Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1929, p. 1

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© "AY the kt Is News" Ih f Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in o Growing City HLL an StS! OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1929 18 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy SIXTEEN PAGES VOL, 5=NO, 134 News in Brief By Lanadian Prove) Delented Warm ean BOVOTHMent was # pi uy) 'nen-sontid- te ones I 0 Bp on y io aot o 0 th Hen i eharged gm 4 middle-age watan y Jane Coveny, of lin Loup Gown nelghhor, Gasoline Mavis Vie fimeoo,~A drop of gasoline splshed from un small enn started eulay fire in the villa : Li ord snd gutted Teneh leh Vive Chigt Tar a Lh fen 0 Pen {fontinvy Cormwal on ple A Id Bulity in sourt hee to charges of fovg: ory an dtheft, Alban & Walp: ra ilenged » Masia Wile to ne elaht yours th rnony penitentiary, Hi J hosted AN MAUS Jt Duy Wi sorvity in W, 3 urey of O and ob No. 19 at ral hag heen Ti ar B1 years and oe tor " ! rr------" soriuek dows Throw Tee Wem, ux, Bs, of Montreal, was cary on Yo his death benbalh the fee of the Hichelleu ou yasiorday afternoon when & motor truck eranhed through \he fen surface and disappearsd in wet of wh LL Hiver Clear of Tee horstbury ond pudden shift the wind) ate yesterday Arar opened a wide gap in the lee EE ower Rasrolt River, and he river was Hint to ind mopth of Lake i Seommonion | Fighting in Haiti AI iy Haltl==A body 1 men whe the sity of A Aux Caves on Ra 0 wor, nd tempted to ova / 1] Xestord Hn Sh mismion 4 hy were ab UNARD LINER STRUC K BY LIGHTNING Armed Bandit Robs Bowmanville Store MISSING STEAMER LANDED AT KINGSTON "MRS. IRA PEARCE HELD UP AT POIN OF REVOLVER, AND TILL ROBBED OF CONTENTS Daring Holdup Ocourred in! Broad Daylight Yesterday, Afternoon at Store on! Concession Street, Bow- manville rey ARMED BANDIT MADE GOOD HIS ESCAPE Ep -- Mrs, Pearce Tells Graphic Story of Robbery and Gives Good Description of Man V/ho Committed It 4 Bowmanville Biaff Meporter) owmanville, Dee, 7,-=Walking inte the grocery stove of ime VF, Vearee on Concession street near the eastern limits of the tewn, In broad daylight yesterday after noon, an armed dit held up Mra, Pearce at the point of a re- volver and, extracting all the cash from the till, escaped without any arson being able to #op him, he bandit was last ween hy Mr {| Pearce heading east on feo! along the provineial highway towards Neweastle, The police were im. mediately called to the scene, and Although they were there in a few minutes were unable to find any irate of the marauder, hi he had hm on t a Sutamobt iting ror Wien HY od on. vA "neh | Pearce i spoke In 8 very Morn or and said iat -- Wan much shaken up with the experience, Telling hap he Story | tn Th heh 1 In hor own words, she sald; "About four a" olook this afternoan while I was ade busing myself around the store, UL SFU ta man ie veked shed - i HAS nh tis "for or a he = A he looked i me ye 'and for. Awagey, A about twenty-two outerad the store hod] nt lowed my avery movement, As turned oan fr he Moler " the" Lo . Xith a wh the a AR WAN hong At arm» row -- your has he, Vi Ll shod EH at i hr a not FORROYAL YORK BE ERECTED Rother | ¢ in \ it 2 NAVIGATION ON THE GREAT LAKES 15 ALMOST OVER LAST VESSELS PASSING SAULT CHANNEL TODAY Lake Carriers' Assoclation Suspends Operations in Keeping River Open (By Canadian Press Lessa Wire) Sault Nie, Marie, Ont, Deg, 7 Four freighters whieh arvived 'dur ing the night from the lakehead left this morning shout seven o'elock to fares thelr way through the lower Si Mary's River to Lake Huron, They are the Bayton and the Charles U Tenking from Fort Willams. and the Mantadoe and Dixon from Diduth It bs net an ticip ated that they wil have any sevious trouble in getting through the fee, The bouts yester day experienced no trouble and