Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1929, p. 9

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© work, © Phone 913), i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 P/7E NINE THE C SCIASSIRIED SECTI -) NNNNNNANO 4 ) BL J FAM Conant, B.A, Notary "Publi Bele et to loan, new {) ister, hor ve Rett one ta loan, King oY East, Yo hao. de THD THAR. "Alger A ree Rm Phone ter, ote, ractios, hone #887, ph r Bundi, oid Post A , tor, Notary: Publi HAA on We HARRIE & HWARHTE, WARRIE ters, Holleltors, ete, 41 Bldg, Ovhawa and Phones 760 Oshawa, 24 and 11 r 8, (Dee, Alger Port Perry, Port Perry 2-1 month) pid 4 Medical n DR, MoV FH) BICIAN, SUR eon, Acdbuther, ) Mice an dence, King St, Erjt, torn $t, Ol ah, hone 04, DR, HARDLD clan, Surgeon, resis flctoria . TRICK, PH ISI Obie triclan, Special references to maternity work and di post scases of wounen, Two vears' raduate ence 1607 St N 300 erienru, Office and res a feor, Brock) RY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, infants Ld fn Mee car and © fiven to NY vu worly 1 \ ¢ isn hh 208, 0; fia. tn 9 eaidenc ul PP, ARCHER, and M.D, Pi diseases of and 0 Phone 1 ht ), PTIYSsh i eon, hebial. attention d Electro Hock. Phone 7 pm ing Rast Phone 2416 CM, 'Edinburgh hysiclan, Surgeon il Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St, N, Phone rial SP & 8 Edinburgh, urgeon, Obstetrician, tention . maternity wor eases of ghildren,. _--_ tales Physician ats k and dis Office and resi dence, 185 Simcoe St, North, Phone AMR, PHYRICTAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and residence, 4 Blmooe Phone 241 street north, Qet, #:1 mo) Ear, Nose,. Social PRK. 1. BLYANS OF 1 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over lury & Lovell's Stare each Baiurday, ol diseases only, Appointments drug stord, Phoye V Dru from 1 tll for eonmultation and treatment of ear, nose and throaty bi be mind ul' ye, Ear, Nose and "Throat PRT RICHANDNGN, ORFICT ver ! itchell's Drug Stove, 0 to am, « to polptment, Office phone esidence 4321. NG, over Dewlands, Hours Hous § Evenings by 2600 ICR 10 to AN , Evenings hy appoints phone 1499, Resid: | opm Da - LIES, S. OVI set's, tion" to work, a -- on, ction, Phos DR |. E HUBBELL, Nitrous oxid oxygen aa Offipe. al or ons, Iw. Nurse n Hd tore Gas Phone 959. Hu 312. Bi he ST COORE, U EE Gan 1 over' Mitchell's Drug Bn Phong 17 (DAVIES, a ne has traction and . street orth * rates for ie BIE | bookkeeping, ny EB Special ate 3 ~ X.rav By % Nurse in attendance, Phones i) an Sod | ste, eto. wh dase, "n, street, Phon 26-1 6-1 mo) NO prices, ov, $11 mo,) 4) 1 | OSHA a] Pine Ave. phoue fk EFT AND FAH Ti TORE b and : Engineering Surveriog : or el A Lllid and ily onlan outh, cers, sub-divisions, jon 4 plann munieipal engineers, a UKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING Hast, Ambulance, Retidunes, fds 408 street north, Phones 2 DAVIS AND § 19 King Ai veh 80 gency | 'of a Fire Sronmnait R, N, Johps, $0 TRANCE ar north, Your insurshce wa tended to and your interests prb- lected, wa, a bd Trans OANTAGL A : man's, 86 Bond West, 'Bpecialists in furniture moving, storage ware: house and moving Yen equipment, hone K2, GARTAOE, MOVING, GRAVEL sind and cinders, Loew) awl on d «han! Phones 3048 HH iy, Salih ina Gok, 847 KI AS OLDEST ii urniture movers, Park Road ear une, Local and Jong distance Frank Cowls, Prop, 65 Park KR) South, Phone 216, Nov, 16:1 mo) GAMTAAW, MOVING, GRAVEL, sand and einders, Phone 2021M, Chris Urabam, 870 Verdun Road, (Noy, 14-1 month) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMAWEN' wave, Special $§ and hg oh wave and shampoo Jackal he Hair cutth g 25¢ on Simcoe North, FXPIRT WMARCELTING WY Lou Perman: Betty Ward at Bent ent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and sham poo $1. Phone 2968, WATSON 8 BARBER eauty Shop, 9 Celina St, clalize in ladies' hair gutting celling, shampooing, facials, $0 cents, For appointments 2058, ay, 18-1 mo) MARCEIL AND CURL §0¢, EXE brow arching, 25¢, Mrb, Fueretie Bell, apartment 9, Edward