And ls, from heaven above, ' BF G8IAE ue ary io th ' pence,' On earth good will "To you In the city of David A Baviour is born today!" And suddenly a host of 1 Finshed forth to join the lay, © never hath sweeter message Thrilled home to the souls of men, And the heavens themselves had never heard Bo glad a choir till then: Far they sang that Ch | he heavenly ones ns Carel That never on earth shall cease = "Glory to Gad in the highest, On earth good will and peace, And the shepherds same to the manger And aged on that haly Child; ¢ And ealmly o'er the erad The virgin Mather smiled; And the yd bh the starlit silanes u Besmed | of the angel lay "Ta you in the city of David A Baviour is hom today!" REGIMENT BAND ELECTS OFFICERS A, Toms Elected President, and E, J, Luke; Secretary Treasurer The band of the Ontarie Hes! ment held Ie annual business menking Inst evening, The weores tary Popariad one of the hest year's in the band's history as 10 snunen ments and approval of the wmnsle loving public, Thomas Dempiey, who has wielded the baton far the Pret twa Fears and hes given Oak: Awa one of Ite finest bands in Wai AERIR Unanlmenely ¥ $ en 10 vfs od ARdmanter, ail ot! h ison, dA and tf hopes to Bo they sang and | ween that never The carel an earth shall conse = "Glory to God in the highest, pence,' On sarth good will an {] H F, W, Faber, PIECES O00 OED OED MEE DE sama wurpels for thelr lends, Tha secretary treasurer, MN, J Luke, who has hecome well known theaugh his long assoslations with the hand, was unsnimously ehinsen to Jook after the business end of the organisation - far 1680, "The aleation of oMears wani Prasident, A, Toms; Beaopelpry Troasurer=H, J, Luks; Lihpavian , Heyanti Hxsentives=H, Dun ford, BH, A, Besley, LD, Meech, Wn Lambert NEWFOUNDLAND CREW SAFE AT NEW YORK Now York, Dee, 10 Kinven Nowfoundiand fleheymen, captain, mate and craw af the schooner Uiander Deal" arrived In New York today aboard the Unlied Hinton liner Répuhllo, which plekea them up belare daylight Tast Pris morning wftog they had heey BWi B40 miles out to ela, FIVE CHINANEN APPEAR IN COURT Are Charged With Fa'lure to Pay Poll Tax to the City What might well he termed a | Chines pussle, came hofors Mag latvnte Wille this morning, when | of the Meanlight for falling to pay Peak BH, Hibs, who defended thm, showed the court & partner five smployses Cale appeared thelr poll tax, whip agreement whereby sll those snmmonsed ware or should have heel on the assessment voll, 1 took the gaurt a lopg time to de cide who the different Ldnws and ers ware, Gus wan having eom 10 disregard for whieh way his at Ross, Ames & Gartshore Company, Limited Hudson-Essex Dealers Extend to All, the Heartieat Greetings for A Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year 1927 Pontine Landeau Sedan, extra good .. .,.. .., 1927 Pontise Coach, See this one... viii 1088 Durant Sedan, like new , 1988 Chev, Coach, A real Family car . .. 1928 Essex Conch, in perfect onder ....... .... 1027 Essex Coaches Coaches, Real buys ... 1986 Ford Coupe AAA LAY wii BENNER E LEERY (ERR IA RER AER ERE BEER ERE AER EEE RE RE REY Make the Yuletide Season more pleasant by purchasing for your family, One of our "GUARANTEED USED CARS" vv $800 vo $600 pan yas $500 sae R} L 5 I Easy terma to responsible parties, your present car will, no doubt, make the down payment 138 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA Ross, Ames & Gartshore Company, Limited PHONE 1160 MRS, SNOWDEN 13 GIVEN CREDIT FOR WISE SUGGESTION Wife of British Chancellor of Exchequer » Remar able Woman m-- Landon, Des, 10==Mrs, Snowden wile of (he Chapesllar speaking of the Exchequer, in the presence of the Employment Minister, nshed Mr, Thomas to admit that no individual party eonld settle the unemployment problem, and to invite wi parfies to get tope her and deal with i "tl Jstion y ie R nonpolities) jesus, i Duly Wows" commends Mrs, Bnows den's courageous ohservition, and wppeils to the Prime Minister to coinmunicate forthwith in the senss indicated with the fenders of the twy phnauiane The situation