wo 4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1929 sand y es, nows will be received at the nels Office, at Gaz otto and Chronicle.~~Telephono Si--After Business Hours ~ 'hone any. bd A Whitby Shristiiay (Shear rund again or w or & #9 youl nd Aommtions "are Dalits, ro-. ceived at the ban t town Stoney airice and Oumite and Chronicle office, 'Last year 38 amilies ware glven a Chrisimey Saket while '© fave nd ent dlothing 8 {This year, there, are several families in need and "they will be ta 'af The Chamber of Commerce, the W.ON,, the ReWel Committee of the Town Council and the yayious churches will unite in seeing that every needy family is given Christe mas cheer, 'Not a few heads of families have been out of work 'for a time while others have net had steady employment with tho tosult that there is distress fn tho home, ' The committe has received the names of several families already who need assistance and others wil be turned In as time goes along. The time for recelving dona« tions id short, hoWever, and unless there is n generous respqnué this week some families may have to go hungry at Christiacy, Loeal talent will co-operate with the Whitby Citizen's Band in giv: ing » concert In the town hall on the evening of Deceinber 20, at which a silver collection will he gen nad | twill be of a very high fet aver pont in the i, i : 00 siftto0 points out that regeived for the fund pfided In local stores pear this rule wus i 4 All donations will be acknowl} odged through the columns of the local press, ~ ROADS HERTY OVER WEEK END MADE TRAVEL DIFICULT The spow and sleet on Sature day and Sunday made travel for motorists on the Provincial High. way very diffieult, Windshield even of the best type were ren. dered upeless in many case Traffic officers on Bunday nigh stated that while thers had heen a number of minor accidents none of a serious nature had been pe- ported, The weatherman appeared to he In league with loca] garage props rietors for on Baturday there wos a big sale for chains, anti-Lrepza and winddhdeld wipers, whilg drag stores Rad! quite a demand for glycerine which many motorists hae an their windshields to all In el Huw ack Prost, ¢ In Whitby Chief Gunson reports that he had no calls for amslste ance over the week-end, In order to wesist motorists who found fit taken up for the Christmas Rellef {impossible to stop at the Four trattic signal out aw ni démunded, Whi ore 18 an abundance of snow at points along the highway there Is much more north of the town, Ab erry, Uxbridge and (} Corners op @ecount of the slip ary a the dlghts on the Beaver 4 t have heen very heavy § ofthe beautiful ana the sleighing is good not only on the highway "Hut" bn county and ural Fouts Rlojumats sate, thal 08 $0 much RI fg That "Weather prophet sald sbout thls winter iu correct, ' ODDFELLOWS OF DISTRICT MEET IN WHITBY TUESDAY Grand Lodge Officials Will Be Among the Visitors --Hold Big Banquet Whitby will be the mecca on Tuesdny evening for distinguished members of the Independent Order of Oddfellows from all parts of the Ontario district, The Grand Mas- ter and several other officers from the Grapd Lodge of Ontario will ho among the guests for this big district night, and those In charge expect an aftendance of about 400, A number of busses have already been char'vred to bring the breth ren of the three links fraternity from Toronto, Every lodge In the extensive district is expected to be represented, In the lodge room Warner Lodge, of Port Perry, will put on the initiatory degree, when several candidates will Join the ordey,. Following the work in the lodge room adjournment will be taken to the town hall where a banquet will be served and a fine pro- gramme given, with addresses by several of the prominent members of the Order present, The local committees fn charge of the reception and entertainmeny A ---------- 14 4 ALL THIS WEEK at A rare Pure Iri 1 OFF DEWLAND'S TABLE SETS 1/4 OFF unity to purchase a real Christmas Gift for the Home, Table Linens in' Matched Sets or Separate Cloths, John S. Brown's Manufacture. Sizes 2x2 yds. up to 2x3; » Colors. On Sale This week yds. i Pure white and L 'A Di 'TH WILL HOLD ANY OF UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE Our 10 Day Pre-Christmas Sale Ends Saturday Night Every item advertised in Our Special Bill will remain on Sale this week -- While quantities last. With Many New Items added daily. <h- Two Outstanding Values For Tuesday's Selling "Greeting Cards 18 attractive Greeting Cards with onvelopes to pond, Neatly boxed. 