Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1929, p. 4

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i alia midst of wll the ale pnd PA" as to 4 i a a a Te ST » i ro con DAILY worounsy ATA or rons Bil Yikes is o mombol of thi 'Cone i diss Press the Canadian Dally Newspapers As | Audit Buresy ot Cireuletions | re SUBSCPIPTION RATES i I ! TORON IO OFFICE [001 800d Building 06 Temperance BION Telephone 1 Adelaide 0107 HM BD Kresidder roprqpentative { REPRESENTATIVES IN {8 1 ae snd Stone. Ins. New York and Chisage THE PROOF oF THE PUDDING ipso | of crime In Oshawa, there 18 ohe signifis cant Tadtbr which stands out very clearly, During the prevent week, the fall nssises of the Bupreme oy of Ontario have been fn passion at. Whitby, Ti be el aglat wero otiminal canes RE We' fenctrvh Af FAR nay note that h the Rcetised pers il were charged were wonfndtsed within ithe elty of Oshawa, It Ia true, of couraey the dn ong or ANO ol these ohsta, Oshawn nan have been ibelvad Lt Ag Ay hard» ty fale 40 chase up agalnst thin city allences Lone mitted anywhere else, Jor jnatanca, an Oshawa nai might ga Awe, or, three hundred miles. away and Col mit a robbery, but that wewld not indhonsy, that seg fous 'erime was being committed In this €lty, The steong point Is, that in spite el. the comments which haves been made [n Toronto newspupers (6 the oi foot that Oshawa was In the grip of a crime wave whieh the pollce could not zentrol, there hive beefi BO canes pent to the fall olen sobr§ bugs Por Ly tomnnimity the! bi ot Oshawa, by tr the fargest In the county, this Joa record of which the city can feel proud, It shows that ducing the last fow months Qshawa has been oid fae from sere lous fhe 1} he 'gant vi IRAs A the ymin ied might well ng CHRISTMAS MAIL I The postmaster-general had lasted an appeal to the people: of Canada to co-opuriite with the department in its efforts to give the maxlpum of service during the Christmas season by doing thelr Christmas mails ing at the earliest possible ded, "This appeal Is In the same: ediekory as' (hd call for. edely Christmas shopping, It seems to be one of the fralities of hu man nature, that these dutles are put off until the fast possible' moment, thereby (eanslng "congestion which interferes greatly with efficiency ln service, Early mailing de of a these fold value, It relieves the mind of the person who has Christmas mailing to do, It relieves the harassed postal workers during 0H" the Oshawa wy "thelr bustest searon of the year and gives them the | pun at a bh imei ram ere Livk "= ani ont 7B ~..hawa_the power Sp ln an 1 Vo of i er the opportunity 10 give the kind of wervice they would Tike to give, and it ensures that the reciplent will res ceive the Chrisymas mail in time for the holiday sea: son, ' Sines vo many people will benefit, surely it would be werth while for all to glve avention to «tis plea for early mailing; and to co-operate to the ellen possible extent with the, postal authorities "THE PREMIER'S PROMISE } S---------- \ ' bs Sir Arthur Curble 'did mot write! his stirring message to the. convention of the Canadien Leglob in Ree ~ in vain At Londen the ether night, the reply to that message was made by Premier King, and " it tame bit the form of a pledge; that at the next seas *ulan of parliament, actioh would be taken to vight the sistencies injustiges whieh have buen pe: under the present pe on regulations, 1 the Prémier King wiry ube iy pre in a democratie ) In ignorance a and treat vice men and des the genpral public, was oy on, 50 ment wh affecting, " LE Li ont, yo wn A credit of oN i Conon pl 0 that when thehmessage of General Currie PORES of the Canadian Legion conve informed ; them ae © sondiiont th en there hin inmediate demand for fale es and Justice, + I