Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1929, p. 10

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Ak de my Every Boous a this pliwase, as one en from the Beant Oath, In feat every Beout has repeated the, 5, aid at some tine prom: wh imselt' to live up ta them, ere re mahy mes, however, i promise Is overlooked or 3 ibn difficult to erry it ol It Is over hed, the boy Is ne longer & § Hal Re gout, but when " is extremely diffleult to fap oul out and the Ley does the job, he Is then @ veal Scout i every sense of the word, hose tring duties which are so {néenyentens to perform, those good by turns which make one turn Suide yom the easy path for a while, that happy flemudn whieh it Is so hard to keep Yuee of difficulty, all show " v the wearer the Beaus bat, or uniform is & Beout or only tallor's dummy on which to hang th clothes, hers are many true Beouts who never were & uniform, and likewise there is always the danger of wearing he (Vattormy and not belng true Of i t the clothes that make the Haout, it is that desire, yeep down in his heart to do his "hest, Are you & Beowt or a» Taller's Dummy | SCOUT NOTES Through the medium of some of boyh, notes have been brought ta ¥ wtmasters telling of families in : tress who do not like vo ask for hess messages have been passed on to he vight authorities and every: think 1s #helng done to anslst, ere are rebably many families at this time who ave In need of assis anes, but dislike the idea of eayrying thelr troubles to others, and if any Beout Is aware of such a ease, he should give the Partidulare to his utmaster, who will co-operate with him in seeing that the Informa- however, Wik welipuad A # ba telly pon Ltn On Wednesday lust, the 7th tro ane other than ¥, C, Lewin, the 'Oronto, were present, the mayeme ' sired and at iwi which Intrigued even | do not coneern, or LL, SONS held & remarkably fine Vuthers % Hans So ef, Assintnt Provineiel Commissioner, lon with Beeut Charlie Boyle, of Mr, Lwin give an extremely fined address on Beouting, deseribing dow then throat d wivi ni all present a reals ly inspiring talk, by his tingly these no ear for ble, His vémarks were followed by sn Inspiring ddim by our own Distrigl Beoutmaster W, L, Plerson, whe esu- tioned the bayp | that everybodies' eyes were on the Beouts, and the moves ment either suffered or went up In the estimation of the fienerd) public, hy the wets of the ind Idual bay. vr, Pierson appenled to each h boy ta ve up to his obligations ws # Beaut, ane hundred per cent, #0 that the movement would attain its 'pros per plage in the community, Canon DePencler, Rector of $t, George's Church, was alse present at the banquet, Seoutmaster Boulthee is 10 he eon gritulated on the success of his first annual banquet, BACK IN OSHAWA Bad pennies and good Assistant Seoutmanters always det like the 1] and gome homk ta roost, M Herbert Biles Is the latest hav to mike this saying come true, Mr, Biles has returned to Oshawa from Hamilton, and immediately cele brated his areival hy taking some of the boys of the Fifth for a hike, We are very pleased to weleoms "Hert" hack into the fold, and vens ture to hope that this second yetuen of the prodigal will be a permanent one, Fry d of doing YELL very of # tat pe boos hs [ a rs tekety ne the whigh rad i only Charis ct, yt are renl fine i # tertainment, as the show has alrea y heen put on whe hive made only the nowt able msi Phone well fear uf not All those whe hive tickets to sel should mas dy tligle best for the the dren's Ald Society's und, QUscH your before two full coneerning it, tiekets need have no ng value for money, od , Ehrist: sr HAD SIGNALLING TEATS On Friday lust, the Fifth i! reap Hjem thelr thins on a Beeond Class Wena iin test, wegers and lamps belonging te the pi a denes, and LH rol were very y meh in A wll hoys "cad