1 dos. {l One vy | Doz. Boxed Gift H a 73c Cy ER 'BOX A byron Georgette, Japaneso {Printed Georgettes and flat i Crepes, [| 'square: shapos, Searfs you || (would willingly pay 88,00 to (BR.05 for, 'Salo this Woek at 'New and Novélty Boxed Handkerchiefs, 3 in box which woll ordinarily at O8c and $1.00 a box. 13 © 200 BOXES, on Sale THOMIAY . «1 +) 1 asssssss Cc | \ SEE WINDOWS . W. A. DEWLAN Hand'chiefs y 1 SCARF SALE Hw 4 = n § ¥ | § Christmas QOFTos- 29c TUESDAY in the Jong or On $1.98 | Limited golem "were turned Bladder Weakness A wv x | Con Be Stopped often in 48 hotirs, If you are in pep, health and strength from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Bladder Weakness, Burne ing, Leg or Groin Pains, or Rheumatic Aches, why vot try the Cystex 4 Hour Test? Get Cystex: (pronounee: Siss-tex) today at any drug store, for only 60¢, Money hack if you don't soon find pains gone, sleep fine, feel younger, stropger, and {all of pep, , of the visitors has plans now com~ plete and with good weather for traffie the gathering of Oddfellows should be one of the largest wit- nessed in Whitby for a long time, ont SUPREME COURT WILL RESUME ITS SESSIONS TODAY Trial of Frank Buono for Alleged Murder Proceeds This Afteinoon RE ------ 4 f H The adjelmed sessions ON or vioa (3 afternoon ®t two o'elgek before the Honorable Mr, Justice Wright, The trinl of ¥raak Buguo, for she alleg- od mhirder of Mrs, Koberniolk wil} be proceeded with, and it |» expect. ed that from the number of wit- nomen it will Inst tov two of three days. His Lordship fay 'also sit at night, for there are still a num ber of civil actions to be disposed of, The police announce that admis. sion to the Court room where the trial {s taking place will be by tick. ot only, When the room Is filled to capacity the doors will ba closed and traftic in and out of the Court room will not be permitted, Much of tho evidence to be tak. on at the trial will be through an interpreter, as several of the wit. nesses ure foreigners whe do not understand English distinetly, Pro- vinelal and loeal police have spent many weeks investigating the case and securing the necessary Crown witnesses, It 1a about 25 years since there wis 8 murder trial at Whitby Court House, WHITBY MAN WINS FURTHER PRIZES Russell Fleming, of Whithy, was successful In winning several more prises on the closing day of the laternational Live Btock Exposition at Chicago last week, adding to his previous honors In the Oxford wheap classes, In the Oxford breeds ing divisions he won the trophy for the champlon ram, first and fourth prizes for the hest ram ov« | far the best ram between one and | tWO Years, | one year; | He also took the trophy for reserve of two years old; first and fourth | saventh fey ram under fitth for best pen of 3 ram lambs; first and fourth for ewes between one and two Years, champion ewe; first for the bem four, get of one sire, bred hy ex. hibitor; first prize for the best flock, and third prize In the clans for pen of three gwe lamba, What Others Say Oshawa, Dec, 8, 1030 A RELIEF SUGGESTION Dear Mr, Editor, There has been much (alk on the subject of relief for those in dis« tressed clroumstunces, in the meets ings of the City Council, A Relief organization has also been formed to dispense charity to those whose circumstances have been made known, either by thems selves or sympathetic neighbors, to the right authorities, There are some however, wwho would rather starve than accept charity in any form, and because of this, many of those in need, suffer silently and try to keep thelr troubles even from thelr beat friends, It seems to me, that this year, being an exception as it undoubted. ly 18, the City could help these people by establishing a oredit sys tem to carry the needy families over until work started again, True, there would he a logs of money in connection 'with this work, but it could bg handled quite oupily by the Oity aa a whole rather than depending on voluntary stb. neriptions from the kind-hearted low, My idea is that tickets similar to the vation tickets used by the people in the liritish Isles during the War, could be given out to the noady ones each week, covering a sufMolent supply of food, and fuel to look after thelr wants, Thé price of these articles could be marked down aguinat the names of those receiving them, and at a later date, when husiness picked up the people weuld have an oppor. tunity of paying back their debt, If It were impossible for all the money to be paid back, then that portion which was uncollectable could be written off the books, and I am sure that the slight inoreana fn taxes necessary to cover the deficit. would not be felt by the residents, In this way, permanent relief can be given to those in need, whilst those who receive the help will be able to feel that they are not accepting charity, but merely a long or short time loan, return. able without Interest, - Does this not strike you as a Ohristianlike way of handling an unfortanate situation 'which has been forced on us by -cireumatances whieh are uncentrolable by ours selves? Ima Taxpayer, « vi Ahoy For ® Merry. Christmas on the Bounding Main! NORAD CASTLE WNO/NG TRIM OAD eosanvr YA Christmas ploy @ make oa Ta play 1nd For Christmap comes but once a year, «Thomas Tuseer; 16th Century Many and varied are the circum» stances under which we moderns must spend the joyous Yuletide poanon, with ita holly, mistletoe and gifts, Time was when Christ- mas Eve signified happy family atherings at some big sountry ouse or fine old city mansion, but times changd, and now meat of us must alter our customs