Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER' 10, 929° {The {Whitby Daily Times Advbrtising, suber) foun and news Wir? (9 har Heng ol aban olin and Eh WR Leave | \ hi 'They are Too Highly Tax- fhe, od ~~ Counsel For Town|| "Conténds' Board Has No Power to Alter Town| Boundaries #s Set by Act "of '1884--Board May Al low Detachment for Some of Appellants, The sppliéntion of Mxteen owners of farm lands In the Town of White by for an order of detachment to Jom Whi Athy township was heard by the Ontario Rullway and Municipal Board In the Counell Chamber on Monduy, the hearing lasting all day, Meme bers of the Mourd present werd Chatman C, 1, MeKeown, KU), vice chaleman, A, Dy Ingram, und Willuim C, Cox, CHR, voeretary and record or, Judgment on the application was reserved by the Board and It was In timated that a declslon might be forthcoming In two weeks i History of Application The n Pllsaqon of the farmers ww leave wh thy Iw the aftermath of the Cpefusal of the Town Counell this year to renew a dogument known as the "Farmers Agreement" which had been hiv existence tor years, und high wave owners of farm lands In Whithy 8 fined assesment und certain exemptions, The farmers uppealod 10 the Court of Revision, and then to His Honor Judge Thompson, with the result that mn ugreenient Wiig reached with the council that wll owners of farm lands be given an exemption of 00 mills, on the presept (ax rate ul 45 mills, There were' 17 appellants ut that time, Some of them, however, were not satisfied with this agree« vent and decided to appeal to the Alario Rallway and, Municipal ard, The ang pplicants heard Monday are! 'Rie rd Pini: Rober Bleep, i ue CG Smith, W, A, Broughton, CU, A, Brow, ion John K dhnsion, I), arnish, aret Ann Siunance, lice ellaaber Smithy William Audley Leo Webber, Samuel Harris, aladon, Utorgy and Charles Piharell Hugh Jeffvey, 16 In all, "hey were all called to give evidence, while representatives of the Town of Whithy, apd the Township of Whit by were heard, Frank Dales, of Tor ont, af farmer. Whitby boy, repre. sented the appellant = fapmers, and A foun) Gordon 1, Conant, Town $¢ oto . hor Hoth, th he own of Wl. wo a result of the heaving, It is pet Improbable hat the request of a few of the appellants who wish te become Jatiayetd of Whitby Township may he ayant provided, however, that the ownship, whic resent 1s a neutral pasion throu h ity A William KN. Sicha Oshawa, wants them, There are rous points in this connection to @ into, and nothing definite aan be done until the Hoard gives fs tee elslon, lane the taking of much evidence, uring which the appellants Were Jur oned regarding the benefits they Lv. Neve a the ; thy Heard alr school had been, dln vi lots of promin D, Conant for the town caused a laugh when he asked if these prom Ines were made before or ator, Tl ant, however, that the b ned of were In most cases not in jw Fol showing " comparison of usec aments on farm lgnddg in Whitby and the Rownghip, d that the Board ntefemtéd In Yand values und Unehs- Manis In Whithy, As a rule, he stats ad, fawnship assessments were lower thao those In the urban ¢ Partlenlar attention was paid 'both the town, and by members of the Hoard, to the gues- tion of distances separating some of by Counsel for shoals, mn the event of annexation ranted, It was revealed incne at whereas the petitioner was now situated only 40 rods from a I, Ms children would have to go approximately two miles to the nearest township school, On the other hand, another petitioner set up that far as educational facilities were concerned he would Just wn soon send his children to what was known as the Sinclair school In the township for, mld he, the children' progressed W. A. Broughton, one of the most prominent of the appellant farmers, stated that he enjoyed strect light, Hight and water for his home at town KR, | rated, There wa, also u hydrant neur- by, but he considered It ver fire protection as ho elalmed spring when there was a einity the water could not «| Broughton if he was satisfied that In the event of his land belng taken in to the township he was going to have all the town conveniences he now en Mr, Broughton answered in the af firmative, stating that he figured that Utility Commissioners were fale and hroad enough men to wlve him and other farmers a square He expected, however, to have They could do without the light or get it from the Hydro on the rural lines, Some of the anpellants who have no