, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DA Y TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 ery Woman Would Ea This Book . Doesnt t matter hater she Is oh 0 or sixty---eve fl or fem ema of Dentin I-=or ill revel In the se- Patchwork Quilts and n Who Made Then as Ruth E, Findley, in her new | rie ust published by the J. P, Lip- wp t Company; Vor years---in the artificlality of an Jother age--the decorat ve possibilie of the Aw? and the comfo have half-forgotten, Suddenly--ens 74 ky present day pire n' and contrasting colo have come back Into fashion n And Sxaminition of the many terns photograp phed and diagramed | & Murs, Finley's book suggests that at HA #" olie Jeason Jor rd pavived EL popularity is the fact that quilt de 4 gos, even though developed decades nd centuries ago, are distinctly In ling with what we today call the modernistic, 8 That the product of the quilt kers's art blends naturally with the ight ng and strong colors of ' f Mrs. Finley, who says? i "While the present-day vogue for Ri Bishwork is due primarily to a deep~ i imulated interest in all things Winiorla ly expresive of our national i kground and rowth, the wide and i back use af quilts undoubtedly has , been greatly furthered by the mods arlitle Wand A rife Wandh ole Joe coration Br and boldness of line, ol i not shocked by such a combi: ations of purple iy cerise nor by composition so stark as 10 be geomets "I'he curlous result hy that, quik patterns--partieularly those that ere of geometric design, are ns much at home Simong the angles and straight fines of the mas severe | futuristic furnishings as they are when sur- rounded by the graceful curves of Hueqn {line or the elaborate cary» letoria," Vile old quilts are now much t after, ho quilts and eomfors tables s are being made In great num- bers and a most interesting phase of of this revival Is to be found in the fact that in workmanship and de tall the new models prove close rivals of the Is er art, Quilt-making, little effected Ya fo ber moth nls ex Mained detail in Mrs, "int ley's hook which inh 310 different pat terns by name and describes each, Hustrat ng many, Not only Is the hook outstanding because It rescues the lore of "patch« work" from oblivion. hut because of the very human pleture it presents of the fashions and mode bf living In those Amerlean days which we are apt to consider very far removed , SPORTING GOODS % ALWAYS WELCOME & -- % A Christmas without games and Swport? Buch a thing never wake "nor will be, And there must he » Bitte in this direction or half the meaning of the holidays ls lost, Bports equipment for outdoor aes tivities will be represented; games tor indoors, too, Rverything from tiddlo-dewinks for toddlers on to foothalls and, further still, to the Mgnifled game of golf, "Of all indoor games this year we are told that Table Tennis Is une floubtedly the most pepular, Clubs are forming throughout the coun- in and young and old are join. ne in this fasciphting pastime, able tennis sets of both Hnglish and American make are to he had in a wide range of prices that bring his gift within tho reach of prae~ foally everyone, Por he (or she) who rides there are ¥nglish saddles and bridles, polo mallets, overs ooncelvable aos cessory for fox hunting, polo or showing, And among the stable equipment, beautiful blankets ana sheety hear the monogram of the owner; smaller contributions to this sport are English hunting orops and hunting companions, flasks and sandwich oases, Vor sport of another sort there fs a miniature plgskin golf bag Holding six golf clubs which turn out to be cocktall mixers, Another gift for the golfer is a golf watch made in the shape of a Cnttoned out golf ball, It will Atand quite rough treatment and 8 Just the thing to give the man whe is Invariably late for lunch or dipner-~beécause the regulation watoh was left In the locker, Newest golf hose are play In aolor, or woven in tiny patterns, The large klaring designs are ne longer popular, Hose usually mateh the sweator and come In green, hrown, pavy, blue and tan, SANTA CLALS WIL NOT FORGET HEN Desk