Apartments, Quebec Street, . For appointments phone 32661, (Dee, 3-1 Ma) ul Supplies CEVHENT BLOCKS FOR SALES Glood sand and gravel, To Insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date, W. Bor rowdal.e Phone 1618, lishe! AND We spe: mars Marcel phane of this nature, ond gollect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. Z| STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconyenient to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring a messenger whe will recelve the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT / binst, Apartment 3 a Real Estate for Sale WHITEY YATRM, TEA, HOWE, saven roomed brick house, Fur. nace, garage, nice lawy, good gar den, 'Reparagus bed, strawberries, real buy, Get particulars, James Ryan, Cannington, (184e) FoR SALE-TWO ROOM BUN: knlow, wired and lights, Is very comfortable, Can he moved, Ap ply to B68 Duena Vista strony (186e) Watch Repairing CUNTEN, EXPERT wis nihaAkar, repair shop ot King Street West, our pot: oiage is solicited Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTE RING, CHESTER: fields made tn order, We save you money, Mstimates free, G. A, Cond stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 508), (Soif) BATTERIFS CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, If ren: tal supplied $1, Ratteries repaired Stan lidgon, 20 Ml St hone 1586 W, __(Nov, 18:1 BATTERIES CHARGER "AND BE livered 780, rental She, and the entire electrical system of ear re paired, ¥04 Oshawa Blvd, Phous anew, Nov, 18. imo) WE DO THODY "REPAIRS TO rars and trucks, Also general wonawork, W, Fry, 40 Bond west, Upen evenings, (Nov, 14:1 mo) aa ES EH Music Nursing VOCAL T 4 Ar Toe ARTHUR" LYNDE, cher (Hambourg Conservatory, ronto) pupils prepared for a. exams, Oshawa, Wednerday, 02 Blmeoe Br ort hone 2 LEONARD LI LR A MN, Oy of Musle, Oshawa "Qoliesl: ate and Publlo Bohools, Studio, 80 Westmoreland, Phone 2094J, (Nav, 16:1 mo) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading viclin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thuriday afternoons [Studio 86 Elgin St, Ex Phong 2 Oy adio cr ADO REPATRE ONTALL MOD" els at n reasonable price by an ex» pert Radio-Trielan, All work guar unteed; Rattery charging 7b6o, Bat- teried for sale, Geo. Burroughs & son, Phone 883-11, Graduate Na gna Radi Male. eo, 2-1 mo) CYAWA™ em TAG orien for sale, repairs on eles to and battery sets, tubes and batteries temted, batteries rer ohavged, rental supplied, §1, Phone 10468J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Kant, (Deo, 6-1 mo) Cl ainting und Decora RG UTSOLE, FIRST CLASS 1 A perhangan painting and @ nish: rices right, wor uaranteed, w or w. I agri ranteed ; iced reason oney to ures arranged, & Field, Barristers, ete, Jt. Phone 1414. Home Cooked Meats TNGT.I8T Homi CLL AL ples, steak and kidney ples, h cold, brawn, cakes and past 3 shoes fi coe and A AI is MY suk Mam © st Egpe sharpening and Shoeshine, ! ey Ca EF § h pcan pe vour pd other articles at our vards di ag St, W,. Oshawa, Ootario, » » | i: Jai, AL, Tat Ligh, HAVE ALL OR ow : your windats an re Masti cement ad oh { bo ou es Rr No. 8, lao Phone --JIATTT: PRACTICAL NURS : Or nity, Invalid or Hid Nursing, formation phone 1808, (Nov, 87-1 mo) PRACTICAL NUREE DINEN- gaged, maternity, invalid or general fursing, Dogtor's references, For information phone T42M, (1A40) Hemstitching NINE TENTS VER YARD, PERAT ed Skirts, ove dollar, alterations, eta, AN kinds of reautiful fan. work. on sale, Mra ell, £64 Sim Rd Sopth, Phone 1004, 18: a) mo) Ze (Neo v Storm Windows WINDOWS CUT FUEL Make cold houses warm and comfortable, Phone 28J0w and we will measure your windows free and quote Wu prices on Ready Glaged » Storm ndows, fitted and wolied if desired, Dec 2:1 mo) a CRITI Furniture Repairing FORNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED aud repaired, No job top small or labge, George A, Lemee, 'hone 1436M, STORM bills ene quarter Tailoring FAULT VERLAND, " BEST AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh: awa for men who care, Prices