while the thermometer dropped below sero during the night, the ¢hannel should not he difientt to keep open, And so ar an Is known defintely, only four more boats are expected to make the These are the n ston, whi ol a lh att and the Whine Fitch, Tome "e due elenr from Mhith today, onight the Lake Cargjers Assoeia or | lon whith has heen directing the work of key ping fhe channel In the ary's River open will suspend operations and owners of vessoly quirks assistance after that will vo (0 provide It themselves, The " buoys en Pancake Shoal have n, brogght In by the government ht tender Musee Stewart, which : turned to the Sault this morning at x o'clock, ihe © Ontario Crop Report onal Yields of Chief Grain Crops Showed Substantial Increase m---------- Toronto, Deo, T~Hubstantial in. greases in the yields this year of fall wheat, spring wheat, barley and rye are recorded in the erop Atatistton i tembtio] by the On: tario Department of Agvlonlture from individual veturno made by The statistion released yester day show the fall wheat crop amounted to 1,720,740 Wuihelni dh 1,020,08, harley 1, 191 gna rye 74,820 bushels, ha yleld oe T, " wh owas a marked deo DM HH et we and corn, Os were, heans, L Syd ela] potatoes, 14,140,000 sugar bheetw, 13,14 1880 a tobacco 20,09 Kil © ARE LOST IN BUSH ly, Coton N Proms | Vr ie WEA y 81, of and An Ratt i and lett fh, east of a to go inte The photographs here show the tanker, John Irwin, which arrived mM Kingston yesterday afternoon After being some TH hours overdue on is trip trom Toronto to King. rp WAN THREN DAYS OVERDUN IN MTOM ston, wheve It Is going Into dry dock, The boat during the summer ran between Tovonto and Wutfalo, Nhe put Into Cobourg on Dee, 8, and since then was not heard from until 16 reached Kitson yostore day. (1) J, W. Chellew, oaptain of the boat, and (8) Chlef Ene ginecer Mayfield of the John Ir | win, i New Zero Wave Coming South Middle West Waiting = For Severe Winter Conditions Chloagoe, Deo, To~Whippead southward by cold Canadian winds ih new sero wave tingled the north west today and bhrouuht predictions of snow and eolder weather for mont of the middle west The Impending wintry blast may prove, according to the Chicago weather bureau, the most severe In» season already smitten by un sensonable frigidity, The eoldest spot yesterday wan Kort #mith, on the Great Nlave River In hore the tems Fry i degrees helow, ' reading of a" below way reported VOTING ON "PURCHASE OF HYDRO Cohaure, Deo, T.oThe ratepay. ord who are entitled to vote on the Hydro hylaw hore nest Monday will have three Ballas submitted to them, They are 1, A ¥ote on a hy aw to purchase the electric, mas and water system from the Hydro Blestrie Power Commission; 8 Are you tn favar of seouring a sup: ply of electrla power or energy rom the Hydro«Eleotrio Fower Commission 8 Are you In favor of entrusting the control, administra. tion and management of all publie utility works owned by the Qorpor ation of Cobours te a comminalon known an the Publie Utilities Come mission of the Town of Cobourg? Loreto, aly, ~The feast of Our Lady of Loreto, patron saint of aviators, hagan today In this Mitle Adrintia port town just south ef Ancona, Initiating a program eof religious observance sand popular rel einen which fa due to last uns ln next Tuesday, "TO VISIT CANADA GENERAL JAN CHRISTIAN RMUTH bllsh A camp the winter, & for Sh Hutt uf Dunne. the Jor Winning of hub ANd trap tor {Fox Film Corporation is Handed Quer to Trustees for Creditors): (By Conadion Press Lonend a" York, Des, TF te meet ahortster © the purchase the Rr Q and attributing Tras ment to the ag ket orash, William Fox nef ed contrel of the Wo aint operation 40 a ol l ) Ld : ave of vn Fox hime Other me! -- are MH, 1. Stuart HAN, Rinart and Co, Banker (Hacal aments: and John RK president of Wieotrieat Ll erloan Tele pine EN al Ar