Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1929, p. 3

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™e HAVA DAILY, TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1929 AGE THREE Members of Behe ore of Brothe : Kobbed this Morning, add Thor Gis Entrance To by Breaking Glass In' Door and Thén Un- It From the Inside NO GOODS TAKEN 4 AY THE ROBBERS iq Theft Discoversd by Alert hu to Apprehend the Thiel Were Untucessoful ar J abide pid Phieves wained entrance to the store of Biberry ide nw ENS Wer ds er Sout" wt oad ov of King a § lek i viola Ef a: oh Hister, tik 0 fe herd If » EAT Bohr dd fa gr oh he Mate, ound Ww y! of gH Ly Phe discovered that all the change hd beer cleaned out of the till, stoeld was closely examined but N ently the thieves had been in & hurry 10 no cents suits or ether are ticles of men's apparel weve missing, It is thougit el the thieves were after casn only, tou About 3 AM, It is pra that the robbery a periupmed wbout three «0 glovk he Morning, Be previoms 1g ane tm ihe A woor had been tried seve oral times v the might consiable and not Was found anues, Athougi ne iy 16 RAVARGE CONGETRING the incident it 16 provable that theve wie madre thign one involved so that while the work was being performed ine side someone could keep wateh to see that no person approached on the driest "Irafne on King street would ue y light at this time, partieulase he weather was cold and motr conditions poor, « door of the store, dnlike that thd other stove doors, has seve he | I panels of plate glass ine ie fone large panel, A panel hin half way up the doo ine Ay someone had reached jw atl feleased the catch, In preven eomparatively AY matter to gain access to the ne or of the store 7 hy kadn, this, poring allow: fs id upon the 'repert that & ocery store had heen held wp In foe winanville Lettenday. oe Aonfrtiation of the report that "had been entered was bs o Thy Ives this merming of f the firm, The brok eh pa ffere ute, evidence n Wh \l Pain " which i NR athing n - entra vended, on frkinde hat more was taken," one of the'SI Hrothers vemar! fed, i a SALES VE O0R BT, N, Fae ol 0 on, + in Cash Taken yo Ti ARTHUR J, TOWNS. | The funerpt of the dase Arthir J igh eld yedter y iemaon e Union Abin he nie A dl ad ot atl! his home o ope or er 4 4 noon, . Wits th yew oo Hie lived in ay or the last efit fr Said rio un Moy fui, 19 Oshawa fk Eo at whe t # matory i ag ae [1] he shplare [ fators, The lats . Towne as loyal intereste [| ER drum Hand, Mingo of the The service which was held from R21 his former home at #08 Drew Bi, was eondusted by the Revi 1, What» tam of Albert Bit, o Chueh of hich the deceased LL) es er, The Orange bo, will a service at the cemetery; He is survived by hig wife, ene son, Aoyd, aged sevenieen, ane davghter| Loraine aed 8 eight, and ¥, hid wl Towns, 0 soe Bt, Bouth WM, LAURENCE CROWTHERS On Wednesday mornin Datsmher 4, the death occurred 'of iam rense Crowthers of |} Wily he late Mr, Crowthers was in his fiftysAfth year, Berm in Holland Centre, he lived in Orane district for sanie time and moved 10 Oshaw nhout seven years ago, He worke at the Genedal Motors up wml last year when he took Hl, The deceased wasn member of the King 8, United Lorch and the funeral, which will be held on Baturday, December 7 will be conducted by the Rev, C. E Cri, from the vevidense on' Hare many, The late Mr, Crowthers was ' very well-known and respecte Orangeman, He was 8 membe of the Loya Orange Lodge Ne 0, einher of the RABY, No, 16), \ mem ," of thy Bearlet Chanter and member the Ladies Orange Buen Mary No, 97, The Queen ary Lodge are holding a anecial | * sory A M she ame on' Friday evens "hi A o'el he deceased is murvived hy hig ite, twa daughters, iE wn Muriel, ane alte, outer, and his pavents, Mr, and Mr, Geo, Crows thers, bose 0 a, a i w pe