Clocks, Smoking Sets, Bill Folds and Watch Chains Offer Wide Choice Be -- A OLH:® able gifts for the man are here gath- ered in conference--cuch certain to epee ons or anether member of the old or the Vraternity of Friends, The upstanding clock Is ol a type that seems especially sultep for the duants aparimens, or his desk, ts beveled "base nd frame are of silver, the cheery face Is white, with . blde-rimmed gh and white num. ers, Smoking sets are of course, gilts conventional] they must be of unus- ual design, dignified, artistic, In order to distinguish themselves, set fi does so emphatically In tones of black and white enamel tipped with an livery, elephant, And 8 for a good looking Identl: fication' symbol and a clip to keap greenbacks In thelr proper place In- stead of allowing them to is with pleblan Joose change , , . Wustrated are both Items, the one a heavy gold chaln with an oval plaque for the In- dentification tag; the other " sterling sliver hill clip that shouts "dollars," Newest men's handkerchiefs for ev. ening are of crepe de chine, with a striped border, such as you see lying nonchalantly on the shelf beside the clock In this setting arranged by Saks, Fifth Avenue, New York, em LOUD SPEAKER AN ACCEPTABLE GIFT I---- While the loud speaker Is now concealed within the cabinet of most Jate radio sets, there are fn existence many fine radios of the table type, In countless homes these sets ure giving excellent sore vice and may continue to do so for years to come, The mitt of a loudspeaker of heautifu! design would be most ae ceptable to such mn household, Cer tainly one rarely finde as hand some # speaker as the one illus trated whieh, In addition to ls beauty, possesses exquisite tone quality, SANTA CLAUS LIVED Bh ---- Whoever says there Is no Santa Claus 1s mistaken, Sante Claus like Chrsit, once walk ud this earth, He was a man of great kindness and [snuroluity, with u deep love dor ren, Buch was his hold on the hearts uf the people that alter he died, Der cember 0, about 1,000 years ngo, the dite was set aside as 8 feat and gifs day, In commemoration of his life, Hig name was Nicholas, After his death folks called him Saint Nicholas, As the feast and Rltt-glving du of St. Nicholas spread, the took it up, The nearest they could come to saying Bt, Nicholas was Bans ta Clays, As time rolled on, December 6, the feast day of Santa Claus, giver of wifts and December 25, the feast duy of Christ, giver of fife, became gon- fused in the minds of the people, and svenhiiy the two festivals were combine Thus the Iden became established that on the even of the birth of the Christ Child, there comes out of the frozen north, with sleigh and ralndeer genial ania Claus, with gifts, When persons tell children, "Sans ta Clays brought ee this," they are speaking the truth, Vor the spirit of Santa Clans that still lives, propted the gift ~Wickes Wamboldt, QUAINT CHRISTMAS PICTURES OFFERED ------ The scanter and shorter our skirts have become In this modern day, the more our whimsical taste seems to demand a reminder of the hoopeskirt days gone by, That may account for the great popularity of quaint Gedey prints and other prim little scenes I'he muts of these wre often most ef « covered with dotted swiss, or ehinte in tiny flowered pattern, or with dellente pen-and Ink lines around the opening of the mat These pletures ure especially ap propriate for the bedroom, Pletures of stylish little prim flow er bouguets == even antique botanical prints showing a single spray of bloss som ~~ are nlso In groat demand, es pecially Hf framed with a decorative mat and moulding of some of the lovely tones naw featured by smart interior furnishes I'ien there are the beaytitul land scapes, yvallant ship pletures, lovely elehings In color, the wide variety of leative pletures far ehildren = all these make "ON EAKTH Wit us{fl ALIA SS AAP NSE. FAME A MEA TAR 500 ANI I UE A BEA SELIG HTB RH soto ewe DEALER in DUDE Automobiles and Trucks Garage Service to All Makes of Automobiles Ontario Motor League Road Service Dealer for Seiberling Tires CMR SA RS 5 SAE A aA -- CR -- 