Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1929, p. 7

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"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1929 iss Hard-Boiled go! the oocesn and - ig danger of be ta drowned whan rescued | ¢ "Ww sialwart "blond Aa iy Ye and her Sonstant sot rom paniom Grete el Are on pond nahi: Li #8 mo » Alonsd courbe noted feehion Ss promised to foln t hr Later HA learns that Bu » Kk ha fo "sera dom oral ve i samy nin fated fo ot dark, | foot, io ha ] -- fra whee when ¢ oat elone rorimity and Parker Palle to take 40 his arms, as ------ men hove done on similar oseanions, She feels that he Aoes not Tove her, Chapter BO The night under the vose arbor marked the end of Raquel's unt scoountahle surrender of her heart to Gerald Parker. fo strong wes the control of her will over thought and action that by a single concen trated command her entive altl~ tude toward him ebanged. Parker became & mere pawn for the furtherance of her ambitions, hor desires, as had other men she had knows and put sside when their usefulness Was ended, She never questioned Greta closely about Jerry Parker's de- sabi from a material and: point. She had consistent! vented. from on this. polat, And Grela LA be sure to knew 2ia worth 1a | in datal). She su wor' tba motor trip Into ihe $i " \ "Jvek i) te Jerry Parker and tow much?" Greta supplem- ted, "I wondered when you were going to some out arthe ether and show some signe of life" "The affair with Erlg Stafford sort of..." ¢ A you up." Tt was Oreta's habit to finish o aio fn her het way. "Well, Parker Is preity hot, Ist me tell you, We come nally from some hiok "at Be in neotts, One a Mag ow hat suburbs, mpp reat-grandfather or some ea " Hie one Ay » # lot of loose no &. but trees pe and, a adios ond. on 'em, Binge then the yo Hr aed put, 'simply yeiing for skyserapers to chase th inne off, Now they sell these acres by the oarat, Nobody knows how much Ep A sid the a 4 the fami family's k Rind of nuts on the int dnirs old man languages in Sesh or FA eg a for +H pr Mey of arvard, Touaht "some to u place lke Deauville?" "Bryce told me he had a mer vous break down or something Probably broke down trying to fie ure out his tneome tax. We's hare for a complete chanme, It's our dutvs doatie, to. 200 10 he gots Ras) I wonlg" and J) i AA) el ative her relmn on tv ag long ae she The shadow of | Parla, _---- i un, thous, hat one he olen nl en The toneh of Anan ih § sivinkine of the fh, . anit nheeleal revolt, of will ahe covered any Lal of what wag taking wo she told hereel? fi, oe? wd h Big ite te her with thair ade eed of doe ated her, 1 he would be ware cans) tn he adeen. | Bea of her favor: mare the man of tha man of the world Na was rer peed to be, lata the ea'-lover, ? Madame Courbet, A W of Jatataton ran along oy JAve a flame along a Bio hove hed fatarest ahe mieht Rill a | Nae had J when thelr cay bo ancien Doster fun. | ln ey aan bixon' rice, Wavept for ol finitely out of her depths of her interest "in Parker, For the first time, they failed to tigen him the jotree report, They priv Re rv pe RL i So recessen of whi wombby rt, "She !s safe with Parker," Al phonse assured himeelf; "9% otlelsms of bot ite have possesed | her entirely, 1 have ghersated her, | Bhe Is my creature.' Alphonse liked Prion planted in the plain soll of family tradition b. homely Au erieaniom, Alphonse was no! uneasy over the camaraderie existing between Raquel and this trank fellow with t these days, The candle of fis! vitality had been Pais low by those sleepless nights, those agons foing hours when he thounht had lost Rpaquel to Atalord, Rest was what he needed. ra. pose of hody and of mind: He must have hoth (Ff he was to Ne, to the fullest, these ranturons hours when he waeunld teneh the pinnacle of all Iife with the woman he was to kane? Ine} sound the oung men, A rary ung mad. | unwraps ot to be swept oi two: J | to be lo, the sttalght gray eyes, He even en- | ouraged it, He wad not fooling so Paris," Jerry sald, as thelr darn kettle. Now I'll have to go to all the trouble to blast another ene away from that frog oustodinn of the kitchens,'n "You might tell Bryce you'd lke oe i BUEgosted Raquel, No, 1 ean't do that, He'd buy ad And then I'd miss. all the gal you don't want a brass kettle," 'IOt gourne I don't, I'M) send It to Hattie: With her usual motherly unselfishness, she'll see a big pack: age and think I'm sending her a "A wise mink oont or something, When she be ™ The luncheon was vather kiddy, Rague! thought, Banter was the prevailing note, No tinge of the sorrow of parting