leht ond water were | mit that they eould get one or hoth if they naked for same as the power lines and pines were in close prox. Imity to thelr places "with a simi nartly on the Kingston highway and ER, ' COMMUNITY PIATE # sidered Which down street, r inrmers | were rove} by ars t ol Keyie hah old ment would be renewsd, He blsned Reeve Kenny for the move te have the agreement not renewed on the ground that the furmersiwite rat paying ¢aauyh a8 he fora 'ruled that it Mr, Pils. don'y ivy Was ad! i might 4 y rie the! fafa vi Pons PW WW) Nh dads dh RYT very News, advertising and MERLIRY DROPS Bowmanville Daily le Daily Times | wl by nero subscriptions Bownsanville Office of The Times, T REPRESENTATIVE---B,, 'HERBERT MORTLOCK edie de thee todadteciediediete edie dockets dedi sho ok howeyer, not effect the frcivion ih his appilent hy Ins # the one Yq Tor considera wih that of usbessment und taxation, G, D, Conant, counsel for the town, stated that evidence would be given on this point to show just whet wus dong by both the council apd the Court of Revision, Robert Hradley, one of the appells ant farmers, based hig appeal on the ground that his taxes had been ruins ed BI0400 more this our thin last, He stated that he not appealed us he had been oo. vo J. B, Mitchell that it was not necewsary, G, 1, Conant st of int reviews 0 od for the beneht of the Bowrd the procuedings before the County Judge, a8 the result of which sn exemption of 66 mills for all farmers had been agreed upon In the Township VF, G, Cérnish, one of the uppells ants, who owns part of lot 2 nd concession, Whitby, testified this he | was Isolated from all town utilities He was two miles from the centre of the town, He thought that the Sing. n the township was bet- ter than that in the town, The road past his farm" was hard| Phttable and seldom got gravel, "We will It in the township," he said dryly W. A. Broughton testified for a son, ex-Coun, Chas, Broughton, who Is slek, He has water and light, and only wants all his farm north of the CPR, to go Into the township, leay~ {ig three and a half neres In town buildings had econvenlences ex- cept sewers, There was even water ln the barn, Town Clerk Testifies Town Clerk and Treasurer John R, Frost, reviewed the finanelal his tory and standing of the town, con- forming the conditions as they have existed over u period of years, He traced the proceedings whieh led to the hearing, He also compared thie population per acre with that of other towns of equal population, and show: ed how' the town's expenditure had Inereaned in regent years while the farmers' agreement was in effect, Town Assessor Herbert Pringle, pave Agures from the wssessment rolls of the town which governed his nasespnient, Whithy Reeve Testifies Reeve J, M, Kenny reviewed the proceedings of the councll und Court of Revision detail by detall, When asked by chairman, Mr, McKeown, whether the town would loose by the annexation Mr, Kenny stated "In some cases It would be desirable to get rid of some of the outlying forts of the corporation which have roads that are a financial drain on the town," Mr, McKeown at this point suggested that it might be pos sible to wnnex the properties of W H, Balsdon, George and Chas, Foth ergill, Robt, Sleep, Richard Pindar, Josuah C, Smith and Mr, Thorndyke to the township, He asked the town council to retire ta consider the ques thon, Following the adjournment the Council wgreed to the suggestion Mr, Conant, Counsel for the Cor poration, pointed out that the remoy al of these properties would be det imental to the town, singe It had « debenture debt of over hall a million dollars, Me also pointed out that the town had been chartered In 1854 by } special wet of the Government of Inper and Lower Canada in ses slon at Quebee, He doubted the au thority of the beard to change the boundaries of the town, as set forth In that set, Chairman Ingram thought however, that ft was just such cases ay this for w high the board was creas ted, Nihon they bad never dealt plar ease, Mr, Conant de clared that if the removal was auth orined he would take the case to the Division Court, W, EN, Sinclair, K.C, Appearing for the Township of Whitby, dealared that it might result in Ananciut burden to his clients since streets now within the Corporation would become town liney and so need extensive repairs, He sald, however, that the township would await the decision of the board before declaring themaelves, Cl a Up Chairman