mecording- ly. The modern city apartment and small country cottage ppociude large gatherings, hut it Is still sossible for Pig families to he YOUNG PANAMM together dt Christmas time, for the Canadian Paclfia Steamehing han dotalled the 20,000-ton 8, 8 Duchess of Bedford to make a 16 days' Christmas-New Yeur's erulee to the West Indien, lonving New York December 29, 1929, Thus families can not only be together when the Christmas bells ring out but they will find themselves en route to a warmer clime~~the storied Caribbean Bea--famed for its teles of pirates and plunder in days of yore, Incidentally, none of the hallows ed traditions connected with the holliday senson are forgotten, ance the ship gots under way, Her public halls' und rooms ure tastefully decorated with greens; poinsettas and other appropriste plants are everywhere, und the ship's com- pany seems imbued with the spirit of "Peace on earth----goodwl men." open trees complete the pleture, day voyagers aboard the "Duche enn' will visit Havana, Cuba, the Paris of the Now World; Kingston; Jamalen, at one time headquarters of notorious buccaneers; Cristobal, Panama, formerly on the highway of Spanish treagure traine, now the nite of the greatest canal in the world, inthe Bahamas, return York January 8, 1080, to Masquerade parties, big fireplaces and Christmas 0 Ee and anchanting Nassau, ng do New [Here and There] | 183, Thirteen first prises in apples, ono fifst in pears and four seconds | in apples were awarded to Capa | dian exhibitors at the Imperial | Fruit Bhow recently held at Bingley | Hall, Birmingham, England, Night | of the first prises were won by Nova Scotian growers, five of them 4 a A. Bentley, of Berwick, Four hunters from: New Yark State paw 153 moose during the ten days of October they spent hunt. Ing in Albert County, New Bruns. wick, with headquarters at the camps owned and operated by Guide Charles C, Dizon, of Alma, according to a report made by R D, Stowell, of Alden, N.' Y, who headed the party, to the New Bruns. wick Government Bureau of Iafore mation and Tourist Travel, Contract for building a 5,600,000 bushel grain elevator at Prescott, Ontario, on the Bt, Lawrence has recently been let by the Canadian Government, Its cost will be about $3,100,000 and construgtion must be completed by August 1, 1930, It in hoped it will be ready before the Walland Capal, bullt at a cost of $130,000,000 is opened before next year's grain harvest In Western Canada begins, Official report on employment In ONE TASNING Play me no musie, now i» enough Of sadness in these leaves along the ground And in the bare boughs they are drenming of In a wide silence deeper than all sound, There 18 no lonely An long farewells that O11 this Hee tening alr, Where no soupd fs ight, but only misty starshine trees are bare , there musle anywhere ao and no sure where' the Something Is passing, now, in this hairs Hight, Out of the world forever rim Of lost horizons wiluht That none has heard her footfail, and so dim That none has seen her grave and lovely face, Whose poling saddens every ly place, ==David Morton In The Communists are busy the African blacks and the whites.~Merford Mirror, over the and so frail, so lone~ the Com« among Toronto When vou patronize the Imperial poda fountain with your girl, remem bet vou kN two birds with one stone, | 3 mes TO ONK DEAD Doarest, the poets sing of bud and blossom Springing from.dust of the beloved dead, White roses from the unrespiring bosom, The green of Ivy round a hidden head: Benuty « qunterial beauty = from dead flesh That once was beautiful! would find, ease In preity, words! What of the com plex mesh Of soul and intellect--what blooms from these? Who Life Ia a spirit moving on the hills, Whence? Ab, who knows? And shall 'wa ask the sod What quickened It? Question the daffodils How move the urging fingertips of God? Muslo 1s not In wood or brass or strings, fn the Master's touch which it springs, wl llah A, Ashley. A hale expert 'ways there will be no hald headed men in fifty years, The best times are always ahead. --~Chat- ham News, Bat from -- The silent vote yesterday was the 75 per cent, that stayed at home, but it, too, will pay taxes, == Hamilton Spectator, Here and Thete | (423) : wr "Say it with apples," Canadian Pacific Wxpress Company slogan for the sending of gifts by Cana dings to friends fn Great Britgim and Furdpe, 1s being extended fr Christmas snd New Year presents to gifts sent at all times of the your, With the present Danner apple erop of Canada, the (ruff can bo bought at p reasonable pries and its quality 1s of the highest, If sent oversess before the close of navigation on the BL Lawrence, cost. will he eopsiderably reduced, Over 200 officers and men of the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles first mounted regiment, formed in Torw onto at the outbreak of the Great War, is holding its first reunion since the war at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, November 20 next, The unit is proud of the fact that it still bas in its ranks T, Holmes of 'Toronte, youngest