68 ALARA SA SST = distinetive and hppropriate Christmas gifts, suitable for different rooms in the howse, BRITISH SAILORS BATTLE PIRATES Thirty-Eight ok Pirates Are Wounded and Taken Captive Hong Kong, Dee, 8,--The Brit. fsh steamer Halehing, en route fram FBwatow to Hong Kong with Chinese passengers, was attacked |1 oft Chalang Point yesterday by pl rates who wet the vessel afire, The orew heat off the outlaws and cons |« plated the voyage, The crew waged a bloody battle |r with the pirates, Twelve persons ) were killed and about 60 native passengers leaped overboard and were drowned, The steamer reached here lust night with Its super-structure part. ly burned away, Thirty-eight wounded buccaneers were sent to the hospital where the condition of most of them was sald to be werious, Others were brought axhore securely bound and thrown Into Jall, The ship was under es cort by the British destroyers Mir dar and Nterling which had come to iis ald. | HULA DANCES MAKE HIT WITH RAJAH remarry Honoluli, «= India's sinveus dances wity soon he given an ""Hawalinn note! for the far-famed hula of the south sgn Isles has caught the fancy A the maharajuh of Kapurthala, This Indian monarch, arriving in Honolulu eeently to spend one day, stretched hin stay to several, and frankly stated that one of the things whieh attract ed him was the prospect of seeing ou genuine Hawabian hula, ae that dance wis performed fn the days before the white men brought petticonts, Juez and the one step, The maharajah, whose bagunge contained gems said to be worth $5, 000,000, and whe maintains on prineely establishment not only in India but on his travels, Iv also anxious to learn something of Hawallan music, and one of his frst excursions here wis out Imo the ocean water off Walkikl beach In a surfeeanoe man ned by stalwart Hawallan swimming boys, RAILROAD MAGAZINE REVIVED BY MUNSEY New York, Dee, V.Rallroad em- ployees of every class, from eonst to recently were glven an unex pected and wholly 'welcome surprise when teh Frank A, Munsey Come pany, publishers, announced that COnNt, Rullrond Man's agin uppear on the December, and the month thereafter, This publication, Ia its new form, according to officers of the publish- ing house, hus been designed to ap- peal to every class of rallrond men and women, and to the general pub lie interested in railroad life and transportation affairs, Fietion of un high grade plays » prominent pert in making the maga Zing everything its publishers claim for It, and then there are regular des partments nv which technical ques tons are answered on train operas tion, control, engine and cur trou bles, and an score of other subjects and in which rallrond people are given the opportunity to relate thrills ing experiences, Magazine would newsstands In first of ench LEGEND OF THLE MISTLETOE The legend of the mistletoe and its connection with kissing belong to » distant past, and comes from Seandl navia, We Hambly's Beverages Coca Cola! MAN! Can't you feel that cold tingle that somehow .. "hits the spot" «= It you feeling freshed == a real drink leaves that is popular every day! becoming more peeoeeoeeoteoeEecoeooeooens ER ee ie ee COOOL OCREOROOE NS A RR ! Try a | Why Coca-Cola exceeds 8 million a dey the demand for Thede millions who enjoy Coca-Cola dally ASK FOR IT ICE-COLD, They will tell you that unless you've tasted an ICE-COLD Coca-Cola, you can have no idea how delicious and refresh. ing it bs, Back of this delicious taste is the certainty of ita purity == wholesome ingredients, volor, untouched by hand in manufacture, sealed pure in a sterilised bottle, The assured purity and delicious flavor of refreshing, 1CE.COLD Coca-Cola tell clearly why over 8 million a day are sold. ryt yourself! But--ASK FOR IT ICE-COLD, Every Bottle Sterilized natural ent 'GRAPE Products made in Oshawa by HAMBLY'S COCA COLA HAMBLY ORANGE CLOUDY LIME CLOUDY ORANGE LEMON SOUR ROOT BEER CREAM ' SODA DRY GINGER ALE Let Us Send You a Case Today! HE'LL APPRECIATE IT AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT

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