Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Dec 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1929 TASS RRLED SECTION W " hy PARKRATLL ND | ii" or 0 EX 0. oe. hv wr LA TLL ord, Holleftors, ete, "a ide, Orhawa and Port Perry, Phones 760 Oshawa, Port Perry 84 and TL p 0, (Deg, 8<1 month) Medica! DR. WORRY PHYSICIAN, SUR ON, Rid ver, Office and resis ing St Jen cornet Victoria ance, ih. HARD kh HAR LD W, hic PH 81 \rgeon, Obarctriclan, Speeinl " Bi 10 Matern ty work apd db senses of "wenen, Twa vears' pom fraduste, A saperienry, Sify and res nee 1 Al imoge St N., (eer, Broek) « GR T H Y, PHYSIC IAN Gh pod hi thee of Int A 4 0) 4 ane 1158 i " ia Bat ¥ clan and oon. special attention piven Ei i work nd My A tlivopy ce len. ¢ oe one 0. fol open 9 am. Ionm st, I f her ARCHER, M.D, CM, CG Po oand 8 Jdinbruh rpeon and Obsterriglan, Phone JOX Kink x ¥ Phone EE [IN L 1} rich, Physieian, an, Abecla} a fev ah an on orth, Phone nb n, water tention te tornity donee ho Pre i "PHYITOTAN, | un, Office and ng street north, OR a ull be a ELA ay be i thro ul 8 reel Weak, Teron ce hh Lid Sor eae x: ne FERRO OFRICR Fl 8 Bre Offee p LA Hours 10 to N nts eald- y TALL 0 to 13 am, #2 ater! aver Dawlands, i, Kveninga by & te bhope 1499, IUNBELL, DENTIST, LS ah Hi De land's, RE tosh Rew a Evenings by 0 th Ln " 0) i oy 4) RR | ten DR. n Nitrous ps N HONS, Phony pecial an Fav anes oy nee, Sie oh Eo) LLL orth Toone "100. ® alling lista and otrounlar Vor . Nov, 8-1 Mo) 4 Moderate pticse. A! 4 a Nar nario, ARR: : " a TRUOND {AND iture bought and {i BURIA st, Ambulance, treet north, a direet, "ee street, Oe Wa T ¥, ( urniture moving, More use abd moving Yan ne 0 88, : ARTAOH, a and J h PHA HR fost a i 60 Bond Welt, Sbestal ware: praent, 7v OL oT | fur ture mo os. Local and ios § owle, i Phone Car ame, Kran Bouth, Rast 16 OAVTATW, ~ Jov sand and RN Chris Uraham, 8 Verdun Hons Hons HTN Noy, 14-1 month "1 or pa "Parlors BETTY LOU wave, Special 85 and $7.50 wave and shampoo $1 Halr cutth g a9 Simeon ent Way poe $1. Phone PERMANENT Faelnl Phone 968 or Mo "SARCELTING™ 0 Hetty Ward at Hetty Lou Permans Shoppe. Maree! and sham he WATSON'S Beputy ela! lee celling, shampooing, facials, CURL, %0¢ yng CEL. AND Mrs, Hveret brow arching, ny apartment 9, nohee Nireet, ploy For Ge sand HA ER To ies prompt delivery, place orders In date, W, rowdal.e -- j018 ' AE ons ervatory, 0} ry advance of folivett « cher { I swap re To \ to O AWA, 8 ICHER, L, RK use, Oshawa chools, hone Bi (Nov, FRANK CON Fr of ANKE SN in dis 84 Tain Mg : | baa ALL" ela at a Q price by pert Rad ne AN wor anteed, ei oharging 7 tories tor ald, LEONARD Director of ate and Publle Westmoreland, tional Radi) Tastieate, cessorien for male, pePaira o batteries tented, charged. rental wynlied. 1", Jat, Charles 2 aut, ¥ 0, n «OUTSOLE a verte gi ine Ave, Why aperhanger, Quitanteedt ay iced reasonable, Pras, bea. steak and kidney Ne. i the id t Kant one 1617M. oes fixed | ay Menke's coo and Wi at shavpening a hoeshiye A HAVE ALL CREVIGE your windows and doors silo cement and d deafy, saves Free ha. Ry Ne 8 £3) EY fbn, ] PARSER We Np ladies' hair ating 1) jie For a [4 | phone Edward Apartments, appointments | ¢ Dee, J: Mo.) Geo, Burroughs & Bon, Phone 380==11, Graduate Nas Dee, 2:1 mo) trie and battery wh, tubes and batteries re 1 mo} A Eh es APFang HAT, oe. Alor Ride ENGIN WOME "WADE PORK rch CI i sree, Phone 4 1840 ner Sims ort skate (Nov Bl Caulking IN Oh mar: Marcel A ar te Pall, ry Boy MOTE | od an exe BUA 0, Pat " ele Phone Bigin hot or rum Mit A | ma} Phone 1 we) rd J PRACTICAL of this nature, For the convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient Times' office, a telephone eall will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement to come personally ta The pnd collect for same, y "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling a large number of a unte Cham WANGAIN TED ele houde, Not EROSD Wan grep lacs, oak floors, sacrifice, rice wily hy Soe Holden, 92 Bimeoe o |G J (1341) ir tt (17 TOME, seven roomed brick house, Pur nnoe, garage, ules lawn, Kood kar den, naparagus hed, strawberries, real buy, Get particulars, James Ryany Canningion, (1040) FOR BALE-TWO ROOM BUN: galow, wired and lights, In very comfortable, Can he moved, Ap ply to B68 Buena Vietw strest, (1460) atch Repairing FA VON UERTIN. EXPERT | Suh watehniuker, repalr shop. #1 HI Kin Sireat Wart, Your pal on aolicled Work Wanted RE UPHOLE TRING. CHEATER fields made tn order, Wa "ve you money, Ketimates free, G, A, Con stable, 74 Mechanic street, A tr tN (Soi) PATTTRTTS CHARGED, CALLED ter and ee! vered, aa cents | upplie nie! Io rig don 0 N AR Ch 1506 W, hel ile mo) DATTERIES BG AND DDK livered The, rental fhe, and the entire electric! system of oar re pares 404 Oshawa Hivd, Phous Noy, 18-1mo) ee BRET TO pars and trucks, Alse general wondwork, W, Fry, 40 Bond wes, b| peu evenings, (Nov, 14:1 mo) -------- Nursing NURSE, MATLR. nity, Invalid or general nursing for 1 ormation phone 1808, (Nay, LAE 1 mo) PRACTIOAL NURSE DINKN: gaged, ma ornity, invalid or general nursing, otor's references, For Intormaion phone 748M, ahh SIRI GENTS PER YARD, PLEAT. oae dollar, alierations, utitul fandy 0 , B04 8 ov, 10:1 mo) Storm Winion o M WINDO ily one rye te warm and ortable, HE or re Glased Storm Widens Woh on Poon 3 FURL hun Phone 2830w ur windows on Ready fled a Furniture Repairi FORNITURE RE UPHOLSTHRED and repaired, No job too small or HY ae. George A. Lemee, Phone (Dee, 4:1 Wo) Ra RST AND wiost artistie clothes maker in Osh aw me Nhe care, Prices fair and reasenad meoe Street Sli ho A oom and Board ROOM OR ROARD=GRNTLE ) wit Jefines yo olors, nw *Q HA RR TWO business men, All conveniences, 143 Agnes street, Phone a y (i) man te hare room man close to Mot anted to Youn Ry Phone 0) ter In good Sandton, Ormiston, 108 Righ § 10 8 feet, apruce, Htate how many x a price delivered at ania, A, LA oe ation #18 Manning avenue, (1240) ~ Lost and Found | vou |e howd, Apply N, 8, Baird rite eh REBAY, DEORM: | & Woolworths tare, larie Ak purse with Initiale Cin corner, contatuing smal sum of money and valuable pape, Pinder please return to Times {lon (1380) a fake) hd X Or aon body uy aterous coil A Amiied I 4 Bi "WETNTIR AN Lid,, planos, pew and used mm. Vso radion, steal wodels) Shei ti Apply G, Prull, Phony LARK EMERGING Y I ROU WEL x "AU 10 lamp sticks anywhere on™ear, lets you see whit you are doing in a blake 0 light, leaves hath hands free (or work, 83.75, Sole agent, Phone 208M " n (li Me) OENTTRMANS TATEOR™ MAD] fi a serge sult, nearly new, Klee WN Apply 111 Monk LL of Lite) Help Wanted Male MAN WANTED TO Wie #MALL house, supplying tIxtures, Will give | good Ford wedun value $086 ne payment, K. sheridan, $48 Vary road south (Lido) UNG NEN WANTED TOR al elreulation work, Must he te leave town, Goend