fair ane Ie ante, 1244 Simeoe Street | Fn LW, (Ne MW, (Ne av. 3) a and Board | ta ah ith refi i nah ta al are foonxwit refined \ man close to Motors. Phone oT Wl + ROOM AND HOXHD Fol TWO business men, All conveniences, 148 Agnea street, Phone 1. ( 0) Wanted to Buy in good condition. Apply J, J. 0. ©. T2323 Dee, 441 mo) miston, 1068 Kigin Hast, Jhon AW, A Ade) : B-CHRIHAY one 8 feet, apruce AN TR how Many d price delivereg ty aiding, A. 4 Naylor, 918 Manning ayehue, To (1% , §, NAIM Inspecthy, {1a} hor 4, in Woolworths store, IAN roy leather purse With initials in corner, containing smal wm & money and valuable pavers, ! pleaser return to Tae of: Contracting CONTRAETNT = CONTRETE plastering, elecirie or alerations Phone 139 for estimates (nn (Dea, 1 mo) | wl Articles For Sule MIXED TIARD AND SOVT WOU slubs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry hody wood, Waterous Meck Limied Phong 1288 (Apr, 2011) FO PALL ~HEINTZMAN QU Lid, planos, new aud used plans, Also radios, latest wodels; teres TY Apply ©, Trull, Phone LEAR] EMERGE NC Y TROUBLY, AUTO lamp sticks anywhere on gar, lets you see what you are doing ln a blaze of light, leaves both hands free fo work: $3.28 Bale agent, Phone 228M ee (1340) HARGAIN TOR QUICK HAL, fingliwh portable mramaphone Now latest records, Monday, Weds nesday, B56 Brock Bt, 1 (Liha i, CUTTER Robes, cheap FOR SALE~RBUGGII slelphs, alse Duffalo K, James & Sons, phone 20, (136g) KIT HEN" CABINET "AND. GAS stove for sale, good condition, Apply iL) Mary Aire, phone 9871, (1300) Help--Wanted Male VI MAN WANTED TO WIRE SMALL house, supplying tixtures, Will give good Ford sedan' value B66 as payment, K, Sheridan, 248 Par road south (18a) eB Help Wanted--Female MAID WANTED, TWO IN FAN Hy, Apply. Mrs, PD, A, Valleau, 40] Masson street, phone 100158, (1860) | Place WANTED ary girl, Apply Bupt, Mundy, fellow Printing Company, Good ol (18h) WAN it nD A TCAPARL iD Wi IMAN for general housework, ene accustom ed to childeen, Apply Box M8 Times, (136¢) ae i i US - Position Wanted WORK WANTHD "HANDY wants work of any kind, 1860W, a MAN honw (1 f40) a Peta and Live Stock WW BALE AVILY Dearborn, phone 3460 r 8, (1860) Yo BW, I a For Sale or Rent FOR HALK OR WENT BY JAN dth, 1080, a 6 roomed house with garage, All conveniences, Apply L438 Ritson road south, hous 404K, (1860) Wanted to Rent WANTRD TO CRY Nh THRE Ti furnished rooms fer Tigh t housckeeps ing, North End, Hox 39 Times, (1360) Motor Cars ( CHEVROLET | SEDAN GOOD CON dition, $78 gash takes it, Avely Ja Alice Street last 16a) Hardwood Floots, 8¢ Foot: 'OU CAN BUY HARDWOOD Fralat a or enly 8c a fou, Fra ht Bald on Ao a All ond an "dy Matched sy to lay, You can da, the work vetrself, We tell vou how, Send for free eiveular, Halls ay, Box Ji, Hamilten, Building Material Specialists, Public Notice NOTICR i" THRREDY QIVEN that at the Munleipal Eleotion to oy el the (th day ef January A the following 'question 1 mitted to the vote of the ty namely! "Ave you in favor of paying the Councilmen of the City of Oshawa for thelr ate tondanee at vegular meetings at unell the sum of Five Dols eoting?" bat Oshawa, 10th mber AD, 124, PE, HARE, Clay! '. ¢ the Gomori of the Nan Wa, (6 142 8) thia foot bal | ata off halt at Soottigh don't they have kloke dome The wn AVE, something work our hag happened, Amerigan==Not 4 player off 11? Rootunan=-Nd, waree than that; they canna find the penny they tossed up wi' | 70 RINT KXTR RIENCED HIND | puty For Rent FOURAND 71vi wou E0 NOD Gil Bullen, ducludivg electri retrig aration, stove, laundry, conven) ences, elu.) seplibuous bet wails supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone ¥871, or The Trusts snd Gusranteo Co, lid, manager tor owner, Yoronto, (8741) PQ BENT == LARGE WHITY liriek house at 18 Nassau B'reet, eight roms #nd finished uitie, furnace and a ATA $46 per month, "hone JOAN, 10 RENT = MODERN Fi rooms and hath apartment, elegy. ile slove, refrigeration, and hot water heating: Apply 161 hii 10 0 RENT=2 TROOMS Wo wood floors, In new house all' gon- venlences, Apply 