Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1929, p. 7

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Coe { HAE i HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 os 'Hard-Boiled 'LHR JANE DIXON 3. Mat by Armsrng Po Lv to Jerry, they would poo || of He "he 4 Mou 81 1ott of herself to AMph im of her Im vloyed ae ror haan i ' HY "Ghmpter 9 id Ea Mh lover LU 10 wets her his wife, Eid, the 1 if Marathon, tiying. an' Amerios parted the waters of an Ay hat flaunts of 'Hania jade and sppphive smiles in the face of an ardent "a, Only a few minutes before, the ship had peat the aetisats line that the domain of waters pit country trom the free v Nia 0 ply theranfter, fhe onen Ben, Hi Hare Thane skipper of Manet Hy WM Movetorate fomantor oP me Vt) opened the ship's a placed & pen near an ink-wal yo het it would he or uae, Fe wore the most | is a the newest of his uniforing, snd the broadest and hanniast of Me smiles, Hoar 4 aay ittte shi Kips at leaving Paris |, Ghee A IPhone No, They were uareling not | oF Fouts, aol ook that | tho should, Nothing oh har. past pid Jnl pun upon. thi 7 bo 4 thare ha boom Al phonse? Raorl ness? Ky Wh sani pi " nn phonse ne way nowin where they oud be, wy heavy 'tor he ole, sent by eable from " ship the afternoon of the day the had writt: her new name inte o ship's log, That was all she h ones, She had wanted Jepey to Took af the note batare she sent It to the ota | ™ van, We would not, It In tor your eyes, desv," be vod her, "Yore eyen and his fio ahe #nent an swenising hour culling aorta thet iy convey, in the ama M measure oF which wordw ae Saphble Noy misery of verret, Ly that It munt be ba It was, tha end, she ous my slaw hor jumbled Wi oN, her pats of transmitigd thought, would 01 1 was married today at ses and am maing home, Why, T sannot explain without hurting you wore than 1 liava already dane. You will vemain In mv leart ale |# ways, 10 you shauld find (6 poss | ¥ ibis to gn me ARAN, to pesume our precious friendehip, I shall be happy beyond what you aan aver knnw, "Raquas Rojos Parker" Bie know Jerry was walling for her on deck, vestioss and unhanny, What grinning devils of susplolan must be Inbhing wt iw with thaly pofsaned forks! The Javhh fetes that Sad made her the Ousen of Beanty in, the ioapital of 'Beauty, 'The oonstani presence of Alphonss by her His guarding hev, exhibiting ber, I [aha worn nama varq fewel Ini shop window, The house in Neullly, | ha knew they were hut part of [the havvest of her Withiess ambis A ri i a, 2 portent | oon Tk hard Hig rou (ithe, deay. one,' dorry RTT -d #omething la Ii dhe me Pal Some (J © mus io nd ey Hie boi} od ot Jerry a * fo he bad suddenly foun t she i nob Want to be baw on Pansho, Dust was sitting (irene gm erivisen of the ear, Bling 4 with an serid hese, The. deop i the front opened, A pull of dust was blown fe it awiried along thie aisle 0 Weed hor eyes, Wien she €ohned them nEsin, « yon, What "he Bw Was no ghost, That 7 od fw with the frayed Wus eup, , {he ¢nMgtor who had et id soar, re rie ha we erauched down In her Pn opt Her face Lo the window un. ti the senductor stepped at her sont, Then she turned and wave | Wink the full gase of hier hlaek eyes with the merry imps fonsing in the Mampi' Jehosphahat!' be Lr hed pushing the eap hae from Io gvimy brow and sevatohing the hack of Wie pussied head with » blunt thumb and forefinger, A bes, Redo li fosgus orto whera I has! supply the tre for" ol hay, p/ LT A oan give for this | SHIPWRECKS AND wateh out SLEANErS Pr and fhih Ih lout many salle, ii oh 4 HW Cw vee Hae lathind: i fd r 1H in he Teoh Wis A ris, adhd new bet Hy impossible th omandous. demand hi tamilion, wh gliweny who QULRYOwWN,, OF Wich they i unt aol found tL athing (op Thandienl ot [J ad Weems Weitere ania For Clothing .. Becoming More Urgent AA oa Wy which may have ween Ie y We hid will, he welcomud, inh to kbep wame sig he