re if 7 i | Felt Bros. | The LEAING JEWELER | 12 Simcoe St. South yl & . 3 ¢ § ei i rr ge RE 0 ff DIAMONDS WMotorin 8 "Sportsmen" Ase] fi vately Cefitured By , i 4 + DRASTIC PENALTIES. ||, PRL ! win the Howse of Lords rer the Karl oF Onslow (0), ells | oh to the alleged destrucs 0! CARmin In eertal parts oF Africa, dnd asked what steps tight JLigken to mike the enforemvent of iv wii inst hunting in motor ears re effective, My ulay nsked that no alteration be made in the gunie laws JR €olumgs, proteciorutes, ui A colonies wink Wiowing Servation ig' intererted in 'the Wie fauna of the Ymplre un op- nity of expressing their Views, | trie waked that the Governs ment wonld tise avery proper and reas sonable, effort in thelr power to furs ud the preservation of gine roufitiont the Jimpire; eapeciully by efeptkuging the arable of nie Nat pies nnd reserves' Side severs epticlzcd those who were cowards ly enongh to think they are sporis- men if they return home after hye mg slaughtered au great number of pasty from a motorser" "oT have also heard)" he ndded "that weroplanes have been caled into use fn these pursuits, but I do not think has gone very far He hoped we Government would fall in with he suggestion of the Belglan Gove pment and form no sanctuary for orillas in Africa, "I'he gorillad! ho id, Ms, of course, a very rave beast, at think It 1s harmless; don't think ix Th any way dangerous." Viscount Allenby also eriticleed the ethods of some modern hunters, The old hunter," he sald, "shot to iN, but seme modern hunters will ometimes shoot Just, for fun, and ore 18 somathing about a rifle in the ands of some man which ralses a urlos sort of 'blood ust," Me Added at one of these sportamen had heen eard to say "1 did not get an oles bo but © left a good many ef feellug pretty sore)" Ford 'Cranworth' (€), whd® confess d to being wuilty of having heads several valuable pets on his walls ore wero three great causes of dg of game, "The fire use," he sald, "ia what IT may ¢ anke. That, I think, Is the cause of Is moter game hunting which goes now." 'The sesond cause was the Ming of game for meat, More asta hi gan Killed to All nativ omach® tap had been avehibrol r sport, "Noble lords" he added, ho sit dewn te wn couple of chops aowoodeack and think they have no wellawlll be astonished, perhaps, know that a native 1s perleetly apable of 14 1b, 10 1b, or oven 2 "ment on end, And it does him i, " eh shop & abntertlvy, ns trustees of the National hoped the Govern: dd do semethin and rapidly pa Ww of animal lie. Lr for the Government, the . "icretary (Lord Passtield) sugested that hunting {rom motor might also he due to Indolence, : Wi wind of thing had only taken An one small area In Ti nana, was clearly u eriminal offpnce, and rad B op Cal f*) A -------- v Ww. OTOMETRINT 8 Bond Street East oo ple wea ht AIT ia Mave's Fanltless Lenste ¥ *® Beye'. All Wool Winds 1% . 4 loominion' CLOTHING Co 3 ON KING BT, {hore TH y Wa Deliver x . i . ; yw 8 {IE 1 for ye JURY AND LOVELL. LTD. _ EXCLUSIVE AGENTS A. HARE || 4 JAWA DAILY TIMFS ngainst the administrat ahnetthobd' his potitien) ire, i i Tov Vancouver Centre In the "or Commons, Hon, H, B, Meavons fisous for his char fon of cugtoms department, In 1080, has retirement from aqnipment the Calop aeroplane, Indulge," xloug to do everything High Commissioner the Belgian sunctuary nt vived lg Seotland, ai CPR TIME nll W ry Mids [1 TA " Lh Lh ~ LLL nm A0 wan, Dally (Kaeept Ba S08 aan, Dally CANADIAN N Bh doe det », (Sta Time 84m, Mmdey only, it am. Pally, 147 nom, Dadi. sxeers 23 pom Dally, except Bi S42 on Da an Dally, ERE van Dall Sa Westbound H 3 aan