418 Alice Bt, phone W74Y, TWO veer tor ROOMS, EV: i tn, Vo ogg vOUR UNF RN TRIE ROO ROOMS T0 TOY rent at ¥44 Mary street, Three minutes from Motors, Aly 400 Arthur Bt, 1ibo) TO NENT TWO Hebt housekeeping, 1ished if dewlived, eat, Nght and wolev, Apply 116 Blgln Bt, W hone 1460W, (Lido) ; { (Aide) ROOME AND PANTRY Partly furnished, water and telephone In Also 4 rooms and pantry 20 Broce (14be) ROOMS FON partly furs THRE on hath flat, heated, tluded, furnished, private tollet, Hiraet Pasi, 10 RENT FIVE ROOM BRICK, gonveniences, hardwood fleas, elagtrie fixtures, newly decorated Also garage, Tmmeriste possession, Apply 81 Klgin Bt, Kast, Phone 1668/, (106e) POR WENT="8 HOOM, FURNISH. ed home, paved street, south, first eluss tenants, Murdoch, 87 War ren avenue (186g) HOUNW FOR KENT---4 ROOMn i plece bath, Very ventral, Apply 144 Centre Bt, Phone $88J = a (1860) ITIREE"ROONS"AND FATIH UN furnished (0 rent $4 per week, Phone 1562) AR ag (1860) PINT MODERN" BUN. palow and warame, $15 per mash Apply 131% King St, west, PO RENT-VERY LARGE ro fartable hedssitting room, suitable for twa gentlemen eam heated, very central Arph Hox 350 Times, (1360) Ea le Public Notice TAKE NOTICE that the follows Ing 18 a true synopsis of the pro posed by-law of the Corporation of the Clty of Oshawa to be submit od to the vote of the electors qual ified ta vote on mopey hy-laws, at the same time hd at the same us the annual selection for the Munjeipal Council and the Des Returning OMears appointed to hold the sald election shall take the vote, namely; The proposed by-law Is for the purpose of authorising the build. ing of a Pollee Station In the sald Clty at the Houth Hast Corner of Prince and Richmond streets at the coat of $50,000.00 and for such purpose te borrow on the Deban- tures of the City the sum of $60» 000,00, with Interest at five per rant, The dobt 1s to be pald In twent equal, successive, amhusl insta ments including prinelpal and ins tovest, The ameunt to Be ralsed an. nunlly being the sum of $4012.14, And that the 4th day of Janne ary AD, 1080 at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon at the Clty OMees In the sald Munieipality has heen fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and that If the assent of the electors 1s obtained to the sald proposed by-law It will be taken Into consideration hy the Municipal Counell of the said Com poration at a weeting thereof w be held after the expiration of one month after the date of the firm publication of this notice, And that sueh first publication was made on the 10th day of December AD 1980 Take natiea further that a ten: ant who desires te vote upon sald proposed By-law must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day hefora the day a ahfointed for (aking the vote a declaration une der The Canada Hvidenea Act, that he is a tenant whose lease ex- tends for the time for which the deht ov Hability ts to he created, or fn which the money to he raised hy the praposed Ny-law {8 payable, or for at least twenty-one years, and that he has hy the lease cove ananted ta pay. all municipal bd in respect of the property of whie he 14 tenant other than loeal ims provement Tated, . HB. HARK, Clerk, (130:3143:148) WINH GRANTED Weary Willle wan out of work, as usual, and ho was exploring a new neighborbheod, He rapped timidly at the dear of a poor-looking house on the qarner, It wan opened hy Mm, Murphy, She was very red in the fi and her hands were still LL with soapsuds, Also, she wan very Angry at being ntanaptet at hor washing, "Ni you Wish to see met" ahd bellowed, darkly, Weary Wille hacked down the step with downoawt eyes, "If 1 did he sald, weekly, "I've had my wigh, thank you, '== Vancouver Province I w non. men ANORK in nt you, live #0 that uo one will believe it, .. Rates for | Classified Ads, First fusertion--1 ents per word, Minhwum charge 80s, # fiach subsequent conseci: tive Insertion le per word, Three gonaeculive inser tong for thy pries ol two first tnseriions (three sents a word), Minimum charge (vr hres Insertions, 