Class badges were I to take [he fest Thase wha hii 4 but whe | tenderfoot tests, while those who tenderfoot stuge wor the 0 had wobed the test In the recent Jr teed signalling had not Le veshed ed away qual at thelr tenderfoot werk, A Tew short games finished the evening whieh loved ato xe B pm, BUSY UF NORTH na ie i 3 hai card from 0 18 up north farming furs, He ls findin Beoy WL whilities in tracking vo various Jobs around to the present he ing like being away pinple scope Yor his and dos is camp retends to from Oshawa, but you. know that old saying about bad pennies always coming home to roost, Well we'll see, He can't hold out for ever, ke vol tes one il SCOUT NOTICYS The ¥ilth Tewep. vill meet ns oval " 1 riday night In the YMCA, vd we floor, wong Cla nd aludy Tendsrfoot or Bee Jung work, ubber shoes must be worn on the hose hot taking this hub The Beventh Oshawa Troop Un trahp Wednesday Heventh Troop held its ind Bon banqu wry five mat ow hl A Wile last, the first Father At 6.30 pm, ahaut own to supper, 8M chaleman, The with the presence night 8 First Ald Test will H WYDNEY HIGGN Mount. Dennly, Ont, examember of Beitish expeditionary foree In Muswin, who msde the teip from Fovonto to Napanee on sible three dup, Other wuosts prosent wer Canon fo Pengler, Distiret Beoutmaster Plersor M, Terrett and M, Pl Hay After the programme hud concluded Mr, Trwin showed the troop several New Himes The Meventh Wednesday Parish Hall, All Boots wre each Ciearge's Froop meets evening mom Centre Fy wb 700 pan anked te bo on hand at these meetings, and he prepared, with fest ald bandages and splints, take the Bt Joh 's Ambulances | helng given hy Mi mith, Running shoes should Le worn so that every ane ean take part fn the games Ene Stack a Prices Markey Summary by Canadian View Fovonio snd New York sock Quotations Buyplied hy Btobls, Vorleug and Co. STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Lavinhs were sendy ab $14.60 sndion Vives Lossed Whey ¢ widduy od y ; Vapunt Hani (YI chan £1 showed 4 dowiwird "4iend, Lanting 1osuensall lost ground during LLLE Welk ie, Ww a i, the TORONTO High Low 464 Ah go gi % the morning segsion, brs wil Wome Wired selling frp on 1 $30.78 tu lead the decline, B ag Cordon established & new low for 1040 when it sapied to $3.43 down 10 Home ON suffered a loss wl G5 cents to 0.8 while Ventures wus off 40 (w 208, Maleanhrid ge wile GUENINg un shipped ph to B78 # loss ui 28 Sudbury Basin dropped 3 to 300 and Hudson Bay wi | nly 15 ut U0 Miner declines were vecorded in Wiight-Hirgriaves, Abana and Com manweal th Petrolewn, BWani firmed 18 wt 520 to lead the upward trend of the mirket, Mes lund OI gained 2 at 1,24 while New Lee and Amity euch registered nimai wing, Mill City Petroleum made is firs appesrance on the hoard bul wis not Heavily raded mn NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New York, Des, 10. =mioeks see sawed In confusing fashion during the early hours of trading in teday's market, The selling movement late vesterday reappeared at the opening A brief rally soon set dn, but tos wird midday, reactionary tendencies Were AERin pronoun eed, U8, Bieel rose more than 4 points during the rally, hut lost most of "ne gain in the ensuing reaction Such shures us Younustown Whack Calum Wan Carbon, American Fobneen M, and Norfolk and Western lost Yram 1 ta more than 6 points, and Brook vin Union Gas lost 1:2, The rally had carrled a number of popular shires such us Amerlean Can, Westinghouse Pleatrie, Johns Manville, United Ali graft and Du Pant up 2 or 3 paints Call money renewed unchanged { 1:4 per sent WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Deg, 10+Wheat [hed 18 higher wt 1307 May | 4 higher to 1:2 lower at 144 1:3 to 143 3:4 July 1.4 higher to 1:2 lower at 146 to 145 14 Clits July Woe k He, A OIL 46% Hr, 14 Cun, 4nd 20 