Researo duets, ie, 3 subsidiary of the Western Elootelo company, whiow NE -- in turn a ahaa of the Am Tolearanh COMPARY equip AL a cont eating FS Thre theat the him from Nogales a copy of ¢ h of sound plotures @ are par arfed Evans HMushes and W.F. MacLEAN DIED TO-DAY ------ Toronto, Dee, 7-Willlam Filloy MacLean, former proprietor of T) Foromte World, and for many years iw member of the House of Commons, died here today, Ho hind been ll for some time, Mr, MacLean, one of the best known of Canada's parliamentar inne, was 08 years old, Mr, Mackean represented the constituency of ast York 1896 to 1904 and that of South York from 1904 until In 026 In the federal paylinment an an Independent Conservatlye, Ha wis a native of Atigaster, Wentworth ¢o unty, On tario, but lived mont of his fife on his farm at Donlands, east of Toron to, A ------ A , CONFERENCE NEMPLOYMENT Vancouver, Dee, Ve Request that the Dominlon government take av ton with respect to the unemploy ment situation 1s contained In a tele wram despatehed to Premier Macken slo King by Wilfred Habury, Liber al candiiate In Burrard, The message follows "I wish to urge upon you the Im portanve of an immediate conference sich as sugested by A. R, Mosher, to deal with the unemployment sits uation, Vancouver is vitally interests ed as the unemployment altuation here Is vory bad cud I belleve that conditions this winter In Canada gen erally justify action by your govern: ment, notwithstanding that unem ployment may be a matter which rightfully comes within the Jurladic tion of the provine (al Kovernment," Prosecute For Hunting Accident (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Victoria, Deo, T.==Oharged with manslaughter following the shoots ing of Louis Dodtel, on Nov, 18, while huiting at Hooke, Rev, Ham: uel Lundit, pastor of Knox Pres byterian Church at Rooke, has been remanded In provincial police court on ball $2,000 and will appear for preliminary hearing next Wed: neaday afternoon, The case In the firat instance dnown In Victoria, where proseous tion of a hunting: fatality han followed a verdict of accldental death belng returned hy a corons or's Jury, Mexico Hears Of New Revolt Defeated Presidential Candi: date Has Funds Ready For Fight san Antonto, Texan, Deo, Tow Announcement that funda already are available for a revolution in Mexico to elevate Jose Vasconceloa to the presidency, deapite his ree. ont defeat at the hands of Pascual Ortiz Ruble, was made here oe by Din Francisco del Canedeo of Thy Antonte, former Se retary of the anthresdlectionis candidate, Dr Canedo wade hia fest an nouncement of a pan Vascon colon, revealed in a manifesto ign. od at Guayman, Sonora, on Deo, 1, Taph [to offer armed resiatance to LW ernment represented hy President cleat Ruble, who new ia in the ted | United States, Dr, Canedo bronght back wh ww, declared that no tunds will Holted in the United States \ We have plenty of money and do not manifesto and in making ft Hw LW Be oon Shatin Re Season Closes On St.Lawrence i Overseas Steamer Sails From Port of Montreal Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) Montreal, Dee, 7Bringing to end the 1929 St, Lawrence season of navigation for ocean going boats, the steamer Lord Downstire was to sall today for Great Britain, Owing to an appronching heavy storm the steam ship companies were Instructed yous terday by the apartment of marine that all ships seeking to sall for ops en sea must leave Montreal by to night, The work of taking In the remaln- Ing buoys of A Nipimen ls ¢ an belng rushed tment, The usual winter alds to navigation sed | hy coastal beats below Quebee dur ini the winter, are bling laid down In the place of the Heht buoys. POLISH GOVERNMENT LIKELY TO RESIGN Warsaw, Dee, ¥.