touched It. A flee of fireworks that gave a fitting fin. ish to a holiday celebration, "I'I be geelng you ARAIN===w=in oar started, "May stay on in Deauville for a few. weaky longer." "Give us a ring," ealled Greta, that kettle, she'll he "Rryce and I have a date to do a tensity had relaxed, Tot of damage along the boule varde' "Wall, that's the end of that," Greta sald to Rannel as they rolled away, "A couple of good emms, They'Il miss us, What will. the i Canine do without 'le Ms noir te , Women with bare hacks and bow | | thelr black sults and stiff collar v | cellent food fn Parle, wonld never | | "I'm sled You've 0 ow Hadubl } Beauty, It Parker noticed a change Ju NA quel's attitude toward him, he gave 50 hint of the discovery, The days passed aw i!llg, an lo, «| thelr wont when pletsnre 8 pur | sued aimlessly and wie abundant "You know," he told wr one morning when they were frolleking the ocean that ho ow d her up to him that da be |ongaged to strogaly wi ' oN - kd been due at the how long, Have my parking apace and everything, Wish some po davll J could be having the bene 0 fh don't you try venetiop from {6 yourself?" ahe bantere Persitlage was tha medium tween them these , dave, and B LA Alo ne vyos and Alphonsa up the kitbags «end |] we lke ft here" Rand) oh up sand lke 'aR » py. i ¥y d Jerry, \ shall then relieve you of} ity of making wp Ra sald, purpos + he pH A hia a ection, "Our at an end, pos LL) or to Carlsbad for A oure, freta and I return to wid, 4 dustrious oly showerin "Rut," Parkep protested, "in the midd'e of WX snmmer, his hey} Ll thing fa Hh ashible oA An 'nurhed Raquel. "The seanon for the rn openg within a few , Cirety tT wnt ta Helton the burden for Alnhanse, We will do mueh taward the selec. pA while he | in Oarlabad" you returning to 'Amen att i Bg aaked withy Whnt setmad to her to be no mara than his ae Wer | rnafamed easual pollens, "1 do not know." ahe sald, She MH Go ad thet iy he did, would he as Madame Alwhonae Bas pu shion's mn 3308 J gom fn iA collection of exotic art, © Chapter 00 L sen tor Raauel MAT oA to hy Acer don ghar rry Parker's farewell to al ena dt 2) {qual wae trankiy reiful, The regret of a man Lab being dented | a [the company of an amusing and ine | teresting companion, 1] A jhe motored Pan a on, 1 "Gosh! Greta enn who was Lhe consummation of all laive 'om a twirl and teach Erk old Alphonse, on Mg | "arrival, 'sm what's what in cluoks and sults? The Queen in dead, Long live the Queen," 'It's been a wonderful holiday," sald Raquel, "And how!" exclaimed Grota, "Quiet, though, considering you were there, No duels, No dukes, No Indy sples, How did you do 11" ""Greta, you're incorrigible," "1 can't deny It till you tell me what 1t fa" Tho remainder of the trip was Ww | made in comparative silence, Greta doaed, Raquel, with passive mind and ly watched the landscape ven the most satisfactory aye, ahe thought, must he Ahelr reactions, foped Brio Stafford had left That he would make no ats ompt to gee her again, Hhe was -- he must have xone, ,, to Lon. tov probably, His sense of = de- of tit play, would have heen lated that he would avold her b+ f ahe were a kind of plague, The house tp Neunllly was rad: fant to racoive them, * Breathed (vets, foam- #h the rooms to re- of flowers, e¥ery eave that had taken to make their arrival a Joy ous one, "Aln't It great to he home amin th "Perfert," Ranue! anresd, te lessly, The ride had tired her, A night's rest and she threw Ly Felt tewerishly into the mae'st A work and pleasure at hand, the ad to admit, though, that [] ' ayanor had gone out of her, Waa it because she was ng 2% She was going home, hh: her owp land, She had deol War she really glad to vacate (his throne of Beauty she had won 'in the Caplial of Beauty? After |, it would be but a temporary abies ation, She would return te * her relgn in a few mw eanwhile, there was New won, It was not as if he must go again into the dust, ate the desert of her youth, back JHarmosa, She dismissed Hep Jane a all h spelled with a " As iy 43 give period to the! ture, the man tp the bhiaek doat came into the garden ovata |S 1.8 ating to announce vy he. fad on the teleph dhe heard the ¥ or haart gave a to] ine eh An 17 1 had of Ni Liha Alugnish stream "that f 4 i it and ran bhpight 'Ae! Would the plok her up. About atx, if tha all right, Wine! Six, then, iy "Jerry's tn town," ahe eal rry Parker! him tonight? \ A with se attemnt te : ® dn he news. "He's po dinner Revea tt frat anid [when they might he goreing ljout w hen "Ly obs + LOPGOL # | : y BGO) Yau Lup out to PO) MOL Liat Yve got.n uste wits & boy Iriend