Currie, too, was fully ed, for we could a 'Nave 'efopped Bi in Ohawa ih which JR hay sible to seedre fale dealing for a ee) a or for the widow of, aanan whe Toit hi Nife ah a direct veaulf bE Winaar erviee, There are a Ny such uw hi the files of the Oli: of the ithe provpise of Pre RY "odes as a hope 10 thove who _ areviutiuting and reamtlt a erent offickakiom, t he Camadiai Legion rata Sathine, Prewies Kine are Hy Ans . ine endeavor, wat: hd all politieals ad in pare Rhy sive the wany plows | 8 which A nat, Mb 3 | sponding thelr time anh oe hd the. Patties of the' disabled and the bereay or wah A Nien wilt o y the gow. + quality, the. naturaliresult sociation The Ontario Provindiat: Dative Bod the re RARE methage of Gels | A TROFAEAN Be yoo poo Mt a Lerta, has won the world's wheat ehamplonshiy, This 'Je 'wn honor which. bs net Sabtly, wom, for /4t means thet from the piek of 4+ Dewy fom the whole Adnerican continent, hel, hon the Cnagian 'prairies, was er " the be we them oil, ' e This achievement in itself, » "a wirshd ba outstanding, but when . In the tagt) ningteen . years thig Shon won fifteen times by Canudieh Ray it takes on o good dest of udded importance) oi iat Cans ada can well lay claim to bein the od r, cone slstently, year In and year wh of the b quality lof wheat J the world, A echghition of this oipromacy re, wheat is 8 'nood dos) tanthis country, This year, when the wheat' erop was of an exceptionally high oh Alle Bupromady Is that n 18 wily moré than, that of air milling quali thes, And th hon wheat will #0 long ab the prairies continue 10 produce ---- leh can win In competition with the best on continent, The only regret Is that much of this whest ls not milfed | of a lowe : ing, It artigo that would cone mand the attention of the world, But, unfortunately, much of. the Canadian grain fs milled In other coun triey, after being mixed with the produets'of these pi So that ahws advarifuge of the initial high quality oat This An Iteell, Is a strong argument for the Revdlopment of the milling Industry In Can- adn on a much larger scale than exists at present, so thet Ca Mourg na well why, Canadian wheat, might begoml ihown fle wetld Over as the best pro- rduced Here, i Cid / (1 CONGRATULATIONS nny , Fie Droekeill¥ Recorder and' a, A few days ago, stepped up Into the class OF BIg newspapers In small elties by the Installation of a splendid modern tubular printing press, and signalized the event by the publication of a special edition In honor of Its step forward, The Reeorder and Times, which po Log, 4 tho whent Cun Can other count! oY oe Wine der the préprietorship ofr tha Hon, George Griham, has a, long and horokalle history: behind It serves an Important Eastern Ontario community in a splendid way, and this advance In equipment has une doubtedly been made necessary by the public recog- nition of that service, With its 'new press, the Recorder and Times will be able to give an even more complete service to ts community than in the past, and it should go forward to even gropter success, The Times, having Itself experienced growing pains, und having gone forward in the same way as its Brockville contemporary |e now doing, takes special pleasure In extending to Mr, Graham and 'his excellent newspaper those congrats ulations which are thoroughly deserved, and In ox- , pressing the hope that the Recorder and Times may ' continue to make the progress whieh Its enterprise merits, MAKING AUTOMOBILES Certainly lf the wonders of the moder world could be grouped us those ln the anclent world were une der the title "Seven Wonders" the automobile (ne dustry woul be classed ap one of them, We remems ber hearing a eather keen business man talking sev: eral months ago 'about the Industry and he was very much convinged that the "saturation point" for the Industry had been reached, He had endless figures to prove his polar, but somehow It wasn't proven and lan't bkely to be from prevent indication, This mythical point has been that has concerned the ine dustry and businessmen for many years, In fact ten years ago there were many predictions that the sats uration polnt was Just around the corner, Well the corner keeps moving and posmibly has a car of it own now a that the Industry mill goes merrily on, ha present eash Balance of the whole Industry Is placed at about $667,189,2i8 while Its debt is only about $71,630,200, which 1s tertainly an Indication ol a sound Ananclal situation, Not only that but the Industry Is now in the position that it takes about two and a halt million cars each year for replacement without figuring 'on the new business or the expurt trade, which i§ now considerable and growing stead. ily, Added to that Is the new campaign to Induce fame Iles to run 'two ears or more, That will In tha mean an inmense number of 'additional cars and will ald in still farther pushing awhy that "saturation point" which seams now to bu non-existent.--Lindsay Post, EDITORIAL NOTES RT }--_-- A Now that there has been a anawfall, can we look for Indian dimier ta come along? Have you #80t in your contribution' to the Welfare and Christa Cheer Fund? RAMAN i , Drank Lap offered 10) give refuge to a parfg of Menncnites; from Russia, Posaibly this will ol come news to the Hon, Mr Forks, | 5 LJ There can' be Nile hope of véal world peace so long as the, Shady, of Soviet Rustin 'remaing in the background, ) N na a------ It i repbrted thay PodtmaitersGetieral Veniot 10 be given|a hew portfolio, Does the' prime minister with to layl 'some gibee tomrine apen to charges of political Patrouaged ' 8 3 " dd "The open of thipinents of Alberta coal tg One tario nyeand that, this time there may he some chance of un supply veaching the. east before the winter Is over, Ra One of the Sh Thomas rugby players started for Moose Jaw on a stretcher, but hopes to play in the Dominion fink! game, That fs the kind of spirit that wins championships, sHon, G8 Heney would secure better results if he sdvertired the names of these wha have their driviag license "suapanded. in, the, newspapers, Instead of on a board at Queen's Pack, One of the pressing dangers of this season is that 4 of skating off thin ice on ponds and streams, Pav ents would bo well advised to cheek: the desires of their ehildeew for skating until they are sure the foe "May: the is safe, yr Yigtory, |. ns that {th i been A sone, ok humepr. y a the recent Wf Cue Rae had dil yc: Lb k fi v, AGP orp Shoat RA 4 Pri Their Aahors CAUGHT SHORT "anor, Fue by The OVD, Frise on a yigtien of majiet/ an (1 et cutng out ot it BOCINg Juin side SUCH BI UXtent BY 10 WITTE "us hook BUOWS 48 must. have W reany a Yet Mawes Cap nits 1) has sutsical ithe bouk he Was NOL OUI AD 16 SLuck ma] crash, but that he was "under! hy With subhle Wity he bis picked out what appesled to him ap toe tinny se, 4 or thay whose, debacle, wind his wrodiged vd 4 Sits volume snit wis help Ww bring smiles to these peoples Wi 11et Wit mistortune wien the botion dropped out of tne mii ket back mn Uetoner, Bo-muny people will be ble 10 TOUS NUE WY, the situation im when Ahoy: tound themselves thal they wil MAY Ane LAntor must ways kpown sib sous thelr troubles, it 1s 8 waolesome Hitle voiumey for uh that, and it pomts & hemituy mpral, nelps: de bring some: eheerivinesy in po. the displ ptuntion, pd; provide a hart-houg of, Feahy enjoyable yead: MK . QATUNE TURNS, HER WHEEL wy VrBa usar, Fivishell By pie: Ciohang anu Bigwult, Auiined, ovo vel Vee du 0 In these wuyy 01 witravmunern ahd Prubiny Doves; AL 1s reetinng to PAE DR DOO WAIL EREISRILE ll orm bist