for MARY YOATs ont of Oshawa, died Ab the fia datghier & Mel i Rome. Fis Inst wight, fale, ¥ oe was In his 6 on in) Is death somes as a whook fo tne many who knew and ron Fe. ed had vesided here wr almost twenty years and was . Arpabiep ty trade ently vl a Aran ia Foi bi HAY Fir 3 dough. ter on : AO, Mn wife ous) \ herve a o iy service wi take place at th oo elon Monday Aftorhaon from his late residence at 104 Alma street, Th f hi - tH § follow an obituary no - Kd Lio {HOR vin Hurlbert, contributed to Lhe Dimes you Y, one attending from a distange were; Gy Hurlberl, of Cannington; 8, Hurlbert, of Neatleton; Mv, W, Ball, of Grassies; B, Ball ang 7 Dally of Bracebridge; Mes, M, W, all, of Beacebridge; Mrs, J, Mow risen, of Torontai Mr, and Mrs, A, 3 encer, of Neweastle; Alex Hall, }tftbuten were: a plow t lewis) a sheal and th from Atlantie & Paeiflo of fies And stores) a hors and friends; rom Ontario Meter in | Herviea Dept, of Mr; and Mis, famiiyy Mr, and Mm, N walt for him to Nn from the at amounted to several dollars, and then Jatin the Alore ran east (os wards LV Trainin Sehunh LAT Hehe 3 bandit was wel Th and tl Ata the Mutton hMghway and dis ansible a call was 'sent 10 the polio. a they ii on the scene as hep were able, ne' Fa00 Wan seen of the marauden A welg aorass the Siewat alo saw the dit jars, | Nore Lod noted Hota & wl or desorip: with { Jon i FE at given Mrs, ---- is wa 'ollows! #6 would he dn the nelghe he stood abou He wa a complex o 0 feet high, LH i COURT NOT BOUND | NAME INFORMANT MAGISTRATE SAYS Contehtion by D. A. J. | Swanson Overruled by Magistrate Today When » Shara "of sellin flanger, Sontrary 0 ne provisions of the Contral Act, 1s brought against Gitisen the court Is not bound to : Me in the information the name of 8 person whe us Crown witness will sive evidence of pwrehasing lis M alrnie Villa ruled vaday in Toeal Wegally from the defendant Woliee court in deeiding # point. 0 ro cedure heh had heen brought php fi) al Bwanson, Mr, Bwin- aw bo ending Peter Hroeynehul, al ith selling and he contend: amid ¢ eould not conduet wu fair fens unless the name of the ns OEmAnt wis made known to him Magistrate Willis had given thie question considerable attention dur mg the past few days and his degislor this morning was (he result © lengthy consideration, He stated thi by, allowing the name of the inform ant ta be given to the defence un dan werous precedent might be ereated in meh GbE, Mr, Awkhson still held 10 the view that the defence wis not allowed & faly gpportunity of conducting its ease (5 such information were with held, He pointed out that It was al mast invariably given nn all erimingl Gases, "When this man gives his evidence then © want an adjournment he tall the eourt, "IE you wish an adjournment you shall hive iy" Magistrate Willis ans wered, "Every appartunity will be gi ven your client 10 have a fair de fence," Phe case was adjourned until Dee What eames near Christmas," Chief Hriend commented "I hope the court shows the true Christinas spirit then," Mr, Bwansen i | interjected, IE a------ re-------------- - foned and had Wie ayes, He wha well deessed and had on & navy hiue overcont with a silk sear! with either black spots or stripes on It, Hin hat in what Is known Be A Ohvistle stiff and had a ved feather in one wide Asked If she would know him If she saw him again Mrs, Pearce ane swered: "I would knew him any. where," All polio stations enst and wesl {| were notified and » deseviption of the bandit was given and it 1s hop ad that It will nat be long hefape ha is pupvehended, The plies have as A no theory to advanes tof Wii the rahhar may he pid whether av not he ils a loeal mun 1h vet ta he found ont, The neal holies are handling the ease and of swneried to call In the pros " al Magers, A motoy ear, the on of J Corvon, was destroyed