trom Monus habin il osey) WBUAULuE $Oraln of § & QOPUier review on 4 ohh i ole wear?" "Want will the ebirrupy re, maid asbed, Anything i on d don's, nowy OUsR't mat The maid os nob Believe ber OWE eRES, .ARd The greeting between Raquel and Jerry wag. pertunsiory, Good friends mooting alter a brief ab | sence, § ht there was tensity abi A 80 8lr of deter. y ourront of sup: A] she ould mot mini 1 that » should select odin tor this evening, It was the plies she liked best in all Paris, And be not even asked for her prefe Theye were merry #4 two ebild. ren at dinper, Hr 410d all, there was something fr tible about ap American jess band, It:made one want to sway and ¥Wing and be los! In wome primitive Jungle, They danced, They hummed the musle, not forgetting the word: that were echoes of a broad streel In a far-off jass-mad olty, They Jiroustied through a hall doen night-clubs where frivolity was trothient, It would soon bi | morning, Yet Jarry had made nc mention of letting her go, Wi He was a rol leking Ind on a ark, | "How about breakfast?" he ask ed, when they were exhausted from dancing, "There's a neat little place heyond Bt, Germaine, Quaint ané off the beaten track, Y oan recom mend thelr fresh milk, they mil} while you wait, and the fralse de: boln,,, wild strawberries," "wild strawherrion," Raquel! on thused, "I adore them," They were off In the pearlgray dawn, The rush of the mornins hreege, purified from fits Journey over a wofreshed earth, In theh faoen, The stir of that awakening earth fn' thelr hearts, A huxem young peasant olatterad her sabots along garden path to meet them, These funny people from Paris Kiri the ome, Men with the fronts nut from that eut Inte thelr necks were not new to the mir! in the sahots, Nini that they should come away oul here to eat herries and deink milk ay be aunht excent a miracle to her Racuel and Jerry were sented In a wocluded wmpot In a pretty ruatie surimer.houss with a thateh od roof, its wally a tanels of flow ering vines, They banterad and chatted alrfly while the mir! se! sovers for two and hroausht them what they ordered, Discreetly she withdrew, Disrratton on tha part of Wrench nervants is & gift am. euntine tn genius, "Wow Ao you lke mv choles" Jerre parked, Indlpsitng the nprellr thatehed nook and ths corner of warden, "It's ton lovelv." hresthed Nr aual, "Rut you haven't told ne val how you came to ha In Par (Continued on Monday) ------------------------ CANADIAN RAILWAY STATISTICS ISSUED PICKERING Mise Joan Clark, - Ark Telephone 800 FINE PROGRAM AT UY.P3 P.3, MEETING Hsbaring. Dec, Ih JA mos Mf program wasp provid { im mm Vellowship Sonimitte or the gatable leadarsh poy or, 4 $, meats a bi wh 4 on onday ¢y- ny , Aha theme 18 Prog Wii fhe Shrlstinas Guest, od and FM ave an excellent i (4 ™ Showin Ww hi hy differ~ enee His comin made, A plays lat, based on oi dolsiole Mop here Thue 1s Love, There God! was given by seven puri of the lon and was in keeping with 1 re. 0! pprops late music served a fitting atmosphere {or the oj ny of the pre. Kram, DECEMBER MEETING WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Pickering, Dec, 3~Tha monthly meeting the local branch of the Women's Institute, which ih held at the home of Mrs, C. A Birerritt, on Tuesday afternoon, was well atr tended and of a very Intertadug ye Mrs, W, B, Powell, snd Miss |. Richardson, delegates to the Provin. cial convention, held In Toronto, last week, gave excellent reports of the nesslons, which gave the loeal mem: hers a lear idea of the activities dur- ing the convention, An apron dis play was held, when the ladies show: ed thelr atest idens in that line, It was evident that the days of the pot. ket handkerchief type of apron was passed, as all the exhibts were prace tieal, Mrs, Ross Burns contributed a vooal selection, The next meets ing has been postponed until the first week In January, owing to the busy Christmas soARON, PICKERING BRIEFS Piekeving, Deg, Se Williard Crank, of Detroit, arrived on Monday to spend & few weeks at the home of his parents, Mv, and Mrs, R, A Cronk, Constables R, O, Crummer, and Wm, Chester ara In Whithy this week, attending the sessions of the Fall Asslges, Mrs, Ji Clarke, of Belleville he Juan of her daughter, Mrs, | Rickard, during the week-end, Interes- by the tad: Miss Via A. Sterritt had a business trip to Comat on Wednesday, The Swhitika Club met at the heme of Mes, KE C, Jones on Tuesday ev+ ening; The medical men In the community are belng kept busy these days by epidemics of colds, among the adults and a form of whooping cough among the children which are aweeping