McKeown, In summing up the case, stated that the friction between the petitioners and the cors poration appeared to be caused by the taxes, He stated that in reaching its decision the board would take eovry precaution to preserve the symmetry of the boundaries of the town, He stated that after reaching thelr deel: gion the board would submit their finding to. Mr, Singlair who would conter with his clients as to the ad: visability of thelr action, He io stated that in the event of the des tachment being granted the Corporas tion had a perfect te 10 appeal to the Division Court, 1f the Board gave a finding in favor of the Annexation, Mr, MoReown stated that a financial adjustment must be made by both Lila he ily BANDITS OBSERVE THE GOLDEN RULE? Hold Up Chicago Man With 18 Cents and Hand Him $5 Bill r-------- Uhioage, Dee, 10+=Al Lester, a milroad engineer, has reason to he- love that organised bandita of Chicago are celebrating "bo good to viothma weak." . Loster wan one of 18 men held wp last night by three robbers, but all the cash he had with him was 18 cents, "Rove, sald the leader, "this ia pitiful. This fellow has only 18 conta and there may be litle ones at home walling for papa to bring some candy," He turned to Lester, and said: "My dear fellow, you have our AYmpathy, Take this $3 bill and beat it" a) Wher odo ode do ts do i Lg La a 4 CALS DEFEAT GRAY COACH LINES BY 21-1 SCORE} od Intermediates' Win Exhibi- tion Game Easily Here Last Night Howmanville Intermediates, Group No, 2, champions last wen poi defeated the Gray Conch Lines tf Woronta, T7.0, Lesgna cham: Br by 21 to ¥ in the first game of the season at Taylor's Avenu last night, A lugky rE: n the second perfpd saved Lhe ors from a white weshii o f tari owiperces. Nuxoltaxije {> first two periods were an exhible ton of wl | koaa dake and right to the! oath Line boys W Jeo bunch 'end never a wp hope of turning the tables, here Is no doy that the nvilie AuEreRstion was the superior team, The combination work of the players was excep tional and they had litle trouble running around the visiting de: fence, In fact the Gray Coach des fence was thelr failing, as this part of the team was thelr weak ost spot exeept Lhe soul tenders, Adame, who played for Bowman« ville some years ago, About 500 witnessed the game, The first twp peviods were falrs ly oven, and ak the end of the seo ond Bowmanville led by six to one The last period could be called Hitle lows thun a farce, although the visitors. never gave un hope and played the game to the end, In twenty minutes Bowmanville put the puck inte the net fiftean times, so that the fans were he wilderad and went nearly wild Attar oneh score they culled for Just one more and they got them #0 qulek that they were calling for Just unother sll the time, Maal score, Howmanville 21, Gray Coach Lines 1 Gray Concli-<Gonal. Adams; de. fonue, Wildon and Holden; centre, Donaldson; wings, Bradshaw and Try ry ry wubs, Kennedy, ¥ing wl wasn viile weg llon1, defense, Wilson und Donne; ow | Cameron; wings, Viger und Moyes; subg, Hopper, Jackman, urner, Martyn and Mos Reforag--Art Kdyur, ODDFELLOWS WIN BOWLING LEAGUE Defeat Cancillas by a Close Margin in Playoff The final games Bowling League were played last ek and left. the Oddfellows st d they Tmve heen most of the wedson, standing was as follows, all teams having played 21 gamesy vegistyation was 40 under the ero wrk, At Mayo, east of Dawson City tn the Yukon, the resord par: first tinges of the ahill air polling He from the Aretle Wha Yirince tnpurvide Se cniid, to the parents Albert. recorded [2 helow. BUFINE | od juve wot provided any method o} ; the mle, Other Wilts, Contr | of punishing pares wha ie temperature "18 and 14 degrees such & duty, (AL present thine, & par ' "Lent can only be brought be ore the : court for aiding and abetting delin feputed ne 2 /oldont Place In quency, and it seems to me that there Canada," White River, Ont, 1086 8 | Joo he 4 law which would provide #prig of Iauvel when the lowest | opin cen for, parents whe fail' to exercise such supervision over a ehild that would prevent tle ehild fro straying inte violations of the law, We seldom If ever, hear of a parent hrought inte court to explain why hs offspring has heen engaged 1h Training Hehoo! H HH respectively helow wero, The first two played off snd the Oddfellows won, he high score for this league wis Codon Bell with The ten high aveages fo tho league were Large B89, Willluma 