-«The Polish government, headed hy Premier Awitalaky, (t wan halleved today, would resign and permit formation of a new cabinet In which the pre- nent premier and the minister of labor would be excluded, The Hwitalaky cabinet was des tented on a motion of non-confls dence hy a vote of 2468 to 120 In an evening session of the Helm vesterday, after a lengthy debate In which the premier, four of his ministers, and numerous deputies partiolpated, Welghing but 885 pounds, an al uminum vange has heen invented on which an entire meal can be oooked with eleotrioity taken from . ining elreult, 'OFF TO ANTIPODES | { : J, 0, FOWLDS Welldknown Oshawa Tawn Bowler who left yest for Australin and New Healand as a member of the Canading Bowling Toam, ANOTHER VIOLENT STORM OFF BRITISH COAST BRINGS MANY CALLS OF DISTRESS ITALIAN PRINCE AND PRINCESSES VISIT THE POPE ROYAL CHILDREN GIV- EN ENTHUSIASTIC RE. CEPTION BY PEOPLE Pope Plus Presents To Them Valuable Gifts of Re- ligious Nature Rome, Deo, T.--Crown Prince Humbert and his younger sisters, Princesses CGlovamna and Maris drove today from the Quirinal Pal« aoe to the Vatican and paid their respects to Pope Pius XI, They were accompanied by Count de Veoohl, Italian ambassador to the Holy Hee, who introduced them to the Pope, It was the first time Humbert, Glovanna and Maria had peen the Pontiff, Troops stood at attention as the children of Vietor Wmmanusl passed by, The erowds cheered the royal trie to the echo, particularly thelr future king, whose name has heen on avery tonne because of his engagement to Princess Marie Jose of Helglum and the attempt against his life in Drussels several weeks ago, Humbert, Glavanna and Maria drove along the same route follows od two days ago by thelr father and mother, who paid thelr initia} visit ta the Popa on Thursday, Ab the boundary line of Vatican City, Commendatora Nerafinl, governor of the elty, met them, The Papal gendarmes wtood at attention while thelr band played the royal marth, The Pope spoke kindly and cor dlally to the Crown Prince and his nisters, and presented valuable pitta of a religlous character to his visttors, Humbert, together with De Veeehl, then met Cardinal Gasparr! in his reception room, Finally the visitors went by inside halls to Bt, Peter's, There they worahinned before the tomb of the Apostles, After some minutes of prayer on bended knee, the visitors left by the sacristy, They entered the Pls area Banta Marta, from whenoe they drove back to the Quirinal Palace, Otficials See Big Timber Cut Monster Pine Loge Being Made Ready for British Admiralty (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) Pombroke, Deo. ?.==Hefore the ase of provinelal cabinet minis ore wT prominent lumber m hg + aney timber was "shave to ita proper dimensions at he Tooth lumber camp n are yom terday for use by the th ads miralty, It was pe bably the fin- al athlon of ita kind ia Ontario, for it ia understood no more time her of suitable aire in avallable 1 the provinee, The waney timber w by the Admiralty, of AnusuAlY menntons, {a made from virgin nine, and la shaved with broad \XOR, & Process onoe very common in these parts but now rapidly be. coming a lost art owing to the dearth of monster pine," Hon, William Finlayson and Hon, ¥\ A. Dunlop were members of the offtelal party, Glavann! and Maris, (By Conadion Presa Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Deon T==A chapter u, wiley adventure-=the great: et {n the ety of Canadian aviae Honan here yeaterday afternoon , three glant planes OF the MacAlpine party soared in from the north to a perfect lands ing on the iow of the Red wiver, at the Rrandon avenus aerial base ot the Western Canada Airways, From the gateway of the north, The Pas, and a Mitle mining town, Cranberry Portage, §0 miles din o {tant, the planes traveled on the Joat tight of the 2,000 aerial tral) =-4 trail of adventure and mishap ==from Cambridse hay, site of the lonely Hudson's Bay