money ady workers, Apply My, Lang (15 Allee street between 4 aid bom, (186m) ah Position Wanted hig YOUNG GIRL WITH FOUR vears High School would like a posi tion In office WORK" WANTHN= wants work of any kind, LY a Le (1.4% "HANDY WKN | Phonu HEL ------ MORI Pets and Livy Stock 0 YEAR OLD WHITE LEGHOR) hens, through the mouls, just hyip. and Ys pullets, Ovo, Reynolds, Cour (148) Ww wir Poodle puppies $5 each, Apply 60 Colborne Ht, Nast, = (1800) YOUNG PION FOR NATE AT IY B, W, Dearborn, phone 460 r 3, (136h) Hy RRR Fe "Wanted to Buy ¢ or Rent WANTED 1 To TRENT OR ROY, Five or alx reomeq brick house, All conveniences, Good looalily, Apply Dox B47 Times, "(1ide) Contracting we | CONTRACTING = CONCTRETR lastel ing, electra or alterations, 4th, 1920, a b roomed house with garage, All conveniences, Apply 182 Ritson road south, Phone pdoar, (180¢) LAST OF CLIPPER SHIPS GAINS NOTE rr Now Receives Due Recogni- tion as a "Marine Antique" |, New "York, Dee, §,--The "Last of the clipper ships has broken ine Samah Ita red blood has changed to blue, In a shipyard at Bath, Me, In 1889 waa lnvnehed the 244-loot fullseigged salling "hid Renjamin , Packard, Her bean was 43 feet and het tonnage 2013, #he aniled the seven neas until 1006 For 4} re aha shipped her salle Ponty n fw on trad Selwen the Pacifio Coast and the Far Kast, bringing many carpoes of of naan leaves, balen of ares apless and boyea of Orlental art abjeets, From Seattle to San Franelseo KROWN to lookouts by the ih of her tapamast, 4 HA fell wu pen HA hows a a mtn Rinse of the © 4d in her was rath or Wh of the old Ameilean LA marines a sha haa been ying tn WL) oy any of her ARE had sattored the Ws neminy of the junk-heap, but not the Benjamin BF, 'Paekady Hav proud bearing xatned for hey the Slaanitioution of a4 marine ane Hague," Talaad, For Rent YOUR AND viv wouMBl MOL rn suites, including sleetrie reirig eration, sove, IeEBAry, CORYeR) Hoes, O40) CODLINUOUS BOL water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'Phone B74, ur The Trusts and Ouarsaies Uo, Ad, manager for owner, Sorento, 140 RAT THON HOUR VACA] Hh dollars month, pov Horton ranch, Phone 10 RENT ow a WHITE brick house at 18 Nassau 8'vent, eight rooms and finished a furnace and por gil RICK house on Phvision strest Ahove Allee, Modern, Rent §80 per month, Phone 2604 or ot b Oelink street, [] KERN 7 NT om rooms and ih apaviment, trie stove, refrigeration, and. water heating, Apply 16 inst, Apartment 8 POTENT TROOHT wood floors, in hew house, all sonvenlines #4 tow Rilo, hardwood floors, steant hent, Kleatrie refrigerator and stovy, ot water, newly etorstoll Inmmed-~ ate possession, Phone || 176M, ' (1340) FOUR UNFITNTREE LG HO0MS TO rent at 144 Mary street, Three minutes from Motors, Avr B00 Arthur Mt, 1aha) TO NINT =WO NOOR Fon Hght housekesping, partly furs nivhed if desired, Heat, Hght und water, Apply 116 Elgin wt, W Phone 1400W, (1840) - (1840) THRE ROOME™AND™ PANTRY on bath flat, Partly furnished, lisated, water and telephone In cluded, Also 8 rooms sand pantry furnished, private tollet, $9 Broek trent east (1880) TOTRRTE FIVE TOO INIEKR, donvenlenees, hnrdwood floore plaptrie Hxtures, newly decorated Also gurage, Immeriate possession Apply 81 Blein Mt, Hast, Phone wenn) YLLTN ET a i a a Sua CAPTAIN KERR, V.C., DIES IN GARAGE Apply Box M8 Times, | Gas Claims War Hero as Victim 1 | Toronto, Deo, b,=Death eames {inaidiously by asphyxiation last evening to Capt, "George I, Kerr, V.