218, Colwell 817, Moore 8146, y Johnson B08, Cordon 208, Boll 807, Reonlgk 207, Wadhams mercury Honding wun 14 below, BANDITS HALTED The league ls helng reorganised and the Canellia, Martyn teams have en Robb LITERARY SOCIETY Three 'Bank Robbers ELECTS OFFICERS Howmanville High Hehool recents ly elected officers for the year as Honorary president, , Phyllis Clemence; William Lyoett; REFUGEES ARE LEAVING NANKING Situation In Chinese Civil War Held To Be Serious Washington, Dee, 10 Becretary of Htate Htimeon yesterday was 10» formed by Walter A, Adams, Amer foun counsel at Nanking, China, that 70 of the 180 Americans in Nanking left that revolutionary warstorn oly Hunday night and that the USK Tulsa had arrived at Nanking At the state depM ment tne evacuation of Ameriean women and ohildren from Nanking is taken to mean that the situation theve Ia most serious, Heports from the prinelpal centres Indicated that the revalt against Chiang Kal Bhek, president of the council of the nus tlonalist government, Is reaching major proportions Dr, ©, C, Wu, the Chinese min« ister, called at the state departs ment In the afternoon, and had a long conference with Assistant Neos retary Nelson 7, Johnson, in oharge of the division of Far Baste orn affairs, and minister designate to Ohina, After the conference Dr, Wu stated that cables he had received from the Nationalist government Indloated that Ohlang had the situ. atlan wall in hand, and that condi tions were not as serious as press reports would make them appear, Refugees Roach Nhanghal Shanghal, Deo, A0.+=Heoking safety beoluse of widespread revolt against Ching's Natlonallgt govern. ment, refugots began greiving here yosterday, With wite communioations sevs ered hy contending foroes and dis. patches censored, little was learn. od yesterday of the Pukow mutin. eors who with ranks av arte Jo other rebels were ronorted br at least 30,000, uf the rallroad to Pongppu, On advice of their for Baa Naw women took boats for BhASR from the capital oY At lohang, nearly Looe Inland on the Yangtae vl yey foreign women and nt od aix forelgn gunboats from the oity, where rebels and Fl tionalist troops fought for control, Turned rebel general, Tang Seng-Chi; tormner leader of Nations lint armies In Honan provinoe, reported to be mobilising 80, 00 'men fn the north of that prov. ince preparatory to marching wpon Hankow, Wu Chang and Hanyang, Shiat commercial porta of Contral China, RIDICULOUS. FASHION : SPROTACLE {Fannia Hurst In New Republio) At the moment, the vidiowlous spectacle fn seen of millions of women about to oflmb back into corsets, trains,' long' {S10 Md ocottfurea True, we ate'not the only sheep following the bell, Fraulelns, mademoiaellon, slgnorinas are. ais being led to slaughter but 'that does not lessen our plight, 4 Here Jo ong of the most imports ant emancipations of woman in (he past twelve years, about to go ACCCLAMATION IN QUEBEC SURPRISE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kdouard Fortin, journalist, day was elected by aeclamation to the vacant Heauea County weat In the provineial legislative assembly, P, HM, Bouffard, candidate welected ot an offiolal Liberal cogyenion, did not file his nomihation papers who was to have run as &n Independent Liberal as declared elected at today's nomina. A Delightiul Breakipst Fosd tarday afternoon, Bervice was -------- in Ht, John's Chur Ih, York Mills, with Dr, A 4, oitum offielat: ing, 4 Wa ives As Mba i cig 008 Bon Forty Jy tery adjoining the, o ehureh, WOUED PUNISH Winnipeg, Des, 10, Alvendy ohilled to the marrow, the west |, F shivered last night in anticipation | of colder weather, The Mercury) o y dropped Mundey night fo as low af 40 degrees under the wero mark: and threatened to wluk aven farther, Mnow fallg were forecast for the prairies tomorrow and "deetdedly cold"! weather was awaited in Baskatehewan and Al bert, officer, h he boy or v Northern Saskatchewan elt the fC TERE CCRT Che Rarent BY MACHINE GUN or" outed? Little Jimmy (sllent), Am. lower down, Shakopee, Minn, Dee, 10 Am . hushed after they had robbed the Colter "I went round First National Bank here yester: | course in 85," day. three bandits were mowed | Friend; "Really! I didn't know down by machine gun tive and one | IL was an old as that," was oritieally wounded | AE Whey | oo nm prapared to flea with $1,500 taken from the bank, Caught in uo murderous hail of lead immediately In front of the bank, one of the, men Was shot | five times