throughout the district, --_---hek'hi! wap April | pr] and MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER FP. J, REDDIN, Representative Telephone: 2800 suficlont to interest and sinki other bonds 3 Provisien for a bonus of 5 warrant with each §! The remarkable record of Canadian watsnpower 4 investments and fhe | favorable position of Beauhar to a large mar ho for power, and loping 2, nols, in close proximit on a site capable of low construction cost. PRICE: To be dated October 1, 1929---~dus Outaber 1, 1999==in October f~~redesmable bonds in a 8, for Jurchate of 26 3 Contrasts by which 190.000 of 4 EEE Blectric Powe lssion Heat & Power ted, Earnings 4 duured by these soreriaty lev, more then § aetimated operating enpenass and td sling find dur ET Eon Beardiarnols Power , Corporation Limited Thirty~-year 6% Collateral Trust Sinking Fund Bonds With Stock Bonus Delivery Warnnts and Steck Purchase Warrants Attached, "i mos FH a These bonds are the fit public financing In connection with the Besuharnols power project en the St. Lawrence River. Ameng the features of the lssus and the project which it represents are: de j™ on the present bends to be issued, Sharst and 000,000 horsepower at Wa recommend these bonds for investment, 100 and acerued interest, Domo SECURITIES ORPORATION LIMITED. Head Offiest TORONTO, 26 King Street 2. MacDONALD SENDS BACK BIG CHEQUE London, Pr Ramsay Mag Donald has the unusual distinction among politicians of having re turned a large cheque for a news paper article and insisted on re- celving a much smaller amount. The story waa told recently by the London editor of a well-known American newspaper. Bhortly before Mp MacDonald ------ was in office this editor asked him for an article on a current tople, It was written and a cheque for $1,000 went In acknowledgment, This was returned by Mr, Mao- Donald's private secretary with an Inquiry whether an extra nought had been added to the amount by mistake, In reply An Assurance was sent that $1,000 was the figure intend. the secretary MacDonald did not think It consonant with ed, and thereupon wrote back that Mr, his position in for the article. and desolate pleca of land, "What are re for, Fo sald would bn da Increased Gross But \ De- cresaed Net Revenue ls Shown Ottawa, Deo, §.~~Canadian rall- ways have shown Increased gross but decreased net revenues during the first three quarters of the present year, Traffid tonnage was alse above last year's record for this period, but loadings Dave since declined, Taking a longer survey, both gross and net reve onues are well above those of five years ago, as ls also tonnage, These statements are upon turn of the Clas rallways to September issued by the jaeraas a» in gross Jiroe Tevehues yr ve been ate! per cent, while Rogie wom A risen a litle over 42 per cent, The The qualification ing traffio since the end of tember 1s derived from a report df the bur pau on earloadings which shows a cumulative decline for the year to the end of the third week in November of wt 100,000 oars, The gross spre) revenues on Clase 1 Canadian ra for the three guartera of the | were ial} with Hotdog, period yoar Bel, 000 for the that Aig mont of 1928, Operating income on Qlans 1 Canadian Rellwaya for en hte monthe of this joe a compared wi ¥ TRIE last TERA in Hie firat _ I threa guarters of 1928. The Hi ber of tons. of . revenue freigh | carried in the fon, months t + year wer 09,436, while the figure IE Vo tor or dh, 14,708,000, Bet collector: "1 was anil to find would ii i litle a Ro bo 1 am wie 1% a fn Hoe . ht bie ho » . th of who reveals th ---- H wh Debt Collector: "Pre hy (Fo 10 Hate "Just add the halisorown ta my account, for hd tell you the truth 1 le: urigupiey on the point Vominion Bureau of Statistion, The | 1 Table Model Radio | plete with speaker, Grimes Tabe 30 VICTOR Model F882 ~ now on Display == tho real achievement in Radio we $255.00 |: A ARADIO I, SALE OF RADIOS STARTS ON MONDAY, DEC. 9th Come Suite aid Speshar. SPECIAL Stromberg-Carlson Table Model Derg: Complete with Regular Price $239.00 "$150.00 #90,00 Down and. #8.0Q per Week 10-TUBE RADIO ou EN 18 the Shes Fob 6 TUBE Stro a For PHILCO 7 Tube Con- | sole Model, Magnetic Speaker. Reg. $260. || Sale $135.00 | fh "Rio Spr $159.00 | KING 6 Tub Battery Redlie Complete == tubes battery & speaker, $69.50... mberg- Carlson Sy | 10 KING ST, W. D. J, BROW Open Evenings Now Till Christmas the Labor moves ment to accept more than $100 A "tourist eame wpon an Irishman who was fenclug in a most barren Di iil that gat

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