('., of Toronto, , who for three yours had defied with imp#hity the hullets; bayonets and gos of the enemy and in so doing had won the highest honor In the gift of the Uritleh erown-=the Vieteris Croan, Capt, Kerr returned a short time ago from England after three weeks of homage and hospitality an the guest of the Prince of Wales, He wan found unconscious by his wite, seated In the family ante In the garage at the pear of the house, 18 Cheltenham avenue, at about six o'clogk Yast evening, Apparently he had been reading a magatine an he ran the engine to warm it up ahd the doors had blown shut, preventing the escape |P of deadly oarbon monoxide from the exhaust, Polloe were Immediately ealled, When they arrived Capt, Xerr was already dead, He had gons to the [4 gavage at about three o'clbek to ft y|warm up the oar, for his wite was to drive him te Rho ation to meet a train from N After three hours had and he had not returned to. |" house, Mra, Kerr hecame anxious and went out to the garage 10 Ine vestigate, Her phone call brought Po O's Brown, 01 Stillwell, B86; and Ramsay, 840, to the sone, At [© tempts at resuscitation were cone sldered uneless, Capt, Kerr was 85 years of AR We leaves his wite and two aug. ters, Mary Louise, age four an hall, and Janet, aged two, a REE Clive me he JOR green of the | Wit the wet wind awl Pragiant i eat of ine A Ad 3 Ay a k ky, Give me the blossom all know, Unecaring for gardensroome Why, kissing it a of sean When the gorse is out St Maidan J conse to be kiss We atv warhed; cloud swept seatons dear, A! , my Wht - te gorse hay censed to oem, Here's to the wealth of the yellow flowers She proffers through, Fenced Ly the thorns Which pilfering fingers rue, You glimpse the gleam of her golden pown Through winter's foggiest gloom: Por Kissing 18 out of season, dear, When the gorse is out of Moon, Maidens will conse to he kissed, sweetheart, When the gorse has ceused 10 hloom =A, M. Macdonald the whole year upright guardian Victoria There w a be more hee hoon Wall Street in due Stree, but it may he some time hators, th wool ix & niee Angora lengthy=Detroit News, venlences, Apply JIB Alice Bi. ! i. oy fende for light CA iy i" ory eonven ii or lig ti Deadly Carbon Monoxide | Rates for | Classified Ads. First Insertion--1 4 oonis per word, Minimum charge 800, Kach subsequent eonsevi: tive Insertion 16 per word, Three oconssoutive fuser: tions for thy price of twe first (\nsertions (thre sents 'a word), Minimun ohRrEe for (hiee Insertions, dh fl Box number A0e on Profsstions or Nusigess $5.60 por month tor 80 words or less} 1 V pd. a word month for each additions) word, TIMES CLA " ADS CONT LPETLN ho. COMPLING MUC TELEPHONE Bb Ask d assitied Ad PA PIne Nt KHAN'S MARRIAGE | COMMUNITY CLUB, MANCHESTER WEETS Miss A. Barrett, New , President, Assumes Office be AE chapter, Dee, 5, Nn Maarhe ot at the jo aon A ndince 5 R ave an sue hone talk on per sang kh pleas J on RAVE " nd noeontest of t gL on- Joyed, The business pi the meeting Vd conducted by the new president, Iss A Barrett, Refreshments were parved and a vote of thanks given Mr. Barrett, Miss Viola Mitehell spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ins, Mitchell, Khe then returned to Buffalo whore she has been visit: Ing her sister Mr, and Mrs, George Parks pnd} family have returned to the United Staten nlter visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 1. Masters p few days Miss A, Barratt and Mrs, Barrett have returned from a visit In To. ronto The Standard Garage Is In charge 0 $ Kose Walle, , George Windrim of Lindamy nent PLANS COMPLETED man's Daughter In Pars Saturday PRICELESS GIFTS Bride Will Have Magnifi. cent Gown Valued at $30,000 Alx-Lep-Balng, Vrance, Dee, 0 (U1) ee MUlg, Capon, daughter of a Vreneh Lhotel pi rie Lor, afrived here Fhivrsday You Faris Tor her wedding 10 the Age Ishan, Lwlian prince and sbiviual head elgtiiWons of Mos lems, Preparatory § the wedding on Hat urdiny, the Wr iagh eoutract was signed before a notbry elduy morn ie and the Aga Khan will bestow on his bride a pringaly settlement under fuel vo bg than 1,000,000 Hane bid While the ARE Bhan has desired an ioral wedamg, there will be Jay Ish renders of his vast wont and Oriental position, One " his gli tv the bride will include ow Targe square vut diamond, whieh will go Into his hk among viher famous Indian Jew vl, $30,000 Costume he bride, who is Audrev Josephing Marie Peowe Garvan, will wear ons ul the Best marriage costumes Paris yver eronted | but sinee there will bi ne ehureh wedding, It not white, She chose the Axa Khan's racing colors oll green and brown, and will wear a dark green velvet kneelongth eon trimmed with mink collar and eufly, Underneath will be a dress of the cols The costume is valued More than 100 ne photographeth have a here, promising. ow bE oY wedding A civil pe at 10 am, Batu SimMltanecously there may be a Moslem veremony progounced A the i 81 Kad» dhour an habritt but hire will be no Catholie pron lous questio Yard, ings at 80,000, ermen and ay arrived the hig ih Hi oy] ELE i fi EA The Min Soe . potared to have settled Aer tot he I own ithe. tion, Alihousht hy! wi lia Church don not we 8 voll marriages i od on which are not sels emni¥ed by a priest, Mlle Carron atis pulated in the contract that she res taing her Catholielam, The Aga Khan, Apparently answering critic ve War) sed a communique in whie a 'Prince Aga Khan, In marrying a Catholie, is not contragietin ry Jion, by vy Me Vas aan rer fon and the prin religion are Re (he he Et Plato which Hike Christianity, Tt be classe among the Occidental religious gloss ol NA the original source, Marri age ib # a purely civil eeres mony periormed in the presence of witnesses, An Iman of the closest Mosque can assist by pronouncing prayers, but his presence is net hee connary to th of the act" | hah ad Shai ¥ lowers ant Als GRODRTIO NORK IN GABPR Wa "de the plumb tioally, Wand especial. y alow shores of the gult of at, 1a these deflections are of such magnitude and ditter ro greatly at various points that they must be determined with the greatest acouracy in order that aps Preciable SrrOrE MAY not creep nto the mapa of the distriet, Dur the past aummeér the Geodetie Sw vey of Canada has completed a nerien of obaervations avound, the (anpe peninsula from Riviera du Loup to Campbellton for the pur pose of dingovering and eliminating these errors, AL few line an -- A plumber in irae made gold out of a "a lead pine, so the story goes, Plumbers in this vicinity find working by Our AN eRsier method, Boston: Rien Indian Prince Weds Hotel. ors, heavily encrusted with old laew | I Sunday at the home of Mr, and { Mrs. Chan Lambe, | Me, and Mrs, Tamblyn of Oshawa | clalted om Monday st the home of Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Lambe, The date of the Christmas tree has has been changed to Dee, 17 10 piace of the 18th, owing te the Port Perry Valr A week neo Tuesday afternoon Mrs, Chas, Lambe suffared 8 paraly- tle stroke to her right side, Mrs, Lambe appeared In as good health as wana!, having gone on with her Ll io work that forenoon, She ls now Ing her speech and Improving Xn Mrs, Thos, Johnson Is net impro 4 nw in health, The Auxillary of the Women's Mls slonary Society met on Friday last at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Holthy with a good attendance, The usual devotional exerelses opened the meeting, Dusihess was transacted nnd YaRlots Interesting leaflets were read, most en wy time wan pent A meeting closed with a hymn Inllowed by relreshments Mrs, Frank Crosler was In Toronto recently Miss Haitle Lambe of Oshawa Io with her mother, Mrs, € Lambe, THE OLD BLIND MAN Down our little onesiroet town, His dog an' himl 800 'em Yite Hiv cane wetappin' up an' down, An' hepry ackoopin' time with 7 Asoddin' here an' smilin' there, An' spreadin' gladness over here, Yet blinds a stone, an' 1 deslare, He didn't seem to mind a Hit He took for granted that the x 4 Was blue, like what It ought t' bee a "Porhap it It ain't, but I refer to Bink it in," says hei By {aith he believed that ph a went Preclocly like the Mahe | Sanat, n_oonsequence h That heaps of foils don don't ot whe see, He held that all th the pari a's Trl an He Drefe erred to think it ge, n' b'lieve It, too, hy to It never psa b bt nod, An' time 'n again i "wrot That he's the ones or A .: Wales the ony gp VI Maybe the rea ® China do not get hin real war lo been ol Uist alia AS SH ---------------------- ------ THE NENT OV THE PEIREL Ey Charles Ballard Under tise charge of the blast snd the deafening guns of the ses Is soft, wild musly; For the sen-g0ds know thers 18 hid in u cleft ln the rock above them The net of the putrel, On thin, bleak, besten vempart of stone A tiny' Lome, full of pence snd warm content, And there the mother-bird sits and covers hey huddled youngsters Hushing weak, little restless ories with, tha soothing warmth of her fonthers, And Lhe tender, mothering. loves notes that comfort the woes of ull nestlings, pried waves *| There »! I not fear the les pile fury, Or the shouting Hearing only In her covert, doop In tha roel's dark poses, The storm's lullaby, A Cubun in ¢fitus has i ! United Staton patent for n votin chine ope d by dropoing hoi 10 reeantacles merked with cand in Nie | A A new rib I for elaetele olan his been dnvented that ls fint Ingtend of round und Is claimed to Inst longer un Gar out carpets fess, A A --------_--_ : so-- om EY ESIGH) BPECIA IY Athy of he Bape In Magers bee Fombure Serv wi Eves and Mealth Care and Byer Straw Disney Blocl 2 96 Phone 1800 om------ leony oi i -- a a Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance Youl MOTOR LOANK AND DIS COUNTS LTD, "» Felt Book Room 0 Phone WHO DISNEY.COTT AMNULANCR #7 Oolina Bt, Phone 1004 Radios Repaired Now when the weather ls uncertain, it do more important than building or repairing o 'deliveries be made on t wa repeat again, our first.service pledge, | to the citizens of Oshawa, that when | NC anything from stock in any quantity to ally place Pp Oshe awa in one hour from time the order is placed." even, In tons, that o, therefore

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