Dally, hy aa, Dalle TS i I¥ Mit 4 nl vy 0.04 8,01 Dally, except Ky [3 WR P32 pom, pa, v v, exeent Su ¥, undsy only, ally, except Su Rail, except Hy WEEK DAY SUCHE of \ 4y '3 BU JE Y IN Han und 647 non Dally, exeet Sundaw, ree © 2: - Ce 2 2 J 33:3%8° § the penblty naw was Imprisonment without, the eption of a fine and the confiscation of the motor ear and Ha So tar as the records of 1a Office went, there Nad been no ease of hunting He wdded, amid laughter, he could concelve of no snptuary legislation being possible to put a Hmit on "the occasionnl gorge whieh theyoung men of Africa, ln common with those of other rages, are apt to The Government were ans possible preserve the wild 1ife of various parts of the Empire in so far as that was not contrary to the interests of the natives or settlers, He added that the | of Uganda was considering the auestion of estahlishs ini. a sanctuary for gorillas adjoining Kivu Old. country dances are belng res f TIME TABLES ; pp odebdiridrinlibdb did didi Time) ol mday), Wh pl mw Ad wh iv (Except Bunawy) ally {ily (Exoept Sunday), " th 0.04 Dall ' ol am. Bally (Except Bunday), B03 pon Dally (Except Bunda) turdav), ---- ATIONAL RAILWAYS on ) Easthound AY am Dally, except Sunday, LA) d y ya Mpa, Dally, encept Saturday, nda IRaY, iv , onuept Bunday nay, dav, Whitby, Oshawa Bowmanville BUS LINE DULE (Em A "n han ae afver ru ) he) 4 \ \ " " 1%] an 1 50 pan, { ) I Ll | > Bm AER nem SS pm AY pry } pu wm A¥pn AU m » Dn "in H-] om Hm on AK Am aan H&L wh om 0 pw Van. from an AF' tn Hotia : we "mn ¥ am ta ' - am. FN am . : am . am aha We (8 am "om -m {8 am am WE om nH 0B, am La nm tn fiom Ree ES pm pm "Mm win oe chem 2 pm bm pl pm nm (3. di Lis am | pm Nam 1100 Hi pm LX sm LLL] ne ae thou h ausees 3 f! ¥ SCHEDULE / UR SPECIALTY : ¢ wateh fp not giving 4 a ction 0 repaly d make I je corveet of we FE i "7D. J, BRO : ) THR JR : Ottietal Watch Tnepector fog | Canadian National and Osh i AWA x 10 King 80° W. Phone 180 ka OR ih Leh | Ovita "Gaudry ll Haye Circulated Blas. '| Catholin § Thursday of gharged with pub) inte "eireulat) re, a Ohjgetion 1a wad ine Seva Ger d Mousseau, act ani "Alleged to phemous Literature i J § ep ---- [| Montreal, Deg, 7-=Yoluminons dogs umenigry Byidenes, douounehng the hurch i genbral und 11s irients In partieylar, wis produced by riesnt=Detective Trembley, of the Montreal FPolles Department, ut thn fal of Joseph Ovila Gadry, dit Bourbonnlere, which began hefory udge Lacrobx in tha Court of Seg: reault, thors ow hemo oi the, wy ( Ing In hehn yi wha ds a bailiff of the Bupes lor Court, but the court uliowed the documents to be placed into the ror cords under reserve of objection, Among those to whom letters, sglz- ed hn Guadry's home, were addressed, wera 'every member of the Taehervenus {winbly In the FProyines of Quebee, Hon: Jules Messier and Lives Mis Avian the exhibits filed was i Vat |} of books written pgainst the Catholis Churely und the names of thelr ane This Nat, Detective Trembiny, testified, was found In Gaodry's home, "Who selzed these documents | Vt Liter oh A Idenek (uudry's home" Ingoired M Ll 1 Ww had Sonchideg ats Wn chidf, { : y/goile | y |My, Frenbiay, If of ! 