by fire near Lakeview Park early yesterday worning. Although the fire hrf wade. waa called ttle enuld he done to save the vehiele and it be oame a total loss, Tt ls not known how the five started, ------ a-------- | ddd PORTER Coming E Events 8 Cents por won! each In sortion, Minimum hang for each Insertion, Bie, ONTARIO DIETRIOT NO, 41 1.0, OF, are tendering a banquet to Grand Lodge office: tthe |, yA " wl Whithy, he boy: AY, Hed, { Wt 0'elock, Moth bora Corinthian and Phoenix a, ana qelting brothers are of pdially Invited, hus will leave lodge rooms a 1.80, All come, t1a4h) DEORMBER MEETING NORTH eve } lone we, ol Alou ation Monday, i CU Rh of use Wptle | der Mp sale, Al Welton RUMMAUR BALE AT pH Street United Ohureh, Tueadd Desmber 10(h, a 8.40 He « ATRERT HOMR octtion will meet Ay evening, Rotary Hall, el hy LOhureh AY PA "Qhiidren's AN | und, December . Tiekets Ade, \ "hy WORLD ' RENOWNED Tih Rh doer Sigers will be at Ry treet United Chuveh, AR december 1th, 418 and 48 pon Auspless of the Chas ORHAWA WINTER GARDENS, riday, Lseainee Mh, Dawelwi A Trak Carew el his Commender N satuting nil Federer ey famous Tenor Sax player, Be sure 10 come and enjoy a real evening, (133) DAME RROWN, PALMIST, Phone appointments 2361 A Lowis Street, (13h) Qe ARR AND ROUND DANCE AT A, Andrew's hall, G80 Alben streel, Baturday wah do Deo, ih duiring Joo Hpenga M Bean Pullers, A a ) & { bo) RAR THE "MIKADO" AT THR Reglmomal Rand Cangert, Regen Theatre, Sunday evening, Peoew at the oly 1% ber & Doors open $13 pan (13h) ya Subscriptions' Requested For CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND AND ASSOCIATED WELFARE SOCIETIES Permanent Office Now Open in Times Building Telephone 12006, Kindly make cheques and donations payable to order of T"W, Joven, Troasurer, sending ssiie to him or leave them a Times Office, t Publis acknowledgment will be mads dally in columns of The Times, "The quality of m It In twice blest gy atrained, ; ALL TO REN a iH | ae fo FETE EE. Welfare and Christmas Cheer Find Goes Over $3,000 Mark As Result of Today's Gilts Contributions Report Today axpendiure of me that, § Amounted to $873, Indi 49" thin ur wilt ls the a cating Rouliation of Ch fi i" ili Jo ens 0 1 1] e ye LB onl, 00 Ee than Jow In the fun wii he ve fuire he eommities In eharge Present Situation Of Lhe Work makes i» steong appenl ou hehalf ut the Medy amilies of the ely, and uaks (hat eontrinue THOUSANDS MORE ons he went at ones to 1, STILL REQUIRED doyes, manager of the Dominion Bank, or left at the offies of The d R --- Bel Oshawa Times, AV eoniriitions. opo lurge or small, will be gratefully Heartren ing re ne Qioupted. and will be acknowledged Received by Committee In by this newspaper, a The Vet of contributions up to Charge of Awsoclated Wel neon todny In as follows: fare Societies ond Christe R, w Molavbiin vows $0,000.00 a Melaughlin suns 1,000.00 ma Cheer Work Charles Hobson TE TA : Ont, Mallenble Iron Co, 100,00 Phe Wellave and Ohristmas J : Cheer Fund Is now aver the $8,000 Mis Mak " ROMon + ul MAPK, Contribnitons todny amount: | 88a Bo nent, 86.00 od 'to mxaotly $7, a sum which | NEY DEEE Phe immer, | BOY shows thet tha great need whioh | Gf ' § sinciay vo) 80.00 oxinte for vellef In the olty Is hes Ward's Aud on 15.00 Ing fully realised, and that (he ye- | 5 wn mackar ' ¥0 00 sponse from the eltisens Is such as Waolwarth 00 00 to give piss to the hope that a | YO0IWerih Gomieny 10 04 fund will be raised that will make Dah ot het n brHere, 1 0 it possible for the Associated Wels [Dr To Wo Gp A ghey a 4, fave Hooleties, with which (he | Lend-AsHand Club, HH HH Ohristmas Cheer Fund has been af: | fev, KB Harston , Tht filinted, 10 carry out the work | Bownes Bros 000000 100 which (hey have undertaken to | Wo A. Dowland, god | i hring happiness, and comfort into | Robt, Tod