while the other two wera wounded in the legs, Physi tang said the "first man probably | wonld dle The other two are In a sorfous | condition foott County affleers | und representatives of the Minne: | goth Mankers' Association Joined | in ehpturing the handits under the leadership of Charles RB, Hrown, | manager of ne protective depart | ment of the sssociation, Brown | wielded the machine gun on the bandits from a distance of 1450 | toot, f : WARM IN WINTER A RUINED LIFE (Toronto Mall and Empire) Alhert B, Fall, formeply United Do You Own Your Own Home? fi ala Waly . List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! SIMPLE FUNERAL FOR WILLIAM Fi MACLEAN WER LEVEL IN Toronto, Dev, "10, Willem ¥, Machean, one-time dean of the House of Commons, and _ewner of | VESTER CANADA the Toronto World, whs buried with simple ceremonies herve yeu DELINQUENTS Probation Offer Blames Thermometers a Duibhiy, on Them For Children the reall route to the Vas, were | | dent un staggering blow when the Golng = A Astray mercury fell to 40 below==the| = welt's lowest temperatures, 800 | ake m ' stark cold clutched The Fas, 600 daael; Ma Ma | 0 b Bats of miles north of Winnipeg and the i Javeyh | A010 et pron ' W 4 gd uvenite court," allelled Dauphin's mark at 40 be Ho sys fly Were pa 4 party. and jos: tow, per ls oi upervision, Because of the laws have left Teacher-~Where Is the heart lor Teacher (places hand on boy's bushed and One Likely Shani) Don't yeu feel the beats Littla Jimmy »= No; I usually To Die feel It on the other side, a little TWO MEN KIELED > BY ANEXPLOSION n-- Tank of Ligidd Asphalt Explodes in Factory In Massachusetls Everett, Mass, Deg, 10,~Twa men were killed yesterday In ov explosion at the plant of the Tri mount. Of Company and several others were reported injured, The dead ave Henry Johnson, 60; of Kveretl and Charles Vanet- ski, of ¥verett, The explosion occurred. in a tank from whigh a trick was being loaded with Hguld ssphalt, The plant manufactures road ofls and like materials Forse of the Mast shook the nieghborhood and the secompany- ing pall of black smoke wag visible from surrounding cities, Both Johnsen and Vanetski were buried in the debris of the tank and truck Rev, Thomas Dur~ land, eurate of Que Lady of Gene Church, crawled into tha smoking wreckage to administer the last rites of the ghureh, eee. AUTUMN MOOD The alr iv damp and chilling, The wky is leaden grey; The bluejays by the rivey Bing mournfully all day, The far-flung, grassy carpet, Bll shows a verdant green, But desolate the branches, Where the bright leaves have Yeen, The trees out In the orchard Hold forth thelr frult with pride, But the leaves are dying, dying, On the red hillside The once falr summer blossoms Dejectad, hang thelr head My heart ls one with summer, Mourning tor her dead "H Ld Cameron, THE "AL8O RAN" A short-sighted punter took his wite Lo the races, Ha was parties ularly interested in ons event, apd gave his wife the lasses in arder to see how his fancy Bot Awa: "Are they off!" he asked anu lounly," "Yeu, sald his wite, "they're oft." And how's the green and pure ple going?" 'Oh, he must be a marvelous horse, darling, They've made him glve nll the other a quarter of a fo naught, Machinery Repairing tT Tairgbie NOTHING AO Wl NOTHING 100 sMALL Adanac Machine ne Shep AO King 86 W, new av Nia calle 8 bien 1800 G4 King 88, West mile start," I RR RT 5 tae tania d INSULATING BUILDING BOAPD » COOL IN SUMMER Hinten Fecretary of the Interior, DISTRIBUTED BY hag been found gullty of accepiing a briba from NK, L, Doheny, the oll magnate, Mercy has heen recom mended, Fall 18 disgraced and pers OBHAWA, ONT. haps a dying man, Imprisonment would be a mere anti-olfmex to @ ruined fe, FRR OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED CLOAKD OAR accepted av ment 4 room new brick ence, All conveniences, oated, Hot alr heating, eto, . prepared to buy aa the ow means business, { DIGNRY WRAL JSAT SHIPPING SEASON | 15 NEARLY OVER Laat Three Vessel, Now a Way to Head of the | 3 Wort William, Deo, 10, } NE 208800 ] +l at the Nkemad "hy last boata downbound have parted, Saturday the t two sh ta clear from the bharbore Mathewston and Donovan, st HB Ja ANE A 'ne Mveniner Laketon arriv here llght for a The Laketén pa a this oe a. iy 10 x ound. na ver, Three he ernie, Re be have passed through the Ry are expedited here some time x Thess th RAR at the lake-head!

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