2 i uments?" "Noy Mr, Pige them,' "Who were your colleagues?" ; Weteotive Pug wis one of tent" DIA you long seize aft these does selued some of "Were you In hls presence when y al Ui y HH od £ Fou AT myer" reptigdt n gi. VERA MLO JAS USED YE AS in RR Ly the salevye wan eflect tire wffixed to some of these counsel persisted signature he gave headguarterst" at Wendyunrters?" "Mn the vegulur manner, he In a hyo "hin ao sign 1 DEMANDS OUTLINED © CBY BAAR COUNCIL SC Baarbrucken, Cepmany, Doe, G6 ws The "Base nell! Thursday adopt ed a yesolution stating that It was paramount to demand that the py sent conference ih Paris on the Siar Vislley had certain results as follows Lo Tht the Baar distriet he reunit ed without abbreviations with the Heieh, 2 That the mines be restored (0 Prussian and Bavaria 47 private gd or wereigou ated from lfm?' & detect swore that while thi pry "% the documents was heing da in Caudey's house, he bad ngyer to ht of Page, "How do yon know that the slgoa ft the DODD'S KIDNEY " wnts 18 that of Mr, Gandry | "Deedige It corresponds "with the us nt detective "Haw did yeu obtain Lis slggature That Investments und domestic and foreign capital "in the Ban mines be precluded "Did you force Wim to signi" 4, That the connecting rallways be "No tween the Sane distriet and Alsace "Id nome of your companiang force | Lorraine be restored to Germany, and EF Ihat the conditions of the res titution he so formmlated as to gun antes the working future of the dis slgned trict's mines and the economics of the populace, "Elid not see them do sol The ense Is proceeding ELLA CINDERS--The New Executive uiicty BATS RSE Ton a Thus, A =) Me hy Mom) Ly vl i By Bll Conselman and Charlie Plumb C IMAGINE THAT | I PUT HM ON THE PAYROLL, JUST TWO MINUTES, iA a caked TYE Ae CHR Nm ih et Jit A fi TELLING TOMMY PEAT | ARTISTS VERY OFTEN MAKE MISTAKES WHEN DRAWING A MEY MOON IN A PICTURE, TOMMY, THE DIRECTION THE HORNS OF THE CRESCENT MOON POINT DEPENDS ON THE LATITUDE IN WHICH THE ORSERVER 15, e---- { ANTARCTIC LEM THE NORTH TEMPERATE ZONE THE SUN CIRCLES [fins 10 THE SOUTH AMD AS IT APPROACHES THE wesTER! | 16 HORIZON IT DESCENDS OM A SLANT.FROM LEFY TO RIGHT, THE HEY MOON SEEN AT SUNSET FOLLOWS THE SUM BUT SINCE THE HORMS ALWAYS POINT AWAY FROM THE SUM, THEY TURN UPHARD AD TO THE LEFT, AT SUNSET IN DIFFERENT LATITUDES ----_ " GOODNESS! 1 WANTED TO ASK } DADDY IF THE MAM IM THE MOON al DOESNT KNOY! THAT 17 19H POLITE TO POINT, JNA---- ro-- t m---- AE BT THE SOUTHERN RART OF THE HORLD THE REVERSE 13 TRUE WHILE 114 THE TROPICS THE HORMS POINT ALMOST DIRECTLY UPWARD. THE POSITIONS PICTUR- £0 ABOVE WOULD DE SLIGHTLY CHANGED FOR DIFFER: LATITUDES WITHIN THE ZOME AND THE SEASONS, © 1000, King Features Byudioata, Jue, Grost Britain vighte reserved | FR - El Ss MOTH TEMPER By Geo, McManut om-------- WES | BENT FOR A MESGHENCGER TCE THE UALYDE TO DOC TON WILLETS OFMCE AND GV HIM THIS NOTE ! GBR. Lat Fanture Bervies, Ine Grgas Briain WO WR | wily: DOCTOR WILLETS bhai THAT AY " LEFT A080 MEDICINE VALDES MIR IGGS RED DENG a THE FRONT MEME | HAD WIM CALL A% : AMP EMENTE THEY WILE DOOR? THE MAID WAS ILL | DENT WOW BAY YOu Gor aE BUNGLARS TOON B TrHAAT ---- PY BACK TO WIM BY THE GRIF «WHAT? | WUZ OLR BROTHER'S Leo 4 re, MESENGER bil -- CUITIVT mec -------- \ . y ; FE "» \ THAT WASN'T Wi VALIGR TDS THOSE WERENT OO, TORY HELLO WES ® Oh WES WELL Sens | | &¢ | war | ( ak ONE DAY, DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMFY | WRRE WALKING ALONG A COUNTRY ROAD - TH RY CAME TO A BIE WALL =~ AND OVER \T GREW ABO TRER FULL OF RIPE CHERRIES ~ Le -------- WHE 19 6TEAL Hk fl it i TPT pH oun itl 8a THEY. GOT DOLLY Up ON THE WALL AND WERE BU4Y BEATING dl. ih L CHERRIES = WHEN "THEY HEARD DoLLY SAID "BOOST A LOUD SHOUT ON "ThE QTWER 1 WiLL PIER "THEM AND PROP BOB OF "THE WALL w= Ee ------ THEM DOWN "TO You 19 (1A, King Pavan Apndbate. toe, Soon) Bein vio veered | 2. § TILLIE THE TOILER--The First "Order NO, | DON'T BYXPEC Y = WE A 1 Ww By Russ Westover All RIGHT - RAVE "AY | FIRM NAME ON OUR. OFfF\CP DOOR READ: JONES, WHIPPLE AND QO - RIAWT AWAY, "T00 4