60 gents, Box number 106 additions) Professional or Business Cards, $4.80 per month tor BU words or less; 19 cents m word per month fof each 'mdditinnal word, TIM CLASSIVIND ADS CONT JATTLE; AC COMPLIR MUCH THLEVHONK #5 Ask tor (aswitiea Ad Departinent DISCOVERY OF CANADA DUE TO CHINESE CRAFT Many Gifts Given To New World by The Orient Toronto, Deg, 10,-=To China we owe not only silk, paper, prihting and porcelain, hut aslso the diss oovery of this dominion In which we Are living, For 1b was the des sire to Alscover a passage to China that brought explovers to (his western world, Minn Ruth Home pointed this out at hey lecture at the Museum. the last of a very Interesting series on China It was In the eighteenth een tury that the erase for Orientsd things was at its helght; In order to huy curios from Chine, women would sell thelr own cloths ing, hut also that of thair husbands, Porcelain was particu arly the rage; and a family in " ordered from China Blue and white were tha eolors most favor ed, and the popular design was that of hawthorne trees growing | out of Chinese lee, Tea was Intro dueed into Hogland at about this time and Bo the tek-cup was ovalvad, As the English insisted in handles on thelr cups, the Chinese potters at first simply fastened on plain white handles, and It was Inter on that varied shapes were designed This new nocial habit of teas drinking alse evolutioniged the furniture of the peried, for little tables were now in demand, and also ehina cabinets, Lavquer and bamboo were used for many of these tables, often combined; ant the roomy Chinese chairs, with thelr lattioe-work hacks, became popular, Ho much was lacquer the fashion, that It Was taught in all the best KnuHah Jaales' pehools, SELECTION FOR IMMIGRANTS T0 BE MADE RIGID Greater Attention To Be Paid To Training Of Britishers Ottawa, Deo, 10 =Hetter meths ode of training and selection will ba predominating factors in the oholoe of the 1040 ota of Arits tsh farm trainees for Canada, This Announcement was made by the Department of Immigration and Colonization today in pommenting on a statement of Rt, Hon, J, H, Thomas, lord privy seal in the MacDonald Labor government, that 3,000 trainess wauld he sent to the Dominion next year, The number will represent a reduction of B00 approximately+as compared with the trainees wha. odme this YOar, Bach of the trainees who mis grate to Canada in 19830, it was learned, must have a winlmum of threa montha' training at one of the farm (raining centres now in operation In the RPritleh Isles, In the course of thelr tealning atvieter attention ta the practionl essens fale of Canadian farm ife must Ave heen given to Quality thelr Admigaion, while there is a deter Bape it was stated, to get men f the more rugged type acouss tomed to hard manual labor, Posi 'tlons for thea trainees on OCanus fan farms will be secured by the ppartmant of tamigration and colonisation, Dating back to 1084, praduota of these farm tutu schools have been Mery 8 Shurda for farm work, In ea he Years 1924 and 1937 hel ot hundred Saints came to the Dominion; and ¢ this Buel ine to 1500 approximately, fn 1838, Thin year about A500 trainees arrived; and 20me of these men, found unauits France or England woulg walt for |, | two or three years for a dinner set | taken place WOMEN WITHOUT COUNTRY TO BE FOUND IN CANADA Interesting Subject Discuss. od at Annual Convention Of UF.W.0, . . ; | Tovonte, Deg, 10+ Canada 15 playing a laggard's vole in regard to International thought en tha subject of the nationaligation of married women, Mrs, W, R, lang pointed out at the annual conven tien of the United Farm Women of Ontario, A "women witheut & country! was literally true of the Canadian woman married to ap American citizen lying In the United Bates, she said, By Canadian law she noeeepts on marriage the nationality of her hushand and hy Amerioan law she did not hecome a eitieen of that sountry until she took the oath of wlleglance, Canada wan falling down on this job of international legislation judged by ourvent