to tad dys OF Lawou. Laon WEB, WY inBI DusKespERie, LIBke ang Kui ighy md to rena of the desde, loves aid) hings ot the mun and, woman, or thuse easily days oi englanu s gory, Lhat 1s wie Lye ol books we tim wn this novel frum, the pan of, Yunw Socaid, it tells of ta daings al 8 Jiguwiay cutslurust, why, paruoned on tue stupa of the glows oy bok! bizabeiny becomes 0 vridgy-keopar on, the 'Lhumes, anu his, heautiiul daughter, And tng wea ving pt the story of the lives of these two interesting peuple, wilh 'olueis, such as the swroling Jugkler why turns out to be one oi the a isioctacy, although penniless, thrown in to pro. vide, the romantic Injerest in the tory. hee Is, of course, the villian of the pleco in an lon-keeper wap is desperate to sectirg the lovely deugh tor of the bridge keeper as his wile, but she upsets all his plans by run ning off to seek the assistanse ol ween Llirabeth, becomes one of th Justn. favorite ladies in waiting, and ends up by marrying the strolling Jugiler, and; as, 48 usual in books vl this period, they lived happily ever alter, The story is a wholesome one, In Spite of the blbulous tendencies of 0 bridge-keepar and the atlampt of his ughter, to end. her awn. life in the hamas Arahey that marry ihe man her father hag chpgen for her, Fhe characterisation of, Queen Ellas beth is particularly true to the his torie conception of Good Queen Bess, and beings outs thes solter side of hor aatuee bn bar willingness to pardon tho men who would have heen hank od, and to mive refuge to the dis obedient and runaway daughter, li + | | Bits of Humor VATLHIGHTED Chaplain: Didn't, you consider your fubure, Young map, when you ony" eskled that money? Conviot: Yes, sir, I put straight Into the savings bank, Answers, LORE NOR A IT OR. eK "You say you haven't anything to bo Ahanktul for? Vhy, look at your nalghbar; he's just Jpat | his mothersinslaw by influsnma," "But that doosn's da. me: ny good, Heed hin. SILLY NEORETARY Oftlos vis'tor (a beautiful young woman)! "In Mr.-engeged?" Hecretary: "Well, he's rather husy. 'but he's always pleased to ieee pretty give Hke you, Visitor: 1s that wo? Will you Wlonse toll him that his wife wants to hee hime! | a ------ PAKING THR ORANOR | Father=~Didn't 1 tell you net to tot Me ontoh you ddlug that again? Little Williews-Yeou, sh, MC ke why did you do hat? i ttle 'Willow Because 1: didn't think yon would' cakch te, HAD JUDGMENT | a Vihar «« Tommy, If you had dents, and you lokned 'your Tatton 30 vents, and your brother fa CL how, many cents would Tommy I wouldn't have any on, CAUSE FOR A ¥ ANGER wy is Mabel so. RAPE The Papers Kave-a full "adoount of her ng." "You, they put, "Miss Blackfield Jue [3 Voda he Ba own antiques' 5 ile rh alo J | "i " M 5 » 1) ALL IN N_PANOY Y'Gee, those, gra ge men qeftain. 'y oan ruin a oar," © MWhat's your lament? "Why, my oar used to hit 0 mph, Then 1 let them put fi a new speedometer, and now I van only get 48 ont gt her yh anawel " and Wd Tp nth of. water bt hirst aghin: Buy WHOM. ever drinketh of the water that | Shell ites hi him hall be ju his a well ol everhint ing hs gl aT od eid \ In our A es {4 Sateth It. 1, of course, and capp to he whieh enange are nadered the ". yh Hi of the of | present pre of literature, nH i Leslie pr 4 #1 well-kiown winudian newspaperman, He hay cove ered, In the course of his profevsionu career, mp Fly the, important ev) ! of the lust few years In Canada, in the Couto ¢ of his trayels, | bed shoulders With ot sow A 'y who have become dist bed in the ie of Canada, or oy ry distin Kitlshed beiore thew Risced Canddu with thelr presence.) And Ir his book, Ihene Be Your Gods" he unburdeny aimed of some durin impressions which he has ghthored of the men who have been set up on. pedesidls by the peop i of this