Vietoria Cross holder in Canada who cap~ tured an enemy maching gun nest, singlehanded at Passchendaele, - , An apple tree, over a hundred yoars old, remarkable for its syms« metry 'and having this year pro- Auced 22 barrels of Calkin Pippin apples, 1s attracting much attention in the orghard of Downey Morton, Lakeville, King's County, Nova Bcotin, 'Mr, Morton picked apples from the same tree [5 years ago andyJt was then a fully grown tres Today he belleves it to be well over the century mark, The arrangement existing be- tween the Canadian Pacitie Ralls way and the Government of Nova Bootla with regard to English ime migration which has proved mus tually satisfactory, will be cops tinued for the coming year, 1s the recent announcement of I. I, Fra- sor, secretary to Premier Rhodes, Superior grazing conditions in British Columbia are given nas the reason for a shipment of 3600 grade Ramboulet ewes and rams from Montana recently made to the Vane couver Idve Block Jxchange for distribution to sheep raisers in the Kamloops and Cariboo districts of British Columbia, The farm of Guitay BElgert of Wetaskiwin that won the trophy recently offered by the Edmonton Board of Trade for the best field of wheat in the northern half of the province of Alberta as well as the cup donated by the Alberta Gavernment for the best farm in Alberts, has yielded 46 bushels to the acre on a 100-pere field and graded No, 1 hard, [Klgert 1s Ab other farmer who eame to Canads without capital and has made » striking success, The British Family Re-Union As pociation has just been created by the Canadian Pacific department of Colonization and Development w= hacked by influential organises tions, groups and individuals «= to promote increased British settles ment in Canada, It will partion. larly benefit heads of families in Canada desirous of having ' thelr wives and families rejoin them in the Dominion, and others, estabe lished on this side, wishing to help relatives or friends overseas to emigrate to the Dominion for pere manent residence, sonanaadi] ------ The government of Finland owns more than 21,000,000 morse of forest lands and wsolentitio ef« forts will he made to double thelr produativity, N Sn The Supreme Court of New, Zea- land recently decided that the use af vending machines does not violate the law regulating the closed hours of stores, Mra. Coolidge has consented to ap~ pear in the talkies in order to ald the sale of Christmas seals, but al still holds out for the silent drama Rorder Cities Star, Gives Name to Rockies Pass ---- Canada states that in October of this year conditions were excep tionally satisfactory, Reports from 7037 employera with staffs totals ling "1,080,683 persons, showed em« ployment at 125, based on the aver. age for the calendar year aa 100, This 1a the highest ou record for the time of year and compares with 1188 for October 1, 1028, ---- World-wide interest is being ate tracted by the Canadian Pacihe plana to include Honolulu aa a port of call on westbound voyages of ita White Empress fleet, commencing in December, Grant Hall, vice- renident of the Rallway, stated at anoouver Jeoently; push hv | ships a ¢ out of the he ee Yokohama, ft will still leave them their supremacy as making the fastest run between this continent and the Orieat, he added, Three functions of interest which are expected to attract 'hundreds of Canadian and American tourists will be staged in Victoria in the next three montha, They are the Yuletide Musio Festival in Decem= ber, the Sea Song Festival in Jan- uary, both held at the Kmpreaa Hotel, and the second annual mids winter golt tournament * in IFebd- ruary which had so outstanding a success last winter, ---- The 800 odd inhabitants of Fore most, Alberta, claim it as one of the busiest communities of Western Canada, In the paat two yeara it has shipped more than ,600,000 bushels of grain, mostly wheat, The town 18' leo progressive in ita od ucational and sports facilities, \lohard oll from Ipments of D hy i coast of Vancouver Island are increasing yearly: One vexse) recently took 650 toma In bulk destined for Europe, where man garino 1a still a ataple diet, "Some. times whale ofl 1s used as a sub stitute for plichard ofl in th manufacture of margarine, | dian Rockies throughout Murra Canadian Pacific Ralfwap Recognition of the years of d voted labor by J. Gibbon, general pub fy agent in popularisi e world; haa been given by bb their mo act ning routes pa the of Canas ng the ac to be taken himself hiked over the trail between the two i name ways conferred recently Board of Canada in honor of MF, Gibhon's wo poet, novelist, promoter of musical and folklore feats vala and founder of the Order of Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies which numbers membeéra from all of this continent, Europe and Aua'rvalia and which has. done inestimable work In bringing the lories of Canada to the knowledge of the world, Out shows the Pasa, with inset of Mr, Gibbon and, below, close-up of group of Trail Riders, & pletureaque sections, G mY Were ant pane | by the Qeagtaphie an