Gray 800 the many needy homes of Oshawa, | Wo H, Bolliay 4 800 not only during the Christmas sens [ UBOOLY Loop 0i0 Ht BON, hut also during the winter hg a Froneh «yoo $00 montha, h Bh 1a Contributions mmaunting to aver [¥. ¥ Harlist hoo $0,000 In MA Aro week of the [Mrs Eula Urale hou PRmMpalen are oy encouraging, | J: E Minna and Bon h,00 but the total still falls far short | Puokett Bros, & Rolly 6,00 of the amount which will he pe: | W, A, Knight a 0.00 quired hefare the necesalties of the |A Friend vu §.00 situation sre. met, Meparts of | 1, O, Yanson 8,00 heartranding oases of distress ave | Mrs, J, Bluart 1,00 helng received dally ab the head: | An Expressman 1,00 quarters of the Amoclated Wellure | A Kriend » 1,00 Hocletien, and there 1a strong evi: (O, BW, ,, 1.00 dence that immediate help will wow have to he given In A Ereat many + 0 Stock Market Prices Marke, Hummary by Canadian ress Torante and New York Steck Quetations Supplied by Hivble, Forlong and Co, Total tn LL 'e Cen, Fas, ten, Meg, Hud, Mat, It, Uawm, \ Ih, Tel AN t Jan, Man, AY ) 00% ne Wis, 1% Mex, Hh, EL] My, War Phil, Pet, Ph, Be NJ, Radio 404 Riou , Va Hien! Woalwarth Yel, Tywek TORONTO High Oil 4% 11% 0% MN (TRH 19 2 Low LR LRN Hlaek Hr, A, Hing, Can, Ind Onekahutt Oty, Dry, Diu, Huvm, Dom, Bir, Ria py Ar, hi Ai ol oR i A any EEETE -- >> Dr 22, BD et Me UTE TT RT TEE BO he TP WEE De > ® ed a EN 1 1H FEEESE FEF Bt ahi at -- lp She | == 77 hi 0 RENT=TWO Hah house keentng, sid ~ ahed If dealtved, a Mah 4) iy Anply 118 Big wy, W Phong J400W, FIN TEAR TRAE TTI ---- 140) WANTED OHRIETMAR TRURR 8 10 8 fash, spruce, Btate how many and price delivered at siding A, Naylon, B18 Manning avenue, To Mh iii) IN HUMANR ROOIETY POUND, 1 hound, Apply N, 8 Bat pain ' Miney 1607 LAN 1 fd 11) Faloon, toh Holl, 810 Rid He, O11 1140 ih METH Rt Win » LL I Tn, ata 1134 a 1013 # 018 018 ERA BY Ah, On UH " NE RH RE AL the Oshawa General vA + Houpital on Deo, Teh, 1908, wi NR HH Mu and Mra. Leonard Palaw, Nr (TRH the gif of 4 danghier (Dorothy PRLOW AMOR Ean 194% 19) Bd SARGON , 88 +P RIRRE + JB Neat Post Offion, Phone 308 (| rh : Marta), NEW YORK { (13) foe High Low CA a hh Aw Feo Py 101 WAOOR hiysler | We ame sale ont agente Ww Oa NY, Wa Supt Wn OSHAWA al. 1 RARN'S DRUG STORK LY Ani, adds AN E, HARRISON I$ CONVICTED ON A ROBBERY CHARGE Oshawa Man Will Be Sen:| tenced at End of Assines Harrison, of Oshawa, leaded guilty to a ehargs of robe hary with violence in _Buprems Court at Whithy yesterday after: noon, Harrison, who 18k younK man, Ws alleged ta have Miah and robbed James Hodge, vein: sd soldier of Oshawa, _wiesllig $160 In cust fram him, The prise oney had plesdad not sully but wlter several crown witnesses hud heen heard he changed hin ples ta gulli He will be sentenced My, | A Wright al the sons A of the asin, On the night of Oct, #1. Hodge (6 said to have mel Harrison and two other men ealled Tony snd Bil, on Prospect wirest, Oshawn, It was suggested that hy jo wid wal & drink, Harrison said he had hardly any money hie Hodges Wi timated that he could loan him sume, The party visited several pinaes in Oshiaws hut were unsueeessiil in securing any Haawr, Hodye then suggested that they Ngo 16 Tavonta, A (axl wis segured, the driver being Vrank Maraole, now of Curdingl, Ont, After proceeding a mile ay (wo west of Whithy If wan suggested hy one of the quartet that they eould And & "hootiegger's" housa on the town lines, north of "ihe highway, They directed the ths driver to turn north on the Lown Hine, Arriving at a lonely spot on the pond Lhe driver was ordered in sop and turn the ear shout, Ha did so and Hodge accompanied by Harrison and the two other mel elimbed out of the ear, They old Hodge that they wears going th visit a farm hinuge Hodge stated thet he had not gone fay op the voad when he saw a