post, on need to ask for money from one, Dn Canedo sald, - torla Taland, to where the MasAh Sloe aviators gxplorers were guid: Col. MacAlpine Back Jrom Arctic Describes His vip as Failure od by Eakimo hunters after weeks of wandering, In the presence of Mrs, MaoAl pine and hin son, who came from Toronto for the "great day" of greeting, Colonel MacAlpine come mented on his adventure at his hos | holy tel suite last night, Me frankly described hin trip an "a fatlure®™ Jutauue it had failed of ita objeo ve, "If we had succeeded! and come back without mishap not more bo one person in a thousand wou is, there fa an appalling amount of publioity," the colonel remarked, "The real heroes of thin Vie Jare the alrmen of the Western Canada alrwaya wha rescued wa ha deolared, Lu have heard about wus, as it] been telp | be Liner Lancastrian Sustained Damage by Lightning in Storm in English Channel, and Reached Port of Chers bourg With Difficulty HEROIC EFFORTS BY CREWS OF LIFEBOATS Several Vessels Ashore And in Danger «~~ Nineteen Lives Already Lost at Sea and Seven Persons Killed on Land---Some Vessels Missing r---- Cherbourg, Vranocs, Deo, T= Lighteing 'struck the Cunard lines Lancasyia during a terrible storm in the English Channel last night, burning out parts of her wireless apparatus, There was great exe oltement aboard, but little damage wan done, The storm was so violent that the Lancastria made the roads with difMeulty, The Homerle, which {a due this evening, wan reported to have save od the crew of a sunken vessel during the night, #0 Lives Yost London, Deo, T--Havere gales des veloped In the Bnglish Channel last night and again menaced shipping around the Hritish Inles and off the const of Bpain, Violent winds had already taken a toll of 10 lives at Hig on land, with other vess W A Line steamehiy A ou low was 18 hours overdue at terford, Irish Free Htate, Three lifeboats from Dembridge, Isle of Wight, Worthing and Helsey put out inte the storm last night in response to signals from an unis dentitied ship which the gale wae foraing ashore at Helsey, A Oe ble ship was also proceeding to the aid of the vessel, which was bes lHeved to be a Huugarian steampr, Along the south and southss conats of England the gusts of wind reached a velocity eof 60 miles an hour, it was dawn before the wind hes gain to quieten down and even then violent conditions still prevailed, leaving a long trall of deatruos tion with fallen trees, telegraph poles, flooded roads, and broken telegraph and Jlchoue wires, Tdteboata The French a Oraals wad wrecked at Perran Bay during the night, assist the orew but ita own orew had a terrifying experience befo returning to shore. The Orn erew of nineteen eventually were saved by rooket apparatus, The rocket apparatus was taken out and the New Haven life boat launched to assist a vessel, belles od the Largolaw, out of o pat} with Rnering | ear amaged 0 Dungeness, 0 Hwansea coasts Jusnia oI a Norwaian boat hoat riven ashore during the ht of the gale, feved A lifeboat which put out to the ald of the Nungarian steamer Hone ved near Little Hampton returned (Continued on page 8) INVITE U.S. TEAM T0 CHALLENGE FOR THE NANN al will Probably Play Next Year for Cup Held by General Motors Par Comin ad Leased use, Deo, ¥,==The ator. Detoooriate woolat at ita New Yor! by by wend a team to "Canada a mer to challenge for the Cup. Thin was ude Showa day by Laurie B pri of the anon soolation, das Muh Mann Wy i» WEE | awa, which won it gry Bu from New Westminster, Cox han been in communioat with the Canadian Lacrosse ation and sald that the pre international competition for sport's most famous trophy reoted with con Shir on both aides merioan Natale netacted oy bp) The orew waa mittey of ho Ua Shade a sorlea Canadian A lifeboat was sent out ta Bi Lh B eB

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