country, or wha aye, by the positon they aceupy in vious tonal of 'public * endenvonr, become Faanding figures in Cons ndian life I'hat ia the [dea of the bool bust It by po meang fonvey yu an ception of what ' Leslie Soverts ba bas wong, He has Jogked as the great me ol, whom he 0,1 ite, mon such us the vringe % Wiles, , Vaseount Walipy won, Beatty, bir. peney Loogne WON, Premier hil bon, 15 4, Bene Ny Kroner Bark son, Frome ips CORTE, ARLES DIE Adin Le LA0N, YVINUNBY Massey, Und 6 host oi vtuery, rom tne saaupoat oF How hey appeir as huissn veges, rathet CON PUISORAKES OL EXEL Fuk BIW POBILION, © 116 hag ferrgied out then WeLKNENSES 'an well as tur stiengih, Wnd i EN INLMAE WHY His Tecy ded Dene, HOw ig thse Luci ae they (ARYL 0) FLAC LR Ub LULY Bppeal to ve, and, being done In this way, these PERE Collet Bau ivhiue Mand In VETERAN Festi. MIB Lain aing, OF Ihe, LO 10aU Bis UL Kivi VOrKUL On, "nie wag In the Mother of Parvin, 1oiilgs nil OL Auth Kosewurey, Ung Gay Lust bis Mika Up Wes Dil devin, hai BOW, A Pui inul BLEUE DE GiaWh 10 Bt Ing rier ob Gulag s puitt ical uebumes. Gotrgge 1s Lite nent Beuws wilskuy 1 ws viens, Wali Tusre 18. 8 Bulicious Bp OF tue SOUR OF wast to wae nt GOW MIG Beas Lg Diu y auliies Ol CUcage | Luin Jay hm drunk win power) In Lust pucegispn there fA quite A CORIMELER siesCh an sci Ol the pegiiet or Ln And at is bul ypicat of tae pudy and peivied lan KAAS with wauica each of the ifn skeLenes Is eure, And, ohoyes, tuvre 6 ah added fou. 1 ture to this book iy tae deightiul énr wantures of eheR'DI tae en whe hay peen honored by a plice ir Ith pager caricatures clevyrly arnwn by the tin He pen of A, Uy Kacey, famous ean woonist OF (hé ofirehl Star, MB ween them the Yeborter wid tl artidt hve produced someting whi AM entirely distinctive and dittery, something wiich Is a decided conti Attlon to the knowledge whieh th people of Cunada' hwve "of the 19. whoni they have acemimed as "ho Gods," BLAIW S ATIC By Jowapu buon sine ¥ry.man Lin wells Flue By McGinn' au. Blow gy dy bon Fred wa Mysievy, the knit Gf Mysiay ti VILE LNG FeuulE In suspense until ty wit Gnupier, and at ties amo ninkes the hair pruna on end, is pi viued by Josepn and Freeman i coin in the latest or their sturied 0, Wie Ind Uape Lol viaage, Tonle » Atle" Or eoursk, bey uw Langu wiry, Its Bavored by the salt ol to soi and deeshened by tae brvekes ob the Attantics wold in the hat person, in aistinet' sections, ranging over a period ot forty yews, by the three people must inbimately counts ed with the mysterious incidents whieh torm its background, the story ol Blalve witie, the place of mystery, end, andy us one reads dt (there 18 always the expectation that the vext page will bring the solution of the mystery that remadns unsolved until the treasure ds found=tor, of coursy boing a story of the sel, there [8 a aldden treasure in it, 07 To go da an would be to well further detail the story for the render, and that would be a ie But it in sufficient to say that "Blair's Attic" Ww one of those 'stories whieh are hard ° ke! really interested in until a how chapters have been read, and which then take sueh & hold on the reader that no power 'on ¢ po can stop Anyand from wanting t right through to the edd ahd hind Bi what it is alt uhou: STARRY 'EARTH AB ook of roems and Lyres, by Ro. wert Nakam Jumisned by dwee wollune: and Ltd, torent, Price $150 Robert Hareimcie 18 one the avwer Canadian poets, but he i oN whose work has an emotional ghht ahd an imagwative dhuiukihat should oarry his h He nks of Is his A nic of of yriosy Be which havy fel hg poms at appeared in Chane an periodicals nave been peeved with comment, there is to be found na gems of poetic expression whieh appeal to the poetically minded sls dent, Muzelmero dead with the old