blinding Nash, He vamembared A mora hut after an interval of a few minutes Re venained ool solousnans and found that he Was (Continued on pags 10) SECOND WEEK OF EVANGELISM mm Calvary Baptist Church Con. tinuing Revival Meetings weMuch Interest Shown CE The pevival meetings 1hat have heen held during the past week at Unlvary Baptist Qhureh and which have proved so successful will be continued for another week, Hey vices will be held on Hunday at the waned hours, With evening monk pervioe starting wt G40, Week niEht meetings Monday to Friday ineluslve will start at 7.00 and gloss sharp at BHO; The Fivel quarter hour in spent in singling familiar Gonpel hymns, On Bunday Rev, Albert Hughes, BA, the aeting Pastor of thw Ohare, will preach at both ae vices, In the morning his subject Wi "Oheist and His Oritlos," ane In the aveningt "How Can a4 Man He, Born When He Is Ola" The week night speakers are! Monday, Rev, Walter Hughes) Tuesaday, Mes, 1, Noel Palmer] Wedneaday, Rev, Albert Hughes) Thursday, Rev, James Boyd; and Friday, Rey, John Linton, dpeatal musie will he a feature of all the wervioes, Calvary Baptist Ohureh 6 an fas dependent ehureh, having no eons neotion with either the "ald w 'new! conventions, 1 alms 0 nerve as a Gospel centre for all Letble of sound, anne, avangellon elief and partioularly those hay ng no regular ohuveh howe, The prossnt avange lable campalgn 18 entively undenominational fn haw acter and appeal; and people of all ohurohes ave oondially weleome, CHRISTHAS CHEER | COMNITIE HELD | EETING FRIDAY Formal Resolution Combine ing With Welfare So- cloties Is Passed A meeting of the Christus Cheer committen was Nog Youle day Afternoon; In onder (0 pase formal any By for the affine tion of thin work with that of the Amoolated Wallure Rocletios, Although vepressntatives of the Oh vdet mas Cheer arganisation ARTE ALK POOARE TMOBLIRE LO AIA mate Ahis work with that of the Newly formed weltave avganisation, thin action had not yet heen afties A tative d hy We RAL heor Argun Thation. This was done yesterday when formal ves tions weve prated 10 oR Y ON the work as a i OUR Years, bat 1) Wh any pi) hg Mu Weltava ve AA " gta I W givin a nisation, / Kaward dain' § ENA Cheer City Council to Stand for Re-Election Acclamation is Probable For Mayor T. ACCLAMATION? MAYOR 0, 1, MITOHBIN Who may be reelected an Wi for 100 hy weelnmation, It h hoon treaty Predicted, a es City News ARENA PROGRESSING The framework of the roof of Oawa's new wrens Is rapidly vig Ing and the ving of the carpenter's hammer oun ba heard from early morning to Jute at night ae aveyy effort In made to complete he bullding hy the first of the new your, The arenn Iv & handsome structure and one of whieh the eity may weil he proud, POLICK NPATION BIGN! A sgn, upon whieh has heen painted the words "Palles Dept,' and an overhanging Maht have heen placed ahove, the enlrance Lo the olty's polles station, Bivangers will now realise that hendguariers are provided for the eliy's fores, whereas previously they might have axpavienced trouble In looat Ing them, A new station Is badly needed und. there 18 probability that one Way, be bullt next year, NTREKTS SLIPPERY The sidewalks and streets of the olty have heen rendered very slips pery during the past few days hy 00 and snow, Bk IK vequtived fn order to maintain a proper hal anes while walking and equal pre ORtions Are necesanry for motor Inte In directing the course of a car, Fortunately no sevious aceldents have occurred so far although there have been NUMErous NATFOW GRO Pan, ANOTHER VIOLENT BRITISH STORM (Continued from page 1) Wer hours on the water, It had aroused considerable anxiety Lloyds' Repos AMong reports of mavitime wiles hap received by Lloyd's. were) Floyd's Heporis The Beitieh steamer John Charl fon Wal aehore at New Haven, tha erew being