Arig 0 i, weap " wing bday md iW, WYershoey, or they prute) wl it Pr -------- Continued fram pagn 1) por these craft ws fhe abahly were short of ensl Wing vessels probably had Bhisw, sold weather and, snow re: fla broke foto a Ieugh, 1 olaced the warm weather which until ViThen you remember me,'! #he | r I youl" us burst ont, : "Lady, 1'0 Wnow you If It was & thousand yours from now, Though yoh don't Teok the same," Hin ayes took appraisal of Lhe slegane of hep traveling tong, of th great vuby that amo'deved on ® third Anger of her left hand alove A Artew platingm hand, set wih rub fo the disaster of January, ¥ don't A vou," she Inughed, Hi'ye chanped," Rha thousht; and 0 have you, Hin feos was Avy, seamed, in the Anviiaht, Hiv dodad blue ayes were ved where the tony hloodsvasse's hed burst, Dust, Heat, The desert, Well, well! ia ehinakled, "6ipd te have won pldin' with me again" "That's nine of wou," whe sald YPRAL ol ce wen the mast exeltivy vide T have aver had," Her wind wont back to days, Bhine at son A Wopk par with anyx and silver, When she first fame 0 Naw York pnd tha Avivay other fante hoe Inta the Park, ville yond, No, she had not esas rare A, That night an this tenin luat Wight uscompanied the torrential ra and caused much cafieern, ment authorities maintained a Ie stant witch on the Thames, anxious whiel Viegd delsns every high i NEBRES, towns and' villages suffered damage from inundation nants | Immigrant Tha Pari High vi he wan brought hefare Magistrate Willie the tempest, n seme sections, and it was prediets ed temoeratures would fall over all Intes and Western weh Flooding mene from is ensuing ne grew donttantly JOVern the British Evrgpe The 1928 in} higher tid 4 ondon be repeated with week ends Me, expected ny ik wero for possible weak An inereusing snumber of A Wrest chan a 0 kas was formed along the Thames Valley and vegular servise boat lines arganieed tn some places ws the only ean af cammunisation Willing To Work, But Charged As Vagrant Trish Michael Maloney, youn for 8 was ramande { serutindeed ul in polles court | vated as exhibits, Ay he dra na had si He was i been drowned " the luke, exnoltedly nthe hai stable 7, nk host awned wh Camphe i} found engin, i aund slinging, the of Mes, Roth ni Town Bhirt Torn Chiel Gin in Huend's shirt af Chief Gunaon with re finding of the body ean urlsonar had told Ng a ho That Mt EE Hven clothing hewn dash 0] trom wintry In the most hows vuhbors, wid ploy oa We wey In isons wre UTES fh Moone ao this nppsal, tor nd none Co to rw need (5 an Immediate one and wknd to wend any sriicles they Gan Aprre Lo the wellare leagues had uariers at The Times office, tu dulephons tu Pinte will nrvange for un truck to he went tor them, ---- Maps of J: Kean, th the sourt ws exhibits, the harbor drawn by B i aunty cagineer, and MH, 1, Fringls, wa Ak neer, were alg wer hief H, i A of Whithy, hirer ly described the sireunmistances liad, INK up bo the arrenk of Buono en Jucvial (har de of vigraney En to the harbor ali ik 7.18 Wat Yh He met" Bugnu g hid Mister, Bune aeons had pug, Ae ley Buena in" the sustady of & Constable and accompanied hy Provinelsl Con Mitchell he entered u fish wd operated They 1oak grappling rons with them and ulter searching the harbor in the vielnity of & sunk barnes tu whieh Buono hid bee located the body with the hoo il remoy ion med hal ! hy ks, ter John Watson It whe hraught ta share a ed tu the undertaking parlors of 'W ain teld ef Anding tours | woman His back | sefutehed he stated ravinelal Constable Thos of Oshawa, who had alse heen called ba the lake corroborated the evidence gird 1g the He had also duonc's torn shirt and exam ined (the seratehes on his hack them saratehes were the result of carry Mitehell | bi The the edical Evidence ¥oherniek's body had PAGE SEVEN r-- een badly bruised, vias shawn in the £ldely 6 ven by Lg Gy by Melody I, 80 Whitby, whe peiirimsd tig