thought ou the subject, Mrs, Land healleved, All through the British Empire no woman had the right to patain her own nationality unless sha was divorced or a8 widow, On the. other hand, In the United fitatens, the married woman eonld keep her nationality after marl Es, GRANDSON IS GIVEN MULOCK ESTATE Gift of 400 Acres of Valus able Land by Sir William Mulock Ont Dee, 10,~Ans nouncement has heen made of a transfer of his fine country es: tate, "Mulook's Corners," from gir Willlam Mulook, hy a deed of witt, to his grandson, Willlam Pate Mulock, The property which conslats of 400 acres, Is noted for the splendid grove of 80,000 black walnut trees Bir Willlam who was born at Hondhead has gradnally sines the purchage of his first 100 serves In INKL, Increased the wise of his ess tate, and through planting the rove of walnut trees has improved the property very extensively, In the fine old house on the property many notable gatherings have H.R HH, the Prince of Wales was A guest on one Ooch sion In the deed of gift Bir William retiing a fe interest in the prep: arty, iH Toronto, SOLINA | Master Bduar "Wrights Enniskillen, visited Masters George and Wesley Werry, Mr, and Mrs C, Snowden and family, Maple Grove, and Mr, and Mrs, Elmer 'Gibson Qibawa, spent Sunday with Theos, Baker, On Wednatdar evening about one hundred members of the Solina, Rows manville and Maple Grove leagues met at Maple Grove, The Soling lear fue gave the following ram, Pi na duet, by Misses ve h 'ink ho Ruth MeKessack | chorus by C.GLT ulels 1 plane solo, Miss Muriel Baker voeal duet hy Miss Lena Tayler and Harold Shuttleworth) quartette, un accompanied hy Miss Lena Tavlos, Mrs, Bverett Crydermans Allan son and Harold Shuttleworth, Mrs, (Rev) J, R, Rick took up the des votianal topie in a pleasing way, Als lan MoKessock took up the taple tor the evening on "Christ's Coming." {hame oi did vending, C, 8, Bhorleidiss gave 4 humor eu veading on the Christmas sonboil, Maple O¥ove than wok aver the meeting and put wil & contest and served rvefrashments A; A Viasgog wih Wednesday attending eeting Mr, and Al an aystey Mrs, Boy Cook pnesday night, Jun Baker, ds inspecting enttle in WA iB, district this week, I'he Soling Women's Institute will hold the December meeting at the Mrs, John Baker on 'Khu day, Deg, 12 i meeting will be in chr of Group two when res pore wf the convention held in Tu yanta will he given and the roll gall will be "guotiations from the Bible suitable 1a the Christmos senson" Mr, and Mrs, B A Northeot, Osh awa, suent Sunday at the home of 1, 1. Brown, aronia on Holstein nl ¥ Mrs, Chas, Howsan wera supper givew hy Mr. snd York Perry, on Weds "Our grandmethers didn't he Heve much In dress' "Wel, they have nothing on thely pranddanghters the latter don't believe In much dress, BUC ENE What constitute puceessiul business man? HA man who ha or of an 4, Ah gency bral Reading Ohreryver horsepow id the amer- pessimist, == thu Fier EYESIGHT BPECIALINY Author oli ' Eyes In Modern Like Iptemeiry Feature Servise Your Eves and win " Eve Care apd Eve Disney Block Jo 1516 Phone 1514 ---- Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Yow Car, Let Mel inance Youl MOTOR LOANK AND DIN COUNTS LTD Pelt Block Hoom 6 "hone S700 DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCH 87 Celing Wt, Phone 1088 Radios "Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales JIMITRD 00 Bimooe Nt, 8, Phone #0 TY Miss Margaret Scott gave a splen: dwindled, able far farm life in thir country, it was stated ave being returned, i The old frontiera are pe mere, Deserts are peopled, distances have . world of business are constantly presenting themselves, ~~ Perhaps the greatest of eur present econos mical studies ia time saving, If your time and that of your carpenters fa valuable, then you need what we have to offer «= abe solute dependability as to delivery, and material, Oshawa Lam COMPANY, LIMITED #5 Ritson Rodd North MELEPHONE 2§21.2820 but new frontiers in the incom .,.

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