vesoued lniéy, Hovere damage 10 the helm, wns Een, and pumps of the HT feamer Casmon, The wn Jsames Jonny wanted 'aestetnnes, oth were off Pansanve, The Andalucia, bound for Hue gh Alves, near Land's Nad, tos te rudder and asked a stenmar 0 Mand hy until the weaathey ots arated, The steamer Niton's wipe ons Wai out of commission due 10 lows of topgaliant mast apd aor fale, The steamer Honved wives lethed Whe Wak proceeding te Dus ver, B. Mitchell, is Orin of City Aldermen al a Interest Warming Up. in Muslcipsl Elections -- Nomination Day is De comber 30, With Elections' Coming on January 6 ALL ALDERMEN BUT ONE IN CONTEST Aldermen R. D, Preston and P. A. Macdonald May Run for Public Utilities Commisslon== Alderman C. A. Mason Said To Be Retiring Mayor Wh every member of A prehable aeelwmation for T, BH, Mitehell, the present oily counell exsept ens puning for munieipat offices agaln n the fortheaming election, loom as the Ilghlights wt the present thue in the munlelpal aren A panies of the vealed that pone of the members wi the 1929 Lady iention at Hh of contesting the miayurality, No nthoation has come Fam anyone outside she souneil that fogontest ts probable, and members OF Lhe present giermame bouy #re PPE TTFRelY THE AJsiAwe 8 pre AEH BH Map isPite will be haunted dh BECONG LEI DY Beeiamution MAHESH wel Re edien Mast i the Jusliueis ui the pry BOUT ROWE Wil tones the gees HORE Spain, dn ward 1, tie sullthewest Wr ae vin iy wy, 4 oth HOaRY dpe pb, nh AERAUI Will PPORRILY Be 10 BRE hein alin, : wird d, the south-east waa, It tin Herston hut AHeRen 4s Vy, ¥y Coote dart ald I, J. Merry Wilk Malik Bs Fen, In ward 8, Bosh - west, Geoge 1 Mogflg Wilt proba « Iy be running for nlaerigen, while it in expected that Alderman M vregten will run fee the ne | oie & EY hd 1 AON Wi Pot Tim the conn ly JeRYing two seats open in this Vo A "Keno amall Heo. northeast ward, No, 4, 18 alse eons Aldering running for Vublie Utliitles Comission, Aldermen AB, Me Leos and 8, G, Carnell will seek vor election in this ward, Aldermen Kids tnd Jackson and Robert MeDonald wre also gontempiating running In wird &, Codardale, Alderman Chifford Harman, having moved to the north: west ward, will not seek re-election Wn Cedaritale, 'whieh will leave one vacaney in that ward, Alderman Hares Wan may un in the northewest ward, contesting ene of the vacancies there, however Publis Utlities Commission There are four seats 10 be filled on the Public Utilities Commission, which 1s 10 he newly elected this year to handle the" eleatrio and gas plants purchased hy the eity, With {wo aldermen expedted 10 be in the LN this still Teaves two seats to Be filled hy men wot Hew on Thi bodyethe names of John Stacey, D, Conant and F, Le Mason, exsals dermen have been quite freely mens toned a8 sontestants for the Publie Utilities Commission, but neither onal of them hae given any ofielal slates Went an to hia intentions. A mmber of other eltlzens of the ity, whe have not an yet served on the Oshawa eity eounetly have alse heen approached by members of the ponnel) and others in an endeavor (» oreate an election contest in all of the five wars in the elty, and it sid that some of them have praes wounell has res have uny Present time I ll n Asa decided to throw thele hate No statements from we the Hon fortheowing these men have an yal however TE NRO e wre tate "NIv- youn acon on Monday, January 6 Nomination wren Men Mog: her WO bli heen We have a complete stock of 'SUNBEAM, FUL O' PEP and BLATCHFORD'S . POULTRY MASHES AND CHOICE MIXED | SCRATCH GRAINS Alvo CodiLiver Oll; Regulators. All Poultry # | oy Po . SiS Er af Prepare your hens new for Winter Laying by starts 3 ing them on out Poultry Masher & Scratch GraigW, 4 DY 1 sop er . Smith Co. 4 OSHAWA 16 Colina St. #

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