POEL wiorbem exaninition on the gits singin Aollawing. . the . draviiig Lhess bruises, hs patsd, Wer bociled wn the breast, oth shoulders, un the risht lew both inside and outside, and on the left leg above the knee, In his apiilon they were resent, bt of sould not deterinine ho Vecent, death had been dug to nie, "Could you tell how mueh Hime hind elapsed from the time the bruises werg inflicted until you made yiony eximinition," defense conve! agked "Wot exactly" witness replied, "it might be a matter af two days" Coroner Dy, €, ¥, MeUlllivray, whe aid examined the Liudy shortly afiu It had heen hronght aut of the lake, had wlse noticed the hridses, Vhey hid Leen caused by violence, he stat: [i "Was Buona given any eppertunity ta have MIYONE gxiiinG he hody on his hehalt," Mr, Btillwell queried, Ly MeGilliveay vaplisd in ih ie Hve, 'the bruises he concluded, fia d heer wanked Campiratively recently to the night of the fatality, Rescued Buono Hugh Camposll, fisherman at Port Whithy, old of hearing someon shouting is he was working by the harbor, © He went out tn his boat 4 Investigate Acempatied by Haroll ugustus, young Whithy boy, It was misty, hae stated, and wimost impo sible to ses foam the dosk to (he brealowuter When they Bpprogehed # brge wileh 1s sunken inthe hn hor they found w man Lsnging 10 a spike at its side, They resened hin fram the water und learned Tater that I owas Buone, He poke Inu slranpe tongue but sald over and over | Eoghsh that he was cold, "The braught him to the doek and he wis taken to the home of Harbor Mas here he was given dry clothing i When thi dack h il wheut hin Witness arrived at th Whit people erowded nd sald Ext itedly that i il a baby had been in the an and that they must hive downed, He secured at hook and went wut & seeand thine but gould And nothing Lut an empty punt Hosting near the Liar gs Fhe third time grapplivg, hooks secured and accompanied hy she two officers dragging operntiofs wei concerned, Ho sald that Mrs, Kaler nick's body was losated about forty feet away from the spot whera Hues ne had heen rescund Harold Augustus, Whithy High » punt with the LL Saleen syeap-old choo! student {oid the condition of the lungs indiented ae ) i | Ms dh Td Have a Clear Skin Gently anciit the affected with Cutieura Ointment, 'Wash off in five mimes with Cuticurs Bosp and fut water and sontinue bathing for geome ninutes, Plingles, ecss- ih Cain and irritations are Hekly reliaved and healed by this rin bing Cuticura Talcum is frac grant and refreshing, an ideal totlet power, rts Hae fy [7H .} = pi - a ad ate sing macaranl" W, Demeresky ves flied Witness sfated that he spoke Pol igh and that Buono spoke another linguinge whieh he couud not unders stinid, "They wers able to converss with wich other In Lnglish, however, "He not speaks very good English, just like me, withess onelnded Mis, Helen Smith, Oshawa, whe dues Buono's washing for him, iden: hed the torn shivt as his, The tears lid nat been In it when she washed itu week hetore he had been taken Wile oustody she sald, Phe had ule heard the aks a threat against Mys nel If was the Balurany elon sort of avelsting Camphet in reson nk Bueng, Mrs, Veances Vialks, of Qshawa, whe with her two gmildres had heen with Bueno and Mrs, Koberniek oi the might of the tragedy, give evil ence tnrough an interpreter, Michal vetrowsky, of Oshawa, of events leading wp ta the time that Mrs, Ko herniek went out in a boat with Bus ne Witness stated that she had wo tored 10 Whithy in company with her twa shildrem, Buono, wil Mis Kaberniel, At Wihithy harhos they went out in i punt hut her ehildren eried und she waked 10 be allowed w land thew, Buona snd Mrs, Kobe nick they went out alone she stated Bhe saw ne more of Mrs, Koherygel 11 Baherniek had been released Mre, Vista told of seeing Hi ph AH tran the Whithy Jsil and she had or he had been rescued trom the wae | ealled at