Coekehiutt 24 Ciy, wy, ha Hid Dig, Berm, 14% I Uypsum "4% # Hy, Wal, 18% 14 Hin, Brd, #0 Bid I, LL, wh It, Mk! HH 8% I, Vai ER Id, Aleh, THik Imp, OF 28 Lah, "A" 18% Mu, Hy ii Mo, ¥rei, 80% Mi, Pwr, BAR% Pe, Hr, 0 Ahiw LL) HM, Biatlon 48 > wo il "LRA 114 LR) 14 Al Uhh Kh 4 Ki 47% Mlandard Mines 10k Wh 3] 1nd 174 176 176 ie iL] UL] Tho 7h 1 De, Mus, THE Thh THA Valeon hon B16 Th Holl, B00 Ask Ha, Ol 1000 Hy, id CY) Ko Ni Hd, Ry, 1000 Rh nh Kt, Fly ] 1] LU Lk, Bh, BOOK 4006 #006 MNardn hh Hah Hah Mh Han Ko EF] Wave ih Ha il Bd, Ha 416 Hah Roo Th, Hu hh Lio hilo Ventures H16 BOA Hoo We, Har, 1456 1h 180 Walnwell 158 14% 1a Abin Alux Antilet Big Mis Ch, Nes pin LAE] Ui al NEW YORK High ER" Hoek Anes Am, (LR Aunennda L381 Halt & Ohio 181% Low T1MN ll Ve ho 1178 Can iy unchanged at 65 14 it OF Job May, Nl unehanued $14.16 toy goon ewes und wesths Hhoep wore sleady al 87,00 Globe a io Cosa 191% (TL 7] BUY Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN. AMERICA Solvay Coke WE ARE SOLE AGENTS a Twenty - 20 - Delivery Vehicles OUR SERVICE 18 UNBEATABLY Dixon Coal Co. Telephone 262 -- Five Direct Lines NOW "~ 4 Ud, Alr, Yel YW UH, Bleel Woolworth Tre Money vate 4% NO APPREHENSION OVER EARTHQUAKE EFFECT ON OGEAN Geologists Do Not Think Results Are Likely To Be Serious vo BBY 1M4% HO b% k 4 0% 170% 1M% 10 per vent, ib 1808 Ro i4 1b iy lous other Insechirely fastened household and office equipment gave a shiver or two and subsided, The rook-hound coast of New Knge land 16 not much used to disturbs ances of this character, on the sur fase of the old earth, comparable to the motion with 'which & horse twitehes his skin to dislodge a fly, Elven its population something to talk about The Vundlan Paull, which may have received Its name from the fact that Its northerly end lies un der the Atlantle Ocesn at the ens trance to the Bay of Fundy, be stirred f{luelf only once hetore in the present gentury and then with but suMelent violenee to rattle the dishes on the pantry shelf and urge the dairy pans into thelr own Interpretation of the "Tin Pan Pars ade And wo whatever may be the faults of the Fundian Vault as an earth disturber ft may be " nouns of M wing Assistant Provinelal Conmissloner, who spoke on the seaut mavement throughout the world ' wo -" =m a shin y wb Fourth Qshawn The 4th Oshawa will meet at th Rotary Hall Friday 7 to HB o'vlock sharp In the basement, A sourt ol honour will tale place alter a short meeting of the traop ta plan for Fri day next AL boys requested 1a be present, PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS FORUONTO HAY AND BTRAW looked upon ae a rather mild anu oonservatlve member of the earths quake tamily, Des, 10 When (he Fault, as It ld ealled by says the Christian Hels takes n notion Lo change any of its eharacteristios, the Atlantie sonst, from Nova Neos tin to New Jersey, Is quite Hkely to feel a bit of a tremor, But aus thorities are generally agreed that any readjustment in thin dislooats ed rock structure, In so far an shaking the earth |8 soneernu, sould result In nothing more serie ous than the toppling over of une steady chimneys or the shaking down of a few decrepit barns or other poorly constructed bulldings Heoently the Fundian i ped a econ and at various binth along the Atlantio seaboard ples Phe Troop Wn alsu resided ta be an hand wt the I hap ¢ y Fri day evening Hosta, Fundian Heologlete, ence Monltor, EE ESL MELPING WITH REVUE Same of the boy are wreund sells Pa 1008 Cr, Us, NY, 1045 Cal, Gra 705 Dupont 190% Frise Rall ah then, Vda hilo ten, Mat 405 Hud, Mol tw 1, Cam 10M It, Tel HEN Ine, Man UN Wl ny Mex, Hhrd 80% ME, Ward ER Poors Co fo Phil, Pat HEB Ph, Br, NJ, RES Hallo 404% Hlmmaons 107 Hin, OH BY 5% jhe 108 Thi4 1IN% LER HO 8 Hy BW ii (i) 184% ih £0 ny no LL) L] 44 101 FER" 107 tion Is passed along to the right quars CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Can Chicago, Dee, 10 Wheat, Det Mar, 1.00; May, 104% Dea, KY Mar, B#i%| 87% 1 Oats, Deo; 46; Mar, May, RW, TORONTO JTAVERTOCK Toronto, De 10 Left-avers on the Dominton Livestock Wx ghange today totalled 4,000 head of onttle The market was ave) | loaded, and very Hitle trading was dene during the morning Calves were hie lower for f1.50 #1a.60 "be course all such information must HILY arn, May, 10%) NO STAND PATTERS? The first thing we read this moras Inge was the comment of a noted eds ueator who sald there gre two kinds of golleges In Amerlea, Undebledly there are==those that wish they had fired the conch last fall, and those that wish they hadn't, «Camden, (NJ) Morning Post a. ARS wry | T | week al io fay ¢holee Hogs were unsettled glrong feeling to the market, ore ware hidding $10.60 fob, Native stenographers of Argens tina are sols i that they are paid Lo A 0 to $160 a wmenth and BEngligh-Apanish operators ree with =» Puek for Johnston's sco ST.N. ' PHONE 676 Men whe Rave a decided penchant quality Neckwear == who are more critical about Tiea than most of their other Furnishings = will have their desires satisfied in our allem« bracing selection, Here are Cravats that are truly lonesome in the field of quality, originality and durability, 4 Wholeanie dears (0 Bay sud sliaw are WRLRE tsps se he Tallow inn wriees be Jariute delivered wi rank Taine pe 0 4 Himothy No, 3 Timethy Clete Sbvaw, per toy | Wheat stiaw balgd, to wo New | Timothy ne "w TH, oY ow 0 per ten, deliv@ied | TORONIU PRODUCE | Torania wholesais deniers are altering pre | duce (0 reladl dealers 8h the lellgwing LLL \ wa Freak extras, In sartans, B8 to 7 toatl extras, locse, 64 1a Fei Risks, 0 ta Ghai seconds, $9; puliel saline fn blk Blorage PTY ¥ Wow fests, 414 | Sedalia, Sk Hutter Ne, | ereameiy, primis, 48) Bo Cieningry, Bilas, dle fliers ow 1 twins, BM Li Jitphets, ' Cli, Taras, #4 Aine, ede wiplels andl elie, | 6h stiliane, Ag, Falls Chicke i a 4 a # ' (OE FRET a 0 . Ander a the a . aver A lh ny 1 Wa thas Hailes We Kling uikeys Liesae sills wrpaw " M wr ---- ed TORONTO bin WN PRICES Turanta whole dealeis Are guebiug Rllowing prives a the Linde Baked weates Hams, wediun, 8 ta A pouked Tons, 4 ta S31 seked rolls, hea 1et Baton 3 ta dhe Bas bay beams wl a de) yp) ne key [TRE ™ Cured wests=long clea bacon, Fl] 1 thay, Bey 10 10 Wi 1.5% VEN 10 wu Hoavywelghs salle, 404; A ma Cerean, 160; tubs, Ye) pally, Phe prints, 1B a 18 Bi LINE FETE URE THINS A N «18 Loi winds, sin, 98 Ly Now Nets' onli ei pork hutls, #0) rk haw, 8, FARMERN' MARKET The Ny wing [3 QUALALIONE, 1014 o 0 Bh Lawisnes marke, liahiwels + walls, lin of wane ! 4) Ai 43 h 10 OM Aa Por OBEN wavery 141 AAA LLL TTR ITT wn ae Nata age . Sia TINLEY hive i 3 i ge v ond BI LARS} [eT | STATA I Ih ARIANA NAY ELE AAA ENN iy TLLEARELANARN ANALY gh WH LLALLER Vy as LL I \ oh ITLL SITET LUELLA ATER y LEAL CLCRT TEE YE TRUER ATLA "ied EATER R TENT ALAA EREY ARTES EY ) BARRA PUN AAR AAAIEEEEEY ALL LEASE RE TTY BAVARIA BALAN ERAN ERE EEE TET STENTS ALLARTLRER SY Y ARRAY AALAARRSARER LEERY ARREARS BANNAN AALARRSRIEEENY | TRAR A Ah saints FTAA ALLARLARANA ARAL A bo CO SARA LAL CASE L LEY Qh Radiol AAA Y EE A girl and har haahtul lover sat Bh, \h Juaeh, The night was full he Xi "lot her hair touoh her 408, No results, Rha rest bacon or $11.75 offeonr Bt, Oil NJ, 68 LR tures wobhled on the wall and vam ceive nearly twioe as much, ET... \ he head wpon his shoulda, il WO reaults, Then she asked, AY don't you Kine wel" YI was golag to" he sald that = nd gat Inte my Mouth," wallow It, boy, AWRLOW nw" she sid. "You need ft fn your ete! ping losuned Watch for THE OSHAWA DAILY Edition | TOMORROW December 11th 1929 Hundveds of Christmas Suggestions N TIMES. Christmas « A}

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