taemes, love, nature, beauty, but he deals with them in a new forn, ase ing the technique ot the modern school, on drossing them up fn'all the vidi 'phrasealogy of a glowing imagination, Hagelmery paints plo tures with words, pictures that live, pletures that make their, impress on Lthe mind in glowing toldrs, Ong fo hear Ahucalt ing rain, can § Jn A ng out of the forlorn (dawn, In the magic touch wviliéh he hay im- parted to the gems of poetry, | be places Before the Canadian " eas an offering to the in ) poetic et ot me people, - 9, Fo tyaand one whi wi twin a WARE Baek for himself in the annals nw: ane and day, ry in prs Mem draws ity reader on and on to the lL. | OSHAWA BRANCH OFFicR TLaNy. emporary. oval N ool] | E steady and contine mous growth of our Oshawa business has necess, itated more office space and better facilities for our cus tomers and staff, Monday, December Oth On this, 'date we will move 'inte temporary quarters situated at 20 Simcoe Street North Formerly occupied by The Canadian Bank of Commerce We shall be located at this address during the time that contractors are enlarging and improving our own building, ; We Invite you to visit us af our temporary premises, where we will make every effort to serve our many ' customers and friends efficiently [|e and. with the least possible incom veniénce to them. Business Hours as usual 9am, v 5 pm, including Saturdays | (CEN A GANA DAY [AN AND SAVINGS (COMPANY, Operated Under Oovernment Inspection «TARONTO | HEAD orrice 4 nr. SAFE PLACE FOR SAVINGS Eye Care and Eye Strain oy C.K TUCK, Opt.D (Cop, right FUCKS bo VISUAL Livia sine aad IONS PART I The constant strain, on the other hund, wale correcting to some ex- tend the error does so at the SAPS Bt four health and vitality as uid cated in: headaches, red eyes and lid dges, blurred vision, oi and intibility, stomagh trouble, i ys Condinons of difference between the two tye showed that some were ashe sighted in one eye. and tars vughted 1n the other and ware Bite unconscious of the fact, Afew aad lost one eye but the other| n ond ao uccesstully taken up the. (hat they were not 'aware of A ih ness, These figures proved that i might ¢ross at any time ay their HEY of musclo 'strain 'Was ine Lid ugh neglect of childhdad ebn ditions, people have grows Up {0 a condition of improper vision, ul ditions are due to strain caused by in applieation in fois sh speci fine quite common unde ul ny no tions o* IPR 1 and long hours, The ky i vw hed and many never t! medy, Glasses are often nepleste and the ayes become the cause of sbvery headaches, dizriness, brain fatigue, floating specks before the ayes and redness with frequent styes, hing 1s dono to corregt these inpe fectiony they may not only od A worse and worse but will cauge in Te conditions of the present dav are such that many ocenpationd are Ap. exacting that the real coml tilble conditions which cause jo many «f these troubles were prapily Iaoked and fe errors J there fn material reduction of ho- 4 Sranted and more frequent discom (f hich | for Aa | = shown 70 pov ent of such eye condi ons, This ig also based upon the figures just taken, Yokohama haw increased its pop- ulation to more than half a mile lion by adding nine towns and vil Ingen. A noval Sabrolaing machine ine vitountes, tha body; with air (Alied rubber rollers that rotate, | Pitty thousand paper rtons oan be: made. from rolls of Paper in an hour and printed with § new machine, sity. secure your C ve services are I "J.H.R. Phones 04 -- an KING STREET wise man never waits : The man CONGER COAL hio® fie ln | SroBIE: For LONG on f ay Local Manager Private Wire System ei driven: ow whl von neces EVA LT a. LUKE" FY - G81 W. 24% BAS OSHAWA 2 oar a Phones Na and Rol

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