has becomes far 106 werions toy hy pity or taetiesl sone siderations, Unemployment »= wides spread and prolanged == overshadows every other angle question in the life of the nation, Mrs, Buowden® is & remarkable woini, Clever, good looking, an or anissr, a connalsssur of the arts, charming hostess, full of energy and ardent enthusliosn, sourageonsly ean did, and a yeally fing speaker, she lias suceeded in making » worlds wide veputadion of hier own, while re fining & particular distinetion as the wile and Belarate of seh u min ws Philip Bnowden, "Without the help of my wife," Mr, Buowden said, when the Hague Conference wis aver eauld never have achieved suesess" Ble 1s probably better known ahroad than any other British Woman names veud I wis glven In ans pune un Blok Lee, In another as Lon Blok, and In yel another, Ken f 1.08 One man was top old as he was aver sixty and although he gould produce no bivth eartitionts, the hanoh desided that he looked Lhe years It wan slated that In Ching they have nol as yel staried arlutering hivihe Alter gomniderabiles argument he twaen Onl, Grleveon, who asted for the arawn, and the defence, (he piss was adlourned for one week when a decislon will he made as tn whether these men are Hable for payment ar not i - uid hn. - 9) ed 21) Cabinet No, 47, The waditlons! surdiness wand enduring design charnsteristle of Old English eralismanship, wee beautifully por surfaced with Amerioan walnut, Typlea low relief and solid wood carvings em hellish the front panels and the we sliding doors, The sturdy wmed and fated legs are solidly erosshraced w insre permanent rigidity, Enclosed hack, 44 inches high, 261; Inches wide 16% Inches deep, his cabinet is fur nished with the Stewart: Warner Elec wo Dynamic Reproducer baile in, and with the Beware Wamer Berean Gr chassls pa the receiving unly, OSHAWA BATTERY A. G, BROOMFIELD 37 King 8t. West [| nay 1 £ by | A wo » 2 29090 less tubes Above ls shown the approved 17h Century English Console | You'll want to see and hear this sensadlonsl new simplicity of weaved in this handsome Console, 11 Is set, oven and let Hbough Jou te this triumph that ! os wonder It ls ' ting, Dial it and on come booming In. * TheWorld's Champion Go-Getter "The set with the Punch" h do not plan to buy, Come In test Stewart: Warnes y's tallelng about, Learn what or, selectivity, distance. oy a thrill as the far-off stat oar Its clear, rich voles, Volume | without distortion! Keslism wwmatched | Don't be content to an ordinary radio, Puy ; this new Champion of the Alr "the set with the , PUNCH." Its performance surpasses that of sets advantages ready and - , Stewart: Warnermanufucturing it this remarkable value, We're to demonstrate, Come la today, Fils SERVICE . Phone 1184 a KROCH BROS. Ltd. ah i, Re-Organizaton Sale IS IN FULL SWING E a aS IT WILL BE REJOICING TO KNOW THAT ALONG WITH OUR REGULAR LINE WHICH IS GREATLY REDUCED AS ANNOUNCED PREVIOUSLY, OUR STORE S$ FILLED WITH MANY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ITEMS WHICH ARE ALSO PRICED AT A REDUCED PRICE COME AND SEE! '. a BOYS' SUITS $3.05 and $4.95 SL AD BOYS' SUITS Long Pants $5.95 $6.95 $8.08 BOYS' O'COATS Size 2 to 6 Heavy Chinchilla $4.98 BOYS' O'COATS 206 to 30 Tweed, Chinchillas and Melton's $5.98 $6.05 $7.95 and $8.98 BOYS' HEAVY SHIRTS Flannels, 89¢ BOYS' SWEATERS Pullovers ..... 89¢ MEN'S SUITS $12.98 and $14.98 $16.95 and $18.98 MEN'S O'COATS $12.98 and $14.98 $16.98 and $18.95 Limited Number Only MEN'S SCARFS Reg. up to $2.50 Sale Price ... $1.49 MEN'S TIES Sale Price .... 30¢ Sale Price ..... 89¢ Sale Price ..... 98¢ Any Dress in store is reduced to half price, $495 $5.05 $7.08 $8.98 $10.98 $6.95 LADIES' HOSE Silk & Wool Hoss 48e SWEATERS FOR LADIES FOR MEN FOR BOYS GIRLS' COATS About |2 only girls' coats which go at a very low price = $6.95 §7.95 $8.95 Grab Them before Rie Too Late FOR GIRLS AT SALE PRICE UNDERWEAR Men's Fleece lined Shirt and Drawers at 68¢ per garment First Quality Handkerchiefs for Ladies, Men & Children Boxed

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