the Demereshy lhiome where ter, Bhe hid asked him where Mos | Buono was boarding, Buono was LE Kaberniele wan and he hud veplied | cent he sid and In gonversation that hie did net know, he happened to refer tu Mrs, Kober That Buono had several tines made | nil threats apainst the Hife of Mrs, ku i herniel was the startling evidences of [if | Veter Bohayehuk, Oshawn, an i any usintances of the secised Baha with testified that ehuls elalime d that he had heard the ly Is wn the prisoner say on more than one ae | dav she was drowned, Mrs, Kober gustan that MH would Ki hw mick was dressing at the tine and Jos Demerviky, 248 Verdun 1 tuted thas she had seen nu told the sont that Bueno | | hime wit her person threatened to "kiss" Mr, Koberniol VEE an hour's recess tar supper, with u lene, Jlg had met Buono ob the sours held w might session and the home of Mes, Mary Letlivin the hnpl adjournment ef the day where (the peeused had heén work same at 0.30 ¢'elosl Fhe Jury will Buona had asked for a dallar and | bupt under guard until the teal Lethvinsky wished ta kn hy lis soneluded hie winted mone ha Jury ineludes "Wor my sweetheart," hi lil vo rom Whithy and ene fron have replied, { Wrack township Lighten jurymen Liemeresk then said that Mi are challengad helure panel al Lethvinsky suggested that he » was finally ehasen ng to kiss Mrs, Kabernich Members of the Jury. are John "Buane sald "Yes, 1 kiss her with | Perry and Russel Hell, Whithy 1 ¥levd # hig knife" he added, Doagly, Heoeky John As Carson, Nei Lounael for the defens Miled | Fursey, Hurry Boye, Thas, Dun know whether Buono mentioned op, 1, Gartshore, Harold Gow, Fin thing about maearonl at that time Phompsan, Bam Gummew and Fen, ha sald he was going to bu tabert Fraser, all of Oshawa prisoner Kohe 'Me like Mrs, Koberniel Tiny pel hey nobody eles will 1 kil he site iad therniel Rati nine Qehisgwa men a8 Ke | iwelve man Be a a -. Phat enpriad hav away toward the | Nore yesterday on & charge of vege Hardy Bang to 1 ke the The hum of 4 Phe a . ne 3 - EL oap evn fram that dim a eon' To & few minutes there was the tion that took muey and FAVE Nor Joint of Kid ontalgs on the 3 saptain the Cg A of his guariers to yeealve # youn woman in & wirl of tlimy gray, He cannht the aint perfume the « Iiiies-afrthesvalloy (hat tanghed the creamy pallor of her ot ive Blase ry pH dy tetn ime ho ol & the most beautife! handiwork I have, tain Hardy maid to how the sable 6 JOURE WOMAN'S Wale made its escape from her tight little gray turban, And her bi Like » pated of blank nlaht at sen, with flecks of phosphorus where the ship eut the waves Tatas Ta te pt a wall seten - ' iit and a Took fn his ust make the sun hide Ru at I eowerkness of lin a ng, of two aftfoers of the whl Jira he brides nto his oy anawered with the enite of men who find Joy in the! Inter Oantaln ve winutes \ Mian of his office a the lips 'of the AUNT WO™AR Ih y Me Gerald Parker he said fir he vinviag ¥eles that floated ont and pleasantly resched Aha ante of 8 naman at (he whee! of the ahip.. nh ih vou': & long life, and a hanny one," "Here ny id, furniog to the young Man in the blue aerne suit, ro Jou Hike a sure eure for Li alos lEned Wer nama tn i", hook thet waa the ips ton! "Reine! Rates Parker Thin man with the Erav-sray aves, the mrave line, tha straight ahonidare thet (pelined toward hep Jike twa aa'ld veoka, Wpan whieh | oa tM nd vesh her weaty head, was or hnehand, +The Bunyan of Bie kin! Radus! afivred ¥ wheasily, Wer 3) hve 1 wide, Tn that tne #tont she Awake, her brain olear, het v phi 11] was (hig she hal heen wreeting the Plait went, with an eo quite fae tn heine alive, a prehing the wrhle Bi hate hook fram her at toneh of mane Buried to | A he know? fihe the thing, But Joryy What had heen, had heen, PARA 8 hell and Alupatehed message, r------------" Chapter 84 | Raquel Rojos Parker hurried Ine to a rlekety day ooash of the racks {aty train and selected a pent tor ward the rear of the ear, Ahead of her, 8 hall dpren edb tlemen 1a broad (h s abd brights col od eotton blouses disposed [1 maelves awkwardly on the worn ved plush cushions, Twa or three | Wrbane gentlemen, as ana knew hy the elty out of the elothes, had parked bulky cases and bags on racks and alow the aisle, travel ing anleamen, out to dispose of thelr ware, One of the eattiemen, Roque! now tload, wore a blouse of a deep wate ermelon pink, and a way green ollk neekerehief from whieh he had forgotten to remave the prio. tas, He aved hey eovertly, and then tonk the seat almaort epnosite, & Hitle to the fare, He would trv out the devasntine effect of hia new "lastest Rangel turned to the window to eoncenl the smile she Ald nef want him ta see, The tra'n wave & lureh, crevked fn all ita Joints, Then, with a a taereeching of (a pred steams whintle, It mot under way, The tein drew out of Phoentw Aringna, Raquel Rajon Parker waz waing home, back to Hermosa and the desart, with Httla rite of mingled antlelnation and apnrehension trickling down her upline, MARY hey Rh fod anted fame, 'How mun ¥ one whe kraw Luoy A] a naths between the linea of her brie! Timon ta Ranuel's fret letter home, 'sould guess, Jerry thounht that she should "© We would #0 with her, Anue' found difloulte In pew suading him 1h would he better for hep ta mo alone, this fret time, She had we way of knowing Hy hi the whe shank, They 9 \ hot My Ay ow Foy LAY h' "1 AOR' sea how 1 9 pone "ot " hi you hh + ha tH Jeiry ov va ll sgt! au (A ol, pefore Lou on th y's ohatr, i he bri hat leak of the hurt Re is wry eves, He pulled her down upon hia knees Ry held her hungrily, The hunger tor her ssemed never to he Apnean 4, SPI run avery step of the way™ she promised, "1 think, 46 ts best hn. thinking of ® Ruew ahe WRing © The' did mot wa in put Jerre we're § nd wife #8 Wwe » LL] oA) " i HE Fe [8 wan \ Homelan k] the 'dabe shack, him to geo it, nod tt 1a face i (0 her what might there, (Retoteatiy on SN At the | _ he non nN wow, ng . ne to ne sult a Lh oh ated he cause sho was 80 Inga motion, The ply A sheolaliat, WT would ase abant hh" : 1t was arransed she should go Miva, and repent te Jerry tmmer anne! Wh IY fn a for the diately what had hannaned during tant In the © AK AD "To NIGR IA nel rawn, that vide surpassed all ahary Aha onaned a haw, It wan of fine sen] Ianther with » tiny mananpam that mittered, aslected a hill, and hendad It tn the eandnethy, He axamingd + (hou gesbvlly, A Won dvedsdolar bill, I'm aferld 1 ean't ehanee this, Jadv,' Just ov an that never taba farrntien ridp, She walled for the Bunt thumb snd forefinger, Wer laughter hubs Wied aver, | "Phen don't," she peli "I've awed it to vou a lana time, Were's my tiokat, T went van ta buy your Ww A nretty dress ™ It wis a lonw time hefors she oatt!d nersmadn him that tha hill relly halnnwed ta him, Toward tha close af the day the tan ng arieidae tha train window anpnmed a Pamiliopity that set her tineline, Tong sivetohes of dune saloved dual, Mesaniia nawdered with It, Tealls anavine theaneh the Aen, The ehw a helitiant haw! of ealor Vike the rapesntuan paint nw of a master artist, That Anvk poteh huddtad swginet the Aun! Wap heorl was he'd ag In A vise, Rha suddaniy fot weal, widdy, Burning hat, Tov paid, YRpmnsn wt Puls af dost that hatted aut tha sinened Heured with the fmwad ean pushed peak fram meine haw, The train apes foe, protesting tn avery joint, late, te "w to a ston he rushed plane the alee, Noe Ing with tha dust, and alambered avn the plabaiv stens, A urea hull af a man with hells nw Weak mans ot ing and Waok "vod AWARE Reared fram Beneath Sek # ranmpvad fawaed hey, "a alt aha cried and van to Alnw Weren't an his phase, Ie tima van ahawed un, eal Pa pi hied, "Leaving us without a ward," Fhe olung to him, "Where's, , LATTE AL Wan ft fmanination, ap wars tha sway Af Ahly great tara really damp nd dim? "Tnav's waltin"' ha asld Thapg wil he samathing tn his throat, Something huaky, 1 emm---- \ (Cam inned Thmareow) Eni n {i} OTTAWA EPIDEMIC NOW UNDER CONT Ouawa, Dee, 10=The wo ¢ of canes ot soarlet faver treated. In the Isolation hows alned stationery av 9% WEht and elvil health autho daplaved the wltuation Under contral, The fever 1s i mild form 13 Four additional diphtheria ware adniitted to hoapltal over § week-and, lifting the total ber of patients to &1, While seaviet fever and dU theria eases tn the olty have v od an unusually WA foval, situation 1s net Xa Ho i Waid at the health Mmenty on the farm, Erin replied, 'hut 1 opn't tind any Work Jus W My, Stilwell Onhia wa i Towed hy Ah pi pontd N {hie ot evidense Ih \ LY 1 a 27 ---- ha heh ae Bay, "Don't you want te work?" His Worship asked Ture and 'm whiting te wark the youhs won of new,' land peoeriained that Chief the 1ad, who Is slghtean years old, had bean brought ta this eountry on a farm ImmTAlion "e der the ausploss 'N Ueelety, Ottawa, AME Une , John w MURDER TRIAL OF FRANK BUOND "pn u wy promi Fan mt 0 Hi her, The Te np ariant a vidence fram the standpoint of the Crown was given hy John Hreasuh, stout, rudd Yaa forelgner, whe Yosldes at : hme ge) thaws, I en BE 1h . harbor on Wednonany wht, June i He wan sitting in & beat In 0 Weeds near '] ft ahore on he heard lend wiki ike people quarreling, He looked ahaut A A MA) J women stands that b rh 8 Lit SAF tle sunken barge," A Ll id ragedy YI saw the man shave the heat why from the bare With a pads ie A mikinte later Jie WOMAN all Inte the water, MW pake at water where ahd fell w paddle, Than the man fell Wid Water ton and swam to the barge," reoduk Nad witnessed the rea ye of Buopo-~and had also seen the d Wa) Jheratians eonduats Bae He) h . harbor " n'olook that hed you sw the " Able w ue you vow avert the Cre 3 T Ald wah want to wet mixed any tranble" MHieesuk ver Had Just started Jong 'exam inBtion of Hees When cout wad adjourned far lwnoh, ay a A th \ A Ruane, Wa ATTAUA od before My, Justige W 1 ight and a Jury wt tha 8 ansieed wf the Supreme Cowrt A wre [) that N " murdering VN aphie' Kemeny y Also A Osh AWA, a wid in Whithy Par on Je Inst when she fe or was pushed {nto the water from a ane by Ni 1% 'youn LETTS nem when the ue --- , outta hay He ve wiatied on thee hout (the hear don WIAs hin 43 defence Mats of Tre 0 Attorney, LAT WIL roam was erowded with he a WA t . el could litle vide " Swe Was Wh that is tod until Wee on Hatin f\ HW a 1 A Jenin A He the on) ® Juin Ses of \he | doubt feel the respon position nn soup wated Yo \ (1) wns aw % S you 9 per NN there 4 Ul ah Anne of p A LLU are it of otographs of My harbor whee o" Atality oveurred were submitted | You may Spend more But You Cie Buy More than youw'll get in PHI%CO- The, far flung fame of Phileo performance may have misled you as it had thousands of Shere into thinkin that stich a sot must be) ried far beyond your rea ® matier of fact Philo is the lowest priced ty set on the market, The T Model, oy the Lowboy Frings the true clear ndarfully rich tone of Philea within the reach of the most modest The Highboy and Highbey Deluxe offer lusury that the vichest might be proud to own, This Neutrodyne-Flus Screen Grid LOWBOY er Model THI dODKL han al Ay ive open 2 iit i eh TR -- yaa fue TE atime sol in in wee al watiut on ¢ N TEST RADIO VALUE 4 Give A Philo ™ Christmag For Hitla mare than 46 would oost to hay in dividual fi for the ditterent members of i family, you oan buy a Balaneed Ua hiloo-a a that whi never outlive its wel COE never lose ta pawer, ta charm Your dealer will gladly deliver ane Chuistinas Eve, or euvlier if you wish, wh BALANCED-UNIT All-Electrie Radio ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, Limited OSHAWA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE

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